Marina Vyrskaya | National Research University Higher School of Economics (original) (raw)


Papers by Marina Vyrskaya

Research paper thumbnail of Communication Errors and Repairs in the Automated Telephone Interviews

Sociological Journal, 2019

This article presents the results of a robotic survey conducted by the Laboratory for Social Rese... more This article presents the results of a robotic survey conducted by the Laboratory for Social Research Methodology (Institute for Social Analysis and Forecasting, RANEPA) with support from Voice Communication and the Social Validation. The goal of the survey was to select rural residents from an all-Russian sample. The 599 collected phone numbers were identified by the robot as rural. In order to accomplish this task, 64623 numbers were dialed, in 7310 cases connection was made and in 2703 cases the subscribers were asked the first question. Afterwards out of all identified cases (rural/city residents or “status not determined”), 300 were selected in order to conduct further encoding and listen to audio recordings. All of the respondents’ answers were divided into two groups: coded (or having single-valued correspondence with the proposed closures), and non-coded, which the robot was supposed to fix. Five types of non-coded answers were identified: extended answer, question interrupt...

Research paper thumbnail of (Methodical Presentation of the All-Russian Survey 'Man, Family, Society')

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2018

"Person, family, society" is a large-scale representative population survey in Russia, ... more "Person, family, society" is a large-scale representative population survey in Russia, which addresses all key issues of socio-economic and demographic development. The first two waves of the survey for comparable instruments were conducted in 2013 and in 2015. In 2015, it was decided to abandon the paper technology interview and go to paperless surveys. Two technologies were tested: a telephone survey and a quarterly survey on tablets. Based on the results of the analysis of the results of these two components of the survey, it was decided to dwell on conducting a telephone survey as the main one in 2017. Telephone technology makes it possible to implement a completely random sample of respondents. Despite a number of restrictions related to the length of the interview, remote contact with the respondent, the quality of communication and other aspects, telephone technology now seems to be the most adequate way of conducting mass population surveys.

Research paper thumbnail of Formation of professional community in the working group (on the example of the packaging operators of the confectionery factory)

Zhurnal Sotsiologii i Sotsialnoy Antropologii (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 2019

Аннотация. Ставится вопрос, как в рабочей группе на предприятии, т.е. в условиях договорных отнош... more Аннотация. Ставится вопрос, как в рабочей группе на предприятии, т.е. в условиях договорных отношений, формируется профессиональная общность, т.е. отношения сплоченности? Договорные отношения, включающие согласие следовать профессиональной этике и соблюдать корпоративный кодекс поведения, не обязывают рабочих испытывать чувство солидарности, сплоченности и единения. Скорее наоборот, формальные предписания быстро забываются или игнорируются в рутинной деятельности. Вместе с тем очевидно, что изучаемой рабочей группе-упаковщиц ирисок на кондитерской фабрике-присущи черты общности, выражаемые в повседневных практиках и языке (противопоставление своей группы группам других, использование собственного узкопрофессионального языка). Анализ материалов позволяет сделать вывод, что ключевую роль в формировании профессиональной общности в данном случае играют сбои в рабочем процессе. Во-первых, сбои определяют отношения между сотрудниками разных подразделений и дифференцируют рабочие группы в зависимости от того, какой интерес преследуют эти группы в решении возникшей проблемы. Во-вторых, даже из раза в раз повторяющиеся неполадки всегда остаются профессиональными вызовами, дающими возможность повысить квалификацию, приобрести новое умение. В-третьих, повторяемость сбоев в работе способствует формированию и закреплению определенных практик и языка, разделение которых участниками рабочей группы означает включение их в профессиональную общность. В основу статьи легли полевые материалы (дневниковые записи и документальные зарисовки ситуаций) включенного наблюдателя, год работавшего на кондитерской фабрике в качестве оператора упаковки. Полученные выводы не стоит (или стоит с осторожностью) обобщать и переносить на другие рабочие группы других предприятий. Представленная здесь интерпретация социально-этнографического исследования остается в рамках настоящего времени и того пространства, в котором оно проводилось.

