Sema Dinç | Hitit University (original) (raw)
Papers by Sema Dinç
Hitit Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, Jun 30, 2018
Hitit Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, Jun 30, 2018
Eskiyeni, 2022
13th century appears as a period when the theory of music in Islamic civilization was considered ... more 13th century appears as a period when the theory of music in Islamic civilization was considered as one of the Riyādī (ta'limī) sciences based on wisdom and experience, and it was restructured in a comparative way with the works written. Quṭb al-Dīn al-Shīrāzī (d. 1311), who was among the first music theorists of the period, dealt with the science of music with theories and calculations that some of which are still in use today and at the same time he was interested in the practical part of music. His work called Durrat al-taj, in which he includes the views of al-Fārābī, Ibn Sīnā and Urmawī and criticizes their discourses, is in an encyclopedic structure in Persian-Deri dialect, which also including the music section. al-Shīrāzī, who was educated by the important masters of his time like Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī, and also distinguished himself as a teacher and music theorist, is a historical figure who was growed by the Iranian geography and played an important role Bu çalışma, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Çakır danışmanlığında ve Sema Dinç tarafından 22/12/2021'de tamamlanan "Kutbüddîn Şîrâzî'nin Dürretü't-Tâc'ındaki Mûsikî Bölümünün İncelenmesi" başlıklı doktora tezinden yararlanılarak kaleme alınmıştır. This article is extracted from the responsible author's doctorate dissertation entitled "An Analysis of the Music Section in Qutb al-Din al-Shirazi's Durrat al-Tâc", completed on 22/12/2021 under supervision of Prof.
Turk Musikisi Tarihi yazimi, gecmisten gunumuze her donem var olagelmis bir ilmi calisma alani ol... more Turk Musikisi Tarihi yazimi, gecmisten gunumuze her donem var olagelmis bir ilmi calisma alani olmustur. Fakat tarih yaziciligi zor ve karmasik bir surectir. Genel olarak musiki tarihi kitaplarina bakildiginda goze carpan en onemli mesele icerigin yetersizligidir. Bu yetersizlik alana hâkim olmanin ve anlatiminin zorluguyla alakalidir. Dolayisiyla Turk Musikisi’nin Tarihi’nin yazilmasi gereksinimi hâlihazirda hâlâ gerekli olan fakat uzmanlarinca gerceklestirilmesi gereken bir durum olarak belirginlesmektedir. Tanitmaya gayret edecegimiz, Doc. Dr. Mehmet Tirasci tarafindan kaleme alinan “Turk Musikisi Nazariyat Tarihi” adli bu calisma, Turk Musikisi’nin bir kolu olarak ele alinan nazariyat tarihi yaziciligina hizmet edecek bir calisma olmasi bakimindan onem arz eden bir eserdir.
İSTEM, 2020
The Expressions of the Musicians of the 9th Century Abbasid Period House in the Kitâb al-Agânî Th... more The Expressions of the Musicians of the 9th Century Abbasid Period House in the Kitâb al-Agânî The art of music, which has an inherent reality since the first years of Islam, has shown its presence in all areas of life. In the preiod of the Caliphs of Rashid' reign, the boundaries of the Islamic State expanded, new cultures were met with and scientific activities increased in the social life. While the art of music was performed primitively with the first caliphs, it started to evolve towards professionalism with the aforementioned developments. The Music emerged as a branch of art during the Umayyad period, attracted attention by state officials and became a protected. However, with the extensive cultural activities of the Abbasid state, the art of music was included in the classification of sciences and the rules of this art were determined and the theory started to be formed. Music-lover was accepted as a occupation, and music performers were encouraged to develop their art without worrying about living. The art of music, which developed significantly during the Abbasid period, was also attracted by the caliphs of the state and their children. Even though some legal and political obstacles had an effect on the members of the dynasty, their skills in this art did not prevent them from operating in this art. In the context of Kitâb al-Agânî, which is considered one of the most important works from the 9th century to the present day, and using the historical musicology method, in this paper, which will include rumors about the musical life, performance and composition of the first period members of the Abbasid dynasty, twelve music-lovers / composers will be the subject of the house. Also, which is also based on the source scanning method, in this paper, the lyrics, rhythms of their composition and other information about the book will be given.
Journal of Divinity Faculty of Hitit University, 2017
Journal of Divinity Faculty of Hitit University, 2018
Çalışmamızda, İlahiyat Fakülteleri'nde Türk Din Mûsikîsi alanında derse giren kadın öğretim elema... more Çalışmamızda, İlahiyat Fakülteleri'nde Türk Din Mûsikîsi alanında derse giren kadın öğretim elemanlarının öğrencilerin nezdinde dersin seçilmesi cihetindeki rolü başta olmak üzere, bu dersin kadın veya erkek öğretim elemanı tarafından veriliyor olması ile ilgili görüşleri, kadın öğretim elemanının İlahiyat Fakültesi mezunu olup olmamasının Türk Din Mûsikîsi dersinin seçilmesindeki etkisi gibi birtakım konu başlıkları ele alınacaktır. Bu alanda çalışan kadın öğretim elemanı sayısının ülkemizdeki tüm İlahiyat ve İslâmî İlimler Fakülteleri'nde 5 kişiden ibaret olması ve bu öğretim elemanlarından yalnızca 3'ünün derse girebilecek unvana sahip olması, bu çalışmayı yapmamızda önemli bir etken olmuştur. Bu araştırmada, Türk Din Mûsikî Anabilim Dalı'nda bir kadın ve bir erkek öğretim elemanının bulunduğu Hitit Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi'ndeki belli sayıda öğrenci üzerinde bir anket çalışması yapılmış ve bunun sonuçları çalışmamızın konu başlıkları bağlamında değerlendirilmiştir.
