Krystian Chrzan | Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences (original) (raw)
Books by Krystian Chrzan
Spotkania Bytomskie VII, 2015
WCZESNOŚREDNIOWIECZNE GRODZISKA W POLSCE (eds. Wojciech Chudziak, Sławomir Moździoch, Jacek Poleski), 2019
Seria wydawnicza stanowiąca jeden z rezultatów pracy nad projektem "Atlas grodzisk wczesnośrednio... more Seria wydawnicza stanowiąca jeden z rezultatów pracy nad projektem "Atlas grodzisk wczesnośredniowiecznych z obszaru Polski". Jej celem jest prezentacja według klucza powiatowego, zunifikowanego opisu grodzisk uwzględniającego zarówno dane archiwalne i informacje z literatury przedmiotu, jak i wyniki analiz typologiczno-porównawczych i chronologiczno-funkcjonalnych przeprowadzonych w ramach projektu.
Tytuł projektu: Atlas grodzisk wczesnośredniowiecznych z obszaru Polski
Numer projektu: 11H 13 0213 82
Kierownik projektu: Prof. dr hab. Sławomir Moździoch
Jednostka prowadząca projekt: Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Źródło finansowania projektu: Praca naukowa finansowana w ramach projektu Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego po nazwą „Narodowy program rozwoju humanistyki” w latach 2012-2015
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika
Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
WCZESNOŚREDNIOWIECZNE GRODZISKA W POLSCE (ed. Wojciech Chudziak, Sławomir Moździoch, Jacek Poleski), 2019
Seria wydawnicza stanowiąca jeden z rezultatów pracy nad projektem "Atlas grodzisk wczesnośrednio... more Seria wydawnicza stanowiąca jeden z rezultatów pracy nad projektem "Atlas grodzisk wczesnośredniowiecznych z obszaru Polski". Jej celem jest prezentacja według klucza powiatowego, zunifikowanego opisu grodzisk uwzględniającego zarówno dane archiwalne i informacje z literatury przedmiotu, jak i wyniki analiz typologiczno-porównawczych i chronologiczno-funkcjonalnych przeprowadzonych w ramach projektu.
Tytuł projektu: Atlas grodzisk wczesnośredniowiecznych z obszaru Polski
Numer projektu: 11H 13 0213 82
Kierownik projektu: Prof. dr hab. Sławomir Moździoch
Jednostka prowadząca projekt: Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Źródło finansowania projektu: Praca naukowa finansowana w ramach projektu Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego po nazwą „Narodowy program rozwoju humanistyki” w latach 2012-2015
Studia nad ceramiką i szkłem dedykowane Pani Profesor Marii Dekównie z okazji 65-lecia działalnoś... more Studia nad ceramiką i szkłem dedykowane Pani Profesor Marii Dekównie z okazji 65-lecia działalności naukowej.
Spis treści w załączniku.
Cum gratia et amicitia. Studies in the history of settlement dedicated to prof. Marta Młynarska-K... more Cum gratia et amicitia. Studies in the history of settlement dedicated
to prof. Marta Młynarska-Kaletynowa on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of scientific work
The book is dedicated to Prof. Marta Młynarska-Kaletynowa on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of releasing a publication that initiated her scientific work. It is a collection of thirty papers written by representatives of several disciplines and specialisations that correspond with interdisciplinary interests of our Jubilarian – archaeologists, historians, architecture and art historians. They are related to early medieval settlement, especially in Silesia, as well as late
medieval towns and their rural hinterland.
The opening part is titled “Early medieval settlement. Theory and scientific practice”. The paper by Krzysztof Jaworski A note written from memory... is a reflection on the significance of the catalogue created by the Jubilarian with Tadeusz Kaletyn and Jerzy Lodowski for
the research on the Early Middle Ages. It became a pretext for the Author to bring back his own memories. The work by Justyna Kolenda Old projects – new possibilities. A contribution to the research on early medieval villages discusses the history of research on medieval rural
settlement in Poland. Not only did the Author characterise the main trends in landscape studies, but she also pointed out the strengths and weaknesses of methods that are presently used.
