Anita Szczepanek | Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences (original) (raw)


Papers by Anita Szczepanek

Research paper thumbnail of Analiza proporcji stabilnych izotopów tlenu (18O/16O) w kościach przedstawicieli ludności kultury ceramiki sznurowej z Malżyc–badania pilotażowe

Research paper thumbnail of An Anthropological Analysis of Skeletons of the Mierzanowice Culture People from Książnice, Site 2, Pacanów commune, Świętokrzyskie voivodeship

Szczepanek A. 2014. An Anthropological Analysis of Skeletons of the Mierzanowice Culture People f... more Szczepanek A. 2014. An Anthropological Analysis of Skeletons of the Mierzanowice Culture People from Książnice, Site 2, Pacanów commune, Świętokrzyskie voivodeship. Sprawozdania Archeologiczne 66, 279–283. The present anthropological analysis concerns skeletons from the graves of the Mierzanowice Culture. The grave 1 (feature 4/08) contained the bones of a male at the age of maturus (40–45 lat) of intra vitam body height 170–172 cm. The skeleton in feature 5/08 — grave 2 belonged to an adult individual, adult individuals were also found in feature 1/10 and 13/10.

Research paper thumbnail of Groby z nadpalonymi szkieletami z cmentarzyska kultury złockiej w Książnicach, woj. świętokrzyskie

Research paper thumbnail of Application of the temporal bone for sex determination from the skeletal remains

Folia medica Cracoviensia, 2015

This paper presents state of current knowledge on possibilities and accuracy of sex determination... more This paper presents state of current knowledge on possibilities and accuracy of sex determination from the temporal bone. Experimental and comparative studies performed on temporal bones derived from different human populations allowed to verify to what extend this bone is valuable source of information on sex of individual. It was figured out that the temporal bone can be used for this purpose and the size of the mastoid process is considered to be one of the best sex discriminator.

Research paper thumbnail of The anthropological analysis of burnt bones from object 2537 in Modlniczka, site 2, dist. Cracow / Anita Szczepanek

Szczepanek A. 2010. The anthropological analysis of burnt bones from object 2537 in Modlniczka, s... more Szczepanek A. 2010. The anthropological analysis of burnt bones from object 2537 in Modlniczka, site 2, dist. Cracow. Sprawozdania Archeologiczne 62, 491–503. The article presents the anthropological description conducted for object 2537 in Modlniczka, site 2. Burnt bones from this object did not constitute any visible concentrations; their dispersion within 5 levels of exploration was more less even, therefore, strictly mechanical segregation of the material was employed. Due to anthropological analysis it was evaluated that the object contained remains of 55 individuals at least and this is the smallest possible number of buried individuals (MNI). Object 2537 in Modlniczka should be considered as an ossuarium, emerged during a single act of bones deposition, being at the same time one of the element of complex funeral

Research paper thumbnail of The Paleodiet of Individuals Buried in the Burial Mound in Gabułtów / Krzysztof Szostek, Anita Szczepanek, Henryk Głąb

Research paper thumbnail of Anthropological studies in the Zywiec region: Changes in the head proportions

Anthropologie, 2004

The cross-sectional studies conducted for the past 40 years by the Department of Anthropology of ... more The cross-sectional studies conducted for the past 40 years by the Department of Anthropology of the Jagiellonian University on children and adolescents from southern Poland enabled the observation of changes in the values of such parameters as the length (g-op), the width (eu-eu) and the main head index in time. A comparative analysis of peer groups, examined at 10-year intervals, showed slight differences in the value of head length between those groups. However, during the last decade an increase of the head length has been observed, resulting in a decreased value of the main index. Interestingly enough, the phenomenon under study has been encountered, above all, in the youngest children, 3 and 4 years old.

Research paper thumbnail of Co kości mówią nam o wojnie? : uwagi na marginesie odkryć urazow czaszki z masowej mogiły z grodziska w Niesulicach koło Świebodzina / Piotr Dziedzic, Arkadiusz Michalak, Anita Szczepanek

Research paper thumbnail of The biritual cemetery of the Bronze Age from Opatów site 1,Kłobuck distr., Śląskie voiv. – the study of the funeral customs

Research paper thumbnail of Anthropological analysis of skeletons of the Corded Ware culture and the Trzciniec culture from Gabułtów, site 1, the district of Kazimierza Wielka, the Świętokrzyskie Province

