Lucia Ducci | College of the Holy Cross (original) (raw)
Books by Lucia Ducci
The broad diplomatic production of George P. Marsh, the first US ambassador to the Reign of Italy... more The broad diplomatic production of George P. Marsh, the first US ambassador to the Reign of Italy, contains much more than the records of Italo-American relations. From 1864 Marsh reported to the Secretary of State in Washington DC and to some personal friends a detailed and constantly updated description of the political, social, economic and cultural situation in the peninsula. George P. Marsh was born in Woodstock, Vermont in 1801 and despite his weak health, he started soon to study on his own in his father’s library in Burlington. At the age of 20, he was fluent in more than 20 foreign languages, very acquainted with different literatures and origins of languages and dialects. He is today considered America’s first environmentalist thanks to the publication in 1864 of his book Man and Nature, later revised as The Earth as Modified by Human Action. He didn’t make any discoveries, but lasting contributions. He applied science to life, not with the disinterested precision of a scientist, but with the aims and methods of a humanist.
After 1861 he represented the United States at the Court of Savoy, in the critical years in which Italy was built, and the United States reshaped along modern lines. From his perspective, he described prominent Italian contemporaries and their relations with the United States and his opinion could not be ignored by the Department of State. The hero of the Marsh reports was Giuseppe Garibaldi; the “devil”, Napoleon III. His luminous exposition, with a clear and fresh language, revealed many aspects of his historical times and of the images of Italy, which were frequently corroborated by the diaries of American tourists and writers doing their “Grand Tour”: far from being a modern country, Italy appeared a wonderful destination for traveling, the land of Dante, Machiavelli, Petrarca.
The volume collects the letters Marsh wrote from Florence between 1865 and 1871, when the Tuscan city was the capital of Italy. As such, this edition of Marsh's official and personal correspondence is a key resource for anyone interested both in the study of U.S.-Italian relations in the early post-unification years and in an understanding of Italy's coeval perception by prominent foreigners who visited the country in that period.
Il volume ricostruisce i rapporti fra l'Italia e gli Stati Uniti dagli anni del Risorgimento alle... more Il volume ricostruisce i rapporti fra l'Italia e gli Stati Uniti dagli anni del Risorgimento alle ripercussioni degli attentati dell'11 settembre 2001, con particolare attenzione alla dimensione politico-istituzionale ma senza trascurare aspetti come i flussi migratori e la diplomazia culturale. Evidenzia come, partendo da una situazione di sostanziale indifferenza, le relazioni si siano poi intensificate dal primo conflitto mondiale, fino a quando, con la Guerra fredda, il governo italiano ha reso gli Stati Uniti l'interlocutore privilegiato, in parte abdicando alla sua sovranità e assoggettando la propria politica estera agli orientamenti americani, per perseguire una ricerca di status internazionale che ha continuato a fare affidamento su Washington anche dopo la fine del conflitto tra i blocchi.
Papers by Lucia Ducci
... Order, Thomas, Listening to Fellini: Music and Meaning in Black and White (2008) Billiani, Fr... more ... Order, Thomas, Listening to Fellini: Music and Meaning in Black and White (2008) Billiani, Francesca, and Gigliola Sulis, The Italian ... Unlike Emilio Visconti Venosta, then foreign affairs minister in Minghetti's government, Marsh felt that the Convention of Septem-ber represented ...
Quaderni del Circolo Rosselli, 2020
TILCA Teaching Italian Language and Culture Annual Special Issue • Fall 2018 • ISSN 2372-8086, 2018
The importance of motivation and consciousness in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) enhances the ... more The importance of motivation and consciousness in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) enhances the inclusion of extra-curricular activities in the classroom, as was discussed at the Conference "Italian Language and Culture: Innovation in Italian Programs and Pedagogy" held at Georgetown University in October 2017. In this paper I will pursue a link between Dörnyei's research (Dörnyei, 2011) on motivational teaching methods, Robinson's work on consciousness and implicit learning (Robinson, 1996) and my experimental pedagogy in the classroom. As an Italian teacher, I offer school-based yoga classes and mindfulness sessions in my native idiom to college students. The results I have collected over the last 3 years have encouraged me to more fully investigate the connection between physical/mental engagement/relaxation. These activities noticeably facilitate the acquisition of new vocabulary and grammar structures for students, while nurturing their desire to expand the knowledge of Italian and the ability to express their own identity. Studies have proved, indeed, that immersing the learners in practical exercises such as acting, watching movies, cooking or singing may help them gain confidence and motivation while mastering or better retaining the L2 (Marini-Maio, 2008), (Borra, 2007).
