Lev Trakhtenberg | Lomonosov Moscow State University (original) (raw)

Papers by Lev Trakhtenberg

Research paper thumbnail of Вымышленный писатель Ф.В. Ларрович (The Fictitious Writer F.V. Larrovitch)

Мистификация в славянской культуре: поэтика и практики, Dec 31, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Grigoryev A.A. Sobranie Sochinenii (Collected Works): In 10 Vols. Ed. By B.F. Egorov and A.P. Dmitriev. Vol. I–III. St. Petersburg, 2021–2022

Lomonosov Journal of Philology

The new Collected Works of Grigoryev aim to include everything he had written. No edition of this... more The new Collected Works of Grigoryev aim to include everything he had written. No edition of this author has ever reached such a scope. Vol. I includes Grigoryev’s poetry, vols. II and III comprise verse drama, both original and translated from French, Greek and English. The present collection was conceived by B.F. Egorov, who would study Grigoryev’s life and oeuvre for more than half a century. He worked in cooperation with A.P. Dmitriev, who took over this labour after Egorov’s death. This edition continues the scholarly tradition of the Pushkin House.

Research paper thumbnail of Проблемы поэтики русской пародии XVII-первой половины XVIII вв

Research paper thumbnail of Журнал И. А. Крылова «Почта духов» и комедия Ж.-Б. Пюжуля «Капризы Прозерпины»

