The Stories of the Steadfast (original) (raw)

02 August 2007 @ 12:33 am

Title: Until The End
Author: pathology_doc
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Ernie MacMillan/Hannah Abbott
Rating: PG
Notes: Set towards the end of “Deathly Hallows”. Because I was sad to see this comm neglected. And because I like the pairing.

( Deathly Hallows SpoilersCollapse )

Title: First at Something
Author: pathology_doc
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Susan Bones/- (gen)
Rating: G
Notes: For the “Susan Bones” prompt. Canon-compatible to the end of book six.
( Read more...Collapse )

Current Location: Melbourne

Current Mood: creative

Current Mood: cheerfulcheerful

Current Music: "wild horses" -- the sundays

Rating: G
Characters/Pairing: Zacharias, Harry, gen.
Word Count: 100 words.
Prompt: badger

( where's the proof You-Know-Who's back?Collapse )

Prompt for this next week: badger (which, for some reason, hasn't been done before or isn't on the list of things done before. :|)

Ack, and I'm sorry for missing last week, too.

Current Mood: giddydistracted

Current Music: "jet ski" -- bikini kill

25 February 2007 @ 03:19 am

Title: Worth More Than She Suspected (Hannah-centric)
Author: pathology_doc
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Nil
Rating: M-15
Notes: Written for the “Perhaps” prompt. Set just after book six; Susan has gone to Hannah to tell her about what happened to Dumbledore.

( Read more...Collapse )

19 February 2007 @ 06:19 pm

:/ sorry about last week! There were conflicting RL issues.

Anyways, the prompt for this week is perhaps

Have fun with it!

Also, I'm still open to suggestions!

Current Mood: calmcalm

Current Music: "what'cha got" -- zanna, don't

05 February 2007 @ 12:14 am

I'm on time!

The prompt this week is marriage, taken shamelessly from a fantastic RPG where Hannah and Ernie are in an arranged marriage and not quite in love and *rambles* **

Let's see some participation this week!

And, for next week! ( poll, plus footnote!Collapse )

Current Mood: cheerfulcheerful

29 January 2007 @ 06:07 pm

So apparently, Monday is the new Sunday. :|

The prompt this week is textbook! Have fun with it!!!

Current Mood: busy

Current Music: "playboy mommy" -- allison crowe (cover)

22 January 2007 @ 06:19 pm

Uhm, it's my first post and I'm a day late. Oops >.>

ANYWAYS, the prompt for this week is birthday

You know the drill! 100 words, Hufflepuff centric, etc. etc. Have a fabulous time with it!

Current Mood: busy

Current Music: "gold dust woman" -- fleetwood mac