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Below are the 8 most recent journal entries recorded inClaire Noelle's LiveJournal:

Saturday, May 7th, 2011
_2:38 pm_[janice_b] Reiki Symbols – The Gift of Life Force There are two schools of thought about Reiki symbols. The first says that Reiki symbols are sacred and not to be shared with those who are not initiated into Reiki. It is thought the Reiki symbols will not work, and will be diluted if they are shared with someone who has no knowledge of how to use them. The second school of thought is sharing the Reiki symbols with everyone is really what the energy of Reiki is all about – UNIVERSAL life force. And thus, it should be available to all to share. Seems there is no right or wrong here, just which school of thought you subscribe to, or what your Reiki training has been. There are still some old Reiki masters who will tell you right off the bat that the Reiki symbols are not to be shared with just anyone, as it takes away from the power of them. There may be sense in this argument if you stop to think about the Reiki symbols themselves. They don't mean anything to someone who has no idea what they are or what they can achieve with them. On the other hand, there are so many self-help books on the subject of Reiki and using the Reiki symbols that you might think you can learn how to do Reiki through using a book and teaching yourself.If the books dealing with Reiki symbols are to be believed, you should not only be able to learn the symbols, but attune yourself and become whatever level of practitioner you wish. While this sounds simple, there really is a whole lot more to it than just reading a book. Particularly when you get more advanced in levels.Without getting into too much about the symbols, as in drawing them, we can certainly tell you the names of the symbols used for the lower levels of Reiki energy channeling. If you are just starting, the first level of Reiki requires no symbols to work. It does however need an attunement from the Reiki master who is training you. Level 2 symbols need to be given to you by the Reiki master along with an attunement to the second level. Self-help books indicate you can do attunements yourself. That is still a highly controversial level and a word of caution here. Do energy work with respect and caution. But, back to the Level 2 symbols. There are three of them – the Power symbol, the Mental/Emotional Symbol and the Distance Symbol. The Power symbol means "by Imperial decree, put all the power of the universe here". The Mental/Emotional Symbol means "God and humanity become one, to create a new habit". The Distance Symbol means "May the Buddha (enlightened one) in me connect with the Buddha in you to promote peace and dignity."Current Mood: contemplative (Comment on this)
_7:21 pm_[janice_b] Reiki Symbols – The Gift of Life Force There are two schools of thought about Reiki symbols. The first says that Reiki symbols are sacred and not to be shared with those who are not initiated into Reiki. It is thought the Reiki symbols will not work, and will be diluted if they are shared with someone who has no knowledge of how to use them. The second school of thought is sharing the Reiki symbols with everyone is really what the energy of Reiki is all about – UNIVERSAL life force. And thus, it should be available to all to share. Seems there is no right or wrong here, just which school of thought you subscribe to, or what your Reiki training has been. There are still some old Reiki masters who will tell you right off the bat that the Reiki symbols are not to be shared with just anyone, as it takes away from the power of them. There may be sense in this argument if you stop to think about the Reiki symbols themselves. They don't mean anything to someone who has no idea what they are or what they can achieve with them. On the other hand, there are so many self-help books on the subject of Reiki and using the Reiki symbols that you might think you can learn how to do Reiki through using a book and teaching yourself.If the books dealing with Reiki symbols are to be believed, you should not only be able to learn the symbols, but attune yourself and become whatever level of practitioner you wish. While this sounds simple, there really is a whole lot more to it than just reading a book. Particularly when you get more advanced in levels.Without getting into too much about the symbols, as in drawing them, we can certainly tell you the names of the symbols used for the lower levels of Reiki energy channeling. If you are just starting, the first level of Reiki requires no symbols to work. It does however need an attunement from the Reiki master who is training you. Level 2 symbols need to be given to you by the Reiki master along with an attunement to the second level. Self-help books indicate you can do attunements yourself. That is still a highly controversial level and a word of caution here. Do energy work with respect and caution. But, back to the Level 2 symbols. There are three of them – the Power symbol, the Mental/Emotional Symbol and the Distance Symbol. The Power symbol means "by Imperial decree, put all the power of the universe here". The Mental/Emotional Symbol means "God and humanity become one, to create a new habit". The Distance Symbol means "May the Buddha (enlightened one) in me connect with the Buddha in you to promote peace and dignity."Current Mood: contemplative (Comment on this)