Русская литература, 2018

äóõîâ» È. À. Êðûëîâà-ïîçäíèé îáðàçåö òðàäèöèè ðóññêîãî ñàòèðè-÷åñêîãî aeóðíàëà. Èçäàíèÿ òàêîãî òè... more äóõîâ» È. À. Êðûëîâà-ïîçäíèé îáðàçåö òðàäèöèè ðóññêîãî ñàòèðè-÷åñêîãî aeóðíàëà. Èçäàíèÿ òàêîãî òèïà, êàê ïðàâèëî, îòëè÷àåò åäèíñòâî àâòîðñêîãî çàìûñëà è êîìïîçèöèè. Ïî ñòåïåíè ñòðóêòóðíîé ñâÿçíîñòè ñàòèðè÷åñêèé aeóðíàë ïðåäñòàâëÿåò ñîáîé íå ñòîëüêî êîìïëåêñ ïðîèçâåäåíèé, ñêîëüêî åäèíûé òåêñò. Êàê è èçäàòåëè ìíîãèõ äðóãèõ ñàòèðè÷åñêèõ aeóðíàëîâ, Êðûëîâ, ñêîðåå âñåãî, ðàáîòàë íàä «Ïî÷òîé äóõîâ» áåç ñîàâòîðîâ, îäíàêî ïîëüçîâàëñÿ èíîñòðàííûìè èñ-òî÷íèêàìè. Ïî-âèäèìîìó, îá ýòîì çíàë Ï. À. Ïëåòíåâ, êîòîðûé, ãîòîâÿ Ïîëíîå ñîáðàíèå ñî÷èíåíèé Êðûëîâà, âêëþ÷èë â íåãî ëèøü ÷àñòü ïèñåì «Ïî÷òû äóõîâ». Ïðè ýòîì Ïëåòíåâ óêàçàë, ÷òî â èçäàíèå âîøëè âñå ïðèíàäëåaeàùèå Êðûëîâó ñòàòüè aeóðíàëà. 1 Âîïðîñ îá àâòîðñòâå ïèñåì, íå âîøåäøèõ â èçäàíèå Ïëåòíåâà, âûçâàë äèñêóññèþ. Îñíîâûâàÿñü íà çàìå÷àíèè Ø.-Ô.-Ô. Ìàññîíà, êîòîðûé íàçâàë «Ïî÷òó äóõîâ» ïðîèçâåäåíèåì À. Í. Ðàäèùåâà, 2 À. Í. Ïûïèí âûñêàçàë ïðåäïîëîaeåíèå, ÷òî àâòîðîì ÷àñòè ïèñåì â aeóðíàëå ìîã áûòü Ðàäèùåâ. 3 Âûäâèãàëèñü àðãóìåíòû êàê â ïîëüçó àâòîðñòâà Ðàäèùåâà, òàê è â ïîëüçó òîãî, ÷òî âåñü òåêñò aeóðíàëà ïðèíàäëåaeèò Êðûëîâó. Çàãàäêó ðàçðåøèëà Ì. Â. Ðàçóìîâñêàÿ, ïðîäåìîíñòðèðîâàâ, ÷òî ñòàòüè «Ïî÷òû äóõîâ», ñòàâøèå ïðåäìåòîì ñïîðà, ïðåäñòàâëÿþò ñîáîé ïåðåâîäû èç ðîìàíîâ AE.-Á. äå Áóàéå ìàðêèçà ä'Àðaeàíà. 4 Ñîñòàâ çàèìñòâîâàííûõ èç ïðîèçâåäåíèé ìàðêèçà ä'Àðaeàíà ñòàòåé äåìîíñòðèðóåò çàêîíîìåðíîñòü, îïðåäåëåííóþ êîìïîçèöèåé èçäàíèÿ. Ñðåäè ðóññêèõ ñàòèðè-÷åñêèõ aeóðíàëîâ «Ïî÷òà äóõîâ» âûäåëÿåòñÿ îñîáîé ñëîaeíîñòüþ ñòðóêòóðû. ×åðåäîâàíèå îáùèõ ðàññóaeäåíèé íà òåìû ìîðàëè è ñàòèðè÷åñêèõ êàðòèí ó Êðûëîâà ñîîòíåñåíî ñ ðàñïðåäåëåíèåì ñòàòåé ìåaeäó ôèêòèâíûìè ñóáúåêòàìè ðå÷è è, êðîìå òîãî, ïîäêðåïëåíî ñþaeåòîì, ïðîâåäåííûì îò íà÷àëà äî êîíöà aeóðíàëà, íî ëèøü ÷åðåç ÷àñòü åãî ñòàòåé.  ñîîòâåòñòâèè ñ ïîëíûì íàçâàíèåì aeóðíàëà-«Ïî÷òà äóõîâ, èëè Ó÷åíàÿ, íðàâñòâåííàÿ è êðèòè÷åñêàÿ ïåðåïèñêà àðàáñêîãî ôèëîñîôà Ìàëèêóëüìóëüêà ñ âîäÿíûìè, âîçäóøíûìè è ïîäçåìíûìè äóõàìè»-â ðîëè àâòîðîâ ïèñåì âûñòóïàþò ãíîìû Çîð, Áóðèñòîí è Âåñòîäàâ, ñèëüôû Äàëüíîâèä è Ñâåòîâèä, îíäèí Áîðåèä è äð. Äàâíî îòìå÷åíî òåìàòè÷åñêîå ðàñïðåäåëåíèå ïèñåì ìåaeäó âûìûøëåííûìè àâòîðàìè: òàê, â ïèñüìàõ îò èìåíè ãíîìîâ ïðåîáëàäàåò ñàòèðè÷åñêàÿ òåìàòèêà, à ïèñüìà îò ëèöà ñèëüôîâ ñêîðåå íîñÿò õàðàêòåð îòâëå÷åííûõ ðàññóaeäåíèé. 5 Ïðè ýòîì ìàòåðèàëû, âîñõîäÿùèå ê êíèãàì ìàðêèçà ä'Àðaeàíà, òàêaeå ðàñ-Ëåâ Àðêàäüåâè÷ Òðàõòåíáåðã-äîöåíò êàôåäðû èñòîðèè ðóññêîé ëèòåðàòóðû Ìîñêîâñêîãî ãîñóäàðñòâåííîãî óíèâåðñèòåòà èì. Ì. Â. Ëîìîíîñîâà.

