Syofyan Hadi | State Institute for Islamic Studies Imam Bonjol Padang (original) (raw)
Papers by Syofyan Hadi
This study aims to analyze the meaning of ISIS names in the Arab mass media from the BREAK theory... more This study aims to analyze the meaning of ISIS names in the Arab mass media from the BREAK theory perspective. The research data were taken from two Syrian mass media: Tishrīn and ‘Inab Baladī. The name Dā’ish is used as the primary discourse, while the name Tanẓīm Al-Dawlah is a secondary discourse. The data was collected by observing the basic technique of tapping and the advanced technique of note-taking. Data analysis was carried out using identity method. The findings show that the meaning of primary discourse is structured through the eclectic use of theory on aspects of sound, form, meaning construction, and meaning changes. The analysis found that primary discourse has a negative meaning tendency and is contrary to religion’s moral values (Islam) and state. Meanwhile, the meaning of secondary discourse is carried out by combining the theory of nominal groups, word structures, nominal relations, and stylistics. Secondary discourse has an ambiguous meaning because it represent...
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Advances in Education, Humanities, and Language, ICEL 2019, Malang, Indonesia, 23-24 March 2019, 2019
This study aims to uncover the information reproduction pattern of Middle East conflict in Indone... more This study aims to uncover the information reproduction pattern of Middle East conflict in Indonesian online mass media. The study model is descriptive qualitative model. The data was taken from the reports on Syrian conflict in Indonesian online mass media i.e. Republika, Kompas, and Tempo. In accordance with the orientation of the study, the data must be conducted on the news from January to October 2018. Data were analyzed by using Miles and Huberman stages of qualitative analysis models. The findings of the study indicate that each media from the data source taken has different ways and perspective in reproducing information and news related to the Middle East conflict. Republika tends to take the point of view againts Syrian government, which bring the United States and its allies to be the central of the news. In the other hand, Kompas is departed from the point of view of the Syrian government and allies by dwarfing the United States and its allies in the news. As the third a...
Mawahib rabb al-falaq bi-syarh qa si dah binti al-milaq is the book of Sufism and the teaching of... more Mawahib rabb al-falaq bi-syarh qa si dah binti al-milaq is the book of Sufism and the teaching of Naqsyabandiyah school of thought . This book showed us there was any dialogical process of the Sufism development in Indonesia. On this scripts, it was found the turning point of the teachings of both Naqsyabandiyah developed by Syekh Ism a ’ il al-Kh a lidi al-Mina n gkabawi and the teaching of Syaziliyah order . That turning point occurs in some aspects of teachings, such as the rabitah concept, mursyid of kamil mukammil, the concept of ma’rifah, the firmness in holding Shari’a, views on Wali Allah. The author, Syekh Ism a’i l was the follower of the teaching of the Syaziliyah order, besides he was also recognized as he central figure of Naqsyabandiyah order in Archipelago . Keywords: mawahib, turning point of the teaching, Naqsyabandiyah, Syaziliyah
This article analyzed the lyrics of the Sawfa Nabqa Huna song composed by Adil Masyithi as a form... more This article analyzed the lyrics of the Sawfa Nabqa Huna song composed by Adil Masyithi as a form of resistance to Moammar Ghodafi who ruled Libya at that time. The main focus of this research was the choice of words and how the composition of the lyrics of this song was composed by Adil Masyithi to convey the message to the listeners. The data in this study were analyzed using Teun A. Van Dijk's critical discourse analysis model. Some words used by Adil Masyithi which contain the core message in the lyrics of the song Sawfa Nabqa Huna are the words دواء and قلم. The composer saw that every wound and pain must be healed with medicine (دواء), including wounds that afflict Libya. The word pen (قلم) referred to studying because intelligent people are not easily influenced by any party. Pen (قلم) was also interpreted by writing, one of the media that can be used to convey aspirations.
It has been the agreement among the researchers that Sufism developed in Indonesia was divided in... more It has been the agreement among the researchers that Sufism developed in Indonesia was divided into two major groups; namely akhlaki Sufism and falsafi Sufism. In akhlaki Sufism, the teachings focused on the intensity of amaliyah (religious activities) and the formation of beautiful character for the followers. While falsafi Sufism focused on philosophical thoughts, especially the concepts of God, creatures, the creation of the universe and so on. These both Sufism teachings have never found agreement and similarity, even bloody history occured due to the rivalry. What happened and experienced by Fanshuri Hamzah and his followers in Aceh or Shaikh Siti Jenar in Java are the historical facts that prove how strong the rivalry of both teachings. However, the manuscript of al-Manhal by Shaykh Isma’il al-Minangkabawi shows different facts where both teachings can be united in Indonesia. Through this book ‘al-Manhal’, Shaykh Ism’ail Minangkabawi attempted to make a synthesis between akhla...
This paper presents two scholars’ thoughts from Minangkabau through their works, namely Shaikh Is... more This paper presents two scholars’ thoughts from Minangkabau through their works, namely Shaikh Isma'il al-Minangkabawi (w. 1840) on his work, entitled al-Manḥāl and Shaikh Sa'id Bonjol (w. 1979) on his work, entitled Naẓām al-Waṣiyah. Since these works are literary works, which are collection of poems, then the meaning analysis is carried out by using reading semiotic models method, that consist of heuristic readings and hermeneutic reading. This study proves Nusantara scholars have made strong efforts in contextualizing Islamic teachings they received from Middle East, including Islamic teachings concepts in the contexts of theology, law, and mysticism. Nusantara Scholars, as reflected in the two works of Minangkabau scholars have shown their wisdom in responding to the needs of the Islamic community in the archipelago, which are different from Arabs and the Middle East community geographically, socially and culturally. They showed moderation on theological and Sufi teachin...
