Mutaz Al-Khatib | Hamad Bin Khalifa University (original) (raw)

Papers by Mutaz Al-Khatib

Research paper thumbnail of 6. Hadith Criticism between Traditionists and Jurisprudents

Edinburgh University Press eBooks, Aug 25, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Ethics and Religion

International Handbook of Practical Theology

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Research paper thumbnail of Introduction: Ḥadīth and Ethics

<i>Ḥadīth</i> and Ethics through the Lens of Interdisciplinarity

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Research paper thumbnail of Religious Freedom:  The Case of Apostasy in Islam

Beyond the Death of God, 2022

This chapter provides some critical analysis of the prescribed punishment (ḥadd) for apostasy and... more This chapter provides some critical analysis of the prescribed punishment (ḥadd) for apostasy and is divided into three main parts. First, it explains the fiqhī (juristic) system as a basis for the prescription of punishment for apostasy. Second, it explains how this fiqhī ruling can serve as an archetype demonstrating the need to rethink ijtihād (independent legal reasoning) and its mechanisms. Third, it underscores the impact of the change in moral values and the evolution of concepts, such as that of freedom, on the fiqhī reasoning.

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Research paper thumbnail of تقديم العمل على الحديث: من إشكالية الثبوت إلى تَحَرّي قصد التأسي

مقاصد الشريعة الإسلامية في ضوء السنة النبوية, 2019

تتمثل مشكلة البحث في الفصل بين القبول والعمل، وهو فصلٌ يثير إشكالاتٍ عدة منها: الاتهام بترك الحدي... more تتمثل مشكلة البحث في الفصل بين القبول والعمل، وهو فصلٌ يثير إشكالاتٍ عدة منها: الاتهام بترك الحديث الصحيح، والفصل بين العلم والعمل رغم أن مقصود العلم هو العمل به . وسنحاول هنا الإجابة على التساؤلات الآتية: هل كل حديث مقبول يجب العمل به؟ وإذا ناقض الحديثُ العملَ أيهما يُقدَّم؟ ولماذا؟ وكيف نفهم الخلافات الأصولية المتصلة بهذا؟ وإذا كان قد ثبت عن بعض المحدثين أنهم قدموا العمل على الحديث فهل يكون ذلك قاعدةً عامةً؟ وما حقيقة العمل الذي يُترك لأجله الحديث؟ وكيف يمكن معالجة هذه الإشكالية مقاصديًّا؟

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Research paper thumbnail of Ethics and Religion

International Handbook of Practical Theology, 2022

This article¹ focuses on the concept of ethics and its link to religion from the "practical theol... more This article¹ focuses on the concept of ethics and its link to religion from the "practical theology" perspective.Ithighlights the scope of overlapbetween the concepts of ethics and religion at two levels: a) the theoretical level represented in meta-ethics and other central concepts, and b) the applied level highlightingt he deep debates of good or morallya nd religiouslyj ustifiable forms of practice. This is to be addressed through am odern and complex issue called "geneticization".I ti st he phenomenon of the genetic approach to the human body, includinggenetic intervention (GI).

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Research paper thumbnail of Abortion in the Hanbali School of Jurisprudence: A Systematic Ethical Approach

Like other jurists, the Hanbali jurists believe that a fetus goes through three stages of develop... more Like other jurists, the Hanbali jurists believe that a fetus goes through three stages of development: nuṭfah (mixed drops of male and female sexual discharge), ῾alaqah (a piece of thick coagulated blood) and muḍghah (little lump), each lasts for forty days before ensoulment occurs when it becomes a person. An abortion may take place in the stage of nuṭfah, since it is valueless. However, it is prohibited during the other two stages. Such prohibition is stricter after ensoulment. This general rule is equally applied to all natural and exceptional cases. Some contemporary fatwas permit abortion in case the mother&#39;s life is in danger even after the ensoulment. As to malformation and similar emergencies, they are not legal excuses for abortion. According to the Hanbali School of jurisprudence, there are three views on abortion based on three different fetal descriptions: 1. Genesis: The nuṭfah is formed into ῾alaqah constituting the first stage of pregnancy. 2. Formation: The appearance of the first form of a human being, partly or completely. 3. Ensoulment. The rulings of the fetus, many indeed, differ according to the presence and absence of these descriptions. For the Hanbalis, the fetus is generally, not absolutely, independent; the fetal life is not entirely perfect, since it depends on the mother. The Hanbali legal reasoning, by and large, draws on the text-based approach in isolation from the mere human opinions in an attempt to apply all texts as possible as could be. However, the late Hanbali jurists delicately explored the reasons underlying the legal issues to unveil the compatibility of legal decisions within a framework including all rulings in agreement with the basic rules and principles of their school. Studying the underlying reasons they highlighted, we find two views: one is ethical and the other is religious, which can be epitomized in the centrality of the human soul, considering the subjective life (al-Ḥayâh al-I῾tibâriyyah) preceding ensoulment, and in acknowledging the human character of the fetus and its right to respect. Finally, that discussion of the rules of the fetus is generally connected to the question of Divine Creation and the Wisdom intended by it.

