Anne Nevgi | University of Helsinki (original) (raw)

Papers by Anne Nevgi

Research paper thumbnail of Towards self-regulation in web-based learning

Journal of Educational Media, 2003

The article focuses on students' self-regulatory skills in Web-based learning environments. The I... more The article focuses on students' self-regulatory skills in Web-based learning environments. The IQ FORM project has created an interactive Web-based tool "The IQ Learn" to support learners' self-regulation in virtual universities and other higher education settings. The project has applied Paul Pintrich's Motivational Components of Forethought, Cognitive strategies and Learning Skills in the designing of interactive Web-based tests, tutoring sets and a learning diary. In the beginning of the project data was collected from different student groups in five universities, to identify students' differences as self-regulated learners. The data revealed that there are big differences in students' self-regulatory skills. The data was also used for validating dimensions of interactive self-evaluation tests and tutoring sets. The pilot use of the IQ Learn found out that students benefited from the virtual tutoring. According to the results, the IQ Learn tool is most useful for students who have difficulties in learning or who do not have stable learning strategies and skills, or who are at an early stage of their university studies. The IQ Learn tool best supports the students in learning when the teacher-tutor gives concrete assignments as how to use the tool, or guides the students to self-reflection and self-evaluation using the IQ Learn tool. Teachers have to learn how self-regulation can be integrated into the Web-courses and how to use the new tools on the WWW to support students' learning.

Research paper thumbnail of In Search of a Good Virtual Teacher

This study examined the qualities of good virtual teachers, investigating what aspects of teachin... more This study examined the qualities of good virtual teachers, investigating what aspects of teaching and learning college teachers and students considered the most important in a Web-based learning environment.. Participants were teachers and students who taught or studied at Helsinki Virtual Open University from 1995-99. Respondents completed mailed questionnaires that assessed how learning was tailored to meet students' individual needs and how well teachers provided personalized guidance and feedback to students. Teachers and students also wrote qualitative essays describing their ideas about good virtual teachers. Data analysis indicated that both teachers and students believed that the characteristics of a good virtual teacher were very much the same as the characteristics of an effective teacher in general (businesslike, clear in communication, friendly, easy to approach, and willing to look at students' individual differences). They believed that a good virtual teacher ...

Research paper thumbnail of Hyvää verkko-opetusta etsimässä: oppimista edistävät ja estävät tekijät verkko-oppimisympäristöissä – opiskelijoiden kokemuksen ja opettajien arviot

Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää opiskelijoiden ja opettajien käsityksiä hyvästä verkko-op... more Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää opiskelijoiden ja opettajien käsityksiä hyvästä verkko-opetuksesta ja -opiskelusta. Tutkimuksessa keskityttiin erityisesti verkko- opettajan roolin ja tehtävien tarkasteluun. Verkko-opetusta tutkittiin osana opetus-opiskelu-oppiminen prosessia (Uljens 1997, Kansanen 1999). Hyvän verkko-opettajan ominaisuuksia etsittiin tehokkaan opettajan kriteerien (Tirri 1993), opettajan pedagogisen ajattelun ja verkko-opettajatutkimuksien lähtökohdista käsin. Mielekäs oppiminen määriteltiin Jonassenin (1995) esittämien kriteerien lähtökohdista. Tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto koostui vuosina 1995-1999 Helsingin yliopiston virtuaalisen avoimen yliopiston (HEVI) ja Apajan internetpalvelun verkkokurssien opiskelijoista (N= 412) ja opettajista (N = 27). Tutkimusote oli sekä kvantitatiivinen että kvalitatiivinen. Opiskelijat ja opettajat arvioivat verkko-oppimista edistäviä ja estäviä tekijöitä kahdella väittämämittarilla, joissa käytettiin Likert-tyyppistä asteikkoa. He kuvasivat myös avoimissa vastauksissa hyvän verkko-opettajan, hyvän verkko-opiskelijan ja hyvän verkkokurssin ominaisuuksia. Verkko-oppimista edistäviä ja estäviä tekijöitä etsittiin eksploratiivisen faktorianalyysin keinoin. Verkko-oppimista edistäviksi tekijöiksi löydettiin seuraavat faktorit: 1) Oppimisen transfer, 2) Yhteistoiminnallisuus, 3) intentionaalisuus, 4) Opettajan palaute ja tuki, 5) Konstruktiivisuus ja 6) Yksilöllinen oppimisympäristö. Verkko-oppimista estäviksi tekijöiksi löydettiin seuraavat yhdeksän faktoria: 1) Eristyneisyys ja yksinäisyys, 2) Vaikeudet verkkoyhteyksissä, 3) Ajanhallinnan vaikeudet, 4) Verkkoyhteyksien kalleus, 5) Tietotekniikan ongelmat, 6) Verkkokeskustelun outous, 7) Henkilökohtaisen ohjauksen puute, 8) Verkko-oppimisympäristön hahmottamisen vaikeus ja 9) Opintojen liian vaativa taso. Opettajien ja opiskelijoiden välisiä eroja tutkittiin varianssianalyysillä (ANOVA). Sekä opiskelijat että opettajat arvioivat verkko-opiskelulla olevan enemmän edistäviä kuin estäviä tekijöitä. Opettajat arvioivat kaikki verkko-oppimista edistävät tekijät myönteisemmin kuin opiskelijat. Opettajat arvioivat verkko-oppimisen esteiksi yksinäisyyden ja eristyneisyyden sekä verkkokeskustelun outouden. Opettajat arvioivat myös verkko-opiskelun tekniset esteet suuremmiksi kuin opiskelijat. Opettajien ja opiskelijoiden avoimet vastaukset analysoitiin sekä deduktiivisen että induktiivisen sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Deduktiivisen sisällönanalyysin luokittelukategorioina olivat Harrisin (1986) esittämät tehokkaan opettajan kriteerit: asiallisuus, ystävällisyys, vuorovaikutteisuus, stimuloivuus, yksilöllisesti suuntautuneisuus ja multimedian hyödyntäminen opetuksessa. Näihin kriteereihin lisättiin verkkopedagogiset taidot. Sekä deduktiivinen että induktiivinen analyysi osoittivat, että hyvän verkko-opettajan ominaisuudet ovat hyvin samanlaiset kuin aikaisempien tutkimusten tulokset hyvän lähiopettajan ominaisuuksista. Hyvän verkko-opiskelijan ominaisuuksia olivat aktiivisuus, itsenäisyys, kurssiin sitoutuneisuus, motivoituneisuus ja uskallus kysyä ja vastata sekä taito vastaanottaa ja antaa kritiikkiä. Hyvän verkkokurssin ominaisuuksia olivat seuraavat kriteerit: selkeys, vuorovaikutteisuus, monipuolisuus, hyvä sisältö, hyvät linkit ja esteettisesti miellyttävä ulkoasu. Kahden verkko-opiskelijan narratiiviset haastattelut toivat yksilön näkökulman verkko-opiskeluun. Haastattelujen perusteella verkko-opiskelu ei vaadi tietynlaista elämäntilannetta onnistuakseen, mutta se vaatii opiskelijan omaa aktiivisuutta, riittäviä teknisiä välineitä ja lähiympäristön tukea