Hitit Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, Jun 30, 2018
Hitit Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, Jun 30, 2018
Eskiyeni, 2022
13th century appears as a period when the theory of music in Islamic civilization was considered ... more 13th century appears as a period when the theory of music in Islamic civilization was considered as one of the Riyādī (ta'limī) sciences based on wisdom and experience, and it was restructured in a comparative way with the works written. Quṭb al-Dīn al-Shīrāzī (d. 1311), who was among the first music theorists of the period, dealt with the science of music with theories and calculations that some of which are still in use today and at the same time he was interested in the practical part of music. His work called Durrat al-taj, in which he includes the views of al-Fārābī, Ibn Sīnā and Urmawī and criticizes their discourses, is in an encyclopedic structure in Persian-Deri dialect, which also including the music section. al-Shīrāzī, who was educated by the important masters of his time like Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī, and also distinguished himself as a teacher and music theorist, is a historical figure who was growed by the Iranian geography and played an important role Bu çalışma, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Çakır danışmanlığında ve Sema Dinç tarafından 22/12/2021'de tamamlanan "Kutbüddîn Şîrâzî'nin Dürretü't-Tâc'ındaki Mûsikî Bölümünün İncelenmesi" başlıklı doktora tezinden yararlanılarak kaleme alınmıştır. This article is extracted from the responsible author's doctorate dissertation entitled "An Analysis of the Music Section in Qutb al-Din al-Shirazi's Durrat al-Tâc", completed on 22/12/2021 under supervision of Prof.
Turk Musikisi Tarihi yazimi, gecmisten gunumuze her donem var olagelmis bir ilmi calisma alani ol... more Turk Musikisi Tarihi yazimi, gecmisten gunumuze her donem var olagelmis bir ilmi calisma alani olmustur. Fakat tarih yaziciligi zor ve karmasik bir surectir. Genel olarak musiki tarihi kitaplarina bakildiginda goze carpan en onemli mesele icerigin yetersizligidir. Bu yetersizlik alana hâkim olmanin ve anlatiminin zorluguyla alakalidir. Dolayisiyla Turk Musikisi’nin Tarihi’nin yazilmasi gereksinimi hâlihazirda hâlâ gerekli olan fakat uzmanlarinca gerceklestirilmesi gereken bir durum olarak belirginlesmektedir. Tanitmaya gayret edecegimiz, Doc. Dr. Mehmet Tirasci tarafindan kaleme alinan “Turk Musikisi Nazariyat Tarihi” adli bu calisma, Turk Musikisi’nin bir kolu olarak ele alinan nazariyat tarihi yaziciligina hizmet edecek bir calisma olmasi bakimindan onem arz eden bir eserdir.
İSTEM, 2020
The Expressions of the Musicians of the 9th Century Abbasid Period House in the Kitâb al-Agânî Th... more The Expressions of the Musicians of the 9th Century Abbasid Period House in the Kitâb al-Agânî The art of music, which has an inherent reality since the first years of Islam, has shown its presence in all areas of life. In the preiod of the Caliphs of Rashid' reign, the boundaries of the Islamic State expanded, new cultures were met with and scientific activities increased in the social life. While the art of music was performed primitively with the first caliphs, it started to evolve towards professionalism with the aforementioned developments. The Music emerged as a branch of art during the Umayyad period, attracted attention by state officials and became a protected. However, with the extensive cultural activities of the Abbasid state, the art of music was included in the classification of sciences and the rules of this art were determined and the theory started to be formed. Music-lover was accepted as a occupation, and music performers were encouraged to develop their art without worrying about living. The art of music, which developed significantly during the Abbasid period, was also attracted by the caliphs of the state and their children. Even though some legal and political obstacles had an effect on the members of the dynasty, their skills in this art did not prevent them from operating in this art. In the context of Kitâb al-Agânî, which is considered one of the most important works from the 9th century to the present day, and using the historical musicology method, in this paper, which will include rumors about the musical life, performance and composition of the first period members of the Abbasid dynasty, twelve music-lovers / composers will be the subject of the house. Also, which is also based on the source scanning method, in this paper, the lyrics, rhythms of their composition and other information about the book will be given.
Journal of Divinity Faculty of Hitit University, 2017
Journal of Divinity Faculty of Hitit University, 2018
Çalışmamızda, İlahiyat Fakülteleri'nde Türk Din Mûsikîsi alanında derse giren kadın öğretim elema... more Çalışmamızda, İlahiyat Fakülteleri'nde Türk Din Mûsikîsi alanında derse giren kadın öğretim elemanlarının öğrencilerin nezdinde dersin seçilmesi cihetindeki rolü başta olmak üzere, bu dersin kadın veya erkek öğretim elemanı tarafından veriliyor olması ile ilgili görüşleri, kadın öğretim elemanının İlahiyat Fakültesi mezunu olup olmamasının Türk Din Mûsikîsi dersinin seçilmesindeki etkisi gibi birtakım konu başlıkları ele alınacaktır. Bu alanda çalışan kadın öğretim elemanı sayısının ülkemizdeki tüm İlahiyat ve İslâmî İlimler Fakülteleri'nde 5 kişiden ibaret olması ve bu öğretim elemanlarından yalnızca 3'ünün derse girebilecek unvana sahip olması, bu çalışmayı yapmamızda önemli bir etken olmuştur. Bu araştırmada, Türk Din Mûsikî Anabilim Dalı'nda bir kadın ve bir erkek öğretim elemanının bulunduğu Hitit Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi'ndeki belli sayıda öğrenci üzerinde bir anket çalışması yapılmış ve bunun sonuçları çalışmamızın konu başlıkları bağlamında değerlendirilmiştir.