Research paper thumbnail of Рец. на: Anton Chekhov through the eyes of Russian thinkers

Research paper thumbnail of Литература и личность в эпоху взрыва: образы «Новой повести о преславном Российском царстве»

Research paper thumbnail of Рец. на: Недзвецкий В.А. Статьи о русской литературе XIX-XX веков. Научная публицистика. Воспоминания. Нальчик: ООО "Тетраграф", 2011, 628 с

Research paper thumbnail of Пародийные сцены инициации в русских сатирических журналах

Research paper thumbnail of Источник басни И. И. Хемницера «Буквы» (The Source of I. I. Chemnitzer’s Fable "The Letters)

Russkaya literatura, 2023

The paper shows that the plot of Ivan Chemnitzer’s fable The Letters is based on an anecdote that... more The paper shows that the plot of Ivan Chemnitzer’s fable The Letters is based on an anecdote that went into wide circulation in 1779–1781, after its fi rst publication in "Annales Politiques, Civiles et Littéraires…" Chemnitzer probably read it in the German translation, published in the Chronologen magazine. New facts suggests that the fable dates back to 1780 — the fi rst half of 1782. Chemnitzer’s fable is rather different from its source in terms of plot as well as idea. While the anecdote is about a simple inscription that highbrow scholars find too difficult to interpret, the fable features a king who deliberately propounds a riddle to the scholars, so as to deride their pointless sophistication.

Research paper thumbnail of Басня И. И. Хемницера «Метафизический ученик»: история сюжета (Ivan Chemnitzer's Fable «The Student of Metaphysics»: Makings of the Plot)

Русская литература (Russkaâ literatura), 2021

The article traces the sources of Ivan Chemnitzer's fable «The Student of Metaphysics». Its plot ... more The article traces the sources of Ivan Chemnitzer's fable «The Student of Metaphysics». Its plot is based on Aesop's fable «The Astrologer» (Perry 40) and the folk anecdote «The Learned Son» (AT 1628). C. F. Gellert's fable «The Peasant and his Son» (Perry 707) might have provided the pattern for the plot synthesis. Combining Aesop's plot with the personae of the anecdote, Chemnitzer formulates the problem of false enlightenment, considered important in the 18th century, in the language of literary and folklore archetypes.

Research paper thumbnail of Rev. of: Harvey Pitcher. Responding to Chekhov: The Journey of a Lifetime (Cromer: Swallow House Books, 2010)

Research paper thumbnail of Оссианическое стихотворение Н. В. Станкевича (An Ossianic Poem by N. V. Stankevich)

Culture and Text, 2020

The paper considers The Moon. Imitated from the French, an early poem by N. V. Stankevich. The po... more The paper considers The Moon. Imitated from the French, an early poem by N. V. Stankevich. The poem is shown to be a translation of the introduction to a verse imitation of Ossian’s poem Dar-thula created by P. Baour-Lormian. Stankevich must have found the fragment of P. Baour-Lormian’s poem in a well-known French anthology compiled by F. Noël and F. Delaplace. Stankevich’s style is under the influence of Derzhavin’s colour imagery. Stankevich reinterprets the text he translates, giving it a more joyful emotional tone.

Research paper thumbnail of Басня И. А. Крылова «Лещи» и ее французский источник («The Breams», a Fable by I. A. Krylov, and its French Source)

Russkaya literatura, 2020

The article shows that I. A. Krylov’s fable «The Breams» is based on J.-J. Boisard’s fable «The P... more The article shows that I. A. Krylov’s fable «The Breams» is based on J.-J. Boisard’s fable «The Pikes». It demonstrates how Krylov transformed the source plot, turning a static situation into a dynamic story, spotlighting a minor image and supplementing humour with satire.


Lomonosov Journal of Philology

The new book by Alexey Pautkin, professor at Lomonosov Moscow State University, is a collection o... more The new book by Alexey Pautkin, professor at Lomonosov Moscow State University, is a collection of papers on various aspects of Russian literary history. Th e book comprises two parts, the fi rst one concerning mediaeval and the second modern literature. The book features diverse research approaches, comparing mediaeval and modern as well as Russian and foreign literature and interweaving criticism with adjacent disciplines, from chronology to art history and cultural studies.

Research paper thumbnail of The Jubilee of the Chekhov Herald

Lomonosov Journal of Philology

The Chekhov Herald is a periodical dedicated to the interpretations of Chekhov in world criticism... more The Chekhov Herald is a periodical dedicated to the interpretations of Chekhov in world criticism and art. It reviews books about Chekhov and performances of his plays. The journal presents a chronicle of Chekhov conferences and museum events, a bibliography of publications. The Chekhov Herald is published since 1997 under the editorship of V.B. Kataev. In 2021 the 40th issue of the journal was published, and in 2022 Th e Chekhov Herald celebrated its 25th anniversary.

