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[Community Info]
[The Emos]
[Moderator´s Journal]
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[07 Feb 2004|10:50am]
[ **mood** | chipper ] 1.NAME: ashley aka drizz2.AGE: 153.LOCATION: MA4.WHY DO U WANT TO JOIN: i wanna get ppl to know me better n stuff 5.MUSIC/BANDS YOU LIKE: EMO, DC² n fourstarhero6.HOBBIES YOU HAVE: drawing painting listening to music7.MOVIES YOU LIKE: boys dont cry n orange county8.ARE YOU WORTH OUR TIME AND WHY:yes, because im unique n hyper 9.ARE YOU FUNNY...PROVE IT: i dunno if i am or not according 2 u 10.ARE YOU AWESOME...PROVE IT: i can triple curl my tounge11.Sex: female12.Top 5 Accessories:example- what do you carry with you all the time? + bows- because they look cute in my hair and no1 else in town has then, they r my trade mark + my dashboard confessional CDs, because they kick ass n i love every song from them + my cute my lil pony collection, another 1 of my trademarx + my hello kitty whistel that blinks: because its cute and incase or imergencys u know its me whisteling + my green/brown emo glass': because i can see with them and they change colors when the temperature changes, kinda like a mood ring...13.Top 5 Possessions:what can you not live without? + my puppy violet + my cute boy brief undie collection, another trademark n wut im known for + my zippoz + insence + my CD n DVD collection14.Likes:DO NOT COPY STRAIGHT FROM YOUR USERINFO! WE WILL CHECK FOR DIRECT COPYING, SO DONT BE LAZY! +pez +music + emo music + going to shows + DC² +sharpie markers +gummi bears n worms +newbury comics +thrift stores +mellow yellow soda +ritz bitz +arizona icetea + rollarcoaster +explodingdog +you the list goes on n on.....15.Dislikes: +people who bash bands, if u dont like a band deal with it +a&f +mary-kate n ashley olsen +people who think its kool to make fun of others because they r different 16.Favorite Quote:And all I Need to knowIs that I'm somethin you'll be missin Maybe I should hate you for this Never really did ever quite get that far Maybe I should hate you for this Never really did ever quite get that... youre so last summer by: taking back sunday
[01 Feb 2004|08:56am]
[ **mood** | Emo ] </3>
Give away [19 May 2003|01:29pm]
[ mood | busy ] My interest for this community has diclined, I don't feel like hearding in emo's anymore. So Im giving it away.Any takers?
new sorta. [18 May 2003|04:30pm]
im new. kinda. i joined this the day it opened, but i just never posted. haha. so here i am :)**( on to the photosCollapse )**add me if you want to. friends are great fun.(also, i have a community sorta like this one... emofucks go check it out :) )
[16 May 2003|03:53pm]
[ mood | busy ]
i figured it out! [14 May 2003|07:05pm]
[ mood | emo ] i didn't get a stamp because i don't cry right???here's the closest i think i've been in years
hey [13 May 2003|08:17pm]
[ mood | creative ] Hey I found this through tearshinesorrow Shes My Best Friend :)So anyway I really Don't Like to be labled but I love Emo Music.My Favorite bands are(Otherwise than Dave Matthews Band, there the best): Taking Back Sunday, Finch, Something corprate, Saves the day, and Slow coming day.( PictureCollapse )
Emo me [13 May 2003|05:29pm]
[ **mood** | hyper ] Ok, we need to get people to come here! So everyone recruit people! =P. ( My tearsCollapse )
i may not be emo but i'm cooler than the whole world. [13 May 2003|02:44pm]
[ **mood** | apathetic ] in fact i am completely unemotional, some people might call that a problem but it's my little advantage over my sex.. i really don't get along with very many girls very well, i have like my best friend...i'm wearing a suit here because it was special wars shirt underneath tho!i try and do something productive when i put my shows together, and it's giving me something to do on the weekend i guess..this is alexisonfire february 8th 03..most of the time i just smoke a lot of pot and listen to music by myself and read and do dumb things. like i said, cooler than the whole fucking world.
[12 May 2003|07:48pm]
title or description title or description Im corinne. I suppose Im not "emo" enough because I dont have black hair. Hm. I like to wear bows in my hair, and black rimmed glasses. I wear rolled up pants, and hobo gloves. This is where Im supposed to list my favorite bands, go fuck yourself. How emo am I?