Tuesday, April 5th, 2011
_11:36 pm_[janice_b] The Leading Facts about Reiki Healing If you have the fair interest in knowing Reiki and how it is practiced, the best thing to start with is that of getting familiar with the healing procedure. Reiki imparts the knowledge on how the present life can be lived to the fullest and to let go of all the worries and stress. It is necessary to put away the concerns that bother the mind, the spirit, and the body because it is the only way on how a full life can be enjoyed. Reiki healing employs the force that opens the doors in our lives towards the most unexpected and positive things that can occur. As soon as we allow our hearts, minds, and spirits to open up to the wonders of its healing procedure, we can start to live in harmony with the rest of our brothers and sisters. The Healing and the Healer As per the believers of Reiki, they manifest the techniques as they abide by the Divine consecration and the sacred covenant that they share with the Creator. Others even have the faith that the ability to heal themselves and others by means of using Reiki is innate. The technique is both a therapy and a way of allowing one to live the present day at a given moment. The healing ability is empowered as the person decides to accept his responsibility in getting attuned to it. Apart from acting as a form of treatment, it is also a lifestyle that encourages an individual to do good deeds in their entire lifetime. The Early Beginnings The methods of healing through Reiki is said to have been rooted from the age old Tibet and was actually rediscovered by no less than a Japanese man by the name Mikao Usui in the latter part of the 1800s. When Mikao Usui died, his loyal followers took over the responsibility and continued the practice. They established clubs and alliances which still exist to this day to teach the variations of the Reiki method. The teaching is basically based on the learner's level of spiritual maturity. In the early times, the club was exclusively for the Japanese so the foreigners were never allowed to partake in the course. However, one Japanese woman by the name Hawayo Takata introduced the same teachings in the western world in the 1970s. Nowadays, the knowledge on Reiki is known to all parts of the world. Using Reiki Methodology If there are some people who question the efficacy of Reiki, it is but necessary to believe that it truly works. The person has to be simply open to accept the healing energy which is always around. You don't necessarily have to feel anything during the healing process. If one fails to receive the energy, it means that the process is obstructed by the imbalanced chakras. In order to fully enjoy its effect, it has to be rebalanced. It may take a while but with the help of other Reiki healers, the process of recovery can be made faster. It is but important to do the Reiki healing procedure with all of your heart and mind. Your action has to be driven by your greatest emotion called love. It is by opening yourself up to the whole process that you will only be able to receive its rewarding effect. Good deeds are also going to be returned to you. Current Mood: calm (Comment on this)
Monday, March 28th, 2011
_11:04 pm_[janice_b] The Purpose of Reiki HealingReiki healing has been in continuing practice for several years now. It is recognized to be a great tool that is aimed at personal treatment and growth. Reiki energy is rooted from an optimal spiritual source which never fails to come up with the best results. The healing applies for the spirit, the mind, and the body which has to serve as the guide in an individual's journey called life. Reiki likewise aids in the enhancement of the personal talents. Of course, all of these can only materialize if you prefer to get attuned to this sacred practice. There exists a sacred covenant that has to be maintained and nurtured for always.Learning the Program of Self-HealingFor you to be able to acquire the depth of the knowledge on Reiki's self-healing process, you must develop a sensible time for practice. You need to master different techniques. The way on how you execute it will move you forward near your goal or pull you away from your desired aim. In the course of self-healing, the appropriate technique must be used and thus should be learned by you. If you are qualified enough to do so, you may choose to develop your own healing system which will work to your advantage. If you have your spirit, mind, and heart into Reiki, you will surely succeed.The Allotted Time for Self-HealingThe Reiki system of self-healing is best done by regularly allotting at least 30 minutes to yourself. It is time that you realize how important it is to value yourself and therefore spend some time for your complete healing. You may use either the scanning or hand positions as your technique. Your focus should be on those regions that require healing the most. As the session begins, you will be carefully