Hordie Culture (original) (raw)

Hey there new LJ user, long, long (long!) time WoW player here... Just going through what the sites suggesting and joining some communites, so apologies if I've stumbled somewhere I have't.

I'm everybodies favourite Troll from Defias Brotherhood EU (RpPvP)... I play Warlock, Death Knight and above all WARRIOR! and that's my question for your guys at the minutes.

I've broken my long time habit of PvE and decided to jump back into the arena for the first time since season 2! I was wondering if anybodies got any tips for a budding PvP Arms Warrior, especially when it comes to 3v3 (I'm running WLD if it helps).

On a similar note, I've been a PvE Freak for so long I'm pretty much encyclopedic when it comes to that aspect of the game, feel free to shoot any questions at me, the only thing I can't help you with is healing, since I've never done it myself!

Back on topic... Yeah, Warriors, BLADESTORM!!!

Thanks in advance, fellow horde.

26 February 2010 @ 02:44 pm

Yay for Horde!

I play on Thrall <3 Although lately it seems to have more hiccups than a newborn baby. I love the ppl on it (for the most part) & my guild is UHHH-MAZING!

I have an 80 Arcane Mage, 80 Unholy DK, and a Holy Priest that is leveling fast (64 atm) ...

Question: Recently on Thrall everyone is obsessed with GearScore. Is all realms the same or do you use a different gear rating system or just go by DPS?

Current Mood: calmcalm

27 February 2009 @ 01:27 pm

First off, I would like to apologize if this has already been posted. If so, the mod is free to delete the entry.

Anyways, for all you WoW heads out there I came across a post in the suggestions forum and thought it was a great idea. The post is regarding a new hero class that was thought up by Agrigor from the Shadow Council realm. Anyways, I am linking his original post for those of you that wish to read thru it. If you like the idea, go to the forum and bump the suggestion and comment away. They have also added some abilities and what have you in the later replies of the thread. The threads URL is http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=14910002349&sid=1

( Time Warden Hero ClassCollapse )

30 January 2009 @ 06:12 am

Hey everyone!! I love my tauren warrior even though she's not at her best yet. I'm still semi new to the game. I got into it through my bf. When my computer was actually working properly which right now it isn't and I'm quite sad. I'm only lvl 72 at the moment and I can't wait to hit lvl 80 so I can do some end fights. I missed out on all the lvl 70 ends fights because by the time I got there WOTLK was out. I was going to post some more info on my warrior but couldn't get into the game. Gosh I love my computer >.<
Right now I'm a fury dps. I'm using titans grip. Does anyone think this is a bad move for me as dps? I'm really not interested in tanking..for now. I'd like to do dps for a while.I'll write more about my little warrior when I'm able to get into the game..

Current Location: laying on my bed

Current Mood: awakeawake

Current Music: just the hum of the fan

28 November 2008 @ 01:10 am

Sorry if you have seen this already or voted republican but this is just awesome!

Hymn of Hope Baracks! (Obama Achievement)

So I stupidly moved to an PVE, and now I don't think there is possibly a way to move back to the PVP server I originally started on is there? So now my 70 BE hunter is stuck on a Medium population server whith insane que times and my guild goes to bed promptly before 12 on weekdays usally. Not that I don't like the guild or anything so my question is does anyone know a good PVE server to roll my hunter on, that has some decent guilds etc. I just have barely tasted Kara due the fact I was mostly PVPing, so I have been playing with the idea of moving to a more active server.

Bleh I hate PVE wish I could go back to PVP T_T.


Current Mood: aggravatedaggravated

Hey everyone. This is my first post and I am new to this community and realtively new to the whole WoW thing (started playing 3/26/08). I am always looking for some people to chat, people willing to help me out with quests, or to give help to some low lvl's with their quests. I have 4 characters (two Ally and two Horde, all non-PvP). I am only playing my Horde characters at the moment (I have more Horde friends and they seem much more willing to help out other players). My main Horde character is a lvl 24 Blood Elf Pally named Dyonnia. My other Horde character is a lvl 18 Undead Warlock named Verial. Feel free to add both. Just mention you saw my post here so I can familiarize myself a little easier. My characters are on the Gnomeregan server.

Also, does anyone know if any good addons to help me quest and level is a more efficiant manner? I am not looking for a bot. Right now I have QuestHelper, Koordinator, and TomTom. I also tried Tourguide and I am essentially looking for something that would be a mix of what QuestHelper is and what Tourguide tried to be lol. The one thing I liked out Tourguide is that is essentially layed out the most direct routes in a checklist to get things done. It told me what quests to pick up and what not to bother with. I didn't like the fact that it wouldn't mark things on the map (which QuestHelper does), and it seemed to me like you'd have to start from scratch to really utilize the addon. It was telling me to pick up and turn in quests I didn't have, nor were they available to me. I have kept QuestHelper because it marks things on the map and tells me what I need to complete each quest on the map, however, it doesn't essentially guide me in what to pick up and what to skip. Any ideas?

23 September 2006 @ 07:47 am

I recently found myself COMPLETELY unable to access my WoW account at all. I finally (after two days) was able to reset my password and gain access to my account.

Only I found that among ALL my characters, ALL OF MY GOLD WAS GONE!!!!!!!! MMOBAY was the ONLY service that ever had access to my account/password as I have bought gold and power leveling from their company before (via audrey_mmobay on Yahoo Messenger). Theirs was the ONLY company that access to my account information. I am pretty sure that I will NEVER GET MY GOLD BACK and I am VERY SURE I will NEVER use MMOBAY again.

Be wary of dealing with them!

17 December 2005 @ 10:52 am

Q: We are all members of the Horde for a reason...what's yours?

A: My reason for being part of the Horde is friendship. I have more friends on Horde than I have ever made on Alliance. I don't know what it is about the Horde that seems like a friendlier community.

Leave a comment of your own reasons why you prefer Horde over Alliance.

17 December 2005 @ 10:45 am

Welcome Brothers & Sisters of the Horde!

Now, if you're part of this community I'm hoping you'll all at least exercise the basic rules of netiquette, but just so we have some groundwork, let's put up a few rules:

  1. Respect one another's opinions. That means don't start flamewars, and don't go around calling people names.

  2. Agree to disagree. No, you're not going to agree with everyone all the time. We're all different people with different ideals, but that doesn't mean we can't get along.

  3. Exercise some restraint. Yeah, I know we can all get excited, but exercise a little restraint when dealing with others. Don't use excessive profanity, vulgarity, or other offensive terminology. I know it's sometimes easier, but it just dilutes the community feel.

  4. Respect the Newbies. I cannot stress this one enough. Don't rag on someone that says they're new to the game because they ask what you think is a "stupid question". There are no stupid questions.

  5. Lend a hand, if you want to. If you feel up to answering someone's question, go for it. This is meant to be a helpful community for all Hordlings to enjoy, so let's make everyone feel welcome.

  6. Relax, enjoy, and have fun. This is, by no means, meant to be an astringent environment, I want you to have fun, I want you to enjoy being part of this community. Only you guys can make it happen, though.

Other than that, I really don't want to lay down any more rules than I have to. As long as you treat one another with respect, I don't think we'll have much issue with contention. :)

For the Horde!

Level 54 Tauren Druid
Suramar (US/PvE)

Current Mood: accomplishedaccomplished

Current Music: "Wherever You Will Go" by The Calling