Mohammad Ahsan | Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University (original) (raw)

Papers by Mohammad Ahsan

Research paper thumbnail of Significance and Challenges on Adaptation of Digital and Distance Learning Among Physical Education Students

Isagoge - Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Dec 14, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of The Use of Modern Technology in Physical Education Teaching and Learning Process

ARC, 2024

This review article explores the integration of modern technology in physical education, emphasiz... more This review article explores the integration of modern technology in physical education,
emphasizing its transformative impact on teaching and learning processes. As educational landscapes evolve,
technology has emerged as a pivotal tool for enhancing engagement, motivation, and accessibility in physical
education settings. This article various technological advancements, including virtual coaching Apps, mobile
applications, augmented reality, data analysis and performance tracking, gamification and interactive
learning, accessibility and inclusivity apps, and online platforms, highlighting their applications in
curriculum design, assessment, and skill development. Through a comprehensive analysis of current
literature, we identify the benefits and challenges associated with technology use in physical education,
including improved performance tracking, personalized learning experiences, and potential disparities in
access. The findings underscore the necessity for educators to adopt a balanced approach, leveraging
technology to complement traditional teaching methods while ensuring inclusivity and equity. This review
aims to provide students, educators, policymakers, and researchers with insights into effective strategies for
integrating technology into physical education, ultimately enhancing student outcomes and fostering a
lifelong appreciation for physical activity.

Research paper thumbnail of Mental Health and Physical Activity during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Review Salud mental y actividad física durante y después de la pandemia de COVID-19: una revisión

RETOS, 2024

Globally, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant effect on people's mental health and levels... more Globally, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant effect on people's mental health and levels of physical activity. The purpose of this review paper is to investigate the relationship between physical activity and mental health both during and after the pandemic. It gives an overview of the challenges faced by people during and after the pandemic, the effects on mental health, and how exercise helps to counteract the negative effects. Additionally, it covers possible tactics, strategies, and interventions to encourage physical exercise and mental health after the pandemic. The results emphasize how critical it is to treat mental health issues and encourage physical activity as vital elements of overall well-being in the face of adversity. It also emphasizes the integration of mental health and physical activity into public health policies and healthcare systems. By prioritizing mental health support and promoting physical activity, individuals can better cope with the challenges posed by the pandemic and emerge stronger in its aftermath.

Research paper thumbnail of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction and Return to Sports: A Comprehensive Guide

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are common in sports, particularly in activities involv... more Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are common in sports, particularly in activities involving jumping, pivoting, and sudden direction changes. While non-surgical treatment options are available for some patients, ACL reconstruction surgery is often recommended for athletes who wish to return to their preinjury level of activity. The article also examines the factors that may affect an athlete's ability to return to sports following ACL reconstruction. The factors contributing to this phenomenon include surgical intervention, common complications of ACL reconstruction, and rehabilitation. The article examines the significance of implementing a thorough rehabilitation program that encompasses activities aimed at enhancing strength, flexibility, and balance. The review concludes by summarising the main themes explored and emphasizing potential avenues for future research. Although ACL reconstruction has demonstrated a considerable rate of success and facilitates the return to sports, there remains a significant knowledge gap about the enduring consequences of the procedure and the determinants that influence the return to sports. This review article provides a comprehensive overview of ACL reconstruction surgery and return to sports. It highlights the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to rehabilitation, which should include physical therapy and psychological support. Healthcare professionals can better support athletes in their recovery and help them achieve their goals by understanding the factors that influence return to sports after ACL reconstruction.

Research paper thumbnail of Role of predictive modeling and personalized modeling in the enhancement of athletic performance

In sports, the difference between winning and losing can often come down to the smallest of margi... more In sports, the difference between winning and losing can often come down to the smallest of margins. As such, athletes and coaches are constantly looking for ways to gain an edge over their competitors. One area that has seen significant growth in recent years is the use of predictive modeling and personalized modeling to enhance athletic performance. Predictive and personalized modeling helps athletes and coaches make more informed decisions about training and preparing for competitions. By identifying the areas of weakness or predicting potential injuries, these models can help athletes take proactive steps to address these issues. Predictive and personalized modeling in sports is also associated with challenges. Despite the challenges, the potential benefits of predictive and personalized modeling in sports are clear. By providing athletes with highly targeted insights into optimizing their performance, predictive modeling and personalized modeling help them to achieve their full potential and reach new heights in their respective sports. As a result, it is expected that there will be further increases in the implementation of predictive and personalized modeling in the forthcoming years.