Anna Dunin-Wąsowicz (Comparing the incomparable in time and space. Apparent analogies or variable elements of „long living” structures? (A contribution in historical geography)) compared the terminology of the administrative and space divisions from Aquitaine sources with those
from other parts of Europe, including Poland. The article by Sylwia Rodak Bolesławiec in the Early Middle Ages is a discussion on the state of archaeological research and a presentation of new analyses of the tribal stronghold in Bolesławiec that became a significant Silesian centre
over the centuries. Aleksandra Pankiewicz in her article (Early medieval (8th-12th/13thcentury) sunken square buildings from Lesser Poland and Upper Silesia) describes “bathtub-like objects” as an important element of the housing culture of the Slavs. Jan Klápště (Cesty do krajiny
středověké Prahy / Roads to the landscape of medieval Prague) presented the possibilities of research on Prague’s rural hinterland perceived as „an economic region of a town”. Elżbieta Kowalczyk-Heyman (The early medieval stronghold in Maków on Orzyc. A myth or reality?) has made an attempt at indicating the location of a stronghold whose existence has been assumed based on the information on a crossing from “the Mogilno counterfeit”. Marian Rębkowski
discussed the issue of a residence of the Odra Duke named Świętopełk – known from „Rocznik świętokrzyski dawny / The Old Świętokrzyski Yearbook” (Where did Świętopełk dux odrensis reside? A contribution to the research on political structure of Pomerania in the first half of the 12th century). Maciej Trzeciecki (In portu Plocensi iuxta ecclesiam Beati Benedicti. A contribution to topography of early medieval Płock) used the information on the Płock harbour as a place of issuing documents in 1228 to make an attempt at verifying the location of settlement points
known from the 13th-century sources. Sylwia Siemianowska (The supposed inn and „merchant’s house” on a Silesian stronghold. Sociotopography of early urban Opole-Ostrówek in the light of glass
finds and accompanying objects) proposed, basing on archaeological finds discovered many years ago, an interpretation of the function of a part of the early medieval buildings in the Opole stronghold. Maria Dekówna, in turn, devoted her work to The origins of sporadically occurring in Poland large beads made of dark glass in the light of laboratory analyses. The Author presented the results of specialist analyses and suggested that the studied objects come from the Middle East
The second part of the book titled “The 13th-century breakthrough. Town, village and farmstead in the Late Middle Ages” begins with a paper by Henryk Samsonowicz (Town incorporations under German law in Silesia in the 13th century) – reflections on the reasons of different
chronology of town incorporations in Silesia and Poland. Maria Legut-Pintal (The Silesian model of melioratio terrae based on the case study of Nysa-Otmuchów region and the Kaczawskie Foothills), using a varied database, discussed the chronology, character and directions of colonisation in two different parts of Silesia. The text by Przemysław Wiszewski Politics and settlement. The case of the Silesian-Bohemian borderland in the 13th century is, in turn, an analysis of settlement
between Kamienna Góra and Trutnov – a transborder, forested area, difficult for adaptation. Małgorzata Chorowska, applying methods used in history of architecture (Once more on St. Martin’s Chapel on the Piast castle in Wrocław), presented several scenarios regarding the time
and character of the erection of the chapel in Wrocław. Dominik Nowakowski (On identifying lost villages and farmsteads in Silesia from the perspective of the research on motte-and-bailey castles)
has shown four cases of successful identifications of motte-and-bailey castles with their rural or farming hinterland – currently non-existing. The Author compared the results of analyses based on modern technologies with archival studies and knowledge on historical cartographic sources.
The paper by Krzysztof Demidziuk Medieval defensive facility in Wrocław-Popiele. Reality or fiction? resulted from archival archaeological studies. The Author suggested that another motte-and-bailey object existed and was probably destroyed in the last years. The article by Dagmara Adamska (Vineyards in the Sudetes Foothills. On growing vines in medieval Silesia) is an analysis of medieval wine-growing in the area of Świdnica and Strzegom. Using sources
that were previously unknown allowed the Author to identify an attempt at reconstructing winemaking in the late 15th century.
