Hans Dietrich | Institute for Employment Research (original) (raw)

Papers by Hans Dietrich

Research paper thumbnail of Reemployment: but into what kind of job?: job prospects of young unemployed

Research paper thumbnail of Jugendarbeitslosigkeit aus einer europäischen Perspektive. Theoretische Ansätze, empirische Konzepte und ausgewählte Befunde

Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag führt in die Thematik von Jugendarbeitslosigkeit ein, diskutiert zent... more Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag führt in die Thematik von Jugendarbeitslosigkeit ein, diskutiert zentrale theoretische sowie verwandte empirische Ansätze (social exclusion, NEET-Not in Education, Employment or Training), stellt die vorherrschenden Verfahren zur Messung von Jugendarbeitslosigkeit und darauf bezogene Kennziffern vor und berichtet über ausgewählte empirische Befunde. Weiterhin werden mögliche individuelle Folgen von Jugendarbeitslosigkeit diskutiert.

Research paper thumbnail of European youth unemployment in the aftermath of the Great Recession

As a consequence of the Great Recession, starting in most European countries in 2009, the number ... more As a consequence of the Great Recession, starting in most European countries in 2009, the number of unemployed young people increased significantly. Using 2008 as the reference point, where most European countries were performing quite well economically, the total number of unemployed young people aged 15 to 24 years was 4.2 million according to Eurostat. In the recession years European youth unemployment rose to 5.6 million in 2012 and declined thereafter to 3.8 million in 2017. However, the development of youth unemployment figures differs across Europe. Whilst the majority of European countries recovered in terms of youth unemployment, some countries are still suffering.

Research paper thumbnail of Supply Shocks in the Market for Apprenticeship Training

Economics of Education Review, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Health, Personality Disorders, Work Commitment and Training to Employment Transitions

This study analyzes the influence of mental and physical health, coping abilities, cooperativenes... more This study analyzes the influence of mental and physical health, coping abilities, cooperativeness, and work commitment on the transition from apprenticeship training to a first job. In doing so, we first investigate transitions to regular employment within six months post-graduation. Second, we analyze gapless transitions from training to a first job. Third, we investigate transitions to a decent first job. This study draws on a unique dataset of 1,061 individuals from Germany that combines rich survey and register data. The baseline survey takes place during the last year of training for these individuals and contains information on their schooling, health, personality disorders and work attitudes. The register data measure the training environment and labor market outcomes. The results from linear probability models reveal that only physical health is associated with finding a first job within six months. Physical and mental health are associated with gapless transitions. Overall...

Research paper thumbnail of The bidirectional relationship of obesity and labor market status - Findings from a German prospective panel study

International Journal of Obesity

Background Given the inconsistent findings regarding associations between obesity and unemploymen... more Background Given the inconsistent findings regarding associations between obesity and unemployment, our analysis is one of the few that explores bidirectional changes in obesity and unemployment. In our prospective study, we address factors associated with the transition into and transition out of obesity, including unemployment, and transition into and out of unemployment, including obesity. Subjects and methods The Labor Market and Social Security-Panel (PASS) consists of two independent, nationally representative German subsamples: residents receiving unemployment benefits (50%) and a representative sample of residents (50%). The sample contains N = 11 361 observations between two measurement points three years apart of N = 8440 individuals participating in two or three waves between 2009 and 2015. We analyzed potential predictors of the transition in and out of obesity and unemployment, including health-related quality of life (HrQoL) and physical activity, using logistic regres...

Research paper thumbnail of Firms' Training Investments and Post - Training Wages of Apprentices

In this paper, we examine the relation between a firm's training investment and the post-trai... more In this paper, we examine the relation between a firm's training investment and the post-training wages of apprenticeship graduates. For our analysis, we first calculate a training investment indicator using detailed information about firm-level training costs. We then merge the firm-level data with individual-level administrative data on employment and wages of apprenticeship graduates. Using regression models controlling for selection into employment, we find that a firm investment in training relates positively with graduates' post-training wages. Doubling a firm's training investment leads to a wage mark-up of about 2.8%. This result is robust to different specifications. However, we find that especially graduates from low-investment firms benefit from a higher training investment. The wage mark-up for graduates from firms with already high investment levels is small and statistically not significant.