Tesis ini bertujuan membuktikan bahwa tarekat Naqshabandiyah Khalidiyah masuk dan berkembang di M... more Tesis ini bertujuan membuktikan bahwa tarekat Naqshabandiyah Khalidiyah masuk dan berkembang di Minangkabau pada awal abad 19 M melalui kawasan pantai timur Sumatera Barat atas pengaruh dan jasa Shaykh Ismā 'īl al-Khālidī al-Minangkabawī. Tesis ini ...
Buletin Al-Turas
Abstrak Tarekat adalah gerakan dan aktifitas sufistik yang terwujud dalam bentuk lembaga dan orga... more Abstrak Tarekat adalah gerakan dan aktifitas sufistik yang terwujud dalam bentuk lembaga dan organisasi. Sebagai sebuah organisasi keagamaan yang lebih berorientasi pada aktifitas menempuh perjalanan ruhaniyah dan spiritual, maka diperlukan adanya pemimpin, pembimbing ataupun penuntun yang akan mengantarkan para pengikut pada tujuan spiritual yang hendak dicapai. Dalam konteks inilah setiap ajaran tarekat berupaya merumuskan metode dan tata cara menempuh jalan yang hendak dilalui para salik termasuk kriteria para mursyid sebagai pemimpin dan penunjuk jalan tersebut. Hal ini jugalah yang coba dirumuskan Syaikh Isma’il al-Minangkabawi dalam konsep-konsep tarekat Naqsyabandiyah Khalidiyah yang diajarkan dan dikembangkannya di Nusantara pada awal abad 19 M. Dalam konteks ajaran tarekatnya, Syaikh Isma’il al-Minangkabawi berupaya merumuskan beberapa aturan bagi para penempuh jalan ruhani menuju Tuhan (murid/salik) dan juga merumuskan kriteria pada pemandu jalan (syaikh/mursyid) yang berh...
Diwan : Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Arab
This research aims to observe the terrain of morpho-semantic meaning of the word auliya’ in the ... more This research aims to observe the terrain of morpho-semantic meaning of the word auliya’ in the Qur'an; what words are included in the morpho-semantic field of the word auliya’, and how the features are useful. This study aims to gather words that are in the morpho-semantic field of the auliya’ word 'in the Qur'an, find their meaning features, common components of the meaning and components of differentiating meaning (diagnostic communication) so that the meaning can be obtained representative of the word auliya'. The study found 234 words incorporated into the auliya’ 'morpho-semantic field' in 69 forms, spread over 55 letters in 208 verses. All these words come from six basic forms which are classified into three classes of words. Firstly, the componential analysis reveals root meanings (general meaning components), i.e., assembling, reducing, governing (action), near / no distance, help, full of love, responsible, always supervising (characters) . Next, d...
Artikel ini membahas tentang pemahaman sastra mahasiswa Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab UIN Imam B... more Artikel ini membahas tentang pemahaman sastra mahasiswa Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab UIN Imam Bonjol Padang. Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan studi kasus sebagai pendekatan. Penelitian yang menjadikan mahasiswa Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab angkatan tahun 2014 sebagai objek ini menarik kesimpulan bahwa pemahaman sastra mahasiswa masih tergolong rendah. Rendahnya pemahaman tersebut dapat dikotakkan dalam tiga unsur penting yang menjadi bagian keilmuan sastra, yaitu sejarah sastra, teori sastra, dan kritik sastra. Dalam hal sejarah sastra, pemahaman mahasiswa digolongkan rendah karena memiliki pemahaman yang minim dalam hal standar atau tolok ukur pemahaman sejarah sastra. Dalam hal teori sastra, pemahaman mahasiswa digolongkan rendah karena minimnya pengetahuan mengenai teori sastra yang ada serta banyaknya kegagalan dan kebuntuan saat mahasiswa mengoperasikan teori tersebut dalam penelitian nyata. Dalam hal kritik sastra, pemahaman mahasisw...
Semantic adalah komponen linguistic yang sangat komplek di dalambahasa Arab. Kompleksitas semanti... more Semantic adalah komponen linguistic yang sangat komplek di dalambahasa Arab. Kompleksitas semantic Bahasa Arab tersebut misalnyaterlihat dalam kaitanya dengan persoalan pilihan kata, posisi kata dalamkalimat, hingga persoalan bunyi harkat akhir dari sebuah kata atau yangdikenal dengan i’rāb. Oleh karena itu, salah satu problematikapenterjemahan yang sangat krusial dari teks-teks yang berbahasa bahasaArab adalah bahwa tidak mungkin melakukan tarjamahan sebuah kalimattermasuk tentunya sebuah ayat dalam al-Qur’an secara tekstual atauharfiyah. Karena tejemahan secara harfiyah tidak akan mampumenampung atau bahkan akan berpotensi menghilangkan hakikat maknayang dikandung kalimat tersebut. Oleh karena itu, terjamahan maknawi(terjemahan yang bersifat semantic) adalah pola tarjamahan yang palingmungkin dan paling tepat terhadap sebuah kalimat dalam bahasa Arab.Sehingga makna yang dikandung oleh kalimat tersebut bisa disampaikandan dipahami oleh lawan bicara, pendengar atau pembaca secara ba...