Research paper thumbnail of Excavations of multicultural site 1 at Michałowice, Czarnocin commune, Świętokrzyskie province, in the years 2008–2010

The multicultural site 1 at Michałowice has long attracted the attention of archaeologists. Since... more The multicultural site 1 at Michałowice has long attracted the attention of archaeologists. Since the 1950’s, artefacts attributed to the Przeworsk culture have been discovered from time to time in fields near the administrative border between the Michałowice and Ciuślice villages. This resulted in an initial, small-scale salvage excavation of the site, which revealed skeleton burials of the Lusatian culture, as well as skeleton and cremation burials attributed to the Przeworsk culture. The excavations conducted in 2008–2010 uncovered 53 archaeological features, attributed to the Trzciniec, Lusatian and Przeworsk cultures. Among the most remarkable discoveries were human and horse burials connected with the Trzciniec culture and the Early Roman Period groove-type features from the Przeworsk culture cemetery.

Research paper thumbnail of The Anthropological Analysis of a Skeleton of the Lublin-Wołyń Culture from Książnice, Site 2, the Pacanów Commune, the County of Busko Zdrój : Studies Conducted in 2004 / Elżbieta Haduch, Anita Szczepanek

Research paper thumbnail of Pochówki zbiorowe kultury trzcinieckiej z Bocheńca, stan. 2, woj. świętokrzyskie i Gustorzyna, stan. 1, woj. kujawsko-pomorskie - analiza antropologiczna

Anthropological analysis has been applied to human remains from multiple graves discovered on cem... more Anthropological analysis has been applied to human remains from multiple graves discovered on cemeteries of the Trzciniec culture (abbreviated TC) -Bocheniec, Site 2, Swietokrzyskie Voivodship (graves: 114, 118, and 126), and Gustorzyn, Site 1, Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship (graves: 4 and 5). On the former site, dated to Bronze Age II-V, TC multiple graves located in the area of graves of the Early Lusatian culture (Fig. 2). Multiple graves in Gustorzyn (Fig. 3a) were discovered during rescue excavation of the area endangered by gravel digging (Fig. 3b). The multiple graves in Bocheniec contained remains of 49 people and in Gustorzyn - 32 people. In Bocheniec sex of the dead has been determined for 69.6 per cent of adult burials, while in Bocheniec - for 80 per cent (Table 1). Grave pit 114 in Bocheniec contained remains of at least 8 dead (2 of them in the age of Infans, a woman, a man and 4 adults of undetermined sex). In grave 118 there were at least 12 dead, most of them in the ...

Research paper thumbnail of Isotopic composition and identification of the origins of individuals buried in a Neolithic collective grave at Bronocice (southern Poland)

HOMO - Journal of Comparative Human Biology, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of The Absolute Chronology of Collective Burials from the 2ND Millennium BC in East Central Europe


ABSTRACTThis article discusses the absolute chronology of collective burials of the Trzciniec Cul... more ABSTRACTThis article discusses the absolute chronology of collective burials of the Trzciniec Cultural Circle communities of the Middle Bronze Age in East Central Europe. Based on Bayesian modeling of 91 accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon (AMS 14C) dates from 18 cemeteries, the practice of collective burying of individuals was linked to a period of 400–640 (95.4%) years, between 1830–1690 (95.4%) and 1320–1160 (95.4%) BC. Collective burials in mounds with both cremation and inhumation rites were found earliest in the upland zone regardless of grave structure type (mounded or flat). Bayesian modeling of 14C determinations suggests that this practice was being transmitted generally from the southeast to the northwest direction. Bayesian modeling of the dates from the largest cemetery in Żerniki Górne, Lesser Poland Upland, confirmed the duration of use of the necropolis as ca. 140–310 (95.4%) years. Further results show the partial contemporaneity of burials and allow formulati...

Research paper thumbnail of The early Bronze Age feature from Wilczyce, site 10, Sandomierz district – An interpretation of its functioning in light of multidimensional analysis

Ana­lecta Archa­eolo­gica Res­so­viensia

The aim of this paper is to present the multidimensional characteristics of the feature number 4 ... more The aim of this paper is to present the multidimensional characteristics of the feature number 4 at the site in Wilczyce located on the Sandomierz Upland. During exploration of the pit rich flint material, fragments of pottery vessels and animal bones were found and just above the bottom a “deposit” involved a human skull of the young female, two cattle mandibles, a sheep/goat tibia and astragalus, a damaged cattle scapula and radius, and a polishing stone were deposited. The C14 date obtained from the tooth from the cattle jaw was 3790 ± 35 BP. Based on the shape and the size of discovered feature it is possible to classify it as a typical storage pit but presence of “deposit” enable to postulate a ritual character of assemblage that reflect some kind of burial practices of the Mierzanowice culture. Rituals in the form of interring the dead or parts of their bodies can be found also in the Unietice culture so such features may indicate the emergence of a certain supra- -regional an...