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Research paper thumbnail of Islamic Ethics and the Trusteeship Paradigm: Taha Abderrahmane’s Philosophy in Comparative Perspectives

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Research paper thumbnail of Hadith Criticism between Traditionists and Jurisprudents

Modern Hadith Studies, 2020

Mutaz al-Khatib compares and contrasts hadith criticism as practised by traditionists, specialist... more Mutaz al-Khatib compares and contrasts hadith criticism as practised by traditionists, specialists in hadith, and jurisprudents, specialists in inferring the law from revelation. Ninth-century hadith specialists proceeded by comparing isnāds, discarding uncorroborated reports. Contemporary jurisprudents proceeded differently, partly because their attention was focused on the matn rather than the isnād, partly because they often evidently began with a rule to be defended. Although all the Sunni schools of law respected hadith, jurisprudents of the Shāfiʿi and Ḥanbali schools tended to apply methods closest to the traditionists’, whereas jurisprudents of the Ḥanafi and Māliki schools were always more willing to test hadith by external criteria such as agreement with the Qur’ān and established practice.

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Research paper thumbnail of Contemporary Ijtihād, Ethics and Modernity

Journal of Islamic Ethics, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Islamic Ethics and the Genome Question

Islamic Ethics and the Genome Question, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of The Ethical Limits of Genetic Intervention: Genethics in Philosophical and Fiqhi Discourses

Islamic Ethics and the Genome Question, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of The Emerging Field of Ethics in the Context of Modern Egypt

Ways of Knowing Muslim Cultures and Societies, 2018

This article traces the emergence of ethical thinking (al-tafkīr al-akhlāqī) in Egypt since the l... more This article traces the emergence of ethical thinking (al-tafkīr al-akhlāqī) in Egypt since the late nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century and seeks to identify the motives and the contexts of the resurgence of the field of ethics. This era is informed by its connection in Arab thought to the nahḍa, the so-called Arab Awakening, and, equally, its coincidence with the movement for the revival of Arab tradition and its dissemination.

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Research paper thumbnail of Introduction: Modern Arab-Islamic Scholarship on Ethics

Islamic Ethics and the Trusteeship Paradigm: Taha Abderrahmane’s Philosophy in Comparative Perspectives

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Research paper thumbnail of Consult Your Heart

Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies

In this article, I explore the authority of the heart (qalb) as a potential locus for the individ... more In this article, I explore the authority of the heart (qalb) as a potential locus for the individual moral knowledge and normativity in Islamic ethics. To do so, I discuss the two ḥadīths that ostensibly suggest one’s “self” as a source of moral judgment. These ḥadīths raise renewed questions about the sources of moral judgment, the nature of moral judgment and the ethical capacity of the “self” (conscience)—“consult your heart and consult your self …”; “righteousness is good conduct, and sin is that which rankles in your chest and which you would hate for other people to look upon.” There are rich debates in the Islamic tradition on the place and authority of the bāṭin (inward) in generating moral knowledge, which correspond to contemporary discourses in Western ethics on the place of conscience in the moral formation of the individual. In this article, I argue that although Islamic legal tradition as a discipline has focused on qualified external actions of individuals and the ij...

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards a Systematic Moral Approach to Islamic Jurisprudence: Abortion as a Case/نحو قراءة منظومية أخلاقية للفقه: الإجهاض في المذهب الحنبلي نموذجًا