Journal of Qur an and Hadith Studies, Jun 20, 2013
This article aims to prove that the interpretation of the verses of the Qur’an by using a rationa... more This article aims to prove that the interpretation of the verses of the Qur’an by using a rational approach to the political vision has a tendency to release an understanding of the text from its real context. This often makes an interpretation of these verses that are interpreted to justify and legalize the ideology that is being held. Based on the study of the works of supporters and leaders of the Negara Islam Indonesia (NII), this study proves that their interpretation is so far detached from the historical context of the Qur’an. More than once, the article insists, one verse is interpreted too far to legalize their aspiration without giving any reference to the traditions which are related to the context of the Qur’an, and the opinions of the previous ‘ulama’ and interpreters of the Qur’an, who are considered more authoritative in giving an interpretation to the verses of the Qur’an.
Manuskripta, Apr 29, 2014
Artikel ini memberikan bukti baru yang berbeda dengan kapan-kapan dan teori-teori para peneliti s... more Artikel ini memberikan bukti baru yang berbeda dengan kapan-kapan dan teori-teori para peneliti sebelumnya tentang proses masuk dan dinamika perkembangan ajaran tarekat Naqshabandiyah Khalidiyah di Minangkabau. Dalam artikel ini dibuktikan bahwa tarekat Naqshabandiyah Khalidiyah masuk dan berkembang di Minangkabau pada awai abad ke-19 M melalui kawasan pantai timur Sumatera Barat atas pengaruh dan jasa Shaykh Ismail al-Khalidi al-Minangkabawi. Artikel ini berupaya menempatkan Shaykh Ismail al-Khalidi al-Minangkabawi dalam porsi yang sesusungguhnya dalam kapasitasnya sebagai tokoh sentral ajaran tarekat Naqshabandiyah di Minangkabau Di samping itu, artikel ini ini juga mengemukakan beberapa kenyataan dan dinamika perkembangan ajaran tarekat Naqshabandiyah Khalidiyah di Nusantara,, yaitu; Pertama} dalam hal ajaran dan praktek ritual ibadah yang diterapkan bagi. pengikut ajaran tarekat Naqshabandiyah Khalidiyah di Nusantara tidak jauh berbeda dengan apa yang dipraktekan para pengikut Naqshabandiyah Khalidiyah di kawasan dunia Islam lainnya termasuk Haramayn sebagai pusatnya. Hanya saja, pada beberapa bagian tertentu terdapat hal-hal yang merupakan modifikasi Shaykh Ismail al-Khalidi al-Minangkabawi sebagai upaya penyesuaian dengan situasi dan kondisi pengikutnya waktu itu. Kedua, dari jaringan intelektual, tarekat Naqshabandiyah dari Haramayn hingga Minangkabau terlihat bahwa Shaykh Ismail al-Khalidi al-Minangkabawi tidak pernah memiliki murid resmi dalam artian memberikan ijazah tarekat kepada shaykh-shaykh tarekat Naqshabandiyah Minangkabau Namun, dia lebih berperan sebagai “mediator" dan penghubung jaringan bagi. calon murid tarekat Naqshabandiyah dengan zawiyah Jabal Qubays yang dikelola oleh temannya Shaykh Sulayman al-Qirimi dan khalifahnya Shaykh Sulayman al-Zuhdi. Realitas bahwa semua ulama tarekat Naqshabandiyah asal Minangkabau mengambil ijazah tarekat Naqshabandiyah Khalidiyah di Jabai Qubays, dan tidak satupun yang mengambil ijazah tarekat Naqshabandiyah Muzhariyah maupun tarekat Naqshabandiyah wa-Qadiriyah adalah bukti betapa kuatnya pengaruh dan kharismatik Shaykh Ismail al-Khalidi al-Minangkabawi dalam memberikan tuntunan dan gamblengan kepada calon jamaah haji dan calon murid tarekat Naqshabandiyah asal Minangkabau yang akan menuju tanah suci. Ketiga, semenjak awal kedatangannya di Nusantara telah terjadi polemik dan pertikaian hebat antara Shaykh Ismail al-Khalidi al-Minangkabawi dengan ulama-ulama Hadramaut seperti Salim bin Samir dan Sayyid 'Uthman al-Husayni. Pertikaian dan polemik juga terjadi antara Shaykh Ismail al-Khalidl al-Minangkabawi dengan tokoh-tokoh pengembang ajaran tarekat Naqshabandiyah cabang lainnya, yaitu dengan Shaykh 'Abd al-Azim Mandura dan Shaykh ‘Abd al-Ghani Sumbawa, Pertikaian dan polemik Shaykh Ismail al-Khalidi al-Minangkabawi dengan ulama-ulama Hadramaut disebabkan oleh dua hal; yaitu aspek dogmatis dan kecemburuan sosial. Secara dogmatis masing-masing menuduh dan mengklaim sesat pihak lainnya. Dan secara sosial muncul ketidaksenangan ulama Hadramaut atas keberhasilan Shaykh Ismail al-Khalidi al-Minangka bawi dalam menarik para penguasa lokal untuk menjadi pengikut tarekat Naqshabandiyah Khalidiyah.
