Stephan Böhm | Hochschule RheinMain (original) (raw)

Papers by Stephan Böhm

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating the Usability of Mobile Applications Without Affecting the User and the Usage Context

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Jun 1, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Advertising Intensity on Customer Churn for Web-Mail Services: Insights from a Customer Survey in Germany

Many services on the Internet are offered free of charge to users. These include web-mail service... more Many services on the Internet are offered free of charge to users. These include web-mail services, which allow access to e-mails via the browser without the installation of an e-mail client. Companies offer free web-mail services, for example, as a complementary service to a paid service or as an introductory or try-out offer. Advertisements are often placed on the portals of web-mail services as a revenue model or to help cover costs. Advertisements may not only contain interesting advertising messages for users, but may also be perceived as annoying depending on the content and extent of the advertising. Too much advertising can lead to a churn of users. Providers, therefore, find themselves in an area of conflict between pushing advertising to increase advertising revenues and limiting advertising to prevent customer churn. This study examines the impact of advertising intensity and the change intention of web-mail users. The study was conducted among the customers of the Teleko...

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Research paper thumbnail of Innovationsmarketing für UMTS-Diensteangebote

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of the Mobile Operating System on Smartphone Buying Decisions: A Conjoint-Based Empirical Analysis

Springer eBooks, 2015

A key technical product feature of today’s Smartphones is the mobile Operating System (OS). The c... more A key technical product feature of today’s Smartphones is the mobile Operating System (OS). The choice in OS, not only commits consumers to essential technical features, but also has implications with regard to the user interface or availability of applications in the associated App Stores. In this context, this article examines the significance of the mobile operating systems with regards to the purchase decision. To this end, an empirical survey of Android and iOS buyers was carried out using a Choice Based Conjoint (CBC) analysis. In addition, the importance of various OS features as well as differences in personal attributes of Android and iOS users were analyzed. As a result, important differences are presented in terms of the attitudes and preferences of these groups of buyers with regard to mobile operating systems. In particular, it was found that the mobile OS plays the most important role in the purchase decision compared to brand, price, or design.

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Research paper thumbnail of Applying Machine Learning for Automatic User Story Categorization in Mobile Enterprises Application Development

International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 2020

Mobile enterprise applications (apps) are developed in dynamic and complex environments. Hardware... more Mobile enterprise applications (apps) are developed in dynamic and complex environments. Hardware characteristics, operating systems and development tools are constantly changing. In larger institutions, comprehensive corporate guidelines and requirements have to be followed. In addition, larger enterprises often develop numerous apps and lack an overview of development projects. Because of the size of such companies, a comprehensive direct information exchange between developers is often not practicable. In this situation, IT support is necessary, for example to prevent unnecessary duplication of work in the development of software artifacts such as user stories, app screen designs or code features within the company. One approach to overcome these challenges is to support reusing results from previous projects by building systems to organize and analyse the knowledge base of enterprise app development projects. For such systems an automatic categorization of artifacts is required....

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Research paper thumbnail of QR code advertising: a cross-country comparison of Turkish and German consumers

International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Motivators and Barriers of Chatbot Usage in Recruiting: An Empirical Study on the Job Candidates’ Perspective in Germany

Journal of E-Technology, Nov 1, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysing Gender Bias in IT Job Postings

Proceedings of the 2020 on Computers and People Research Conference

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Research paper thumbnail of A Multi-Method Approach to Assessing the Usability of Mobile Job Advertisements

Abstract—Accessing the Web from mobile devices has become increasingly common even when searching... more Abstract—Accessing the Web from mobile devices has become increasingly common even when searching for job information. Nowadays, most job board offerings are mobile-optimized. How-ever, the search results often refer to job advertisements (ads) and external career pages that are not completely optimized for mobile access. As a result, mobile users may be confronted with inadequate usability or a dissatisfactory user experience. In this context, the purpose of this study is to assess the usability of job ads posted on job portals to identify deficits and best practices. This paper is a work in progress and presents the intended multi-method approach as well as some preliminary findings for an exemplary sample of job ads posted on a German job board.