Research paper thumbnail of A comparison of the range of motion and dynamic stability of the ankle joint of athletes with an ankle sprain as compared to healthy controls: A cross-sectional study

Background: Ankle sprains are the most common lower-leg musculoskeletal injuries, frequently occu... more Background: Ankle sprains are the most common lower-leg musculoskeletal injuries, frequently occurring among athletes and other physical activity individuals. The objective of this study was to compare the ankle range of motion and dynamic stability of healthy and injured athletes for their dominant and nondominant legs. Methods: A cross-sectional study design was selected to investigate this study with 32 male soccer players with average age: 22.6 ± 3.3 years, weight: 69.6 ± 5.7 kg, height: 176.8 ± 5.32 cm, with a history of a lateral ankle sprain on the dominant leg for the past 2 years. Ankle range of motion was determined using dorsiflexion and plantar flexion by a goniometer. The dynamic stability was determined using the SWAY medical system. An independent t-test was used to study the differences between healthy and injured groups and between dominant and nondominant legs for dynamic stability, dorsiflexion, and plantar flexion range. Results: There were higher significant differences for dynamic stability in healthy participants than in injured participants for their dominant (P = 0.001) and nondominant (P = 0.001) legs. There were significant differences in dynamic stability in the dominant and nondominant leg (healthy [P = 0.033] and injured [P = 0.000] participants). The dominant leg shows higher dynamic stability in healthy group, whereas nondominant leg shows higher dynamic stability in the injured group. Conclusion: The study found significant differences between the injured and sound legs. The injured dominant and nondominant leg revealed a striking disparity in the ankle range of motion. Therefore, the study demonstrated that ankle sprain causes due to less stability of the ankle joint, which limits ankle movements.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of yoga training on physiological characteristics of college students

International Journal of Health, Sports, and Physical Education, 2012

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of yoga training on the physiological cha... more The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of yoga training on the physiological characteristics of college students. Another purpose of the study was to improve the physiological level of undergraduate students. 30 subjects were selected randomly from undergraduate students of Shri Ram College, Muzaffarnagar (U.P.). Standard and progressive matrices of organizational physiological variables (Lung Capacity, Vital Capacity, Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate) were measured for the assessment of the yoga training program. To find out the significant effect of the yoga training programme on the physiological characteristics of undergraduate college students, a t-test was used as a statistical tool. The significance level was set at .05. The results revealed a significant (p<.05) effect of yoga training physiological characteristics of college students. The practice of selected yoga training programs also helped to improve the physiological characteristics of college students.

Research paper thumbnail of Muscles Activation During Different Sit-up Exercises: An Electromyographical Study

The Bulletin of International Council of Sports Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE), 2007

The perfect execu on of exercises expands the maneuverability of the intended musculature of a sp... more The perfect execu on of exercises expands the maneuverability of the intended musculature of a sportsman. Indian trainers, coaches, physical educators and athletes o en tend to copy the world-class champions, athletes and performers as research in this field in India has thus far been limited. Copying has become a cyclic trend, which has not revolu onised the result of the designed exercises. This study was designed to electromyographically analyse muscles ac va on during different abdominal exercises to be performed for maximum advantage. The electromyography amplitudes of contrac on of the rectus abdominis, internal oblique and external oblique during three different sit-up exercises were recorded. Ten male subjects selected for the experiment were of All India Intervarsity Level from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. Their mean age, height and weight were 21.4 yrs, 167.4 cm and 62.6 kg respec vely. The Student Physiograph was used for EMG recording and all procedures were standardised. Three sets of observa ons were made on each subject. The electrodes were located over the belly of the muscles and oriented along its longitudinal axis. The sit-up exercises were executed to 720 angles. The undertaken sit-up exercises were analysed by ANOVA. The concentric and the eccentric phase of exercises were examined by paired t-test and compared with sta s cal significance at 0.05 levels. The me pulse was synchronised to angles of movement. The Op misa on technique was used to obtain the angle of maximum contrac on intensity. Results of the research indicates that different quadrants contract op mally at different angles. Our findings support the concept that abdominal strengthening exercises can differen ally ac vate various abdominal muscle groups, but contradict some tradi onally held assump ons regarding the effects of specific exercises.

Research paper thumbnail of An Examination of the Arm, Shoulder, and Abdominal Muscle Endurance of Netball and Volleyball University Female Players in Relation to Specific Anthropometric Measurements

This study intended to determine the association of arm, shoulder, and abdominal muscular enduran... more This study intended to determine the association of arm, shoulder, and abdominal muscular endurance with specific anthropometric measurements among netball and volleyball university female players. An observational study design was used in assessment of the anthropometric indices and musculature endurance of twenty-eight female participants (14 Netball and 14 Volleyball players). The study found that the mean age of the participants was 19.54±0.69 years, with an average body weight of 52.99±10.51 kg, height of 156.71±5.34 cm, and body mass index (BMI) of 21.57±4.09 kg/m 2. Specific anthropometric measurements were determined using a bioelectric impedance analysis tool, push-ups determined arm and shoulder endurance, sit-ups and measured abdominal endurance. The number of sit-ups and push-ups in one minute was used as score. There was a negative association between upper body muscle endurance and Total Body Water (TWB) (r=-.058), Mass of Body Fat (MBF) (r=-.019), Visceral Fat Area (VFA) (r=-036), Abdominal Circumference (A.C.) (r=-.027), and Waist Hip Ratio (WHR) (r=-.069), whereas positive association exist for Body Mass Index (BMI) (r=.034), Percentage of Body Fat (PBF) (r=.066), and Lean Body Mass (LBM) (.065) for netball and volleyball players. Lower body muscle endurance showed positive association between different anthropometric indices BMI (r=.074), PBF (r=.203), TWB (r=.124), LBM (r=.203), MBF (r=.116), VFA (r=.001), AC (r=.112), and WHR (r=.113). These associations were not significant at the p=0.01 level. This study suggests that specific anthropometric measurements of netball and volleyball players have a positive association with abdominal muscle strength and a negative association with arm and shoulder muscle endurance.