Research paper thumbnail of Narrow target groups’ response rates in online surveys: empirical study of labor migrants and people with disabilities

Telescope: Journal of Sociological and Marketing Research, 2019

The article presents the cognitive capabilities of online surveys for studying narrow, hard-to-re... more The article presents the cognitive capabilities of online surveys for studying narrow, hard-to-reach target groups. The key issue of a survey conducted with specific audiences is respondents' search and involvement. The authors measured the response rate of labor migrants and people with disabilities according to the findings of the methodical analysis of two online surveys. The article proposes an algorithm of response rate measurement by internal and external parameters. Primary focus is on comparing the effect of using targeted advertising on Facebook and Yandex; the perception of advertising banner analysis in the context of survey's successful finishing; the calculation of response rate and several other indicators. The results of the methodical research indicate the most effective ways of audience involvement in online surveys, the importance of the questionnaire design, especially the first question. The main conclusion is that the test method provided with a set of c...

Research paper thumbnail of (The Effect of Standardization in Personal and Telephone Interviews)

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2017

In the course of telephone interviews, interviewers often have to break existing standards. One o... more In the course of telephone interviews, interviewers often have to break existing standards. One of the reasons for this is that the respondent does not understand the question or is in a situation of complex correspondence, when he or she can not give an unambiguous answer. This violation of the standards is manifested in various forms. However, from the point of view of further methodological work, the most interesting example is the explanation or description by the respondent of the circumstances in which he is or was earlier, instead of a direct answer. These detailed, non-standardized answers can be called paradigms in the sense that they provide us with information about how the respondent answers the question of which arguments he uses, what difficulties he encounters. Since we are talking about complex correspondences, in which, basically, violation of interview standards arise, this new additional information can be useful for changing the operationalization of concepts and further working with the toolkit. There are two ways to work with the breakdown of the survey, depending on what task the interviewer poses. In the framework of a standardized paradigm, it should in principle avoid departing from standardization and, correspondingly, the appearance of paradata, because at the time of a complex communicative situation, the probability of its influence on respondents' responses increases. Therefore, it is necessary to minimize the interviewer's participation in the search for the answer and maximize the interpretation of the question by the respondent. A more flexible survey sees the main task in bringing to the respondent the meaning of the question that was laid during the design of the survey and to receive a relevant answer. Therefore, it allows interlocutors to exchange clarifying questions and explanations. In the process of such interaction, there arise waste from standardization, which entail an array of additional information. If we adhere to the second approach, then the search for an answer to a question in an interview is a complex process involving both participants in the conversation. Their interaction is aimed at clarifying the meaning, without which the answers received can not be of any value.

Research paper thumbnail of Достижимость узких целевых групп в социально-экономических исследованиях методом онлайн опроса (Reachability of Narrow Target Groups in Socio-Economic Research Using Online Survey)

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2019

<b>Russian Abstract:</b> Препринт написан по результатам серии методических экспериме... more <b>Russian Abstract:</b> Препринт написан по результатам серии методических экспериментов, проведенных Лабораторией методологии социальных исследований РАНХиГС в 2018 году. В работе рассматриваются познавательные возможности онлайн опросов для изучения узких, труднодоступных целевых групп. Ключевой вопрос при изучении специфических аудиторий – поиск и привлечение к участию респондентов. Для решения этой задачи в исследованиях была апробирована потоковая выборка – подход к проектированию выборки не типичный для российского опыта. На основе методического анализа двух онлайн опросов анализируется достижимость представителей таких групп как трудовые мигранты и люди с ограниченными возможностями здоровья (ОВЗ). Результатом проведенной методической работы стали разработка методики оценки достижимости и рекомендации по применению онлайн опросов при изучении узких целевых групп.<br><br><b>English Abstract:</b> The preprint was written based on the results of a series of methodological experiments conducted by the Laboratory for Social Research Methodology of the RANEPA in 2018. The paper discusses the cognitive possibilities of online surveys to study narrow, hard-to-reach target groups. The key issue in the study of specific audiences - the search and involvement of respondents. To solve this problem, a stream sample was tested in studies — an approach to sample design is not typical of the Russian experience. Based on a methodological analysis of two online surveys, the attainability of representatives of such groups as labor migrants and people with disabilities (HIA) is analyzed. The result of the methodological work was the development of a methodology for assessing accessibility and recommendations on the use of online surveys in the study of narrow target groups.

