Yu-chi Ho | Harvard University (original) (raw)

Papers by Yu-chi Ho

Research paper thumbnail of On the stochastic approximation method and optimal filtering theory

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 1963

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Research paper thumbnail of Time-domain compensation for closed-loop systems by a delay line method

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Research paper thumbnail of Modeling and Analysis of Information Attack in Computer Networks

Abstract : This is the final report of a three-year research project conducted under the AFOSR sp... more Abstract : This is the final report of a three-year research project conducted under the AFOSR sponsored Critical Infrastructure Protection and Information Assurance Fellowship Program. The research focused on information networks and methods to understand their vulnerability to information-based attack (as opposed to physical and other forms of attack) . Information based attacks are attacks that can be carried out from anywhere in the world, while sipping cappuccino at an Internet cafe' or while enjoying the comfort of a living room armchair. Such attacks are particularly problematic because they take place in a "virtual cyber world" that lacks the social, economic, legal, and physical barriers and protections that control and limit crime in the material world. Research outcomes include basic theory, a modeling framework for Internet worms and email viruses, a sensor for user profiling, and a simple protocol for enhancing wireless security.

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Research paper thumbnail of Universal Alignment Probabilities and Subset Selection for Ordinal Optimization

Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1997

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Research paper thumbnail of Simple Explanation of the No-Free-Lunch Theorem and Its Implications

Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2002

... 3. No-Free-Lunch Theorems ... Nevertheless, we know that its row averages are all equal, whic... more ... 3. No-Free-Lunch Theorems ... Nevertheless, we know that its row averages are all equal, which leads immediately to the conclusion that ''there is no strategy of any kind that outperforms all others on all problems.'' In this sense, the NFLT is an impossibility theorem suggesting that ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A conceptual framework for optimization and distributed intelligence

2004 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (IEEE Cat. No.04CH37601), 2004

... Economic incentives and inverse game theory attempt to design the rules so that ... on a cent... more ... Economic incentives and inverse game theory attempt to design the rules so that ... on a centralized solution with complete information, then even this simplest multi-agent optimization problem ... C. The Four Principles Applied to Simple Agents The simple agent systems above can ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Performance sensitivity to routing changes in queuing networks and flexible manufacturing systems using perturbation analysis

IEEE Journal on Robotics and Automation, 1985

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Research paper thumbnail of Introduction to Discrete Event Dynamic Systems

Perturbation Analysis of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 1991

Picture yourself with the mythical Mr. T. S. Mits (T he S cientific M an I n T he S treet) and th... more Picture yourself with the mythical Mr. T. S. Mits (T he S cientific M an I n T he S treet) and the task of explaining to him the phenomena and workings of (i) the Gulf Stream and (ii) a computer-controlled flexible manufacturing system (FMS). Both phenomena are real and both are not completely understood. However, for task (i), you face an easy assignment since you can draw upon a knowledge of calculus and differential equations to provide a succinct description of ocean currents and fluid dynamics. For task (ii), no such ready-made models are in existences1. One is essentially reduced to using an algorithmic description not very different from writing a computer program to simulate the FMS. In fact, modern technology has increasingly created dynamic systems which cannot be easily described by ordinary or partial differential equations. Examples of such systems are production or assembly lines, computer communication networks, traffic systems on both the air and land side of a large airport, military C3I (C ommand-C ontrol-C ommunication-I ntelligence) system, etc. The evolution of these systems in time depends on the complex interactions of the timing of various discrete events, such as the arrival or the departure of a job, and the initiation or the completion of a task or a message.

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Research paper thumbnail of SPRiNG: synchronized random numbers for wireless security

2003 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking, 2003. WCNC 2003.