Tesis ini bertujuan membuktikan bahwa tarekat Naqshabandiyah Khalidiyah masuk dan berkembang di M... more Tesis ini bertujuan membuktikan bahwa tarekat Naqshabandiyah Khalidiyah masuk dan berkembang di Minangkabau pada awal abad 19 M melalui kawasan pantai timur Sumatera Barat atas pengaruh dan jasa Shaykh Ismā 'īl al-Khālidī al-Minangkabawī. Tesis ini ...
Heritage of Nusantara: International Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage
This study aims to explore the forms of information reproduction in online mass media, with speci... more This study aims to explore the forms of information reproduction in online mass media, with specific issues on Middle East conflicts. The present study adopts a qualitative descriptive model. The data were collected from the news reports on the Syrian conflicts by some leading online news platforms such as Republika, Kompas and Tempo. The data were taken from January to October 2018 and were analyzed using the qualitative analysis stages of the Miles and Huberman model. The research findings indicate that each mass media has differences in reproducing Middle East conflict information, in terms of their data source and point of view of news reporting. Republika tends to take the opposition's point of view to the Syrian government so that it puts the United States and its allies as its main subject. On the contrary, Kompas departed from the point of view of sympathy for the Syrian government and its allies, jeopardizing the United States and its allies in reporting. The third medi...
Journal Article, 2021
This study aims to explore the forms of information reproduction in online mass media, with speci... more This study aims to explore the forms of information reproduction in online mass media, with specific issues on Middle East conflicts. The present study adopts a qualitative descriptive model. The data were collected from the news reports on the Syrian conflicts by some leading online news platforms such as Republika, Kompas and Tempo. The data were taken from January to October 2018 and were analyzed using the qualitative analysis stages of the Miles and Huberman model. The research findings indicate that each mass media has differences in reproducing Middle East conflict information, in terms of their data source and point of view of news reporting. Republika tends to take the opposition's point of view to the Syrian government so that it puts the United States and its allies as its main subject. On the contrary, Kompas departed from the point of view of sympathy for the Syrian government and its allies, jeopardizing the United States and its allies in reporting. The third media, Tempo, takes the point of view of narrating events chronologically and focuses a lot on humanitarian issues in the news they deliver.
Maw±hib rabb al-falaq bi-syarh qa¡³dah binti al-milaq is the book of Sufism and the teaching of N... more Maw±hib rabb al-falaq bi-syarh qa¡³dah binti al-milaq is the book of Sufism and the teaching of Naqsyabandiyah school of thought. This book showed us there was any dialogical process of the Sufism development in Indonesia. On this scripts, it was found the turning point of the teachings of both Naqsyabandiyah developed by Syekh Ism±'il al-Kh±lidi al-Minangkabawi and the teaching of Sy±©³liyah order. That turning point occurs in some aspects of teachings, such as the rabitah concept, mursyid of kamil mukammil, the concept of ma'rifah, the firmness in holding Shari'a, views on Wali Allah. The author, Syekh Ism±'³l was the follower of the teaching of the Sy±©³liyah order, besides he was also recognized as he central figure of Naqsyabandiyah order in Archipelago.
This paper presents two scholars' thoughts from Minangkabau through their works, namely Shaikh Is... more This paper presents two scholars' thoughts from Minangkabau through their works, namely Shaikh Isma'il al-Minangkabawi (w. 1840) on his work, entitled al-Manḥāl and Shaikh Sa'id Bonjol (w. 1979) on his work, entitled Naẓām al-Waṣiyah. Since these works are literary works, which are collection of poems, then the meaning analysis is carried out by using reading semiotic models method, that consist of heuristic readings and hermeneutic reading. This study proves Nusantara scholars have made strong efforts in contextualizing Islamic teachings they received from Middle East, including Islamic teachings concepts in the contexts of theology, law, and mysticism. Nusantara Scholars, as reflected in the two works of Minangkabau scholars have shown their wisdom in responding to the needs of the Islamic community in the archipelago, which are different from Arabs and the Middle East community geographically, socially and culturally. They showed moderation on theological and Sufi teachings.