Journal of Islamic Ethics, 2018

This research paper presents a new approach to the study of the relationship between jurisprudenc... more This research paper presents a new approach to the study of the relationship between jurisprudence (fiqh) and ethics through a careful consideration of the jurisprudential rulings themselves, and studying if they are based on a (normative or applied) ethical structure from a modern perspective. It is an attempt to overcome the mere preoccupation with the contemporary formulation of jurisprudential rulings. It is also to focus on dealing with modern issues, and to study the jurisprudential mind itself through its themes and provisions.
The author presents the Islamic provisions on abortion from the Ḥanbalī School perspective, as an example. On this basis, the presented matter is given as a practical case of the systematic moral approach that the researcher proposes, which focuses on four aspects. First, considering the provisions on the embryo, in various perspectives, as a holistic system where each element completes the other. Second, tracing back the reasoning of the provisions varying according to each issue. Third, considering all the various kinds of books of this School. Fourth, combining the concrete rules with the methodological principles by carefully considering the Ḥanbalī methodology in issuing rulings related to abortion.
Based on this systematic approach, it has been proved that the provisions on abortion according to the Ḥanbalī School cover three aspects; a) the coagulation of a semen-drop towards an embryo by its transformation into a clinging substance, as the first state of pregnancy, b) the creation of form, i.e., when the image of a human being starts to appear fully or partially, c) the creation of the soul. The provisions on the embryo, which are many in number, vary according to these descriptions. Hanbali scholars proved that the embryo has a kind of independence, but not an absolute one because its life is not complete as long as its movement is run by someone else.
In general, jurisprudence formulated by the Ḥanbalī School is based on textual methodology as well as avoiding any rational opinions. It also attempts to implement all texts as much as possible. However, later Hanbali scholars have focused on the reasoning of the various issues and the explanation of the scope of the rulings, from the assumption that all the provisions are in accordance with the rules and fundamentals of the Ḥanbalī School. They explain this in terms of ethics and religion. These two approaches may be summarized as: (1) the centrality of the human soul, (2) considering the potential life prior to ensoulment, (3) existence of and respect for human characteristics in the fetus, (4) the fetus and the rulings pertaining to it are matters of divine creation and divine wisdom.

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Research paper thumbnail of النظرية الفقهية والنظام الفقهي

مجلة التفاهم عدد 35, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of البعد الأخلاقي والقيمي للفقه الإسلامي

الرابطة المحمدية للعلماء - المغرب, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of الطاعون والوباء: من اللاهوت العملي إلى الأخلاقيات التطبيقية / Plague and Epidemic: From Practical Theology to Applied Ethics

Tabayyun Journal - A Quarterly Peer-reviewed Philosophical Studies and Critical Theories Journal. ‫Issue 35-Volume 9-Winter 2021, 2021

This paper examines the complex nexus of “Text” and “Empirical Reality” as unfolded in the classi... more This paper examines the complex nexus of “Text” and “Empirical Reality” as unfolded in the classical discussions on plagues and pandemics. It is argued that whereas practical theology dominated the classical discussions on plagues, applied ethics (particularly, medical ethics) dominated the discussions on the COVID-19 pandemic. The growing power of medicine, the system of modern nation state and the birth of applied ethics as a distinct discipline, all contributed to overshadowing the theological discourse.
This paper is divided into two main sections. The first section examines the pandemic and the particularity of the plague and how this topic moved from being medical, or part of natural sciences, in nature to assuming a religious (metaphysical) character. The second section analyzes how the thesis of the particularity of plague led to (a) epistemological discussions on the sources of knowledge, and the related nexus of text and empirical reality, and delineating the scope of medicine and Sharia and the functions of each of them, and (b) applied discourse within the disciplines of theology and jurisprudence, premised on the thesis of the particularity of plague and related to the concept of practical theology.
يناقش هذا البحث إشكالية العلاقة بين النص والتجربة، وبين النظر والعمل، من خلال النقاشات الكلاسيكية حول وباء الطاعون. ويُحاجّ أنه إذا كان اللاهوت العملي قد هيمن على مناقشة وباء الطاعون، فإن الأخلاقيات التطبيقية (وتحديدًا أسئلة الأخلاق الطبية) قد هيمنت في ظل وباء كورونا. فقد أدى توسع سلطة الطب، ونظام الدولة الحديثة، وبروز حقل الأخلاقيات التطبيقية إلى تراجع الأسئلة الكلامية. ينقسم البحث إلى محورين رئيسين؛ يتناول أولهما الوباء وخصوصية الطاعون، وكيف تحول من موضوع طبي (طبيعي) إلى موضوع ديني (ميتافيزيقي). ويتناول ثانيهما كيف أدى القول بخصوصية الطاعون إلى أمرين، الأول: بروز نقاش منهجي يتصل بمصادر المعرفة التي تمثلت في ثنائية النص والتجربة، وبتحديد طبيعة مجالي الطب والشرع ووظيفة كل منهما. والثاني: بروز مناقشات وتطبيقات فقهية وكلامية تتأسس على خصوصية الطاعون، وتتصل بفكرة اللاهوت العملي.

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Research paper thumbnail of المقاربة الفقهية للقرآن: مدخل لتأريخ العقل الفقهي

مجلة التفاهم عدد 45, 2014

يحاول هذا البحث أن يجلّي مفهوم المقاربة الفقهية، مع معالجة مسألة حصر آيات الأحكام وأسباب الخلاف ف... more يحاول هذا البحث أن يجلّي مفهوم المقاربة الفقهية، مع معالجة مسألة حصر آيات الأحكام وأسباب الخلاف في عددها، وسيُجمل بعد ذلك تاريخ وتطور المقاربة الفقهية ليصل إلى مسألة شديدة الأهمية وهي أثر القرآن في تطور الصنعة الفقهية، وسيوضح التداخل الذي وقع بين التفسير وقواعده والفقه، ثم سيختم بمثال نموذجي نراه يوضح مقاصد البحث ويكشف عن أهمية المقارنة التاريخية والتحليلية للتفاسير عامة والتفاسير الفقهية خاصة مما يصلح مدخلاً للتفكير بتاريخ العقل التفسيري وتطور تقنيات التفسير.