Research paper thumbnail of Журнал В. В. Тузова «Поденьшина»: поэтика и идеология (V. V. Tuzov’s Journal Podenshchina (Day Labour): Poetics and Ideology)

Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия Филология. Журналистика (Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Philology. Journalism), 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Typology of Short Forms in Russian 18th‑century Satirical Magazines

Izvestia Ural Federal University Journal Series 1. Issues in Education, Science and Culture, 2020

18th century satirical magazines are characterized by a wide range of short literary forms. The a... more 18th century satirical magazines are characterized by a wide range of short literary forms. The article outlines their three­dimensional typology. One dimension stands for the “outer” form of the text, differentiating between two main article types, i.e., moralistic discourse and satirical character sketch. Two other dimensions describe the “outer” form. Basic structural types may be presented as editor’s essays or readers’ letters. They may also realize different models of composition, including parodic ones. All this helps authors to diversify the impressions of the audience, reinforcing the didactic appeal of the text.

Research paper thumbnail of N. I. Strakhov’s Works of Satire and ‘The Fashionable Book’ by L.-A. Caraccioli

Вестник Пермского университета. Российская и зарубежная филология, 2021

In 1790–1793 Nikolai Strakhov publishes The Satirical Bulletin (1790–1792), A Handbook for Winter... more In 1790–1793 Nikolai Strakhov publishes The Satirical Bulletin (1790–1792), A Handbook for Winter Moscow Visitors (1791), The Correspondence of Fashion and The Lamentations of Fashion over the Expulsion of Fashionable and Expensive Goods (1793). The paper shows that The Fashionable Book by the French writer Louis-Antoine Caraccioli, published in Russian translation in 1789, could have been one of their literary sources. All the Strakhov’s works mentioned above share a common topic with the book by Caraccioli: fashion. In A Handbook, The Correspondence and The Lamentations of Fashion, as well as in The Fashionable Book, fashion is the only topic, while in the journal The Satirical Bulletin it is central. Perhaps Caraccioli’s satire suggests to Strakhov the very idea of a full-length book dealing entirely with the subject of fashion, the idea the writer develops in his A Handbook and The Correspondence. A Handbook shares one more important feature with its probable French inspiration:...

Research paper thumbnail of N. V. Leontiev’s Fables Adapted from J. La Fontaine

Izvestia Ural Federal University Journal Series 1. Issues in Education, Science and Culture, 2021

Nikolai Leontiev is a Russian 18th-century fabulist, esteemed by contemporaries but later forgott... more Nikolai Leontiev is a Russian 18th-century fabulist, esteemed by contemporaries but later forgotten. The paper shows that seven of his fables are based on J. La Fontaine’s examples. There are two patterns of reception. In one of them the plot and personae are the same as in the source text, while in the other pattern they are changed. The moral usually stays the same, but in some cases, Leontiev makes certain changes, which reflect his ideology. Among his fables The Three Kings is especially interesting. It is based on la Fontaine’s fable The Frogs Who Desired a King, but the plot is transformed so as to express an opposite idea: unlike the pessimistic French poet, Leontiev optimistically believes in the reality of a good social order.

Research paper thumbnail of Жанровая система русских сатирических журналов XVIII века (Genre System of Russian XVIII Century Satirical Magazines)

Жанры речи (International Journal “Speech Genres”), 2020

Satirical magazines are a unique form of the XVIII century literature. Standing outside the domin... more Satirical magazines are a unique form of the XVIII century literature. Standing outside the dominant in the XVIII century normative poetics, they share its didactic intent. They develop a specific genre system consisting of short literary forms. The research aims to create a structural model of this system. It involves multiple factors: the literary forms it includes are defined on several irredundant criteria. Its main genres are the editor’s essay, the reader’s letter, and parodies. The editor as the subject of an essay is a fictional character. Readers’ letters, whoever their real authors might be, coexist with editor’s essays in a common fictional space. Such genres as newspaper articles, recipes, dictionaries are objects of parody. A character sketch is the basic element of the system. Compressed or extended, it can appear as a description or a narrative. A character sketch as well as other genre modes may take the shape of essays, letters, parodies. Many short forms show a ten...