Research paper thumbnail of Communication Errors and Repairs in the Automated Telephone Interviews

Sociological Journal, 2019

This article presents the results of a robotic survey conducted by the Laboratory for Social Rese... more This article presents the results of a robotic survey conducted by the Laboratory for Social Research Methodology (Institute for Social Analysis and Forecasting, RANEPA) with support from Voice Communication and the Social Validation. The goal of the survey was to select rural residents from an all-Russian sample. The 599 collected phone numbers were identified by the robot as rural. In order to accomplish this task, 64623 numbers were dialed, in 7310 cases connection was made and in 2703 cases the subscribers were asked the first question. Afterwards out of all identified cases (rural/city residents or “status not determined”), 300 were selected in order to conduct further encoding and listen to audio recordings. All of the respondents’ answers were divided into two groups: coded (or having single-valued correspondence with the proposed closures), and non-coded, which the robot was supposed to fix. Five types of non-coded answers were identified: extended answer, question interrupt...

Research paper thumbnail of (Methodical Presentation of the All-Russian Survey 'Man, Family, Society')

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2018

"Person, family, society" is a large-scale representative population survey in Russia, ... more "Person, family, society" is a large-scale representative population survey in Russia, which addresses all key issues of socio-economic and demographic development. The first two waves of the survey for comparable instruments were conducted in 2013 and in 2015. In 2015, it was decided to abandon the paper technology interview and go to paperless surveys. Two technologies were tested: a telephone survey and a quarterly survey on tablets. Based on the results of the analysis of the results of these two components of the survey, it was decided to dwell on conducting a telephone survey as the main one in 2017. Telephone technology makes it possible to implement a completely random sample of respondents. Despite a number of restrictions related to the length of the interview, remote contact with the respondent, the quality of communication and other aspects, telephone technology now seems to be the most adequate way of conducting mass population surveys.

Research paper thumbnail of Formation of professional community in the working group (on the example of the packaging operators of the confectionery factory)

Zhurnal Sotsiologii i Sotsialnoy Antropologii (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 2019

Аннотация. Ставится вопрос, как в рабочей группе на предприятии, т.е. в условиях договорных отнош... more Аннотация. Ставится вопрос, как в рабочей группе на предприятии, т.е. в условиях договорных отношений, формируется профессиональная общность, т.е. отношения сплоченности? Договорные отношения, включающие согласие следовать профессиональной этике и соблюдать корпоративный кодекс поведения, не обязывают рабочих испытывать чувство солидарности, сплоченности и единения. Скорее наоборот, формальные предписания быстро забываются или игнорируются в рутинной деятельности. Вместе с тем очевидно, что изучаемой рабочей группе-упаковщиц ирисок на кондитерской фабрике-присущи черты общности, выражаемые в повседневных практиках и языке (противопоставление своей группы группам других, использование собственного узкопрофессионального языка). Анализ материалов позволяет сделать вывод, что ключевую роль в формировании профессиональной общности в данном случае играют сбои в рабочем процессе. Во-первых, сбои определяют отношения между сотрудниками разных подразделений и дифференцируют рабочие группы в зависимости от того, какой интерес преследуют эти группы в решении возникшей проблемы. Во-вторых, даже из раза в раз повторяющиеся неполадки всегда остаются профессиональными вызовами, дающими возможность повысить квалификацию, приобрести новое умение. В-третьих, повторяемость сбоев в работе способствует формированию и закреплению определенных практик и языка, разделение которых участниками рабочей группы означает включение их в профессиональную общность. В основу статьи легли полевые материалы (дневниковые записи и документальные зарисовки ситуаций) включенного наблюдателя, год работавшего на кондитерской фабрике в качестве оператора упаковки. Полученные выводы не стоит (или стоит с осторожностью) обобщать и переносить на другие рабочие группы других предприятий. Представленная здесь интерпретация социально-этнографического исследования остается в рамках настоящего времени и того пространства, в котором оно проводилось.