Research paper thumbnail of Students' Views on Learning in Virtual University

This study examines Finnish college students' views on learning in a virtual university. Responde... more This study examines Finnish college students' views on learning in a virtual university. Respondents studied at Helsinki Virtual Open University (HEVI) and the Apaja Internet Service from 1995-99. HEVI is a. Web-based learning environment where students can study, get advice, receive help from tutors, and use office services. Apaja Internet Service provides Web-based courses for university graduates to promote skills relevant to.the labor market. Respondents completed a questionnaire evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of Web-based learning. The questionnaire measured basic components of learner-centered and constructivist ideas in learning. Students assessed how learning was tailored to meet their individual needs and how well they received personalized guidance and feedback. They also assessed the disadvantages of Web-based learning by evaluating difficulties due to technology and expenses. Overall, the application of constructivist approaches to Web-based learning had more advantages than disadvantages. However, different students had unique needs, which must be acknowledged more in planning and implementing Web-based courses and learning environments. Age and educational background were important factors influencing students' views on the advantages and disadvantages of Web-based learning. (SM) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document.

Research paper thumbnail of In Search of a Good Virtual Teacher

This study examined the qualities of good virtual teachers, investigating what aspects of teachin... more This study examined the qualities of good virtual teachers, investigating what aspects of teaching and learning college teachers and students considered the most important in a Web-based learning environment. Participants were teachers and students who taught or studied at Helsinki Virtual Open University from 1995-99. Respondents completed mailed questionnaires that assessed how learning was tailored to meet students' individual needs and how well teachers provided personalized guidance and feedback to students. Teachers and students also wrote qualitative essays describing their ideas about good virtual teachers. Data analysis indicated that both teachers and students believed that the characteristics of a good virtual teacher were very much the same as the characteristics of an effective teacher in general (businesslike, clear in communication, friendly, easy to approach, and willing to look at students' individual differences). They believed that a good virtual teacher n...

Research paper thumbnail of How approaches to teaching are affected by discipline and teaching context

Studies in Higher Education, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Participatory service design and community involvement in designing future-ready sustainable learning landscapes

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) work as a new agenda for sustainable deve... more The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) work as a new agenda for sustainable development globally. Many if not most of the SDGs can be combined with different levels of education. This paper leans on previous work in Sustainable Education Design (SED), which looked at sustainability from its multifaceted angles with a broad global scope. The context of the study is a campus at a research-intensive Finnish university. The methodology entailed participatory service design approaches. For piloting, one classroom was chosen as a test bed. The data consist of workshops, use walks and structured interviews. The analysis started from identifying KPIs of sustainable learning environment creation, after which these were tested against Sustainable Education Design Criteria described in a manual book earlier. The key findings include nine preliminary alternative KPIs that were merged with previous SED criteria and related SDGs. The alternative KPIs were trialled in the test bed...