Research paper thumbnail of An analysis of physical performance parameters among university netball and volleyball female players

The purpose of this study was to analyse netball and volleyball players for differences in physic... more The purpose of this study was to analyse netball and volleyball players for differences in physical performance parameters among female university players. Materials and Methods: Twenty-eight female participants (14 netball + 14 volleyball players) participated in this study voluntarily. Any player with lower extremity musculoskeletal injury or a record since the last three months was excluded from the study. The average age of players was 19.54±0.69 years, body weight 52.99±10.51 kg., height 156.71±5.34 cm., and body mass index 21.57±4.09. Anthropometrical characteristics were measured with the help of a bioelectrical impedance analyser, while physical performance parameters (Muscular endurance, lower extremity power, dynamic stability, agility, speed) were determined by the numerous functional tests. Results: No statistically significant differences were found in physical performance parameters except agility (p=.041) and speed (p=.015) variables between netball and volleyball university female students. A significant positive relationship was also found in some of the physical performance parameters irrespective of the sports. Conclusion: The study's findings show that physical performance parameters do not differ significantly in female netball and volleyball players. Team coaches and physiologists must consider functional test outcomes while preparing players for competition. The individual training program should also be established on test outcomes, which is more likely to improve performance.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of physiological characteristics and physical performance measures among athletes from random intermittent dynamic type sports

Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports

Background and Study Aim. The physiological [Maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max), Peak Inspiratory Fl... more Background and Study Aim. The physiological [Maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max), Peak Inspiratory Flow (PIF), Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF), Force Vital Capacity (FVC)] and physical performance measures [power, dynamic balance, flexibility, agility, and speed] are the key determinants in random intermittent dynamic type sports which enable the players to address decisive situations. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the physiological and physical measures among athletes from random intermittent dynamic type sports. Material and Methods. A comparative cross-sectional study with 56 male athletes, 14 in each sport (Rugby, Soccer, Volleyball, Futsal) was conducted. The mean age was 23.59±4.27 years, body mass 71.96±10.10 kg, body height 174.71±6.82 cm, and BMI 23.51±2.38 kg/m2. Physiological characteristics and physical performance measures were measured by using dry spirometer and functional tests respectively. A one-way analysis of variance test was performed to determin...


Journal of Physical Education, 2022

Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar o efeito colateral de um treinamento em ambiente de real... more Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar o efeito colateral de um treinamento em ambiente de realidade virtual de seis semanas na estabilidade postural dinâmica e estática em atletas que participam de esportes do tipo dinâmico intermitente aleatório. Os desenhos de estudo pré-teste e pós-teste foram escolhidos para conduzir este estudo. Vinte e quatro atletas do sexo masculino foram selecionados para o estudo. Os participantes participaram de um programa de treinamento em ambiente de realidade virtual de seis semanas, três vezes por semana, durante uma sessão de quarenta e cinco minutos. O ambiente de realidade virtual foi criado usando o sistema de realidade virtual integrado da CAREN com o aplicativo D-flow da Motek. A estabilidade postural foi avaliada por meio de um estadiômetro. As avaliações foram realizadas antes e após seis semanas de treinamento. Um teste t de amostra emparelhada foi usado para determinar as diferenças entre as medidas de resultados pré e pós-teste. A melhoria pode ser vista como um efeito da intervenção de treinamento em ambiente de realidade virtual. Diferenças estatisticamente significativas foram observadas entre o pré e pós-teste para estabilidade postural anteroposterior e mediolateral dinâmica e estática em 20 e 40 níveis de dificuldade. O treinamento em ambiente de realidade virtual ajuda a melhorar o desempenho, avaliando e otimizando a carga de treinamento no processo de melhoria do desempenho de atletas que participam de esportes do tipo dinâmico intermitente aleatório.

Research paper thumbnail of Chronotype and athletes’ performance in sports: A narrative review

Electronic Journal of General Medicine

The circadian system is managed by the suprachiasmatic nucleus, which is also called a master clo... more The circadian system is managed by the suprachiasmatic nucleus, which is also called a master clock, and peripheral clocks spread all over the body. A complex system of neuronal, hormonal, and autonomous signals coordinates these clocks. However, this narrative review aimed to discuss the influence of circadian rhythms on the athlete’s performance, rate of perceived exertion, resynchronization, and aerobic and anaerobic exercise. An adequately timed wake-up is believed to play an essential role in an athlete’s performance. Based on the literature, chronotype appears to correlate with ratings of perceived exertion and fatigue scores, and morning types are less fatigued in the morning. When chronotype was evaluated, fatigue and vigor had time-by-group interactions. Swimmers with morning-type profiles showed lower fatigue scores before the (06:30 hour) time test than before the (18:30 hour) time test, while those with neither-type profiles had similar fatigue scores in both sessions. V...

