Norimune Kawai | Hiroshima University (original) (raw)

Papers by Norimune Kawai

Research paper thumbnail of 課題対応型エキスパート教員養成プログラムの構築研究 : 学部・大学院・附属の連携を通して

Research paper thumbnail of 「ポスト・コロナの学校教育」の提起する学術知共創の可能性と課題

Research paper thumbnail of Inclusive Education for Foreign Students with Special Needs in Japan : An Approach by the Maximizing Potential in Japan International Academy

Research paper thumbnail of 教育ヴィジョン研究センターの企画・運営戦略に関する研究(2)

Research paper thumbnail of 教育ヴィジョン研究センターの企画・運営戦略に関する研究(1)

Research paper thumbnail of 特別支援学校(聴覚障害)中学部における理科教育上の取り組みについて : 担当教員に対する質問紙調査をとおして

Research paper thumbnail of The measurement of teachers’ attitudes toward inclusive education: An empirical study in East Java, Indonesia

Cogent Education, Jun 26, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of ダウン症児の構音指導-サイン・文字・音声の3種類のプロンプトを用いた/k/の指導効果の検討

Research paper thumbnail of Development of a Questionnaire to Assess Bangladeshi Government Primary School Teachers’ Training Needs for Inclusive Education

Research paper thumbnail of 中学教育 : 研究紀要 49巻

Research paper thumbnail of ダウン症児の構音指導に関する事例研究 : /s/・/dz/ の改善に向けて

Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University. Part 1, Learning and curriculum development, Dec 21, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Changes of Education Policy for Development in Cambodia: from the 1860s to the 1980s

Research paper thumbnail of 特別支援学校(知的障害)高等部進路指導担当教員の専門性向上に関する望ましい研修内容及び研修形態 : 受講者の研修課題及び改善点に関する自由記述の分析から

Research paper thumbnail of 特別支援学校高等部の就労支援における関係機関との連携 : 多機関・多職種連携を困難にする要因の考察から

Research paper thumbnail of 特別支援学校(知的障害)教員の専門性獲得に関する調査研究 : 特別支援学校教諭免許状保有状況に関する調査から

Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University. Part 1, Learning and curriculum development, Dec 21, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Communication Styles of Persons with ALS as Recounted by Surviving Partners

Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Dec 1, 2012

The purpose of this study was to describe the communication patterns of individuals with Amyotrop... more The purpose of this study was to describe the communication patterns of individuals with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) as reported from the surviving spouses' perspectives. Six surviving spouses of people with ALS participated in semi-structured interviews after the deaths of their partners. The interviews were transcribed and coded. Data analysis revealed four primary themes: communication styles, augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) use, decision-making, and lifestyle changes. Spouses described unique changes in communication styles as their partners began to use augmentative communication strategies and devices. AAC devices were described as essential for individuals with ALS with respect to decision making and maintaining social roles. Spouses stated the importance of adapting social activities in order to maintain involvement in the community as well as with family and friends.

Research paper thumbnail of Middle school students’ perceptions of a peer who stutters

Journal of Fluency Disorders, Sep 1, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of The Process of Parenting Children who Stutter

The Japan Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Quality of Life of People With Intellectual Disabilities: Current Trends in Denmark

The Journal of special education research, Feb 28, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of 大学キャンパスを利用した特別支援学級在籍生徒のキャリア教育の実証的研究 : 職業体験実習,就業をめざしたキャリア教育の在り方


Research paper thumbnail of 課題対応型エキスパート教員養成プログラムの構築研究 : 学部・大学院・附属の連携を通して

Research paper thumbnail of 「ポスト・コロナの学校教育」の提起する学術知共創の可能性と課題

Research paper thumbnail of Inclusive Education for Foreign Students with Special Needs in Japan : An Approach by the Maximizing Potential in Japan International Academy

Research paper thumbnail of 教育ヴィジョン研究センターの企画・運営戦略に関する研究(2)

Research paper thumbnail of 教育ヴィジョン研究センターの企画・運営戦略に関する研究(1)

Research paper thumbnail of 特別支援学校(聴覚障害)中学部における理科教育上の取り組みについて : 担当教員に対する質問紙調査をとおして

