Siniša Krznar | Institute of Archaeology, Zagreb, Croatia (original) (raw)

Books by Siniša Krznar

Research paper thumbnail of Secrets of iron - from raw material to an iron object, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology Zagreb, 10th – 11th September 2020, Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju / Serta Instituti Archaeologici, Vol. 20, Zagreb 2022.

The International Scientific Conference entitled “Secrets of iron - from raw material to an iron ... more The International Scientific Conference entitled “Secrets of iron - from raw material to an iron object” was organized by the Institute of Archaeology in cooperation with the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb as the seventh in a series of meetings of experts on topics related to medieval archaeology, but also other archaeological and historical periods. The gathering took place in Zagreb on the 10th and 11th of September 2020 in the Gallery of the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb at 6 Pavao Hatz Street, with an all-day program. The Organizing and Scientific Committee consisted of scientists from the Institute dealing with the medieval period: Tajana Sekelj Ivančan, PhD. Tatjana Tkalčec, PhD. Juraj Belaj, PhD. Siniša Krznar PhD. and doctoral student Tena Karavidović. A total of 62 colleagues participated, of which 44 international and 18 Croatian, who presented 16 international and 11 local presentations and/or posters. Although we live in challenging and unstable times caused by the pandemic of Covid-19 virus, but also by the earthquake in Zagreb which, in the spring of 2020, significantly damaged the city centre, the intention to address issues related to iron production and the manufacture of iron objects in the pre-industrial era was successfully realised. The scientific conference was organized as a hybrid event, with presentations held at the Museum Gallery and via the web platform, all broadcasted live with the active involvement of participants in discussions through the web platform Crowdcast. Posters of the participants who were not able to attend the conference in person were printed out and available online on the Institute of Archaeology website during the conference. The official languages of the conference were Croatian and English. Several lectures and presentations from the conference were prepared for these Proceedings. The received papers cover multiple archaeological and historical periods, from the Early Iron Age up to the Modern Age, while geographically covering almost the entire European area and beyond. The Proceedings are interdisciplinary and include papers with various methodological approaches and sub-topics that permeate and complement each other. The sixteen papers collected in the publication present the results of non- invasive research methods on sites with remnants of ironworks activities, the geological study of the potential for ore formation within a lowland landscape, studies of ore sources and mining, the results of archaeological excavations of preserved furnaces, workshops and ancillary facilities, as well as insights on archaeological finds of slag and technical ceramics and iron objects, as well as discussion on long-term iron production and knowledge transfer and the results of conducted analyses from the spectrum of natural sciences which define the types of materials and technology of iron production and production of iron objects, as well as methods of approach to chemical profiling of archaeological samples. The afore- mentioned papers are signed by thirty-five (co)authors, scientists from Slovenia, Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic, Romania, Poland, Latvia, the Russian Federation and Croatia, who, each in their own way, open a new perspective and contribute to our understanding of iron production and processing. With these Proceedings, we aim to encourage some new reflections, present the results of new archaeological and interdisciplinary research and insights that will be useful in further research on specific topics related to iron production and processing, and offer them to the general scientific and professional public.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tkalčec, T., Sekelj Ivančan, T., Krznar, S., Arheologija srednjovjekovnih utvrda, naselja i groblja sjeverne Hrvatske, Monografije Instituta za arheologiju 5, Zagreb, 2021.

Tkalčec, T., Sekelj Ivančan, T., Krznar, S., Arheologija srednjovjekovnih utvrda, naselja i groblja sjeverne Hrvatske, Monografije Instituta za arheologiju 5, Zagreb, 2021.

Arheologija srednjovjekovnih utvrda, naselja i groblja sjeverne Hrvatske

Ovom smo knjigom željeli na jednome mjestu okupiti dosadašnje spoznaje o arheologiji utvrda, nase... more Ovom smo knjigom željeli na jednome mjestu okupiti dosadašnje spoznaje o arheologiji utvrda, naselja i groblja na
području sjeverne Hrvatske. Sama tema, vremenski i geografski okvir koji se u knjizi obrađuje proizlazi iz dugogodišnjih
znanstvenih istraživanja autorā. Tema je razrađena kroz tri glavna poglavlja u kojima se zasebno obrađuje problematika
srednjovjekovnih utvrda, naselja, odnosno groblja. U svakom poglavlju čitatelja se uvodi u problematiku potom se izlaže
tema i donose zasebna zaključna razmatranja. S ciljem da obimna literatura čitateljstvu bude što sistematičnije pristupačna,
ona je okupljena po problematskim cjelinama, odnosno navedena za svaku obrađivanu cjelinu zasebno.