This study is an extension research of previous research finding conducted by researcher and team... more This study is an extension research of previous research finding conducted by researcher and team, which resulted in more than 50 names of mosques and musalas in Padang were considered error. These forms of error exist in terms of morphological, semantic, morphology and semantic contexts and imla' rules. However, to explain these errors more comprehensively, a sociopragmatic viewpoint is required. In this context, it can be assumed that in understanding a word or language, the sociological context of the speaker and its use in determining and choosing certain symbols in their language are necessary to be considered. The phenomenon of naming a house of worship such as a mosque and musala cannot be separated from social context of the owners of the place of worship. This frequently causes pragmalinguistic failure in understanding the phenomenon of language which only relies on how to express language structurally, following the rules exclusively without giving attention to the social and cultural context of the speaker itself. This research is a field research which applies qualitative methods. The main data is obtained through interviews with mosques and musalas administrator and also the surrounding community to find out the historical and socio-cultural background of naming the mosques or musalas. The data of this study are all the names of mosques and musalas in Padang, especially those 50 names that are considered
This study aims to analyze the meaning of ISIS names in the Arab mass media from the BREAK theory... more This study aims to analyze the meaning of ISIS names in the Arab mass media from the BREAK theory perspective. The research data were taken from two Syrian mass media: Tishrīn and ‘Inab Baladī. The name Dā’ish is used as the primary discourse, while the name Tanẓīm Al-Dawlah is a secondary discourse. The data was collected by observing the basic technique of tapping and the advanced technique of note-taking. Data analysis was carried out using identity method. The findings show that the meaning of primary discourse is structured through the eclectic use of theory on aspects of sound, form, meaning construction, and meaning changes. The analysis found that primary discourse has a negative meaning tendency and is contrary to religion’s moral values (Islam) and state. Meanwhile, the meaning of secondary discourse is carried out by combining the theory of nominal groups, word structures, nominal relations, and stylistics. Secondary discourse has an ambiguous meaning because it represent...
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Advances in Education, Humanities, and Language, ICEL 2019, Malang, Indonesia, 23-24 March 2019, 2019
This study aims to uncover the information reproduction pattern of Middle East conflict in Indone... more This study aims to uncover the information reproduction pattern of Middle East conflict in Indonesian online mass media. The study model is descriptive qualitative model. The data was taken from the reports on Syrian conflict in Indonesian online mass media i.e. Republika, Kompas, and Tempo. In accordance with the orientation of the study, the data must be conducted on the news from January to October 2018. Data were analyzed by using Miles and Huberman stages of qualitative analysis models. The findings of the study indicate that each media from the data source taken has different ways and perspective in reproducing information and news related to the Middle East conflict. Republika tends to take the point of view againts Syrian government, which bring the United States and its allies to be the central of the news. In the other hand, Kompas is departed from the point of view of the Syrian government and allies by dwarfing the United States and its allies in the news. As the third a...
Mawahib rabb al-falaq bi-syarh qa si dah binti al-milaq is the book of Sufism and the teaching of... more Mawahib rabb al-falaq bi-syarh qa si dah binti al-milaq is the book of Sufism and the teaching of Naqsyabandiyah school of thought . This book showed us there was any dialogical process of the Sufism development in Indonesia. On this scripts, it was found the turning point of the teachings of both Naqsyabandiyah developed by Syekh Ism a ’ il al-Kh a lidi al-Mina n gkabawi and the teaching of Syaziliyah order . That turning point occurs in some aspects of teachings, such as the rabitah concept, mursyid of kamil mukammil, the concept of ma’rifah, the firmness in holding Shari’a, views on Wali Allah. The author, Syekh Ism a’i l was the follower of the teaching of the Syaziliyah order, besides he was also recognized as he central figure of Naqsyabandiyah order in Archipelago . Keywords: mawahib, turning point of the teaching, Naqsyabandiyah, Syaziliyah
This article analyzed the lyrics of the Sawfa Nabqa Huna song composed by Adil Masyithi as a form... more This article analyzed the lyrics of the Sawfa Nabqa Huna song composed by Adil Masyithi as a form of resistance to Moammar Ghodafi who ruled Libya at that time. The main focus of this research was the choice of words and how the composition of the lyrics of this song was composed by Adil Masyithi to convey the message to the listeners. The data in this study were analyzed using Teun A. Van Dijk's critical discourse analysis model. Some words used by Adil Masyithi which contain the core message in the lyrics of the song Sawfa Nabqa Huna are the words دواء and قلم. The composer saw that every wound and pain must be healed with medicine (دواء), including wounds that afflict Libya. The word pen (قلم) referred to studying because intelligent people are not easily influenced by any party. Pen (قلم) was also interpreted by writing, one of the media that can be used to convey aspirations.
It has been the agreement among the researchers that Sufism developed in Indonesia was divided in... more It has been the agreement among the researchers that Sufism developed in Indonesia was divided into two major groups; namely akhlaki Sufism and falsafi Sufism. In akhlaki Sufism, the teachings focused on the intensity of amaliyah (religious activities) and the formation of beautiful character for the followers. While falsafi Sufism focused on philosophical thoughts, especially the concepts of God, creatures, the creation of the universe and so on. These both Sufism teachings have never found agreement and similarity, even bloody history occured due to the rivalry. What happened and experienced by Fanshuri Hamzah and his followers in Aceh or Shaikh Siti Jenar in Java are the historical facts that prove how strong the rivalry of both teachings. However, the manuscript of al-Manhal by Shaykh Isma’il al-Minangkabawi shows different facts where both teachings can be united in Indonesia. Through this book ‘al-Manhal’, Shaykh Ism’ail Minangkabawi attempted to make a synthesis between akhla...
This paper presents two scholars’ thoughts from Minangkabau through their works, namely Shaikh Is... more This paper presents two scholars’ thoughts from Minangkabau through their works, namely Shaikh Isma'il al-Minangkabawi (w. 1840) on his work, entitled al-Manḥāl and Shaikh Sa'id Bonjol (w. 1979) on his work, entitled Naẓām al-Waṣiyah. Since these works are literary works, which are collection of poems, then the meaning analysis is carried out by using reading semiotic models method, that consist of heuristic readings and hermeneutic reading. This study proves Nusantara scholars have made strong efforts in contextualizing Islamic teachings they received from Middle East, including Islamic teachings concepts in the contexts of theology, law, and mysticism. Nusantara Scholars, as reflected in the two works of Minangkabau scholars have shown their wisdom in responding to the needs of the Islamic community in the archipelago, which are different from Arabs and the Middle East community geographically, socially and culturally. They showed moderation on theological and Sufi teachin...