Research paper thumbnail of Kurz kommentiert

Wirtschaftsdienst, 2013

Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch ge... more Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. Sie dürfen die Dokumente nicht für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, öffentlich zugänglich machen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. Sofern die Verfasser die Dokumente unter Open-Content-Lizenzen (insbesondere CC-Lizenzen) zur Verfügung gestellt haben sollten, gelten abweichend von diesen Nutzungsbedingungen die in der dort genannten Lizenz gewährten Nutzungsrechte. Terms of use: Documents in EconStor may be saved and copied for your personal and scholarly purposes. You are not to copy documents for public or commercial purposes, to exhibit the documents publicly, to make them publicly available on the internet, or to distribute or otherwise use the documents in public. If the documents have been made available under an Open Content Licence (especially Creative Commons Licences), you may exercise further usage rights as specified in the indicated licence.

Research paper thumbnail of Youth Unemployment in Europe. Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Findings

Research paper thumbnail of School‐to‐work transition and subjective well‐being in Australia

The British Journal of Sociology

Research paper thumbnail of Social inequality in the homeschooling efforts of German high school students during a school closing period

European Societies

School closings have been a key policy measure worldwide for reducing the spread of corona-virus ... more School closings have been a key policy measure worldwide for reducing the spread of corona-virus disease (COVID-19). In Germany, federal states closed schools in mid-March and started to reopen them in late April. This policy potentially increased parental obligations for supervision and support during homeschooling and, thus, might reinforce social inequality in educational opportunities. Therefore, this research note investigates social inequality in students' homeschooling efforts. Moreover, it asks whether social disparities in home learning environments, social support, teacher support, and costbenefit-related considerations account for the social differences in homeschooling efforts during the school closing period in Germany. To that end, we use data from an ongoing research project on high school students in their final years that were collected during the school closing period. Our results show pronounced differences in home schooling efforts by social background. Thus far, the mechanisms under study can explain only a moderate part of the social origin effect. In summary, the results show that school closings have the potential to exacerbate social inequality in educational opportunities. Therefore, future research should scrutinise the extent to which school closings reinforce inequality in educational opportunities.

Research paper thumbnail of Vocational Education and Employment: Explaining Cohort Variations in Life Course Patterns

Social Inclusion

A stylized finding on returns to vocational education is that vocational compared to general educ... more A stylized finding on returns to vocational education is that vocational compared to general education generates a differential life course pattern of employability: while vocational education guarantees smooth transitions into the labour market and thus generates initial advantages, these erode with increasing age, leading to late-life reversals in employment chances. We contribute to this research by assessing cohort variations in life-cycle patterns and distinguishing two explanations for late-life reversals in employment chances. The adaptability argument states that this phenomenon is due to the lower adaptability and occupational flexibility of those with vocational education. In contrast, the health argument states that vocational education leads to physically more demanding occupations, faster health deterioration, and, thus, lower employability in later life. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, we employ non-parametric state probability analysis to assess cohor...

Research paper thumbnail of Screening for posttraumatic stress disorder in young adult refugees from Syria and Iraq

Research paper thumbnail of Selbständige in den neuen Bundesländern

Sozialer Umbruch in Ostdeutschland, 1993

Research paper thumbnail of Forschung zum SGB II aus Sicht des IAB : die neuen Forschungsaufgaben im �berblick

Das Inkrafttreten des SGB II am 1.1.2005 bringt umfangreiche Änderungen des Arbeitsmarktgeschehen... more Das Inkrafttreten des SGB II am 1.1.2005 bringt umfangreiche Änderungen des Arbeitsmarktgeschehens in Deutschland mit sich. Deren wissenschaftliche Begleitung wird vom IAB als eine der wichtigsten kommenden Herausforderungen an die Arbeitsmarkt-und Berufsforschung betrachtet. Die folgende Darstellung strukturiert den Forschungsbedarf zum SGB II aus Sicht des IAB. Die hier skizzierten Forschungsansätze bedürfen weiterer Diskussion und Spezifizierung sowie sicherlich auch der Ergänzung. Ausgeklammert werden an dieser Stelle sich mit dem Optionsgesetz verbindende Zusatzfragestellungen. Zudem ist nicht davon auszugehen, dass das IAB alle genannten Themen bearbeiten wird: § 55 SGB II sieht explizit vor, dass Dritte mit Teilen der Wirkungsforschung beauftragt werden können.

