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Papers by Hikmatuna IAIN Pekalongan

Research paper thumbnail of HIKMATUNA: Journal for Integrative Islamic Studies, Vol 7 No. 2 Edisi December 2021

Postgraduate Program (PPs), Islamic State Institute of Pekalongan (IAIN), Indonesia, 2021

HIKMATUNA Journal (ISSN Print: 2460-531X; Online: 2503-3042) is a peer-reviewed, open-access, and... more HIKMATUNA Journal (ISSN Print: 2460-531X; Online: 2503-3042) is a peer-reviewed, open-access, and published biannually (June and December) by the Postgraduate Program, State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Pekalongan, Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Hikmatuna-Journal for Integrative Islamic Studies (Vol. 7 No. 1 Juni 2021)

Hikmatuna: Journal for Integrative Islamic Studies, 2021

HIKMATUNA Journal (ISSN Print: 2460-531X; Online: 2503-3042) is a peer-reviewed, open-access, and... more HIKMATUNA Journal (ISSN Print: 2460-531X; Online: 2503-3042) is a peer-reviewed, open-access, and published biannually (June and December) by the Postgraduate Program, State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Pekalongan, Indonesia.
This Journal focuses on Islamic Studies with integrative approach through social sciences and humanities. The social sciences field covers the studies of Psychology, Economics, Politics, Education, Law, and History. Meanwhile, the humanities field covers the studies of Qur'an, Hadith, Islamic Astronomy Observatory, Monotheism, Islamic Law, and Sufism. This journal aims to reveal and solve the problems faced by Asian people, especially Indonesia, from the social sciences and humanities perspectives. Therefore, those problems can be solved comprehensively.

Research paper thumbnail of Vol 6 No 1 (2020): HIKMATUNA: Jurnal untuk Studi Islam Integratif, Juni 2020

HIKMATUNA: Jurnal untuk Studi Islam Integratif, 2020

HIKMATUNA adalah Jurnal untuk Studi Integratif dengan ISSN Print: 2460-531X; Online: 2503-3042, d... more HIKMATUNA adalah Jurnal untuk Studi Integratif dengan ISSN Print: 2460-531X; Online: 2503-3042, diterbitkan dua kali setahun (Juni dan Desember) oleh Program Pascasarjana, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Pekalongan untuk Studi Islam. Adalah jurnal akademis wasit, yang menekankan pada aspek yang terkait dengan studi Islam oleh perspektif integratif.

Research paper thumbnail of The Optimization of Local Government Officials Succession Plan in Indonesia through Talent Management on Islamic Perspective.

Hikmatuna, Ghofur Ahmad, Ahmad Subagyo, 2019

This article describes the optimization of succession planning of the high leadership position in... more This article describes the optimization of succession planning of the high leadership position in Government Agencies through the talent pool mechanism, that under the Law, the high leadership appointment can be conducted without through the open selection mechanism as long as the organization has been run a merit system. One requirement of this system is Succession Planning that obtained from The Talent Management. Targets used in this study are 30 respondents of the high leadership position candidates (equivalent to echelon III) in provincial and district/ city government. The method used is an action research method by the assessment center of potential and competence with the qualitative approach. The results showed that from 30 administrative officers who trained projection mapping and competence mapping program, approximately 43.33% of officers in the rising star quadrant, that is fully prepared area to projected as officers at the Pratama high leadership, then about 50% go into the quadrant 2 that is promotable area with some development on adjusted aspects. Abstrak Artikel ini menjelaskan optimalisasi perencanaan suksesi posisi kepemimpinan tinggi di Instansi Pemerintah melalui mekanisme talent pool, bahwa di bawah Undang-Undang, pengangkatan kepemimpinan tinggi dapat dilakukan tanpa melalui mekanisme seleksi terbuka selama organisasi telah mencapai suatu prestasi. Salah satu syarat sistem ini adalah Perencanaan Suksesi yang diperoleh dari The anggota manajemen. Target yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 30 responden dari kandidat posisi kepemimpinan

Research paper thumbnail of Prosesi Adat Molo'opu di Gorontalo Utara dalam Perspektif Sosiologi Pendidikan Islam.

