Antonio Machicao y Priemer | Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (original) (raw)

Papers by Antonio Machicao y Priemer

Research paper thumbnail of Towards a treatment of register phenomena in HPSG

Proceedings of the International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar

In this paper, we deal with register-driven variation from a probabilistic perspective, as propos... more In this paper, we deal with register-driven variation from a probabilistic perspective, as proposed in Schäfer, Bildhauer, Pankratz, Müller (2022). We compare two approaches to analyse this variation within HPSG. On the one hand, we consider a multiple-grammar approach and combine it with the architecture proposed in the CoreGram project Müller (2015) - discussing its advantages and disadvantages. On the other hand, we take into account a single-grammar approach and argue that it appears to be superior due to its computational efficiency and cognitive plausibility.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Architecture of CoreGram: Exemplified by the grammar fragments SpaGram & FrenchGram

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Research paper thumbnail of LaTeX-Einführung für Linguisten

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Research paper thumbnail of LaTeX-Einführung für Linguisten (Version 2019)

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Research paper thumbnail of Korean and Spanish psych-verbs: Interaction of case, theta-roles, linearization, and event structure in HPSG

Proceedings of the International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, 2018

In this paper, we argue that by making a more detailed distinction of theta-roles, while at the s... more In this paper, we argue that by making a more detailed distinction of theta-roles, while at the same time investigating the correlation of case marking, theta-role assignment, and eventuality types, we can describe different psych-verb subclasses and explain their alignment patterns in Spanish and Korean. We propose a neo-Davidsonian treatment of psych-verbs in HPSG that allows us to account for the underspecification of theta-roles which are modeled in an inheritance hierarchy for semantic relations. By assuming linking properties modeled lexically, we can constrain the properties for psych-verbs which shows the mapping of semantic arguments (i.e. experiencer, stimulus-causer, subject matter and target) to the elements in the argument structure. The type hierarchy and lexical rules proposed here capture the alternation in case marking not only of the experiencer (as traditionally assumed in the literature), but also of the stimulus. This analysis leads us to a new fourfold classifi...

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Research paper thumbnail of NPs in German: Locality, theta roles, possessives, and genitive arguments

Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 2021

Since Abney (1987), the DP-analysis has been the standard analysis for nominal complexes, but in ... more Since Abney (1987), the DP-analysis has been the standard analysis for nominal complexes, but in the last decade, the NP analysis has experienced a revival. In this spirit, we provide an NP analysis for German nominal complexes in HPSG. Our analysis deals with the fact that relational nouns assign case and theta role to their arguments. We develop an analysis in line with selectional localism (Sag 2012: 149), accounting for the asymmetry between prenominal and postnominal genitives, as well as for the complementarity between higher arguments and possessives, providing a syntactic and semantic analysis.

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Research paper thumbnail of Die Architektur von CoreGram

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Research paper thumbnail of Reflexivizing Spanish psych-verbs: Ambiguities across classes

The semorpheme in Spanish can generate different types of readings. Some of the wellstudied inter... more The semorpheme in Spanish can generate different types of readings. Some of the wellstudied interpretations of se are as a reflexive marker (in Pedro se afeita ‘Pedro shaves himself’), and se as a reciprocal marker (in Pedro y Juan se ven todos los días ‘Pedro and Juan see each other every day’). Psychological verbs (hereafter psych-verbs), such as asustar ‘frighten’ and amar ‘love’, also combine with this morpheme yielding different readings. In the psych domain, the se-morpheme is used as a strategy to alternate the experiencer argument (i.e. the entity capable of feeling an emotion) as either the object or subject of the sentence (also known as the experiencer alternation, cf. Landau 2010). In (1a), the experiencer Carlos is the object (hence experiencer-object -EOverb) of the sentence; whereas in (1b), the experiencer is the subject (hence experiencer-subject -ESverb).