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Research paper thumbnail of 6. Hadith Criticism between Traditionists and Jurisprudents

Edinburgh University Press eBooks, Aug 25, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Ethics and Religion

International Handbook of Practical Theology

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Research paper thumbnail of Introduction: Ḥadīth and Ethics

<i>Ḥadīth</i> and Ethics through the Lens of Interdisciplinarity

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Research paper thumbnail of Religious Freedom:  The Case of Apostasy in Islam

Beyond the Death of God, 2022

This chapter provides some critical analysis of the prescribed punishment (ḥadd) for apostasy and... more This chapter provides some critical analysis of the prescribed punishment (ḥadd) for apostasy and is divided into three main parts. First, it explains the fiqhī (juristic) system as a basis for the prescription of punishment for apostasy. Second, it explains how this fiqhī ruling can serve as an archetype demonstrating the need to rethink ijtihād (independent legal reasoning) and its mechanisms. Third, it underscores the impact of the change in moral values and the evolution of concepts, such as that of freedom, on the fiqhī reasoning.

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Research paper thumbnail of تقديم العمل على الحديث: من إشكالية الثبوت إلى تَحَرّي قصد التأسي

مقاصد الشريعة الإسلامية في ضوء السنة النبوية, 2019

تتمثل مشكلة البحث في الفصل بين القبول والعمل، وهو فصلٌ يثير إشكالاتٍ عدة منها: الاتهام بترك الحدي... more تتمثل مشكلة البحث في الفصل بين القبول والعمل، وهو فصلٌ يثير إشكالاتٍ عدة منها: الاتهام بترك الحديث الصحيح، والفصل بين العلم والعمل رغم أن مقصود العلم هو العمل به . وسنحاول هنا الإجابة على التساؤلات الآتية: هل كل حديث مقبول يجب العمل به؟ وإذا ناقض الحديثُ العملَ أيهما يُقدَّم؟ ولماذا؟ وكيف نفهم الخلافات الأصولية المتصلة بهذا؟ وإذا كان قد ثبت عن بعض المحدثين أنهم قدموا العمل على الحديث فهل يكون ذلك قاعدةً عامةً؟ وما حقيقة العمل الذي يُترك لأجله الحديث؟ وكيف يمكن معالجة هذه الإشكالية مقاصديًّا؟

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Research paper thumbnail of Ethics and Religion

International Handbook of Practical Theology, 2022

This article¹ focuses on the concept of ethics and its link to religion from the "practical theol... more This article¹ focuses on the concept of ethics and its link to religion from the "practical theology" perspective.Ithighlights the scope of overlapbetween the concepts of ethics and religion at two levels: a) the theoretical level represented in meta-ethics and other central concepts, and b) the applied level highlightingt he deep debates of good or morallya nd religiouslyj ustifiable forms of practice. This is to be addressed through am odern and complex issue called "geneticization".I ti st he phenomenon of the genetic approach to the human body, includinggenetic intervention (GI).

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Research paper thumbnail of Abortion in the Hanbali School of Jurisprudence: A Systematic Ethical Approach

Like other jurists, the Hanbali jurists believe that a fetus goes through three stages of develop... more Like other jurists, the Hanbali jurists believe that a fetus goes through three stages of development: nuṭfah (mixed drops of male and female sexual discharge), ῾alaqah (a piece of thick coagulated blood) and muḍghah (little lump), each lasts for forty days before ensoulment occurs when it becomes a person. An abortion may take place in the stage of nuṭfah, since it is valueless. However, it is prohibited during the other two stages. Such prohibition is stricter after ensoulment. This general rule is equally applied to all natural and exceptional cases. Some contemporary fatwas permit abortion in case the mother&#39;s life is in danger even after the ensoulment. As to malformation and similar emergencies, they are not legal excuses for abortion. According to the Hanbali School of jurisprudence, there are three views on abortion based on three different fetal descriptions: 1. Genesis: The nuṭfah is formed into ῾alaqah constituting the first stage of pregnancy. 2. Formation: The appearance of the first form of a human being, partly or completely. 3. Ensoulment. The rulings of the fetus, many indeed, differ according to the presence and absence of these descriptions. For the Hanbalis, the fetus is generally, not absolutely, independent; the fetal life is not entirely perfect, since it depends on the mother. The Hanbali legal reasoning, by and large, draws on the text-based approach in isolation from the mere human opinions in an attempt to apply all texts as possible as could be. However, the late Hanbali jurists delicately explored the reasons underlying the legal issues to unveil the compatibility of legal decisions within a framework including all rulings in agreement with the basic rules and principles of their school. Studying the underlying reasons they highlighted, we find two views: one is ethical and the other is religious, which can be epitomized in the centrality of the human soul, considering the subjective life (al-Ḥayâh al-I῾tibâriyyah) preceding ensoulment, and in acknowledging the human character of the fetus and its right to respect. Finally, that discussion of the rules of the fetus is generally connected to the question of Divine Creation and the Wisdom intended by it.