In ogni occasione, quando qualche cosa ti trasporta al dolore, ricordati che devi dar uso di ques... more In ogni occasione, quando qualche cosa ti trasporta al dolore, ricordati che devi dar uso di questa verità: ben lungi dall'essere questa una sventura, è fortuna grande il saperla portare generosamente. 1 N egli ultimi anni sono stati pubblicati vari studi sui rapporti diplomatici e culturali tra l'Italia e gli Stati Uniti nella seconda metà del XIX secolo, oltre a numerose ricerche sull'influenza che le rivolu zioni risorgimentali italiane esercitarono sulla guerra civile americana. 2 Il contributo alla causa nazionaleitalianaapportatodacoloroche,perragionipolitiche,avevano intrapreso, volontariamente o meno, la strada dell'esilio in nord America, invece,risultaatutt'oggisoloparzialmenteesplorato. 3 Nonostante la di stanza geografica, infatti, gli italiani in esilio parteciparono tanto attiva menteallalottaperlaliberazionedaldominioaustriacoedall'interferenza francese in Italia quanto i protagonisti delle vicende risorgimentali rimasti in patria, e dettero il via a un vero e proprio Risorgimento fuori d'Italia. 4
"I first knew Florence early enough, I am happy to say, to have heard the change for the worse" H... more "I first knew Florence early enough, I am happy to say, to have heard the change for the worse" Henry James, Italian Hours, 1909 La presenza di viaggiatori e residenti inglesi e statunitensi nella città di Firenze è testimoniata da una ricca letteratura di viaggio e dalla pubblicistica già da prima dell'unificazione nazionale italiana 1 . Oltre all'interesse per l'arte, erano state proprio le vicende risorgimentali ad aver richiamato intellettuali, agenti consolari e corrispondenti di testate straniere ad osservare le spinte ideali e i moti di indipendenza che attraversavano una delle aree politicamente più avanzate della penisola 2 . Mossi da interessi talvolta culturali e politici, giornalisti come Margaret Fuller 3 , avevano trovato rifugio nella capitale del Granducato dopo il crollo della repubblica romana del 1848, 1 Per una ricognizione generale del passaggio degli anglo-americani in Italia, cfr. G. Spini, Risorgimento e Protestanti, Claudiana, Torino 1998; Il viaggio e i viaggiatori in età moderna, A. Brilli, E. Federici (a cura di), Pendragon, Bologna 2009; Storia del turismo, annale 2005, A. Berrino (a cura di), vol. 6, Istituto per la storia del Risorgimento, Franco Angeli, Milano 2007; M. I. Palazzolo, I salotti di cultura nell'Italia dell'Ottocento, Franco Angeli, Milano 1985; M. T. Mori, Salotti, la sociabilità delle élite nell'Italia dell'Ottocento, Carocci, Roma 2000; J. Pemble, La passione del sud. Viaggi mediterranei nell'Ottocento, G. Prezzolini, Come gli americani scoprirono l'Italia, Fratelli Treves, Milano 1933. Per quanto riguarda la memorialistica, cfr. M. Fuller, These sad but glorious days, e, per una ricerca più approfondita sui racconti di viaggio, cfr. il Fondo Fiammetta Olschki, Gabinetto Vieusseux, Firenze. Ci sono, inoltre, una serie di sonetti ispirati alla città di Firenze, come Casa Guidi Windows (1848) e A Child's Grave at Florence (1849) di E. Barrett Browing; San Miniato (1881) e By the Arno (1876) di O. Wilde. 2 M. Pacini, Viaggiatori-lettori a Firenze prima e dopo l'Unità, in «Antologia Vieusseux», a. XVII, n. 49-50, gennaio-agosto 2011, pp. 59-84. 3 Margaret Fuller Ossoli (1810-1850). Scrittrice, inviata del «New York Tribune» e ispiratrice dei movimenti femministi in America. Oltre a inviare gli aggiornamenti sulla situazione italiana, prima da Roma e in seguito da Firenze, trattò approfonditamente il tema dell'identità dei valori nazionali. Morì durante un viaggio di ritorno negli Stati Uniti.
