Popular kids ONLY!!5%$#@%#one (original) (raw)

Hello. Again. [15 Jun 2005|10:30pm]
[ **mood** | thirsty ] This is my first and last try at keeping this community alive. All of the newbies and newbies-to-come, humor me and follow the rules. Answer the four questions in the application. Thanksbye.
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[10 Apr 2005|10:32am]
[ **mood** | awake ] I can't believe there are still people out there who don't know about http://maddox.xmission.com . GOD. His newer stuff isn't that funny, but the one about girls farting is completely genius. Read it all or I will smite you.
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[05 Nov 2004|06:57pm]
You guys better go see Shaun of the Dead. If you don't then you don't deserve to be in this community. All the cool kids are into European horror-parody flicks.
2 posted | post one
Hah. [27 Oct 2004|07:18pm]
By the way, all these random comments we're getting about "popularity" and such aren't needed. Take a joke. Okay, bye.ps: lalalala no one posts in this thing...
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[21 Oct 2004|08:07pm]
[ **mood** | mellow ] Come watch volleyball games tomorrow and saturday, us vs. SitkaC 4:30JV 6:15V 8:00and saturday is senior night, by the way.oh, and for all who are computer-challenged, I put links in the communities info on how to join, post, and use lj-cuts.
28 posted | post one
HAHA [21 Oct 2004|07:38pm]
HAHA I'm a member! How tight is that!? real tight so people who think they are tight casue they think that they know everything about everything and everyone....really aren't that tight and should just screw themselves...cause...posting those kind of comments aren't gonna do shit...what the hell is the point?...But I guess you can think ur tight since you think you know everything and all... TODAY WAS TIGHT THAT FIREDRILL KICKED BOOOTY...but my mom got a call from the school saying that i skipped more than one class...and it was gay casue i didn't and now my mom said if I don't straightin this out i can't do anything this weekend...how piece ass is that...really piece ass.. Well i got shit to do PAYCE
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[20 Oct 2004|06:03pm]
so yeah, this community is rad cause its my first one , later mike.
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[20 Oct 2004|08:17pm]
RED SOXS WON BITCHES!!! im so happy about that oh i hope that they feel so good right now cuase they should! and yeah what do u think about that?
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[19 Oct 2004|09:07pm]
Yeah this is rad that I'm in a communtity that is named after something I don't even know. I think I'm going to apply or whatever for giggles when I get a chance. -Ray
5 posted | post one
[18 Oct 2004|12:02am]
14 posted | post one
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