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Research paper thumbnail of KI im Recruiting: Anwendungsfelder, Entwicklungsstand und Anwendungsbeispiele aus der Praxis

Im Recruiting sind oftmals große Datenmengen aufzubereiten und zu analysieren. Das Ziel dabei: Di... more Im Recruiting sind oftmals große Datenmengen aufzubereiten und zu analysieren. Das Ziel dabei: Die Informationsverarbeitung und Entscheidungsfindung vor, während und nach der Bewerbung zu optimieren sowie die Kommunikation zwischen Recruitingverantwortlichen, Fachabteilungen und Bewerbern zu unterstützen. Für den Einsatz von Verfahren der Künstlichen Intelligenz eröffnen sich in diesem Bereich vielfältige Anwendungsmöglichkeiten entlang des gesamten Recruitingprozesses bzw. der sogenannten „Candidate Journey“. Diese Anwendungsfelder und zugehörigen Potenziale für den KI-Einsatz werden im Beitrag zunächst systematisch beschrieben. Danach werden Erkenntnisse aus konkreten Pilotanwendungen vorgestellt. Hierzu gehören eine KI-Anwendung zur Unterstützung der Recruiter bei der Formulierung von Stellenanzeigen sowie die Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Chatbots im Bewerbersupport.

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Research paper thumbnail of Applying Mobile Technologies for Personnel Recruiting –An Analysis of User-Sided Acceptance Factors

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Research paper thumbnail of Increasing Usage Intention of Mobile Information Services via Mobile Tagging

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Research paper thumbnail of Intent Identification and Analysis for User-centered Chatbot Design: A Case Study on the Example of Recruiting Chatbots in Germany

Chatbots are text-based dialogue systems that automate communication processes. Instead of commun... more Chatbots are text-based dialogue systems that automate communication processes. Instead of communicating with a person, the user communicates with a computer system. Due to the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods, such systems have become increasingly powerful in recent years and allow for more realistic dialogue processes. In particular, methods from the field of machine learning have contributed to an improved understanding of natural language. Nevertheless, such systems are not yet able to acquire the knowledge required to answer user queries independently. Dialogue structures and elements need to be defined as the conversational design of the chatbot. Herein, an user intent describes an information need or a goal that the user aims to achieve by entering text. For a usercentered chatbot design, a relevant set of intents must be identified and structured. In addition, training questions are required in order train the AI models for matching user input with the defined set...

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Research paper thumbnail of User Preferences and Segments in App Store Marketing: A Conjoint-based Approach

Today, little is known about how the various elements involved in the presentation of mobile appl... more Today, little is known about how the various elements involved in the presentation of mobile applications (apps) in app stores influence the download or purchase decision of potential users. Current publications primarily focus on the possibilities and technical tools of app store marketing based on best practices or experience. However, research on customer preferences with regards to the presentation of apps in app stores as well as the impact of single app store elements on purchase or usage decisions has yet to be addressed. In this context, the key research objectives of this paper are to not only analyze the impact of individual app store elements on customer choice but also see if the customers can be segmented into homogenous groups according to their preferences. Accordingly, this study will identify the relative importance of individual app store elements, from both a general or mass market perspective as well as a user segmentation perspective, and derive recommendations ...

