Þorsteinn Vilhjálmsson | University of Iceland (original) (raw)
Papers by Þorsteinn Vilhjálmsson
American Historical Review, 2003
Keywords: Wineland sagas, other historical sources, L' Anse aux Meadows, Helge Ingstad, reality o... more Keywords: Wineland sagas, other historical sources, L' Anse aux Meadows, Helge Ingstad, reality of the reports, navigation, instruments.
Nature and conditions of living in Iceland are special in many respects, even if we only compare ... more Nature and conditions of living in Iceland are special in many respects, even if we only compare with the nearest neighbour countries. This has materialized in many ways in the history of technology and methods of production. It has in turn been interrelated with the status of knowledge and skills at any given time. Domestic knowledge has not always followed the foreign development, which in turn has sometimes had serious consequences. Examples will be taken, e.g., from the history of sheep breeding and sheep diseases.
The question has been raised whether harsh nature really was to blame for the development being slower than in other countries, e.g. as measured by population growth, or whether the main agent should be sought in slowly changing mentality and inefficient administration. But here we have still another candidate for explanation: isolation which has many faces and may very well have played a significant role in the slow rate of development of technology and production methods, e.g. in the 18th and 19th centuries, as compared to neighbouring countries. These questions will be raised in the paper with due respect to examples from history.
In the Viking Era of ca. 700-1100 the Old Norse, then illiterate, expanded their sphere of explor... more In the Viking Era of ca. 700-1100 the Old Norse, then illiterate, expanded their sphere of exploration, communication and settlement to the East through Russia and to the west to the various coasts of the North Atlantic. For the latter they needed, among other things, specialized skills such as shipbuilding, navigation and general seamanship. These skills were handed down from one generation to another by informal, practical education. Their navigational skills seem to have included methods related to mathematical astronomy. In the example treated here, the mathematics involved is adapted to the knowledge level of a society without literacy, thus replacing written symbols and formulas by a procedure which has been easy to remember and thus suitable for passing through oral channels to new generations. The method could be applied to other cases although examples of such application are unknown to the present author.
Efnisorð: hugtakið nútími, nýöld, erfðafræðin sem dæmi, Mendel, erfðir í búfénaði, vísindi á fyrr... more Efnisorð: hugtakið nútími, nýöld, erfðafræðin sem dæmi, Mendel, erfðir í búfénaði, vísindi á fyrri hluta 20. aldar á Íslandi
Efnisorð: vanákvörðun kenninga, sönnunarhugtakið, það sem best er vitað, fallvelti kenninga, sann... more Efnisorð: vanákvörðun kenninga, sönnunarhugtakið, það sem best er vitað, fallvelti kenninga, sannleikurinn, uppgötvun og uppfinning, Storð og Sunna, lýsandi og vísandi kenningar um vísindi, Kuhn og Popper, reynsluviðið, að gera fyrirbærunum skil, jarðmiðju- og sólmiðjukenning, rakhnífur Ockhams, einfaldleikinn, að skálda ekki tilgátur, sviðshugtakið, val á kenningum, söguskekkjan, almenna afstæðiskenningin, skammtafræðin, sérstaða stærðfræðinnar,
Keywords: The historical context, the sources, coastal navigation, transoceanic traffic, terrestr... more Keywords: The historical context, the sources, coastal navigation, transoceanic traffic, terrestrial navigation, celestial navigation, Oddi's tale and its use, specialized pilots, ships, seaworthiness and speed; the general picture. (An article in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Maritime History).
Efnisorð: Vísindin og furðurnar, vísindin í daglegu lífi, skilningurinn, forvitni eða framfaraþrá... more Efnisorð: Vísindin og furðurnar, vísindin í daglegu lífi, skilningurinn, forvitni eða framfaraþrá, vísindi á tuttugustu öld, sjálfsvitund vísinda, gagnrýni á vísindi, stjórnmálin og stríðin, mengun og vistkreppa, sérhæfingin, vísindi á Íslandi, vísindin og sannleikurinn, er sögunni lokið?
Additional co-author: Þórir Sigurðsson Summary in Icelandic is on p. 109, in English on p. 123.
The Abstract is at the start of the paper. Co-author: A.B. Kraemmer
Að loknum aðfararorðum er rakið í greininni í stuttu máli hvaða heimildir eru okkur helst tiltæka... more Að loknum aðfararorðum er rakið í greininni í stuttu máli hvaða heimildir eru okkur helst tiltækar um efni hennar og hvað hefur áður verið ritað um það. Um meginefni greinarinnar er reynt að halda í aðalatriðum sögulegri röð.
