miftahul ula | IAIN Pekalongan (original) (raw)
Papers by miftahul ula
Religia, Nov 12, 2022
This study aims to reveal the sufism of al-Muhasibi and al-Ghazali in the autobiography of al-Was... more This study aims to reveal the sufism of al-Muhasibi and al-Ghazali in the autobiography of al-Washaya and al-Munqidz min al-Dhalal book and the autobiography intertextuality of al-Washaya and al-Munqidz min al-Dhalal? The primary source used is the book of al-Washayaby al-Muhasibi and al-Munqidz min al-Dhalal by al-Ghazali. The Sufism science based on al-Muhasibi and al-Ghazali is the scientific culmination of various epistemologies whose validity can be accounted for. Both of them consider that sufism can satisfy their intellectual and spiritual thirst. The intertextual relationship between those two Sufism books can be seen in those two authors' cultural backgrounds. Their intertextual relations are also found in themes, plots, characterizations, and language styles.
Sabda: Jurnal Kajian Kebudayaan, Feb 3, 2017
Munggah molo has become a tradition fulled by symbols and meanings. This anthropology-linguistics... more Munggah molo has become a tradition fulled by symbols and meanings. This anthropology-linguistics research reveals the symbols and meanings that have been grown in Pekalongan. The symbols in munggah molo tradition have an importan social function, particularly in composing social harmony of Pekalonganese. This harmony is not only valid for Javanese community of Pekalongan, but also for other communities like Chinese and Arabic ethnic. That is why it is very interesting Kata Kunci: Munggah Molo, simbol, makna dan harmonsasi sosial PENDAHULUAN Bagi masyarakat Jawa pada umumnya, simbolisasi atau perlambang dalam sistem tata kehidupan manusia seperti sudah menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan. Ia sudah menjadi kebudayaan dan sistem nilai dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Kebudayaan yang menurut Ruth Benedict bermakna pola-pola pemikiran serta tindakan tertentu yang terungkap dalam aktifitas, sehingga pada hakekatnya kebudayaan itu adalah way of life, cara hidup tertentu yang memancarkan identitas tertentu pula pada suatu bangsa. Sedangkan menurut Koentjaraningrat, kebudayaan adalah keseluruhan sistem gagasan, tindakan dan hasil karya manusia dalam rangka kehidupan masyarakat yang dijadikan milik diri manusia dengan belajar (Koentjaraningrat, 1986: 180) Salah satu wujud peninggalan kebudayaan adalah upacara tradisional, di masyarakat manapun termasuk jawa selalu terdapat upacara-upacara adat atau tradisi tertentu yang dilakukan. Upacara yang dimaksud adalah suatu kegiatan yang dimaksudkan untuk memperingati suatu peristiwa atau momen tertentu. Dan di dalam upacara tersebut selalu terlihat penggunaan simbol-simbol untuk mengungkapkan rasa budayanya. Simbol memiliki peranan yang penting dalam sebuah upacara, ia bisa berfungsi sebagai alat penghubung antar sesama manusia juga bisa befungsi sebagai penghubung antar manusia dengan benda dan antar dunia nyata dengan dunia gaib (Purwadi, 2005: 126). Karena itu simbol-simbol sebagai perlengkapan upacara, yang diwujudkan dalam bentuk sesaji merupakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari sebuah tradisi upacara. Karena itu kesalahan atau kekurangan perlengkapan ini akan mengakibatkan kurang sahnya atau kurang afdlalnya upacara, karena akan mengakibatkankan maksud dan tujuan penyelenggaraan upacara tidak tercapai. Sebagai makhluk spiritual, manusia selalu berusaha mencari jalan untuk berhubungan dengan alam "yang lain". Karenanya sesaji yang diberikan itu adalah media yang mengandung arti bahwa manusia sebenarnya ingin berkomunikasi dengan Tuhan, Dewa atau makhluk halus penghuni alam gaib lainnya (Purwadi, 2005: 103). Hampir seluruh aktifitas masyarakat jawa, dipenuhi dengan tradisi-tradisi simbolik yang sarat dengan makna kearifan lokal (local wisdom). Dari awal kehidupan seorang
This study aims to reveal the concept of Sufism of al-Muhasibi and al-Ghazali in the autobiograph... more This study aims to reveal the concept of Sufism of al-Muhasibi and al-Ghazali in the autobiography of Kitab al-Washaya and al-Munqidz min al-Dhalal as well as the intertextuality of the autobiography of al-Washaya and al-Munqidz min al-Dhalal?. The primary sources used are al-Washaya by al-Muhasibi and al-Munqidz min al-Dhalal by al-Ghazali. The science of Sufism for al-Muhasibi and al-Ghazali is the scientific culmination of various epistemologies whose truth validity can be justified. For both, Sufism is able to satisfy intellectual and spiritual thirst. The intertextual relationship between the two works of Sufism can be seen in the background of the two authors in the form of the cultural background, intellectual and psychological conditions of the two figures before their conversion to Sufism. Intertextual relations are also found in themes, plots, characterizations and language styles.