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Research paper thumbnail of CENTRIC 2015 Technical Program Committee

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Research paper thumbnail of Strategisches Management in virtuellen Unternehmen

Virtuelle Unternehmen, 2000

In der betriebswirtschaftlichen Literatur zu virtuellen Unternehmen wird gemeinhin implizit angen... more In der betriebswirtschaftlichen Literatur zu virtuellen Unternehmen wird gemeinhin implizit angenommen, das solche interorganisationalen Kooperationsnetzwerke nicht durch planerische Uberlegungen zur systematischen Identifikation und Erschliesung von Erfolgspotentialen i. S. der fur konventionelle Unternehmen entwickelten Idee eines strategischen Managements entstehen. Vielmehr wird unterstellt, das virtuelle Unternehmen uber dezentrale Selbstorganisationsmechanismen „erzeugt“ werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird gezeigt, das wichtige Voraussetzungen fur die Genese virtueller Unternehmen im Wege der Selbstorganisation (vollstandige Information, Kompatibilitat, Disponibilitat, Singularitat) nicht zutreffen. Folglich sind alternative Managementansatze zur Losung des Problems zu diskutieren, wie eine planerische Konfiguration von virtuellen Unternehmen unter Beachtung von temporaren Marktchancen und von Kernkompetenzen potentieller Netzwerkpartner initiiert und gegebenenfalls im Verlauf der Existenz eines solchen Unternehmens angepast werden kann. Eine derartige Moglichkeit zur Wahrnehmung strategischer Managementfunktionen fur virtuelle Unternehmen ist das Auftreten eines neuen Unternehmenstyps, der hier als „Integrator“ bezeichnet wird. Integratoren bringen als unterstutzende Wertaktivitat in virtuellen Unternehmen ihre Fahigkeit zur Bildung und Integration von dynamischen Unternehmensnetzwerken ein, wobei sich die Art ihrer Wertbeitrage in Abhangigkeit von der Lebenszyklusphase, in der sich ein virtuelles Unternehmen gerade befindet, verandert. Es lassen sich drei Typen von Integratoren in virtuellen Unternehmen unterscheiden, die wir als „Unternehmer“, „Geschaftsvermittler“ und „Opportunist“ etikettieren. Die Relevanz der Integrator-Typen fur einzelne Partner hangt von der Anwendungsbreite der Kernkompetenz des jeweiligen Partnerunternehmens sowie der Relevanz dieser Kompetenz fur den Wettbewerbserfolg virtueller Unternehmen ab.

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Research paper thumbnail of Faulty Results by Neglecting Mobile Service Usage Context

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of the Mobile Operating System on Smartphone Buying Decisions: A Conjoint-Based Empirical Analysis

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015

A key technical product feature of today’s Smartphones is the mobile Operating System (OS). The c... more A key technical product feature of today’s Smartphones is the mobile Operating System (OS). The choice in OS, not only commits consumers to essential technical features, but also has implications with regard to the user interface or availability of applications in the associated App Stores. In this context, this article examines the significance of the mobile operating systems with regards to the purchase decision. To this end, an empirical survey of Android and iOS buyers was carried out using a Choice Based Conjoint (CBC) analysis. In addition, the importance of various OS features as well as differences in personal attributes of Android and iOS users were analyzed. As a result, important differences are presented in terms of the attitudes and preferences of these groups of buyers with regard to mobile operating systems. In particular, it was found that the mobile OS plays the most important role in the purchase decision compared to brand, price, or design.

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Research paper thumbnail of Context-Aware Mobile Language Learning

Procedia Computer Science, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Mobile Recruiting and Video Enhanced Job Advertisements: A Case Study Analysis within a German Job Portal

The proliferation of smartphones has increased significantly in recent years. Due to the availabi... more The proliferation of smartphones has increased significantly in recent years. Due to the availability of higher data rates, video content is increasingly being accessed via these devices. Due to changes in media usage behaviour, companies are currently faced with the challenge of adapting their recruitment activities to enable access via mobile devices and increasingly to integrate multimedia and dynamic content. In view of the above, this study examines user reactions to the enhancement of job ads with video content using a case study in a German job portal. The results of this study are promising and suggest that the integration of mobile video may be appropriate to increase interest in job advertisements. In addition, initial findings for the design and integration of such recruiting videos can be derived. The limits of panel surveys, however, also became apparent and more extensive research will be required in order to be able to make general recommendations. Keywords-Mobile Rec...