guided as to where your hands should go and which body part should you touch. You have to feel everything that you are doing. Let the energy flow and feel it vibrating. While the session is going on, ponder on your daily activities and where your life is heading. It is by means of thinking over your practice in life will your quest for self-healing produce a great impact. This is a kind of technique that promotes the development of a healthy attitude. More so, this self-reflection technique will similarly give you more room for the generation of very creative ideas and ways on how it will be best to handle your own troubles.Self-Healing in GroupsAgain, Reiki treatment can be administered to yourself or to others. Hence, you may form a special group with the rest of the Reiki self-healers whom you know and do the session altogether. This practice is a lot more effective because you don't only get to heal yourself but the rest of your group mates as well. A daily practice can do wonders. You will heal each other faster. The complete healing is also sure to materialize. The secret to it is the sharing of energy and support as the group gets on with the session. Being in a group will give you the opportunity to discuss among yourselves the things that you want to get healed with. A once a week meeting will generate a more serious focus and a deeper purpose in each and every one of you. Let the prayers guide you through as you convene in the Reiki healing practice.For more information about Reiki Healing go to http://reikiforhealing.org/ .Current Mood: relaxed (Comment on this)
Tuesday, May 10th, 2005
_6:42 pm_[chiaranatale] Healing Teas Home remedies, essential Oils, tea herbs, or pre-made teas to take (drink in tea) when you have:A cold or flu:Peppermint, yarrow, boneset, elder flower, rose hips (for vitamin C), hawthorn berry (decongestive), eucalyptus (opening), tea tree oil (antibacterial), *vinegar (reduces fever)Sore Throat/Laryngitis:Marshmallow root, mullein, licorice root, blue malva flowersFatigue:Asian ginseng root (both red and white), Chinese licorice root, Chinese red jujube date Insomnia:Valerian, passionflower, skullcapIrritated nerves:oat straw, linden flower, lemon balm, roman chamomile, passionflower, rosemary, lavender, geranium (for PMS), biancopsino, melissaLow immune system:Horsetail, alfalfa, nettle, red clover, red raspberry, licorice, orange peel, anise seed, echinacea root, hyssop, peppermint leaf, thyme, rose hipsConstipation:senna leaves, buckthorn bark, anise seed, fennel seed, licorice rootTrouble digesting:peppermint leaf, fennel seed, anise seed, roman chamomile, ginger root, cardamom, grated fresh gingerFeel free to add to these!!! Current Mood: curious (2 Comments |Comment on this)
_6:39 pm_[chiaranatale] Reiki Here's what I understand about Reiki. Please correct me if you find any information inaccurate. Also, does anyone know what physical associations match with the 7th chakra?Reiki is a healing technique performed by laying ones hands for minutes at a time over the chakras. The chakras are energy fields that can be balanced by creating circulation that goes through one person through another and back to the first. It is beneficial for both the subject and the practitioner. the 7 chakras correspond to different glands in the body, from which hormones are produced:1. Sex glands, located above the genitals2. Endocrine glands, below the navel3. Adrenal glands, solar plexus4. Thymus gland, the chest area5. Thyroid gland, neck area6. Pituitary gland, the third eye, between the eyes7. Pineal gland, at the top of the headChakras Emotional associations1. Survival, security, safety2. Sexuality, self esteem, need to control, holding or letting emotions go3. Calm, connecting, long term relationships, love of home and family, sympathy, mood4. Self, light, love, human/divine, healing, miracles5. Awareness of mental body detachment, awareness of internal worlds, expression of emotions6. Clairvoyancy, telepathy, heal through mental projection, create new realities, unconditional joy, paranormal knowing7. Merging of personal with universal fields, merging feminine and masculine principles, eternal presence, cosmic consciousness, enlightenmentChakras Physical associations1. Excretion, digestion, small intestines, colon, kidneys, reproduction, hips, legs, lower back, uterus2. Ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, pelvis, lumbar spine, detoxifying, kidneys, bladder, large intestine, insulin, liver, pancreas, spleen3. Sympathy, nervous system, muscles, heart beat, digestion, ciruclation4. Immunity, lungs, heart, circulation, shoulders, upper back5. Nervous system, metabolism, muscular control, body heat production6. Eyes, face, brain, lymphs7. ??? Current Mood: excited (1 Comment |Comment on this)
