Esti Dwi Rinawiyanti | University of Surabaya (original) (raw)
Papers by Esti Dwi Rinawiyanti
International Journal of Communication and Society, Jul 6, 2023
This is an open access article under the CC-BY-SA license.
International journal of community service learning, Feb 14, 2023
Pencatatan Akuntansi merupakan hal krusial bagi semua usaha. BUMDes Mitra Warga, Desa Kesiman mem... more Pencatatan Akuntansi merupakan hal krusial bagi semua usaha. BUMDes Mitra Warga, Desa Kesiman memiliki empat unit usaha, yaitu unit kebersihan, unit penyediaan air bersih, unit pasar, dan unit loreomah (café dan restaurant). Berdasarkan hasil survey awal dengan mitra, diketahui bahwa BUMDes hanya memiliki pencatatan manual, belum memiliki laporan keuangan, dan unit usaha juga belum mengidentifikasi aset yang dimiliki. Oleh karena itu, tim pengabdian ubaya bertujuan memberikan pendampingan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kualitas pencatatan keuangan unit usaha BUMDes Desa Kesiman. Kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan dengan pendekatan wawancara, pelatihan literasi keuangan, dan pendampingan praktik akuntansi. Pelatihan akuntansi wajib diikuti oleh seluruh pengurus unit usaha BUMDes, beserta bendahara Desa. Selanjutnya, pendampingan dilakukan untuk setiap unit usaha yang diadakan secara rutin. Hasil evaluasi pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman pesera meningkatkan. Hasil kegiatan pendampingan berhasil mendorong unit usaha untuk mulai mengidentifikasi dan mencatat asetnya, serta merapikan pencatatan keuangannya. Dari pencatatan unit usaha yang telah rapi, diharapkan membantu BUMDes dalam menyusun laporan keuangan sederhana, agar dapat dipahami semua pengguna laporan.
Advances in economics, business and management research, 2023
Several studies have investigated the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on financia... more Several studies have investigated the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on financial performance (FP). However, little research has been done on how CSR affects non-financial performance and how this performance mediates the CSR-FP relationship. This study aims to develop a theoretical framework for the relationship between CSR and company performance, as well as to analyze a mediating effect on the CSR-FP relationship. Stakeholder theory is employed to emphasize the importance of incorporating the interests of key internal and external stakeholders, including employees and customers, into CSR practices. The theoretical framework describes CSR in four areas: economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities. The impact of CSR is measured not just in terms of FP, but also in terms of customer, employee, and operational performance. The remaining three performances are then evaluated to see if they mediate the impact of CSR on FP. Seven propositions are proposed in the framework, each of which can be tested using survey data. As a result, the framework presented in this paper can be used to assess the impact of CSR on both financial and non-financial performance, as well as to investigate the mediating effect of non-financial performance on the CSR-FP relationship.
Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Kesiman Village is located in the Trawas District of the Mojokerto Regency in East Java. Kesiman ... more Kesiman Village is located in the Trawas District of the Mojokerto Regency in East Java. Kesiman Village possesses unrealized natural potential and is currently attempting to become a tourist village. Therefore, the Community Empowerment Program Team at the University of Surabaya (Ubaya) facilitated the idea. The service team provided Kesiman Village with children's play facilities, including a playground with quite comprehensive play equipment, including swings, suspension bridges, slurutans, and mini wall climbing. In addition, as a safety measure, the Ubaya Team provided supporting equipment such as information boards (posters) with Augmented Reality for playing equipment and medical equipment (P3K). The abstract contains. The Ubaya Team held Occupational Safety, Health, and Environment (K3L) training for staff and villagers in order to support the provision of safe and comfortable educational tours. The Ubaya Team provided separate bins for organic and non-organic waste as w...
Prior studies argue that CSR should be aligned with business strategies to gain benefits for comp... more Prior studies argue that CSR should be aligned with business strategies to gain benefits for companies. However, research on how CSR and business strategies can be integrated is still scant. This study aims to examine how and to what extent the strategic integration of CSR and business strategies is likely to impact on organizations’ performance. Based on contingency and stakeholder theories, a theoretical framework of the integration of CSR into the business strategy was developed and tested. Using a sample of 435 manufacturing companies in Java, PLS-SEM was employed to test a path model depicting the relationships between strategic integration and company performance. The assessment of the measurement model, including internal consistency, convergent validity and discriminant validity, was achieved satisfactorily. The test of the structural model reveals that the strategic integration of CSR and business strategy has positive and significant impact on company performance. Strategi...