Research paper thumbnail of Veterinary students' experience of stress during educational transition phases and its effect on self-regulation

Higher education transitions, May 18, 2017

Transitions and students' experiences of stress in studies of veterinary medicine The transitions... more Transitions and students' experiences of stress in studies of veterinary medicine The transitions that successful undergraduates need to negotiate include the way they relate to their chosen field of study, the changes in their learning strategy, and the way they perceive themselves (Hussey & Smith 2010). The major challenges facing veterinary students during transition

Research paper thumbnail of A Student-Centred Experience at a Brazilian Summer Course for Student Teachers

Creative Education, 2019

Background: This paper refers to an empirical study held at an undergraduate summer course for st... more Background: This paper refers to an empirical study held at an undergraduate summer course for student teachers at a public Brazilian University, aiming to promote teaching and learning processes based on a student-centred approach. Methods: The study was set up as a Pedagogical Action Research. The classes were initially planned based on interviews with teachers and students from the regular previous term and on open-answers questionnaires filled in by students enrolled at the summer course. At the end of the summer course, a new open-answer questionnaire was filled in by the students. Results: It was possible to perceive a positive change on students' postures, engagement and learning, and will become teachers. Conclusions: The findings indicate that student-centred practices are an interesting pedagogical approach for Teacher Education. Besides going further with the Pedagogical Action Research it is perceived the need to make similar studies at different Brazilian Higher Education settings.

Research paper thumbnail of Active Learning and Self-Regulation Enhance Student Teachers’  Professional Competences

Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 2017

The study identifies the relationships between active learning, student teachers’ self-regulated ... more The study identifies the relationships between active learning, student teachers’ self-regulated learning and professional competences. Further, the aim is to investigate how active learning promotes professional competences of student teachers with different self-regulation profiles. Responses from 422 student teachers to an electronic survey were analysed using statistical methods. It was found that the use of active learning methods, such as goal-oriented and intentional learning as well as autonomous and responsible group work, are strongly and positively related to the achievement of professional competences. To develop the best competences, student teachers need high learning motivation and excellent self-regulation strategies. The mean scores in professional competences of highly motivated student teachers with excellent self-regulated learning were significantly higher when their experiences of active learning increased. Moreover, student teachers with high motivation and moderate self-regulation also benefited significantly from the use of active learning methods.

Research paper thumbnail of Academic self‐beliefs and prior knowledge as predictors of student achievement in Mathematics: a structural model

Educational Psychology, 2008

... Academic self-beliefs and prior knowledge as predictors of student achievement in Mathematics... more ... Academic self-beliefs and prior knowledge as predictors of student achievement in Mathematics: a structural model Telle Hailikari*, Anne Nevgi and Erkki Komulainen University of Helsinki, Finland Taylor and Francis CEDP_A_241260.sgm ...

Research paper thumbnail of Modeling Students' Views on the Advantages of Web-Based Learning with Bayesian Networks

This study discusses student's experiences on Web-based learning in a Helsinki Virtual Open Unive... more This study discusses student's experiences on Web-based learning in a Helsinki Virtual Open University HEVI [01] environment with the help of a new modeling technique, Bayesian networks. The advantage of Bayesian network models relies both on improved modeling capabilities and in the possibility to use such models to implement new integrative modules that enable interactive activities (e.g. tests, quiz's, questionnaires) in computer supported learning environments. The results of our experimental study showed that students' views on learning in Virtual University could be used in the process of building more learner-centered approaches to Web-based teaching. The results of this study give information about the preferences in learning by different learners.

Research paper thumbnail of Modeling Students' Views on the Advantages of Web-Based Learning with Bayesian Networks

This study discusses student's experiences on Web-based learning in a Helsinki Virtual Open U... more This study discusses student's experiences on Web-based learning in a Helsinki Virtual Open University HEVI (01) environ- ment with the help of a new modeling technique, Bayesian networks. The advantage of Bayesian network models relies both on improved modeling capabilities and in the possibility to use such models to implement new integrative modules that enable interactive activities (e.g. tests, quiz's,

Research paper thumbnail of Supporting students to develop collaborative learning skills in technology-based environments

British Journal of Educational Technology, 2006

The paper focuses on the question of how to advance collaboration through the Web and support lif... more The paper focuses on the question of how to advance collaboration through the Web and support lifelong learning. First, the theoretical framework and architecture of a new web-based tool, the ‘IQ Team’, is introduced. IQ Team is an interactive online assessment and support system to learn social skills needed in cooperative work, and belongs in an interactive online assessing and tutoring system, ‘IQ Form’, developed for the Finnish Virtual University. IQ Team has three main elements: (1) interactive self-evaluation test banks, (2) online tutoring sets and (3) learning diaries. In the creation of IQ Team, the validation process was conducted with two samples (n = 259 and n = 275). The online students’ social skills in different groups were explored, and the feedback data from different user groups were analysed. The online students scored high values for social skills, and no differences were discerned between university, Open University and technical students. The qualitative data (n = 35) were collected in order to get users’ feedback of the tool. The qualitative data consisted of interviews, open-ended questions and online discussions. The users of IQ Team reflected that the tool benefited them to become aware of their group work skills and developed their collaborative learning skills. IQ Team provides a powerful tool for online instruction and communication in higher education and in the Open University to promote joint-regulated learning.