Research paper thumbnail of A comparative evaluation of anthropometric characteristics and respiratory functions' parameters among rugby and soccer players

Physical Activity Review

Introduction: Evaluation of anthropometric characteristics and respiratory functions is imperativ... more Introduction: Evaluation of anthropometric characteristics and respiratory functions is imperative for investigating the health status of individuals and sportspersons. The objective of this study was to evaluate the anthropometric characteristics and respiratory function parameters of rugby and soccer players. Methods: Forty-four players (rugby, n=22; soccer, n=22) were selected for the present study. They were free of musculoskeletal and respiratory disorders. Their age was 21.49±1.41 years, height 173.62±6.26 cm, weight 71.40±14.44 kg, BMI 22.70±4.26 kg/m2, PBF 17.35±12.27%, Fat Mass 24.43±13.61 kg, and LBM 55.98±7.26 kg. Anthropometric characteristics and body composition were measured using a weighing scale cum stadiometer and a bioelectric impedance analyzer. Respiratory function was assessed using a handheld spirometer. Standard procedures were followed to measure the anthropometric characteristics, body composition, and respiratory function. Results: The results of the study...

Research paper thumbnail of A Study of Linear and Angular Kinematic Analysis of Soccer instep and inside instep Foot Kicks of Different Level Players

Research paper thumbnail of A Comparative Study of Stress Amongst Teachers of the Western Division in Fiji

Stress is an unavoidable aspect of modern life and can have serious effects on one’s health and p... more Stress is an unavoidable aspect of modern life and can have serious effects on one’s health and performance. There is an absence of empirical research and literature regarding stress amongst teachers in Fiji. As such, there is an important need for basic research on teacher stress to be carried out in Fiji. The aim of this study was to investigate stress amongst school teachers.Fifty one teachers from the western division of Fiji were selected for this study. The Teacher Work Stress Inventory of G. J. Boyle et al. was used to measure teacher stress. Data was analysed using the IBM SPSS 21. Percentages, means, standard deviations, and t-test were used to describe the data. On the basis of data analysis, the study revealed that female, married, urban, i-Taukei, and secondary school teachers have more stress than their counter parts. It was also noted that all teachers at some point or the other experience different levels of stress, weather moderate, mild or extreme. keywords: Stress,...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of the Anaerobic Power Output, Dynamic Stability, Lower Limb Strength, and Power of Elite Soccer Players Based on Their Field Position


Soccer players require a high degree of aerobic and anaerobic fitness to perform well throughout ... more Soccer players require a high degree of aerobic and anaerobic fitness to perform well throughout the game as per their position in the field. This study aimed to investigate the differences in anaerobic power output, dynamic stability, lower limb strength, and power among elite soccer players based on their field position. A cross-sectional population of 96 elite soccer players with average age 23.10 ± 4.35 years, weight 69.99 ± 9.71 kg., height 174.84 ± 6.64 cm., and body mass index 22.84 ± 2.39 kg/m2 from various soccer clubs in Saudi Arabia was tested for their anaerobic power output, dynamic stability, lower limb strength, and power performance. All the participants have more than 4 years of experience in competitive soccer events. Tests included a measure of single-leg vertical jump, star excursion balance test, and single-leg triple hop test for distance. The players were divided into four groups (goalkeepers, defenders, midfielders, and attackers) based on their self-reported...

Research paper thumbnail of Determining the hip joint isokinetic muscle strength and range of motion of professional soccer players based on their field position


Background Soccer players’ physical and physiological demands vary based on their field position.... more Background Soccer players’ physical and physiological demands vary based on their field position. Although the hip joint has an important role in soccer, little information is available about the strength and flexibility of the hip joint based on player positions. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the differences in muscle strength and flexibility of the hip joint of professional soccer players based on their field position. Methods Ninety-six professional soccer players from Saudi Arabia were divided into four groups (goalkeepers, defenders, midfielders, and attackers), with 24 participants in each group based on their field position. The Modified Thomas test was used to measure the hip extension range of motion (ROM), and muscle strength was assessed by an Isokinetic dynamometer. Results There were no statistically significant differences in the isokinetic strength at the hip joint movements between goalkeepers, defenders, midfielders, and attackers (p ≥ 0.05). At the same...

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of myofascial release with tennis ball on spasticity and motor functions of upper limb in patients with chronic stroke: A randomized controlled trial

Research paper thumbnail of Mental Health, Self-Esteem, Life Satisfaction Among Ethiopian Population During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Survey Based Study

European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, Jan 19, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Significance and Challenges on Adaptation of Digital and Distance Learning Among Physical Education Students

Isagoge - Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Dec 14, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of The Use of Modern Technology in Physical Education Teaching and Learning Process

ARC, 2024

This review article explores the integration of modern technology in physical education, emphasiz... more This review article explores the integration of modern technology in physical education,
emphasizing its transformative impact on teaching and learning processes. As educational landscapes evolve,
technology has emerged as a pivotal tool for enhancing engagement, motivation, and accessibility in physical
education settings. This article various technological advancements, including virtual coaching Apps, mobile
applications, augmented reality, data analysis and performance tracking, gamification and interactive
learning, accessibility and inclusivity apps, and online platforms, highlighting their applications in
curriculum design, assessment, and skill development. Through a comprehensive analysis of current
literature, we identify the benefits and challenges associated with technology use in physical education,
including improved performance tracking, personalized learning experiences, and potential disparities in
access. The findings underscore the necessity for educators to adopt a balanced approach, leveraging
technology to complement traditional teaching methods while ensuring inclusivity and equity. This review
aims to provide students, educators, policymakers, and researchers with insights into effective strategies for
integrating technology into physical education, ultimately enhancing student outcomes and fostering a
lifelong appreciation for physical activity.