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Research paper thumbnail of Life and death in mediaeval and early modern times. Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference of Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology, Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju / Serta Instituti Archaeologici, Vol. 14

Life and death in mediaeval and early modern times. Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference of Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology, Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju / Serta Instituti Archaeologici, Vol. 14, 2020

This edition brings 20 conference presentations, which were adapted into papers by their authors.... more This edition brings 20 conference presentations, which were adapted into papers by their authors. The intention of the conference was to acquaint scientists and the general public with new research and interpretations, and to encourage quality scientific discussion on everyday life and attitudes towards the death of mediaeval and early modern populations. As this is a topic that cannot be fully covered by archaeological methods alone, our goal was to bring together scientists of different profiles (archaeologists, anthropologists, historians, molecular biologists) in a multidisciplinary attempt to interpret the life and death of our ancestors.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fortifications, defence systems, structures and features in the past. Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology, Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju / Serta Instituti Archaeologici, Vol. 13

Fortifications, defence systems, structures and features in the past, Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju / Serta Instituti Archaeologici, 2019

This edition brings the conference papers from the 4th International Conference on Mediaeval Arch... more This edition brings the conference papers from the 4th International Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology organised by the Institute of Archaeology in Zagreb in 2017. It is a result of efforts of the medievalists of the Institute of Archaeology to establish continued international gathering of the academic community in Zagreb in order to discuss current archeological topics on mediaeval archeology. The 4th International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology Fortifications, defence systems, structures and features in the past, organized by the Institute of Archaeology in cooperation with the Croatian Institute of History, took place from the 7th till the 9th of June 2017 in Zagreb. Our wish was to encourage the researchers to present, through this topic, their knowledge on technical solutions of certain defensive elements of different fortifications, different manifestations and changes in the organization of defensive structures and systems over time, with regard to the causes of those changes and identification of possible patterns of defence systems, structures and features in a certain area, region or in a certain archaeological or historical period. Since the aim of the scientific conference was to perceive the given topic in an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary manner, we are pleased that in this book, besides the papers dealing with mediaeval fortifications, we have the opportunity to publish 37 papers that study the defence systems in the preceding and following periods (Prehistory, Antiquity, Modern Period) and that archaeological studies are complemented by the studies of historians, art historians and architects as well.

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Research paper thumbnail of Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju / Serta Instituti Archaeologici, Vol. 10. Sacralization of Landscape and Sacred Places. Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific Conference of Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology, Zagreb, 2018.

Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju / Serta Instituti Archaeologici, Vol. 10. Sacralization of Landscape and Sacred Places. Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific Conference of Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology, 2018

Human settlement of landscape raises the question of marking the landscape with one’s own religio... more Human settlement of landscape raises the question of marking the landscape with one’s own religion. Changes of religious systems or their coexistence documented in the landscape raises further questions, particularly those pertaining to broader socio-cultural phenomena and dynamics. Even if such processes are not documented in written sources, they could often be recognized in toponyms, folklore, archaeological finds and in contemporary religious practices. This publication presents analyses of sacred landscape from the perspective of: archaeology, folklore, ethnology and cultural anthropology, literature, architecture, history, art history, mathematics etc., and at the same time covers the period from prehistory, through antiquity and Slavic period and the Middle Ages to the modern period and contemporary times. In addition to this, it also compares different processes from different regions and times, by and large from Europe.

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Research paper thumbnail of Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju / Serta Instituti Archaeologici, Vol. 4: Groblja i pogrebni običaji u srednjem i ranom novom vijeku na prostoru sjeverne Hrvatske / Cemeteries and funeral customs in medieval and early modern period in the northern Croatia, Zagreb, 2016.

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Research paper thumbnail of Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju / Serta Instituti Archaeologici, Vol. 6: Srednjovjekovna naselja u svjetlu arheoloških izvora / Mediaeval Settlements in the Light of Archaeological Sources, Sekelj Ivančan, T., Tkalčec, T., Krznar, S., Belaj, J. (eds.), Zagreb 2017.

Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju / Serta Instituti Archaeologici, Vol. 6: Srednjovjekovna naselja u svjetlu arheoloških izvora / Mediaeval Settlements in the Light of Archaeological Sources, Sekelj Ivančan, T., Tkalčec, T., Krznar, S., Belaj, J. (eds.), Zagreb 2017.

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Research paper thumbnail of Trakošćan: burg-muzej

Abstract: Prvi dio knjige govori o povijesti Trakošćana te obitelji Drašković. Njen srednji i naj... more Abstract: Prvi dio knjige govori o povijesti Trakošćana te obitelji Drašković. Njen srednji i najveći dio prikazuje stalni muzejski postav dvorca Trakošćana. Knjiga završava prikazom trakošćanskog perivoja i okolice, odnosno onog njenog dijela koji se može povezati sa ...

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Papers by Siniša Krznar

Research paper thumbnail of Umjetničko nasljeđe bjelobrdske kulture: nalazišta Zvonimirovo - Veliko polje i Suhopolje Kliškovac

Umjetničko nasljeđe bjelobrdske kulture, katalog izložbe, 2021

Izložba Umjetničko nasljeđe bjelobrdske kulture: nalazišta Zvonimirovo - Veliko polje i Suhopolje... more Izložba Umjetničko nasljeđe bjelobrdske kulture: nalazišta Zvonimirovo - Veliko polje i Suhopolje - Kliškovac nastala je suradnjom autorice izložbe i stručnih suradnika - akademika Željka Tomičića, dr. sc. Marka Dizdara, dr. sc. Siniše Krznara i dr. sc. Željke Bedić, koji su svojim dugogodišnjim iskustvom i radom na spomenutim lokalitetima, odnosno na području srednjovjekovne arheologije dali velik doprinos prilikom organizacije ove izložbe i kataloga. Naglasak koncepcije izložbe je na prikazivanju materijalnih i duhovnih tragova bjelobrdskog kulturnog kruga na području međuriječja Drave, Save i Dunava te njegovo integriranje u srednjoeuropski kulturni krug. Razdoblje srednjeg, pa tako i novog vijeka, zbog slabe istraženosti često pada u zaborav, stoga je ova izložba nastala kao podsjetnik na materijalno i kulturno bogatstvo srednjovjekovlja te kao poticaj na veća, posebice arheološka istraživanja potonjeg razdoblja. Ovim putem želim uputiti zahvale svojim stručnim suradnicima na izložbi i katalogu, a posebno akademiku Željku Tomičiću.
The exhibition Artistic Heritage of the Bijelo Brdo Culture: Zvonimirovo - Veliko polje and Suhopolje - Kliškovac sites was created in collaboration with the author of the exhibition and professional associates - academician Željko Tomičić, Ph.D. Marko Dizdar, Ph.D. Siniša Krznar, Ph.D. Željka Bedić, who with their many years of experience and work on the mentioned sites, ie in the field of medieval archeology, made a great contribution during the organization of this exhibition and catalog. The emphasis of the concept of the exhibition is on showing the material and spiritual traces of the Bijelo Brdo cultural circle in the area between the Drava, Sava and Danube interfluve and its integration into the Central European cultural circle. The Medieval period, including the New Age, is neglected due to poor research, so this exhibition was also created as a reminder of the material and cultural heritage of the Middle Ages and as an incentive for larger, especially archaeological research. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my professional associates at the exhibition and catalog, and especially academician Željko Tomičić.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nalaz slavonskih banskih i ugarskih denara iz groba 241 s lokaliteta Torčec-Cirkvišće / The find of Slavonian denarii banales and Hungarian denars in grave 241 at the site of Torčec-Cirkvišće

Vjesnik Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu, 2021

This paper analyses and interprets the find of medieval silver coins discovered in grave 241 duri... more This paper analyses and interprets the find of medieval silver coins discovered in grave 241 during archaeological excavations in 2014. This was denarius banalis coins minted during the reigns of kings Béla IV, Stephen V and Ladislaus IV, and six examples of Hungarian denars minted during the reign of King Stephen V. The coins were discovered in the pelvic-girdle region of a deceased male between 30 and 35 years old and were probably placed in a bag made of organic material. On the basis of this find and stratigraphic relations with other graves, this individual’s burial can be dated to the last quarter of the 13th century.