Research paper thumbnail of Disciplinary and gender differences among higher education students in self‐regulated learning strategies

Educational Psychology, 2010

This study explores how university students representing diverse disciplines and gender differ in... more This study explores how university students representing diverse disciplines and gender differ in their self‐regulation in learning. The definition of self‐regulated learning (SRL) in the present study is based on Pintrich’s and Zimmerman’s theories of SRL and comprises motivational and learning strategies. The sample consisted of 1248 undergraduate students at several Finnish universities. The data were retrieved from the IQ Learn online self‐assessment and tutoring system. Female students scored moderately higher than male students on help‐seeking strategies, utility value and on performance anxiety. Among the diverse disciplines, minor mean differences emerged on all the sub‐dimensions of SRL, though no clear regularity on any discipline’s favour was perceived. However, male and female students of behavioural sciences and female students of sciences scored highest consistently, and the technology students, especially the male students, scored lowest. In the future, the relations between the students’ self‐regulation in learning and instructional approach should be studied further.

Research paper thumbnail of Towards self-regulation in web-based learning

Journal of Educational Media, 2003

The article focuses on students' self-regulatory skills in Web-based learning environments. The I... more The article focuses on students' self-regulatory skills in Web-based learning environments. The IQ FORM project has created an interactive Web-based tool "The IQ Learn" to support learners' self-regulation in virtual universities and other higher education settings. The project has applied Paul Pintrich's Motivational Components of Forethought, Cognitive strategies and Learning Skills in the designing of interactive Web-based tests, tutoring sets and a learning diary. In the beginning of the project data was collected from different student groups in five universities, to identify students' differences as self-regulated learners. The data revealed that there are big differences in students' self-regulatory skills. The data was also used for validating dimensions of interactive self-evaluation tests and tutoring sets. The pilot use of the IQ Learn found out that students benefited from the virtual tutoring. According to the results, the IQ Learn tool is most useful for students who have difficulties in learning or who do not have stable learning strategies and skills, or who are at an early stage of their university studies. The IQ Learn tool best supports the students in learning when the teacher-tutor gives concrete assignments as how to use the tool, or guides the students to self-reflection and self-evaluation using the IQ Learn tool. Teachers have to learn how self-regulation can be integrated into the Web-courses and how to use the new tools on the WWW to support students' learning.

Research paper thumbnail of Supporting students to develop collaborative learning skills in technology‐based environments

British Journal of Educational Technology

The paper focuses on the question of how to advance collaboration through the Web and support lif... more The paper focuses on the question of how to advance collaboration through the Web and support lifelong learning. First, the theoretical framework and architecture of a new web-based tool, the ‘IQ Team’, is introduced. IQ Team is an interactive online assessment and support system to learn social skills needed in cooperative work, and belongs in an interactive online assessing and tutoring system, ‘IQ Form’, developed for the Finnish Virtual University. IQ Team has three main elements: (1) interactive self-evaluation test banks, (2) online tutoring sets and (3) learning diaries. In the creation of IQ Team, the validation process was conducted with two samples (n = 259 and n = 275). The online students’ social skills in different groups were explored, and the feedback data from different user groups were analysed. The online students scored high values for social skills, and no differences were discerned between university, Open University and technical students. The qualitative data ...

Research paper thumbnail of Giving shape and form to emotion: using drawings to identify emotions in university teaching

International Journal for Academic Development

Academia is generally not considered a place for expressing emotions, yet emotions are inevitably... more Academia is generally not considered a place for expressing emotions, yet emotions are inevitably present in complex activities such as teaching. We investigated whether drawings could be used as a means of gaining access to emotions in university teaching and how. The data consisted of academics’ drawings of themselves as university teachers (n = 86). We examined emotions in university teaching through thematic analysis. Positive, neutral, negative and mixed emotions were identified. Our findings suggest that emotions related to university teaching are contextual. Positive emotions were typically conveyed in a seminar and group work setting. Neutral emotions were mostly connected with lecture settings or had no context depicted. Only four drawings were interpreted as portraying negative emotions, and, with one exception, these were placed in lecture settings. We suggest that drawings can be a helpful exercise for facilitating reflection in academic staff development.

Research paper thumbnail of The development of academics’ teacher identity: Enhancing reflection and task perception through a university teacher development programme

Studies in Educational Evaluation, 2015

The study investigated the development of academics' teacher identities in a research-intensive e... more The study investigated the development of academics' teacher identities in a research-intensive environment when supported through a sustained university teacher development programme (UTD). The study applied a follow-up design. The various type data (Approaches to Teaching Inventory, interviews, and teaching practicum reports) were collected over period of 5-6 years from 11 academics. Data were analysed utilising narrative approach. Four teacher identity groups were identified. The results indicate that teacher identity develops through dynamic interaction between a reflection of teaching practice and a deepening knowledge of theoretical pedagogical constructs. The willingness to reflect is crucial for the development as a university teacher. ATI was fairly accurate in anticipating future reflective engagement with the development of oneself as a university teacher. ß

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of pedagogical training on teaching in higher education

Teaching and Teacher Education, 2007

This article reports a study on the impact of university teachers' pedagogical training on approa... more This article reports a study on the impact of university teachers' pedagogical training on approaches to teaching and selfefficacy beliefs (measured by Approaches to Teaching Inventory and an additional part measuring motivational strategies). The participants were 200 teachers of the University of Helsinki, who were divided into four groups depending on the amount of pedagogical training they had. The results indicated that pedagogical training had an effect on scales measuring conceptual change/student-focused approach and self-efficacy beliefs. Even when the effect of teaching experience was held constant, in order to find out the unique effect of pedagogical training, the results remained the same. In addition, twentythree interview transcripts were analysed. The teachers mentioned only positive effects of pedagogical training on teaching. r