Research paper thumbnail of Вымышленный писатель Ф.В. Ларрович (The Fictitious Writer F.V. Larrovitch)

Мистификация в славянской культуре: поэтика и практики, Dec 31, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Grigoryev A.A. Sobranie Sochinenii (Collected Works): In 10 Vols. Ed. By B.F. Egorov and A.P. Dmitriev. Vol. I–III. St. Petersburg, 2021–2022

Lomonosov Journal of Philology

The new Collected Works of Grigoryev aim to include everything he had written. No edition of this... more The new Collected Works of Grigoryev aim to include everything he had written. No edition of this author has ever reached such a scope. Vol. I includes Grigoryev’s poetry, vols. II and III comprise verse drama, both original and translated from French, Greek and English. The present collection was conceived by B.F. Egorov, who would study Grigoryev’s life and oeuvre for more than half a century. He worked in cooperation with A.P. Dmitriev, who took over this labour after Egorov’s death. This edition continues the scholarly tradition of the Pushkin House.

Research paper thumbnail of Проблемы поэтики русской пародии XVII-первой половины XVIII вв

Research paper thumbnail of Журнал И. А. Крылова «Почта духов» и комедия Ж.-Б. Пюжуля «Капризы Прозерпины»

Русская литература, 2018

äóõîâ» È. À. Êðûëîâà-ïîçäíèé îáðàçåö òðàäèöèè ðóññêîãî ñàòèðè-÷åñêîãî aeóðíàëà. Èçäàíèÿ òàêîãî òè... more äóõîâ» È. À. Êðûëîâà-ïîçäíèé îáðàçåö òðàäèöèè ðóññêîãî ñàòèðè-÷åñêîãî aeóðíàëà. Èçäàíèÿ òàêîãî òèïà, êàê ïðàâèëî, îòëè÷àåò åäèíñòâî àâòîðñêîãî çàìûñëà è êîìïîçèöèè. Ïî ñòåïåíè ñòðóêòóðíîé ñâÿçíîñòè ñàòèðè÷åñêèé aeóðíàë ïðåäñòàâëÿåò ñîáîé íå ñòîëüêî êîìïëåêñ ïðîèçâåäåíèé, ñêîëüêî åäèíûé òåêñò. Êàê è èçäàòåëè ìíîãèõ äðóãèõ ñàòèðè÷åñêèõ aeóðíàëîâ, Êðûëîâ, ñêîðåå âñåãî, ðàáîòàë íàä «Ïî÷òîé äóõîâ» áåç ñîàâòîðîâ, îäíàêî ïîëüçîâàëñÿ èíîñòðàííûìè èñ-òî÷íèêàìè. Ïî-âèäèìîìó, îá ýòîì çíàë Ï. À. Ïëåòíåâ, êîòîðûé, ãîòîâÿ Ïîëíîå ñîáðàíèå ñî÷èíåíèé Êðûëîâà, âêëþ÷èë â íåãî ëèøü ÷àñòü ïèñåì «Ïî÷òû äóõîâ». Ïðè ýòîì Ïëåòíåâ óêàçàë, ÷òî â èçäàíèå âîøëè âñå ïðèíàäëåaeàùèå Êðûëîâó ñòàòüè aeóðíàëà. 