The third part titled “Town. Space and people” is opened by an article by Aleksander Paroń Town and state of nomads of northern Eurasia that stresses the influence of the settled civilisation creators’ world-view on descriptions of their observations of the nomad world. Ryszard
Szczygieł returned to the question When was Lublin granted its first location privilege under German law? The Author presented current research ideas and described the significance of the vogt privilege issued in 1317. Another text by Grzegorz Myśliwski (The Wrocław sumptuary law issued in 1435) is a detailed discussion on a document that regulated what the residents of Wrocław would wear. Roman Czaja (Council and municipality in Królewiec in the early 16th century) presented the issue of influence of the municipality on the power exercised by oligarchy in three towns: Old Town Królewiec, Knipawa and Lipnik. The Author analysed written negotiations between the towns and the authorities of the Teutonic Order starting from 1501. Olga Miriam Przybyłowicz (“The Jews will be allowed to have glass windows, in these houses but not opening ones…” On co-existence of the Poor Clares convent and Jewish community in Gniezno in the 16th-17th century) made use of previously unknown material from the Archives in Gniezno
and studied the problem of neighbourhood conflicts between nuns and Jews. The paper by Bogusław Krasnowolski Urban and architectural changes of Biecz until 1914 is a discussion on urban development of a small town. Rafał Eysymontt (Copy, imitation, reconstruction. The most
significant tendencies in the process of revalorization of towns in Lower Silesia) showed the idea of copying, imitating and reconstructing architecture at the background of history of Polish conservation school from 1945 to the present day.
The closing part titled “Sacrum. People, places, things” begins with a paper by Krystian Chrzan Gods and society. Strongholds in the landscape of pre-Christian Slavs basing on an example of the Bishop of Merseburg Thietmar’s narration about Radogoszcz and Lucice. It is an attempt at suggesting cosmological function of the strongholds. The work by Aleksander Limisiewicz and Honorata Rutka (Development of the area of early medieval inhumation cemeteries in Lower Silesia at the time of adopting Christianity with a focus on the site in Jordanów Śląski)
is an interpretation of the results of an analysis of burials from the oldest phase of practising inhumation. The Authors presented spatial arrangement and grave goods in a detailed way. Błażej Stanisławski (Christogram iota-chi as an indicator of the process of bizantynization of the Russ) discussed an artifact from the Justinian period discovered in the area of the supposed 10th-century Russ colony in the vicinity of Constantinople. He compared it to analogical artifacts and showed “the long living” of the christogram as a motif. Sławomir Moździoch (Santa
Maria di Campogrosso – a forgotten cult centre from the period of the Norman conquest of Sicily) presented the conclusions that can be drawn after the latest excavations of a Basilian monastery, cemetery and church founded in the 12th century. The paper by Stanisław Rosik (Bigger than Jael and Judith. St. Hedwig of Silesia as mulier fortis on the history stage and in… Trzebnica (in the light of the colonisation document issued in 1267)). The Author analysed the content of
the diploma and explained the character and origins of the “brave woman” motif.
Ceramika i szkło w archeologi i konserwacji, 2017
Papers by Krystian Chrzan
Przegląd Archeologiczny vol. 72, 2024
Thanks to the diligent efforts of archaeologists in the past several years, a thorough examinatio... more Thanks to the diligent efforts of archaeologists in the past several years, a thorough examination
of the early medieval settlement complex in Łozina near Wrocław has been successfully conducted. This complex comprises a stronghold and surrounding villages. In this article, we present an analysis of pottery from one of the sites located within the aforementioned locality. However, this analysis does not constitute the primary objective of the study. It serves as a starting point for reflections on the mechanisms and course of settlement transformations in the northern and central parts of Lower Silesia in the 10th and 11th centuries. The presence of culturally foreign elements in the later Łozina area has led to the hypothesis of population movements from the basin of the Barycz River. Subsequent waves of migrants from the Łozina region headed southward, and then along the Oder River, both eastward and possibly westward. The migration route was marked by the presence of small ring forts and pottery adorned with zone ornamentation.
Cum gratia et amicitia. Studia z dziejów osadnictwa dedykowane Pani Profesor Marcie Młynarskiej-Kaletynowej z okazji 65-lecia działalności naukowej, 2017
Przegląd Archeologiczny, 2018
In the basins of the Middle and Upper Obra, Barycz and Middle Prosna Rivers, there are numerous f... more In the basins of the Middle and Upper Obra, Barycz and Middle Prosna Rivers, there are numerous fortified settlements which time of construction and activity fell within the so-called tribal period. In the literature on the subject, the view prevails, according to which they were seats of the tribal aristocracy. This paper presents a different approach, which focuses on the social and symbolic context of the presence of these structures in the early medieval landscape. The analysis of the form of the fortified settlements and their location in the settlement structure of the discussed area in the 9th and 10th centuries, was the starting point for the considerations. The considerations also take into account the potential functions of features discovered within the ramparts of the examined fortified settlements. They resulted in the recognition of the fortified settlements as multifunctional central places of tribal communities, and their potential functions were: a place of holding people’s assemblies and religious practices, a treasury, a point of military resistance, and perhaps also a market square and a residence of selected people. The collapse of these fortified settlements can be associated with the consolidation of the Polish state in the times of Bolesław I the Brave and the translocation of the population to the vicinity of large centres of ducal power.