Research paper thumbnail of Narrow target groups’ response rates in online surveys: empirical study of labor migrants and people with disabilities

Telescope: Journal of Sociological and Marketing Research, 2019

The article presents the cognitive capabilities of online surveys for studying narrow, hard-to-re... more The article presents the cognitive capabilities of online surveys for studying narrow, hard-to-reach target groups. The key issue of a survey conducted with specific audiences is respondents' search and involvement. The authors measured the response rate of labor migrants and people with disabilities according to the findings of the methodical analysis of two online surveys. The article proposes an algorithm of response rate measurement by internal and external parameters. Primary focus is on comparing the effect of using targeted advertising on Facebook and Yandex; the perception of advertising banner analysis in the context of survey's successful finishing; the calculation of response rate and several other indicators. The results of the methodical research indicate the most effective ways of audience involvement in online surveys, the importance of the questionnaire design, especially the first question. The main conclusion is that the test method provided with a set of c...

Research paper thumbnail of (The Effect of Standardization in Personal and Telephone Interviews)

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2017

In the course of telephone interviews, interviewers often have to break existing standards. One o... more In the course of telephone interviews, interviewers often have to break existing standards. One of the reasons for this is that the respondent does not understand the question or is in a situation of complex correspondence, when he or she can not give an unambiguous answer. This violation of the standards is manifested in various forms. However, from the point of view of further methodological work, the most interesting example is the explanation or description by the respondent of the circumstances in which he is or was earlier, instead of a direct answer. These detailed, non-standardized answers can be called paradigms in the sense that they provide us with information about how the respondent answers the question of which arguments he uses, what difficulties he encounters. Since we are talking about complex correspondences, in which, basically, violation of interview standards arise, this new additional information can be useful for changing the operationalization of concepts and further working with the toolkit. There are two ways to work with the breakdown of the survey, depending on what task the interviewer poses. In the framework of a standardized paradigm, it should in principle avoid departing from standardization and, correspondingly, the appearance of paradata, because at the time of a complex communicative situation, the probability of its influence on respondents' responses increases. Therefore, it is necessary to minimize the interviewer's participation in the search for the answer and maximize the interpretation of the question by the respondent. A more flexible survey sees the main task in bringing to the respondent the meaning of the question that was laid during the design of the survey and to receive a relevant answer. Therefore, it allows interlocutors to exchange clarifying questions and explanations. In the process of such interaction, there arise waste from standardization, which entail an array of additional information. If we adhere to the second approach, then the search for an answer to a question in an interview is a complex process involving both participants in the conversation. Their interaction is aimed at clarifying the meaning, without which the answers received can not be of any value.

Research paper thumbnail of Достижимость узких целевых групп в социально-экономических исследованиях методом онлайн опроса (Reachability of Narrow Target Groups in Socio-Economic Research Using Online Survey)

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2019

<b>Russian Abstract:</b> Препринт написан по результатам серии методических экспериме... more <b>Russian Abstract:</b> Препринт написан по результатам серии методических экспериментов, проведенных Лабораторией методологии социальных исследований РАНХиГС в 2018 году. В работе рассматриваются познавательные возможности онлайн опросов для изучения узких, труднодоступных целевых групп. Ключевой вопрос при изучении специфических аудиторий – поиск и привлечение к участию респондентов. Для решения этой задачи в исследованиях была апробирована потоковая выборка – подход к проектированию выборки не типичный для российского опыта. На основе методического анализа двух онлайн опросов анализируется достижимость представителей таких групп как трудовые мигранты и люди с ограниченными возможностями здоровья (ОВЗ). Результатом проведенной методической работы стали разработка методики оценки достижимости и рекомендации по применению онлайн опросов при изучении узких целевых групп.<br><br><b>English Abstract:</b> The preprint was written based on the results of a series of methodological experiments conducted by the Laboratory for Social Research Methodology of the RANEPA in 2018. The paper discusses the cognitive possibilities of online surveys to study narrow, hard-to-reach target groups. The key issue in the study of specific audiences - the search and involvement of respondents. To solve this problem, a stream sample was tested in studies — an approach to sample design is not typical of the Russian experience. Based on a methodological analysis of two online surveys, the attainability of representatives of such groups as labor migrants and people with disabilities (HIA) is analyzed. The result of the methodological work was the development of a methodology for assessing accessibility and recommendations on the use of online surveys in the study of narrow target groups.