Tesis ini bertujuan membuktikan bahwa tarekat Naqshabandiyah Khalidiyah masuk dan berkembang di M... more Tesis ini bertujuan membuktikan bahwa tarekat Naqshabandiyah Khalidiyah masuk dan berkembang di Minangkabau pada awal abad 19 M melalui kawasan pantai timur Sumatera Barat atas pengaruh dan jasa Shaykh Ismā 'īl al-Khālidī al-Minangkabawī. Tesis ini ...
Buletin Al-Turas
Abstrak Tarekat adalah gerakan dan aktifitas sufistik yang terwujud dalam bentuk lembaga dan orga... more Abstrak Tarekat adalah gerakan dan aktifitas sufistik yang terwujud dalam bentuk lembaga dan organisasi. Sebagai sebuah organisasi keagamaan yang lebih berorientasi pada aktifitas menempuh perjalanan ruhaniyah dan spiritual, maka diperlukan adanya pemimpin, pembimbing ataupun penuntun yang akan mengantarkan para pengikut pada tujuan spiritual yang hendak dicapai. Dalam konteks inilah setiap ajaran tarekat berupaya merumuskan metode dan tata cara menempuh jalan yang hendak dilalui para salik termasuk kriteria para mursyid sebagai pemimpin dan penunjuk jalan tersebut. Hal ini jugalah yang coba dirumuskan Syaikh Isma’il al-Minangkabawi dalam konsep-konsep tarekat Naqsyabandiyah Khalidiyah yang diajarkan dan dikembangkannya di Nusantara pada awal abad 19 M. Dalam konteks ajaran tarekatnya, Syaikh Isma’il al-Minangkabawi berupaya merumuskan beberapa aturan bagi para penempuh jalan ruhani menuju Tuhan (murid/salik) dan juga merumuskan kriteria pada pemandu jalan (syaikh/mursyid) yang berh...
Diwan : Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Arab
This research aims to observe the terrain of morpho-semantic meaning of the word auliya’ in the ... more This research aims to observe the terrain of morpho-semantic meaning of the word auliya’ in the Qur'an; what words are included in the morpho-semantic field of the word auliya’, and how the features are useful. This study aims to gather words that are in the morpho-semantic field of the auliya’ word 'in the Qur'an, find their meaning features, common components of the meaning and components of differentiating meaning (diagnostic communication) so that the meaning can be obtained representative of the word auliya'. The study found 234 words incorporated into the auliya’ 'morpho-semantic field' in 69 forms, spread over 55 letters in 208 verses. All these words come from six basic forms which are classified into three classes of words. Firstly, the componential analysis reveals root meanings (general meaning components), i.e., assembling, reducing, governing (action), near / no distance, help, full of love, responsible, always supervising (characters) . Next, d...
Artikel ini membahas tentang pemahaman sastra mahasiswa Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab UIN Imam B... more Artikel ini membahas tentang pemahaman sastra mahasiswa Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab UIN Imam Bonjol Padang. Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan studi kasus sebagai pendekatan. Penelitian yang menjadikan mahasiswa Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab angkatan tahun 2014 sebagai objek ini menarik kesimpulan bahwa pemahaman sastra mahasiswa masih tergolong rendah. Rendahnya pemahaman tersebut dapat dikotakkan dalam tiga unsur penting yang menjadi bagian keilmuan sastra, yaitu sejarah sastra, teori sastra, dan kritik sastra. Dalam hal sejarah sastra, pemahaman mahasiswa digolongkan rendah karena memiliki pemahaman yang minim dalam hal standar atau tolok ukur pemahaman sejarah sastra. Dalam hal teori sastra, pemahaman mahasiswa digolongkan rendah karena minimnya pengetahuan mengenai teori sastra yang ada serta banyaknya kegagalan dan kebuntuan saat mahasiswa mengoperasikan teori tersebut dalam penelitian nyata. Dalam hal kritik sastra, pemahaman mahasisw...
Semantic adalah komponen linguistic yang sangat komplek di dalambahasa Arab. Kompleksitas semanti... more Semantic adalah komponen linguistic yang sangat komplek di dalambahasa Arab. Kompleksitas semantic Bahasa Arab tersebut misalnyaterlihat dalam kaitanya dengan persoalan pilihan kata, posisi kata dalamkalimat, hingga persoalan bunyi harkat akhir dari sebuah kata atau yangdikenal dengan i’rāb. Oleh karena itu, salah satu problematikapenterjemahan yang sangat krusial dari teks-teks yang berbahasa bahasaArab adalah bahwa tidak mungkin melakukan tarjamahan sebuah kalimattermasuk tentunya sebuah ayat dalam al-Qur’an secara tekstual atauharfiyah. Karena tejemahan secara harfiyah tidak akan mampumenampung atau bahkan akan berpotensi menghilangkan hakikat maknayang dikandung kalimat tersebut. Oleh karena itu, terjamahan maknawi(terjemahan yang bersifat semantic) adalah pola tarjamahan yang palingmungkin dan paling tepat terhadap sebuah kalimat dalam bahasa Arab.Sehingga makna yang dikandung oleh kalimat tersebut bisa disampaikandan dipahami oleh lawan bicara, pendengar atau pembaca secara ba...