1 Âîïðîñ îá àâòîðñòâå ïèñåì, íå âîøåäøèõ â èçäàíèå Ïëåòíåâà, âûçâàë äèñêóññèþ. Îñíîâûâàÿñü íà çàìå÷àíèè Ø.-Ô.-Ô. Ìàññîíà, êîòîðûé íàçâàë «Ïî÷òó äóõîâ» ïðîèçâåäåíèåì À. Í. Ðàäèùåâà, 2 À. Í. Ïûïèí âûñêàçàë ïðåäïîëîaeåíèå, ÷òî àâòîðîì ÷àñòè ïèñåì â aeóðíàëå ìîã áûòü Ðàäèùåâ. 3 Âûäâèãàëèñü àðãóìåíòû êàê â ïîëüçó àâòîðñòâà Ðàäèùåâà, òàê è â ïîëüçó òîãî, ÷òî âåñü òåêñò aeóðíàëà ïðèíàäëåaeèò Êðûëîâó. Çàãàäêó ðàçðåøèëà Ì. Â. Ðàçóìîâñêàÿ, ïðîäåìîíñòðèðîâàâ, ÷òî ñòàòüè «Ïî÷òû äóõîâ», ñòàâøèå ïðåäìåòîì ñïîðà, ïðåäñòàâëÿþò ñîáîé ïåðåâîäû èç ðîìàíîâ AE.-Á. äå Áóàéå ìàðêèçà ä'Àðaeàíà. 4 Ñîñòàâ çàèìñòâîâàííûõ èç ïðîèçâåäåíèé ìàðêèçà ä'Àðaeàíà ñòàòåé äåìîíñòðèðóåò çàêîíîìåðíîñòü, îïðåäåëåííóþ êîìïîçèöèåé èçäàíèÿ. Ñðåäè ðóññêèõ ñàòèðè-÷åñêèõ aeóðíàëîâ «Ïî÷òà äóõîâ» âûäåëÿåòñÿ îñîáîé ñëîaeíîñòüþ ñòðóêòóðû. ×åðåäîâàíèå îáùèõ ðàññóaeäåíèé íà òåìû ìîðàëè è ñàòèðè÷åñêèõ êàðòèí ó Êðûëîâà ñîîòíåñåíî ñ ðàñïðåäåëåíèåì ñòàòåé ìåaeäó ôèêòèâíûìè ñóáúåêòàìè ðå÷è è, êðîìå òîãî, ïîäêðåïëåíî ñþaeåòîì, ïðîâåäåííûì îò íà÷àëà äî êîíöà aeóðíàëà, íî ëèøü ÷åðåç ÷àñòü åãî ñòàòåé.  ñîîòâåòñòâèè ñ ïîëíûì íàçâàíèåì aeóðíàëà-«Ïî÷òà äóõîâ, èëè Ó÷åíàÿ, íðàâñòâåííàÿ è êðèòè÷åñêàÿ ïåðåïèñêà àðàáñêîãî ôèëîñîôà Ìàëèêóëüìóëüêà ñ âîäÿíûìè, âîçäóøíûìè è ïîäçåìíûìè äóõàìè»-â ðîëè àâòîðîâ ïèñåì âûñòóïàþò ãíîìû Çîð, Áóðèñòîí è Âåñòîäàâ, ñèëüôû Äàëüíîâèä è Ñâåòîâèä, îíäèí Áîðåèä è äð. Äàâíî îòìå÷åíî òåìàòè÷åñêîå ðàñïðåäåëåíèå ïèñåì ìåaeäó âûìûøëåííûìè àâòîðàìè: òàê, â ïèñüìàõ îò èìåíè ãíîìîâ ïðåîáëàäàåò ñàòèðè÷åñêàÿ òåìàòèêà, à ïèñüìà îò ëèöà ñèëüôîâ ñêîðåå íîñÿò õàðàêòåð îòâëå÷åííûõ ðàññóaeäåíèé. 5 Ïðè ýòîì ìàòåðèàëû, âîñõîäÿùèå ê êíèãàì ìàðêèçà ä'Àðaeàíà, òàêaeå ðàñ-Ëåâ Àðêàäüåâè÷ Òðàõòåíáåðã-äîöåíò êàôåäðû èñòîðèè ðóññêîé ëèòåðàòóðû Ìîñêîâñêîãî ãîñóäàðñòâåííîãî óíèâåðñèòåòà èì. Ì. Â. Ëîìîíîñîâà.