Research paper thumbnail of Mental Health and Physical Activity during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Review Salud mental y actividad física durante y después de la pandemia de COVID-19: una revisión

RETOS, 2024

Globally, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant effect on people's mental health and levels... more Globally, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant effect on people's mental health and levels of physical activity. The purpose of this review paper is to investigate the relationship between physical activity and mental health both during and after the pandemic. It gives an overview of the challenges faced by people during and after the pandemic, the effects on mental health, and how exercise helps to counteract the negative effects. Additionally, it covers possible tactics, strategies, and interventions to encourage physical exercise and mental health after the pandemic. The results emphasize how critical it is to treat mental health issues and encourage physical activity as vital elements of overall well-being in the face of adversity. It also emphasizes the integration of mental health and physical activity into public health policies and healthcare systems. By prioritizing mental health support and promoting physical activity, individuals can better cope with the challenges posed by the pandemic and emerge stronger in its aftermath.

Research paper thumbnail of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction and Return to Sports: A Comprehensive Guide

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are common in sports, particularly in activities involv... more Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are common in sports, particularly in activities involving jumping, pivoting, and sudden direction changes. While non-surgical treatment options are available for some patients, ACL reconstruction surgery is often recommended for athletes who wish to return to their preinjury level of activity. The article also examines the factors that may affect an athlete's ability to return to sports following ACL reconstruction. The factors contributing to this phenomenon include surgical intervention, common complications of ACL reconstruction, and rehabilitation. The article examines the significance of implementing a thorough rehabilitation program that encompasses activities aimed at enhancing strength, flexibility, and balance. The review concludes by summarising the main themes explored and emphasizing potential avenues for future research. Although ACL reconstruction has demonstrated a considerable rate of success and facilitates the return to sports, there remains a significant knowledge gap about the enduring consequences of the procedure and the determinants that influence the return to sports. This review article provides a comprehensive overview of ACL reconstruction surgery and return to sports. It highlights the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to rehabilitation, which should include physical therapy and psychological support. Healthcare professionals can better support athletes in their recovery and help them achieve their goals by understanding the factors that influence return to sports after ACL reconstruction.

Research paper thumbnail of Role of predictive modeling and personalized modeling in the enhancement of athletic performance

In sports, the difference between winning and losing can often come down to the smallest of margi... more In sports, the difference between winning and losing can often come down to the smallest of margins. As such, athletes and coaches are constantly looking for ways to gain an edge over their competitors. One area that has seen significant growth in recent years is the use of predictive modeling and personalized modeling to enhance athletic performance. Predictive and personalized modeling helps athletes and coaches make more informed decisions about training and preparing for competitions. By identifying the areas of weakness or predicting potential injuries, these models can help athletes take proactive steps to address these issues. Predictive and personalized modeling in sports is also associated with challenges. Despite the challenges, the potential benefits of predictive and personalized modeling in sports are clear. By providing athletes with highly targeted insights into optimizing their performance, predictive modeling and personalized modeling help them to achieve their full potential and reach new heights in their respective sports. As a result, it is expected that there will be further increases in the implementation of predictive and personalized modeling in the forthcoming years.

Research paper thumbnail of A comparison of the range of motion and dynamic stability of the ankle joint of athletes with an ankle sprain as compared to healthy controls: A cross-sectional study

Background: Ankle sprains are the most common lower-leg musculoskeletal injuries, frequently occu... more Background: Ankle sprains are the most common lower-leg musculoskeletal injuries, frequently occurring among athletes and other physical activity individuals. The objective of this study was to compare the ankle range of motion and dynamic stability of healthy and injured athletes for their dominant and nondominant legs. Methods: A cross-sectional study design was selected to investigate this study with 32 male soccer players with average age: 22.6 ± 3.3 years, weight: 69.6 ± 5.7 kg, height: 176.8 ± 5.32 cm, with a history of a lateral ankle sprain on the dominant leg for the past 2 years. Ankle range of motion was determined using dorsiflexion and plantar flexion by a goniometer. The dynamic stability was determined using the SWAY medical system. An independent t-test was used to study the differences between healthy and injured groups and between dominant and nondominant legs for dynamic stability, dorsiflexion, and plantar flexion range. Results: There were higher significant differences for dynamic stability in healthy participants than in injured participants for their dominant (P = 0.001) and nondominant (P = 0.001) legs. There were significant differences in dynamic stability in the dominant and nondominant leg (healthy [P = 0.033] and injured [P = 0.000] participants). The dominant leg shows higher dynamic stability in healthy group, whereas nondominant leg shows higher dynamic stability in the injured group. Conclusion: The study found significant differences between the injured and sound legs. The injured dominant and nondominant leg revealed a striking disparity in the ankle range of motion. Therefore, the study demonstrated that ankle sprain causes due to less stability of the ankle joint, which limits ankle movements.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of yoga training on physiological characteristics of college students