Jurnal Penelitian, 2012
Munggah molo has become a tradition fulled by symbols and meanings. This anthropology-linguistics... more Munggah molo has become a tradition fulled by symbols and meanings. This anthropology-linguistics research reveals the symbols and meanings that have been grown in Pekalongan. The symbols in munggah molo tradition have an importan social function, particularly in composing social harmony of Pekalonganese. This harmony is not only valid for Javanese community of Pekalongan, but also for other communities like Chinese and Arabic ethnic. That is why it is very interesting
Abdimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Merdeka Malang, 2020
Islamic spiritual based anti-drugs counseling is a program of community empowerment activities in... more Islamic spiritual based anti-drugs counseling is a program of community empowerment activities in Sufism and psychotherapy that aims to increase teacher and community knowledge in preventing drug abuse among students in Batang District. Community empowerment activities through Islamic spiritual-based anti-drug counseling use discussion methods, lectures with audiovisual media, and role playing. The number of respondents was 20 teachers of guidance counseling and 10 community leaders. The results of the activity obtained an increase in the knowledge of guidance counseling teachers and community leaders from 13% to 83% in the good category. In addition, indicate the benefits of Islamic spiritual based anti-drug counseling on the knowledge of guidance counseling teachers and community leaders. Activities undertaken include: providing an understanding of the dangers of drug abuse; do role playing cure drug addicts through Islamic spirituality with Qolbu Brain Rejuvenation (ROQ) techniques, and conduct monitoring and evaluation. Islamic spiritual based anti-drugs counseling activities are considered effective and can be used as an alternative preventing drug abuse in Batang Regency.
Sabda : Jurnal Kajian Kebudayaan, Feb 3, 2017
Munggah molo has become a tradition fulled by symbols and meanings. This anthropology-linguistics... more Munggah molo has become a tradition fulled by symbols and meanings. This anthropology-linguistics research reveals the symbols and meanings that have been grown in Pekalongan. The symbols in munggah molo tradition have an importan social function, particularly in composing social harmony of Pekalonganese. This harmony is not only valid for Javanese community of Pekalongan, but also for other communities like Chinese and Arabic ethnic. That is why it is very interesting Kata Kunci: Munggah Molo, simbol, makna dan harmonsasi sosial PENDAHULUAN Bagi masyarakat Jawa pada umumnya, simbolisasi atau perlambang dalam sistem tata kehidupan manusia seperti sudah menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan. Ia sudah menjadi kebudayaan dan sistem nilai dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Kebudayaan yang menurut Ruth Benedict bermakna pola-pola pemikiran serta tindakan tertentu yang terungkap dalam aktifitas, sehingga pada hakekatnya kebudayaan itu adalah way of life, cara hidup tertentu yang memancarkan identitas tertentu pula pada suatu bangsa. Sedangkan menurut Koentjaraningrat, kebudayaan adalah keseluruhan sistem gagasan, tindakan dan hasil karya manusia dalam rangka kehidupan masyarakat yang dijadikan milik diri manusia dengan belajar (Koentjaraningrat, 1986: 180) Salah satu wujud peninggalan kebudayaan adalah upacara tradisional, di masyarakat manapun termasuk jawa selalu terdapat upacara-upacara adat atau tradisi tertentu yang dilakukan. Upacara yang dimaksud adalah suatu kegiatan yang dimaksudkan untuk memperingati suatu peristiwa atau momen tertentu. Dan di dalam upacara tersebut selalu terlihat penggunaan simbol-simbol untuk mengungkapkan rasa budayanya. Simbol memiliki peranan yang penting dalam sebuah upacara, ia bisa berfungsi sebagai alat penghubung antar sesama manusia juga bisa befungsi sebagai penghubung antar manusia dengan benda dan antar dunia nyata dengan dunia gaib (Purwadi, 2005: 126). Karena itu simbol-simbol sebagai perlengkapan upacara, yang diwujudkan dalam bentuk sesaji merupakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari sebuah tradisi upacara. Karena itu kesalahan atau kekurangan perlengkapan ini akan mengakibatkan kurang sahnya atau kurang afdlalnya upacara, karena akan mengakibatkankan maksud dan tujuan penyelenggaraan upacara tidak tercapai. Sebagai makhluk spiritual, manusia selalu berusaha mencari jalan untuk berhubungan dengan alam "yang lain". Karenanya sesaji yang diberikan itu adalah media yang mengandung arti bahwa manusia sebenarnya ingin berkomunikasi dengan Tuhan, Dewa atau makhluk halus penghuni alam gaib lainnya (Purwadi, 2005: 103). Hampir seluruh aktifitas masyarakat jawa, dipenuhi dengan tradisi-tradisi simbolik yang sarat dengan makna kearifan lokal (local wisdom). Dari awal kehidupan seorang
rOld age is the last time of the human life cycle. Old age has the potential to have physical and... more rOld age is the last time of the human life cycle. Old age has the potential to have physical and mental health problems such as anxiety facing death. This study aims to determine how the application of sufic counseling in dealing with anxiety facing death in the elderly at the Community-Based Social Protection House (RPSBM) of Pekalongan City.This type of research is qualitative research with a comparative descriptive analysis case study approach to find out the flow of elderly problems and compare the condition of the elderly before and after sufistic counseling. The study subjects consisted of four elderly women and men. Data collection uses interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques include data checking, clarification, verification, analysis and conclusion making. The application of sufistic counseling consists of several steps, namely takhalli (self awareness), tahalli (self development), and self empowerment. The results showed that sufistic counselin...