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Research paper thumbnail of Islamic Ethics and the Trusteeship Paradigm: Taha Abderrahmane’s Philosophy in Comparative Perspectives

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Research paper thumbnail of Hadith Criticism between Traditionists and Jurisprudents

Modern Hadith Studies, 2020

Mutaz al-Khatib compares and contrasts hadith criticism as practised by traditionists, specialist... more Mutaz al-Khatib compares and contrasts hadith criticism as practised by traditionists, specialists in hadith, and jurisprudents, specialists in inferring the law from revelation. Ninth-century hadith specialists proceeded by comparing isnāds, discarding uncorroborated reports. Contemporary jurisprudents proceeded differently, partly because their attention was focused on the matn rather than the isnād, partly because they often evidently began with a rule to be defended. Although all the Sunni schools of law respected hadith, jurisprudents of the Shāfiʿi and Ḥanbali schools tended to apply methods closest to the traditionists’, whereas jurisprudents of the Ḥanafi and Māliki schools were always more willing to test hadith by external criteria such as agreement with the Qur’ān and established practice.

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Research paper thumbnail of Contemporary Ijtihād, Ethics and Modernity

Journal of Islamic Ethics, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Islamic Ethics and the Genome Question

Islamic Ethics and the Genome Question, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of The Ethical Limits of Genetic Intervention: Genethics in Philosophical and Fiqhi Discourses

Islamic Ethics and the Genome Question, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of The Emerging Field of Ethics in the Context of Modern Egypt

Ways of Knowing Muslim Cultures and Societies, 2018

This article traces the emergence of ethical thinking (al-tafkīr al-akhlāqī) in Egypt since the l... more This article traces the emergence of ethical thinking (al-tafkīr al-akhlāqī) in Egypt since the late nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century and seeks to identify the motives and the contexts of the resurgence of the field of ethics. This era is informed by its connection in Arab thought to the nahḍa, the so-called Arab Awakening, and, equally, its coincidence with the movement for the revival of Arab tradition and its dissemination.

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Research paper thumbnail of Introduction: Modern Arab-Islamic Scholarship on Ethics

Islamic Ethics and the Trusteeship Paradigm: Taha Abderrahmane’s Philosophy in Comparative Perspectives

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Research paper thumbnail of Consult Your Heart

Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies

In this article, I explore the authority of the heart (qalb) as a potential locus for the individ... more In this article, I explore the authority of the heart (qalb) as a potential locus for the individual moral knowledge and normativity in Islamic ethics. To do so, I discuss the two ḥadīths that ostensibly suggest one’s “self” as a source of moral judgment. These ḥadīths raise renewed questions about the sources of moral judgment, the nature of moral judgment and the ethical capacity of the “self” (conscience)—“consult your heart and consult your self …”; “righteousness is good conduct, and sin is that which rankles in your chest and which you would hate for other people to look upon.” There are rich debates in the Islamic tradition on the place and authority of the bāṭin (inward) in generating moral knowledge, which correspond to contemporary discourses in Western ethics on the place of conscience in the moral formation of the individual. In this article, I argue that although Islamic legal tradition as a discipline has focused on qualified external actions of individuals and the ij...

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards a Systematic Moral Approach to Islamic Jurisprudence: Abortion as a Case/نحو قراءة منظومية أخلاقية للفقه: الإجهاض في المذهب الحنبلي نموذجًا