Research paper thumbnail of Towards self-regulation in web-based learning

Journal of Educational Media, 2003

The article focuses on students' self-regulatory skills in Web-based learning environments. The I... more The article focuses on students' self-regulatory skills in Web-based learning environments. The IQ FORM project has created an interactive Web-based tool "The IQ Learn" to support learners' self-regulation in virtual universities and other higher education settings. The project has applied Paul Pintrich's Motivational Components of Forethought, Cognitive strategies and Learning Skills in the designing of interactive Web-based tests, tutoring sets and a learning diary. In the beginning of the project data was collected from different student groups in five universities, to identify students' differences as self-regulated learners. The data revealed that there are big differences in students' self-regulatory skills. The data was also used for validating dimensions of interactive self-evaluation tests and tutoring sets. The pilot use of the IQ Learn found out that students benefited from the virtual tutoring. According to the results, the IQ Learn tool is most useful for students who have difficulties in learning or who do not have stable learning strategies and skills, or who are at an early stage of their university studies. The IQ Learn tool best supports the students in learning when the teacher-tutor gives concrete assignments as how to use the tool, or guides the students to self-reflection and self-evaluation using the IQ Learn tool. Teachers have to learn how self-regulation can be integrated into the Web-courses and how to use the new tools on the WWW to support students' learning.

Research paper thumbnail of In Search of a Good Virtual Teacher

This study examined the qualities of good virtual teachers, investigating what aspects of teachin... more This study examined the qualities of good virtual teachers, investigating what aspects of teaching and learning college teachers and students considered the most important in a Web-based learning environment.. Participants were teachers and students who taught or studied at Helsinki Virtual Open University from 1995-99. Respondents completed mailed questionnaires that assessed how learning was tailored to meet students' individual needs and how well teachers provided personalized guidance and feedback to students. Teachers and students also wrote qualitative essays describing their ideas about good virtual teachers. Data analysis indicated that both teachers and students believed that the characteristics of a good virtual teacher were very much the same as the characteristics of an effective teacher in general (businesslike, clear in communication, friendly, easy to approach, and willing to look at students' individual differences). They believed that a good virtual teacher ...

Research paper thumbnail of Hyvää verkko-opetusta etsimässä: oppimista edistävät ja estävät tekijät verkko-oppimisympäristöissä – opiskelijoiden kokemuksen ja opettajien arviot

Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää opiskelijoiden ja opettajien käsityksiä hyvästä verkko-op... more Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää opiskelijoiden ja opettajien käsityksiä hyvästä verkko-opetuksesta ja -opiskelusta. Tutkimuksessa keskityttiin erityisesti verkko- opettajan roolin ja tehtävien tarkasteluun. Verkko-opetusta tutkittiin osana opetus-opiskelu-oppiminen prosessia (Uljens 1997, Kansanen 1999). Hyvän verkko-opettajan ominaisuuksia etsittiin tehokkaan opettajan kriteerien (Tirri 1993), opettajan pedagogisen ajattelun ja verkko-opettajatutkimuksien lähtökohdista käsin. Mielekäs oppiminen määriteltiin Jonassenin (1995) esittämien kriteerien lähtökohdista. Tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto koostui vuosina 1995-1999 Helsingin yliopiston virtuaalisen avoimen yliopiston (HEVI) ja Apajan internetpalvelun verkkokurssien opiskelijoista (N= 412) ja opettajista (N = 27). Tutkimusote oli sekä kvantitatiivinen että kvalitatiivinen. Opiskelijat ja opettajat arvioivat verkko-oppimista edistäviä ja estäviä tekijöitä kahdella väittämämittarilla, joissa käytettiin Likert-tyyppistä asteikkoa. He kuvasivat myös avoimissa vastauksissa hyvän verkko-opettajan, hyvän verkko-opiskelijan ja hyvän verkkokurssin ominaisuuksia. Verkko-oppimista edistäviä ja estäviä tekijöitä etsittiin eksploratiivisen faktorianalyysin keinoin. Verkko-oppimista edistäviksi tekijöiksi löydettiin seuraavat faktorit: 1) Oppimisen transfer, 2) Yhteistoiminnallisuus, 3) intentionaalisuus, 4) Opettajan palaute ja tuki, 5) Konstruktiivisuus ja 6) Yksilöllinen oppimisympäristö. Verkko-oppimista estäviksi tekijöiksi löydettiin seuraavat yhdeksän faktoria: 1) Eristyneisyys ja yksinäisyys, 2) Vaikeudet verkkoyhteyksissä, 3) Ajanhallinnan vaikeudet, 4) Verkkoyhteyksien kalleus, 5) Tietotekniikan ongelmat, 6) Verkkokeskustelun outous, 7) Henkilökohtaisen ohjauksen puute, 8) Verkko-oppimisympäristön hahmottamisen vaikeus ja 9) Opintojen liian vaativa taso. Opettajien ja opiskelijoiden välisiä eroja tutkittiin varianssianalyysillä (ANOVA). Sekä opiskelijat että opettajat arvioivat verkko-opiskelulla olevan enemmän edistäviä kuin estäviä tekijöitä. Opettajat arvioivat kaikki verkko-oppimista edistävät tekijät myönteisemmin kuin opiskelijat. Opettajat arvioivat verkko-oppimisen esteiksi yksinäisyyden ja eristyneisyyden sekä verkkokeskustelun outouden. Opettajat arvioivat myös verkko-opiskelun tekniset esteet suuremmiksi kuin opiskelijat. Opettajien ja opiskelijoiden avoimet vastaukset analysoitiin sekä deduktiivisen että induktiivisen sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Deduktiivisen sisällönanalyysin luokittelukategorioina olivat Harrisin (1986) esittämät tehokkaan opettajan kriteerit: asiallisuus, ystävällisyys, vuorovaikutteisuus, stimuloivuus, yksilöllisesti suuntautuneisuus ja multimedian hyödyntäminen opetuksessa. Näihin kriteereihin lisättiin verkkopedagogiset taidot. Sekä deduktiivinen että induktiivinen analyysi osoittivat, että hyvän verkko-opettajan ominaisuudet ovat hyvin samanlaiset kuin aikaisempien tutkimusten tulokset hyvän lähiopettajan ominaisuuksista. Hyvän verkko-opiskelijan ominaisuuksia olivat aktiivisuus, itsenäisyys, kurssiin sitoutuneisuus, motivoituneisuus ja uskallus kysyä ja vastata sekä taito vastaanottaa ja antaa kritiikkiä. Hyvän verkkokurssin ominaisuuksia olivat seuraavat kriteerit: selkeys, vuorovaikutteisuus, monipuolisuus, hyvä sisältö, hyvät linkit ja esteettisesti miellyttävä ulkoasu. Kahden verkko-opiskelijan narratiiviset haastattelut toivat yksilön näkökulman verkko-opiskeluun. Haastattelujen perusteella verkko-opiskelu ei vaadi tietynlaista elämäntilannetta onnistuakseen, mutta se vaatii opiskelijan omaa aktiivisuutta, riittäviä teknisiä välineitä ja lähiympäristön tukea