Þekking á efnum raunvísinda birtist í upphafi byggðar meðal annars í aðferðum manna til að halda uppi reglubundnum siglingum yfir úthafið til Íslands og Grænlands, en í þessu var stuðst bæði við huglæga þekkingu (siglingafræði) og við tiltekin áþreifanleg tæki eða áhöld.
Menn þurftu á tímatali að halda til forna, meðal annars til að skipuleggja bústörfin þannig að takmarkaðir landkostir nýttust sem best og til þess að henda reiður á hvenær Alþingi ætti að koma saman. Tímatalsumbót Þorsteins surts kringum 955 virðist hafa verið byggð á sjálfstæðum athugunum íslenskra manna. Umræðan um tímatal í þessari grein nær aðeins til þeirra þátta sem tengjast stjörnufræði, en fjallað er um aðrar hliðar tímatals í grein Árna Björnssonar í þessu bindi.
Stjörnu-Oddi er talinn hafa verið uppi á 12. öld. Eftir hann liggur svokölluð Odda tala, merkileg heimild um gang sólar í þremur köflum sem eru hér ræddir hver um sig og dregnar saman niðurstöður. Í Odda tölu er kristölluð þekking sem hefur trúlega farið víða á Íslandi á ofanverðri tólftu öld og síðar.
Sjálfstæð þekking forfeðra okkar á landafræði hefur verið nokkur og birtist til dæmis í leiðalýsingum frá miðöldum. Í athugunum sem sagt er frá í annálum kemur einnig fram þekking og áhugi á raunvísindalegum efnum. Eftir að ritöld hófst kom bókleg þekking á þessum efnum smám saman í stað sjálfstæðra, innlendra athugana. Annars vegar voru bækur ritaðar hér og hins vegar hafa tilteknar erlendar bækur og hugmyndir verið tiltækar íslenskum höfundum, skrifurum og öðrum samtíðarmönnum þeirra. Þekking á stærðfræði var óháð athugunum hér á landi og fellur undir innflutt bókvit.
Í lokaorðum er þess freistað að draga saman efni greinarinnar í heild.
[A more extensive summary in English will be found at the back of the paper in this edtion].
In the Arctic/Subarctic the diurnal circle of the sun is quite oblique. The solar azimuth thus ro... more In the Arctic/Subarctic the diurnal circle of the sun is quite oblique. The solar azimuth thus roughly measures time. In the Old Norse world the horizon was divided into octants (eyktir) and landmarks were found for each of them (eyktamörk). Day and night were thus divided into eight periods of about 3 hours each. Other means for measuring time during the day seem not to have been present. People might even give the name of the octant or the direction of the sun instead of giving the time of day in a more direct way as we are used to. In the subarctic zone this "azimuth clock" will vary its speed both during the day and during the year. This will be demonstrated in graphs and figures. The use of the azimuth clock and the diurnal solar arc in voyages will also be discussed. (A longer version is in the paper).
An abstract in Icelandic is at the beginning of the paper. Keywords: History of science, George ... more An abstract in Icelandic is at the beginning of the paper.
Keywords: History of science, George Sarton, internalism, Thomas Kuhn, scientific revolutions, Robert Merton, externalism, science history as a part of science and scholarship, the message of science history, science history and general history, pure science and applied science, philosophy of science
Keywords: Icelandic science in previous times, education in engineering, education in natural sci... more Keywords: Icelandic science in previous times, education in engineering, education in natural science, the pioneers of engineering and science, formation of the faculty of engineering and science in 1969, debates on organization, generation shift, University of Iceland
Abstract in Icelandic is on p. 87 (1st page), and in English on p. 97. Keywords: Viking navigati... more Abstract in Icelandic is on p. 87 (1st page), and in English on p. 97.
Keywords: Viking navigation, old-norse calendar, solar motion, Star-Oddi's tale, Þorsteinn surtur, intercalary week (sumarauki), connection to Julian calendar.
A summary is given in English at the end of the paper.
In the modern sense, Old Norse navigators used both software and hardware for their job of steeri... more In the modern sense, Old Norse navigators used both software and hardware for their job of steering their ships over a very difficult ocean. By "software" we mean methods for utilising simply visible signs of nature for finding the way. These signs were partly of terrestrial origin and partly celestial and we correspondingly speak of terrestrial and celestial navigation.