Conference Presentations by Lucia Ducci
Descrizione: I contatti fra culture producono arricchimento reciproco e sono la base per nuove av... more Descrizione: I contatti fra culture producono arricchimento reciproco e sono la base per nuove avventure culturali. Nel laboratorio verranno affrontati alcuni temi centrali della pedagogia linguistica interculturale. I contenuti della lezione interattiva saranno veri e propri "ingredienti" della vita: ambiente, cucina, musica, poesia, fiaba, arte... E come medium la lingua italiana!Il workshop è particolarmente indicato per gli insegnanti e i mediatori linguistici e culturali che operano nella gestione del contatto tra lingue e culture, specialmente con i figli di migranti. Costo: € 50 Iscrizione: contattare Simone Casini ( 9:00 -13:30, AULA 3 #2 WORKSHOP 2 -L"INSEGNAMENTO DEL LESSICO AND DELLA GRAMMATICA CON LA LUDOLINGUISTICA Coordinatore: Prof. Anthony MOLLICA, Brock University / University of Toronto Missisauga
Drafts by Lucia Ducci
Invitation to submit an abstract for a prospective edited collection of biographical essays on te... more Invitation to submit an abstract for a prospective edited collection of biographical essays on teachers of Italian language and literature in the United States during the 19 th century. The 19 th century witnessed a constant growth of the interest in Italian language, literature, and culture in the United States, thanks to the dedication of Italian scholars, such as, among others. The teaching of these subjects in colleges and in universities by expatriates who worked as college and university professors as well as private tutors not only contributed to disseminating Italian civilization within the U.S. cultural elite, but also helped strengthen the relations between Italy and the United States, eventually increasing the political support for the independence and unification of the peninsula. For some of these teachers offering Italian classes was only a means to make a living once they landed in the United States, but all of them had to overcome the hardships of being in a foreign country and the prejudices towards an idiom that was considered less important than French and Spanish. The Italian teachers were able to confer linguistic dignity to the Italian language and literature, to make the Italian culture a sign of refinement in the eyes of the upper classes, to stimulate appreciation for Italian art, history, and music. Nineteenth-century Italian teachers in the United States were the subject of pioneering research by Howard R. Marraro, Joseph G. Fucilla, and Francesco Cordasco. This edited volume intends to deepen the latter's early findings and to cast new light on those personalities against the backdrop of subsequent scholarly developments such as, for instance, the transnational turn in migration studies. We welcome English-language and thought-provoking biographical essays about single Italian immigrants who taught Italian language and literature in the United States during the 19 th century. Please submit an abstract of 250-300 words and your CV to by March 31 st. Please also note that this is a final date. Authors may expect to be advised of their acceptance or otherwise by April 28 th. The volume will edited by Lucia Ducci and Stefano Luconi and it will be published by Vernon Press.
The broad diplomatic production of George P. Marsh, the first US ambassador to the Reign of Italy... more The broad diplomatic production of George P. Marsh, the first US ambassador to the Reign of Italy, contains much more than the records of Italo-American relations. From 1864 Marsh reported to the Secretary of State in Washington DC and to some personal friends a detailed and constantly updated description of the political, social, economic and cultural situation in the peninsula. George P. Marsh was born in Woodstock, Vermont in 1801 and despite his weak health, he started soon to study on his own in his father’s library in Burlington. At the age of 20, he was fluent in more than 20 foreign languages, very acquainted with different literatures and origins of languages and dialects. He is today considered America’s first environmentalist thanks to the publication in 1864 of his book Man and Nature, later revised as The Earth as Modified by Human Action. He didn’t make any discoveries, but lasting contributions. He applied science to life, not with the disinterested precision of a scientist, but with the aims and methods of a humanist.
After 1861 he represented the United States at the Court of Savoy, in the critical years in which Italy was built, and the United States reshaped along modern lines. From his perspective, he described prominent Italian contemporaries and their relations with the United States and his opinion could not be ignored by the Department of State. The hero of the Marsh reports was Giuseppe Garibaldi; the “devil”, Napoleon III. His luminous exposition, with a clear and fresh language, revealed many aspects of his historical times and of the images of Italy, which were frequently corroborated by the diaries of American tourists and writers doing their “Grand Tour”: far from being a modern country, Italy appeared a wonderful destination for traveling, the land of Dante, Machiavelli, Petrarca.
The volume collects the letters Marsh wrote from Florence between 1865 and 1871, when the Tuscan city was the capital of Italy. As such, this edition of Marsh's official and personal correspondence is a key resource for anyone interested both in the study of U.S.-Italian relations in the early post-unification years and in an understanding of Italy's coeval perception by prominent foreigners who visited the country in that period.