Hello there... [12 May 2003|07:20pm]
[ mood | awake ] My name is Lea... and I guess you can call me "emo" because I like "emo" music. I read, write, and draw on my spare time... and right now, I am going through a very rough period in my life.. I won't go into details though. Here are pix of me ( SmileyCollapse )
OKAY KIDDIES! [12 May 2003|10:02pm]
note to janice: add this to memories, it's imporant you fuckOKAY kiddies.Let's get the ground rules into an entry for you shit faces who refuse to read the info. _YOU CAN NOT COMMENT or VOTE UNLESS YOU POST YOUR PICTURE AND ARE ACCEPTED!_1) Post some pictures so we can judge you emoness. We don't care about you being fat, thin, ugly, fugly, hottt.2) If you get more +'s or yes's then you get -'s or no's, then you're in. Plus you get a snazy stamp!3) Respect the moderators! They fucking rock the block. As for member, you can rip them a new asshole if you see fit.4) Don't post your shitty poetry about how your boyfriend dumped you, and your mom sucks. If you do, you are BANNED.5) Keep your snotty tissues to yourself. 6) DO NOT GIVE OUT A STAMP IF YOU ARE THE FIRST COMMENTER, unless you are Janice. Try to wait a while first. Let people get their say in.You must kiss the toes of:fadingwavestearshinesorrowsafetylockpoisonxheartsyackiejax112We're the moderators. We rock hard. Respect us or die. poisonmedead is the creator. She is the hottest piece of ass ever. Bow down.YOU'LL KNOW YOU'VE BEEN EXCEPTED WHEN YOU GET A STAMPand by the way.this is all in good good fun.if you don't have a sense of humor go away. you suckNOTE TO ALL MODERATORS:we be sexy fools. check out the new profile/info page.if you think of something funny to put next to your user name in the info comment.
please don't lose respect for me. i know i'm a tool. i just want in ;) [12 May 2003|09:15pm]
[ mood** | bored ] hey, i'm jess...i'm pretty emobut i'm that kind of emo where you cry even though you have the things that other emo kids want. i cry a whole whole bunch and i write lots of poetry and when i'm sad, i pop in my favorite band saves the day and listen and cry some more and just think about how rad it is that chris conley feels the same way that i do about so many things. and i like stars.all of my friends tell me i'm emo all the time and i have a shirt that says "emo is awesome" and i'm definately a scenester in my town. i love "emo" music, though i hate the term when its used be non-fans. ya know what i mean? i hate it when hardcore kids refer to my music as emo because they always use it with some sort of negative meaning.( picturesCollapse )**thanks for your time, kids :)
[12 May 2003|06:06pm]
[ **mood** | bored ] wth? i just posted in here. did someone delete my post or something? i'll get the clue if it disappears again.i'm gerald and i'm from san diego, california. my friends say that i'm emo because i cry and whine and complain about how much of a loser i am and how sad my life is. i forget why i'm smiling in this picture, but my mouth was dry and my lips got stuck on my teeth. what do you think?
[12 May 2003|09:02pm]
Hey, thought I'd let you guys know that I think this is the biggest bullshit community, EVER.You really don't have to like Dashboard Confessional to be emo. I don't know WHO made that rule up. Dashboard is definetly not emo. It's more like hm, I wonder if half of you people even know who Bright Eyes or Taking Back Sunday is. I highly doubt it. Maybe Desaparecidos? Not that either.I enjoy getting hatemail. Feel free to comment a million times saying how much you hate me.And I really cant beleive you have to be judged on your looks to be able to join this community. That is COMPLETELY pathetic. That's all I have to say. Maybe you can find some REAL emo kids in the emo_kid community...completely pathetic.
Looky I'm all EMO n' stuff! =*( [12 May 2003|04:13pm]
[ **mood** | gloomy ] Am I emo? I dunno... Some girl who I used to feel like I was in fucking love with showed up in school today even tho she dropped out months ago. So yah I do get depressed and mad and happy and crazysillyness but I hardly ever cry or break things. But Jackie said come so I come! Err, not like that you SICK FUCKS! =D Thats later. Okie, uhm I dunno how to post pics yet, but thats me in the icon.
[12 May 2003|03:53pm]
i cried today in the girls bathroom because someone called me ugly :*(
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