Astronomy is nowadays considered to be an international and non-localised branch of science. Nonetheless, astronomy and navigation in the medieval subarctic show clear signs of a development different from that of the subtropics where mainstream western astronomy grew up. However, the advent of ancient Greek influence in late medieval Western Europe halted the development of “Northern Astronomy”.
By “hardware” we mean instruments or objects which were used as aids in navigation. The Old Norse society had essentially no real or exact instruments to speak of for measuring time or for navigation. A disk of the kind found in an excavation in Greenland (a “ bearing-dial”) would only have been of limited help. There is no clear-cut evidence for a solar stone being used at sea. It could, however, have been used for local timekeeping on land in partly overcast weather. At the time under discussion instruments like the quadrant, the water clock and the astrolabe were indeed already known in some parts of the world, but there is no evidence that they were used then in the north-western corner of Europe.
Timekeeping was quite important in Old Norse navigation and this is manifest in the many itineraries giving details of dead reckoning, for instance the average time length for various stretches. From the various data yielding sailing speeds we conclude that the average effective speeds of Viking ships in regular ocean traffic were of the order of 3-6 knots. For this conclusion we argue for a definite interpretation of the concept “dægur’s sigling” when used in sailing itineraries.
Að undanförnu hefur orðið skýrari ágreiningur og skarpari umræða um íslensk skóla- og menntamál e... more Að undanförnu hefur orðið skýrari ágreiningur og skarpari umræða um íslensk skóla- og menntamál en tíðkast hefur um langan tíma. Þesar deilur eru af ýmsum rótum runnar. Einna ljósastar eru þær sem rekja má beint til hagsmuna einstaklinga, hópa og stétta: Ríkjandi stétt berst auðvitað með öllum ráðum fyrir því að varðveita hugmyndafræðilegt forræði sitt í skólkerfnu sem annars staðar. En sumar ræturnar liggj dýpra en þetta þannig að nauðsynlegt er að rekja sig lengra áður en hagsmunatengslin koma e.t.v. í ljós.
Í þessari grein verður fjallað nokkru nánar um eina af þessum dýpri rótum. Ég ætla að reyna að rekja hér mismunandi viðhorf manna til þekkingarinnar sem slíkrar, hvernig þau hafa þróast á síðari öldum og hvernig þau tengjast samfélagsháttum og valdakerfi.
American Historical Review, 2003
Keywords: Wineland sagas, other historical sources, L' Anse aux Meadows, Helge Ingstad, reality o... more Keywords: Wineland sagas, other historical sources, L' Anse aux Meadows, Helge Ingstad, reality of the reports, navigation, instruments.
Nature and conditions of living in Iceland are special in many respects, even if we only compare ... more Nature and conditions of living in Iceland are special in many respects, even if we only compare with the nearest neighbour countries. This has materialized in many ways in the history of technology and methods of production. It has in turn been interrelated with the status of knowledge and skills at any given time. Domestic knowledge has not always followed the foreign development, which in turn has sometimes had serious consequences. Examples will be taken, e.g., from the history of sheep breeding and sheep diseases.
The question has been raised whether harsh nature really was to blame for the development being slower than in other countries, e.g. as measured by population growth, or whether the main agent should be sought in slowly changing mentality and inefficient administration. But here we have still another candidate for explanation: isolation which has many faces and may very well have played a significant role in the slow rate of development of technology and production methods, e.g. in the 18th and 19th centuries, as compared to neighbouring countries. These questions will be raised in the paper with due respect to examples from history.
In the Viking Era of ca. 700-1100 the Old Norse, then illiterate, expanded their sphere of explor... more In the Viking Era of ca. 700-1100 the Old Norse, then illiterate, expanded their sphere of exploration, communication and settlement to the East through Russia and to the west to the various coasts of the North Atlantic. For the latter they needed, among other things, specialized skills such as shipbuilding, navigation and general seamanship. These skills were handed down from one generation to another by informal, practical education. Their navigational skills seem to have included methods related to mathematical astronomy. In the example treated here, the mathematics involved is adapted to the knowledge level of a society without literacy, thus replacing written symbols and formulas by a procedure which has been easy to remember and thus suitable for passing through oral channels to new generations. The method could be applied to other cases although examples of such application are unknown to the present author.