Journal of Qur an and Hadith Studies, Jun 20, 2013
This article aims to prove that the interpretation of the verses of the Qur’an by using a rationa... more This article aims to prove that the interpretation of the verses of the Qur’an by using a rational approach to the political vision has a tendency to release an understanding of the text from its real context. This often makes an interpretation of these verses that are interpreted to justify and legalize the ideology that is being held. Based on the study of the works of supporters and leaders of the Negara Islam Indonesia (NII), this study proves that their interpretation is so far detached from the historical context of the Qur’an. More than once, the article insists, one verse is interpreted too far to legalize their aspiration without giving any reference to the traditions which are related to the context of the Qur’an, and the opinions of the previous ‘ulama’ and interpreters of the Qur’an, who are considered more authoritative in giving an interpretation to the verses of the Qur’an.
Manuskripta, Apr 29, 2014
Artikel ini memberikan bukti baru yang berbeda dengan kapan-kapan dan teori-teori para peneliti s... more Artikel ini memberikan bukti baru yang berbeda dengan kapan-kapan dan teori-teori para peneliti sebelumnya tentang proses masuk dan dinamika perkembangan ajaran tarekat Naqshabandiyah Khalidiyah di Minangkabau. Dalam artikel ini dibuktikan bahwa tarekat Naqshabandiyah Khalidiyah masuk dan berkembang di Minangkabau pada awai abad ke-19 M melalui kawasan pantai timur Sumatera Barat atas pengaruh dan jasa Shaykh Ismail al-Khalidi al-Minangkabawi. Artikel ini berupaya menempatkan Shaykh Ismail al-Khalidi al-Minangkabawi dalam porsi yang sesusungguhnya dalam kapasitasnya sebagai tokoh sentral ajaran tarekat Naqshabandiyah di Minangkabau Di samping itu, artikel ini ini juga mengemukakan beberapa kenyataan dan dinamika perkembangan ajaran tarekat Naqshabandiyah Khalidiyah di Nusantara,, yaitu; Pertama} dalam hal ajaran dan praktek ritual ibadah yang diterapkan bagi. pengikut ajaran tarekat Naqshabandiyah Khalidiyah di Nusantara tidak jauh berbeda dengan apa yang dipraktekan para pengikut Naqshabandiyah Khalidiyah di kawasan dunia Islam lainnya termasuk Haramayn sebagai pusatnya. Hanya saja, pada beberapa bagian tertentu terdapat hal-hal yang merupakan modifikasi Shaykh Ismail al-Khalidi al-Minangkabawi sebagai upaya penyesuaian dengan situasi dan kondisi pengikutnya waktu itu. Kedua, dari jaringan intelektual, tarekat Naqshabandiyah dari Haramayn hingga Minangkabau terlihat bahwa Shaykh Ismail al-Khalidi al-Minangkabawi tidak pernah memiliki murid resmi dalam artian memberikan ijazah tarekat kepada shaykh-shaykh tarekat Naqshabandiyah Minangkabau Namun, dia lebih berperan sebagai “mediator" dan penghubung jaringan bagi. calon murid tarekat Naqshabandiyah dengan zawiyah Jabal Qubays yang dikelola oleh temannya Shaykh Sulayman al-Qirimi dan khalifahnya Shaykh Sulayman al-Zuhdi. Realitas bahwa semua ulama tarekat Naqshabandiyah asal Minangkabau mengambil ijazah tarekat Naqshabandiyah Khalidiyah di Jabai Qubays, dan tidak satupun yang mengambil ijazah tarekat Naqshabandiyah Muzhariyah maupun tarekat Naqshabandiyah wa-Qadiriyah adalah bukti betapa kuatnya pengaruh dan kharismatik Shaykh Ismail al-Khalidi al-Minangkabawi dalam memberikan tuntunan dan gamblengan kepada calon jamaah haji dan calon murid tarekat Naqshabandiyah asal Minangkabau yang akan menuju tanah suci. Ketiga, semenjak awal kedatangannya di Nusantara telah terjadi polemik dan pertikaian hebat antara Shaykh Ismail al-Khalidi al-Minangkabawi dengan ulama-ulama Hadramaut seperti Salim bin Samir dan Sayyid 'Uthman al-Husayni. Pertikaian dan polemik juga terjadi antara Shaykh Ismail al-Khalidl al-Minangkabawi dengan tokoh-tokoh pengembang ajaran tarekat Naqshabandiyah cabang lainnya, yaitu dengan Shaykh 'Abd al-Azim Mandura dan Shaykh ‘Abd al-Ghani Sumbawa, Pertikaian dan polemik Shaykh Ismail al-Khalidi al-Minangkabawi dengan ulama-ulama Hadramaut disebabkan oleh dua hal; yaitu aspek dogmatis dan kecemburuan sosial. Secara dogmatis masing-masing menuduh dan mengklaim sesat pihak lainnya. Dan secara sosial muncul ketidaksenangan ulama Hadramaut atas keberhasilan Shaykh Ismail al-Khalidi al-Minangka bawi dalam menarik para penguasa lokal untuk menjadi pengikut tarekat Naqshabandiyah Khalidiyah.