Hikmatuna, Muh Arif, Mahfudz Harim, 2019

The article aims is to explore the Islamic education values in Molo'opu tradition at Gorontolo Ut... more The article aims is to explore the Islamic education values in Molo'opu tradition at Gorontolo Utara. This research used a qualitative technique and the analytic-descriptive in socio-antropology perspective to understand the Molo'opu tradition. It found that Molo'opu tradition is an activity to pick the officer up from his/her house and deliver him/ her to official residence. Molo'opu tradition held at two places, i.e. private house (To'opu lo Hihilawo) and official residence (To'opu Yiladia). Islamic education values in Molo'opu tradition are human value, ethical value, social value, discussion value, culture value and Syariah value. All of the values have the contribution for Islamic education as a reward for leader or guest in Molo'opu tradition and tuja'i words as a morality meaning for the leader. Abstrak Artikel ini mengeksplorasi nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam dalam prosesi adat Molo'opu di Gorontalo Utara. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif-analitik dalam perspektif sosio-antropologi dalam memahami adat Molo'opu. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa adat Molo'opu merupakan prosesi secara adat dalam menjemput pejabat yang baru diantik pada jabatan tertentu dari rumah pribadi dan mengantar pejabat tersebut menuju rumah jabatan. Pelaksanaan adat Molo'opu dilakukan di dua tempat yakni di rumah pribadi (To'opu lo Hihilawo) dan di rumah dinas (To'opu Yiladia). Nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam dalam adat Molo'opu adalah nilai insaniah, nilai etika, nilai sosial, nilai moral, nilai musyawarah, nilai budaya, dan nilai syariah. Nilai-nilai tersebut berkontribusi bagi pendidikan Islam yaitu memberikan penghargaan terhadap para pemimpin atau tamu yang diupacarakan dengan adat molo'opu dan pengucapan kata-kata tuja'i yang bermakna moralitas kepada pejabat yang diupacarakan. Kata Kunci: Adat Molo'opu, Tuja'i, Nilai-nilai Pendidikan Islam

Research paper thumbnail of Kepribadian Berbasis Imani Perspektif Psikologi Islam.

Hikmatuna, Asep Surya Maulana, 2019

This article is a type qualitative through books or literature review and reality that happened, ... more This article is a type qualitative through books or literature review and reality that happened, as in the news presented by both the print and electronic media has never been separated from discussing various incidents such as, violence, crime, crime, injustice, abuse, rape, violation of rights, riots, murder self, drug use, abortion and so on. Human attitudes that have always committed immorality. Indeed, Islam has always taught good values, so that human beings have an immoral personality that always applies the Ashraful karimah. Humans in the view of Islamic Psychology has a set of potential, disposition, and unique character. That potency at least includes faith, monotheism, Islam, salvation, sincerity, purity, the tendency to accept truth and goodness, and other good qualities, as; shindig, Amanah, tabligh, dan Katonah. Abstrak Artikel ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif melalui buku-buku atau studi pustaka dan realita yang terjadi, seperti dalam berita-berita yang disuguhkan baik oleh media cetak ataupun media elektronik tidak pernah lepas membahas tentang berbagai kejadian seperti, kekerasan, kejahatan, kriminalitas, ketidakadilan, pelecehan, pemerkosaan, pelanggaran hak, kerusuhan, bunuh diri, penggunaan obat-obat terlarang, aborsi dan lain sebagainya. Manusia yang selama ini selalu berbuat kemaksiatan. Sesungguhnya Islam sudah sejak dulu mengajarkan nilai-nilai kebaikan, supaya manusia mempunyai kepribadian imani yang selalu menerapkan akhlaqul karimah. Manusia dalam pandangan Psikologi Islam memiliki seperangkat potensi, watak, dan karakter unik. Potensi itu setidaknya mencakup iman, monoteisme, Islam, keselamatan, kesungguhan, kemurnian, kecenderungan untuk menerima kebenaran dan kebaikan, dan sifat-sifat baik lainnya, seperti; shidiq, amanah, tabligh, dan fathonah.

Research paper thumbnail of Unifikasi Kalender Hijriah Internasional dalam Perspektif Yusuf Al-Qaradawi.

Hikmatuna, Abd Mufid, 2019

Abstrac This article focuses on Yusuf al-Qarad}a>wi 's understanding of the Unification of the Hi... more Abstrac This article focuses on Yusuf al-Qarad}a>wi 's understanding of the Unification of the Hijri Calendar. The unification of the calendar has been constrained by the method used to determine the beginning of the hijri month, reckoning and rukyat. As a result, various Muslims in various regions often experience different months, especially at the beginning and end of the month. The difference in various regions, according to al-Qarad}a>wi, is contrary to the principle of unity and unity which is owned by Muslims throughout the world. Therefore, investigating the idea of unification in al-Qarad}a>wi 's understanding, how the building of his thoughts, the thesis of his argument and its implications for the unification of the Hijri calendar is interesting to do. This research is entirely library research with a historical approach (intellectual history and social history). The method used is social-humanities integration with natural science; astronomy. This research concludes that Yusuf al-Qarad}a>wi 's understanding of rukyat hilal is the hope of al-Qarad}a>wi urgently for the realization of the union of fasting and Muslim holidays in Europe with several reasons including the minority of Muslims there, not the unification of all Muslims in the face of the earth. Al-Qarad}a>wi realized that the unification of Muslims throughout the world was difficult to materialize. Abstrak Artikel ini fokus terhadap pemahaman Yusuf al-Qarad}a>wi tentang Unifikasi Kalender Hijriah. Penyatuan kalender selama ini terkendala atas metode yang dipakai untuk menetapkan awal bulan hijriah, hisab dan rukyat. Akibatnya, berbagai umat Islam diberbagai wilayah sering mengalami perbedaan bulan, terutama pada awal dan akhir bulan. Perbedaan diberbagai wilayah ini, menurut al-Qarad}a>wi bertentangan dengan

Research paper thumbnail of Dampak Kegiatan Keagamaan Rohis melalui Kajian Kitab Kuning bagi Akhlak Peserta Didik