Journal of Islamic Ethics, 2018

This research paper presents a new approach to the study of the relationship between jurisprudenc... more This research paper presents a new approach to the study of the relationship between jurisprudence (fiqh) and ethics through a careful consideration of the jurisprudential rulings themselves, and studying if they are based on a (normative or applied) ethical structure from a modern perspective. It is an attempt to overcome the mere preoccupation with the contemporary formulation of jurisprudential rulings. It is also to focus on dealing with modern issues, and to study the jurisprudential mind itself through its themes and provisions.
The author presents the Islamic provisions on abortion from the Ḥanbalī School perspective, as an example. On this basis, the presented matter is given as a practical case of the systematic moral approach that the researcher proposes, which focuses on four aspects. First, considering the provisions on the embryo, in various perspectives, as a holistic system where each element completes the other. Second, tracing back the reasoning of the provisions varying according to each issue. Third, considering all the various kinds of books of this School. Fourth, combining the concrete rules with the methodological principles by carefully considering the Ḥanbalī methodology in issuing rulings related to abortion.
Based on this systematic approach, it has been proved that the provisions on abortion according to the Ḥanbalī School cover three aspects; a) the coagulation of a semen-drop towards an embryo by its transformation into a clinging substance, as the first state of pregnancy, b) the creation of form, i.e., when the image of a human being starts to appear fully or partially, c) the creation of the soul. The provisions on the embryo, which are many in number, vary according to these descriptions. Hanbali scholars proved that the embryo has a kind of independence, but not an absolute one because its life is not complete as long as its movement is run by someone else.
In general, jurisprudence formulated by the Ḥanbalī School is based on textual methodology as well as avoiding any rational opinions. It also attempts to implement all texts as much as possible. However, later Hanbali scholars have focused on the reasoning of the various issues and the explanation of the scope of the rulings, from the assumption that all the provisions are in accordance with the rules and fundamentals of the Ḥanbalī School. They explain this in terms of ethics and religion. These two approaches may be summarized as: (1) the centrality of the human soul, (2) considering the potential life prior to ensoulment, (3) existence of and respect for human characteristics in the fetus, (4) the fetus and the rulings pertaining to it are matters of divine creation and divine wisdom.

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Research paper thumbnail of النظرية الفقهية والنظام الفقهي

مجلة التفاهم عدد 35, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of البعد الأخلاقي والقيمي للفقه الإسلامي

الرابطة المحمدية للعلماء - المغرب, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of الطاعون والوباء: من اللاهوت العملي إلى الأخلاقيات التطبيقية / Plague and Epidemic: From Practical Theology to Applied Ethics

Tabayyun Journal - A Quarterly Peer-reviewed Philosophical Studies and Critical Theories Journal. ‫Issue 35-Volume 9-Winter 2021, 2021

This paper examines the complex nexus of “Text” and “Empirical Reality” as unfolded in the classi... more This paper examines the complex nexus of “Text” and “Empirical Reality” as unfolded in the classical discussions on plagues and pandemics. It is argued that whereas practical theology dominated the classical discussions on plagues, applied ethics (particularly, medical ethics) dominated the discussions on the COVID-19 pandemic. The growing power of medicine, the system of modern nation state and the birth of applied ethics as a distinct discipline, all contributed to overshadowing the theological discourse.
This paper is divided into two main sections. The first section examines the pandemic and the particularity of the plague and how this topic moved from being medical, or part of natural sciences, in nature to assuming a religious (metaphysical) character. The second section analyzes how the thesis of the particularity of plague led to (a) epistemological discussions on the sources of knowledge, and the related nexus of text and empirical reality, and delineating the scope of medicine and Sharia and the functions of each of them, and (b) applied discourse within the disciplines of theology and jurisprudence, premised on the thesis of the particularity of plague and related to the concept of practical theology.
يناقش هذا البحث إشكالية العلاقة بين النص والتجربة، وبين النظر والعمل، من خلال النقاشات الكلاسيكية حول وباء الطاعون. ويُحاجّ أنه إذا كان اللاهوت العملي قد هيمن على مناقشة وباء الطاعون، فإن الأخلاقيات التطبيقية (وتحديدًا أسئلة الأخلاق الطبية) قد هيمنت في ظل وباء كورونا. فقد أدى توسع سلطة الطب، ونظام الدولة الحديثة، وبروز حقل الأخلاقيات التطبيقية إلى تراجع الأسئلة الكلامية. ينقسم البحث إلى محورين رئيسين؛ يتناول أولهما الوباء وخصوصية الطاعون، وكيف تحول من موضوع طبي (طبيعي) إلى موضوع ديني (ميتافيزيقي). ويتناول ثانيهما كيف أدى القول بخصوصية الطاعون إلى أمرين، الأول: بروز نقاش منهجي يتصل بمصادر المعرفة التي تمثلت في ثنائية النص والتجربة، وبتحديد طبيعة مجالي الطب والشرع ووظيفة كل منهما. والثاني: بروز مناقشات وتطبيقات فقهية وكلامية تتأسس على خصوصية الطاعون، وتتصل بفكرة اللاهوت العملي.