Research paper thumbnail of The measurement of teachers’ attitudes toward inclusive education: An empirical study in East Java, Indonesia

Cogent Education, Jun 26, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of ダウン症児の構音指導-サイン・文字・音声の3種類のプロンプトを用いた/k/の指導効果の検討

Research paper thumbnail of Development of a Questionnaire to Assess Bangladeshi Government Primary School Teachers’ Training Needs for Inclusive Education

Research paper thumbnail of 中学教育 : 研究紀要 49巻

Research paper thumbnail of ダウン症児の構音指導に関する事例研究 : /s/・/dz/ の改善に向けて

Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University. Part 1, Learning and curriculum development, Dec 21, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Changes of Education Policy for Development in Cambodia: from the 1860s to the 1980s

Research paper thumbnail of 特別支援学校(知的障害)高等部進路指導担当教員の専門性向上に関する望ましい研修内容及び研修形態 : 受講者の研修課題及び改善点に関する自由記述の分析から

Research paper thumbnail of 特別支援学校高等部の就労支援における関係機関との連携 : 多機関・多職種連携を困難にする要因の考察から

Research paper thumbnail of 特別支援学校(知的障害)教員の専門性獲得に関する調査研究 : 特別支援学校教諭免許状保有状況に関する調査から

Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University. Part 1, Learning and curriculum development, Dec 21, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Communication Styles of Persons with ALS as Recounted by Surviving Partners

Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Dec 1, 2012

The purpose of this study was to describe the communication patterns of individuals with Amyotrop... more The purpose of this study was to describe the communication patterns of individuals with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) as reported from the surviving spouses' perspectives. Six surviving spouses of people with ALS participated in semi-structured interviews after the deaths of their partners. The interviews were transcribed and coded. Data analysis revealed four primary themes: communication styles, augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) use, decision-making, and lifestyle changes. Spouses described unique changes in communication styles as their partners began to use augmentative communication strategies and devices. AAC devices were described as essential for individuals with ALS with respect to decision making and maintaining social roles. Spouses stated the importance of adapting social activities in order to maintain involvement in the community as well as with family and friends.

Research paper thumbnail of Middle school students’ perceptions of a peer who stutters

Journal of Fluency Disorders, Sep 1, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of The Process of Parenting Children who Stutter

The Japan Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Quality of Life of People With Intellectual Disabilities: Current Trends in Denmark

The Journal of special education research, Feb 28, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of 大学キャンパスを利用した特別支援学級在籍生徒のキャリア教育の実証的研究 : 職業体験実習,就業をめざしたキャリア教育の在り方


Research paper thumbnail of Master's Thesis: Instructional Programs and Service Delivery for Students with Autism and Intellectual Disabilities in Senegal

This study looked at the instructional practices and support services meant to provide children o... more This study looked at the instructional practices and support services meant to provide children on the autism spectrum and other intellectual disabilities in Senegal with the appropriate education and training that allow them to achieve their full potential and their right to high-quality education. An explanatory sequential mixed method was used, including a survey and a multiple case study to investigate the implemented teaching practices from 22 participants of 5 selected schools in Dakar (three special schools and two inclusive ones), the leading factors underpinning the implementation of such practices, and the effects they have on students’ academic achievement and adaptive behavior.
Using questionnaires and interview guide to collect the data, the researcher found a total of 11 instructional practices encompassed by four widely recognized educational programs (ABA, TEACCH, PECS, and Makaton) and deemed as evidence-based by the literature, were
said to be implemented by the study participants. Such practices, coupled with some support therapy-based services, were said to be a function of four leading factors that make them subject to implementation. On the other hand, the findings revealed that most teachers had a poor and very limited mastery and control of the current autism-specific educational strategies, with regard to the discrepancy between what they theoretically learned from pre-service training and
the practical skills needed for implementation.
On the basis of such results and findings of the study, it can be concluded that many challenges facing the education sector need to be addressed to reach the objective of high-quality education. Therefore, investing on innovative research on the current evidence-based practices is needed to empower education providers to find more effective strategies. Furthermore, an effective collaboration between schools and other professionals, as well as the local communities, is more likely to be among the best practices to achieve a high-quality and inclusive education in Senegalese schools.