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating the Usability of Mobile Applications Without Affecting the User and the Usage Context

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Jun 1, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Advertising Intensity on Customer Churn for Web-Mail Services: Insights from a Customer Survey in Germany

Many services on the Internet are offered free of charge to users. These include web-mail service... more Many services on the Internet are offered free of charge to users. These include web-mail services, which allow access to e-mails via the browser without the installation of an e-mail client. Companies offer free web-mail services, for example, as a complementary service to a paid service or as an introductory or try-out offer. Advertisements are often placed on the portals of web-mail services as a revenue model or to help cover costs. Advertisements may not only contain interesting advertising messages for users, but may also be perceived as annoying depending on the content and extent of the advertising. Too much advertising can lead to a churn of users. Providers, therefore, find themselves in an area of conflict between pushing advertising to increase advertising revenues and limiting advertising to prevent customer churn. This study examines the impact of advertising intensity and the change intention of web-mail users. The study was conducted among the customers of the Teleko...

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Research paper thumbnail of Innovationsmarketing für UMTS-Diensteangebote

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of the Mobile Operating System on Smartphone Buying Decisions: A Conjoint-Based Empirical Analysis

Springer eBooks, 2015

A key technical product feature of today’s Smartphones is the mobile Operating System (OS). The c... more A key technical product feature of today’s Smartphones is the mobile Operating System (OS). The choice in OS, not only commits consumers to essential technical features, but also has implications with regard to the user interface or availability of applications in the associated App Stores. In this context, this article examines the significance of the mobile operating systems with regards to the purchase decision. To this end, an empirical survey of Android and iOS buyers was carried out using a Choice Based Conjoint (CBC) analysis. In addition, the importance of various OS features as well as differences in personal attributes of Android and iOS users were analyzed. As a result, important differences are presented in terms of the attitudes and preferences of these groups of buyers with regard to mobile operating systems. In particular, it was found that the mobile OS plays the most important role in the purchase decision compared to brand, price, or design.

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Research paper thumbnail of Applying Machine Learning for Automatic User Story Categorization in Mobile Enterprises Application Development

International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 2020

Mobile enterprise applications (apps) are developed in dynamic and complex environments. Hardware... more Mobile enterprise applications (apps) are developed in dynamic and complex environments. Hardware characteristics, operating systems and development tools are constantly changing. In larger institutions, comprehensive corporate guidelines and requirements have to be followed. In addition, larger enterprises often develop numerous apps and lack an overview of development projects. Because of the size of such companies, a comprehensive direct information exchange between developers is often not practicable. In this situation, IT support is necessary, for example to prevent unnecessary duplication of work in the development of software artifacts such as user stories, app screen designs or code features within the company. One approach to overcome these challenges is to support reusing results from previous projects by building systems to organize and analyse the knowledge base of enterprise app development projects. For such systems an automatic categorization of artifacts is required....

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Research paper thumbnail of QR code advertising: a cross-country comparison of Turkish and German consumers

International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Motivators and Barriers of Chatbot Usage in Recruiting: An Empirical Study on the Job Candidates’ Perspective in Germany

Journal of E-Technology, Nov 1, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysing Gender Bias in IT Job Postings

Proceedings of the 2020 on Computers and People Research Conference

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Research paper thumbnail of A Multi-Method Approach to Assessing the Usability of Mobile Job Advertisements

Abstract—Accessing the Web from mobile devices has become increasingly common even when searching... more Abstract—Accessing the Web from mobile devices has become increasingly common even when searching for job information. Nowadays, most job board offerings are mobile-optimized. How-ever, the search results often refer to job advertisements (ads) and external career pages that are not completely optimized for mobile access. As a result, mobile users may be confronted with inadequate usability or a dissatisfactory user experience. In this context, the purpose of this study is to assess the usability of job ads posted on job portals to identify deficits and best practices. This paper is a work in progress and presents the intended multi-method approach as well as some preliminary findings for an exemplary sample of job ads posted on a German job board.

