Hex (original) (raw)

The package manager for the Erlang ecosystem

Using with Elixir

Specify your Mix dependencies as two-item tuples like {:plug, "~> 1.1.0"} in your dependency list, Elixir will ask if you want to install Hex if you haven't already.

Using with Erlang

Download rebar3, put it in your PATH and give it executable permissions. Now you can specify Hex dependencies in your rebar.config like {deps, [hackney]}.

Getting started

Fetch dependencies from Hex without creating an account. Hex is usable out of the box in Elixir with Mix and in Erlang with Rebar3. Check our FAQ for commonly asked questions.

Private packages

Publish private packages by creating an organization. Your private packages will get the same features as public packages such as fast dependency fetching, HexDocs, and run on the same reliable infrastructure that serves millions of packages daily. See our pricing page for more details.

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