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Research paper thumbnail of Methodological Approach to Detecting Archaeological Sites with Metallurgical Activities on the Territory of the River Drava Basin and the Possibilities of Analysing the Collected Information

Interdisciplinary Research into Iron Metallurgy along the Drava River in Croatia

The first part of this chapter presents the results of field surveys conducted along the Drava Ri... more The first part of this chapter presents the results of field surveys conducted along the Drava River basin during the TransFER project, and the database of those archaeological sites with metallurgical activities created. The second part offers an analysis of the information collected – type and intensity of activities (smelting, smithing, etc.) throughout historical periods.

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Research paper thumbnail of Antropološka analiza ljudskog kostura s nalazišta Torčec – Prečno pole I

Tijekom istraživanja godine 2005. na položaju Torčec-Prečno pole I, pored ukopa objekata, pronađe... more Tijekom istraživanja godine 2005. na položaju Torčec-Prečno pole I, pored ukopa objekata, pronađen je i jedan ljudski kostur. Mrlja ukopa tijekom iskopavanja nije bila vidljiva, a nakon čišćenja kostura ustanovljeno je da okolo kostiju pokojnika nema nikakvih priloga, osim jednog ulomka keramike koji je pronađen uz lijevu nogu (SEKELJ IVANČAN 2006b, 78) . S obzirom da uz kostur nije bilo popratnoga arheološkog materijala koji bi pobliže datirao sam ukop, starost je određena 14C metodom. Analiza starosti 14C metodom ustanovila je da kostur potječe iz 8. stoljeća. Zanimljiv je podatak da je to jedini pronađeni ljudski kostur na tom nalazištu te da ovdje nije ustanovljeno postojanje groblja iz tog razdoblja. Kako bi se dobilo što više informacija o toj osobi, njezini skeletni ostaci podvrgnuti su opsežnoj antropološkoj analizi.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nalazi tkanine s lokaliteta Crkvari -crkva Sv. Lovre / Textile finds from the site of Crkvari – St Lovro church

Prilozi Instituta za Arheologiju

U članku su obrađeni nalazi tekstila iz grobova br. 43 i 112, pronađenih tijekom arheoloških istr... more U članku su obrađeni nalazi tekstila iz grobova br. 43 i 112, pronađenih tijekom arheoloških istraživanja 2004. i 2005. godine na lokalitetu Crkvari – crkva Sv. Lovre. Oba groba nalazila su se uza sjeverni zid crkve, unutar arheološkim istraživanjima otkrivene sakristije. Grob 43 se fizički i stratigrafski nalazio iznad groba 112. U zapuni groba 43 pronađeno je nekoliko dijelova traka tkanine sa zlatnim nitima (N 118). U zapuni groba 112 također je pronađena traka tkanine sa zlatnim nitima (PN 33), te dislocirana lubanja mlade žene, omotana ostacima tkanine vezene zlatnim nitima (PN 27). Analizom tkanine ustanovljeno je da se radi o dijelovima dvaju odjevnih predmeta, najvjerojatnije ženske kape (PN 27) te trake (PN 33 i N 118) koja je obrubljivala neki odjevni predmet. Tekstil iz oba groba pripadao je skupocjenim odjevnim predmetima, čija je upotreba bila ograničena na izdvojene i bogatije slojeve stanovništva. Na temelju arheološke stratigrafije te apsolutnokronološke datacije 14C...

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Research paper thumbnail of Paleodemografska I Paleopatološka Analiza Ljudskog Osteološkog Materijala S Nalazišta Torčec -Cirkvišče Kraj Koprivnice Paleodemography and Paleopathology Analyses of Human Osteology Material from Archeological Site Torčec-Cirkvišče (Near Koprivnica)