Hikmatuna, Ahmad Burhanuddin, 2019

Instilling and fostering morals is very important, and formal institutions such as schools have a... more Instilling and fostering morals is very important, and formal institutions such as schools have an obligation to recite morals early on to students. Ideally, schools provide two programs in the process of moral formation, namely intraculicular and extracurricular. Rohis religious program is one of the best solutions offered. This type of research is field research with a qualitative descriptive approach. The purpose of this research was to find out about how planing, the implementation, the evaluation and the supporting factors of this yellow book program. After that, identify the impact of this yellow book study on the morals of students. This research resulted that the planning, implementation and evaluation processes had proceeded as expected. It even has a positive impact on the morals of students, because it can indirectly add insight and knowledge of students related to moral material, more than that students become more understanding about something that must be done and also avoided. For example 1) students respect the teacher more, such as greeting and kissing the teacher's hand. 2) there are no more truant students, both at school and at school hours. Abstrak Menanamkan dan membina akhlak manusia adalah penting untuk dilakukan, terutama oleh lembaga formal seperti sekolah yang mempunyai kewajiban untuk menamkan akhlak sejak dini kepada peserta didik. Idealnya, sekolah menyediakan dua program dalam proses pembentukan akhlak yaitu intrakulikuler dan ekstrakulikuler. Program keagamaan Rohis menjadi solusi terbaik yang ditawarkan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tentang bagaimana perencanaan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi dan faktor pendukung dan penghambat program kajian kitab kuning. Kemudian, mengidentifikasi dampak dari kajian kitab kuning terhadap akhlak peserta didik. Penelitan ini dihasilkan bahwa proses perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi sudah berjalan sesuai yang

Research paper thumbnail of Penanaman Nilai Nilai Pendidikan Islam melalui Pembelajaran Matematika.

Hikmatuna, Salafudin, 2019

This research is focused on the strategy of planting the values of Islamic education and the valu... more This research is focused on the strategy of planting the values of Islamic education and the values of Islamic education that can be embedded in mathematics learning. This type of research is library research. The planting of the values of Islamic education in schools, especially non-religious schools, tends to not be resolved properly which has implications for the gap between religious understanding of the community and expected behavior of the community. One thing that can be done is to instill the values of Islamic education through general learning, one of them is mathematics. Planting the values of Islamic education with the process of learning mathematics requires strategies, approaches, methods and techniques. The conclusion in this study is that the values of Islamic education can be embedded using transinternal strategies, integral approaches, reflective methods and clarification and internalization techniques. This is in accordance with what was stated by Abdussakir that the planting of the values of Islamic education in mathematics learning can be done through the integration of mathematics with the Qur'an, which includes four models of integration namely: mathematics from the Qur'an, mathematics for Al Qur'an, mathematics to Qur'an and mathematics with Al Qur'an. In addition, the value of discipline, order and consistency; value of justice; tawakal value; honesty value; social values like giving and avoiding debt and charity and generosity. Abstrak Penelitian ini difokuskan terhadap strategi penanaman nilai-nilai pendidikan islam dan nilai-nilai pendidikan islam yang dapat ditanamkan dalam pembelajaran matematika. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian studi kepustakaan (library research). Penanaman nilai-nilai pendidikan islam di sekolah khususnya sekolah non keagamaan, cenderung belum terselesaikan dengan baik yang berimplikasi pada jurang pemisah antara pemahaman agama masyarakat dengan perilaku kegamaan yang diharapkan. Salah satu

Research paper thumbnail of Madrasah Curriculum Development Based on Pondok Pesantren Through Collaborative Model.

Hikmatuna, Muhlisin, Muhammad Fajar, 2019

The purpose of this research is to reveal the process of madrasah curriculum development based on... more The purpose of this research is to reveal the process of madrasah curriculum development based on pondok pesantren at MA Al-Ishlah Sendangagung Paciran Lamongan Jawa Timur that consists of curriculum planning, curriculum implementing, and curriculum evaluating. The type of this research was field research and using content analysis techniques. The results of this research summarized that madrasah curriculum development based pondok pesantren should be done by various stages: (1) Curriculum planning carried out by formulating the curriculum content with balanced between general science and religious subjects. (2) Curriculum implementation was combined between MORA, MEC, and KMI curricula, the scopes of the subjects matter in the curriculum were developed more details in religious studies and life skills. (3) Curriculum evaluation implemented based on the achievement of learning outcomes and the attitude of students. (4) Madrasah curriculum development based on pondok pesantren at MA Al-Ishlah Sendangagung Paciran Lamongan Jawa Timur called "Collaborative Curriculum Models". Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap proses pengembangan kurikulum madrasah berbasis pondok pesantren di MA Al-Ishlah Sendangagung Paciran Lamongan Jawa Timur yang terdiri dari perencanaan kurikulum, implementasi kurikulum, dan evaluasi kurikulum. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan dengan menggunakan analisis isi. Hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan kurikulum madrasah berbasis pondok pesantren dilakukan melalui berbagai tahapan: (1) Perencanaan kurikulum dilakukan dengan merumuskan isi kurikulum secara seimbang antara pengetahuan umum dan mata pelajaran agama (2) Implementasi kurikulum dikombinasikan antara kurikulum Kemenag, Kemdikbud, dan KMI, cakupan materi dikembangkan lebih rinci pada mata pelajaran agama dan keterampilan hidup (3) Evaluasi kurikulum