Social Responsibility Journal
Purpose This study aims to investigate the integration of corporate social responsibility (CSR) a... more Purpose This study aims to investigate the integration of corporate social responsibility (CSR) at a functional level and examine its impact on company performance. Design/methodology/approach Using data from 435 Indonesian manufacturing companies, 11 hypotheses were tested on direct, indirect and total effects of the relationship between functional CSR integration and its impact on company performance. The stakeholder and contingency theories were applied. Findings The findings of this study reveal that functional CSR integration has a significant impact on customer, employee, operational and financial performances. The findings show that the relationship between functional CSR integration and financial performance can be mediated by customer, employee and operational performances. The results of this study also highlight that functional CSR integration has a stronger total effect on both customer and financial performances in environmentally non-sensitive industries than in enviro...
Previous studies highlight that corporate social responsibility (CSR) should be integrated into t... more Previous studies highlight that corporate social responsibility (CSR) should be integrated into the company’s strategy. CSR integration, according to existing literature, could improve the company performance. Due to a lack of empirical studies on how CSR and company strategy can be integrated, the purpose of this study is to investigate how CSR and company strategy are integrated at the strategic level as well as the impact of that integration on company performance. With survey data from 342 Indonesian manufacturing companies and using structural equation modelling (SEM), the results reveal that CSR alignment and communication have a significant impact on financial and employee performances. The findings of this study provide empirical evidence of CSR practices in the manufacturing industry, particularly in developing countries
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
Prior studies argue that CSR should be integrated with business operations to get its benefits. H... more Prior studies argue that CSR should be integrated with business operations to get its benefits. However, the empirical research on how CSR and business operations can be incorporated is still limited. This study aims to investigate how to integrate CSR and business operations and to identify the impact of such integration on company performance. Using a sample of 342 manufacturing companies in Java, Indonesia, PLS-SEM was employed to create a path model depicting the relationships between functional integration and company performance. The results showed that Cost, Quality, Supplier, and Employee, have significant positive relationships on company performance, while Innovation and Customers have no impact on company performance.
Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society
Purpose This paper aims to investigate the extent to which the management control systems (MCS) a... more Purpose This paper aims to investigate the extent to which the management control systems (MCS) adoption in corporate social responsibility (CSR) integration into business strategy has an impact on companies’ performance. Design/methodology/approach Using a sample of 435 Indonesian manufacturing companies, partial least squares structural equation modelling was used to investigate the impact of CSR strategic integration on companies’ performance based on the contingency and stakeholder theories. Findings The findings reveal CSR strategic integration has a positive and significant impact on companies’ performance, including employee, operating and financial performance and the company size can positively moderate the impact of this integration on both its operating and financial performance. Practical implications The findings can encourage managers to adopt MCS by undertaking CSR at the strategic level, resulting in superior performance, both socially and financially. Social implica...
Purpose This paper aims to investigate the extent to which the management control systems (MCS) a... more Purpose This paper aims to investigate the extent to which the management control systems (MCS) adoption in corporate social responsibility (CSR) integration into business strategy has an impact on companies’ performance. Design/methodology/approach Using a sample of 435 Indonesian manufacturing companies, partial least squares structural equation modelling was used to investigate the impact of CSR strategic integration on companies’ performance based on the contingency and stakeholder theories. Findings The findings reveal CSR strategic integration has a positive and significant impact on companies’ performance, including employee, operating and financial performance and the company size can positively moderate the impact of this integration on both its operating and financial performance. Practical implications The findings can encourage managers to adopt MCS by undertaking CSR at the strategic level, resulting in superior performance, both socially and financially. Social implica...
Pangan merupakan salah satu kebutuhan pokok manusia. Karena itu, industri pangan sangat potensial... more Pangan merupakan salah satu kebutuhan pokok manusia. Karena itu, industri pangan sangat potensial untuk berkembang. Saat ini, industri pangan tidak hanya dikuasai oleh perusahaan-perusahaan besar, tetapi semakin banyak usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM), dan juga industri rumah tangga yang menjalankan usahanya di bidang pangan. Walaupun peranan UMKM dan industri rumah tangga tidak bisa diremehkan, tetapi masih saja terdapat kendala untuk meningkatkan daya saing produk, salah satunya ialah kemasan. Tidak jarang industri pangan rumah tangga menggunakan kemasan sangat sederhana dan kurang memperhatikan aspek estetika, ergonomi, dan keamanan. Sehingga konsumen kurang tertarik untuk membeli, karena penampilan luarnya kurang menarik dan berdaya jual. Untuk itulah dilakukan pendampingan pada mitra industri rumah tangga di Desa Tamiajeng, Kabupaten Mojokerto untuk mengaplikasikan inovasi kemasan. Produk yang dihasilkan oleh mitra ialah minuman kesehatan, baik berupa jamu kering (padat)...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional & Workshop Nasional Teknik Industri SEMNASTI – MUSINDEEP 2015, 2015
Mie K!TA merupakan sebuah tempat makan dengan produk unggulan mie pedas. Dengan semakin bertambah... more Mie K!TA merupakan sebuah tempat makan dengan produk unggulan mie pedas. Dengan semakin bertambahnya pesaing yang menawarkan produk serupa, maka Mie K!TA perlu merancang strategi pemasaran yang tepat supaya mempunyai keunggulan bersaing dan tetap bertahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi variabel yang dipentingkan konsumen dalam memilih mie pedas, mengidentifikasi tingkat kepuasan konsumen terhadap produk dan pesaing, dan merancang perbaikan strategi pemasaran yang tepat bagi perusahaan. Pengambilan data primer melalui kuisioner yang dibagikan pada 100 responden. Dari analisa tingkat kepuasan dapat dibandingkan nilai rata-rata kepuasan konsumen Mie K!TA dan pesaing terdekat (Mie Pecun). Dari analisa manova diketahui bahwa ada perbedaan tingkat kepuasan antara Mie K!TA dan Mie Pecun. Berdasarkan analisis kuadran Mie K!TA terdapat lima variabel yang masuk dalam kuadran IV, yaitu bentuk dan penataan kurang menarik, adanya menu makanan baru secara berkala, desain interio...