International Journal of Health, Sports, and Physical Education, 2012

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of yoga training on the physiological cha... more The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of yoga training on the physiological characteristics of college students. Another purpose of the study was to improve the physiological level of undergraduate students. 30 subjects were selected randomly from undergraduate students of Shri Ram College, Muzaffarnagar (U.P.). Standard and progressive matrices of organizational physiological variables (Lung Capacity, Vital Capacity, Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate) were measured for the assessment of the yoga training program. To find out the significant effect of the yoga training programme on the physiological characteristics of undergraduate college students, a t-test was used as a statistical tool. The significance level was set at .05. The results revealed a significant (p<.05) effect of yoga training physiological characteristics of college students. The practice of selected yoga training programs also helped to improve the physiological characteristics of college students.

Research paper thumbnail of Muscles Activation During Different Sit-up Exercises: An Electromyographical Study

The Bulletin of International Council of Sports Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE), 2007

The perfect execu on of exercises expands the maneuverability of the intended musculature of a sp... more The perfect execu on of exercises expands the maneuverability of the intended musculature of a sportsman. Indian trainers, coaches, physical educators and athletes o en tend to copy the world-class champions, athletes and performers as research in this field in India has thus far been limited. Copying has become a cyclic trend, which has not revolu onised the result of the designed exercises. This study was designed to electromyographically analyse muscles ac va on during different abdominal exercises to be performed for maximum advantage. The electromyography amplitudes of contrac on of the rectus abdominis, internal oblique and external oblique during three different sit-up exercises were recorded. Ten male subjects selected for the experiment were of All India Intervarsity Level from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. Their mean age, height and weight were 21.4 yrs, 167.4 cm and 62.6 kg respec vely. The Student Physiograph was used for EMG recording and all procedures were standardised. Three sets of observa ons were made on each subject. The electrodes were located over the belly of the muscles and oriented along its longitudinal axis. The sit-up exercises were executed to 720 angles. The undertaken sit-up exercises were analysed by ANOVA. The concentric and the eccentric phase of exercises were examined by paired t-test and compared with sta s cal significance at 0.05 levels. The me pulse was synchronised to angles of movement. The Op misa on technique was used to obtain the angle of maximum contrac on intensity. Results of the research indicates that different quadrants contract op mally at different angles. Our findings support the concept that abdominal strengthening exercises can differen ally ac vate various abdominal muscle groups, but contradict some tradi onally held assump ons regarding the effects of specific exercises.

Research paper thumbnail of An Examination of the Arm, Shoulder, and Abdominal Muscle Endurance of Netball and Volleyball University Female Players in Relation to Specific Anthropometric Measurements

This study intended to determine the association of arm, shoulder, and abdominal muscular enduran... more This study intended to determine the association of arm, shoulder, and abdominal muscular endurance with specific anthropometric measurements among netball and volleyball university female players. An observational study design was used in assessment of the anthropometric indices and musculature endurance of twenty-eight female participants (14 Netball and 14 Volleyball players). The study found that the mean age of the participants was 19.54±0.69 years, with an average body weight of 52.99±10.51 kg, height of 156.71±5.34 cm, and body mass index (BMI) of 21.57±4.09 kg/m 2. Specific anthropometric measurements were determined using a bioelectric impedance analysis tool, push-ups determined arm and shoulder endurance, sit-ups and measured abdominal endurance. The number of sit-ups and push-ups in one minute was used as score. There was a negative association between upper body muscle endurance and Total Body Water (TWB) (r=-.058), Mass of Body Fat (MBF) (r=-.019), Visceral Fat Area (VFA) (r=-036), Abdominal Circumference (A.C.) (r=-.027), and Waist Hip Ratio (WHR) (r=-.069), whereas positive association exist for Body Mass Index (BMI) (r=.034), Percentage of Body Fat (PBF) (r=.066), and Lean Body Mass (LBM) (.065) for netball and volleyball players. Lower body muscle endurance showed positive association between different anthropometric indices BMI (r=.074), PBF (r=.203), TWB (r=.124), LBM (r=.203), MBF (r=.116), VFA (r=.001), AC (r=.112), and WHR (r=.113). These associations were not significant at the p=0.01 level. This study suggests that specific anthropometric measurements of netball and volleyball players have a positive association with abdominal muscle strength and a negative association with arm and shoulder muscle endurance.