Hikmatuna, Achwan Baharuddin, 2019

This article focuses on the issue of deradicalization of religious understanding through the rein... more This article focuses on the issue of deradicalization of religious understanding through the reinterpretation of the traditions of the Prophet. This focus departs from the phenomenon of fighting in the name of religion or the actualization of the interpretation of religious texts, but the understanding gained is still textually safe. One of them is an understanding of the hadith of heaven under the auspices of the sword. Textually, al-saif is generally interpreted as sharp equipment used in warfare, namely the sword. While al-jannah is generally interpreted as a park or place where Muslims receive gifts from their earthly lives. This study utilizing Jorge J.E Gracia's literature review and interpretation discusses that al-jannah and al-Saif have meanings other than heaven and swords. Al-jannah if transferred proportionally can produce meaning as a vision and mission of life based on love, peace, and peace. While al-saif can be interpreted as patience, stay away from hostility and forgive each other. Abstrak Artikel ini memfokuskan kepada persoalan deradikalisasi pemahaman keagamaan melalui reinterpretasi hadis-hadis Nabi. Fokus ini berangkat dari fenomena banyaknya kekerasan yang mengatasnamakan agama atau aktualisasi atas penafsiran teks-teks agama, tetapi pemahaman yang didapat masih bersifat tekstual. Salah satunya adalah pemahaman atas hadis surga dibawah naungan pedang. Secara tekstual, al-saif secara umum diartikan sebagai peralatan tajam yang dipakai dalam peperangan, yaitu pedang. Sedangkan al-jannah secara tekstual secara umum diartikan sebagai taman atau tempat dimana umat Islam memperoleh reward dari kehidupan duniawinya. Penelitian yang memanfaatkan kajian kepustakaan dan hermeneutika penafsiran Jorge J.E Gracia ini menyimpulkan bahwa al-jannah dan al-Saif memiliki arti selain surga dan pedang. Al-jannah jika ditafsirkan secara proporsional dapat melahirkan arti sebagai visi-misi

Research paper thumbnail of Educational Philosophy in Islam in The Curriculum Design of Integrated Islamic Education in Malaysia.

Hikmatuna, Raudlatul Firdaus, 2019

This article discusses the dichotomy in Islamic education which is the basic problem facing Islam... more This article discusses the dichotomy in Islamic education which is the basic problem facing Islamic education today. To overcome these problems, one of them is by organizing an educational model that integrates the science of religion with the knowledge that is based on the philosophy of Islamic education. By employing qualitative method of research, this article strives to identify the philosophy of education in Islam and challenges in the current integrated educational system, which is currently implemented in Malaysian primary and secondary schools. The results of this study, concluded that in overcoming the problem in the preaching of Islamic education, Malaysia implemented integrative Islamic education that integrates religion and science with the Ulul al-Bab model and the KAFFAH curriculum. The concept of Ulul al-Bab is taken from the Qur'an as the basis of the curriculum, while in the KAFFAH curriculum each subject taught is associated with Islamic values and beliefs. Abstrak Artikel ini membahas dikotomi dalam pendidikan Islam yang merupakan masalah mendasar yang dihadapi pendidikan Islam saat ini. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, salah satunya adalah dengan menyelenggarakan model pendidikan yang mengintegrasikan ilmu agama dengan ilmu pengetahuan yang landasi oleh filosofi pendidikan Islam. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, artikel ini berupaya mengidentifikasi filosofi pendidikan dalam Islam dan tantangan dalam sistem pendidikan terintegrasi yang saat ini diterapkan di sekolah dasar dan menengah di Malaysia. Hasil penelitian ini, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa dalam mengatasi masalah dikhotomi pendidikan Islam, Malaysia menerapkan pendidikan Islam integratif yang mengintegrasikan antara agama dan ilmu pengetahuan dengan model Ulul al-Bab dan kurikulum KAFFAH. Konsep Ulul al-Bab diambil dari Al-Qur'an sebagai dasar


Educational institutions constitute strategic entities for realizing quality generations of a nat... more Educational institutions constitute strategic entities for realizing quality generations of a nation. However, in fact, it has been found that there have been lots of these institutions only focus on accepting a large number of students without maintaining the quality of their graduates. Additionally, nowadays, the institutions do not emphasize the enhancement of excellent services for their users so that it is deemed that the educational institutions have not demonstrated an impressive performance and a highly competitive atmosphere yet. Therefore, it is required to carry out advanced innovations for optimizing the performance of those educational institutions. It highlights that the optimization of their performances which are revealed by the whole civitas academica of the institutions tends to provide their services as well as realize quality generations. One of attempts to enhance the institutions’ performance is applying behavior-based management. This kind of management emphasizes the importance of positive behavior of the civitas academica in establishing educational services.