Persaingan dalam dunia industri krupuk udang semakin hari semakin ketat.Hal tersebut membuat prod... more Persaingan dalam dunia industri krupuk udang semakin hari semakin ketat.Hal tersebut membuat produsen krupuk udang perlu merancang strategi bisnis yang tepat supaya dapat tetap bertahan. UD. Matahari merupakan salah satu produsen krupuk udang dengan merek Teratai yang mempunyai pusat produksi di Porong-Sidoarjo. Pihak manajemen saat ini merencanakan pengembangan pasar untuk dapat meningkatkan volume penjualan, dari yang sebelumnya hanya untuk business to business menjadi business to consumer. Pasar B2C yang dituju pertama kali adalah kota Surabaya, dengan pertimbangan bahwa kota Surabaya merupakan kota besar yang letaknya dekat dengan kota Porong-Sidoarjo. Sebelum memasuki pasar baru, perusahaan perlu merancang strategi pengembangan pasar yang tepat. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan analisis pasar untuk mengetahui karakteristik konsumen di pasar yang baru, terutama dengan jenis koneumen yang berbeda dari sebelumnya, dan analisis pesaing untuk memahami kondisi persaingan dengan produk-produ...
Semangat kewirausahaan perlu dibangkitkan pada diri mahasiswa agar mereka mempunyai jiwa dan beka... more Semangat kewirausahaan perlu dibangkitkan pada diri mahasiswa agar mereka mempunyai jiwa dan bekal kewirausahaan serta memillki minat berwirausaha setelah lulus kuliah. Dengan demikian mereka tidak hanya menjadi pencari kerja, tetapi dapat menjadi pencipta kerja. Semangat berwirausaha tidak bisa tumbuh dalam waktu sekejap, tetapi perlu dibangkitkan, dilatih, dan dikembangkan. Salah satunya dengan memberikan maca kuliah kewirausahaan kepada para mahasiswa. Demikian juga di Fakultas Teknik Universitas Surabaya, di mana mata kuliah Kewirausahaan dan inovasi diajarkan sejak tahun 2005. Selain pembelajaran di kelas, ada kegiatan-kegiatan untuk melengkapi pembelajaran, atara lain expo (bazaar) dan tugas membuat rencana bisnis {business plan). Dua kegiatan tersebut diadakan untuk memotivasi mahasiswa mencari peluang-peluang usaha yang bisa dilakukan. Dari observasi pelaksanaan kegiatan tersebut pada Semester Gasal 2011/2012 dan Semester Genap 2011/2012 dapat teridentifikasi peluang-peluang...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional 2016 "Peranan Industri Kecil Menengah bagi Kemandirian Bangsa", 2016
Usaha mikro dijalankan sebagai salah satu alternatif untuk melakukan usaha sendiri dan menciptaka... more Usaha mikro dijalankan sebagai salah satu alternatif untuk melakukan usaha sendiri dan menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan, paling tidak untuk pemilik usaha sendiri. Tas jaring merupakan usaha yang dilakukan sebagai tugas dari Aplikasi Bisnis dan kemudian dikembangkan menjadi usaha mandiri. Untuk mengembangkan usaha supaya produk tas jaring lebih dikenal dan lebih banyak dibeli, maka diperlukan inovasi dalam menjalankan usaha tas jaring ini. Inovasi yang dirancang ialah mempromosikan dan memasarkan tas jaring tersebut melalui internet (online) dan bagaimana mendesain strategi pemasaran online yang sesuai. Setelah memilih segmentasi (demografi: usia dan jenis pekerjaan) dan target pasar (remaja usia 6-22 tahun, pelajar/mahasiswa), maka selanjutnya ialah menentukan diferensiasi (diferensiasi produk dan layanan) dan positioning produk (tas jaring yang bisa dibolak-balik), berikutnya adalah merancang bauran pemasaran yang meliputi produk, harga, tempat, dan promosi. Inovasi diterapkan pada p...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional MMT XVI ITS 2012, 2012
Kewirausahaan mendapat perhatian dan dukungan besar untuk menumbuhkan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menen... more Kewirausahaan mendapat perhatian dan dukungan besar untuk menumbuhkan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM), karena UMKM mampu memberikan kontribusi pada perekonomian dan lapangan pekerjaan di Indonesia. Tidak hanya pemerintah, tetapi para praktisi bisnis, wirausaha yang telah sukses, dan bahkan institusi pendidikan saling bergandeng tangan untuk membangkitkan minat dan jiwa kewirausahaan. Mahasiswa sebagai generasi penerus bangsa diharapkan dapat membawa perubahan dan mempunyai semangat wirausaha. Sehingga setelah menyelesaikan kuliah tidak hanya menjadi pencari kerja, tetapi bisa menjadi pencipta kerja, paling tidak untuk dirinya sendiri. Untuk itu para mahasiswa perlu dibekali dan disiapkan sejak saat kuliah, sehingga mereka siap mandiri setelah lulus. Salah satunya dengan memberikan mata kuliah Kewirausahaan. Di Fakultas Teknik Universitas Surabaya, mata kuliah Kewirausahaan dan Inovasi diajarkan sejak tahun 2005. sampai sejauh ini belum pernah dilakukan evaluasi pembelajaran ma...
Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2021), 2021
This paper aims to cluster corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices that correspond to the... more This paper aims to cluster corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices that correspond to the CSR strategy implemented. This study performed factor and cluster analyses with 435 data from Indonesian manufacturing companies. The factor analysis resulted three categories of CSR dimensions: legal-ethical, philanthropic, and economic responsibilities. The cluster analysis generated three clusters of CSR strategy: reactive, proactive, and accommodative. The results show that most manufacturing companies in Indonesia apply proactive strategy rather than reactive or accommodative strategies.
The global market gives opportunities to the shipping company to develop its business, such as th... more The global market gives opportunities to the shipping company to develop its business, such as the larger market, the addition of new routes, the broader port of destinations, and the development of services. It will give effect to the increase in the number of markets served. Generally, shipping companies have a multi-segment market and apply specific strategies for each segment. One is the pricing strategy. To be more focus on each segment and able to serve it best, the company should define the appropriate price (rate) policy for every market segment. A study has been carried out at PT X, an international shipping company at Surabaya. As a world-wide company PT X has shipping service to various ports of destination around the world. From observation it was known that the company applies different pricing strategies for each segment of its market, like contract rate, negotiated rate, market rate, etc. Each strategy has certain advantages for its market segment and the company dete...
The resilient energy cannot be only achieved through big project and complicated system, but also... more The resilient energy cannot be only achieved through big project and complicated system, but also by the using of energy-efficient product. One example of energy saving product is LED light claimed to have longer lifespan and higher efficiency than most fluorescent lamps. Due to its potential market it is a chance to increase the usage of LED lamps in Indonesia. However, there is a strong competition because of some brands of LED lamps in the market. To fasten the diffusion of innovation LED lamps to be accepted by the extensive market, especially in Indonesia, this study was conducted to design the appropriate strategic marketing planning for LED lamps. Data obtained from survey that covers interview with the company and questionnaire distribution to actual consumers and retailers was processed to create some analysis, such as market analysis (market demand analysis, consumer analysis, and competitor analysis), strategic marketing plan and tactical marketing strategies. Based on th...
Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 2014
Terdapat beberapa fitness center di Surabaya yang membuat persaingan bisnis fitness center bertam... more Terdapat beberapa fitness center di Surabaya yang membuat persaingan bisnis fitness center bertambah ketat. Oleh sebab itu fitness center harus mempunyai perbedaan dan keunggulan, yang membuatnya berbeda dari yang lain. Untuk bisa memberikan perbedaan, maka fitness center harus tahu dan menentukan jenis konsumen yang dilayani. Penelitian ini menganalisa segmentasi konsumen fitness center berdasarkan variabel-variabel yang mendasari proses pemilihan suatu fitness center (Purchasing), gaya hidup (Life Style) dan motivasi (Motive), serta keterlibatan (Involvement). Dilakukan analisa faktor untuk mereduksi dan mengelompokkan variabel menjadi 15 faktor yang mempunyai kemiripan, dan berdasarkan 15 faktor tersebut dilakukan analisa cluster untuk membagi responden. Analisa crosstab digunakan untuk mengetahui perbedaan profil responden antara cluster dan didapatkan bahwa ada perbedaan variabel pendidikan terakhir dan jenis pekerjaan pada 4 cluster yang terbentuk. Dengan demikian, dihasilkan ...