Research paper thumbnail of Рец. на: Anton Chekhov through the eyes of Russian thinkers

Research paper thumbnail of Литература и личность в эпоху взрыва: образы «Новой повести о преславном Российском царстве»

Research paper thumbnail of Рец. на: Недзвецкий В.А. Статьи о русской литературе XIX-XX веков. Научная публицистика. Воспоминания. Нальчик: ООО "Тетраграф", 2011, 628 с

Research paper thumbnail of Пародийные сцены инициации в русских сатирических журналах

Research paper thumbnail of Источник басни И. И. Хемницера «Буквы» (The Source of I. I. Chemnitzer’s Fable "The Letters)

Russkaya literatura, 2023

The paper shows that the plot of Ivan Chemnitzer’s fable The Letters is based on an anecdote that... more The paper shows that the plot of Ivan Chemnitzer’s fable The Letters is based on an anecdote that went into wide circulation in 1779–1781, after its fi rst publication in "Annales Politiques, Civiles et Littéraires…" Chemnitzer probably read it in the German translation, published in the Chronologen magazine. New facts suggests that the fable dates back to 1780 — the fi rst half of 1782. Chemnitzer’s fable is rather different from its source in terms of plot as well as idea. While the anecdote is about a simple inscription that highbrow scholars find too difficult to interpret, the fable features a king who deliberately propounds a riddle to the scholars, so as to deride their pointless sophistication.

Research paper thumbnail of Басня И. И. Хемницера «Метафизический ученик»: история сюжета (Ivan Chemnitzer's Fable «The Student of Metaphysics»: Makings of the Plot)

Русская литература (Russkaâ literatura), 2021

The article traces the sources of Ivan Chemnitzer's fable «The Student of Metaphysics». Its plot ... more The article traces the sources of Ivan Chemnitzer's fable «The Student of Metaphysics». Its plot is based on Aesop's fable «The Astrologer» (Perry 40) and the folk anecdote «The Learned Son» (AT 1628). C. F. Gellert's fable «The Peasant and his Son» (Perry 707) might have provided the pattern for the plot synthesis. Combining Aesop's plot with the personae of the anecdote, Chemnitzer formulates the problem of false enlightenment, considered important in the 18th century, in the language of literary and folklore archetypes.

Research paper thumbnail of Rev. of: Harvey Pitcher. Responding to Chekhov: The Journey of a Lifetime (Cromer: Swallow House Books, 2010)

Research paper thumbnail of Оссианическое стихотворение Н. В. Станкевича (An Ossianic Poem by N. V. Stankevich)

Culture and Text, 2020

The paper considers The Moon. Imitated from the French, an early poem by N. V. Stankevich. The po... more The paper considers The Moon. Imitated from the French, an early poem by N. V. Stankevich. The poem is shown to be a translation of the introduction to a verse imitation of Ossian’s poem Dar-thula created by P. Baour-Lormian. Stankevich must have found the fragment of P. Baour-Lormian’s poem in a well-known French anthology compiled by F. Noël and F. Delaplace. Stankevich’s style is under the influence of Derzhavin’s colour imagery. Stankevich reinterprets the text he translates, giving it a more joyful emotional tone.

Research paper thumbnail of Басня И. А. Крылова «Лещи» и ее французский источник («The Breams», a Fable by I. A. Krylov, and its French Source)

Russkaya literatura, 2020

The article shows that I. A. Krylov’s fable «The Breams» is based on J.-J. Boisard’s fable «The P... more The article shows that I. A. Krylov’s fable «The Breams» is based on J.-J. Boisard’s fable «The Pikes». It demonstrates how Krylov transformed the source plot, turning a static situation into a dynamic story, spotlighting a minor image and supplementing humour with satire.


Lomonosov Journal of Philology

The new book by Alexey Pautkin, professor at Lomonosov Moscow State University, is a collection o... more The new book by Alexey Pautkin, professor at Lomonosov Moscow State University, is a collection of papers on various aspects of Russian literary history. Th e book comprises two parts, the fi rst one concerning mediaeval and the second modern literature. The book features diverse research approaches, comparing mediaeval and modern as well as Russian and foreign literature and interweaving criticism with adjacent disciplines, from chronology to art history and cultural studies.

Research paper thumbnail of The Jubilee of the Chekhov Herald

Lomonosov Journal of Philology

The Chekhov Herald is a periodical dedicated to the interpretations of Chekhov in world criticism... more The Chekhov Herald is a periodical dedicated to the interpretations of Chekhov in world criticism and art. It reviews books about Chekhov and performances of his plays. The journal presents a chronicle of Chekhov conferences and museum events, a bibliography of publications. The Chekhov Herald is published since 1997 under the editorship of V.B. Kataev. In 2021 the 40th issue of the journal was published, and in 2022 Th e Chekhov Herald celebrated its 25th anniversary.