Research paper thumbnail of Isotopic evidence of millet consumption in the Middle Bronze Age of East-Central Europe

Journal of Archaeological Science

Research paper thumbnail of Mitochondrial genomes from Bronze Age Poland reveal genetic continuity from the Late Neolithic and additional genetic affinities with the steppe populations

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

Objective: In this work we aim to investigate the origins and genetic affinities of Bronze Age po... more Objective: In this work we aim to investigate the origins and genetic affinities of Bronze Age populations (2,400–1,100 BC) from the region of southern Poland and to trace maternal kinship patterns present in the burials of those populations by the use of complete mitochondrial genomes. Materials and methods: We performed ancient DNA analyses for Bronze Age individuals from present-day Poland associated with the Strzyżow culture, the Mierzanowice culture, and the Trzciniec Cultural circle. To obtain complete mitochondrial genomes, we sequenced genomic libraries using Illumina platform. Additionally, hybridization capture was used to enrich some of the samples for mitochondrial DNA. AMS 14C-dating was conducted for 51 individuals to verify chronological and cultural attribution of the analyzed samples. Results: Complete ancient mitochondrial genomes were generated for 80 of the Bronze Age individuals from present-day Poland. The results of the population genetic analyses indicate close maternal genetic affinity between Mierzanowice, Trzciniec, and Corded Ware culture-associated populations. This is in contrast to the genetically more distant Strzyżów people that displayed closer maternal genetic relation to steppe populations associated with the preceding Yamnaya culture and Catacomb culture, and with later Scythians. Potential maternal kinship relations were identified in burials of Mierzanowice and Trzciniec populations analyzed in this study. Discussion: Results revealed genetic continuity from the Late Neolithic Corded Ware groups to Bronze Age Mierzanowice and Trzciniec-associated populations, and possible additional genetic contribution from the steppe to the formation of the Strzyżów associated group at the end of 3rd millennium BC. Mitochondrial patterns indicated several pairs of potentially maternally related individuals mostly in Trzciniec-associated group.

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeological excavations of multicultural site 1 at Michałowice, Commune Czarnocin, in seasons 2013–2014

Recherches Archéologique Nouvelle Serie

The excavations of multicultural site 1 at Michałowice have been carried out since 2008. So far, ... more The excavations of multicultural site 1 at Michałowice have been carried out since 2008. So far, the excavations have encompassed approx. 40 ares and resulted in the discovery of 122 archaeological features. The area investigated in seasons 2013–2014 totals 10 ares. The research revealed cremation burials associated with the Lusatian and Przeworsk cultures, as well as the first inhumation burial in the site, and more groove features linked with the Przeworsk culture.

Research paper thumbnail of Paleobiology and Taphonomy of a Middle Paleolithic Neandertal Tooth from Ciemna Cave, Southern Poland

Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology

Research paper thumbnail of Analiza proporcji stabilnych izotopów tlenu (18O/16O) w kościach przedstawicieli ludności kultury ceramiki sznurowej z Malżyc–badania pilotażowe

Research paper thumbnail of An Anthropological Analysis of Skeletons of the Mierzanowice Culture People from Książnice, Site 2, Pacanów commune, Świętokrzyskie voivodeship

Szczepanek A. 2014. An Anthropological Analysis of Skeletons of the Mierzanowice Culture People f... more Szczepanek A. 2014. An Anthropological Analysis of Skeletons of the Mierzanowice Culture People from Książnice, Site 2, Pacanów commune, Świętokrzyskie voivodeship. Sprawozdania Archeologiczne 66, 279–283. The present anthropological analysis concerns skeletons from the graves of the Mierzanowice Culture. The grave 1 (feature 4/08) contained the bones of a male at the age of maturus (40–45 lat) of intra vitam body height 170–172 cm. The skeleton in feature 5/08 — grave 2 belonged to an adult individual, adult individuals were also found in feature 1/10 and 13/10.