International Journal of Communication and Society, Jul 6, 2023
This is an open access article under the CC-BY-SA license.
International journal of community service learning, Feb 14, 2023
Pencatatan Akuntansi merupakan hal krusial bagi semua usaha. BUMDes Mitra Warga, Desa Kesiman mem... more Pencatatan Akuntansi merupakan hal krusial bagi semua usaha. BUMDes Mitra Warga, Desa Kesiman memiliki empat unit usaha, yaitu unit kebersihan, unit penyediaan air bersih, unit pasar, dan unit loreomah (café dan restaurant). Berdasarkan hasil survey awal dengan mitra, diketahui bahwa BUMDes hanya memiliki pencatatan manual, belum memiliki laporan keuangan, dan unit usaha juga belum mengidentifikasi aset yang dimiliki. Oleh karena itu, tim pengabdian ubaya bertujuan memberikan pendampingan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kualitas pencatatan keuangan unit usaha BUMDes Desa Kesiman. Kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan dengan pendekatan wawancara, pelatihan literasi keuangan, dan pendampingan praktik akuntansi. Pelatihan akuntansi wajib diikuti oleh seluruh pengurus unit usaha BUMDes, beserta bendahara Desa. Selanjutnya, pendampingan dilakukan untuk setiap unit usaha yang diadakan secara rutin. Hasil evaluasi pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman pesera meningkatkan. Hasil kegiatan pendampingan berhasil mendorong unit usaha untuk mulai mengidentifikasi dan mencatat asetnya, serta merapikan pencatatan keuangannya. Dari pencatatan unit usaha yang telah rapi, diharapkan membantu BUMDes dalam menyusun laporan keuangan sederhana, agar dapat dipahami semua pengguna laporan.
Advances in economics, business and management research, 2023
Several studies have investigated the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on financia... more Several studies have investigated the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on financial performance (FP). However, little research has been done on how CSR affects non-financial performance and how this performance mediates the CSR-FP relationship. This study aims to develop a theoretical framework for the relationship between CSR and company performance, as well as to analyze a mediating effect on the CSR-FP relationship. Stakeholder theory is employed to emphasize the importance of incorporating the interests of key internal and external stakeholders, including employees and customers, into CSR practices. The theoretical framework describes CSR in four areas: economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities. The impact of CSR is measured not just in terms of FP, but also in terms of customer, employee, and operational performance. The remaining three performances are then evaluated to see if they mediate the impact of CSR on FP. Seven propositions are proposed in the framework, each of which can be tested using survey data. As a result, the framework presented in this paper can be used to assess the impact of CSR on both financial and non-financial performance, as well as to investigate the mediating effect of non-financial performance on the CSR-FP relationship.
Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Kesiman Village is located in the Trawas District of the Mojokerto Regency in East Java. Kesiman ... more Kesiman Village is located in the Trawas District of the Mojokerto Regency in East Java. Kesiman Village possesses unrealized natural potential and is currently attempting to become a tourist village. Therefore, the Community Empowerment Program Team at the University of Surabaya (Ubaya) facilitated the idea. The service team provided Kesiman Village with children's play facilities, including a playground with quite comprehensive play equipment, including swings, suspension bridges, slurutans, and mini wall climbing. In addition, as a safety measure, the Ubaya Team provided supporting equipment such as information boards (posters) with Augmented Reality for playing equipment and medical equipment (P3K). The abstract contains. The Ubaya Team held Occupational Safety, Health, and Environment (K3L) training for staff and villagers in order to support the provision of safe and comfortable educational tours. The Ubaya Team provided separate bins for organic and non-organic waste as w...
Prior studies argue that CSR should be aligned with business strategies to gain benefits for comp... more Prior studies argue that CSR should be aligned with business strategies to gain benefits for companies. However, research on how CSR and business strategies can be integrated is still scant. This study aims to examine how and to what extent the strategic integration of CSR and business strategies is likely to impact on organizations’ performance. Based on contingency and stakeholder theories, a theoretical framework of the integration of CSR into the business strategy was developed and tested. Using a sample of 435 manufacturing companies in Java, PLS-SEM was employed to test a path model depicting the relationships between strategic integration and company performance. The assessment of the measurement model, including internal consistency, convergent validity and discriminant validity, was achieved satisfactorily. The test of the structural model reveals that the strategic integration of CSR and business strategy has positive and significant impact on company performance. Strategi...