Psychology and Developing Societies, 2017
This research investigates the impact of perspective-taking on a majority group’s support for gov... more This research investigates the impact of perspective-taking on a majority group’s support for government action to help a minority group. Data among a sample of Indonesian Muslims ( N = 380), representing a religious majority group in Indonesia, showed that perspective-taking was a strong positive predictor of Muslims’ support for government action to help Christian minority. Relative Muslim prototypicality vis-à-vis Christians depressed perspective-taking. Contrariwise, inclusive victimhood reflecting a perception that Muslims are equally afflicted relative to Christians in intergroup conflicts, involving both groups, promoted perspective-taking. Relative Muslim prototypicality was augmented by the extent to which this majority group glorified Islam and was motivated to protect Islamic power. However, inclusive victimhood instead attenuated relative Muslim prototypicality. These findings suggest the importance of enhancing inclusive victimhood, given its impact in promoting perspec...
IAIN Pekalongan Press, Aug 1, 2020
IAIN Pekalongan Press, Sep 1, 2019
Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Nov 1, 2017
Munggah molo has become a tradition fulled by symbols and meanings. This anthropology-linguistics... more Munggah molo has become a tradition fulled by symbols and meanings. This anthropology-linguistics research reveals the symbols and meanings that have been grown in Pekalongan. The symbols in munggah molo tradition have an importan social function, particularly in composing social harmony of Pekalonganese. This harmony is not only valid for Javanese community of Pekalongan, but also for other communities like Chinese and Arabic ethnic. That is why it is very interesting Kata Kunci: Munggah Molo, simbol, makna dan harmonsasi sosial PENDAHULUAN Bagi masyarakat Jawa pada umumnya, simbolisasi atau perlambang dalam sistem tata kehidupan manusia seperti sudah menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan. Ia sudah menjadi kebudayaan dan sistem nilai dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Kebudayaan yang menurut Ruth Benedict bermakna pola-pola pemikiran serta tindakan tertentu yang terungkap dalam aktifitas, sehingga pada hakekatnya kebudayaan itu adalah way of life, cara hidup tertentu yang memancarkan identitas t...
Jurnal Penelitian, 2013
Kajian ini menyimpulkan bahwa upaya formalisasi pendidikan pesantren yang dilaksanakan pada beber... more Kajian ini menyimpulkan bahwa upaya formalisasi pendidikan pesantren yang dilaksanakan pada beberapa pesantren di Kota Pekalongan dengan orientasi "setengah hati", tidak diikuti pendirian lembaga pendidikan formal, justru berdampak negatif terhadap perkembangan pesantren. Sebaliknya, jika diikuti dengan pendirian lembaga pendidikan formal seperti MTs dan MA maka berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan pesantren secara kondusif. Formalisasi pesantren juga berdampak terhadap pergeseran pola kepemimpinan pesantren, dari kepemimpinan individu ke kepemimpinan kolektif yayasan; dari sistem pendidikan tradisional ke sistem pendidikan persekolahan; dari kurikulum kitab kuning oriented ke kurikulum integrative; dan dari metode tradisional salafi yang kyai oriented (weton, sorogan, hapalan, ceramah) ke metode student oriented (diskusi, resitasi, problem solving, kerja kelompok) dan lain-lain. Yang menarik, ketika pesantren-pesantren yang diteliti memformalisasikan pendidikannya, kurikulum...