Research paper thumbnail of Students' Views on Learning in Virtual University

This study examines Finnish college students' views on learning in a virtual university. Responde... more This study examines Finnish college students' views on learning in a virtual university. Respondents studied at Helsinki Virtual Open University (HEVI) and the Apaja Internet Service from 1995-99. HEVI is a. Web-based learning environment where students can study, get advice, receive help from tutors, and use office services. Apaja Internet Service provides Web-based courses for university graduates to promote skills relevant to.the labor market. Respondents completed a questionnaire evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of Web-based learning. The questionnaire measured basic components of learner-centered and constructivist ideas in learning. Students assessed how learning was tailored to meet their individual needs and how well they received personalized guidance and feedback. They also assessed the disadvantages of Web-based learning by evaluating difficulties due to technology and expenses. Overall, the application of constructivist approaches to Web-based learning had more advantages than disadvantages. However, different students had unique needs, which must be acknowledged more in planning and implementing Web-based courses and learning environments. Age and educational background were important factors influencing students' views on the advantages and disadvantages of Web-based learning. (SM) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document.

Research paper thumbnail of In Search of a Good Virtual Teacher

This study examined the qualities of good virtual teachers, investigating what aspects of teachin... more This study examined the qualities of good virtual teachers, investigating what aspects of teaching and learning college teachers and students considered the most important in a Web-based learning environment. Participants were teachers and students who taught or studied at Helsinki Virtual Open University from 1995-99. Respondents completed mailed questionnaires that assessed how learning was tailored to meet students' individual needs and how well teachers provided personalized guidance and feedback to students. Teachers and students also wrote qualitative essays describing their ideas about good virtual teachers. Data analysis indicated that both teachers and students believed that the characteristics of a good virtual teacher were very much the same as the characteristics of an effective teacher in general (businesslike, clear in communication, friendly, easy to approach, and willing to look at students' individual differences). They believed that a good virtual teacher n...

Research paper thumbnail of How approaches to teaching are affected by discipline and teaching context

Studies in Higher Education, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Participatory service design and community involvement in designing future-ready sustainable learning landscapes

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) work as a new agenda for sustainable deve... more The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) work as a new agenda for sustainable development globally. Many if not most of the SDGs can be combined with different levels of education. This paper leans on previous work in Sustainable Education Design (SED), which looked at sustainability from its multifaceted angles with a broad global scope. The context of the study is a campus at a research-intensive Finnish university. The methodology entailed participatory service design approaches. For piloting, one classroom was chosen as a test bed. The data consist of workshops, use walks and structured interviews. The analysis started from identifying KPIs of sustainable learning environment creation, after which these were tested against Sustainable Education Design Criteria described in a manual book earlier. The key findings include nine preliminary alternative KPIs that were merged with previous SED criteria and related SDGs. The alternative KPIs were trialled in the test bed...