Research paper thumbnail of Excluded youth or young citizens?: ethnicity, young people and the labour market in three EU countries

SEVEN Excluded youth or young citizens? Ethnicity, young people and the labour market in three EU... more SEVEN Excluded youth or young citizens? Ethnicity, young people and the labour market in three EU countries Gary Craig, Hans Dietrich and Jerome Gautie Introduction This chapter examines the process of entry into the labour market for young people of differing ethnicities in three ...

Research paper thumbnail of Jugendliche: Die Schwächsten kamen seltener zum Zug

Aktuelle Analysen aus dem Institut für Arbeitsmarkt-und Berufsforschung der Bundesagentur für Arb... more Aktuelle Analysen aus dem Institut für Arbeitsmarkt-und Berufsforschung der Bundesagentur für Arbeit Bundesagentur für Arbeit Etwa ein Drittel ihres Budgets für aktive Arbeitsmarktpolitik gibt die Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) jährlich für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene im Alter von 15 bis unter 5 Jahre aus. Insbesondere in zwei Übergangsphasen bedürfen Jugendliche der spezifi schen Beratung, Vermittlung und vielfach auch der ergänzenden Unterstützung durch Maßnahmeangebote der aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik: Beim Zugang zu berufl icher Ausbildung sowie beim Übergang in die Erwerbstätigkeit. Vor allem Jugendliche mit schlechten Bildungsvoraussetzungen sehen sich mit wachsenden Problemen auf dem Ausbildungsmarkt bzw. Arbeitsmarkt konfrontiert.

Research paper thumbnail of Vernachl�ssigte Potenziale? Zur Situation von Jugendlichen ohne Bildungs- und Ausbildungsabschluss

Research paper thumbnail of Die Geburtsjahrgänge 1964 und 1971 beim Eintritt in das Erwerbsleben

Zwischen drinnen und draußen, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Wege aus der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit : von der Arbeitslosigkeit in die Maßnahme? (Ways out of youth unemployment : from unemployment into an employment or training measure?)

Mitteilungen Aus Der Arbeitsmarkt Und Berufsforschung, 2001

Research paper thumbnail of Reemployment: but into what kind of job?: job prospects of young unemployed

Research paper thumbnail of Jugendarbeitslosigkeit aus einer europäischen Perspektive. Theoretische Ansätze, empirische Konzepte und ausgewählte Befunde

Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag führt in die Thematik von Jugendarbeitslosigkeit ein, diskutiert zent... more Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag führt in die Thematik von Jugendarbeitslosigkeit ein, diskutiert zentrale theoretische sowie verwandte empirische Ansätze (social exclusion, NEET-Not in Education, Employment or Training), stellt die vorherrschenden Verfahren zur Messung von Jugendarbeitslosigkeit und darauf bezogene Kennziffern vor und berichtet über ausgewählte empirische Befunde. Weiterhin werden mögliche individuelle Folgen von Jugendarbeitslosigkeit diskutiert.

Research paper thumbnail of European youth unemployment in the aftermath of the Great Recession

As a consequence of the Great Recession, starting in most European countries in 2009, the number ... more As a consequence of the Great Recession, starting in most European countries in 2009, the number of unemployed young people increased significantly. Using 2008 as the reference point, where most European countries were performing quite well economically, the total number of unemployed young people aged 15 to 24 years was 4.2 million according to Eurostat. In the recession years European youth unemployment rose to 5.6 million in 2012 and declined thereafter to 3.8 million in 2017. However, the development of youth unemployment figures differs across Europe. Whilst the majority of European countries recovered in terms of youth unemployment, some countries are still suffering.

Research paper thumbnail of Supply Shocks in the Market for Apprenticeship Training

Economics of Education Review, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Health, Personality Disorders, Work Commitment and Training to Employment Transitions

This study analyzes the influence of mental and physical health, coping abilities, cooperativenes... more This study analyzes the influence of mental and physical health, coping abilities, cooperativeness, and work commitment on the transition from apprenticeship training to a first job. In doing so, we first investigate transitions to regular employment within six months post-graduation. Second, we analyze gapless transitions from training to a first job. Third, we investigate transitions to a decent first job. This study draws on a unique dataset of 1,061 individuals from Germany that combines rich survey and register data. The baseline survey takes place during the last year of training for these individuals and contains information on their schooling, health, personality disorders and work attitudes. The register data measure the training environment and labor market outcomes. The results from linear probability models reveal that only physical health is associated with finding a first job within six months. Physical and mental health are associated with gapless transitions. Overall...

