Implausibility Guild's Journal (original) (raw)

Implausibility Guild's Journal [Most Recent Entries][Calendar View] [Friends]

Below are the 7 most recent journal entries recorded inImplausibility Guild's LiveJournal:

Wednesday, September 17th, 2003
_11:05 pm_[digitalsidhe] Autumn Equinox Ritual Notes Autumn Equinox Notes People to Invite:Tracy & DavidDonald & KatFenwickMauraDan & ShaunaMurias & Christy-AnneRequired for Ritual: pomegranate (A&B)each person BYOP, or RSVP by Fridaybottle red wine (K&A)apple juice (Kai)ladle (K&A)cups (Ashton)stag cauldron (K&A)smaller inset bowl (K&A)handi-wipes (A&B)ritual knife (everybody)avoid foofy sleevesbottles for fuel (K&A)snacks (Aldyth)bread (Ashton)index cards (Aldyth)Sharpies (K&A)sage (K&A)toilet paper (K&A)fuel (K&A, Ashton)drum (TBA)road flares (A&B)printer paper & tape (K&A) Stuff for People to Do: Kai:write fire/energy speechget fuel stuff togetherget apple juicepost this thingsend out email invitesAnne:find drumAldyth:write speech about "why autumn?"be prepared to do physical/practical level explanationget pomegranates, snacks, handi-wipes and road flaresBrad:write closing speechget pomegranates, snacks, handi-wipes and road flaresAshton:write speech about pomegranate-stabbingget breadOrder of Ritual arrive at 5:00 - 5:30; rite starts at 6:00 Aldyth explains physical levelKai explains fire/energycast circle with Anne's snake dance and Kai's fireAldyth explains AutumnAshton explains pomegranate-stabbingeveryone stabs their pomegranate, drips juice into cauldronBrad ladles out a libation for the Gods, then a portion for each persondrink, then do whatever we desire with the rest of the juiceBrad closes circle with something about "Autumn is upon us". eat snacks and bread afterwards (Comment on this)
Tuesday, September 16th, 2003
_11:33 am_[digitalsidhe] Meeting on Wednesday Hey, folks: Since the online discussion is going somewhat slowly (partly courtesy of your truly not being especially involved there... oops), why don't we get together over here at Silmemar again this Wednesday night? Anytime after 7:30 is okay for me, though I get the impression most of you can't really make it before 8:00 anyway. Current Mood: optimistic (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Saturday, September 13th, 2003
_10:06 am_[metallic_wings] My take, Equinox Ritual For me, the darkness presented in Autumn represents the presence of infinite potentiality, a time where everything internal is brought to the surface and choices are made as to means of channeling /creating something from that wellspring - a time outside of time when change is most likely to occur if it is allowed. Autumn has always been a time of uncertainty after the perils of Summer, where furtherances come into being through the following of intuition. The purpose of intuition usually does not come into clarity until Winter rolls along, but the process of intuiting, feeling, experiencing, and acting is essential to fruition. It is a time of planning/formation, and a time of openness to necessary or unprecedented changes.I see the ritual as a means of opening the channels of perception and unleashing creative potential, as well as one of eradicating blockages - a way of allowing oneself to see what needs to be seen, whether or not it is something that one desires to see. Realignment.The pomegranate contains many seeds, all encompassed within a skin. By breaking the skin and releasing juice, the divisions between seeds are destroyed. There is an intermingling. This intermingling can be seen as representative of eradicating divisions between human beings, connecting pieces of a disjointed picture, or anything else along the lines of creating unity or understanding. Closely resembling blood, the juice can be lifeforce, and conversely, the pain of letting go - transformation and release. One way of looking at it, anyhow... glamtasm posted:I think we have the beginnings of some fertile and workable plans for the Equinox. As I understand it thus far we have: Pomegranates to "sacrifice" or open(we will need a ceremonial blade)The chalice we will drain it into.Do we want to free form the ceremony so that each person says what it means individually? I think this would be good, then at the end, after each person has done their own energy drawing, the chalice is passed to share that amongst the group.Perhaps given that most of us (digitalsidhe possibly excepted) feel the Autumn as more of a time of personal rebirth rather than "death" we might want to work that sense of darker passge into something brighter into the Work. With my current Anubis thing, the immediate thought is something to the effect of guidance through the darkness of Amenta, where there is only oneself to rely on, to the joining of our individual brightness with others. It might be straying afield from the original energy drawing concept, but I also believe that concern over losing feelings of connectedness was also an issue for us. Thus we gain individual energy from our connection with each other.Current Mood: rushed (Comment on this)
Wednesday, July 9th, 2003
_5:23 pm_[digitalsidhe] Meeting Tomorrow? So, are people up for a meeting tomorrow? I'm okay to host it, if people want to show.Everyone bring a divinatory system? I'll post some stuff here about my recent ruminations about divination; it'll make great conversation fodder. (Or else it will make everyone go "Huh?" and shut up.) Current Mood: mystical (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Thursday, July 3rd, 2003
_3:13 pm_[digitalsidhe] Cancellation for Tonight I hope nobody minds if we just cancel Implausibility Guild for tonight. Between the uncertainty over whether it would happen, and mail problems that are chomping my entire day, we're just not ready to host it tonight.We could do it on Monday, or on Thursday next week. Which would people prefer?Also, can we get a firm schedule worked out in general? This may work better on the LJ community (sign up if you ain't done so!). Current Mood: crazy (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Wednesday, July 2nd, 2003
_2:54 pm_[digitalsidhe] Divination Methods So, for the next meeting (which may or may not be on Thursday the 3rd), people had been talking about everyone bringing their favorite divination method to show to people. Just out of curiosity, I'd like to see who here knows what sorts of divination methods?Me, I started off with Tarot. Did loads of Tarot from ages 16 to about 24. But as I worked with them more and more, I started having greater and greater difficulties with some of the concepts embedded in them. Many of these concepts are medieval, Christian, or otherwise anathema to me; some are simply ontological disagreements. But either way, Tarot no longer works for me.I generally say that I'm currently "in between divinatory systems", much like someone might be "between marriages". I have violent disagreements with Western astrology (and it with me). I think numerology is just plain silly -- it's too mechanistic to adapt to he fluidity of the actual world. I never quite got into runes or Ogham, though I really should give Ogham another try, I suppose. My attempts at scrying have gotten me precisely nothing.What sorts of stuff are other people using? (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Tuesday, July 1st, 2003
_11:26 am_[brianberge] Self-Intro' I'd like to introduce myself to the community. (I'm intro'ing myself on many, so please excuse the redundancy if you're on any of the other groups I am.) I'm a 29-year-old Scorpio in Southern California, real into art, guitar, music, the O.T.O., poetry, Thelema and Qabalah. I'm especially interested in the Abramelin Operation, and would love to hear from anyone that's completed it, or otherwise attained K. & C. of the H.G.A. And to anyone with a Palm handheld that's studying Qabalah, I can offer some Palm software I developed to help you out. Take care! (2 Comments |Comment on this)