Walter Neu | University of Applied Science Emden/Leer - Hochschule Emden/Leer (original) (raw)
Papers by Walter Neu
Laser in der Medizin / Laser in Medicine, 1994
For medical applications of XeCl excimer lasers the performance of the fiber optical beam deliver... more For medical applications of XeCl excimer lasers the performance of the fiber optical beam delivery system is of great importance. Especially for an efficient ablation of hard tissue in laser surgery high energy densities at the distal fiber end are necessary. The upper limit for the pulse energy, which can be guided through the fused silica fiber is limited by the surface damage threshold. However, even at lower pulse energies photodegradation effects which change the transmission properties have to be taken into account. Transmission losses increase with laser pulse energy, laser repetition rate and fiber length and decrease with laser pulse duration. During irradiation interruptions the fiber transmission recovers at least partly.
Emerging Digital Micromirror Device Based Systems and Applications IV, 2012
ABSTRACT Digital Micromirror Device based microscopy combines fast confocal 4D-microscopy along w... more ABSTRACT Digital Micromirror Device based microscopy combines fast confocal 4D-microscopy along with conventional methods for light microscopy and new technological approaches to a versatile tool for the observation of in vivo processes in living biological cells and measurement of technical surfaces. Due to the use of variable size pinholes and adjustable scan patterns conditions for confocal measurement can easily be optimized to the prerequisites of the sample "on the fly".
Zeitschrift f�r Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters, 1988
Zeitschrift f�r Kinderheilkunde, 1960
Obwohl in den letzten Jahren eine groge Zahl yon Ver6ffentlichungen fiber die Erfolge bei der Beh... more Obwohl in den letzten Jahren eine groge Zahl yon Ver6ffentlichungen fiber die Erfolge bei der Behandlung der fetalen Erythroblastose ersehienen ist, finden sieh nur selten genaue Zahlenangaben bezfiglich der Sp~tprognose. Dies veranlagte uns, das Krankengut der St~dtisehen Kinderklinik Stuttgart aus den Jahren 1947-1959 besonders hn Hinbliek auf die weitere geistige und kSrperliche Entwicklung unserer Patienten auszuwerten. Wir konnten alle behandelten Kinder katamnestiseh erfassen. Dies geschah zum Teil bei ambulanten oder station/iren Nachuntersuchungen in der Klinik, teils gaben uns die behandelnden tIaus-/irzte freundlieherweise genaue Auskfinfte. Wo uns diese M6glichkeiten fehlten, konnten wit durch einen detaillierten Fragebogen, der yon den Eltern der Kinder in allen entscheidenden Punkten genau ausgefiillt wurde, uns die notwendigen Informationen besorgen. A. [Jbersicht fiber das Krankengut I. Zur Diagnosti/c Wit wollen bier nur kurz einige Hinweise auf die diagnostischen Magnahrnen und die Indikationsstellung zur Austauschtransfusion geben, wie sie in den letzten Jahrert bei uns fiblich waren. Wir erbitten yon den einweisenden EntbindungsanstMten nach M5glichkeit Blur yon Mutter nn4 Vater des erkrankten Kindes, um bei einer Unvertr~glichkeit im AB0-System anch Testblut vom Vater zu haben. Zur ersten Orientierung werden die Blutgrnppe und 4er Rh-F~ktor bestimmt und der direkte l%ace-Coombs-Test durchgeffihrt. Finder sich bei entsprechender l~h-Konstellation ein positiver Coombs-Test, wird stets ein Anstausch vorgenommen (vgl. bei B~u,z~oG~; HY~A~ u. STUI~,GEON; STUI~GEON; t~OTtISTEIN; DE VI~IES; THOMAS; HEr~PEL U. SCtt~IDT). * Der Leitung des St~dtischen Gesundheitsamtes Stuttgart sind wir ffir die r~sehe Erledigung der serologisehen Untersuehungen, dem Leiter der Blutzentrale des Katharinenhospitals Stuttgart fiir die umgehende Besorgung der benOtigten Blutkonserven zu besonderem Dank verpflichtet.