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Research paper thumbnail of KI im Recruiting: Anwendungsfelder, Entwicklungsstand und Anwendungsbeispiele aus der Praxis

Im Recruiting sind oftmals große Datenmengen aufzubereiten und zu analysieren. Das Ziel dabei: Di... more Im Recruiting sind oftmals große Datenmengen aufzubereiten und zu analysieren. Das Ziel dabei: Die Informationsverarbeitung und Entscheidungsfindung vor, während und nach der Bewerbung zu optimieren sowie die Kommunikation zwischen Recruitingverantwortlichen, Fachabteilungen und Bewerbern zu unterstützen. Für den Einsatz von Verfahren der Künstlichen Intelligenz eröffnen sich in diesem Bereich vielfältige Anwendungsmöglichkeiten entlang des gesamten Recruitingprozesses bzw. der sogenannten „Candidate Journey“. Diese Anwendungsfelder und zugehörigen Potenziale für den KI-Einsatz werden im Beitrag zunächst systematisch beschrieben. Danach werden Erkenntnisse aus konkreten Pilotanwendungen vorgestellt. Hierzu gehören eine KI-Anwendung zur Unterstützung der Recruiter bei der Formulierung von Stellenanzeigen sowie die Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Chatbots im Bewerbersupport.

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Research paper thumbnail of Applying Mobile Technologies for Personnel Recruiting –An Analysis of User-Sided Acceptance Factors

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Research paper thumbnail of Increasing Usage Intention of Mobile Information Services via Mobile Tagging

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Research paper thumbnail of Intent Identification and Analysis for User-centered Chatbot Design: A Case Study on the Example of Recruiting Chatbots in Germany

Chatbots are text-based dialogue systems that automate communication processes. Instead of commun... more Chatbots are text-based dialogue systems that automate communication processes. Instead of communicating with a person, the user communicates with a computer system. Due to the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods, such systems have become increasingly powerful in recent years and allow for more realistic dialogue processes. In particular, methods from the field of machine learning have contributed to an improved understanding of natural language. Nevertheless, such systems are not yet able to acquire the knowledge required to answer user queries independently. Dialogue structures and elements need to be defined as the conversational design of the chatbot. Herein, an user intent describes an information need or a goal that the user aims to achieve by entering text. For a usercentered chatbot design, a relevant set of intents must be identified and structured. In addition, training questions are required in order train the AI models for matching user input with the defined set...

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Research paper thumbnail of User Preferences and Segments in App Store Marketing: A Conjoint-based Approach

Today, little is known about how the various elements involved in the presentation of mobile appl... more Today, little is known about how the various elements involved in the presentation of mobile applications (apps) in app stores influence the download or purchase decision of potential users. Current publications primarily focus on the possibilities and technical tools of app store marketing based on best practices or experience. However, research on customer preferences with regards to the presentation of apps in app stores as well as the impact of single app store elements on purchase or usage decisions has yet to be addressed. In this context, the key research objectives of this paper are to not only analyze the impact of individual app store elements on customer choice but also see if the customers can be segmented into homogenous groups according to their preferences. Accordingly, this study will identify the relative importance of individual app store elements, from both a general or mass market perspective as well as a user segmentation perspective, and derive recommendations ...