Efnisorð: hugtakið nútími, nýöld, erfðafræðin sem dæmi, Mendel, erfðir í búfénaði, vísindi á fyrr... more Efnisorð: hugtakið nútími, nýöld, erfðafræðin sem dæmi, Mendel, erfðir í búfénaði, vísindi á fyrri hluta 20. aldar á Íslandi
Efnisorð: vanákvörðun kenninga, sönnunarhugtakið, það sem best er vitað, fallvelti kenninga, sann... more Efnisorð: vanákvörðun kenninga, sönnunarhugtakið, það sem best er vitað, fallvelti kenninga, sannleikurinn, uppgötvun og uppfinning, Storð og Sunna, lýsandi og vísandi kenningar um vísindi, Kuhn og Popper, reynsluviðið, að gera fyrirbærunum skil, jarðmiðju- og sólmiðjukenning, rakhnífur Ockhams, einfaldleikinn, að skálda ekki tilgátur, sviðshugtakið, val á kenningum, söguskekkjan, almenna afstæðiskenningin, skammtafræðin, sérstaða stærðfræðinnar,
Keywords: The historical context, the sources, coastal navigation, transoceanic traffic, terrestr... more Keywords: The historical context, the sources, coastal navigation, transoceanic traffic, terrestrial navigation, celestial navigation, Oddi's tale and its use, specialized pilots, ships, seaworthiness and speed; the general picture. (An article in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Maritime History).
Efnisorð: Vísindin og furðurnar, vísindin í daglegu lífi, skilningurinn, forvitni eða framfaraþrá... more Efnisorð: Vísindin og furðurnar, vísindin í daglegu lífi, skilningurinn, forvitni eða framfaraþrá, vísindi á tuttugustu öld, sjálfsvitund vísinda, gagnrýni á vísindi, stjórnmálin og stríðin, mengun og vistkreppa, sérhæfingin, vísindi á Íslandi, vísindin og sannleikurinn, er sögunni lokið?
Additional co-author: Þórir Sigurðsson Summary in Icelandic is on p. 109, in English on p. 123.
The Abstract is at the start of the paper. Co-author: A.B. Kraemmer
Að loknum aðfararorðum er rakið í greininni í stuttu máli hvaða heimildir eru okkur helst tiltæka... more Að loknum aðfararorðum er rakið í greininni í stuttu máli hvaða heimildir eru okkur helst tiltækar um efni hennar og hvað hefur áður verið ritað um það. Um meginefni greinarinnar er reynt að halda í aðalatriðum sögulegri röð.
Þekking á efnum raunvísinda birtist í upphafi byggðar meðal annars í aðferðum manna til að halda uppi reglubundnum siglingum yfir úthafið til Íslands og Grænlands, en í þessu var stuðst bæði við huglæga þekkingu (siglingafræði) og við tiltekin áþreifanleg tæki eða áhöld.
Menn þurftu á tímatali að halda til forna, meðal annars til að skipuleggja bústörfin þannig að takmarkaðir landkostir nýttust sem best og til þess að henda reiður á hvenær Alþingi ætti að koma saman. Tímatalsumbót Þorsteins surts kringum 955 virðist hafa verið byggð á sjálfstæðum athugunum íslenskra manna. Umræðan um tímatal í þessari grein nær aðeins til þeirra þátta sem tengjast stjörnufræði, en fjallað er um aðrar hliðar tímatals í grein Árna Björnssonar í þessu bindi.
Stjörnu-Oddi er talinn hafa verið uppi á 12. öld. Eftir hann liggur svokölluð Odda tala, merkileg heimild um gang sólar í þremur köflum sem eru hér ræddir hver um sig og dregnar saman niðurstöður. Í Odda tölu er kristölluð þekking sem hefur trúlega farið víða á Íslandi á ofanverðri tólftu öld og síðar.
Sjálfstæð þekking forfeðra okkar á landafræði hefur verið nokkur og birtist til dæmis í leiðalýsingum frá miðöldum. Í athugunum sem sagt er frá í annálum kemur einnig fram þekking og áhugi á raunvísindalegum efnum. Eftir að ritöld hófst kom bókleg þekking á þessum efnum smám saman í stað sjálfstæðra, innlendra athugana. Annars vegar voru bækur ritaðar hér og hins vegar hafa tilteknar erlendar bækur og hugmyndir verið tiltækar íslenskum höfundum, skrifurum og öðrum samtíðarmönnum þeirra. Þekking á stærðfræði var óháð athugunum hér á landi og fellur undir innflutt bókvit.
Í lokaorðum er þess freistað að draga saman efni greinarinnar í heild.
[A more extensive summary in English will be found at the back of the paper in this edtion].
