harry_submits - Profile (original) (raw)

This is a community for lovers of a Submissive Harry Potter. It may contain het, slash and femme slash, of all ratings. If any of this squicks you, or it is illegal for you to view in your location, go find another comm.

We ask that, because of the sensitive nature of fan-created content in general and fan-created content containing adult content specifically, we ask that you take heed of the ratings and warnings and use them in both submitting fics and selecting fics to read.

Here is the actual LJ FAQ in relation to communities with occasional adult content:

If your community only contains occasional sexually explicit or adult material, such as the occasional nude photograph in a photography community, it is generally not necessary to restrict membership. However, these entries should be placed behind an an lj-cut tag and clearly contain a warning that they should not be viewed by minors.

For more information on the rules of engagement for this community, you can read this post.


Posting Guidelines

Posting Format for Authors

Author: Your pen name.
Title: The title of your fic.
Rating: G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17
Pairing/s: List the main pairing/s.
Other pairing/s: If applicable. Includes all het and/or slash side ships.
Summary: A quick run down for the reader.
Word Count: Give the reader an idea of how long it is.
Warnings: Be specific. One person's kink is another's squick.
Notes: Any author notes or thank yous go here.

Code here:

Posting Format for Artists

Artist: Your name.
Title: Title of piece if applicable
Rating: G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17
Pairing/s: List the main pairing/s.
Other pairing/s: If applicable. Includes all het and/or slash side ships
Medium: Medium used for pic. How did you draw/colour it?
Inspired by fic: If your pic was inspired by or is from a fanfic, please link the fic in question
Warnings: Be specific. One person's kink is another's squick
Notes: If you have anything to add

Code here:

This community is maintained by slashpervert and ethelnorthbrook, who can also be reached at: SubmissiveHarryMods@gmail.com

Banner and layout by our style moderator dk_labyrinth

We also maintain affliated Harry_Submits communities at both insanejournal.com and dreamwidth.org.

Harry Potter is sole property of J.K. Rowling, Scholastic, WB, and the countless other entities who have purchased licenses, copyright, and trademark under international law and the laws governing their sovereign. Neither the mod, nor the authors or artists of this community, take credit for the brilliance of J.K. Rowling's creation or assume any ownership of material herein.