Research paper thumbnail of Veterinary students' experience of stress during educational transition phases and its effect on self-regulation

Higher education transitions, May 18, 2017

Transitions and students' experiences of stress in studies of veterinary medicine The transitions... more Transitions and students' experiences of stress in studies of veterinary medicine The transitions that successful undergraduates need to negotiate include the way they relate to their chosen field of study, the changes in their learning strategy, and the way they perceive themselves (Hussey & Smith 2010). The major challenges facing veterinary students during transition

Research paper thumbnail of A Student-Centred Experience at a Brazilian Summer Course for Student Teachers

Creative Education, 2019

Background: This paper refers to an empirical study held at an undergraduate summer course for st... more Background: This paper refers to an empirical study held at an undergraduate summer course for student teachers at a public Brazilian University, aiming to promote teaching and learning processes based on a student-centred approach. Methods: The study was set up as a Pedagogical Action Research. The classes were initially planned based on interviews with teachers and students from the regular previous term and on open-answers questionnaires filled in by students enrolled at the summer course. At the end of the summer course, a new open-answer questionnaire was filled in by the students. Results: It was possible to perceive a positive change on students' postures, engagement and learning, and will become teachers. Conclusions: The findings indicate that student-centred practices are an interesting pedagogical approach for Teacher Education. Besides going further with the Pedagogical Action Research it is perceived the need to make similar studies at different Brazilian Higher Education settings.

Research paper thumbnail of Active Learning and Self-Regulation Enhance Student Teachers’  Professional Competences

Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 2017

The study identifies the relationships between active learning, student teachers’ self-regulated ... more The study identifies the relationships between active learning, student teachers’ self-regulated learning and professional competences. Further, the aim is to investigate how active learning promotes professional competences of student teachers with different self-regulation profiles. Responses from 422 student teachers to an electronic survey were analysed using statistical methods. It was found that the use of active learning methods, such as goal-oriented and intentional learning as well as autonomous and responsible group work, are strongly and positively related to the achievement of professional competences. To develop the best competences, student teachers need high learning motivation and excellent self-regulation strategies. The mean scores in professional competences of highly motivated student teachers with excellent self-regulated learning were significantly higher when their experiences of active learning increased. Moreover, student teachers with high motivation and moderate self-regulation also benefited significantly from the use of active learning methods.

Research paper thumbnail of Academic self‐beliefs and prior knowledge as predictors of student achievement in Mathematics: a structural model

Educational Psychology, 2008

... Academic self-beliefs and prior knowledge as predictors of student achievement in Mathematics... more ... Academic self-beliefs and prior knowledge as predictors of student achievement in Mathematics: a structural model Telle Hailikari*, Anne Nevgi and Erkki Komulainen University of Helsinki, Finland Taylor and Francis CEDP_A_241260.sgm ...

Research paper thumbnail of Modeling Students' Views on the Advantages of Web-Based Learning with Bayesian Networks

This study discusses student's experiences on Web-based learning in a Helsinki Virtual Open Unive... more This study discusses student's experiences on Web-based learning in a Helsinki Virtual Open University HEVI [01] environment with the help of a new modeling technique, Bayesian networks. The advantage of Bayesian network models relies both on improved modeling capabilities and in the possibility to use such models to implement new integrative modules that enable interactive activities (e.g. tests, quiz's, questionnaires) in computer supported learning environments. The results of our experimental study showed that students' views on learning in Virtual University could be used in the process of building more learner-centered approaches to Web-based teaching. The results of this study give information about the preferences in learning by different learners.

Research paper thumbnail of Modeling Students' Views on the Advantages of Web-Based Learning with Bayesian Networks

This study discusses student's experiences on Web-based learning in a Helsinki Virtual Open U... more This study discusses student's experiences on Web-based learning in a Helsinki Virtual Open University HEVI (01) environ- ment with the help of a new modeling technique, Bayesian networks. The advantage of Bayesian network models relies both on improved modeling capabilities and in the possibility to use such models to implement new integrative modules that enable interactive activities (e.g. tests, quiz's,

Research paper thumbnail of Supporting students to develop collaborative learning skills in technology-based environments

British Journal of Educational Technology, 2006

The paper focuses on the question of how to advance collaboration through the Web and support lif... more The paper focuses on the question of how to advance collaboration through the Web and support lifelong learning. First, the theoretical framework and architecture of a new web-based tool, the ‘IQ Team’, is introduced. IQ Team is an interactive online assessment and support system to learn social skills needed in cooperative work, and belongs in an interactive online assessing and tutoring system, ‘IQ Form’, developed for the Finnish Virtual University. IQ Team has three main elements: (1) interactive self-evaluation test banks, (2) online tutoring sets and (3) learning diaries. In the creation of IQ Team, the validation process was conducted with two samples (n = 259 and n = 275). The online students’ social skills in different groups were explored, and the feedback data from different user groups were analysed. The online students scored high values for social skills, and no differences were discerned between university, Open University and technical students. The qualitative data (n = 35) were collected in order to get users’ feedback of the tool. The qualitative data consisted of interviews, open-ended questions and online discussions. The users of IQ Team reflected that the tool benefited them to become aware of their group work skills and developed their collaborative learning skills. IQ Team provides a powerful tool for online instruction and communication in higher education and in the Open University to promote joint-regulated learning.

Research paper thumbnail of Disciplinary and gender differences among higher education students in self‐regulated learning strategies

Educational Psychology, 2010

This study explores how university students representing diverse disciplines and gender differ in... more This study explores how university students representing diverse disciplines and gender differ in their self‐regulation in learning. The definition of self‐regulated learning (SRL) in the present study is based on Pintrich’s and Zimmerman’s theories of SRL and comprises motivational and learning strategies. The sample consisted of 1248 undergraduate students at several Finnish universities. The data were retrieved from the IQ Learn online self‐assessment and tutoring system. Female students scored moderately higher than male students on help‐seeking strategies, utility value and on performance anxiety. Among the diverse disciplines, minor mean differences emerged on all the sub‐dimensions of SRL, though no clear regularity on any discipline’s favour was perceived. However, male and female students of behavioural sciences and female students of sciences scored highest consistently, and the technology students, especially the male students, scored lowest. In the future, the relations between the students’ self‐regulation in learning and instructional approach should be studied further.