Program konferencji "Ceramika i szkło w kulturze Antyku i Średniowiecza Europejskiego" 17-19 wrze... more Program konferencji "Ceramika i szkło w kulturze Antyku i Średniowiecza Europejskiego" 17-19 września 2014/ Conference Program
Paweł Rzeźnik: Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. E. Gepperta we Wrocławiu, Katedra Konserwacji i
Funkcje grodów w państwach wczesnośredniowiecznej Europy Środkowej. Społeczeństwo, gospodarka, ideologia, (red.) K. Chrzan, S. Moździoch, K. Czapla, 2014
Uwagi do studiów nad osadnictwem wschodniego dorzecza Baryczy od 2 poł. IX w. do poł. XI w.
Raport 2007 – 2008, t. 1, 2012
Conference Presentations by Krystian Chrzan
The 4th International Symposium on Pottery and Glass OSTRAKON „ Ceramics and glass as a source fo... more The 4th International Symposium on Pottery and Glass OSTRAKON
„ Ceramics and glass as a source for research on the past”
Wrocław, 26th-28th September 2019
Spotkania Bytomskie VII, 2015
WCZESNOŚREDNIOWIECZNE GRODZISKA W POLSCE (eds. Wojciech Chudziak, Sławomir Moździoch, Jacek Poleski), 2019
Seria wydawnicza stanowiąca jeden z rezultatów pracy nad projektem "Atlas grodzisk wczesnośrednio... more Seria wydawnicza stanowiąca jeden z rezultatów pracy nad projektem "Atlas grodzisk wczesnośredniowiecznych z obszaru Polski". Jej celem jest prezentacja według klucza powiatowego, zunifikowanego opisu grodzisk uwzględniającego zarówno dane archiwalne i informacje z literatury przedmiotu, jak i wyniki analiz typologiczno-porównawczych i chronologiczno-funkcjonalnych przeprowadzonych w ramach projektu.
Tytuł projektu: Atlas grodzisk wczesnośredniowiecznych z obszaru Polski
Numer projektu: 11H 13 0213 82
Kierownik projektu: Prof. dr hab. Sławomir Moździoch
Jednostka prowadząca projekt: Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Źródło finansowania projektu: Praca naukowa finansowana w ramach projektu Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego po nazwą „Narodowy program rozwoju humanistyki” w latach 2012-2015
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika
Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
WCZESNOŚREDNIOWIECZNE GRODZISKA W POLSCE (ed. Wojciech Chudziak, Sławomir Moździoch, Jacek Poleski), 2019
Seria wydawnicza stanowiąca jeden z rezultatów pracy nad projektem "Atlas grodzisk wczesnośrednio... more Seria wydawnicza stanowiąca jeden z rezultatów pracy nad projektem "Atlas grodzisk wczesnośredniowiecznych z obszaru Polski". Jej celem jest prezentacja według klucza powiatowego, zunifikowanego opisu grodzisk uwzględniającego zarówno dane archiwalne i informacje z literatury przedmiotu, jak i wyniki analiz typologiczno-porównawczych i chronologiczno-funkcjonalnych przeprowadzonych w ramach projektu.
Tytuł projektu: Atlas grodzisk wczesnośredniowiecznych z obszaru Polski
Numer projektu: 11H 13 0213 82
Kierownik projektu: Prof. dr hab. Sławomir Moździoch
Jednostka prowadząca projekt: Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Źródło finansowania projektu: Praca naukowa finansowana w ramach projektu Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego po nazwą „Narodowy program rozwoju humanistyki” w latach 2012-2015
Studia nad ceramiką i szkłem dedykowane Pani Profesor Marii Dekównie z okazji 65-lecia działalnoś... more Studia nad ceramiką i szkłem dedykowane Pani Profesor Marii Dekównie z okazji 65-lecia działalności naukowej.
Spis treści w załączniku.