Social Responsibility Journal
Purpose This study aims to investigate the integration of corporate social responsibility (CSR) a... more Purpose This study aims to investigate the integration of corporate social responsibility (CSR) at a functional level and examine its impact on company performance. Design/methodology/approach Using data from 435 Indonesian manufacturing companies, 11 hypotheses were tested on direct, indirect and total effects of the relationship between functional CSR integration and its impact on company performance. The stakeholder and contingency theories were applied. Findings The findings of this study reveal that functional CSR integration has a significant impact on customer, employee, operational and financial performances. The findings show that the relationship between functional CSR integration and financial performance can be mediated by customer, employee and operational performances. The results of this study also highlight that functional CSR integration has a stronger total effect on both customer and financial performances in environmentally non-sensitive industries than in enviro...
Previous studies highlight that corporate social responsibility (CSR) should be integrated into t... more Previous studies highlight that corporate social responsibility (CSR) should be integrated into the company’s strategy. CSR integration, according to existing literature, could improve the company performance. Due to a lack of empirical studies on how CSR and company strategy can be integrated, the purpose of this study is to investigate how CSR and company strategy are integrated at the strategic level as well as the impact of that integration on company performance. With survey data from 342 Indonesian manufacturing companies and using structural equation modelling (SEM), the results reveal that CSR alignment and communication have a significant impact on financial and employee performances. The findings of this study provide empirical evidence of CSR practices in the manufacturing industry, particularly in developing countries
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
Prior studies argue that CSR should be integrated with business operations to get its benefits. H... more Prior studies argue that CSR should be integrated with business operations to get its benefits. However, the empirical research on how CSR and business operations can be incorporated is still limited. This study aims to investigate how to integrate CSR and business operations and to identify the impact of such integration on company performance. Using a sample of 342 manufacturing companies in Java, Indonesia, PLS-SEM was employed to create a path model depicting the relationships between functional integration and company performance. The results showed that Cost, Quality, Supplier, and Employee, have significant positive relationships on company performance, while Innovation and Customers have no impact on company performance.
Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society
Purpose This paper aims to investigate the extent to which the management control systems (MCS) a... more Purpose This paper aims to investigate the extent to which the management control systems (MCS) adoption in corporate social responsibility (CSR) integration into business strategy has an impact on companies’ performance. Design/methodology/approach Using a sample of 435 Indonesian manufacturing companies, partial least squares structural equation modelling was used to investigate the impact of CSR strategic integration on companies’ performance based on the contingency and stakeholder theories. Findings The findings reveal CSR strategic integration has a positive and significant impact on companies’ performance, including employee, operating and financial performance and the company size can positively moderate the impact of this integration on both its operating and financial performance. Practical implications The findings can encourage managers to adopt MCS by undertaking CSR at the strategic level, resulting in superior performance, both socially and financially. Social implica...
Purpose This paper aims to investigate the extent to which the management control systems (MCS) a... more Purpose This paper aims to investigate the extent to which the management control systems (MCS) adoption in corporate social responsibility (CSR) integration into business strategy has an impact on companies’ performance. Design/methodology/approach Using a sample of 435 Indonesian manufacturing companies, partial least squares structural equation modelling was used to investigate the impact of CSR strategic integration on companies’ performance based on the contingency and stakeholder theories. Findings The findings reveal CSR strategic integration has a positive and significant impact on companies’ performance, including employee, operating and financial performance and the company size can positively moderate the impact of this integration on both its operating and financial performance. Practical implications The findings can encourage managers to adopt MCS by undertaking CSR at the strategic level, resulting in superior performance, both socially and financially. Social implica...
Pangan merupakan salah satu kebutuhan pokok manusia. Karena itu, industri pangan sangat potensial... more Pangan merupakan salah satu kebutuhan pokok manusia. Karena itu, industri pangan sangat potensial untuk berkembang. Saat ini, industri pangan tidak hanya dikuasai oleh perusahaan-perusahaan besar, tetapi semakin banyak usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM), dan juga industri rumah tangga yang menjalankan usahanya di bidang pangan. Walaupun peranan UMKM dan industri rumah tangga tidak bisa diremehkan, tetapi masih saja terdapat kendala untuk meningkatkan daya saing produk, salah satunya ialah kemasan. Tidak jarang industri pangan rumah tangga menggunakan kemasan sangat sederhana dan kurang memperhatikan aspek estetika, ergonomi, dan keamanan. Sehingga konsumen kurang tertarik untuk membeli, karena penampilan luarnya kurang menarik dan berdaya jual. Untuk itulah dilakukan pendampingan pada mitra industri rumah tangga di Desa Tamiajeng, Kabupaten Mojokerto untuk mengaplikasikan inovasi kemasan. Produk yang dihasilkan oleh mitra ialah minuman kesehatan, baik berupa jamu kering (padat)...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional & Workshop Nasional Teknik Industri SEMNASTI – MUSINDEEP 2015, 2015
Mie K!TA merupakan sebuah tempat makan dengan produk unggulan mie pedas. Dengan semakin bertambah... more Mie K!TA merupakan sebuah tempat makan dengan produk unggulan mie pedas. Dengan semakin bertambahnya pesaing yang menawarkan produk serupa, maka Mie K!TA perlu merancang strategi pemasaran yang tepat supaya mempunyai keunggulan bersaing dan tetap bertahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi variabel yang dipentingkan konsumen dalam memilih mie pedas, mengidentifikasi tingkat kepuasan konsumen terhadap produk dan pesaing, dan merancang perbaikan strategi pemasaran yang tepat bagi perusahaan. Pengambilan data primer melalui kuisioner yang dibagikan pada 100 responden. Dari analisa tingkat kepuasan dapat dibandingkan nilai rata-rata kepuasan konsumen Mie K!TA dan pesaing terdekat (Mie Pecun). Dari analisa manova diketahui bahwa ada perbedaan tingkat kepuasan antara Mie K!TA dan Mie Pecun. Berdasarkan analisis kuadran Mie K!TA terdapat lima variabel yang masuk dalam kuadran IV, yaitu bentuk dan penataan kurang menarik, adanya menu makanan baru secara berkala, desain interio...