Research paper thumbnail of The bidirectional relationship of obesity and labor market status - Findings from a German prospective panel study

International Journal of Obesity

Background Given the inconsistent findings regarding associations between obesity and unemploymen... more Background Given the inconsistent findings regarding associations between obesity and unemployment, our analysis is one of the few that explores bidirectional changes in obesity and unemployment. In our prospective study, we address factors associated with the transition into and transition out of obesity, including unemployment, and transition into and out of unemployment, including obesity. Subjects and methods The Labor Market and Social Security-Panel (PASS) consists of two independent, nationally representative German subsamples: residents receiving unemployment benefits (50%) and a representative sample of residents (50%). The sample contains N = 11 361 observations between two measurement points three years apart of N = 8440 individuals participating in two or three waves between 2009 and 2015. We analyzed potential predictors of the transition in and out of obesity and unemployment, including health-related quality of life (HrQoL) and physical activity, using logistic regres...

Research paper thumbnail of Firms' Training Investments and Post - Training Wages of Apprentices

In this paper, we examine the relation between a firm's training investment and the post-trai... more In this paper, we examine the relation between a firm's training investment and the post-training wages of apprenticeship graduates. For our analysis, we first calculate a training investment indicator using detailed information about firm-level training costs. We then merge the firm-level data with individual-level administrative data on employment and wages of apprenticeship graduates. Using regression models controlling for selection into employment, we find that a firm investment in training relates positively with graduates' post-training wages. Doubling a firm's training investment leads to a wage mark-up of about 2.8%. This result is robust to different specifications. However, we find that especially graduates from low-investment firms benefit from a higher training investment. The wage mark-up for graduates from firms with already high investment levels is small and statistically not significant.

Research paper thumbnail of Kurz kommentiert

Wirtschaftsdienst, 2013

Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch ge... more Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. Sie dürfen die Dokumente nicht für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, öffentlich zugänglich machen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. Sofern die Verfasser die Dokumente unter Open-Content-Lizenzen (insbesondere CC-Lizenzen) zur Verfügung gestellt haben sollten, gelten abweichend von diesen Nutzungsbedingungen die in der dort genannten Lizenz gewährten Nutzungsrechte. Terms of use: Documents in EconStor may be saved and copied for your personal and scholarly purposes. You are not to copy documents for public or commercial purposes, to exhibit the documents publicly, to make them publicly available on the internet, or to distribute or otherwise use the documents in public. If the documents have been made available under an Open Content Licence (especially Creative Commons Licences), you may exercise further usage rights as specified in the indicated licence.

Research paper thumbnail of Youth Unemployment in Europe. Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Findings

Research paper thumbnail of School‐to‐work transition and subjective well‐being in Australia

The British Journal of Sociology

Research paper thumbnail of Social inequality in the homeschooling efforts of German high school students during a school closing period

European Societies

School closings have been a key policy measure worldwide for reducing the spread of corona-virus ... more School closings have been a key policy measure worldwide for reducing the spread of corona-virus disease (COVID-19). In Germany, federal states closed schools in mid-March and started to reopen them in late April. This policy potentially increased parental obligations for supervision and support during homeschooling and, thus, might reinforce social inequality in educational opportunities. Therefore, this research note investigates social inequality in students' homeschooling efforts. Moreover, it asks whether social disparities in home learning environments, social support, teacher support, and costbenefit-related considerations account for the social differences in homeschooling efforts during the school closing period in Germany. To that end, we use data from an ongoing research project on high school students in their final years that were collected during the school closing period. Our results show pronounced differences in home schooling efforts by social background. Thus far, the mechanisms under study can explain only a moderate part of the social origin effect. In summary, the results show that school closings have the potential to exacerbate social inequality in educational opportunities. Therefore, future research should scrutinise the extent to which school closings reinforce inequality in educational opportunities.