Research paper thumbnail of Журнал В. В. Тузова «Поденьшина»: поэтика и идеология (V. V. Tuzov’s Journal Podenshchina (Day Labour): Poetics and Ideology)

Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия Филология. Журналистика (Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Philology. Journalism), 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Typology of Short Forms in Russian 18th‑century Satirical Magazines

Izvestia Ural Federal University Journal Series 1. Issues in Education, Science and Culture, 2020

18th century satirical magazines are characterized by a wide range of short literary forms. The a... more 18th century satirical magazines are characterized by a wide range of short literary forms. The article outlines their three­dimensional typology. One dimension stands for the “outer” form of the text, differentiating between two main article types, i.e., moralistic discourse and satirical character sketch. Two other dimensions describe the “outer” form. Basic structural types may be presented as editor’s essays or readers’ letters. They may also realize different models of composition, including parodic ones. All this helps authors to diversify the impressions of the audience, reinforcing the didactic appeal of the text.

Research paper thumbnail of N. I. Strakhov’s Works of Satire and ‘The Fashionable Book’ by L.-A. Caraccioli

Вестник Пермского университета. Российская и зарубежная филология, 2021

In 1790–1793 Nikolai Strakhov publishes The Satirical Bulletin (1790–1792), A Handbook for Winter... more In 1790–1793 Nikolai Strakhov publishes The Satirical Bulletin (1790–1792), A Handbook for Winter Moscow Visitors (1791), The Correspondence of Fashion and The Lamentations of Fashion over the Expulsion of Fashionable and Expensive Goods (1793). The paper shows that The Fashionable Book by the French writer Louis-Antoine Caraccioli, published in Russian translation in 1789, could have been one of their literary sources. All the Strakhov’s works mentioned above share a common topic with the book by Caraccioli: fashion. In A Handbook, The Correspondence and The Lamentations of Fashion, as well as in The Fashionable Book, fashion is the only topic, while in the journal The Satirical Bulletin it is central. Perhaps Caraccioli’s satire suggests to Strakhov the very idea of a full-length book dealing entirely with the subject of fashion, the idea the writer develops in his A Handbook and The Correspondence. A Handbook shares one more important feature with its probable French inspiration:...

Research paper thumbnail of N. V. Leontiev’s Fables Adapted from J. La Fontaine

Izvestia Ural Federal University Journal Series 1. Issues in Education, Science and Culture, 2021

Nikolai Leontiev is a Russian 18th-century fabulist, esteemed by contemporaries but later forgott... more Nikolai Leontiev is a Russian 18th-century fabulist, esteemed by contemporaries but later forgotten. The paper shows that seven of his fables are based on J. La Fontaine’s examples. There are two patterns of reception. In one of them the plot and personae are the same as in the source text, while in the other pattern they are changed. The moral usually stays the same, but in some cases, Leontiev makes certain changes, which reflect his ideology. Among his fables The Three Kings is especially interesting. It is based on la Fontaine’s fable The Frogs Who Desired a King, but the plot is transformed so as to express an opposite idea: unlike the pessimistic French poet, Leontiev optimistically believes in the reality of a good social order.

Research paper thumbnail of Жанровая система русских сатирических журналов XVIII века (Genre System of Russian XVIII Century Satirical Magazines)

Жанры речи (International Journal “Speech Genres”), 2020

Satirical magazines are a unique form of the XVIII century literature. Standing outside the domin... more Satirical magazines are a unique form of the XVIII century literature. Standing outside the dominant in the XVIII century normative poetics, they share its didactic intent. They develop a specific genre system consisting of short literary forms. The research aims to create a structural model of this system. It involves multiple factors: the literary forms it includes are defined on several irredundant criteria. Its main genres are the editor’s essay, the reader’s letter, and parodies. The editor as the subject of an essay is a fictional character. Readers’ letters, whoever their real authors might be, coexist with editor’s essays in a common fictional space. Such genres as newspaper articles, recipes, dictionaries are objects of parody. A character sketch is the basic element of the system. Compressed or extended, it can appear as a description or a narrative. A character sketch as well as other genre modes may take the shape of essays, letters, parodies. Many short forms show a ten...