Research paper thumbnail of Groby z nadpalonymi szkieletami z cmentarzyska kultury złockiej w Książnicach, woj. świętokrzyskie

Research paper thumbnail of Application of the temporal bone for sex determination from the skeletal remains

Folia medica Cracoviensia, 2015

This paper presents state of current knowledge on possibilities and accuracy of sex determination... more This paper presents state of current knowledge on possibilities and accuracy of sex determination from the temporal bone. Experimental and comparative studies performed on temporal bones derived from different human populations allowed to verify to what extend this bone is valuable source of information on sex of individual. It was figured out that the temporal bone can be used for this purpose and the size of the mastoid process is considered to be one of the best sex discriminator.

Research paper thumbnail of The anthropological analysis of burnt bones from object 2537 in Modlniczka, site 2, dist. Cracow / Anita Szczepanek

Szczepanek A. 2010. The anthropological analysis of burnt bones from object 2537 in Modlniczka, s... more Szczepanek A. 2010. The anthropological analysis of burnt bones from object 2537 in Modlniczka, site 2, dist. Cracow. Sprawozdania Archeologiczne 62, 491–503. The article presents the anthropological description conducted for object 2537 in Modlniczka, site 2. Burnt bones from this object did not constitute any visible concentrations; their dispersion within 5 levels of exploration was more less even, therefore, strictly mechanical segregation of the material was employed. Due to anthropological analysis it was evaluated that the object contained remains of 55 individuals at least and this is the smallest possible number of buried individuals (MNI). Object 2537 in Modlniczka should be considered as an ossuarium, emerged during a single act of bones deposition, being at the same time one of the element of complex funeral

Research paper thumbnail of The Paleodiet of Individuals Buried in the Burial Mound in Gabułtów / Krzysztof Szostek, Anita Szczepanek, Henryk Głąb

Research paper thumbnail of Anthropological studies in the Zywiec region: Changes in the head proportions

Anthropologie, 2004

The cross-sectional studies conducted for the past 40 years by the Department of Anthropology of ... more The cross-sectional studies conducted for the past 40 years by the Department of Anthropology of the Jagiellonian University on children and adolescents from southern Poland enabled the observation of changes in the values of such parameters as the length (g-op), the width (eu-eu) and the main head index in time. A comparative analysis of peer groups, examined at 10-year intervals, showed slight differences in the value of head length between those groups. However, during the last decade an increase of the head length has been observed, resulting in a decreased value of the main index. Interestingly enough, the phenomenon under study has been encountered, above all, in the youngest children, 3 and 4 years old.

Research paper thumbnail of Co kości mówią nam o wojnie? : uwagi na marginesie odkryć urazow czaszki z masowej mogiły z grodziska w Niesulicach koło Świebodzina / Piotr Dziedzic, Arkadiusz Michalak, Anita Szczepanek

Research paper thumbnail of The biritual cemetery of the Bronze Age from Opatów site 1,Kłobuck distr., Śląskie voiv. – the study of the funeral customs

Research paper thumbnail of Anthropological analysis of skeletons of the Corded Ware culture and the Trzciniec culture from Gabułtów, site 1, the district of Kazimierza Wielka, the Świętokrzyskie Province

Research paper thumbnail of Excavations of multicultural site 1 at Michałowice, Czarnocin commune, Świętokrzyskie province, in the years 2008–2010

The multicultural site 1 at Michałowice has long attracted the attention of archaeologists. Since... more The multicultural site 1 at Michałowice has long attracted the attention of archaeologists. Since the 1950’s, artefacts attributed to the Przeworsk culture have been discovered from time to time in fields near the administrative border between the Michałowice and Ciuślice villages. This resulted in an initial, small-scale salvage excavation of the site, which revealed skeleton burials of the Lusatian culture, as well as skeleton and cremation burials attributed to the Przeworsk culture. The excavations conducted in 2008–2010 uncovered 53 archaeological features, attributed to the Trzciniec, Lusatian and Przeworsk cultures. Among the most remarkable discoveries were human and horse burials connected with the Trzciniec culture and the Early Roman Period groove-type features from the Przeworsk culture cemetery.