Research paper thumbnail of Vocational Education and Employment: Explaining Cohort Variations in Life Course Patterns

Social Inclusion

A stylized finding on returns to vocational education is that vocational compared to general educ... more A stylized finding on returns to vocational education is that vocational compared to general education generates a differential life course pattern of employability: while vocational education guarantees smooth transitions into the labour market and thus generates initial advantages, these erode with increasing age, leading to late-life reversals in employment chances. We contribute to this research by assessing cohort variations in life-cycle patterns and distinguishing two explanations for late-life reversals in employment chances. The adaptability argument states that this phenomenon is due to the lower adaptability and occupational flexibility of those with vocational education. In contrast, the health argument states that vocational education leads to physically more demanding occupations, faster health deterioration, and, thus, lower employability in later life. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, we employ non-parametric state probability analysis to assess cohor...

Research paper thumbnail of Screening for posttraumatic stress disorder in young adult refugees from Syria and Iraq

Research paper thumbnail of Selbständige in den neuen Bundesländern

Sozialer Umbruch in Ostdeutschland, 1993

Research paper thumbnail of Forschung zum SGB II aus Sicht des IAB : die neuen Forschungsaufgaben im �berblick

Das Inkrafttreten des SGB II am 1.1.2005 bringt umfangreiche Änderungen des Arbeitsmarktgeschehen... more Das Inkrafttreten des SGB II am 1.1.2005 bringt umfangreiche Änderungen des Arbeitsmarktgeschehens in Deutschland mit sich. Deren wissenschaftliche Begleitung wird vom IAB als eine der wichtigsten kommenden Herausforderungen an die Arbeitsmarkt-und Berufsforschung betrachtet. Die folgende Darstellung strukturiert den Forschungsbedarf zum SGB II aus Sicht des IAB. Die hier skizzierten Forschungsansätze bedürfen weiterer Diskussion und Spezifizierung sowie sicherlich auch der Ergänzung. Ausgeklammert werden an dieser Stelle sich mit dem Optionsgesetz verbindende Zusatzfragestellungen. Zudem ist nicht davon auszugehen, dass das IAB alle genannten Themen bearbeiten wird: § 55 SGB II sieht explizit vor, dass Dritte mit Teilen der Wirkungsforschung beauftragt werden können.

Research paper thumbnail of Excluded youth or young citizens?: ethnicity, young people and the labour market in three EU countries

SEVEN Excluded youth or young citizens? Ethnicity, young people and the labour market in three EU... more SEVEN Excluded youth or young citizens? Ethnicity, young people and the labour market in three EU countries Gary Craig, Hans Dietrich and Jerome Gautie Introduction This chapter examines the process of entry into the labour market for young people of differing ethnicities in three ...

Research paper thumbnail of Jugendliche: Die Schwächsten kamen seltener zum Zug

Aktuelle Analysen aus dem Institut für Arbeitsmarkt-und Berufsforschung der Bundesagentur für Arb... more Aktuelle Analysen aus dem Institut für Arbeitsmarkt-und Berufsforschung der Bundesagentur für Arbeit Bundesagentur für Arbeit Etwa ein Drittel ihres Budgets für aktive Arbeitsmarktpolitik gibt die Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) jährlich für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene im Alter von 15 bis unter 5 Jahre aus. Insbesondere in zwei Übergangsphasen bedürfen Jugendliche der spezifi schen Beratung, Vermittlung und vielfach auch der ergänzenden Unterstützung durch Maßnahmeangebote der aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik: Beim Zugang zu berufl icher Ausbildung sowie beim Übergang in die Erwerbstätigkeit. Vor allem Jugendliche mit schlechten Bildungsvoraussetzungen sehen sich mit wachsenden Problemen auf dem Ausbildungsmarkt bzw. Arbeitsmarkt konfrontiert.

Research paper thumbnail of Vernachl�ssigte Potenziale? Zur Situation von Jugendlichen ohne Bildungs- und Ausbildungsabschluss

Research paper thumbnail of Die Geburtsjahrgänge 1964 und 1971 beim Eintritt in das Erwerbsleben

Zwischen drinnen und draußen, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Wege aus der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit : von der Arbeitslosigkeit in die Maßnahme? (Ways out of youth unemployment : from unemployment into an employment or training measure?)

Mitteilungen Aus Der Arbeitsmarkt Und Berufsforschung, 2001