Il volume ricostruisce i rapporti fra l'Italia e gli Stati Uniti dagli anni del Risorgimento alle... more Il volume ricostruisce i rapporti fra l'Italia e gli Stati Uniti dagli anni del Risorgimento alle ripercussioni degli attentati dell'11 settembre 2001, con particolare attenzione alla dimensione politico-istituzionale ma senza trascurare aspetti come i flussi migratori e la diplomazia culturale. Evidenzia come, partendo da una situazione di sostanziale indifferenza, le relazioni si siano poi intensificate dal primo conflitto mondiale, fino a quando, con la Guerra fredda, il governo italiano ha reso gli Stati Uniti l'interlocutore privilegiato, in parte abdicando alla sua sovranità e assoggettando la propria politica estera agli orientamenti americani, per perseguire una ricerca di status internazionale che ha continuato a fare affidamento su Washington anche dopo la fine del conflitto tra i blocchi.
... Order, Thomas, Listening to Fellini: Music and Meaning in Black and White (2008) Billiani, Fr... more ... Order, Thomas, Listening to Fellini: Music and Meaning in Black and White (2008) Billiani, Francesca, and Gigliola Sulis, The Italian ... Unlike Emilio Visconti Venosta, then foreign affairs minister in Minghetti's government, Marsh felt that the Convention of Septem-ber represented ...
Quaderni del Circolo Rosselli, 2020
TILCA Teaching Italian Language and Culture Annual Special Issue • Fall 2018 • ISSN 2372-8086, 2018
The importance of motivation and consciousness in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) enhances the ... more The importance of motivation and consciousness in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) enhances the inclusion of extra-curricular activities in the classroom, as was discussed at the Conference "Italian Language and Culture: Innovation in Italian Programs and Pedagogy" held at Georgetown University in October 2017. In this paper I will pursue a link between Dörnyei's research (Dörnyei, 2011) on motivational teaching methods, Robinson's work on consciousness and implicit learning (Robinson, 1996) and my experimental pedagogy in the classroom. As an Italian teacher, I offer school-based yoga classes and mindfulness sessions in my native idiom to college students. The results I have collected over the last 3 years have encouraged me to more fully investigate the connection between physical/mental engagement/relaxation. These activities noticeably facilitate the acquisition of new vocabulary and grammar structures for students, while nurturing their desire to expand the knowledge of Italian and the ability to express their own identity. Studies have proved, indeed, that immersing the learners in practical exercises such as acting, watching movies, cooking or singing may help them gain confidence and motivation while mastering or better retaining the L2 (Marini-Maio, 2008), (Borra, 2007).
In ogni occasione, quando qualche cosa ti trasporta al dolore, ricordati che devi dar uso di ques... more In ogni occasione, quando qualche cosa ti trasporta al dolore, ricordati che devi dar uso di questa verità: ben lungi dall'essere questa una sventura, è fortuna grande il saperla portare generosamente. 1 N egli ultimi anni sono stati pubblicati vari studi sui rapporti diplomatici e culturali tra l'Italia e gli Stati Uniti nella seconda metà del XIX secolo, oltre a numerose ricerche sull'influenza che le rivolu zioni risorgimentali italiane esercitarono sulla guerra civile americana. 2 Il contributo alla causa nazionaleitalianaapportatodacoloroche,perragionipolitiche,avevano intrapreso, volontariamente o meno, la strada dell'esilio in nord America, invece,risultaatutt'oggisoloparzialmenteesplorato. 3 Nonostante la di stanza geografica, infatti, gli italiani in esilio parteciparono tanto attiva menteallalottaperlaliberazionedaldominioaustriacoedall'interferenza francese in Italia quanto i protagonisti delle vicende risorgimentali rimasti in patria, e dettero il via a un vero e proprio Risorgimento fuori d'Italia. 4
"I first knew Florence early enough, I am happy to say, to have heard the change for the worse" H... more "I first knew Florence early enough, I am happy to say, to have heard the change for the worse" Henry James, Italian Hours, 1909 La presenza di viaggiatori e residenti inglesi e statunitensi nella città di Firenze è testimoniata da una ricca letteratura di viaggio e dalla pubblicistica già da prima dell'unificazione nazionale italiana 1 . Oltre all'interesse per l'arte, erano state proprio le vicende risorgimentali ad aver richiamato intellettuali, agenti consolari e corrispondenti di testate straniere ad osservare le spinte ideali e i moti di indipendenza che attraversavano una delle aree politicamente più avanzate della penisola 2 . Mossi da interessi talvolta culturali e politici, giornalisti come Margaret Fuller 3 , avevano trovato rifugio nella capitale del Granducato dopo il crollo della