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Research paper thumbnail of 12. Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar

Current Approaches to Syntax, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of NP-Arguments in NPs

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Research paper thumbnail of Boundaries at play

Interfaces in Romance

Summary In this paper, we model the left-bounded state reading and the true reflexive reading of ... more Summary In this paper, we model the left-bounded state reading and the true reflexive reading of the se clitic in the Spanish psychological domain. We argue that a lexical analysis of se provides us with a more accurate description of the different classes of psychological verbs that occur with the clitic. We provide a unified analysis where the use of the two readings of se are modeled by means of lexical rules. We take the morphologically simple but semantically more complex basic items (e.g. asustar ‘frighten’) as input of the lexical rules, getting as the output a morphologically more complex but semantically simpler verb (e.g asustarse ‘get frightened’). The analysis for psych verbs correctly allows only those verbs assigning accusative to the experiencer or the stimulus to combine with se, hence preventing dative verbs from entering the lexical rules. The analysis also demonstrates how to account for punctual and non-punctual readings of psych verbs with se incorporating ‘boun...

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Research paper thumbnail of Differentielle Objektmarkierung im Spanischen

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Research paper thumbnail of Zwischen Kern und Peripherie. Untersuchungen zu Randbereichen in Sprache und Grammatik

Die auf Noam Chomsky zurückgehende Unterscheidung zwischen Kern und Peripherie in Sprache und Gra... more Die auf Noam Chomsky zurückgehende Unterscheidung zwischen Kern und Peripherie in Sprache und Grammatik wird in der Linguistik kontrovers diskutiert. Umstritten sind dabei Fragen wie: Was für sprachliche Phänomene gehören zum Kern, welche zur Peripherie? Besteht zwischen diesen Phänomenbereichen ein gradueller Übergang? Ist es überhaupt theoretisch und methodologisch sinnvoll, von einer solchen Unterscheidung auszugehen? Die Beiträge in diesem Sammelband befassen sich aus unterschiedlichen theoretischen Perspektiven mit der grammatiktheoretischen Relevanz dieser Unterscheidung als auch mit empirischen Phänomenen an Randbereichen der Grammatik, die besondere Herausforderungen an die Kern/Peripherie-Unterscheidung stellen.

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Research paper thumbnail of LATEX-Einführung für Linguisten

DESCRIPTION Reader unseres LaTeX-Einführungskurses am 23. Februar 2015 beim 6. linguistischen Met... more DESCRIPTION Reader unseres LaTeX-Einführungskurses am 23. Februar 2015 beim 6. linguistischen Methodenworkshop an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: "In diesem Kompaktkurs sollen die Grundlagen fürs Arbeiten mit Latex vermittelt werden. Latex ist ein professionelles Satzsystem, welches viele Vorteile gegenüber den konventionellen Textverarbeitungsprogrammen wie Word oder OpenOffice anbietet. Latex ist stabil, kostenlos und plattformunabhängig (MAC, Linux & Win). Die damit erstellten Dokumente sind typographisch korrekt gesetzt. Außerdem eignet sich Latex für nahezu alle Dokumentenklassen (Präsentationen, Handouts, Artikel, Bücher, Briefe, etc.). In diesem Kompaktkurs werden wir zunächst die Grundlagen von Latex erklären (Textauszeichnung, Graphiken, Tabellen), um anschließend einige der für Linguisten nützliche Pakete (z.B. zur Erstellung von syntaktischen Bäumen, Glossierungen, IPA-Transkriptionen, usw.) zu zeigen und zu üben. Wir werden auch auf die besonders attrakiven Mögl...