Research paper thumbnail of HIKMATUNA: Journal for Integrative Islamic Studies, Vol 7 No. 2 Edisi December 2021

Postgraduate Program (PPs), Islamic State Institute of Pekalongan (IAIN), Indonesia, 2021

HIKMATUNA Journal (ISSN Print: 2460-531X; Online: 2503-3042) is a peer-reviewed, open-access, and... more HIKMATUNA Journal (ISSN Print: 2460-531X; Online: 2503-3042) is a peer-reviewed, open-access, and published biannually (June and December) by the Postgraduate Program, State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Pekalongan, Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Hikmatuna-Journal for Integrative Islamic Studies (Vol. 7 No. 1 Juni 2021)

Hikmatuna: Journal for Integrative Islamic Studies, 2021

HIKMATUNA Journal (ISSN Print: 2460-531X; Online: 2503-3042) is a peer-reviewed, open-access, and... more HIKMATUNA Journal (ISSN Print: 2460-531X; Online: 2503-3042) is a peer-reviewed, open-access, and published biannually (June and December) by the Postgraduate Program, State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Pekalongan, Indonesia.
This Journal focuses on Islamic Studies with integrative approach through social sciences and humanities. The social sciences field covers the studies of Psychology, Economics, Politics, Education, Law, and History. Meanwhile, the humanities field covers the studies of Qur'an, Hadith, Islamic Astronomy Observatory, Monotheism, Islamic Law, and Sufism. This journal aims to reveal and solve the problems faced by Asian people, especially Indonesia, from the social sciences and humanities perspectives. Therefore, those problems can be solved comprehensively.

Research paper thumbnail of Vol 6 No 1 (2020): HIKMATUNA: Jurnal untuk Studi Islam Integratif, Juni 2020

HIKMATUNA: Jurnal untuk Studi Islam Integratif, 2020

HIKMATUNA adalah Jurnal untuk Studi Integratif dengan ISSN Print: 2460-531X; Online: 2503-3042, d... more HIKMATUNA adalah Jurnal untuk Studi Integratif dengan ISSN Print: 2460-531X; Online: 2503-3042, diterbitkan dua kali setahun (Juni dan Desember) oleh Program Pascasarjana, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Pekalongan untuk Studi Islam. Adalah jurnal akademis wasit, yang menekankan pada aspek yang terkait dengan studi Islam oleh perspektif integratif.

Research paper thumbnail of The Optimization of Local Government Officials Succession Plan in Indonesia through Talent Management on Islamic Perspective.

Hikmatuna, Ghofur Ahmad, Ahmad Subagyo, 2019

This article describes the optimization of succession planning of the high leadership position in... more This article describes the optimization of succession planning of the high leadership position in Government Agencies through the talent pool mechanism, that under the Law, the high leadership appointment can be conducted without through the open selection mechanism as long as the organization has been run a merit system. One requirement of this system is Succession Planning that obtained from The Talent Management. Targets used in this study are 30 respondents of the high leadership position candidates (equivalent to echelon III) in provincial and district/ city government. The method used is an action research method by the assessment center of potential and competence with the qualitative approach. The results showed that from 30 administrative officers who trained projection mapping and competence mapping program, approximately 43.33% of officers in the rising star quadrant, that is fully prepared area to projected as officers at the Pratama high leadership, then about 50% go into the quadrant 2 that is promotable area with some development on adjusted aspects. Abstrak Artikel ini menjelaskan optimalisasi perencanaan suksesi posisi kepemimpinan tinggi di Instansi Pemerintah melalui mekanisme talent pool, bahwa di bawah Undang-Undang, pengangkatan kepemimpinan tinggi dapat dilakukan tanpa melalui mekanisme seleksi terbuka selama organisasi telah mencapai suatu prestasi. Salah satu syarat sistem ini adalah Perencanaan Suksesi yang diperoleh dari The anggota manajemen. Target yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 30 responden dari kandidat posisi kepemimpinan

Research paper thumbnail of Prosesi Adat Molo'opu di Gorontalo Utara dalam Perspektif Sosiologi Pendidikan Islam.

