highestsummoner (original) (raw)

Newcomer with a billion and 23 icons [Sep. 19th, 2007|05:40 pm]Highest Summoner - for fans of Yuna from FFX/X-2
Okay, maaaaaaaaaaaaaybe a billion and 23 is a slight exaggeration. But at least 200!-cough- Anyhoo, I am Emma. My icon here is me from the 12th birthday (last year). I turn 13 on the 3rd of November, I am hyper, annoying, not very good at interactions, funny, creative and really really weird. o_O A friend once told me I reminded her of Rikku. Then I told that friend that another friend had called Rikku a slut. Then the first friend was just like "wtf?"Anyway, I joined this community because I needed somewhere to dump the 102 Yuna icons I made Yuna is a really good character and here we can worship her in peace. :3Anyway: The many, many icons:102: YUNA86: RIKKU19: YUNA/TIDUS7: LENNE5: PAINE3: LULU1: TIDUS**Preview:** ...I have waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time on my hands.-plz don't hotlink.-credit is not neccessary. But comment if you'll take one. Mm'kay?
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Yuna Fanart [Jul. 11th, 2007|06:37 pm]Highest Summoner - for fans of Yuna from FFX/X-2
I have some Yuna fanart to share ^_^**( Under Here!Collapse )**Opinions are love! <3
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Intro and a bit of Yuna rambling [May. 27th, 2007|08:43 am]Highest Summoner - for fans of Yuna from FFX/X-2
[mood |busy] [music Ending Theme - Final Fantasy X]I was replaying the game a few days ago and reminded myself of why Final Fantasy X is my absolute favorite game ever. In this mood, I came onto livejournal and was browsing through the communities. I spotted this one, and I was like "Man! A Yuna community. I've gotta join that." So here I am. I'd just like to say that Yuna is one of my favorite final fantasy females (the other being Aerith). I was enraptured with her the moment I saw her in Besaid (as I'm sure Tidus was). And I'm one of those few people who found that her development from X to X-2 was enjoyable to watch the entire way. There are some spoilers, though, so if anyone hasn't played the whole thing, it might be a bad idea to read the rest of this. :)**( On to more Yuna.Collapse )**Sorry, it's a little long-winded. :) Thank you for allowing me to join.
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you say it's your story, but it's my story too, you know? [Apr. 19th, 2007|02:24 am]Highest Summoner - for fans of Yuna from FFX/X-2
[mood** |thoughtfulthoughtful] [music** ffvii ost]Hello, fellow Yuna fans :) I have something I thought I would share with everyone...so I shall briefly introduce myself...I am not quite sure what all an introduction here should entail...but I will say that I am quite happy so see a community dedicated to Yuna :) She is my favorite character of all the Final Fantasy mythos, for a large number of reasons, many of which are probably shared by other members of this community. As for myself...I am a student at a moderately small (though growing) university in the Tidewater region of Virginia, soon to graduate with a degree in technical theater, and I am fortunate to already have a job in my chosen career as a stage manager...I love learning (especially studying religion, philosophy, myth, and psychology), spend far too much time and money in bookstores, and am completely entranced by the beauty of the natural world...But enough about me...as for what I have to offer...a month or so ago, someone made a post in the community new_shinra87, regarding the good and perfect endings of X-2 (I assume anyone in this community is aware of those endings, but just to be safe...). As I tend to be a very wordy individual, I ended up writing a very lengthy response detailing Yuna's journey and her relationship with Tidus, and due to the length of my response, posted it as a separate entry at my fanstuff journal...there is a link to the original post in my response, but to be spoiler-safe I will not go into much more detail here.Yuna's journey and the end of FFX-2Since I go very deep into Yuna's character, I thought maybe a few people here would be interested in reading a more essay-formated fan response, instead of the usual praises or fan_fiction_ :)new_shinra87 is another really wonderful community...it is mainly for discussing and debating anything FF related, though the community is fairly tight, and a great place to share FF-related fanworks as well...everyone there is just very kind, and opinions are always respected :)
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(no subject) [Apr. 15th, 2007|02:51 pm]Highest Summoner - for fans of Yuna from FFX/X-2
[**mood** |pensivepensive]Hey, Im Sarah and am really happy to have found a Yuna fansite I do really like her character she has a lot of depth about her and Im happy to see a community that is for her =) You said introduce yourself so I'm giving it a go...