Cum gratia et amicitia. Studies in the history of settlement dedicated to prof. Marta Młynarska-K... more Cum gratia et amicitia. Studies in the history of settlement dedicated
to prof. Marta Młynarska-Kaletynowa on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of scientific work
The book is dedicated to Prof. Marta Młynarska-Kaletynowa on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of releasing a publication that initiated her scientific work. It is a collection of thirty papers written by representatives of several disciplines and specialisations that correspond with interdisciplinary interests of our Jubilarian – archaeologists, historians, architecture and art historians. They are related to early medieval settlement, especially in Silesia, as well as late
medieval towns and their rural hinterland.
The opening part is titled “Early medieval settlement. Theory and scientific practice”. The paper by Krzysztof Jaworski A note written from memory... is a reflection on the significance of the catalogue created by the Jubilarian with Tadeusz Kaletyn and Jerzy Lodowski for
the research on the Early Middle Ages. It became a pretext for the Author to bring back his own memories. The work by Justyna Kolenda Old projects – new possibilities. A contribution to the research on early medieval villages discusses the history of research on medieval rural
settlement in Poland. Not only did the Author characterise the main trends in landscape studies, but she also pointed out the strengths and weaknesses of methods that are presently used.
Anna Dunin-Wąsowicz (Comparing the incomparable in time and space. Apparent analogies or variable elements of „long living” structures? (A contribution in historical geography)) compared the terminology of the administrative and space divisions from Aquitaine sources with those
from other parts of Europe, including Poland. The article by Sylwia Rodak Bolesławiec in the Early Middle Ages is a discussion on the state of archaeological research and a presentation of new analyses of the tribal stronghold in Bolesławiec that became a significant Silesian centre
over the centuries. Aleksandra Pankiewicz in her article (Early medieval (8th-12th/13thcentury) sunken square buildings from Lesser Poland and Upper Silesia) describes “bathtub-like objects” as an important element of the housing culture of the Slavs. Jan Klápště (Cesty do krajiny
středověké Prahy / Roads to the landscape of medieval Prague) presented the possibilities of research on Prague’s rural hinterland perceived as „an economic region of a town”. Elżbieta Kowalczyk-Heyman (The early medieval stronghold in Maków on Orzyc. A myth or reality?) has made an attempt at indicating the location of a stronghold whose existence has been assumed based on the information on a crossing from “the Mogilno counterfeit”. Marian Rębkowski
discussed the issue of a residence of the Odra Duke named Świętopełk – known from „Rocznik świętokrzyski dawny / The Old Świętokrzyski Yearbook” (Where did Świętopełk dux odrensis reside? A contribution to the research on political structure of Pomerania in the first half of the 12th century). Maciej Trzeciecki (In portu Plocensi iuxta ecclesiam Beati Benedicti. A contribution to topography of early medieval Płock) used the information on the Płock harbour as a place of issuing documents in 1228 to make an attempt at verifying the location of settlement points
known from the 13th-century sources. Sylwia Siemianowska (The supposed inn and „merchant’s house” on a Silesian stronghold. Sociotopography of early urban Opole-Ostrówek in the light of glass
finds and accompanying objects) proposed, basing on archaeological finds discovered many years ago, an interpretation of the function of a part of the early medieval buildings in the Opole stronghold. Maria Dekówna, in turn, devoted her work to The origins of sporadically occurring in Poland large beads made of dark glass in the light of laboratory analyses. The Author presented the results of specialist analyses and suggested that the studied objects come from the Middle East
The second part of the book titled “The 13th-century breakthrough. Town, village and farmstead in the Late Middle Ages” begins with a paper by Henryk Samsonowicz (Town incorporations under German law in Silesia in the 13th century) – reflections on the reasons of different
chronology of town incorporations in Silesia and Poland. Maria Legut-Pintal (The Silesian model of melioratio terrae based on the case study of Nysa-Otmuchów region and the Kaczawskie Foothills), using a varied database, discussed the chronology, character and directions of colonisation in two different parts of Silesia. The text by Przemysław Wiszewski Politics and settlement. The case of the Silesian-Bohemian borderland in the 13th century is, in turn, an analysis of settlement
between Kamienna Góra and Trutnov – a transborder, forested area, difficult for adaptation. Małgorzata Chorowska, applying methods used in history of architecture (Once more on St. Martin’s Chapel on the Piast castle in Wrocław), presented several scenarios regarding the time
and character of the erection of the chapel in Wrocław. Dominik Nowakowski (On identifying lost villages and farmsteads in Silesia from the perspective of the research on motte-and-bailey castles)
has shown four cases of successful identifications of motte-and-bailey castles with their rural or farming hinterland – currently non-existing. The Author compared the results of analyses based on modern technologies with archival studies and knowledge on historical cartographic sources.