Hikmatuna, Muh Arif, Mahfudz Harim, 2019

The article aims is to explore the Islamic education values in Molo'opu tradition at Gorontolo Ut... more The article aims is to explore the Islamic education values in Molo'opu tradition at Gorontolo Utara. This research used a qualitative technique and the analytic-descriptive in socio-antropology perspective to understand the Molo'opu tradition. It found that Molo'opu tradition is an activity to pick the officer up from his/her house and deliver him/ her to official residence. Molo'opu tradition held at two places, i.e. private house (To'opu lo Hihilawo) and official residence (To'opu Yiladia). Islamic education values in Molo'opu tradition are human value, ethical value, social value, discussion value, culture value and Syariah value. All of the values have the contribution for Islamic education as a reward for leader or guest in Molo'opu tradition and tuja'i words as a morality meaning for the leader. Abstrak Artikel ini mengeksplorasi nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam dalam prosesi adat Molo'opu di Gorontalo Utara. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif-analitik dalam perspektif sosio-antropologi dalam memahami adat Molo'opu. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa adat Molo'opu merupakan prosesi secara adat dalam menjemput pejabat yang baru diantik pada jabatan tertentu dari rumah pribadi dan mengantar pejabat tersebut menuju rumah jabatan. Pelaksanaan adat Molo'opu dilakukan di dua tempat yakni di rumah pribadi (To'opu lo Hihilawo) dan di rumah dinas (To'opu Yiladia). Nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam dalam adat Molo'opu adalah nilai insaniah, nilai etika, nilai sosial, nilai moral, nilai musyawarah, nilai budaya, dan nilai syariah. Nilai-nilai tersebut berkontribusi bagi pendidikan Islam yaitu memberikan penghargaan terhadap para pemimpin atau tamu yang diupacarakan dengan adat molo'opu dan pengucapan kata-kata tuja'i yang bermakna moralitas kepada pejabat yang diupacarakan. Kata Kunci: Adat Molo'opu, Tuja'i, Nilai-nilai Pendidikan Islam

Research paper thumbnail of Kepribadian Berbasis Imani Perspektif Psikologi Islam.

Hikmatuna, Asep Surya Maulana, 2019

This article is a type qualitative through books or literature review and reality that happened, ... more This article is a type qualitative through books or literature review and reality that happened, as in the news presented by both the print and electronic media has never been separated from discussing various incidents such as, violence, crime, crime, injustice, abuse, rape, violation of rights, riots, murder self, drug use, abortion and so on. Human attitudes that have always committed immorality. Indeed, Islam has always taught good values, so that human beings have an immoral personality that always applies the Ashraful karimah. Humans in the view of Islamic Psychology has a set of potential, disposition, and unique character. That potency at least includes faith, monotheism, Islam, salvation, sincerity, purity, the tendency to accept truth and goodness, and other good qualities, as; shindig, Amanah, tabligh, dan Katonah. Abstrak Artikel ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif melalui buku-buku atau studi pustaka dan realita yang terjadi, seperti dalam berita-berita yang disuguhkan baik oleh media cetak ataupun media elektronik tidak pernah lepas membahas tentang berbagai kejadian seperti, kekerasan, kejahatan, kriminalitas, ketidakadilan, pelecehan, pemerkosaan, pelanggaran hak, kerusuhan, bunuh diri, penggunaan obat-obat terlarang, aborsi dan lain sebagainya. Manusia yang selama ini selalu berbuat kemaksiatan. Sesungguhnya Islam sudah sejak dulu mengajarkan nilai-nilai kebaikan, supaya manusia mempunyai kepribadian imani yang selalu menerapkan akhlaqul karimah. Manusia dalam pandangan Psikologi Islam memiliki seperangkat potensi, watak, dan karakter unik. Potensi itu setidaknya mencakup iman, monoteisme, Islam, keselamatan, kesungguhan, kemurnian, kecenderungan untuk menerima kebenaran dan kebaikan, dan sifat-sifat baik lainnya, seperti; shidiq, amanah, tabligh, dan fathonah.

Research paper thumbnail of Unifikasi Kalender Hijriah Internasional dalam Perspektif Yusuf Al-Qaradawi.

Hikmatuna, Abd Mufid, 2019

Abstrac This article focuses on Yusuf al-Qarad}a>wi 's understanding of the Unification of the Hi... more Abstrac This article focuses on Yusuf al-Qarad}a>wi 's understanding of the Unification of the Hijri Calendar. The unification of the calendar has been constrained by the method used to determine the beginning of the hijri month, reckoning and rukyat. As a result, various Muslims in various regions often experience different months, especially at the beginning and end of the month. The difference in various regions, according to al-Qarad}a>wi, is contrary to the principle of unity and unity which is owned by Muslims throughout the world. Therefore, investigating the idea of unification in al-Qarad}a>wi 's understanding, how the building of his thoughts, the thesis of his argument and its implications for the unification of the Hijri calendar is interesting to do. This research is entirely library research with a historical approach (intellectual history and social history). The method used is social-humanities integration with natural science; astronomy. This research concludes that Yusuf al-Qarad}a>wi 's understanding of rukyat hilal is the hope of al-Qarad}a>wi urgently for the realization of the union of fasting and Muslim holidays in Europe with several reasons including the minority of Muslims there, not the unification of all Muslims in the face of the earth. Al-Qarad}a>wi realized that the unification of Muslims throughout the world was difficult to materialize. Abstrak Artikel ini fokus terhadap pemahaman Yusuf al-Qarad}a>wi tentang Unifikasi Kalender Hijriah. Penyatuan kalender selama ini terkendala atas metode yang dipakai untuk menetapkan awal bulan hijriah, hisab dan rukyat. Akibatnya, berbagai umat Islam diberbagai wilayah sering mengalami perbedaan bulan, terutama pada awal dan akhir bulan. Perbedaan diberbagai wilayah ini, menurut al-Qarad}a>wi bertentangan dengan

Research paper thumbnail of Dampak Kegiatan Keagamaan Rohis melalui Kajian Kitab Kuning bagi Akhlak Peserta Didik