repubblica romana del 1848, 1 Per una ricognizione generale del passaggio degli anglo-americani in Italia, cfr. G. Spini, Risorgimento e Protestanti, Claudiana, Torino 1998; Il viaggio e i viaggiatori in età moderna, A. Brilli, E. Federici (a cura di), Pendragon, Bologna 2009; Storia del turismo, annale 2005, A. Berrino (a cura di), vol. 6, Istituto per la storia del Risorgimento, Franco Angeli, Milano 2007; M. I. Palazzolo, I salotti di cultura nell'Italia dell'Ottocento, Franco Angeli, Milano 1985; M. T. Mori, Salotti, la sociabilità delle élite nell'Italia dell'Ottocento, Carocci, Roma 2000; J. Pemble, La passione del sud. Viaggi mediterranei nell'Ottocento, G. Prezzolini, Come gli americani scoprirono l'Italia, Fratelli Treves, Milano 1933. Per quanto riguarda la memorialistica, cfr. M. Fuller, These sad but glorious days, e, per una ricerca più approfondita sui racconti di viaggio, cfr. il Fondo Fiammetta Olschki, Gabinetto Vieusseux, Firenze. Ci sono, inoltre, una serie di sonetti ispirati alla città di Firenze, come Casa Guidi Windows (1848) e A Child's Grave at Florence (1849) di E. Barrett Browing; San Miniato (1881) e By the Arno (1876) di O. Wilde. 2 M. Pacini, Viaggiatori-lettori a Firenze prima e dopo l'Unità, in «Antologia Vieusseux», a. XVII, n. 49-50, gennaio-agosto 2011, pp. 59-84. 3 Margaret Fuller Ossoli (1810-1850). Scrittrice, inviata del «New York Tribune» e ispiratrice dei movimenti femministi in America. Oltre a inviare gli aggiornamenti sulla situazione italiana, prima da Roma e in seguito da Firenze, trattò approfonditamente il tema dell'identità dei valori nazionali. Morì durante un viaggio di ritorno negli Stati Uniti.
Descrizione: I contatti fra culture producono arricchimento reciproco e sono la base per nuove av... more Descrizione: I contatti fra culture producono arricchimento reciproco e sono la base per nuove avventure culturali. Nel laboratorio verranno affrontati alcuni temi centrali della pedagogia linguistica interculturale. I contenuti della lezione interattiva saranno veri e propri "ingredienti" della vita: ambiente, cucina, musica, poesia, fiaba, arte... E come medium la lingua italiana!Il workshop è particolarmente indicato per gli insegnanti e i mediatori linguistici e culturali che operano nella gestione del contatto tra lingue e culture, specialmente con i figli di migranti. Costo: € 50 Iscrizione: contattare Simone Casini ( 9:00 -13:30, AULA 3 #2 WORKSHOP 2 -L"INSEGNAMENTO DEL LESSICO AND DELLA GRAMMATICA CON LA LUDOLINGUISTICA Coordinatore: Prof. Anthony MOLLICA, Brock University / University of Toronto Missisauga
Invitation to submit an abstract for a prospective edited collection of biographical essays on te... more Invitation to submit an abstract for a prospective edited collection of biographical essays on teachers of Italian language and literature in the United States during the 19 th century. The 19 th century witnessed a constant growth of the interest in Italian language, literature, and culture in the United States, thanks to the dedication of Italian scholars, such as, among others. The teaching of these subjects in colleges and in universities by expatriates who worked as college and university professors as well as private tutors not only contributed to disseminating Italian civilization within the U.S. cultural elite, but also helped strengthen the relations between Italy and the United States, eventually increasing the political support for the independence and unification of the peninsula. For some of these teachers offering Italian classes was only a means to make a living once they landed in the United States, but all of them had to overcome the hardships of being in a foreign country and the prejudices towards an idiom that was considered less important than French and Spanish. The Italian teachers were able to confer linguistic dignity to the Italian language and literature, to make the Italian culture a sign of refinement in the eyes of the upper classes, to stimulate appreciation for Italian art, history, and music. Nineteenth-century Italian teachers in the United States were the subject of pioneering research by Howard R. Marraro, Joseph G. Fucilla, and Francesco Cordasco. This edited volume intends to deepen the latter's early findings and to cast new light on those personalities against the backdrop of subsequent scholarly developments such as, for instance, the transnational turn in migration studies. We welcome English-language and thought-provoking biographical essays about single Italian immigrants who taught Italian language and literature in the United States during the 19 th century. Please submit an abstract of 250-300 words and your CV to by March 31 st. Please also note that this is a final date. Authors may expect to be advised of their acceptance or otherwise by April 28 th. The volume will edited by Lucia Ducci and Stefano Luconi and it will be published by Vernon Press.