Research paper thumbnail of The Anthropological Analysis of a Skeleton of the Lublin-Wołyń Culture from Książnice, Site 2, the Pacanów Commune, the County of Busko Zdrój : Studies Conducted in 2004 / Elżbieta Haduch, Anita Szczepanek

Research paper thumbnail of Pochówki zbiorowe kultury trzcinieckiej z Bocheńca, stan. 2, woj. świętokrzyskie i Gustorzyna, stan. 1, woj. kujawsko-pomorskie - analiza antropologiczna

Anthropological analysis has been applied to human remains from multiple graves discovered on cem... more Anthropological analysis has been applied to human remains from multiple graves discovered on cemeteries of the Trzciniec culture (abbreviated TC) -Bocheniec, Site 2, Swietokrzyskie Voivodship (graves: 114, 118, and 126), and Gustorzyn, Site 1, Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship (graves: 4 and 5). On the former site, dated to Bronze Age II-V, TC multiple graves located in the area of graves of the Early Lusatian culture (Fig. 2). Multiple graves in Gustorzyn (Fig. 3a) were discovered during rescue excavation of the area endangered by gravel digging (Fig. 3b). The multiple graves in Bocheniec contained remains of 49 people and in Gustorzyn - 32 people. In Bocheniec sex of the dead has been determined for 69.6 per cent of adult burials, while in Bocheniec - for 80 per cent (Table 1). Grave pit 114 in Bocheniec contained remains of at least 8 dead (2 of them in the age of Infans, a woman, a man and 4 adults of undetermined sex). In grave 118 there were at least 12 dead, most of them in the ...

Research paper thumbnail of Isotopic composition and identification of the origins of individuals buried in a Neolithic collective grave at Bronocice (southern Poland)

HOMO - Journal of Comparative Human Biology, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of The Absolute Chronology of Collective Burials from the 2ND Millennium BC in East Central Europe


ABSTRACTThis article discusses the absolute chronology of collective burials of the Trzciniec Cul... more ABSTRACTThis article discusses the absolute chronology of collective burials of the Trzciniec Cultural Circle communities of the Middle Bronze Age in East Central Europe. Based on Bayesian modeling of 91 accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon (AMS 14C) dates from 18 cemeteries, the practice of collective burying of individuals was linked to a period of 400–640 (95.4%) years, between 1830–1690 (95.4%) and 1320–1160 (95.4%) BC. Collective burials in mounds with both cremation and inhumation rites were found earliest in the upland zone regardless of grave structure type (mounded or flat). Bayesian modeling of 14C determinations suggests that this practice was being transmitted generally from the southeast to the northwest direction. Bayesian modeling of the dates from the largest cemetery in Żerniki Górne, Lesser Poland Upland, confirmed the duration of use of the necropolis as ca. 140–310 (95.4%) years. Further results show the partial contemporaneity of burials and allow formulati...

Research paper thumbnail of The early Bronze Age feature from Wilczyce, site 10, Sandomierz district – An interpretation of its functioning in light of multidimensional analysis

Ana­lecta Archa­eolo­gica Res­so­viensia

The aim of this paper is to present the multidimensional characteristics of the feature number 4 ... more The aim of this paper is to present the multidimensional characteristics of the feature number 4 at the site in Wilczyce located on the Sandomierz Upland. During exploration of the pit rich flint material, fragments of pottery vessels and animal bones were found and just above the bottom a “deposit” involved a human skull of the young female, two cattle mandibles, a sheep/goat tibia and astragalus, a damaged cattle scapula and radius, and a polishing stone were deposited. The C14 date obtained from the tooth from the cattle jaw was 3790 ± 35 BP. Based on the shape and the size of discovered feature it is possible to classify it as a typical storage pit but presence of “deposit” enable to postulate a ritual character of assemblage that reflect some kind of burial practices of the Mierzanowice culture. Rituals in the form of interring the dead or parts of their bodies can be found also in the Unietice culture so such features may indicate the emergence of a certain supra- -regional an...

Research paper thumbnail of Isotopic evidence of millet consumption in the Middle Bronze Age of East-Central Europe

Journal of Archaeological Science

Research paper thumbnail of Mitochondrial genomes from Bronze Age Poland reveal genetic continuity from the Late Neolithic and additional genetic affinities with the steppe populations

