her - fordítás latinra - translatero.com (original) (raw)

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Angol-latin szótár

her: suus ea ei sua eam eius hac hanc huic illa

Példák a «her» fordítására a kontextusban:

I know her. Eam novi. Forráspanasz Corpus name: tatoeba. License: Creative Commons CC-BY-2.0. References: http://tatoeba.org
I don't love her. Eam non amo. Forráspanasz Corpus name: tatoeba. License: Creative Commons CC-BY-2.0. References: http://tatoeba.org
He hugged her. Eam amplexus est. Forráspanasz Corpus name: tatoeba. License: Creative Commons CC-BY-2.0. References: http://tatoeba.org
Don't listen to her. Noli eam auscultare. Forráspanasz Corpus name: tatoeba. License: Creative Commons CC-BY-2.0. References: http://tatoeba.org
Don't phone her now. Nolite eam nunc per telephonum adire. Forráspanasz Corpus name: tatoeba. License: Creative Commons CC-BY-2.0. References: http://tatoeba.org
That is her house. Domus eius est. Forráspanasz Corpus name: tatoeba. License: Creative Commons CC-BY-2.0. References: http://tatoeba.org
She terrified her. Eam terruit. Forráspanasz Corpus name: tatoeba. License: Creative Commons CC-BY-2.0. References: http://tatoeba.org

népszerű online fordítási célpontok:

Angol-Magyar Angol-Román Latin-Angol Latin-Magyar Latin-Német Magyar-Angol Magyar-Latin Német-Latin Olasz-Latin Román-Angol

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