The teaching of English language has significant and strategic contribution. English language as ... more The teaching of English language has significant and strategic contribution. English language as a tool is used to understand and study many literatures of Islamic Studies use English language. This is as cause of the developing of Islamic Studies that is taken in hand by West. They have published their thought in Islamic Studies using English language as an international language in many academic publishing. Besides that, the developing of Islamic Studies is not discharged with the other science, including language. In line with this statement, STAIN Pekalongan has taken a new policy relating to the English language teaching. The goal of that policy is to maximize the process of English language teaching, so the students’ ability in English is better than before and could be utilized in developing of Islamic Studies. Based on that reason, this research explored four problems. First; students’ perception on English language teaching in STAIN Pekalongan. Second; significance of Engli...
Jurnal Penelitian, 2013
Kemampuan membaca literatur Arab mahasiswa STAIN Pekalongan dalam penelitian ini ditemukan agak r... more Kemampuan membaca literatur Arab mahasiswa STAIN Pekalongan dalam penelitian ini ditemukan agak rendah. Ada dua hal yang mempengaruhinya, yaitu strategi pengajaran dan fasilitas pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Adapun faktor dosen, media pengajaran dan materi pengajaran bahasa Arab memiliki pengaruh yang tidak maksimal. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif-kuantitatif dengan metode random sampling. Subyek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester VII STAIN Pekalongan jurusan Syari’ah dan Tarbiyah. Hasil penelitian ini penting karena dapat memberikan kontribusi pemikiran bagi pengambil kebijakan pembelajaran bahasa Arab STAIN Pekalongan agar dapat melakukan peninjauan ulang kebijakan terhadap seluruh komponen yang terkait dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab yang mencakup dosen, materi, media, strategi dan lain-lain.
This article discusses the religiosity of the wives, the adjustment of wives of suspected terrori... more This article discusses the religiosity of the wives, the adjustment of wives of suspected terrorists against psychological and social burden, and the patterns of marital relations of terrorist suspects in Pekalongan-Central Java. This phenomenological study revealed that the religiosity of terrorist-suspects’ wives are more dominant is exclusive patterned- if it is compared to moderate or inclusive ones. The wives of terrorist suspects consider that the real terrorists are not their husband, but the U.S. and its allies. In terms of adjustment, the wives are just accept the fate and tend to be indifferent to the activities of their husbands. The wives also nullifying the public’s negative perception and judgment, but some are closed to the social interaction. While the pattern of relationships that were frequently built tent to be more owner property and head-complement in characteristics. Wives are positioned as husband’s complement for all activities in the fields of social, religi...
Populasi, 2021
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has infected thousands of people in Indonesia. A strong immun... more Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has infected thousands of people in Indonesia. A strong immune system can ward off COVID-19 transmission. This study aims to determine the prevention of COVID-19 by strengthening the body’s immune system through self- healing. This study uses qualitative methods with analytical descriptive methods. The research subjects were three People in Monitoring (ODP) COVID-19. Based on extensive interviews and observations at the research site as the main tool for data collection, this study produced several findings. First, there are two causes of the decline in the body’s immune system: medical and psychological factors. Medically, the causes of the body’s immune system are weak: lack of exercise, consuming less nutritious food, dehydration, and lack of sleep. Psychological factors, the cause of the body’s immune system is weak due to stress, anger, fear, tension, and emotional. Second, preventing COVID-19 by strengthening the body’s immune system through...
State College of Islamic Studies of Pekalongan as an Islamic college under the Ministry of Religi... more State College of Islamic Studies of Pekalongan as an Islamic college under the Ministry of Religious Affairs has a great responsibility and a strategic role in developing character building. It is because STAIN is an institution of higher education that produces many Muslim intelectuals and religionists. Based on that, this study was aimed to understand in depth about the role of the institution, the learning system, and the programs that are being done by the Research and Community Center of the institution (P3M STAIN Pekalongan) in developing character building. Phenomenological approach was used to understand the subjective aspect of persons' behavior and the conceptual nature of them. The result showed that the character building in STAIN Pekalongan seemed to be representative enough. But in practice, however, got a very big challenge, either from inside education environment or from outside.
Archive for the Psychology of Religion, 2020
Islamic moderateness is said to be one of the key factors that contribute to the promotion of pea... more Islamic moderateness is said to be one of the key factors that contribute to the promotion of peace in Muslim societies. We present an empirical study conducted in Indonesia ( N = 299) that assessed Islamic political moderateness and examined its role in explaining Muslims’ tolerance towards non-Muslims, as well as the first group’s support for making reconciliation with the latter group. We found as hypothesised that Islamic political moderateness was a positive predictor of outgroup tolerance, because of the role it had in positively predicting the sense of national identity as a higher order identity vis-à-vis Islamic identity (i.e. higher order nested identity). Outgroup tolerance positively predicted and, in turn, fully mediated the positive association between Islamic political moderateness and Muslims’ reconciliatory tendencies, including feelings of collective guilt and shame, intergroup trust and perspective-taking, intergroup cooperation, willingness to apologise, as well ...