In the Arctic/Subarctic the diurnal circle of the sun is quite oblique. The solar azimuth thus ro... more In the Arctic/Subarctic the diurnal circle of the sun is quite oblique. The solar azimuth thus roughly measures time. In the Old Norse world the horizon was divided into octants (eyktir) and landmarks were found for each of them (eyktamörk). Day and night were thus divided into eight periods of about 3 hours each. Other means for measuring time during the day seem not to have been present. People might even give the name of the octant or the direction of the sun instead of giving the time of day in a more direct way as we are used to. In the subarctic zone this "azimuth clock" will vary its speed both during the day and during the year. This will be demonstrated in graphs and figures. The use of the azimuth clock and the diurnal solar arc in voyages will also be discussed. (A longer version is in the paper).
An abstract in Icelandic is at the beginning of the paper. Keywords: History of science, George ... more An abstract in Icelandic is at the beginning of the paper.
Keywords: History of science, George Sarton, internalism, Thomas Kuhn, scientific revolutions, Robert Merton, externalism, science history as a part of science and scholarship, the message of science history, science history and general history, pure science and applied science, philosophy of science
Keywords: Icelandic science in previous times, education in engineering, education in natural sci... more Keywords: Icelandic science in previous times, education in engineering, education in natural science, the pioneers of engineering and science, formation of the faculty of engineering and science in 1969, debates on organization, generation shift, University of Iceland
Abstract in Icelandic is on p. 87 (1st page), and in English on p. 97. Keywords: Viking navigati... more Abstract in Icelandic is on p. 87 (1st page), and in English on p. 97.
Keywords: Viking navigation, old-norse calendar, solar motion, Star-Oddi's tale, Þorsteinn surtur, intercalary week (sumarauki), connection to Julian calendar.
A summary is given in English at the end of the paper.
In the modern sense, Old Norse navigators used both software and hardware for their job of steeri... more In the modern sense, Old Norse navigators used both software and hardware for their job of steering their ships over a very difficult ocean. By "software" we mean methods for utilising simply visible signs of nature for finding the way. These signs were partly of terrestrial origin and partly celestial and we correspondingly speak of terrestrial and celestial navigation.
Astronomy is nowadays considered to be an international and non-localised branch of science. Nonetheless, astronomy and navigation in the medieval subarctic show clear signs of a development different from that of the subtropics where mainstream western astronomy grew up. However, the advent of ancient Greek influence in late medieval Western Europe halted the development of “Northern Astronomy”.
By “hardware” we mean instruments or objects which were used as aids in navigation. The Old Norse society had essentially no real or exact instruments to speak of for measuring time or for navigation. A disk of the kind found in an excavation in Greenland (a “ bearing-dial”) would only have been of limited help. There is no clear-cut evidence for a solar stone being used at sea. It could, however, have been used for local timekeeping on land in partly overcast weather. At the time under discussion instruments like the quadrant, the water clock and the astrolabe were indeed already known in some parts of the world, but there is no evidence that they were used then in the north-western corner of Europe.
Timekeeping was quite important in Old Norse navigation and this is manifest in the many itineraries giving details of dead reckoning, for instance the average time length for various stretches. From the various data yielding sailing speeds we conclude that the average effective speeds of Viking ships in regular ocean traffic were of the order of 3-6 knots. For this conclusion we argue for a definite interpretation of the concept “dægur’s sigling” when used in sailing itineraries.
Að undanförnu hefur orðið skýrari ágreiningur og skarpari umræða um íslensk skóla- og menntamál e... more Að undanförnu hefur orðið skýrari ágreiningur og skarpari umræða um íslensk skóla- og menntamál en tíðkast hefur um langan tíma. Þesar deilur eru af ýmsum rótum runnar. Einna ljósastar eru þær sem rekja má beint til hagsmuna einstaklinga, hópa og stétta: Ríkjandi stétt berst auðvitað með öllum ráðum fyrir því að varðveita hugmyndafræðilegt forræði sitt í skólkerfnu sem annars staðar. En sumar ræturnar liggj dýpra en þetta þannig að nauðsynlegt er að rekja sig lengra áður en hagsmunatengslin koma e.t.v. í ljós.
Í þessari grein verður fjallað nokkru nánar um eina af þessum dýpri rótum. Ég ætla að reyna að rekja hér mismunandi viðhorf manna til þekkingarinnar sem slíkrar, hvernig þau hafa þróast á síðari öldum og hvernig þau tengjast samfélagsháttum og valdakerfi.