hist_kid_cloths - Profile (original) (raw)
This is a place for parents and those who costume children to research and share their re-creations of historical children's clothing. Covering all eras from prehistory to the mid 20th century.
garb_the_child is a good resource for pre 1600 children.
Have a question about when boys were breeched from dresses, or why they wore dresses in the first place? How long your little girl's skirt should be? Looking for patterns or images, or garments to buy?
While the main focus of this group is historic children's clothing, other topics related to children and re-enacting are allowed, including but not limited to:
Period alternatives to the modern baby stroller and diaper bag.
Period toys and games
Maternity and Nursing garments for Mom. (We do ask that any active nursing photos be discreet, clearly labeled as such and given as links in a friends locked post.)
for further explanation of this rule, or to comment, please see this post
We highly suggest that any photos of your children are friends locked. Do not post photos of other people's children! You may post links to other family's websites as they have already made the choice to post their children's photos on the web.
All pictures after the first one must be under a cut. see here to learn how to make an lj cut.
If you make historic clothing for children for sale, you are allowed ONE post, and will then be put into a reference memory. Spamming is not allowed!
We recognize that everyone has differing levels of Authenticity, not to mention limited sewing time with children underfoot, and ask that you remember this when giving and receiving advice.
While the main focus of this group is researching and re-creating, we recognize that sometimes time does not allow sewing to be accomplished and buying is the better option.
We do allow a single post for the resale of outgrown clothing, but all negotiations must take place either in your own journal or otherwise off this community.
This is not the place to argue about parenting techniques, religion or politics.
This is not a snark community! Keep your comments kind, thoughtful and educational.
Always list the communities cross posting to.
We will have a list of tags and memories, before asking a question, please check the tags and memories.
Due to an influx in SPAM only members are allowed to post, and membership is now Moderated. If you start up a new journal just to join this community, you will need to make a public post in your journal so that we can know you are not a spam bot.
Thank you for your patience!