We request access to stable beams of K, Cu, and Zn during CERN long shutdown 2 (LS2), in order to... more We request access to stable beams of K, Cu, and Zn during CERN long shutdown 2 (LS2), in order to develop efficient laser-polarization schemes to be later applied to radioactive isotopes of the above chemical elements. The letter will be studied using the beta-gamma and beta-gamma-neutron correlations and -NMR techniques. The development will take place at the laser-polarization beamline, where the degree of nuclear spin polarization of stable nuclei will be determined using the fluorescence polarization-checking setup, which is presently under development. The first motivation comes from the nuclear structure studies, where correlation studies will allow determining spins and parities of excited states in neutron-rich Cu and Zn isotopes, and the -NMR studies will give access to quadrupole moments of neutron-rich K nuclei. The second goal is related to the interaction of metal ions such as K, Cu, or Zn with nucleic acids and proteins, whose investigation can largely profit from th...
The invention relates to a method for the thermal treatment of a surface layer (4) on a semicondu... more The invention relates to a method for the thermal treatment of a surface layer (4) on a semiconductor substrate (5). Laser pulses (2) generated by a laser (1) are emitted onto the surface layer (4). This method can be used to produce, in particular, ohmic contacts to III-V compound semiconductors.
Spectrochimica Acta Part B Atomic Spectroscopy
Hyperfine Interactions, 2010
Due to the large absorption cross section for optical transitions into Rydberg and autoionizing s... more Due to the large absorption cross section for optical transitions into Rydberg and autoionizing states compared to non-resonant ionization, these states are of particular interest for use in efficient laser resonance ionization excitation schemes as used in Resonant Ionization Laser Ion Sources (RILIS). In order to identify these atomic states extensive laser spectroscopy has to be performed. The lasers employed at TRIUMF's laser ion source are birefringent filter tuned titanium:sapphire (Ti:Sa) lasers which are designed for long term frequency stability rather than continuous tuning. The design and characteristics of a grating tuned, high repetition rate, pulsed Ti:Sa laser for spectroscopy applications are presented. This laser allows fast scans of up to 40 THz with a laser linewidth of approximately 6 GHz. First tests were performed by scanning across the Rydberg series of gallium.
Laser in der Medizin / Laser in Medicine, 1994
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1987
Nuclear spins and moments of 9Li and 11Li have been measured by optical pumping of a fast atomic ... more Nuclear spins and moments of 9Li and 11Li have been measured by optical pumping of a fast atomic beam. The angular asymmetry of the beta-radiation from the polarized nuclei was used to detect the hfs of the 2s 2S1/2-2p 2P1/2 resonance line and the NMR signal in a LiF or LiNbO3 crystal. The results I=3/2 and muI=3.6673(25) n.m. indicate a
Laser in der Medizin / Laser in Medicine, 1994
For medical applications of XeCl excimer lasers the performance of the fiber optical beam deliver... more For medical applications of XeCl excimer lasers the performance of the fiber optical beam delivery system is of great importance. Especially for an efficient ablation of hard tissue in laser surgery high energy densities at the distal fiber end are necessary. The upper limit for the pulse energy, which can be guided through the fused silica fiber is limited by the surface damage threshold. However, even at lower pulse energies photodegradation effects which change the transmission properties have to be taken into account. Transmission losses increase with laser pulse energy, laser repetition rate and fiber length and decrease with laser pulse duration. During irradiation interruptions the fiber transmission recovers at least partly.
Emerging Digital Micromirror Device Based Systems and Applications IV, 2012
ABSTRACT Digital Micromirror Device based microscopy combines fast confocal 4D-microscopy along w... more ABSTRACT Digital Micromirror Device based microscopy combines fast confocal 4D-microscopy along with conventional methods for light microscopy and new technological approaches to a versatile tool for the observation of in vivo processes in living biological cells and measurement of technical surfaces. Due to the use of variable size pinholes and adjustable scan patterns conditions for confocal measurement can easily be optimized to the prerequisites of the sample "on the fly".