Tesis ini bertujuan membuktikan bahwa tarekat Naqshabandiyah Khalidiyah masuk dan berkembang di M... more Tesis ini bertujuan membuktikan bahwa tarekat Naqshabandiyah Khalidiyah masuk dan berkembang di Minangkabau pada awal abad 19 M melalui kawasan pantai timur Sumatera Barat atas pengaruh dan jasa Shaykh Ismā 'īl al-Khālidī al-Minangkabawī. Tesis ini ...
Heritage of Nusantara: International Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage
This study aims to explore the forms of information reproduction in online mass media, with speci... more This study aims to explore the forms of information reproduction in online mass media, with specific issues on Middle East conflicts. The present study adopts a qualitative descriptive model. The data were collected from the news reports on the Syrian conflicts by some leading online news platforms such as Republika, Kompas and Tempo. The data were taken from January to October 2018 and were analyzed using the qualitative analysis stages of the Miles and Huberman model. The research findings indicate that each mass media has differences in reproducing Middle East conflict information, in terms of their data source and point of view of news reporting. Republika tends to take the opposition's point of view to the Syrian government so that it puts the United States and its allies as its main subject. On the contrary, Kompas departed from the point of view of sympathy for the Syrian government and its allies, jeopardizing the United States and its allies in reporting. The third medi...
Journal Article, 2021
This study aims to explore the forms of information reproduction in online mass media, with speci... more This study aims to explore the forms of information reproduction in online mass media, with specific issues on Middle East conflicts. The present study adopts a qualitative descriptive model. The data were collected from the news reports on the Syrian conflicts by some leading online news platforms such as Republika, Kompas and Tempo. The data were taken from January to October 2018 and were analyzed using the qualitative analysis stages of the Miles and Huberman model. The research findings indicate that each mass media has differences in reproducing Middle East conflict information, in terms of their data source and point of view of news reporting. Republika tends to take the opposition's point of view to the Syrian government so that it puts the United States and its allies as its main subject. On the contrary, Kompas departed from the point of view of sympathy for the Syrian government and its allies, jeopardizing the United States and its allies in reporting. The third media, Tempo, takes the point of view of narrating events chronologically and focuses a lot on humanitarian issues in the news they deliver.
Maw±hib rabb al-falaq bi-syarh qa¡³dah binti al-milaq is the book of Sufism and the teaching of N... more Maw±hib rabb al-falaq bi-syarh qa¡³dah binti al-milaq is the book of Sufism and the teaching of Naqsyabandiyah school of thought. This book showed us there was any dialogical process of the Sufism development in Indonesia. On this scripts, it was found the turning point of the teachings of both Naqsyabandiyah developed by Syekh Ism±'il al-Kh±lidi al-Minangkabawi and the teaching of Sy±©³liyah order. That turning point occurs in some aspects of teachings, such as the rabitah concept, mursyid of kamil mukammil, the concept of ma'rifah, the firmness in holding Shari'a, views on Wali Allah. The author, Syekh Ism±'³l was the follower of the teaching of the Sy±©³liyah order, besides he was also recognized as he central figure of Naqsyabandiyah order in Archipelago.
This paper presents two scholars' thoughts from Minangkabau through their works, namely Shaikh Is... more This paper presents two scholars' thoughts from Minangkabau through their works, namely Shaikh Isma'il al-Minangkabawi (w. 1840) on his work, entitled al-Manḥāl and Shaikh Sa'id Bonjol (w. 1979) on his work, entitled Naẓām al-Waṣiyah. Since these works are literary works, which are collection of poems, then the meaning analysis is carried out by using reading semiotic models method, that consist of heuristic readings and hermeneutic reading. This study proves Nusantara scholars have made strong efforts in contextualizing Islamic teachings they received from Middle East, including Islamic teachings concepts in the contexts of theology, law, and mysticism. Nusantara Scholars, as reflected in the two works of Minangkabau scholars have shown their wisdom in responding to the needs of the Islamic community in the archipelago, which are different from Arabs and the Middle East community geographically, socially and culturally. They showed moderation on theological and Sufi teachings.
This study is an extension research of previous research finding conducted by researcher and team... more This study is an extension research of previous research finding conducted by researcher and team, which resulted in more than 50 names of mosques and musalas in Padang were considered error. These forms of error exist in terms of morphological, semantic, morphology and semantic contexts and imla' rules. However, to explain these errors more comprehensively, a sociopragmatic viewpoint is required. In this context, it can be assumed that in understanding a word or language, the sociological context of the speaker and its use in determining and choosing certain symbols in their language are necessary to be considered. The phenomenon of naming a house of worship such as a mosque and musala cannot be separated from social context of the owners of the place of worship. This frequently causes pragmalinguistic failure in understanding the phenomenon of language which only relies on how to express language structurally, following the rules exclusively without giving attention to the social and cultural context of the speaker itself. This research is a field research which applies qualitative methods. The main data is obtained through interviews with mosques and musalas administrator and also the surrounding community to find out the historical and socio-cultural background of naming the mosques or musalas. The data of this study are all the names of mosques and musalas in Padang, especially those 50 names that are considered