housedykes (original) (raw)

Hello Housedykes community! I'm Ninniane, your new moderator. I wanted to take a few minutes to introduce myself and tell you about some of my ideas for this community.

I discovered Housedykes when I was doing a search for groups who had "flylady" listed as an interest. (If you don't know who she is, you might want to check out . She might not be your cup of tea, and that's ok.) I joined the group because I was living in a tiny - living room eat-in kitchen, bedroom, bathroom - apartment, and I needed some help to make the space functional. That was over two years ago.

Since then, my partner and I have moved out of that tiny apartment and in to our first home. It's lovely to have space, but like all homes, there are a million little things, and some rather large things that need doing. Right now the list includes everything from hanging up shelves and painting walls to remodeling two bathrooms and getting new windows and a new backyard fence installed. Along with the projects, there are the everyday concerns: dishes, laundry, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming (we have three cats, a dog, and a rabbit), and generally trying to keep the house tidy and clutter-free.

My reason for wanting to be a moderator is that I think this community has amazing potential to be a supportive place where people can post questions, get answers, and share their stories about all aspects of being a home-maker. One role I think this group can play is that of the muse, a little something to inspire all of us. In that vein, I'm creating the "Friday Feature" post, where I will try my best to share inspiring images and stories regarding some aspect of making a house a home. (By house, I simply mean "the place you live". It can be a trailer, an apartment, a single-family home, a flat, half of a double, a studio, or anywhere else you might reside.) I would also like to create some "theme posts" on a monthly or bi-weekly basis where community members can share their ideas about various topics. Finally, I would like to begin recruiting members by actively cross-posting some of what is in this group to other places on the web.

I'm looking forward to getting to you all of you!