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Research paper thumbnail of المقاربة الفقهية للقرآن: مدخل لتأريخ العقل الفقهي

مجلة التفاهم عدد 45, 2014

يحاول هذا البحث أن يجلّي مفهوم المقاربة الفقهية، مع معالجة مسألة حصر آيات الأحكام وأسباب الخلاف ف... more يحاول هذا البحث أن يجلّي مفهوم المقاربة الفقهية، مع معالجة مسألة حصر آيات الأحكام وأسباب الخلاف في عددها، وسيُجمل بعد ذلك تاريخ وتطور المقاربة الفقهية ليصل إلى مسألة شديدة الأهمية وهي أثر القرآن في تطور الصنعة الفقهية، وسيوضح التداخل الذي وقع بين التفسير وقواعده والفقه، ثم سيختم بمثال نموذجي نراه يوضح مقاصد البحث ويكشف عن أهمية المقارنة التاريخية والتحليلية للتفاسير عامة والتفاسير الفقهية خاصة مما يصلح مدخلاً للتفكير بتاريخ العقل التفسيري وتطور تقنيات التفسير.

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Research paper thumbnail of سيد قطب والتكفير والعنف

مكتبة مدبولي, 2009

يقدم هذا الكتاب مجموعة من الدراسات والمقالات بالإضافة إلى بعض الشهادات لبعض الأفراد من تنظيم 1965... more يقدم هذا الكتاب مجموعة من الدراسات والمقالات بالإضافة إلى بعض الشهادات لبعض الأفراد من تنظيم 1965 حول أفكار سيد قطب وموقفه من تكفير المجتمع مسألة العنف ضده. شارك في الكتاب مجموعة من المفكرين والباحثين ولصيقي الصلة بسيد قطب أثناء سجنه في الستينيات.

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Research paper thumbnail of Abortion in the Hanbali School of Jurisprudence A systematic Ethical Approach

Like other jurists, the Hanbali jurists believe that a fetus goes through three stages of develop... more Like other jurists, the Hanbali jurists believe that a fetus goes through three stages of development: nuṭfah (mixed drops of male and female sexual discharge), ῾alaqah (a piece of thick coagulated blood) and muḍghah (little lump), each lasts for forty days before ensoulment occurs when it becomes a person. An abortion may take place in the stage of nuṭfah, since it is valueless. However, it is prohibited during the other two stages. Such prohibition is stricter after ensoulment. This general rule is equally applied to all natural and exceptional cases. Some contemporary fatwas permit abortion in case the mother's life is in danger even after the ensoulment. As to malformation and similar emergencies, they are not legal excuses for abortion.
According to the Hanbali School of jurisprudence, there are three views on abortion based on three different fetal descriptions:
1. Genesis: The nuṭfah is formed into ῾alaqah constituting the first stage of pregnancy.
2. Formation: The appearance of the first form of a human being, partly or completely.
3. Ensoulment.
The rulings of the fetus, many indeed, differ according to the presence and absence of these descriptions. For the Hanbalis, the fetus is generally, not absolutely, independent; the fetal life is not entirely perfect, since it depends on the mother.
The Hanbali legal reasoning, by and large, draws on the text-based approach in isolation from the mere human opinions in an attempt to apply all texts as possible as could be. However, the late Hanbali jurists delicately explored the reasons underlying the legal issues to unveil the compatibility of legal decisions within a framework including all rulings in agreement with the basic rules and principles of their school. Studying the underlying reasons they highlighted, we find two views: one is ethical and the other is religious, which can be epitomized in the centrality of the human soul, considering the subjective life (al-Ḥayâh al-I῾tibâriyyah) preceding ensoulment, and in acknowledging the human character of the fetus and its right to respect. Finally, that discussion of the rules of the fetus is generally connected to the question of Divine Creation and the Wisdom intended by it.

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Research paper thumbnail of مأزق الدولة بين الإسلاميين والعلمانيين

جسور للترجمة والنشر, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Islamic Ethics and the Trusteeship Paradigm Taha Abderrahmane's Philosophy in Comparative Perspectives

Islamic Ethics and the Trusteeship Paradigm explores the emerging ethical theory of the trusteesh... more Islamic Ethics and the Trusteeship Paradigm explores the emerging ethical theory of the trusteeship paradigm as developed by the Moroccan philosopher Taha Abderrahmane (b. 1944). The volume, with contributions in English and Arabic, examines the development of this modern Islamic theory of ethics and how it permeates various disciplines: philosophy, theology, legal theory, Sufism, moral theory, sociology and anthropology, communication, environment and biomedical ethics. The trusteeship paradigm aims to make ethics the compass of human thinking and action in order to overcome the predicaments humanity faces and realize a more just and balanced world. This makes of it one of the principal and profound ethical theories in Islamic scholarship that engages both classical and modern thought.