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

Objective: In this work we aim to investigate the origins and genetic affinities of Bronze Age po... more Objective: In this work we aim to investigate the origins and genetic affinities of Bronze Age populations (2,400–1,100 BC) from the region of southern Poland and to trace maternal kinship patterns present in the burials of those populations by the use of complete mitochondrial genomes. Materials and methods: We performed ancient DNA analyses for Bronze Age individuals from present-day Poland associated with the Strzyżow culture, the Mierzanowice culture, and the Trzciniec Cultural circle. To obtain complete mitochondrial genomes, we sequenced genomic libraries using Illumina platform. Additionally, hybridization capture was used to enrich some of the samples for mitochondrial DNA. AMS 14C-dating was conducted for 51 individuals to verify chronological and cultural attribution of the analyzed samples. Results: Complete ancient mitochondrial genomes were generated for 80 of the Bronze Age individuals from present-day Poland. The results of the population genetic analyses indicate close maternal genetic affinity between Mierzanowice, Trzciniec, and Corded Ware culture-associated populations. This is in contrast to the genetically more distant Strzyżów people that displayed closer maternal genetic relation to steppe populations associated with the preceding Yamnaya culture and Catacomb culture, and with later Scythians. Potential maternal kinship relations were identified in burials of Mierzanowice and Trzciniec populations analyzed in this study. Discussion: Results revealed genetic continuity from the Late Neolithic Corded Ware groups to Bronze Age Mierzanowice and Trzciniec-associated populations, and possible additional genetic contribution from the steppe to the formation of the Strzyżów associated group at the end of 3rd millennium BC. Mitochondrial patterns indicated several pairs of potentially maternally related individuals mostly in Trzciniec-associated group.

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeological excavations of multicultural site 1 at Michałowice, Commune Czarnocin, in seasons 2013–2014

Recherches Archéologique Nouvelle Serie

The excavations of multicultural site 1 at Michałowice have been carried out since 2008. So far, ... more The excavations of multicultural site 1 at Michałowice have been carried out since 2008. So far, the excavations have encompassed approx. 40 ares and resulted in the discovery of 122 archaeological features. The area investigated in seasons 2013–2014 totals 10 ares. The research revealed cremation burials associated with the Lusatian and Przeworsk cultures, as well as the first inhumation burial in the site, and more groove features linked with the Przeworsk culture.

Research paper thumbnail of Paleobiology and Taphonomy of a Middle Paleolithic Neandertal Tooth from Ciemna Cave, Southern Poland

Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology

Research paper thumbnail of Bronzene Doppelhalsringe aus dem Gräberfeld von Opatów, Fst. 1, Kr. Kłobuck, Woiw. Śląskie / Podwójne naszyjniki brązowe z cmentarzyska w Opatowie, stan. 1, pow. Kłobuck, woj. śląskie

Research paper thumbnail of Kurhany ze stanowiska 30 w Stryjowie, pow. krasnostawski


The article concerns new materials of Proto and Early Mierzanowice culture from settlements on si... more The article concerns new materials of Proto and Early Mierzanowice culture from settlements on sites 37 and 39 in Dobko-wice near Jarosław (SE Poland). The earliest settlement structures in that region falls into the period 2300–2200 BC, when on loess uplands stable settlement centers became to develop. It was the time of decline of the Bell Beaker culture in western Lesser Poland. The Mierzanowice culture on both sites in Dobkowice is represented by 56 archaeological features, some of them contains human remains. Dicovered materials are significant contribution in studies on settlement of Mierzanowice culture on loess areas of the SE Poland, allowing the reconstruction of the settlement network.

Research paper thumbnail of Diagenetic signals from ancient human remains – bioarchaeological applications

This preliminary study examines the potential effects of diagenetic processes on the oxygen-isoto... more This preliminary study examines the potential effects of diagenetic processes on the oxygen-isotope ratios of bone and tooth phosphate (δ 18 O) from skeletal material of individuals representing the Corded Ware Culture (2500–2400 BC) discovered in Malżyce (Southern Poland). Intra-individual variability of Ca/P, CI, C/P, collagen content (%) and oxygen isotopes was observed through analysis of enamel, dentin and postcranial bones. Using a variety of analytical techniques, it was found that, despite the lack of differences in soil acidity, not all the parts of a skeleton on a given site had been equally exposed to diagenetic post mortem changes. In a few cases, qualitative changes in the FTIR spectrum of analysed bones were observed. The data suggest that apart from quantitative analyses, i.e., the calculation of Ca/P, CI, C/P and collagen content, qualitative analyses such as examination of the absorbance line are recommended. The degree to which a sample is, contaminated on the basis of any additional, non-biogenic peaks, deemed to be contaminated should also be specified.

Research paper thumbnail of Badania wykopaliskowe kurhanów na stanowisku 3 w Białce, pow. krasnostawski

Research paper thumbnail of Dobkowice, stanowiska 37 i 39, woj. podkarpackie. Osady kultury mierzanowickiej na Podgórzu Rzeszowskim