Religia, Nov 12, 2022
This study aims to reveal the sufism of al-Muhasibi and al-Ghazali in the autobiography of al-Was... more This study aims to reveal the sufism of al-Muhasibi and al-Ghazali in the autobiography of al-Washaya and al-Munqidz min al-Dhalal book and the autobiography intertextuality of al-Washaya and al-Munqidz min al-Dhalal? The primary source used is the book of al-Washayaby al-Muhasibi and al-Munqidz min al-Dhalal by al-Ghazali. The Sufism science based on al-Muhasibi and al-Ghazali is the scientific culmination of various epistemologies whose validity can be accounted for. Both of them consider that sufism can satisfy their intellectual and spiritual thirst. The intertextual relationship between those two Sufism books can be seen in those two authors' cultural backgrounds. Their intertextual relations are also found in themes, plots, characterizations, and language styles.
Sabda: Jurnal Kajian Kebudayaan, Feb 3, 2017
Munggah molo has become a tradition fulled by symbols and meanings. This anthropology-linguistics... more Munggah molo has become a tradition fulled by symbols and meanings. This anthropology-linguistics research reveals the symbols and meanings that have been grown in Pekalongan. The symbols in munggah molo tradition have an importan social function, particularly in composing social harmony of Pekalonganese. This harmony is not only valid for Javanese community of Pekalongan, but also for other communities like Chinese and Arabic ethnic. That is why it is very interesting Kata Kunci: Munggah Molo, simbol, makna dan harmonsasi sosial PENDAHULUAN Bagi masyarakat Jawa pada umumnya, simbolisasi atau perlambang dalam sistem tata kehidupan manusia seperti sudah menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan. Ia sudah menjadi kebudayaan dan sistem nilai dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Kebudayaan yang menurut Ruth Benedict bermakna pola-pola pemikiran serta tindakan tertentu yang terungkap dalam aktifitas, sehingga pada hakekatnya kebudayaan itu adalah way of life, cara hidup tertentu yang memancarkan identitas tertentu pula pada suatu bangsa. Sedangkan menurut Koentjaraningrat, kebudayaan adalah keseluruhan sistem gagasan, tindakan dan hasil karya manusia dalam rangka kehidupan masyarakat yang dijadikan milik diri manusia dengan belajar (Koentjaraningrat, 1986: 180) Salah satu wujud peninggalan kebudayaan adalah upacara tradisional, di masyarakat manapun termasuk jawa selalu terdapat upacara-upacara adat atau tradisi tertentu yang dilakukan. Upacara yang dimaksud adalah suatu kegiatan yang dimaksudkan untuk memperingati suatu peristiwa atau momen tertentu. Dan di dalam upacara tersebut selalu terlihat penggunaan simbol-simbol untuk mengungkapkan rasa budayanya. Simbol memiliki peranan yang penting dalam sebuah upacara, ia bisa berfungsi sebagai alat penghubung antar sesama manusia juga bisa befungsi sebagai penghubung antar manusia dengan benda dan antar dunia nyata dengan dunia gaib (Purwadi, 2005: 126). Karena itu simbol-simbol sebagai perlengkapan upacara, yang diwujudkan dalam bentuk sesaji merupakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari sebuah tradisi upacara. Karena itu kesalahan atau kekurangan perlengkapan ini akan mengakibatkan kurang sahnya atau kurang afdlalnya upacara, karena akan mengakibatkankan maksud dan tujuan penyelenggaraan upacara tidak tercapai. Sebagai makhluk spiritual, manusia selalu berusaha mencari jalan untuk berhubungan dengan alam "yang lain". Karenanya sesaji yang diberikan itu adalah media yang mengandung arti bahwa manusia sebenarnya ingin berkomunikasi dengan Tuhan, Dewa atau makhluk halus penghuni alam gaib lainnya (Purwadi, 2005: 103). Hampir seluruh aktifitas masyarakat jawa, dipenuhi dengan tradisi-tradisi simbolik yang sarat dengan makna kearifan lokal (local wisdom). Dari awal kehidupan seorang
This study aims to reveal the concept of Sufism of al-Muhasibi and al-Ghazali in the autobiograph... more This study aims to reveal the concept of Sufism of al-Muhasibi and al-Ghazali in the autobiography of Kitab al-Washaya and al-Munqidz min al-Dhalal as well as the intertextuality of the autobiography of al-Washaya and al-Munqidz min al-Dhalal?. The primary sources used are al-Washaya by al-Muhasibi and al-Munqidz min al-Dhalal by al-Ghazali. The science of Sufism for al-Muhasibi and al-Ghazali is the scientific culmination of various epistemologies whose truth validity can be justified. For both, Sufism is able to satisfy intellectual and spiritual thirst. The intertextual relationship between the two works of Sufism can be seen in the background of the two authors in the form of the cultural background, intellectual and psychological conditions of the two figures before their conversion to Sufism. Intertextual relations are also found in themes, plots, characterizations and language styles.