Research paper thumbnail of An analysis of physical performance parameters among university netball and volleyball female players

The purpose of this study was to analyse netball and volleyball players for differences in physic... more The purpose of this study was to analyse netball and volleyball players for differences in physical performance parameters among female university players. Materials and Methods: Twenty-eight female participants (14 netball + 14 volleyball players) participated in this study voluntarily. Any player with lower extremity musculoskeletal injury or a record since the last three months was excluded from the study. The average age of players was 19.54±0.69 years, body weight 52.99±10.51 kg., height 156.71±5.34 cm., and body mass index 21.57±4.09. Anthropometrical characteristics were measured with the help of a bioelectrical impedance analyser, while physical performance parameters (Muscular endurance, lower extremity power, dynamic stability, agility, speed) were determined by the numerous functional tests. Results: No statistically significant differences were found in physical performance parameters except agility (p=.041) and speed (p=.015) variables between netball and volleyball university female students. A significant positive relationship was also found in some of the physical performance parameters irrespective of the sports. Conclusion: The study's findings show that physical performance parameters do not differ significantly in female netball and volleyball players. Team coaches and physiologists must consider functional test outcomes while preparing players for competition. The individual training program should also be established on test outcomes, which is more likely to improve performance.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of physiological characteristics and physical performance measures among athletes from random intermittent dynamic type sports

Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports

Background and Study Aim. The physiological [Maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max), Peak Inspiratory Fl... more Background and Study Aim. The physiological [Maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max), Peak Inspiratory Flow (PIF), Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF), Force Vital Capacity (FVC)] and physical performance measures [power, dynamic balance, flexibility, agility, and speed] are the key determinants in random intermittent dynamic type sports which enable the players to address decisive situations. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the physiological and physical measures among athletes from random intermittent dynamic type sports. Material and Methods. A comparative cross-sectional study with 56 male athletes, 14 in each sport (Rugby, Soccer, Volleyball, Futsal) was conducted. The mean age was 23.59±4.27 years, body mass 71.96±10.10 kg, body height 174.71±6.82 cm, and BMI 23.51±2.38 kg/m2. Physiological characteristics and physical performance measures were measured by using dry spirometer and functional tests respectively. A one-way analysis of variance test was performed to determin...


Journal of Physical Education, 2022

Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar o efeito colateral de um treinamento em ambiente de real... more Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar o efeito colateral de um treinamento em ambiente de realidade virtual de seis semanas na estabilidade postural dinâmica e estática em atletas que participam de esportes do tipo dinâmico intermitente aleatório. Os desenhos de estudo pré-teste e pós-teste foram escolhidos para conduzir este estudo. Vinte e quatro atletas do sexo masculino foram selecionados para o estudo. Os participantes participaram de um programa de treinamento em ambiente de realidade virtual de seis semanas, três vezes por semana, durante uma sessão de quarenta e cinco minutos. O ambiente de realidade virtual foi criado usando o sistema de realidade virtual integrado da CAREN com o aplicativo D-flow da Motek. A estabilidade postural foi avaliada por meio de um estadiômetro. As avaliações foram realizadas antes e após seis semanas de treinamento. Um teste t de amostra emparelhada foi usado para determinar as diferenças entre as medidas de resultados pré e pós-teste. A melhoria pode ser vista como um efeito da intervenção de treinamento em ambiente de realidade virtual. Diferenças estatisticamente significativas foram observadas entre o pré e pós-teste para estabilidade postural anteroposterior e mediolateral dinâmica e estática em 20 e 40 níveis de dificuldade. O treinamento em ambiente de realidade virtual ajuda a melhorar o desempenho, avaliando e otimizando a carga de treinamento no processo de melhoria do desempenho de atletas que participam de esportes do tipo dinâmico intermitente aleatório.

Research paper thumbnail of Chronotype and athletes’ performance in sports: A narrative review

Electronic Journal of General Medicine

The circadian system is managed by the suprachiasmatic nucleus, which is also called a master clo... more The circadian system is managed by the suprachiasmatic nucleus, which is also called a master clock, and peripheral clocks spread all over the body. A complex system of neuronal, hormonal, and autonomous signals coordinates these clocks. However, this narrative review aimed to discuss the influence of circadian rhythms on the athlete’s performance, rate of perceived exertion, resynchronization, and aerobic and anaerobic exercise. An adequately timed wake-up is believed to play an essential role in an athlete’s performance. Based on the literature, chronotype appears to correlate with ratings of perceived exertion and fatigue scores, and morning types are less fatigued in the morning. When chronotype was evaluated, fatigue and vigor had time-by-group interactions. Swimmers with morning-type profiles showed lower fatigue scores before the (06:30 hour) time test than before the (18:30 hour) time test, while those with neither-type profiles had similar fatigue scores in both sessions. V...

Research paper thumbnail of A comparative evaluation of anthropometric characteristics and respiratory functions' parameters among rugby and soccer players

Physical Activity Review

Introduction: Evaluation of anthropometric characteristics and respiratory functions is imperativ... more Introduction: Evaluation of anthropometric characteristics and respiratory functions is imperative for investigating the health status of individuals and sportspersons. The objective of this study was to evaluate the anthropometric characteristics and respiratory function parameters of rugby and soccer players. Methods: Forty-four players (rugby, n=22; soccer, n=22) were selected for the present study. They were free of musculoskeletal and respiratory disorders. Their age was 21.49±1.41 years, height 173.62±6.26 cm, weight 71.40±14.44 kg, BMI 22.70±4.26 kg/m2, PBF 17.35±12.27%, Fat Mass 24.43±13.61 kg, and LBM 55.98±7.26 kg. Anthropometric characteristics and body composition were measured using a weighing scale cum stadiometer and a bioelectric impedance analyzer. Respiratory function was assessed using a handheld spirometer. Standard procedures were followed to measure the anthropometric characteristics, body composition, and respiratory function. Results: The results of the study...