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Research paper thumbnail of Die differentielle Objektmarkierung im Spanischen The present paper deals with dif... more The present paper deals with differential object marking (DOM) in Spanish, i.e. the marking of direct objects which is realized only under specific semantic conditions. That is to say that the marking of direct objects in Spanish can be either obligatory (i), optional (ii) or ungrammatical (iii). (i) Pedro ve *(a) Maria. Pedro sees *(A) Maria (ii) Pedro ve (a) una enfermera. Pedro sees (A) a/one nurse (iii) Pedro ve (*a) una lámpara. Pedro sees (*A) a/one lamp ‘Pedro sees Maria / a nurse / a lamp’. The phenomenon of differential object marking cannot only be observed in many languages belonging to different language families but also seems to have the same semantic triggers in all those languages, namely animacy, definiteness and specificity. The aim of this paper is to investigate the nature of DOM in general and to develop a model capable of predicting whether object marking is realized or not by looking at data from...

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Research paper thumbnail of Über NP, DP und wieder NP: Argumente für die NP-Analyse

Modellierung: NP vs. DP und die NP- vs. DP-Hypothese

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Research paper thumbnail of Differentielle Objektmarkierung: Spezifizität und Akkusativ im Spanischen

Untersuchungen zu Randbereichen in Sprache und Grammatik, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Die Kern/Peripherie–Unterscheidung: Probleme und Positionen

Untersuchungen zu Randbereichen in Sprache und Grammatik, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Die Kern/Peripherie–Unterscheidung: Probleme und Positionen

Untersuchungen zu Randbereichen in Sprache und Grammatik, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of NPs in German: Locality, theta roles, possessives, and genitive arguments

Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 2021

Since Abney (1987), the DP-analysis has been the standard analysis for nominal complexes, but in ... more Since Abney (1987), the DP-analysis has been the standard analysis for nominal complexes, but in the last decade, the NP analysis has experienced a revival. In this spirit, we provide an NP analysis for German nominal complexes in HPSG. Our analysis deals with the fact that relational nouns assign case and theta role to their arguments. We develop an analysis in line with selectional localism (Sag 2012: 149), accounting for the asymmetry between prenominal and postnominal genitives, as well as for the complementarity between higher arguments and possessives, providing a syntactic and semantic analysis.

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards a treatment of register phenomena in HPSG

Proceedings of the International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar

In this paper, we deal with register-driven variation from a probabilistic perspective, as propos... more In this paper, we deal with register-driven variation from a probabilistic perspective, as proposed in Schäfer, Bildhauer, Pankratz, Müller (2022). We compare two approaches to analyse this variation within HPSG. On the one hand, we consider a multiple-grammar approach and combine it with the architecture proposed in the CoreGram project Müller (2015) - discussing its advantages and disadvantages. On the other hand, we take into account a single-grammar approach and argue that it appears to be superior due to its computational efficiency and cognitive plausibility.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Architecture of CoreGram: Exemplified by the grammar fragments SpaGram & FrenchGram

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Research paper thumbnail of LaTeX-Einführung für Linguisten

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Research paper thumbnail of LaTeX-Einführung für Linguisten (Version 2019)

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Research paper thumbnail of Korean and Spanish psych-verbs: Interaction of case, theta-roles, linearization, and event structure in HPSG

Proceedings of the International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, 2018

In this paper, we argue that by making a more detailed distinction of theta-roles, while at the s... more In this paper, we argue that by making a more detailed distinction of theta-roles, while at the same time investigating the correlation of case marking, theta-role assignment, and eventuality types, we can describe different psych-verb subclasses and explain their alignment patterns in Spanish and Korean. We propose a neo-Davidsonian treatment of psych-verbs in HPSG that allows us to account for the underspecification of theta-roles which are modeled in an inheritance hierarchy for semantic relations. By assuming linking properties modeled lexically, we can constrain the properties for psych-verbs which shows the mapping of semantic arguments (i.e. experiencer, stimulus-causer, subject matter and target) to the elements in the argument structure. The type hierarchy and lexical rules proposed here capture the alternation in case marking not only of the experiencer (as traditionally assumed in the literature), but also of the stimulus. This analysis leads us to a new fourfold classifi...