Zeitschrift f�r Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters, 1988
Zeitschrift f�r Kinderheilkunde, 1960
Obwohl in den letzten Jahren eine groge Zahl yon Ver6ffentlichungen fiber die Erfolge bei der Beh... more Obwohl in den letzten Jahren eine groge Zahl yon Ver6ffentlichungen fiber die Erfolge bei der Behandlung der fetalen Erythroblastose ersehienen ist, finden sieh nur selten genaue Zahlenangaben bezfiglich der Sp~tprognose. Dies veranlagte uns, das Krankengut der St~dtisehen Kinderklinik Stuttgart aus den Jahren 1947-1959 besonders hn Hinbliek auf die weitere geistige und kSrperliche Entwicklung unserer Patienten auszuwerten. Wir konnten alle behandelten Kinder katamnestiseh erfassen. Dies geschah zum Teil bei ambulanten oder station/iren Nachuntersuchungen in der Klinik, teils gaben uns die behandelnden tIaus-/irzte freundlieherweise genaue Auskfinfte. Wo uns diese M6glichkeiten fehlten, konnten wit durch einen detaillierten Fragebogen, der yon den Eltern der Kinder in allen entscheidenden Punkten genau ausgefiillt wurde, uns die notwendigen Informationen besorgen. A. [Jbersicht fiber das Krankengut I. Zur Diagnosti/c Wit wollen bier nur kurz einige Hinweise auf die diagnostischen Magnahrnen und die Indikationsstellung zur Austauschtransfusion geben, wie sie in den letzten Jahrert bei uns fiblich waren. Wir erbitten yon den einweisenden EntbindungsanstMten nach M5glichkeit Blur yon Mutter nn4 Vater des erkrankten Kindes, um bei einer Unvertr~glichkeit im AB0-System anch Testblut vom Vater zu haben. Zur ersten Orientierung werden die Blutgrnppe und 4er Rh-F~ktor bestimmt und der direkte l%ace-Coombs-Test durchgeffihrt. Finder sich bei entsprechender l~h-Konstellation ein positiver Coombs-Test, wird stets ein Anstausch vorgenommen (vgl. bei B~u,z~oG~; HY~A~ u. STUI~,GEON; STUI~GEON; t~OTtISTEIN; DE VI~IES; THOMAS; HEr~PEL U. SCtt~IDT). * Der Leitung des St~dtischen Gesundheitsamtes Stuttgart sind wir ffir die r~sehe Erledigung der serologisehen Untersuehungen, dem Leiter der Blutzentrale des Katharinenhospitals Stuttgart fiir die umgehende Besorgung der benOtigten Blutkonserven zu besonderem Dank verpflichtet.
We request access to stable beams of K, Cu, and Zn during CERN long shutdown 2 (LS2), in order to... more We request access to stable beams of K, Cu, and Zn during CERN long shutdown 2 (LS2), in order to develop efficient laser-polarization schemes to be later applied to radioactive isotopes of the above chemical elements. The letter will be studied using the beta-gamma and beta-gamma-neutron correlations and -NMR techniques. The development will take place at the laser-polarization beamline, where the degree of nuclear spin polarization of stable nuclei will be determined using the fluorescence polarization-checking setup, which is presently under development. The first motivation comes from the nuclear structure studies, where correlation studies will allow determining spins and parities of excited states in neutron-rich Cu and Zn isotopes, and the -NMR studies will give access to quadrupole moments of neutron-rich K nuclei. The second goal is related to the interaction of metal ions such as K, Cu, or Zn with nucleic acids and proteins, whose investigation can largely profit from th...
The invention relates to a method for the thermal treatment of a surface layer (4) on a semicondu... more The invention relates to a method for the thermal treatment of a surface layer (4) on a semiconductor substrate (5). Laser pulses (2) generated by a laser (1) are emitted onto the surface layer (4). This method can be used to produce, in particular, ohmic contacts to III-V compound semiconductors.
Spectrochimica Acta Part B Atomic Spectroscopy
Hyperfine Interactions, 2010
Due to the large absorption cross section for optical transitions into Rydberg and autoionizing s... more Due to the large absorption cross section for optical transitions into Rydberg and autoionizing states compared to non-resonant ionization, these states are of particular interest for use in efficient laser resonance ionization excitation schemes as used in Resonant Ionization Laser Ion Sources (RILIS). In order to identify these atomic states extensive laser spectroscopy has to be performed. The lasers employed at TRIUMF's laser ion source are birefringent filter tuned titanium:sapphire (Ti:Sa) lasers which are designed for long term frequency stability rather than continuous tuning. The design and characteristics of a grating tuned, high repetition rate, pulsed Ti:Sa laser for spectroscopy applications are presented. This laser allows fast scans of up to 40 THz with a laser linewidth of approximately 6 GHz. First tests were performed by scanning across the Rydberg series of gallium.
Laser in der Medizin / Laser in Medicine, 1994
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1987
Nuclear spins and moments of 9Li and 11Li have been measured by optical pumping of a fast atomic ... more Nuclear spins and moments of 9Li and 11Li have been measured by optical pumping of a fast atomic beam. The angular asymmetry of the beta-radiation from the polarized nuclei was used to detect the hfs of the 2s 2S1/2-2p 2P1/2 resonance line and the NMR signal in a LiF or LiNbO3 crystal. The results I=3/2 and muI=3.6673(25) n.m. indicate a