Persaingan dalam dunia industri krupuk udang semakin hari semakin ketat.Hal tersebut membuat prod... more Persaingan dalam dunia industri krupuk udang semakin hari semakin ketat.Hal tersebut membuat produsen krupuk udang perlu merancang strategi bisnis yang tepat supaya dapat tetap bertahan. UD. Matahari merupakan salah satu produsen krupuk udang dengan merek Teratai yang mempunyai pusat produksi di Porong-Sidoarjo. Pihak manajemen saat ini merencanakan pengembangan pasar untuk dapat meningkatkan volume penjualan, dari yang sebelumnya hanya untuk business to business menjadi business to consumer. Pasar B2C yang dituju pertama kali adalah kota Surabaya, dengan pertimbangan bahwa kota Surabaya merupakan kota besar yang letaknya dekat dengan kota Porong-Sidoarjo. Sebelum memasuki pasar baru, perusahaan perlu merancang strategi pengembangan pasar yang tepat. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan analisis pasar untuk mengetahui karakteristik konsumen di pasar yang baru, terutama dengan jenis koneumen yang berbeda dari sebelumnya, dan analisis pesaing untuk memahami kondisi persaingan dengan produk-produ...
Semangat kewirausahaan perlu dibangkitkan pada diri mahasiswa agar mereka mempunyai jiwa dan beka... more Semangat kewirausahaan perlu dibangkitkan pada diri mahasiswa agar mereka mempunyai jiwa dan bekal kewirausahaan serta memillki minat berwirausaha setelah lulus kuliah. Dengan demikian mereka tidak hanya menjadi pencari kerja, tetapi dapat menjadi pencipta kerja. Semangat berwirausaha tidak bisa tumbuh dalam waktu sekejap, tetapi perlu dibangkitkan, dilatih, dan dikembangkan. Salah satunya dengan memberikan maca kuliah kewirausahaan kepada para mahasiswa. Demikian juga di Fakultas Teknik Universitas Surabaya, di mana mata kuliah Kewirausahaan dan inovasi diajarkan sejak tahun 2005. Selain pembelajaran di kelas, ada kegiatan-kegiatan untuk melengkapi pembelajaran, atara lain expo (bazaar) dan tugas membuat rencana bisnis {business plan). Dua kegiatan tersebut diadakan untuk memotivasi mahasiswa mencari peluang-peluang usaha yang bisa dilakukan. Dari observasi pelaksanaan kegiatan tersebut pada Semester Gasal 2011/2012 dan Semester Genap 2011/2012 dapat teridentifikasi peluang-peluang...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional 2016 "Peranan Industri Kecil Menengah bagi Kemandirian Bangsa", 2016
Usaha mikro dijalankan sebagai salah satu alternatif untuk melakukan usaha sendiri dan menciptaka... more Usaha mikro dijalankan sebagai salah satu alternatif untuk melakukan usaha sendiri dan menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan, paling tidak untuk pemilik usaha sendiri. Tas jaring merupakan usaha yang dilakukan sebagai tugas dari Aplikasi Bisnis dan kemudian dikembangkan menjadi usaha mandiri. Untuk mengembangkan usaha supaya produk tas jaring lebih dikenal dan lebih banyak dibeli, maka diperlukan inovasi dalam menjalankan usaha tas jaring ini. Inovasi yang dirancang ialah mempromosikan dan memasarkan tas jaring tersebut melalui internet (online) dan bagaimana mendesain strategi pemasaran online yang sesuai. Setelah memilih segmentasi (demografi: usia dan jenis pekerjaan) dan target pasar (remaja usia 6-22 tahun, pelajar/mahasiswa), maka selanjutnya ialah menentukan diferensiasi (diferensiasi produk dan layanan) dan positioning produk (tas jaring yang bisa dibolak-balik), berikutnya adalah merancang bauran pemasaran yang meliputi produk, harga, tempat, dan promosi. Inovasi diterapkan pada p...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional MMT XVI ITS 2012, 2012
Kewirausahaan mendapat perhatian dan dukungan besar untuk menumbuhkan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menen... more Kewirausahaan mendapat perhatian dan dukungan besar untuk menumbuhkan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM), karena UMKM mampu memberikan kontribusi pada perekonomian dan lapangan pekerjaan di Indonesia. Tidak hanya pemerintah, tetapi para praktisi bisnis, wirausaha yang telah sukses, dan bahkan institusi pendidikan saling bergandeng tangan untuk membangkitkan minat dan jiwa kewirausahaan. Mahasiswa sebagai generasi penerus bangsa diharapkan dapat membawa perubahan dan mempunyai semangat wirausaha. Sehingga setelah menyelesaikan kuliah tidak hanya menjadi pencari kerja, tetapi bisa menjadi pencipta kerja, paling tidak untuk dirinya sendiri. Untuk itu para mahasiswa perlu dibekali dan disiapkan sejak saat kuliah, sehingga mereka siap mandiri setelah lulus. Salah satunya dengan memberikan mata kuliah Kewirausahaan. Di Fakultas Teknik Universitas Surabaya, mata kuliah Kewirausahaan dan Inovasi diajarkan sejak tahun 2005. sampai sejauh ini belum pernah dilakukan evaluasi pembelajaran ma...
Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2021), 2021
This paper aims to cluster corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices that correspond to the... more This paper aims to cluster corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices that correspond to the CSR strategy implemented. This study performed factor and cluster analyses with 435 data from Indonesian manufacturing companies. The factor analysis resulted three categories of CSR dimensions: legal-ethical, philanthropic, and economic responsibilities. The cluster analysis generated three clusters of CSR strategy: reactive, proactive, and accommodative. The results show that most manufacturing companies in Indonesia apply proactive strategy rather than reactive or accommodative strategies.
The global market gives opportunities to the shipping company to develop its business, such as th... more The global market gives opportunities to the shipping company to develop its business, such as the larger market, the addition of new routes, the broader port of destinations, and the development of services. It will give effect to the increase in the number of markets served. Generally, shipping companies have a multi-segment market and apply specific strategies for each segment. One is the pricing strategy. To be more focus on each segment and able to serve it best, the company should define the appropriate price (rate) policy for every market segment. A study has been carried out at PT X, an international shipping company at Surabaya. As a world-wide company PT X has shipping service to various ports of destination around the world. From observation it was known that the company applies different pricing strategies for each segment of its market, like contract rate, negotiated rate, market rate, etc. Each strategy has certain advantages for its market segment and the company dete...
The resilient energy cannot be only achieved through big project and complicated system, but also... more The resilient energy cannot be only achieved through big project and complicated system, but also by the using of energy-efficient product. One example of energy saving product is LED light claimed to have longer lifespan and higher efficiency than most fluorescent lamps. Due to its potential market it is a chance to increase the usage of LED lamps in Indonesia. However, there is a strong competition because of some brands of LED lamps in the market. To fasten the diffusion of innovation LED lamps to be accepted by the extensive market, especially in Indonesia, this study was conducted to design the appropriate strategic marketing planning for LED lamps. Data obtained from survey that covers interview with the company and questionnaire distribution to actual consumers and retailers was processed to create some analysis, such as market analysis (market demand analysis, consumer analysis, and competitor analysis), strategic marketing plan and tactical marketing strategies. Based on th...
Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 2014
Terdapat beberapa fitness center di Surabaya yang membuat persaingan bisnis fitness center bertam... more Terdapat beberapa fitness center di Surabaya yang membuat persaingan bisnis fitness center bertambah ketat. Oleh sebab itu fitness center harus mempunyai perbedaan dan keunggulan, yang membuatnya berbeda dari yang lain. Untuk bisa memberikan perbedaan, maka fitness center harus tahu dan menentukan jenis konsumen yang dilayani. Penelitian ini menganalisa segmentasi konsumen fitness center berdasarkan variabel-variabel yang mendasari proses pemilihan suatu fitness center (Purchasing), gaya hidup (Life Style) dan motivasi (Motive), serta keterlibatan (Involvement). Dilakukan analisa faktor untuk mereduksi dan mengelompokkan variabel menjadi 15 faktor yang mempunyai kemiripan, dan berdasarkan 15 faktor tersebut dilakukan analisa cluster untuk membagi responden. Analisa crosstab digunakan untuk mengetahui perbedaan profil responden antara cluster dan didapatkan bahwa ada perbedaan variabel pendidikan terakhir dan jenis pekerjaan pada 4 cluster yang terbentuk. Dengan demikian, dihasilkan ...