Hikmatuna, Ahmad Burhanuddin, 2019

Instilling and fostering morals is very important, and formal institutions such as schools have a... more Instilling and fostering morals is very important, and formal institutions such as schools have an obligation to recite morals early on to students. Ideally, schools provide two programs in the process of moral formation, namely intraculicular and extracurricular. Rohis religious program is one of the best solutions offered. This type of research is field research with a qualitative descriptive approach. The purpose of this research was to find out about how planing, the implementation, the evaluation and the supporting factors of this yellow book program. After that, identify the impact of this yellow book study on the morals of students. This research resulted that the planning, implementation and evaluation processes had proceeded as expected. It even has a positive impact on the morals of students, because it can indirectly add insight and knowledge of students related to moral material, more than that students become more understanding about something that must be done and also avoided. For example 1) students respect the teacher more, such as greeting and kissing the teacher's hand. 2) there are no more truant students, both at school and at school hours. Abstrak Menanamkan dan membina akhlak manusia adalah penting untuk dilakukan, terutama oleh lembaga formal seperti sekolah yang mempunyai kewajiban untuk menamkan akhlak sejak dini kepada peserta didik. Idealnya, sekolah menyediakan dua program dalam proses pembentukan akhlak yaitu intrakulikuler dan ekstrakulikuler. Program keagamaan Rohis menjadi solusi terbaik yang ditawarkan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tentang bagaimana perencanaan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi dan faktor pendukung dan penghambat program kajian kitab kuning. Kemudian, mengidentifikasi dampak dari kajian kitab kuning terhadap akhlak peserta didik. Penelitan ini dihasilkan bahwa proses perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi sudah berjalan sesuai yang

Research paper thumbnail of Penanaman Nilai Nilai Pendidikan Islam melalui Pembelajaran Matematika.

Hikmatuna, Salafudin, 2019

This research is focused on the strategy of planting the values of Islamic education and the valu... more This research is focused on the strategy of planting the values of Islamic education and the values of Islamic education that can be embedded in mathematics learning. This type of research is library research. The planting of the values of Islamic education in schools, especially non-religious schools, tends to not be resolved properly which has implications for the gap between religious understanding of the community and expected behavior of the community. One thing that can be done is to instill the values of Islamic education through general learning, one of them is mathematics. Planting the values of Islamic education with the process of learning mathematics requires strategies, approaches, methods and techniques. The conclusion in this study is that the values of Islamic education can be embedded using transinternal strategies, integral approaches, reflective methods and clarification and internalization techniques. This is in accordance with what was stated by Abdussakir that the planting of the values of Islamic education in mathematics learning can be done through the integration of mathematics with the Qur'an, which includes four models of integration namely: mathematics from the Qur'an, mathematics for Al Qur'an, mathematics to Qur'an and mathematics with Al Qur'an. In addition, the value of discipline, order and consistency; value of justice; tawakal value; honesty value; social values like giving and avoiding debt and charity and generosity. Abstrak Penelitian ini difokuskan terhadap strategi penanaman nilai-nilai pendidikan islam dan nilai-nilai pendidikan islam yang dapat ditanamkan dalam pembelajaran matematika. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian studi kepustakaan (library research). Penanaman nilai-nilai pendidikan islam di sekolah khususnya sekolah non keagamaan, cenderung belum terselesaikan dengan baik yang berimplikasi pada jurang pemisah antara pemahaman agama masyarakat dengan perilaku kegamaan yang diharapkan. Salah satu

Research paper thumbnail of Madrasah Curriculum Development Based on Pondok Pesantren Through Collaborative Model.

Hikmatuna, Muhlisin, Muhammad Fajar, 2019

The purpose of this research is to reveal the process of madrasah curriculum development based on... more The purpose of this research is to reveal the process of madrasah curriculum development based on pondok pesantren at MA Al-Ishlah Sendangagung Paciran Lamongan Jawa Timur that consists of curriculum planning, curriculum implementing, and curriculum evaluating. The type of this research was field research and using content analysis techniques. The results of this research summarized that madrasah curriculum development based pondok pesantren should be done by various stages: (1) Curriculum planning carried out by formulating the curriculum content with balanced between general science and religious subjects. (2) Curriculum implementation was combined between MORA, MEC, and KMI curricula, the scopes of the subjects matter in the curriculum were developed more details in religious studies and life skills. (3) Curriculum evaluation implemented based on the achievement of learning outcomes and the attitude of students. (4) Madrasah curriculum development based on pondok pesantren at MA Al-Ishlah Sendangagung Paciran Lamongan Jawa Timur called "Collaborative Curriculum Models". Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap proses pengembangan kurikulum madrasah berbasis pondok pesantren di MA Al-Ishlah Sendangagung Paciran Lamongan Jawa Timur yang terdiri dari perencanaan kurikulum, implementasi kurikulum, dan evaluasi kurikulum. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan dengan menggunakan analisis isi. Hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan kurikulum madrasah berbasis pondok pesantren dilakukan melalui berbagai tahapan: (1) Perencanaan kurikulum dilakukan dengan merumuskan isi kurikulum secara seimbang antara pengetahuan umum dan mata pelajaran agama (2) Implementasi kurikulum dikombinasikan antara kurikulum Kemenag, Kemdikbud, dan KMI, cakupan materi dikembangkan lebih rinci pada mata pelajaran agama dan keterampilan hidup (3) Evaluasi kurikulum