Research paper thumbnail of A Study of Linear and Angular Kinematic Analysis of Soccer instep and inside instep Foot Kicks of Different Level Players

Research paper thumbnail of A Comparative Study of Stress Amongst Teachers of the Western Division in Fiji

Stress is an unavoidable aspect of modern life and can have serious effects on one’s health and p... more Stress is an unavoidable aspect of modern life and can have serious effects on one’s health and performance. There is an absence of empirical research and literature regarding stress amongst teachers in Fiji. As such, there is an important need for basic research on teacher stress to be carried out in Fiji. The aim of this study was to investigate stress amongst school teachers.Fifty one teachers from the western division of Fiji were selected for this study. The Teacher Work Stress Inventory of G. J. Boyle et al. was used to measure teacher stress. Data was analysed using the IBM SPSS 21. Percentages, means, standard deviations, and t-test were used to describe the data. On the basis of data analysis, the study revealed that female, married, urban, i-Taukei, and secondary school teachers have more stress than their counter parts. It was also noted that all teachers at some point or the other experience different levels of stress, weather moderate, mild or extreme. keywords: Stress,...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of the Anaerobic Power Output, Dynamic Stability, Lower Limb Strength, and Power of Elite Soccer Players Based on Their Field Position


Soccer players require a high degree of aerobic and anaerobic fitness to perform well throughout ... more Soccer players require a high degree of aerobic and anaerobic fitness to perform well throughout the game as per their position in the field. This study aimed to investigate the differences in anaerobic power output, dynamic stability, lower limb strength, and power among elite soccer players based on their field position. A cross-sectional population of 96 elite soccer players with average age 23.10 ± 4.35 years, weight 69.99 ± 9.71 kg., height 174.84 ± 6.64 cm., and body mass index 22.84 ± 2.39 kg/m2 from various soccer clubs in Saudi Arabia was tested for their anaerobic power output, dynamic stability, lower limb strength, and power performance. All the participants have more than 4 years of experience in competitive soccer events. Tests included a measure of single-leg vertical jump, star excursion balance test, and single-leg triple hop test for distance. The players were divided into four groups (goalkeepers, defenders, midfielders, and attackers) based on their self-reported...

Research paper thumbnail of Determining the hip joint isokinetic muscle strength and range of motion of professional soccer players based on their field position


Background Soccer players’ physical and physiological demands vary based on their field position.... more Background Soccer players’ physical and physiological demands vary based on their field position. Although the hip joint has an important role in soccer, little information is available about the strength and flexibility of the hip joint based on player positions. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the differences in muscle strength and flexibility of the hip joint of professional soccer players based on their field position. Methods Ninety-six professional soccer players from Saudi Arabia were divided into four groups (goalkeepers, defenders, midfielders, and attackers), with 24 participants in each group based on their field position. The Modified Thomas test was used to measure the hip extension range of motion (ROM), and muscle strength was assessed by an Isokinetic dynamometer. Results There were no statistically significant differences in the isokinetic strength at the hip joint movements between goalkeepers, defenders, midfielders, and attackers (p ≥ 0.05). At the same...

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of myofascial release with tennis ball on spasticity and motor functions of upper limb in patients with chronic stroke: A randomized controlled trial

Research paper thumbnail of Mental Health, Self-Esteem, Life Satisfaction Among Ethiopian Population During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Survey Based Study

European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, Jan 19, 2021


The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of facilities and equipment in the coac... more The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of facilities and equipment in the coaching processes of soccer practical session and also indicate the ways of intervention to the problem. This study was conducted on the Aba Buna sport club, Jimma. The data was collected from primary and secondary sources, which include qualitative and quantitative research method for the purposive. The sample size for the study includes 28 players and 2 coaches. The necessary information had collected through questionnaires which included both open ended and closed ended questions. There were twelve questions in each questionnaire for the players and coaches as well. Only one question is open ended. One week was given to filled questionnaire. The result of study indicates, the facilities and equipment have an exerted impact to improve and develop the efficiency of the clubs practical session. However, the club has intending to solve such problem and solve inadequacy facility equipment is left the club. Therefore, according to this identified result research forward recommendation to overcome the problem.


The purpose of the present research was to compare the level of exercise motivation of male and f... more The purpose of the present research was to compare the level of exercise motivation of male and female soccer players. Secondary purpose of this work was to answer of the question " which gender needs what extend of exercise motivation to perform better in sports? " The method carried out in this study was quantitative in nature and based on the questionnaire study. Population of this research consisted on all male and female soccer players in Rakiraki Public High School, Kings Road, Fiji. Among the total population the sample consisted on 50 boys and 50 girls (all subjects were below 17 years of age). The Exercise Motivation Inventory developed by Markland and Hardy, (1993) was used to gauge the level of exercise motivation of both genders. Results of statistical analysis (t-test) showed that there was no significant difference between male and female players on their level of exercise motivation, but the mean value of female players was found considerably higher than the male players. This finding leads to conclude that both male and female under 17 years soccer players having same level of exercise motivation.