Jurnal Penelitian, 2012
Munggah molo has become a tradition fulled by symbols and meanings. This anthropology-linguistics... more Munggah molo has become a tradition fulled by symbols and meanings. This anthropology-linguistics research reveals the symbols and meanings that have been grown in Pekalongan. The symbols in munggah molo tradition have an importan social function, particularly in composing social harmony of Pekalonganese. This harmony is not only valid for Javanese community of Pekalongan, but also for other communities like Chinese and Arabic ethnic. That is why it is very interesting
Abdimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Merdeka Malang, 2020
Islamic spiritual based anti-drugs counseling is a program of community empowerment activities in... more Islamic spiritual based anti-drugs counseling is a program of community empowerment activities in Sufism and psychotherapy that aims to increase teacher and community knowledge in preventing drug abuse among students in Batang District. Community empowerment activities through Islamic spiritual-based anti-drug counseling use discussion methods, lectures with audiovisual media, and role playing. The number of respondents was 20 teachers of guidance counseling and 10 community leaders. The results of the activity obtained an increase in the knowledge of guidance counseling teachers and community leaders from 13% to 83% in the good category. In addition, indicate the benefits of Islamic spiritual based anti-drug counseling on the knowledge of guidance counseling teachers and community leaders. Activities undertaken include: providing an understanding of the dangers of drug abuse; do role playing cure drug addicts through Islamic spirituality with Qolbu Brain Rejuvenation (ROQ) techniques, and conduct monitoring and evaluation. Islamic spiritual based anti-drugs counseling activities are considered effective and can be used as an alternative preventing drug abuse in Batang Regency.
Sabda : Jurnal Kajian Kebudayaan, Feb 3, 2017
Munggah molo has become a tradition fulled by symbols and meanings. This anthropology-linguistics... more Munggah molo has become a tradition fulled by symbols and meanings. This anthropology-linguistics research reveals the symbols and meanings that have been grown in Pekalongan. The symbols in munggah molo tradition have an importan social function, particularly in composing social harmony of Pekalonganese. This harmony is not only valid for Javanese community of Pekalongan, but also for other communities like Chinese and Arabic ethnic. That is why it is very interesting Kata Kunci: Munggah Molo, simbol, makna dan harmonsasi sosial PENDAHULUAN Bagi masyarakat Jawa pada umumnya, simbolisasi atau perlambang dalam sistem tata kehidupan manusia seperti sudah menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan. Ia sudah menjadi kebudayaan dan sistem nilai dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Kebudayaan yang menurut Ruth Benedict bermakna pola-pola pemikiran serta tindakan tertentu yang terungkap dalam aktifitas, sehingga pada hakekatnya kebudayaan itu adalah way of life, cara hidup tertentu yang memancarkan identitas tertentu pula pada suatu bangsa. Sedangkan menurut Koentjaraningrat, kebudayaan adalah keseluruhan sistem gagasan, tindakan dan hasil karya manusia dalam rangka kehidupan masyarakat yang dijadikan milik diri manusia dengan belajar (Koentjaraningrat, 1986: 180) Salah satu wujud peninggalan kebudayaan adalah upacara tradisional, di masyarakat manapun termasuk jawa selalu terdapat upacara-upacara adat atau tradisi tertentu yang dilakukan. Upacara yang dimaksud adalah suatu kegiatan yang dimaksudkan untuk memperingati suatu peristiwa atau momen tertentu. Dan di dalam upacara tersebut selalu terlihat penggunaan simbol-simbol untuk mengungkapkan rasa budayanya. Simbol memiliki peranan yang penting dalam sebuah upacara, ia bisa berfungsi sebagai alat penghubung antar sesama manusia juga bisa befungsi sebagai penghubung antar manusia dengan benda dan antar dunia nyata dengan dunia gaib (Purwadi, 2005: 126). Karena itu simbol-simbol sebagai perlengkapan upacara, yang diwujudkan dalam bentuk sesaji merupakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari sebuah tradisi upacara. Karena itu kesalahan atau kekurangan perlengkapan ini akan mengakibatkan kurang sahnya atau kurang afdlalnya upacara, karena akan mengakibatkankan maksud dan tujuan penyelenggaraan upacara tidak tercapai. Sebagai makhluk spiritual, manusia selalu berusaha mencari jalan untuk berhubungan dengan alam "yang lain". Karenanya sesaji yang diberikan itu adalah media yang mengandung arti bahwa manusia sebenarnya ingin berkomunikasi dengan Tuhan, Dewa atau makhluk halus penghuni alam gaib lainnya (Purwadi, 2005: 103). Hampir seluruh aktifitas masyarakat jawa, dipenuhi dengan tradisi-tradisi simbolik yang sarat dengan makna kearifan lokal (local wisdom). Dari awal kehidupan seorang
rOld age is the last time of the human life cycle. Old age has the potential to have physical and... more rOld age is the last time of the human life cycle. Old age has the potential to have physical and mental health problems such as anxiety facing death. This study aims to determine how the application of sufic counseling in dealing with anxiety facing death in the elderly at the Community-Based Social Protection House (RPSBM) of Pekalongan City.This type of research is qualitative research with a comparative descriptive analysis case study approach to find out the flow of elderly problems and compare the condition of the elderly before and after sufistic counseling. The study subjects consisted of four elderly women and men. Data collection uses interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques include data checking, clarification, verification, analysis and conclusion making. The application of sufistic counseling consists of several steps, namely takhalli (self awareness), tahalli (self development), and self empowerment. The results showed that sufistic counselin...