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Research paper thumbnail of NPs in German: Locality, theta roles, possessives, and genitive arguments

Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 2021

Since Abney (1987), the DP-analysis has been the standard analysis for nominal complexes, but in ... more Since Abney (1987), the DP-analysis has been the standard analysis for nominal complexes, but in the last decade, the NP analysis has experienced a revival. In this spirit, we provide an NP analysis for German nominal complexes in HPSG. Our analysis deals with the fact that relational nouns assign case and theta role to their arguments. We develop an analysis in line with selectional localism (Sag 2012: 149), accounting for the asymmetry between prenominal and postnominal genitives, as well as for the complementarity between higher arguments and possessives, providing a syntactic and semantic analysis.

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Research paper thumbnail of Die Architektur von CoreGram

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Research paper thumbnail of Reflexivizing Spanish psych-verbs: Ambiguities across classes

The semorpheme in Spanish can generate different types of readings. Some of the wellstudied inter... more The semorpheme in Spanish can generate different types of readings. Some of the wellstudied interpretations of se are as a reflexive marker (in Pedro se afeita ‘Pedro shaves himself’), and se as a reciprocal marker (in Pedro y Juan se ven todos los días ‘Pedro and Juan see each other every day’). Psychological verbs (hereafter psych-verbs), such as asustar ‘frighten’ and amar ‘love’, also combine with this morpheme yielding different readings. In the psych domain, the se-morpheme is used as a strategy to alternate the experiencer argument (i.e. the entity capable of feeling an emotion) as either the object or subject of the sentence (also known as the experiencer alternation, cf. Landau 2010). In (1a), the experiencer Carlos is the object (hence experiencer-object -EOverb) of the sentence; whereas in (1b), the experiencer is the subject (hence experiencer-subject -ESverb).

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Research paper thumbnail of 12. Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar

Current Approaches to Syntax, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of NP-Arguments in NPs

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Research paper thumbnail of Boundaries at play

Interfaces in Romance

Summary In this paper, we model the left-bounded state reading and the true reflexive reading of ... more Summary In this paper, we model the left-bounded state reading and the true reflexive reading of the se clitic in the Spanish psychological domain. We argue that a lexical analysis of se provides us with a more accurate description of the different classes of psychological verbs that occur with the clitic. We provide a unified analysis where the use of the two readings of se are modeled by means of lexical rules. We take the morphologically simple but semantically more complex basic items (e.g. asustar ‘frighten’) as input of the lexical rules, getting as the output a morphologically more complex but semantically simpler verb (e.g asustarse ‘get frightened’). The analysis for psych verbs correctly allows only those verbs assigning accusative to the experiencer or the stimulus to combine with se, hence preventing dative verbs from entering the lexical rules. The analysis also demonstrates how to account for punctual and non-punctual readings of psych verbs with se incorporating ‘boun...

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Research paper thumbnail of Differentielle Objektmarkierung im Spanischen

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Research paper thumbnail of Zwischen Kern und Peripherie. Untersuchungen zu Randbereichen in Sprache und Grammatik

Die auf Noam Chomsky zurückgehende Unterscheidung zwischen Kern und Peripherie in Sprache und Gra... more Die auf Noam Chomsky zurückgehende Unterscheidung zwischen Kern und Peripherie in Sprache und Grammatik wird in der Linguistik kontrovers diskutiert. Umstritten sind dabei Fragen wie: Was für sprachliche Phänomene gehören zum Kern, welche zur Peripherie? Besteht zwischen diesen Phänomenbereichen ein gradueller Übergang? Ist es überhaupt theoretisch und methodologisch sinnvoll, von einer solchen Unterscheidung auszugehen? Die Beiträge in diesem Sammelband befassen sich aus unterschiedlichen theoretischen Perspektiven mit der grammatiktheoretischen Relevanz dieser Unterscheidung als auch mit empirischen Phänomenen an Randbereichen der Grammatik, die besondere Herausforderungen an die Kern/Peripherie-Unterscheidung stellen.