Motivated by the problem of wireless data link layer security, this paper proposes SPRiNG, a simp... more Motivated by the problem of wireless data link layer security, this paper proposes SPRiNG, a simple protocol for secure point-to-point communication. SPRiNG uses synchronized pseudo random number generation to generate authenticator variables and fresh encryption keys on a per frame basis. A major design goal for SPRiNG was simplicity and compatibility with the existing 802.11b WEP protocol. Though motivated by

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Research paper thumbnail of Parallel simulation of real-time systems via the Standard Clock approach

Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 1993


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Research paper thumbnail of Ordinal Optimisation and Simulation

The Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2000


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Research paper thumbnail of Nonzero-sum differential games

Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1969

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Research paper thumbnail of Gaming and price spikes in electric power markets

IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2001

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Research paper thumbnail of Sensitivity analysis and optimization of throughput in a production line with blocking

IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 1987

Abstract Production lines with limited storage capacities can be modeled as cyclic queueing netwo... more Abstract Production lines with limited storage capacities can be modeled as cyclic queueing networks with finite buffers and general service times. A new technique, called perturbation analysis of discrete event dynamic systems, is applied to these queueing networks. An ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Load adaptive pricing: An emerging tool for electric utilities

IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 1982

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Research paper thumbnail of Efficient parametric analysis of performance measures for communication networks

IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 1990

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Research paper thumbnail of Foreword to the special issue

Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications, 1995

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Research paper thumbnail of Ordinal Optimization and Quantification of Heuristic Designs

Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Vulnerability Assessment Tools for Complex Information Networks

Abstract : The specific aims of this research is to develop theories, methodologies, tools, and i... more Abstract : The specific aims of this research is to develop theories, methodologies, tools, and implementable solutions for modeling, analyzing, designing, and securing information networks against information-based attack. Accomplishments during the current reporting period are documented in 49 publications and 1 patent application and include: New methods for the optimization of complex systems; simulation-based methods for real-time decision making; proof-of-concept implementations of solutions for malware spreading and wireless data-link security; a feedback control approach for defense against DDoS; randomized protocols for managing the performance vs. security trade-off in wireless networks; automated Red Teaming tools and intrusion traceback methods for mobile ad-hoc wireless networks; a new dynamic Bayesian network based approach for detection and estimation in networked environments; and an adaptive defense architecture for fast spreading internet worms. Plans for the coming year will focus on further exploration of optimization, feedback and randomness in security; continued development of methods for security assessment, particularly in wireless settings; completion of the dynamic Bayesian framework for detection and estimation in networks; and a continued exploration of vulnerabilities and methods for military enterprise networks. These efforts will contribute new understanding and new approaches for securing and managing distributed, decentralized command and control systems.

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Research paper thumbnail of Simple explanation of the no free lunch theorem of optimization

Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Cat. No.01CH37228)

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Research paper thumbnail of On the stochastic approximation method and optimal filtering theory

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 1963

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Research paper thumbnail of Time-domain compensation for closed-loop systems by a delay line method

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Research paper thumbnail of Modeling and Analysis of Information Attack in Computer Networks

Abstract : This is the final report of a three-year research project conducted under the AFOSR sp... more Abstract : This is the final report of a three-year research project conducted under the AFOSR sponsored Critical Infrastructure Protection and Information Assurance Fellowship Program. The research focused on information networks and methods to understand their vulnerability to information-based attack (as opposed to physical and other forms of attack) . Information based attacks are attacks that can be carried out from anywhere in the world, while sipping cappuccino at an Internet cafe' or while enjoying the comfort of a living room armchair. Such attacks are particularly problematic because they take place in a "virtual cyber world" that lacks the social, economic, legal, and physical barriers and protections that control and limit crime in the material world. Research outcomes include basic theory, a modeling framework for Internet worms and email viruses, a sensor for user profiling, and a simple protocol for enhancing wireless security.

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Research paper thumbnail of Universal Alignment Probabilities and Subset Selection for Ordinal Optimization

Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1997

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Research paper thumbnail of Simple Explanation of the No-Free-Lunch Theorem and Its Implications

Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2002

... 3. No-Free-Lunch Theorems ... Nevertheless, we know that its row averages are all equal, whic... more ... 3. No-Free-Lunch Theorems ... Nevertheless, we know that its row averages are all equal, which leads immediately to the conclusion that ''there is no strategy of any kind that outperforms all others on all problems.'' In this sense, the NFLT is an impossibility theorem suggesting that ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A conceptual framework for optimization and distributed intelligence

2004 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (IEEE Cat. No.04CH37601), 2004

... Economic incentives and inverse game theory attempt to design the rules so that ... on a cent... more ... Economic incentives and inverse game theory attempt to design the rules so that ... on a centralized solution with complete information, then even this simplest multi-agent optimization problem ... C. The Four Principles Applied to Simple Agents The simple agent systems above can ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Performance sensitivity to routing changes in queuing networks and flexible manufacturing systems using perturbation analysis