Psychology and Developing Societies, 2017
This research investigates the impact of perspective-taking on a majority group’s support for gov... more This research investigates the impact of perspective-taking on a majority group’s support for government action to help a minority group. Data among a sample of Indonesian Muslims ( N = 380), representing a religious majority group in Indonesia, showed that perspective-taking was a strong positive predictor of Muslims’ support for government action to help Christian minority. Relative Muslim prototypicality vis-à-vis Christians depressed perspective-taking. Contrariwise, inclusive victimhood reflecting a perception that Muslims are equally afflicted relative to Christians in intergroup conflicts, involving both groups, promoted perspective-taking. Relative Muslim prototypicality was augmented by the extent to which this majority group glorified Islam and was motivated to protect Islamic power. However, inclusive victimhood instead attenuated relative Muslim prototypicality. These findings suggest the importance of enhancing inclusive victimhood, given its impact in promoting perspec...
IAIN Pekalongan Press, Aug 1, 2020
IAIN Pekalongan Press, Sep 1, 2019
Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Nov 1, 2017
Munggah molo has become a tradition fulled by symbols and meanings. This anthropology-linguistics... more Munggah molo has become a tradition fulled by symbols and meanings. This anthropology-linguistics research reveals the symbols and meanings that have been grown in Pekalongan. The symbols in munggah molo tradition have an importan social function, particularly in composing social harmony of Pekalonganese. This harmony is not only valid for Javanese community of Pekalongan, but also for other communities like Chinese and Arabic ethnic. That is why it is very interesting Kata Kunci: Munggah Molo, simbol, makna dan harmonsasi sosial PENDAHULUAN Bagi masyarakat Jawa pada umumnya, simbolisasi atau perlambang dalam sistem tata kehidupan manusia seperti sudah menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan. Ia sudah menjadi kebudayaan dan sistem nilai dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Kebudayaan yang menurut Ruth Benedict bermakna pola-pola pemikiran serta tindakan tertentu yang terungkap dalam aktifitas, sehingga pada hakekatnya kebudayaan itu adalah way of life, cara hidup tertentu yang memancarkan identitas t...
Jurnal Penelitian, 2013
Kajian ini menyimpulkan bahwa upaya formalisasi pendidikan pesantren yang dilaksanakan pada beber... more Kajian ini menyimpulkan bahwa upaya formalisasi pendidikan pesantren yang dilaksanakan pada beberapa pesantren di Kota Pekalongan dengan orientasi "setengah hati", tidak diikuti pendirian lembaga pendidikan formal, justru berdampak negatif terhadap perkembangan pesantren. Sebaliknya, jika diikuti dengan pendirian lembaga pendidikan formal seperti MTs dan MA maka berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan pesantren secara kondusif. Formalisasi pesantren juga berdampak terhadap pergeseran pola kepemimpinan pesantren, dari kepemimpinan individu ke kepemimpinan kolektif yayasan; dari sistem pendidikan tradisional ke sistem pendidikan persekolahan; dari kurikulum kitab kuning oriented ke kurikulum integrative; dan dari metode tradisional salafi yang kyai oriented (weton, sorogan, hapalan, ceramah) ke metode student oriented (diskusi, resitasi, problem solving, kerja kelompok) dan lain-lain. Yang menarik, ketika pesantren-pesantren yang diteliti memformalisasikan pendidikannya, kurikulum...
