Hot Glass' Journal (original) (raw)
Friday, December 18th, 2020
11:19 am
Friday, December 2nd, 2016
10:07 am
Икона искусно вырезана из кости и оформлена в драгоценный серебряный оклад. Оклад выполнен в технике перегородчатой эмали и инкрустирован драгоценными камнями - аметистами и гранатами. Икона находится в киоте-складне, сделанным из ценных пород дерева.
Автор:Мартин Коваль
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Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014
9:38 pm
Monday, March 10th, 2014
3:33 pm
Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013
8:23 pm
Thursday, February 28th, 2013
7:30 pm
Кубок выполнен из раковины, серебра, камней и эмали.
Автор: Дмитрий Коваль
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Monday, October 29th, 2012
7:19 pm
Monday, July 2nd, 2012
3:40 pm
Thursday, April 19th, 2012
3:04 pm
Val Cox Oriental Blue This week I have been experimenting with Val Cox Oriental Blue frit. These are handmade lampwork glass beads, made by me!
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Friday, March 23rd, 2012
2:38 pm
Etched Organics This week I've added a few new designs to my repertoire. Simple etched organic rounds with silvered ivory. They are acid etched to a soft matte finish. All handmade lampwork glass beads (made by me of course!)
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Friday, March 9th, 2012
2:41 pm
Gold Coast Lampwork Beads This week I have been playing with a frit blend by Val Cox called Gold Coast. It is “A complex merging of soft and defined aqua tones, both transparent and opaque, paired with a beautifully reactive opaque, Chalcedony, further punctuated with a rich, pure gold stone.” I had some great results from this blend. (For those who aren't glassworkers, frit is ground up glass that comes in different colour blends. All of the beads shown after the cut were made by me in a torch, all using the same frit blend but on different bases to produce very different results!)
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Saturday, February 25th, 2012
9:42 am
New lentil designs Here are a few new designs of lentil shaped beads. I still think the lentil is my most favorite shape. These are handmade lampwork glass beads, made by me. They aren't actually finished jewelry pieces, just temporarily strung together for the photos. Thanks for looking!
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Sunday, January 29th, 2012
10:53 am
New Lampwork Lentil Designs I have a few new designs of beads in the lentil shape to share. These are handmade lampwork glass beads that I make in a torch. I use a press to get this particular shape. Thanks for looking :)( Collapse )
Monday, January 2nd, 2012
10:37 pm
Lampwork Crystal Beads I mentioned before that I got a few glass presses from Zoozii's for Christmas. I want to say first that I really love Zoozii's and I could probably buy almost everything they have! Really great presses, well made, very good quality, and so many to choose from. Love it.
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Saturday, December 31st, 2011
8:44 am
Blowing Out a Flame For some time I’ve been drawn toward mold-blowing, and specifically molds that change shape and are never the same twice. (See my Sacred Stones post from last year for the beginning of this journey.)
I recently had the opportunity to take a mold-blowing class at Public Glass. What I didn’t realize when I signed up was that it was really a mold-building and blowing class! I ended up building an adjustable accordion mold where the leaves are thin enough that they can bow based on the air-pressure (and glass temperature)
I wasn’t even sure I’d be able to get the glass to release from the mold (I worried it would wrap around and get caught on the leaves. But the forms that came out of it were intriguing! After swinging it out a bit and a twist, the first experiment was immediately reminiscent of a flame. I’m much happier with how the second one came out:
I’ve never used an arc-welder before (as the photos in the set will attest), but here’s the mold and the two pieces (as yet unfinished, since I haven’t had an opportunity to cold work them yet)
The next step is to add just a bit of color. I want to streak some subtle red and yellow through it. I think a bit of frit around the equator of the initial (double-dip) gather (maybe out to the tip) blown out and stretched will provide the effect I’m hoping for, but I need to experiment more.
Current Mood: happy
Friday, December 30th, 2011
5:01 pm
Kalera Puffy Tiles - Handmade Lampwork Beads I got two new bead presses for Christmas! One of them was the "Kalera" press from Zoozii's - a sort of puffy tile shape that makes for a wonderful little glass canvas to decorate.
Here are two new sets made with the largest size of the press. They are about 20mm from end to end, which is actually quite a nice big bead.
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Friday, December 23rd, 2011
3:37 pm
Tuesday, December 6th, 2011
8:23 pm
Thursday, December 1st, 2011
9:06 pm
Lichen These beads use an odd lot of glass called Lichen. It is very pretty and striated.
These are handmade lampwork glass beads, made by me.
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Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011
12:55 pm
Rainbow Candies I don't know what it is, but I definitely have a thing for the "rainbow" colour scheme. Maybe it's because I like bright colours so much. I made these two sets using all the colours of the rainbow, encased in clear, decorated with white polka dots and/or squiggles, and etched to a soft matte finish. They look like little sugar frosted candies but please don't try to eat them.
These are glass beads, handmade by me at a torch. They aren't finished jewelry pieces but I temporarily string them for display. Thanks for looking :)
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