Contributors: Mutaz al-Khatib, Mostafa Amakdouf, Mohamed Amine Brahimi, Assia Chekireb, Abdelmounim Choqairi, Issam Eido, Hicham El Makki, Amin El-Yousfi, Adil Et-Tahiri, Ramon Harvey, Mohammed Hashas, Eva Kepplinger, Mohamed Ourya, Harald Viersen.

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Research paper thumbnail of Yusuf al-Qaradawi: an analytical biography/يوسف القرضاوي فقيه الصحوة: سيرة فكرية تحليلية

Markaz al-Ḥaḍāra li-Tanmiyat al-Fikr al-Islāmī, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Yusuf Al Qaradawi as an Authoritative Reference

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Research paper thumbnail of Violence Made Permissible: Sharia versus the People and the State/العنف المستباح: "الشريعة" في مواجهة الأمة والدولة

“Al-‘Unf al-Mustabāḥ: Al-Sharī‘a fī Muwājahat al-Umma wa al-Dawla.” (Dār Al-Mashriq, Cairo, 2017)... more “Al-‘Unf al-Mustabāḥ: Al-Sharī‘a fī Muwājahat al-Umma wa al-Dawla.” (Dār Al-Mashriq, Cairo, 2017)
This book is divided in three parts:
The first part discusses the concepts of war and jihad with a focus on their differences. It goes on to explore the problematic relations, conjunctions and discrepancies between jihad and violence to conclude that the jihad of al-Qaeda is superficial. It focuses on how al-Qaeda led to the rise of the “ISIS” and the recent, renewed and vigorous debates on violence and its religious or scriptural roots or cultural reasons.
The second part of the book explores Western visions and interpretations of violence and terrorism, presenting five universal interpretative patterns, discussed in length.
The third part of the book takes up the rise of ISIS in five chapters. It presents an analysis of its intellectual structure and reply to questions about how ISIS connects with the Islamic tradition in general and with the Islamic juristic tradition in particular. I demonstrate that contemporary violent movements generally rebel against the tradition because they are immersed in modern crises and they destabilize the fiqh system. Thus, these movements find their proper inspirations in the pre-modern tradition in formulating responses to modern issues, particularly the modern nation-state.

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Research paper thumbnail of Critical edition and commentary of al-Madkhal ilá ma'rafat al-iklīl by al-Hakim al-Naysābūrī / المدخل إلى الإكليل للحاكم

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Research paper thumbnail of Critical edition and commentary of al-'Ālī al-rutbah fī sharḥ naẓm al-nukhbah / العالي الرتبة شرح نظم النخبة

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Research paper thumbnail of رد الحديث من جهة المتن - دراسة في مناهج المحدثين والأصوليين.pdf - The textual critical approach to ḥadīth: a study of the methods of traditionalists and jurists

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Research paper thumbnail of Peace, War and Political Ethics

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Research paper thumbnail of Quranic and Hadith Studies Course - English

This course provides a foundation in Islamic studies by introducing the two major scriptural sour... more This course provides a foundation in Islamic studies by introducing the two major scriptural sources in Islam, namely the " Qur'an " and the " Hadith ". The course examines the structure, content, history and nature of these sources. The interplay between these two sources is analyzed through the lens of modern realities of religious and social life within Muslim societies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Course Syllabus: Sources and Methods of Islamic Studies

Course Descriptions: (as in Catalog) The course introduces students to the intersection of Islami... more Course Descriptions: (as in Catalog) The course introduces students to the intersection of Islamic sources and research methods. The first half focuses on the specific sources for doing research in Islamic studies, both traditional and western sources, and it covers all concentrations in the Islamic studies program. Fundamental traditional Islamic texts will be utilized and studied in order to help students become familiarized with these traditions by synthesizing historical, conceptual and applied aspects. The second half of the course introduces the epistemology, the context and the practice of applied social science research with specific reference to the study of religion, and will study a number of approaches to research design, evidence, analysis and ethics. The final component of the course entails designing a sample MA thesis proposal, which will acquaint students with the process of applying their theoretical and conceptual insights in concrete research areas.

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Research paper thumbnail of Quranic and Hadith Studies- Arabic

This course provides a foundation in Islamic studies by introducing the two major scriptural sour... more This course provides a foundation in Islamic studies by introducing the two major scriptural sources in Islam, namely the “Qur’an” and the “Hadith”. The course examines the structure, content, history and nature of these sources. The interplay between these two sources is analyzed through the lens of modern realities of religious and social life within Muslim societies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hadith and Ethics - An Interview with Mutaz al-Khatib

Hikma. Journal of Islamic Theology and Religious Education, 2020

An interview focuses on topics related to the Hadith studies on the one hand and ethics on the ot... more An interview focuses on topics related to the Hadith studies on the one hand and ethics on the other.

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