The teaching of English language has significant and strategic contribution. English language as ... more The teaching of English language has significant and strategic contribution. English language as a tool is used to understand and study many literatures of Islamic Studies use English language. This is as cause of the developing of Islamic Studies that is taken in hand by West. They have published their thought in Islamic Studies using English language as an international language in many academic publishing. Besides that, the developing of Islamic Studies is not discharged with the other science, including language. In line with this statement, STAIN Pekalongan has taken a new policy relating to the English language teaching. The goal of that policy is to maximize the process of English language teaching, so the students’ ability in English is better than before and could be utilized in developing of Islamic Studies. Based on that reason, this research explored four problems. First; students’ perception on English language teaching in STAIN Pekalongan. Second; significance of Engli...
Jurnal Penelitian, 2013
Kemampuan membaca literatur Arab mahasiswa STAIN Pekalongan dalam penelitian ini ditemukan agak r... more Kemampuan membaca literatur Arab mahasiswa STAIN Pekalongan dalam penelitian ini ditemukan agak rendah. Ada dua hal yang mempengaruhinya, yaitu strategi pengajaran dan fasilitas pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Adapun faktor dosen, media pengajaran dan materi pengajaran bahasa Arab memiliki pengaruh yang tidak maksimal. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif-kuantitatif dengan metode random sampling. Subyek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester VII STAIN Pekalongan jurusan Syari’ah dan Tarbiyah. Hasil penelitian ini penting karena dapat memberikan kontribusi pemikiran bagi pengambil kebijakan pembelajaran bahasa Arab STAIN Pekalongan agar dapat melakukan peninjauan ulang kebijakan terhadap seluruh komponen yang terkait dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab yang mencakup dosen, materi, media, strategi dan lain-lain.
This article discusses the religiosity of the wives, the adjustment of wives of suspected terrori... more This article discusses the religiosity of the wives, the adjustment of wives of suspected terrorists against psychological and social burden, and the patterns of marital relations of terrorist suspects in Pekalongan-Central Java. This phenomenological study revealed that the religiosity of terrorist-suspects’ wives are more dominant is exclusive patterned- if it is compared to moderate or inclusive ones. The wives of terrorist suspects consider that the real terrorists are not their husband, but the U.S. and its allies. In terms of adjustment, the wives are just accept the fate and tend to be indifferent to the activities of their husbands. The wives also nullifying the public’s negative perception and judgment, but some are closed to the social interaction. While the pattern of relationships that were frequently built tent to be more owner property and head-complement in characteristics. Wives are positioned as husband’s complement for all activities in the fields of social, religi...
Populasi, 2021
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has infected thousands of people in Indonesia. A strong immun... more Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has infected thousands of people in Indonesia. A strong immune system can ward off COVID-19 transmission. This study aims to determine the prevention of COVID-19 by strengthening the body’s immune system through self- healing. This study uses qualitative methods with analytical descriptive methods. The research subjects were three People in Monitoring (ODP) COVID-19. Based on extensive interviews and observations at the research site as the main tool for data collection, this study produced several findings. First, there are two causes of the decline in the body’s immune system: medical and psychological factors. Medically, the causes of the body’s immune system are weak: lack of exercise, consuming less nutritious food, dehydration, and lack of sleep. Psychological factors, the cause of the body’s immune system is weak due to stress, anger, fear, tension, and emotional. Second, preventing COVID-19 by strengthening the body’s immune system through...
State College of Islamic Studies of Pekalongan as an Islamic college under the Ministry of Religi... more State College of Islamic Studies of Pekalongan as an Islamic college under the Ministry of Religious Affairs has a great responsibility and a strategic role in developing character building. It is because STAIN is an institution of higher education that produces many Muslim intelectuals and religionists. Based on that, this study was aimed to understand in depth about the role of the institution, the learning system, and the programs that are being done by the Research and Community Center of the institution (P3M STAIN Pekalongan) in developing character building. Phenomenological approach was used to understand the subjective aspect of persons' behavior and the conceptual nature of them. The result showed that the character building in STAIN Pekalongan seemed to be representative enough. But in practice, however, got a very big challenge, either from inside education environment or from outside.
Archive for the Psychology of Religion, 2020
Islamic moderateness is said to be one of the key factors that contribute to the promotion of pea... more Islamic moderateness is said to be one of the key factors that contribute to the promotion of peace in Muslim societies. We present an empirical study conducted in Indonesia ( N = 299) that assessed Islamic political moderateness and examined its role in explaining Muslims’ tolerance towards non-Muslims, as well as the first group’s support for making reconciliation with the latter group. We found as hypothesised that Islamic political moderateness was a positive predictor of outgroup tolerance, because of the role it had in positively predicting the sense of national identity as a higher order identity vis-à-vis Islamic identity (i.e. higher order nested identity). Outgroup tolerance positively predicted and, in turn, fully mediated the positive association between Islamic political moderateness and Muslims’ reconciliatory tendencies, including feelings of collective guilt and shame, intergroup trust and perspective-taking, intergroup cooperation, willingness to apologise, as well ...