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Save [2010 Jul. 14th|07:55 pm]Readdown to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Just a quick post here to save this community from deletion.
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Announcement [2007 Mar. 7th|02:40 pm]Readdown to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Tis your mod here, I apologize for the lack of posts lately. My internet has been having troubles the last few weeks, and school is starting to eat up my time. I will be gone on vacation for two weeks starting tomorrow, and will likely not have access to the internet during that time.This leaves the community with several options, and so I'd like your input. I can either close down the community as I think most of the members are also members of deathly_cntdwn and are discussing there. The closing could be either a permanent or temporary basis. If temporary I would probably try and resume regular posting of chapters when it is time to start Prisoner of Azkaban. Another option is if any of you would be willing to help me co-moderate community, we could work on getting the missing posts up, and I would leave it to you to do the chapter posts for the next week and a half or so.Again, I apologize for the lack of updates and communication and would love to hear what you all think.
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Chamber of Secrets - The Borrow [2007 Feb. 27th|11:10 pm]Readdown to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
[Current Location |The Borrow] [mood impressedimpressed]It's time for Chapter Three of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets The Borrow.A house full of Weasleys, of course there's going to be things to talk about! So gather round the breakfast table and tell Molly what's on your mind.New Students (members) are encouraged to read the Introductory Owl Post
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Chamber of Secrets Chapter Two Dobby's Warning [2007 Feb. 27th|03:20 pm]Readdown to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
[Current Location |Harry's Bedroom] [mood confusedconfused]It's time for Chapter Two of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Dobby's Warning.Thoughts should be kept to a low whisper so that Uncle Vernon can tell his Japanese golfer joke, but clearly there is much to be discussed.New Students (members) are encouraged to read the Introductory Owl PostSorry about the lack of post earlier, my internet was down for the better part of the evening.
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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Chapter One The Worst Birthday [2007 Feb. 25th|11:04 pm]Readdown to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
It's time to start year two and discuss what we read in the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets The Worst Birthday.
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PS/SS Final Chapter The Man With Two Faces [2007 Feb. 24th|11:19 pm]Readdown to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
[Current Location |Hogsmeade Station] [mood relievedrelieved]Well, we made it to the end of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone by finishing _The Man With Two Faces_Send some thoughts up to Harry in the Hospital Wing before he heads back to the Dursley's on the Hogwarts Express. Previous chapters will remain open for discussion.If there were any new ideas someone brought up, or if you have any lingering questions from previous chapters feel free to talk about those too.Tomorrow night we will head make preperations year two at Hogwarts and start Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secerts with Chapter One The Worst Birthday. The post should be up at 12a US EST 2/26/07 so we can all wish Harry a happy twelve years.New Here? Confused? Please read the Introductory Owl Post
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PS/SS Chapter Sixteen Through the Trapdoor [2007 Feb. 24th|01:25 am]Readdown to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Harry's first year at Hogwarts is almost over, he's gotten through several finals, but now it's time to go Through the Trapdoor of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone Chapter Sixteen.Play us a little tune about the chapter, and to keep Fluffy from turning us into dinner!Tomorrow night we will wrap up Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone just like the unwrapping of the villian in The Man With Two Faces. We hope you'll live to see it at 12:00a US EST 2/25/07.New Here? Confused? Please read the Introductory Owl Post
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PS/SS Chapter Fifteen The Forbidden Forest [2007 Feb. 22nd|10:56 pm]Readdown to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
[Current Location |the teacher's even know we're in The Forbidden Forest] [mood scaredscared]Ah, so you got detention too huh? Well, seems we've been sentenced to help Hagrid in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone Chapter Fifteen The Forbidden Forest. Seems like we're stuck with Fang, so let's have a conversation about the chapter shall we?With two chapters to go, next up will be our big trip to the third floor corridor and then Through the Trapdoor at 12:00a US EST 2/24/07.New Here? Confused? Please read the Introductory Owl Post
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PS/SS Chapter Fourteen Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback [2007 Feb. 21st|11:01 pm]Readdown to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
[Current Location |Forbidden Forest..again] [mood sneaky]Hope your posts are fire proof. We're gunna go see Harry Potter and the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone Chapter Fourteen Norbert The Norwegian Ridgeback. While we're talking about Norbert, perhaps you'd like to share what you share what your favorite Fantastic Beast is.Also we're getting awfully familar with a place we were told not to visit. Once again we'll meet by the Forbidden Forest at 12:00a US EST 2/22/07.New Here? Confused? Please read the Introductory Post Over Here
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PS/SS Chapter Thirteen Nicolas Flamel [2007 Feb. 20th|10:10 pm]Readdown to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Since yesterday's entry was so horribly late, I'll put this one up a bit early.If you're done with your chocolate frog, then it's time for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone Chapter Thirteen Nicolas Flamel. Did the name ring a bell for you? Did you finish a Quidditch match in five minutes? No? Well, then let's discuss Harry's ability to do both of those shall we?Also, it seems Hagrid has invited us out to his shack to introduce us to Norbert The Norwegian Ridgeback. Meet you by the Forbidden Forrest at 12:00a US EST 2/22/07.New Here? Confused? Please read the Introductory Post Over Here
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