Hikmatuna, Achwan Baharuddin, 2019

This article focuses on the issue of deradicalization of religious understanding through the rein... more This article focuses on the issue of deradicalization of religious understanding through the reinterpretation of the traditions of the Prophet. This focus departs from the phenomenon of fighting in the name of religion or the actualization of the interpretation of religious texts, but the understanding gained is still textually safe. One of them is an understanding of the hadith of heaven under the auspices of the sword. Textually, al-saif is generally interpreted as sharp equipment used in warfare, namely the sword. While al-jannah is generally interpreted as a park or place where Muslims receive gifts from their earthly lives. This study utilizing Jorge J.E Gracia's literature review and interpretation discusses that al-jannah and al-Saif have meanings other than heaven and swords. Al-jannah if transferred proportionally can produce meaning as a vision and mission of life based on love, peace, and peace. While al-saif can be interpreted as patience, stay away from hostility and forgive each other. Abstrak Artikel ini memfokuskan kepada persoalan deradikalisasi pemahaman keagamaan melalui reinterpretasi hadis-hadis Nabi. Fokus ini berangkat dari fenomena banyaknya kekerasan yang mengatasnamakan agama atau aktualisasi atas penafsiran teks-teks agama, tetapi pemahaman yang didapat masih bersifat tekstual. Salah satunya adalah pemahaman atas hadis surga dibawah naungan pedang. Secara tekstual, al-saif secara umum diartikan sebagai peralatan tajam yang dipakai dalam peperangan, yaitu pedang. Sedangkan al-jannah secara tekstual secara umum diartikan sebagai taman atau tempat dimana umat Islam memperoleh reward dari kehidupan duniawinya. Penelitian yang memanfaatkan kajian kepustakaan dan hermeneutika penafsiran Jorge J.E Gracia ini menyimpulkan bahwa al-jannah dan al-Saif memiliki arti selain surga dan pedang. Al-jannah jika ditafsirkan secara proporsional dapat melahirkan arti sebagai visi-misi

Research paper thumbnail of Educational Philosophy in Islam in The Curriculum Design of Integrated Islamic Education in Malaysia.

Hikmatuna, Raudlatul Firdaus, 2019

This article discusses the dichotomy in Islamic education which is the basic problem facing Islam... more This article discusses the dichotomy in Islamic education which is the basic problem facing Islamic education today. To overcome these problems, one of them is by organizing an educational model that integrates the science of religion with the knowledge that is based on the philosophy of Islamic education. By employing qualitative method of research, this article strives to identify the philosophy of education in Islam and challenges in the current integrated educational system, which is currently implemented in Malaysian primary and secondary schools. The results of this study, concluded that in overcoming the problem in the preaching of Islamic education, Malaysia implemented integrative Islamic education that integrates religion and science with the Ulul al-Bab model and the KAFFAH curriculum. The concept of Ulul al-Bab is taken from the Qur'an as the basis of the curriculum, while in the KAFFAH curriculum each subject taught is associated with Islamic values and beliefs. Abstrak Artikel ini membahas dikotomi dalam pendidikan Islam yang merupakan masalah mendasar yang dihadapi pendidikan Islam saat ini. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, salah satunya adalah dengan menyelenggarakan model pendidikan yang mengintegrasikan ilmu agama dengan ilmu pengetahuan yang landasi oleh filosofi pendidikan Islam. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, artikel ini berupaya mengidentifikasi filosofi pendidikan dalam Islam dan tantangan dalam sistem pendidikan terintegrasi yang saat ini diterapkan di sekolah dasar dan menengah di Malaysia. Hasil penelitian ini, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa dalam mengatasi masalah dikhotomi pendidikan Islam, Malaysia menerapkan pendidikan Islam integratif yang mengintegrasikan antara agama dan ilmu pengetahuan dengan model Ulul al-Bab dan kurikulum KAFFAH. Konsep Ulul al-Bab diambil dari Al-Qur'an sebagai dasar


Educational institutions constitute strategic entities for realizing quality generations of a nat... more Educational institutions constitute strategic entities for realizing quality generations of a nation. However, in fact, it has been found that there have been lots of these institutions only focus on accepting a large number of students without maintaining the quality of their graduates. Additionally, nowadays, the institutions do not emphasize the enhancement of excellent services for their users so that it is deemed that the educational institutions have not demonstrated an impressive performance and a highly competitive atmosphere yet. Therefore, it is required to carry out advanced innovations for optimizing the performance of those educational institutions. It highlights that the optimization of their performances which are revealed by the whole civitas academica of the institutions tends to provide their services as well as realize quality generations. One of attempts to enhance the institutions’ performance is applying behavior-based management. This kind of management emphasizes the importance of positive behavior of the civitas academica in establishing educational services.