IEEE Journal on Robotics and Automation, 1985

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Research paper thumbnail of Introduction to Discrete Event Dynamic Systems

Perturbation Analysis of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 1991

Picture yourself with the mythical Mr. T. S. Mits (T he S cientific M an I n T he S treet) and th... more Picture yourself with the mythical Mr. T. S. Mits (T he S cientific M an I n T he S treet) and the task of explaining to him the phenomena and workings of (i) the Gulf Stream and (ii) a computer-controlled flexible manufacturing system (FMS). Both phenomena are real and both are not completely understood. However, for task (i), you face an easy assignment since you can draw upon a knowledge of calculus and differential equations to provide a succinct description of ocean currents and fluid dynamics. For task (ii), no such ready-made models are in existences1. One is essentially reduced to using an algorithmic description not very different from writing a computer program to simulate the FMS. In fact, modern technology has increasingly created dynamic systems which cannot be easily described by ordinary or partial differential equations. Examples of such systems are production or assembly lines, computer communication networks, traffic systems on both the air and land side of a large airport, military C3I (C ommand-C ontrol-C ommunication-I ntelligence) system, etc. The evolution of these systems in time depends on the complex interactions of the timing of various discrete events, such as the arrival or the departure of a job, and the initiation or the completion of a task or a message.

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Research paper thumbnail of SPRiNG: synchronized random numbers for wireless security

2003 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking, 2003. WCNC 2003.

Motivated by the problem of wireless data link layer security, this paper proposes SPRiNG, a simp... more Motivated by the problem of wireless data link layer security, this paper proposes SPRiNG, a simple protocol for secure point-to-point communication. SPRiNG uses synchronized pseudo random number generation to generate authenticator variables and fresh encryption keys on a per frame basis. A major design goal for SPRiNG was simplicity and compatibility with the existing 802.11b WEP protocol. Though motivated by

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Research paper thumbnail of Parallel simulation of real-time systems via the Standard Clock approach

Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 1993


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Research paper thumbnail of Ordinal Optimisation and Simulation

The Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2000


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Research paper thumbnail of Nonzero-sum differential games

Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1969

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Research paper thumbnail of Gaming and price spikes in electric power markets

IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2001

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Research paper thumbnail of Sensitivity analysis and optimization of throughput in a production line with blocking

IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 1987

Abstract Production lines with limited storage capacities can be modeled as cyclic queueing netwo... more Abstract Production lines with limited storage capacities can be modeled as cyclic queueing networks with finite buffers and general service times. A new technique, called perturbation analysis of discrete event dynamic systems, is applied to these queueing networks. An ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Load adaptive pricing: An emerging tool for electric utilities

IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 1982

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Research paper thumbnail of Efficient parametric analysis of performance measures for communication networks

IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 1990

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Research paper thumbnail of Foreword to the special issue

Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications, 1995

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Research paper thumbnail of Ordinal Optimization and Quantification of Heuristic Designs

Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Vulnerability Assessment Tools for Complex Information Networks

Abstract : The specific aims of this research is to develop theories, methodologies, tools, and i... more Abstract : The specific aims of this research is to develop theories, methodologies, tools, and implementable solutions for modeling, analyzing, designing, and securing information networks against information-based attack. Accomplishments during the current reporting period are documented in 49 publications and 1 patent application and include: New methods for the optimization of complex systems; simulation-based methods for real-time decision making; proof-of-concept implementations of solutions for malware spreading and wireless data-link security; a feedback control approach for defense against DDoS; randomized protocols for managing the performance vs. security trade-off in wireless networks; automated Red Teaming tools and intrusion traceback methods for mobile ad-hoc wireless networks; a new dynamic Bayesian network based approach for detection and estimation in networked environments; and an adaptive defense architecture for fast spreading internet worms. Plans for the coming year will focus on further exploration of optimization, feedback and randomness in security; continued development of methods for security assessment, particularly in wireless settings; completion of the dynamic Bayesian framework for detection and estimation in networks; and a continued exploration of vulnerabilities and methods for military enterprise networks. These efforts will contribute new understanding and new approaches for securing and managing distributed, decentralized command and control systems.

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Research paper thumbnail of Simple explanation of the no free lunch theorem of optimization

Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Cat. No.01CH37228)

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