_5:49 pm_[chiaranatale] natural foods For my first topic, I'd like to start with what I see as the primary healing technique I want to use: eating a natural foods diet. I do not want to lose weight, but I want to get all of the most nutritious foods into my body. Every body has to eat, but few people seem to think about what they are putting into their body. Many westerners simply want to fill up their empty stomach. They may see eating as a thing to enjoy, and find themselves eating sugary or artificially flavored foods to satisfy this desire. However, I have found that once you detoxify your body of these things, and replace them with fresh vegetables and whole grains, the body starts craving these instead.I have begun gradually adding more and more greens to my diet. I have been learning from http://www.holisticmed.com/food.html#twelve that a diet primarily based on cooked green leafy vegetables allows your body to heal itself most effectively. Do any of you have different techniques of getting in the most nutrition for this same purpose? Below is the list of foods I wrote out that are helpful for people who either need to heal themselves and/or need to aid their digestion:Healing Foods For ClaireVegetables (Cooked is better, as hot meals aid digestion)(Fresh, prepared within 24 hours of purchase if possible)LegumesBlack beans Garbanzo beans (hummus) Mung beansSea VegetablesKelp (soothes mucus membranes)Greens/Leafy veggiesKale (harder to digest, work your way up) Chard Bok Choy Collard greens Beet greens Mustard greens Turnip greensDandelion and Jerusalem artichokes (feeds probiotics)Broccoli (high in calcium)WatercressCarrotsCucumbersOnionsMushroomsParnsnipsRutabagasRoot Vegetables (eat in winter) Nightshade Family (not more than once or twice a week, should not be eaten by arthritics)· Tomatoes· Eggplant· Bell peppers· PotatoesMake lots of vegetable stews Oils (Focus on unrefined, essential fatty acid oils)Virgin olive oil Soybean oil Safflower oil Sesame oil Hemp seed oil Flax seed oil Ghee (clarified butter) Nuts/Seeds (grate and sprinkle on salads, meats, noodles, rice)Sunflower Sesame Sweetenerso Honeyo Maple syrupo Rice syrupo Barley malto Stevia Salto Sea salto Tamari Eggs (make omelets with lots of leafy veggies) MilkGoat milk Rice milk (easiest to digest--Cow milk is hardest to digest) Soy milk Fermented foods (Probiotics, help with digestion, add flora to your intestines)Yogurt: plain, homogenized, non-pasteurized Pickles Sauerkraut Kimchee Kefir Wine (organic grapes) Miso soup (non-pasteurized, naturally aged)(eat several times a week) Light (easier to digest)o Dark (winter) Grains/Carbs· Soba noodles· Udon noodles· Partially processed brown/white rice (until used to brown rice)· Rice n Shine cereal· Whole wheat bread· Buckwheat· Barley Meats (Cook with grated ginger, lemon juice, and parsley; always eat with green, leafy veggies)FishOrganic wild salmon Mackerel Herring FowlOrganic chicken and turkey Soy ProteinTofu Tempeh Fruits (only at snacks, always separate from meals, as fruits cool down and paralyze the digestion process)Organic anything that’s in season Lemons, limes, tangerines, oranges Apples Pears, plums, peaches Melons BeveragesSpring water (has more minerals than filtered water)(ideally from glass bottles)(non-chlorinated or fluoridated)Boiled tap waterSpecial water filter: combination carbon filter/reverse osmosis filterVegetable Broth (drink when eating cold meals)TeasDandelion Licorice (small amounts) Tea tree (antibacterial) Chamomile (calming and digestive) Eucalyptus (opening) Geranium (PMS) Peppermint (with fresh ginger) (digestive) Cardamom (digestive) Rosemary (calming) Lavender (calming) Rose hips (Vitamin C)(make sure it is not just in a rose-hip base) Hawthorn berry (anti-congestion)Vegetable broth, All-Natural Vegetable Broth (0r homemade) SupplementsVitamin B (with antibiotics, nerves, immune system, digestive problems Green Radiance (contains astragalus, echinacea, milk thistle, green tea)(designed for weak digestion) Vitamin C Complex (for immune problems due to chronic illness and steroids) Stomach Chi (herbal formula) Restaurants where I can find similar foods:Indian Thai Korean Japanese African--Moroccan. . .Vietnamese Greek *1 day a week eat things I miss (pasta, cheddar, manchego, mozzarella, ciabatta bread)Yoga Poses for Digestion:Jathara Parivartanasana Marichysana Fire Wash Horse Mudra Current Mood: hungry (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Saturday, April 2nd, 2005
_2:16 pm_[chiaranatale] Welcome to Healing Fellowship Hey Yall,I am excited to get this started. You can go ahead and post any questions you have for the community, and also, I'm going to try to think of some conversation topics.Juliairene, let me know if I forgot anything that moderators are supposed to do. I want to learn all I can!I have decided to allow non-member posting. Since anyone can join, we may as well make it easier for people. Take my advice:If you read anything from a non-member that seems really out of line, please do not react too quickly. Be careful with your words, and try to be as loving as possible. It’s important to love our “enemies,” as we need to pray for them. They may be lost people with lots of bitterness and unhappiness in their lives. Feel sorry for them instead of attacking them. Also, try not to be judgmental. We have no idea how other people live their lives each day. Only God/Jesus/Holy Spirit, and maybe guardian angels can follow us and feel every feeling we experience.Take care and thanks so much for joining.With love and Christ,Claire Noelle Current Mood: ecstatic (Comment on this)