The paper by Krzysztof Demidziuk Medieval defensive facility in Wrocław-Popiele. Reality or fiction? resulted from archival archaeological studies. The Author suggested that another motte-and-bailey object existed and was probably destroyed in the last years. The article by Dagmara Adamska (Vineyards in the Sudetes Foothills. On growing vines in medieval Silesia) is an analysis of medieval wine-growing in the area of Świdnica and Strzegom. Using sources
that were previously unknown allowed the Author to identify an attempt at reconstructing winemaking in the late 15th century.
The third part titled “Town. Space and people” is opened by an article by Aleksander Paroń Town and state of nomads of northern Eurasia that stresses the influence of the settled civilisation creators’ world-view on descriptions of their observations of the nomad world. Ryszard
Szczygieł returned to the question When was Lublin granted its first location privilege under German law? The Author presented current research ideas and described the significance of the vogt privilege issued in 1317. Another text by Grzegorz Myśliwski (The Wrocław sumptuary law issued in 1435) is a detailed discussion on a document that regulated what the residents of Wrocław would wear. Roman Czaja (Council and municipality in Królewiec in the early 16th century) presented the issue of influence of the municipality on the power exercised by oligarchy in three towns: Old Town Królewiec, Knipawa and Lipnik. The Author analysed written negotiations between the towns and the authorities of the Teutonic Order starting from 1501. Olga Miriam Przybyłowicz (“The Jews will be allowed to have glass windows, in these houses but not opening ones…” On co-existence of the Poor Clares convent and Jewish community in Gniezno in the 16th-17th century) made use of previously unknown material from the Archives in Gniezno
and studied the problem of neighbourhood conflicts between nuns and Jews. The paper by Bogusław Krasnowolski Urban and architectural changes of Biecz until 1914 is a discussion on urban development of a small town. Rafał Eysymontt (Copy, imitation, reconstruction. The most
significant tendencies in the process of revalorization of towns in Lower Silesia) showed the idea of copying, imitating and reconstructing architecture at the background of history of Polish conservation school from 1945 to the present day.
The closing part titled “Sacrum. People, places, things” begins with a paper by Krystian Chrzan Gods and society. Strongholds in the landscape of pre-Christian Slavs basing on an example of the Bishop of Merseburg Thietmar’s narration about Radogoszcz and Lucice. It is an attempt at suggesting cosmological function of the strongholds. The work by Aleksander Limisiewicz and Honorata Rutka (Development of the area of early medieval inhumation cemeteries in Lower Silesia at the time of adopting Christianity with a focus on the site in Jordanów Śląski)
is an interpretation of the results of an analysis of burials from the oldest phase of practising inhumation. The Authors presented spatial arrangement and grave goods in a detailed way. Błażej Stanisławski (Christogram iota-chi as an indicator of the process of bizantynization of the Russ) discussed an artifact from the Justinian period discovered in the area of the supposed 10th-century Russ colony in the vicinity of Constantinople. He compared it to analogical artifacts and showed “the long living” of the christogram as a motif. Sławomir Moździoch (Santa
Maria di Campogrosso – a forgotten cult centre from the period of the Norman conquest of Sicily) presented the conclusions that can be drawn after the latest excavations of a Basilian monastery, cemetery and church founded in the 12th century. The paper by Stanisław Rosik (Bigger than Jael and Judith. St. Hedwig of Silesia as mulier fortis on the history stage and in… Trzebnica (in the light of the colonisation document issued in 1267)). The Author analysed the content of
the diploma and explained the character and origins of the “brave woman” motif.