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Research paper thumbnail of CENTRIC 2015 Technical Program Committee

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Research paper thumbnail of Strategisches Management in virtuellen Unternehmen

Virtuelle Unternehmen, 2000

In der betriebswirtschaftlichen Literatur zu virtuellen Unternehmen wird gemeinhin implizit angen... more In der betriebswirtschaftlichen Literatur zu virtuellen Unternehmen wird gemeinhin implizit angenommen, das solche interorganisationalen Kooperationsnetzwerke nicht durch planerische Uberlegungen zur systematischen Identifikation und Erschliesung von Erfolgspotentialen i. S. der fur konventionelle Unternehmen entwickelten Idee eines strategischen Managements entstehen. Vielmehr wird unterstellt, das virtuelle Unternehmen uber dezentrale Selbstorganisationsmechanismen „erzeugt“ werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird gezeigt, das wichtige Voraussetzungen fur die Genese virtueller Unternehmen im Wege der Selbstorganisation (vollstandige Information, Kompatibilitat, Disponibilitat, Singularitat) nicht zutreffen. Folglich sind alternative Managementansatze zur Losung des Problems zu diskutieren, wie eine planerische Konfiguration von virtuellen Unternehmen unter Beachtung von temporaren Marktchancen und von Kernkompetenzen potentieller Netzwerkpartner initiiert und gegebenenfalls im Verlauf der Existenz eines solchen Unternehmens angepast werden kann. Eine derartige Moglichkeit zur Wahrnehmung strategischer Managementfunktionen fur virtuelle Unternehmen ist das Auftreten eines neuen Unternehmenstyps, der hier als „Integrator“ bezeichnet wird. Integratoren bringen als unterstutzende Wertaktivitat in virtuellen Unternehmen ihre Fahigkeit zur Bildung und Integration von dynamischen Unternehmensnetzwerken ein, wobei sich die Art ihrer Wertbeitrage in Abhangigkeit von der Lebenszyklusphase, in der sich ein virtuelles Unternehmen gerade befindet, verandert. Es lassen sich drei Typen von Integratoren in virtuellen Unternehmen unterscheiden, die wir als „Unternehmer“, „Geschaftsvermittler“ und „Opportunist“ etikettieren. Die Relevanz der Integrator-Typen fur einzelne Partner hangt von der Anwendungsbreite der Kernkompetenz des jeweiligen Partnerunternehmens sowie der Relevanz dieser Kompetenz fur den Wettbewerbserfolg virtueller Unternehmen ab.

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Research paper thumbnail of Faulty Results by Neglecting Mobile Service Usage Context

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of the Mobile Operating System on Smartphone Buying Decisions: A Conjoint-Based Empirical Analysis

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015

A key technical product feature of today’s Smartphones is the mobile Operating System (OS). The c... more A key technical product feature of today’s Smartphones is the mobile Operating System (OS). The choice in OS, not only commits consumers to essential technical features, but also has implications with regard to the user interface or availability of applications in the associated App Stores. In this context, this article examines the significance of the mobile operating systems with regards to the purchase decision. To this end, an empirical survey of Android and iOS buyers was carried out using a Choice Based Conjoint (CBC) analysis. In addition, the importance of various OS features as well as differences in personal attributes of Android and iOS users were analyzed. As a result, important differences are presented in terms of the attitudes and preferences of these groups of buyers with regard to mobile operating systems. In particular, it was found that the mobile OS plays the most important role in the purchase decision compared to brand, price, or design.

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Research paper thumbnail of Context-Aware Mobile Language Learning

Procedia Computer Science, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Mobile Recruiting and Video Enhanced Job Advertisements: A Case Study Analysis within a German Job Portal

The proliferation of smartphones has increased significantly in recent years. Due to the availabi... more The proliferation of smartphones has increased significantly in recent years. Due to the availability of higher data rates, video content is increasingly being accessed via these devices. Due to changes in media usage behaviour, companies are currently faced with the challenge of adapting their recruitment activities to enable access via mobile devices and increasingly to integrate multimedia and dynamic content. In view of the above, this study examines user reactions to the enhancement of job ads with video content using a case study in a German job portal. The results of this study are promising and suggest that the integration of mobile video may be appropriate to increase interest in job advertisements. In addition, initial findings for the design and integration of such recruiting videos can be derived. The limits of panel surveys, however, also became apparent and more extensive research will be required in order to be able to make general recommendations. Keywords-Mobile Rec...

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