セオドア・ルーズベルト、1912年の選挙、連邦準備制度の創設 (original) (raw)

というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Theodore Roosevelt, the Election of 1912, and the Founding of the Federal Reserve」で、著者はMatthew S. Jaremski(ユタ州立大)、David C. Wheelock(セントルイス連銀)。

The Federal Reserve Act was the outcome of compromises among competing economic and political interests. Numerous studies examine how the act came together but largely take the makeup of Congress and the Administration as given rather than considering the unique circumstances that led to that political distribution. This paper examines how the election of 1912 changed the makeup of Congress and increased the likelihood of central banking legislation and shaped the act. The decision of Theodore Roosevelt and other Progressives to run as third-party candidates split the Republican Party and enabled Democrats to capture the White House and Congress. We show that the election produced a less polarized Congress and that newly-elected members were more likely to vote for the act. Absent their interparty split, Republicans would likely have held the White House and Congress, and any legislation to establish a central bank almost certainly would have been quite different.

FRBの地区連銀は違憲? - himaginary’s diaryで紹介した研究や連邦準備法 - Wikipediaなどでは1907年恐慌がFRB設立の契機になったとしているが、銀行間ネットワークと金融危機の地域間伝播:1907年恐慌の実証結果 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介したように、今回の論文の著者たちも少し前に1907年恐慌を扱ったNBER論文を上げており、その中で「The Panic of 1907 was the last major banking crisis of the National Banking era. In its wake, Congress established a National Monetary Commission to investigate defects in the U.S. banking system and ultimately enacted the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 to establish a lender of last resort and lessen the banking system’s dependence on the interbank network.」と書いている。