Research paper thumbnail of Towards self-regulation in web-based learning

Journal of Educational Media, 2003

The article focuses on students' self-regulatory skills in Web-based learning environments. The I... more The article focuses on students' self-regulatory skills in Web-based learning environments. The IQ FORM project has created an interactive Web-based tool "The IQ Learn" to support learners' self-regulation in virtual universities and other higher education settings. The project has applied Paul Pintrich's Motivational Components of Forethought, Cognitive strategies and Learning Skills in the designing of interactive Web-based tests, tutoring sets and a learning diary. In the beginning of the project data was collected from different student groups in five universities, to identify students' differences as self-regulated learners. The data revealed that there are big differences in students' self-regulatory skills. The data was also used for validating dimensions of interactive self-evaluation tests and tutoring sets. The pilot use of the IQ Learn found out that students benefited from the virtual tutoring. According to the results, the IQ Learn tool is most useful for students who have difficulties in learning or who do not have stable learning strategies and skills, or who are at an early stage of their university studies. The IQ Learn tool best supports the students in learning when the teacher-tutor gives concrete assignments as how to use the tool, or guides the students to self-reflection and self-evaluation using the IQ Learn tool. Teachers have to learn how self-regulation can be integrated into the Web-courses and how to use the new tools on the WWW to support students' learning.

Research paper thumbnail of Supporting students to develop collaborative learning skills in technology‐based environments

British Journal of Educational Technology

The paper focuses on the question of how to advance collaboration through the Web and support lif... more The paper focuses on the question of how to advance collaboration through the Web and support lifelong learning. First, the theoretical framework and architecture of a new web-based tool, the ‘IQ Team’, is introduced. IQ Team is an interactive online assessment and support system to learn social skills needed in cooperative work, and belongs in an interactive online assessing and tutoring system, ‘IQ Form’, developed for the Finnish Virtual University. IQ Team has three main elements: (1) interactive self-evaluation test banks, (2) online tutoring sets and (3) learning diaries. In the creation of IQ Team, the validation process was conducted with two samples (n = 259 and n = 275). The online students’ social skills in different groups were explored, and the feedback data from different user groups were analysed. The online students scored high values for social skills, and no differences were discerned between university, Open University and technical students. The qualitative data ...

Research paper thumbnail of Giving shape and form to emotion: using drawings to identify emotions in university teaching

International Journal for Academic Development

Academia is generally not considered a place for expressing emotions, yet emotions are inevitably... more Academia is generally not considered a place for expressing emotions, yet emotions are inevitably present in complex activities such as teaching. We investigated whether drawings could be used as a means of gaining access to emotions in university teaching and how. The data consisted of academics’ drawings of themselves as university teachers (n = 86). We examined emotions in university teaching through thematic analysis. Positive, neutral, negative and mixed emotions were identified. Our findings suggest that emotions related to university teaching are contextual. Positive emotions were typically conveyed in a seminar and group work setting. Neutral emotions were mostly connected with lecture settings or had no context depicted. Only four drawings were interpreted as portraying negative emotions, and, with one exception, these were placed in lecture settings. We suggest that drawings can be a helpful exercise for facilitating reflection in academic staff development.

Research paper thumbnail of The development of academics’ teacher identity: Enhancing reflection and task perception through a university teacher development programme

Studies in Educational Evaluation, 2015

The study investigated the development of academics' teacher identities in a research-intensive e... more The study investigated the development of academics' teacher identities in a research-intensive environment when supported through a sustained university teacher development programme (UTD). The study applied a follow-up design. The various type data (Approaches to Teaching Inventory, interviews, and teaching practicum reports) were collected over period of 5-6 years from 11 academics. Data were analysed utilising narrative approach. Four teacher identity groups were identified. The results indicate that teacher identity develops through dynamic interaction between a reflection of teaching practice and a deepening knowledge of theoretical pedagogical constructs. The willingness to reflect is crucial for the development as a university teacher. ATI was fairly accurate in anticipating future reflective engagement with the development of oneself as a university teacher. ß

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of pedagogical training on teaching in higher education

Teaching and Teacher Education, 2007

This article reports a study on the impact of university teachers' pedagogical training on approa... more This article reports a study on the impact of university teachers' pedagogical training on approaches to teaching and selfefficacy beliefs (measured by Approaches to Teaching Inventory and an additional part measuring motivational strategies). The participants were 200 teachers of the University of Helsinki, who were divided into four groups depending on the amount of pedagogical training they had. The results indicated that pedagogical training had an effect on scales measuring conceptual change/student-focused approach and self-efficacy beliefs. Even when the effect of teaching experience was held constant, in order to find out the unique effect of pedagogical training, the results remained the same. In addition, twentythree interview transcripts were analysed. The teachers mentioned only positive effects of pedagogical training on teaching. r