Ceramika i szkło w archeologi i konserwacji, 2017
Przegląd Archeologiczny vol. 72, 2024
Thanks to the diligent efforts of archaeologists in the past several years, a thorough examinatio... more Thanks to the diligent efforts of archaeologists in the past several years, a thorough examination
of the early medieval settlement complex in Łozina near Wrocław has been successfully conducted. This complex comprises a stronghold and surrounding villages. In this article, we present an analysis of pottery from one of the sites located within the aforementioned locality. However, this analysis does not constitute the primary objective of the study. It serves as a starting point for reflections on the mechanisms and course of settlement transformations in the northern and central parts of Lower Silesia in the 10th and 11th centuries. The presence of culturally foreign elements in the later Łozina area has led to the hypothesis of population movements from the basin of the Barycz River. Subsequent waves of migrants from the Łozina region headed southward, and then along the Oder River, both eastward and possibly westward. The migration route was marked by the presence of small ring forts and pottery adorned with zone ornamentation.
Cum gratia et amicitia. Studia z dziejów osadnictwa dedykowane Pani Profesor Marcie Młynarskiej-Kaletynowej z okazji 65-lecia działalności naukowej, 2017
Przegląd Archeologiczny, 2018
In the basins of the Middle and Upper Obra, Barycz and Middle Prosna Rivers, there are numerous f... more In the basins of the Middle and Upper Obra, Barycz and Middle Prosna Rivers, there are numerous fortified settlements which time of construction and activity fell within the so-called tribal period. In the literature on the subject, the view prevails, according to which they were seats of the tribal aristocracy. This paper presents a different approach, which focuses on the social and symbolic context of the presence of these structures in the early medieval landscape. The analysis of the form of the fortified settlements and their location in the settlement structure of the discussed area in the 9th and 10th centuries, was the starting point for the considerations. The considerations also take into account the potential functions of features discovered within the ramparts of the examined fortified settlements. They resulted in the recognition of the fortified settlements as multifunctional central places of tribal communities, and their potential functions were: a place of holding people’s assemblies and religious practices, a treasury, a point of military resistance, and perhaps also a market square and a residence of selected people. The collapse of these fortified settlements can be associated with the consolidation of the Polish state in the times of Bolesław I the Brave and the translocation of the population to the vicinity of large centres of ducal power.
Program konferencji "Ceramika i szkło w kulturze Antyku i Średniowiecza Europejskiego" 17-19 wrze... more Program konferencji "Ceramika i szkło w kulturze Antyku i Średniowiecza Europejskiego" 17-19 września 2014/ Conference Program
Paweł Rzeźnik: Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. E. Gepperta we Wrocławiu, Katedra Konserwacji i
Funkcje grodów w państwach wczesnośredniowiecznej Europy Środkowej. Społeczeństwo, gospodarka, ideologia, (red.) K. Chrzan, S. Moździoch, K. Czapla, 2014
Uwagi do studiów nad osadnictwem wschodniego dorzecza Baryczy od 2 poł. IX w. do poł. XI w.
Raport 2007 – 2008, t. 1, 2012
The 4th International Symposium on Pottery and Glass OSTRAKON „ Ceramics and glass as a source fo... more The 4th International Symposium on Pottery and Glass OSTRAKON
„ Ceramics and glass as a source for research on the past”
Wrocław, 26th-28th September 2019
Proceeding with a cycle of Wrocław meetings that concentrate on various issues related to pottery... more Proceeding with a cycle of Wrocław meetings that concentrate on various issues related to
pottery and glass throughout history, we kindly invite you to attend this year’s conference. This time
the discussion will be focused on „Ceramics and glass in interdisciplinary research”. The aim of the
symposium is to integrate representatives of different disciplines whose research interests are tightly
connected with historic ceramics and glass.
Finds of ceramics and glass, which are common at archaeological sites, provide a valuable
source for a research on production, use and significance of pottery and glassware in all historic
periods. In an interdisciplinary research the lack of common ground is particularly visible, which is
caused by the low number of events that would enable scholars to discuss problems and exchange
their experiences. Our Symposium attempts to fill this gap.
During The 3rd International Symposium on Pottery and Glass OSTRAKON „Ceramics
and glass in interdisciplinary research”, the following issues will be discussed:
1. Technology of pottery and glass. Physical and chemical analysis. Archeometry.
Research methodology.
2. Discoveries.
3. Conservation, restoration, reconstruction. Cultural heritage documentation and
4. Ceramics and glass as a subject of research of the history of culture.
5. Ceramics and glass as a means of resolving complex issues in history research.
6. Past technologies – new opportunities, modern techniques – past skills.
7. Sociotopography, spatial and functional arrangement of sites or objects basing on the finds of ceramics and glass.
Archaeologia Polona, 2017