AO3 stats meme (original) (raw)

[[personal profile] ]([**kass**]( did this meme at least a month ago; I made a note of it and then promptly forgot about it. Until now! So: the stats from my works list at the AO3.


Gen (12)
F/M (10)
M/M (5)
F/F (4)

Well, that should surprise exactly no one. I'm still amused that I've made more M/M than F/F vids; I blame renenet and sisabet. Though if I ever finish the rest of these Glee vids I will have no one to blame but myself.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer (10)
Firefly/Serenity (4)
Wonderfalls (2)
due South (2)

...and everything else comes in at 1. I really am planning to change that. Eventually. It just cracks me up that Wonderfalls (which I love, but which was not a major fandom for me) and due South (which I was never personally fannish about) are even on this list. Clearly my output has failed to match my fannish investment since, oh, 2004 or so. Well, except for Firefly; I've made more Buffy vids, but I've made Firefly vids over a longer period of time.


Ensemble (6)
Buffy Summers (6)
Spike (6)
Malcolm Reynolds (4)
River Tam (3)

Yeah, no surprises there either.


Buffy/Spike (6)
Faith/Buffy (2)
Willow/Tara (2)
Fraser/Kowalski (2)

Once more with the lack of surprise.

Most hits, kudos, comments, and bookmarks:

The Test. ...well, yeah. As I said when I first posted, there is nothing like making a boyslash vid in a huge, active, boyslash-oriented fandom to bring the viewers. Nothing else even comes close. Of course, timing also matters; most of my vids were made well before the AO3 even existed and were posted there well after the fact, and most of the other vids I've made since I started posting to the AO3 have been for shows or movies with small-to-nonexistent fandoms.

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