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Research paper thumbnail of LATEX-Einführung für Linguisten

DESCRIPTION Reader unseres LaTeX-Einführungskurses am 23. Februar 2015 beim 6. linguistischen Met... more DESCRIPTION Reader unseres LaTeX-Einführungskurses am 23. Februar 2015 beim 6. linguistischen Methodenworkshop an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: "In diesem Kompaktkurs sollen die Grundlagen fürs Arbeiten mit Latex vermittelt werden. Latex ist ein professionelles Satzsystem, welches viele Vorteile gegenüber den konventionellen Textverarbeitungsprogrammen wie Word oder OpenOffice anbietet. Latex ist stabil, kostenlos und plattformunabhängig (MAC, Linux & Win). Die damit erstellten Dokumente sind typographisch korrekt gesetzt. Außerdem eignet sich Latex für nahezu alle Dokumentenklassen (Präsentationen, Handouts, Artikel, Bücher, Briefe, etc.). In diesem Kompaktkurs werden wir zunächst die Grundlagen von Latex erklären (Textauszeichnung, Graphiken, Tabellen), um anschließend einige der für Linguisten nützliche Pakete (z.B. zur Erstellung von syntaktischen Bäumen, Glossierungen, IPA-Transkriptionen, usw.) zu zeigen und zu üben. Wir werden auch auf die besonders attrakiven Mögl...

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Research paper thumbnail of Die differentielle Objektmarkierung im Spanischen The present paper deals with dif... more The present paper deals with differential object marking (DOM) in Spanish, i.e. the marking of direct objects which is realized only under specific semantic conditions. That is to say that the marking of direct objects in Spanish can be either obligatory (i), optional (ii) or ungrammatical (iii). (i) Pedro ve *(a) Maria. Pedro sees *(A) Maria (ii) Pedro ve (a) una enfermera. Pedro sees (A) a/one nurse (iii) Pedro ve (*a) una lámpara. Pedro sees (*A) a/one lamp ‘Pedro sees Maria / a nurse / a lamp’. The phenomenon of differential object marking cannot only be observed in many languages belonging to different language families but also seems to have the same semantic triggers in all those languages, namely animacy, definiteness and specificity. The aim of this paper is to investigate the nature of DOM in general and to develop a model capable of predicting whether object marking is realized or not by looking at data from...

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Research paper thumbnail of Über NP, DP und wieder NP: Argumente für die NP-Analyse

Modellierung: NP vs. DP und die NP- vs. DP-Hypothese

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Research paper thumbnail of Differentielle Objektmarkierung: Spezifizität und Akkusativ im Spanischen

Untersuchungen zu Randbereichen in Sprache und Grammatik, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Die Kern/Peripherie–Unterscheidung: Probleme und Positionen

Untersuchungen zu Randbereichen in Sprache und Grammatik, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Die Kern/Peripherie–Unterscheidung: Probleme und Positionen

Untersuchungen zu Randbereichen in Sprache und Grammatik, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of NPs in German: Locality, theta roles, possessives, and genitive arguments

Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 2021

Since Abney (1987), the DP-analysis has been the standard analysis for nominal complexes, but in ... more Since Abney (1987), the DP-analysis has been the standard analysis for nominal complexes, but in the last decade, the NP analysis has experienced a revival. In this spirit, we provide an NP analysis for German nominal complexes in HPSG. Our analysis deals with the fact that relational nouns assign case and theta role to their arguments. We develop an analysis in line with selectional localism (Sag 2012: 149), accounting for the asymmetry between prenominal and postnominal genitives, as well as for the complementarity between higher arguments and possessives, providing a syntactic and semantic analysis.

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Research paper thumbnail of LaTeX-Einführung für Linguisten (Version 2019)

LaTeX-Einführung für Linguisten (Version 2019), 2019

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