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A. Adding an award | B. Correcting existing data | C. Frequently asked questions (FAQ) | D. Tracking your contribution

A. Adding an award

Please note: Award data is added from the specific events page and


from a name or title page. The submissions form is only accessible via IMDb Awards (shown below).

Events Overview Page

Submitting the new award

Firstly, you need to know the:

You'll also need to know the:

Additional information can be put into a comment field.

Steps below

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the event's page once you've found it in IMDb Events and select Edit page.
  2. Next to Wins & Nominations select "Add x win/nomination"
    Replace x with the number of individual wins/nominations you'd like to add.
    Each individual nomination or win should have a distinct award nomination record (eg. to list the 5 potential recipients of Best Actress, you will need select 'Add 5 Win/Nominations' - see screenshots below for further examples.
  3. Select the award from the drop-down provided (eg. Daytime Emmy).
    Award is unlisted? if so, write the award name in the text field provided.
  4. Input the year the nomination/win was awarded.
  5. Select the category from the list by clicking the icon to the right of the field.
    • Category missing? If so, you can write the name of this in the field itself.
  6. Add the Rank achieved (eg Winner, Nominated, etc)
  7. Adding winners/nominees - Remember, we only list recipients specifically mentioned on the awarding body's official listing. If a name, title or company wasn't listed we'll be unable to approve this.
  8. Now it's time to add the recipients of the award - you will first need to select the number of titles, names and/or companies associated with your submission and then click Check these updates - after this, you will then be provided with additional fields to input the information.
  9. Adding the title - You can do this via the title's name, or it's unique identifier (eg**tt0133093**/).
    • Is it a specific episode? Nominations/wins for a specific episode(s) should be applied to the overall series page, and the name of the episode(s) should be added to the supplementary information (eg 'For episode "Winter is Coming"').
    • Multiple titles? It's rare that more than 1 title will ever be included, unless the award or nomination is for a persons body of work.
    • No title associated? In the rare case there is no title associated then you can leave this empty, however make sure to include an explanation in the supplementary field at the bottom of the form (eg. For album xyz, For un-produced screenplay xyz, etc)
  10. Next, include the named recipients for the award which were officially recognised.
    • Multiple recipients? If there are multiple people (eg. a writing team, visual effects department) who were nominated or who won a single award, include all names here.
    • Multiple nominees? As mentioned above, you will need to list each person against a separate nomination (eg. to list the 5 potential recipients of Best Actress, you will need select 'Add 5 Win/Nominations') - example shown below.
  11. Add any companies which were officially recognised.
  12. If you need to add supplementary information relevant to the win/nomination, you can to this in the Supplementary info box.
    **• Unsure what to add? This field can be used for things like song titles, episode names, names of un-produced screenplays, etc.
    **• Do not duplicate information- this is not to be used to add or duplicate any information which should be added in the above fields, such as names or titles.
  13. In the Comments box, make sure to include as much evidence as possible to help our editors verify the listing. If possible, a direct URL to the awarding body's official listing is best.

Now you now how to add an award, please see the following examples (click to expand):

Adding a single win/nomination(One person's win/nomination) Adding a group win/nomination(Group win for a single award) Adding full award listings(Winner + multiple nominees)

Additional example can be seen below:

Event (e.g. Academy Awards)
Award (e.g. Oscar)
Category (e.g. Best Actor)
|| Year (e.g. 2012)
Rank (e.g. Win) | Recipient(s) (e.g. Jean Dujardin) | Title(s) (e.g. The Artist (2011))

B. Correcting existing data

C. Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Submitting the correct year of an award to the IMDb awards section

I have followed your submission guidelines painstakingly, but (some of) my submissions never appear online.

Unsuitable Events

My award(s) is/are not listed at your site

Movie XXX has been screened/invited at XXX film festival. Why doesn't it get listed as nominee for the event?

Why doesn't the producer get listed as awardee/nominee of the 'Best Picture/Movie/Film' category for event XXX?

Why are awards currently missing from IMDb not to be treated as corrections?

Why is my submission of a DGA Award/MPSE Golden Reel Award win/nomination not accepted?

Nominees/recipients for the foreign language Oscars

Submitting data sources

Where can I check whether any particular award is already listed?

Why is my name/title not showing in the drop-down on the submission form?

If your name or your title is not appearing the in the drop down when adding your award via our submission form, you can directly copy your unique identifier into the field.

You can retrieve this from your URL, for example:

In this case, your unique identifier would be tt6348138Entering this into the field will automatically populate the form.

Tracking your contribution

You can now track the status of your Biographical submission and if it has not been approved, we'll tell you the reason why.

If you are using the mobile apps, mobile website or desktop website you can access this feature via the 'Track your contribution' button, which has been added to the submission email receipt. Additionally, if you are using the desktop website, you can also use the 'Track Contribution' button now found in your contribution history page.

Clicking this button will take you to IMDb Contributor, our new contribution specific site where you will be shown the status of your request.

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