Mosheh - Hermeneuticon - Hermetic Library (original) (raw)
Mosheh, Moses, Musa
Listed as a Magister Templi in Liber CCCXXXIII The Book of Lies Falsely So Called, 7 ΚΕΦΑΛΗ Ζ THE DINOSAURS
Listed as a Magi in Liber Aleph, Chapter 73, Βτ. DE QUODAMM MAGO AEGYPTIORUM. QUEM APPELUNT JUDAEI MOSHEH. And, his word is given as IHVH.
“The Follower of Tahuti was an Egyptian whose Name is lost; but the Jews called Him Mosheh, or Moses, and their Fabulists made Him the Leader of their Legendary Exodus. Yet they preserved His Word, and it is IHVH, which thou must understand also as that Secret Word which thou hast seen and heard in Thunders and Lightnings in thine Initiation to the Degree thou wottest of. But this Word is itself a Plan of the Fabrick of the Universe, and upon it hath been elaborated the Holy Qabalah, whereby we have Knowledge of the Nature of all Things soever upon every Plane of By-coming, and of their Forces and Tendencies and Operations, with the Keys to their Portals. Nor did He leave any Part of His Work unfinished, unless it be that accomplished three hundred Years ago by Sir Edward Kelly, of whom I also come, as thou knowest.”—Part 2 - The Book of Wisdom or Folly, Liber Aleph vel CXI
Listed as Initiator in The Heart of the Master, the-initiation
“In more remote times, the constituent originating assemblies of the O.T.O. included such men as […] Mosheh”—Liber LII Manifesto of the O.T.O.
“'Mosheh' is thus the name of man as a God-concealing form.”—Liber Samekh Theurgia Goetia Summa (Congressus Cum Daemone) sub figurâ DCCC
“I am Mosheh Thy Prophet, unto Whom Thou didst commit Thy Mysteries, the Ceremonies of Ishrael”—Preliminary Invocation also
“The idea of communion with angels
expressed in the Catholic doctrine
is one of great magical interest.
Such inspired individuals as Enoch, Mosheh,
Maryam, John of Patmos, Abramelin the Mage,
John Dee, Anna Kingsford, and Aleister Crowley
are reported to have been instructed by angels.”—A Discourse on the Fifth Article
“As regards the saints of the Gnostic Catholic Church in the canon of Liber XV, the Bible is the chief reference for the exploits of Mosheh (Moses)“—The Utility of the Bible to the Student of Thelema
“Later, in the time of the Exodus of the descendants of the wanderers out of Babylon, the foster son of the Princess of Egypt, called Mosheh by the wanderers, was born.”—Historicus Mythologicus
“These people, who now had their Law, handed down to them from their one God through Mosheh, were no longer called the Habiru but Hebrews.”—Historicus Mythologicus
“It was Artapanus, a Jewish writer in the second-century B.C.E. who placed the life of Hermes during the time of Moses, who is called Mosheh in Hebrew.”—Historicus Verus
“A genuine vein of initiation runs thought the “plane” where one finds Dr Bronner's soap labels, the lost Books of Moses, the apocryphal grimoires of Marie Laveau, Hollow Earth Theory, old Theosophical journals in your grandmother's attic, “What Did These Great Men Have In Common?”, Noble Drew Ali's Moorish health-products, the mail-order courses of Druids and occult Orders, millennarian tracts, mysterious classified ad's, Mexican lithography, & c., & c.”—Moorish Mail-Order Mysticism
“And you may think that these theosophists were pure contemplatives, impotent dreamers, fakirs perched on their columns? Error, the world has not known greater men of action, in the most fruitful and incalculable sense of the word. They shine like stars of the first magnitude in the heaven of souls. They are called: Krishna, Buddha, Zoroaster, Hermes, Moses, Pythagoras, Jesus, and they were powerful masters of spirits, formidable awakeners of souls, beneficial organizers of societies.”—Introduction to the Esoteric Doctrine
“In this series, Rama shows only the surroundings of the temple. Krishna and Hermes give the key. Moses, Orpheus, and Pythagoras show the interior. Jesus Christ represents the sanctuary.”—Introduction to the Esoteric Doctrine
“The Laws of Moses were to a great extent derived from the Laws of Ancient Egypt, and whatever else may be said of them they certainly tend to sanitary conditions, and length of life, individual and racial.”—Egyptian Magic
“The number 40 is of great significance in biblical symbolism […] 40 days fast by Moses before receiving the 10 Commandments”—The Eight Companies of Five and Their Sigils
“Moses, for example, brought the Law - Aaron taught its esoteric significance. Jesus spoke in parables - John the Baptist (or some other gnostic figure) unveiled their hidden meaning to the Elect. Mohammed brought the Koran and Shariah; Ali embodied their secret significance.”-THE ANTI-CALIPH
“We know from the Bible that Moses was an initiate of the Egyptian mysteries and became learned in all its wisdom, while Philo tells us that Moses there became “skilled in music, geometry, arithmetic, hieroglyphics and the whole circle of arts and sciences”. In other words he became in a real sense a Master Mason and, as such, qualified himself for his subsequent great task of leadership of the Hebrew people and the formulating of their religious system and rule of life as laid down in the Pentateuch.”—FREEMASONRY IN RELATION TO THE ANCIENT MYSTERIES