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(no subject) [Nov. 8th, 2006|12:10 am]Highest Summoner - for fans of Yuna from FFX/X-2
Promotion for new fantasy community: fantasy_awardsA fantasy based icontest that's newly set up, so it needs all the pimping it can get. The first theme is up and I believe Yuna fits the category. So I'd love it if you guys would join and participate! If you're not a graphic maker, your voting power is still needed! So go check it out! :)
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(no subject) [Oct. 10th, 2006|01:04 pm]Highest Summoner - for fans of Yuna from FFX/X-2
Made some Yuna icons and some other FF characters. Hope you guys like them. :) PREVIEW: The rest is [HERE]
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What an Intro.. [Sep. 13th, 2006|04:58 pm]Highest Summoner - for fans of Yuna from FFX/X-2
[**mood** |soresore]Alright I suppose I will jump on the bandwagon and introduce myself..(yes, this will be awkward). My name is Heather, but my various nicknames include Panda, Hana, Aerith (from teh mod herself..),Chii,Jana, and most recently (because her life and mine are like mirrors..oh teh drama..only I would like to know where my Kiley is T__T) Momo *points to icon*I am 20 years old, a fashionista, and a..well..I loooove Japan. Not only because of the anime or such, but the culture is AMAZING to me..I could study ancient Japanese culture forever. Really. I'm in college (agh) and I have a boyfriend named Ryan (Rya-san) who I have been seeing for over 2 years...Of course I could ramble on about all of that forever..but you are all now asleep. I'm a health nut. I like to stay fit. I like tans..and I have freckles. I love watersports and the ocean. I hate bathing kittens for obvious reasons I should not have to state-but kittens themselves they are a-ok. I am told I act mature for my age and am actually a very thoughtful person who thinks...well I never stop..it's actually quite aggravating sometimes x_x ^ Here is a picture *point* But this stuff is all silly-I got into Yuna because she is an AMAZING character-the moment I picked up FFX (the day it came out >_>) and once I got past the "zomg..graphics..so pretty *___*" her character really stood out to me. So that is why I am a member of this community. ♥ I'll post icons, headers, etc here..because I love to make graphics (ask teh mod x_x quite sad really) and I am done chewing your ear off ♥ if you'd like to friend me, drop me a line and I'll prolly be more than happy to..
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omgz intro post [Sep. 13th, 2006|12:54 am]Highest Summoner - for fans of Yuna from FFX/X-2
[Current Location |Allendale, Michigan] [mood awake] [music The Fray - How to Save a Life]Hi. I'm not Rikku. But let's just say I relate to Rikku as much as daishoukanshi relates to Yuna. And... that's about it! :D For now, anyway. Can't really think straight. But then again, since when could I EVER think straight? I have to ponder that sometime.Yes, I was the one that finally made our dear mod sit down and watch her digitized doppleganger. You can sue me later. :D Okay, don't really. I have no money. :(I'm a college student. And I am broke. And I'm not Al Bhed, I'm black. And this is my intro post. Yep.I... feel like I should say more, but I can't think of much. OH I KNOW! I have candy as my layout! :D Wait, that wasn't pertinent information... uh... well. :D?I'm a fan of Yuna because most honestly, out of Rinoa and Aerith, Yuna was the ONLY one out of those three very similar heroines that didn't make me want to choke on my vomit for some reason or another. It just took Squenix a long time to finally get the whole innocent yet strong main female character thing right. IMO, anyway. SO. I'm going to go to bed. Yes. Sleep is good.*~Sharii~*
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