Ljudski koštani ostaci prikupljeni su s lokaliteta Torčec -Cirkvišče kraj Koprivnice. Materijal j... more Ljudski koštani ostaci prikupljeni su s lokaliteta Torčec -Cirkvišče kraj Koprivnice. Materijal je otkriven pri pokusnim iskopavanjima koje je 2002. vodio Institut za arheologiju iz Zagreba. Materijal se, s izuzetkom ukopa dva djeteta u posudama, datira u razdoblje od 14. do prve polovine 18. stoljeća. Paleodemografske i paleopatološke analize provedene u laboratoriju Odsjeka za arheologiju Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti pokazuju da se uzorak sastoji od 21 osobe (6 žena, 6 muškaraca i 9 djece). Prosječna doživljena starost muškaraca iznosila je 45,8 godina, a žena 31,3 godine. Uzorak karakterizira visoki subadultni mortalitet, naročito djece ispod pet godina starosti (djeca čine 42,8% ukupnog uščuvanog uzorka). Uočene su dvije traume na donjim ekstremitetima, obje kod muškaraca, od kojih je jedna vrlo teška fraktura desnog femura s jakim upalnim procesom i skraćenjem femura od oko 50 mm. Primjetne su velike razlike u učestalostima alveolarnih oboljenja i karioznih promjena...

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Research paper thumbnail of A case of skeletal tuberculosis from St. John the Baptist site in Ivankovo near Vinkovci

Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu, 30: 93-106, 2013

The paper presents the results of the anthropological analysis of human skeletal remains from gra... more The paper presents the results of the anthropological analysis of human skeletal remains from grave 14 at the site of St. John the Baptist’s church in Ivankovo near Vinkovci. Based on the archaeological finds and the stratigraphic relationship with the other graves, grave 14 can approximately be dated to the 16th century. The grave contained the burial of an adult male whose skeleton exhibited morphological changes consistent with skeletal tuberculosis – angular kyphotic deformity on the spine and the augmentation of the body of the ribs and localized abscesses on ribs. A differential diagnosis ruled out fractures, osteomyelitis, brucellosis, malignant bone tumors and Scheuermann’s disease as possible causes of the mentioned changes in the analysed skeleton. The presence of skeletal tuberculosis in Ivankovo during the 16th century fits into the geographical and chronological frame of the emergence and spread of that disease in the Carpathian Basin, with famine, outbreaks of contagio...

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Research paper thumbnail of Kasnosrednjovjekovna i ranonovovjekovna populacija iz Ivankova, istočna Hrvatska: rezultati (bio)arheološke analize / Late medieval/early modern population from Ivankovo, eastern Croatia: the results of the (bio)archaeological analysis

Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu, 2020

This paper presents the results of rescue archaeological excavations conducted around the church ... more This paper presents the results of rescue archaeological excavations conducted around the church of the Birth of St. John the Baptist in Ivankovo near Vinkovci during which 55 graves were excavated. Based on the stratigraphic relationships between the graves and archaeological finds of material culture, this Roman Catholic parish cemetery can be dated to the period from the end of the 13th to the 18th century, i.e. to the late Middle Ages and the early modern period. The archaeological finds are scarce and usually include parts of costumes and jewelry (rings, belts, belt buckles, hook-and-eye fasteners, pins, knives), which is common for this period. Aside from the archaeological finds, historical sources also attest to the existence of the parish and the cemetery during the Ottoman rule. The deceased were laid in grave pits, which were usually oriented in the west-east direction. Most graves were damaged by later burials and the skeletons themselves are also relatively poorly (partially) preserved. A detailed bioarchaeological analysis of skeletal remains from Ivankovo could be conducted on 53 people (10 children, 13 women, and 30 men). Dentoalveolar disease analysis showed a high frequency of caries and ante mortem tooth loss, which suggest poor oral health, but also a diet based on carbohydrates, i.e. grains. High rate of physiological stress indicators (cribra orbitalia and linear enamel hypoplasia), periostitis, and the presence of infectious diseases such as tuberculosis indicate that most residents were in poor health condition. The distribution and morphology of skeletal injuries from Ivankovo assemblage suggest that they were caused by accidents that probably occurred during everyday activities within the community, such as working in the field, with cattle, or in the house.

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Research paper thumbnail of The reflection of folk beliefs in burial customs in the Early Modern period in northern Croatia

Beiträge zur Mittelalterarchäologie in Österreich 35, 2019

During the Early Modern period, the population of northern Croatia was largely Roman Catholic. Th... more During the Early Modern period, the population of northern Croatia was largely Roman Catholic. Thus, the deceased members of the community were buried in parish
cemeteries, in and around the church. The typical burial rite was an inhumation in a supine position with extended legs and with the west-eastern orientation of the body. The graves are usually without grave goods, but sometimes they contain parts of clothing, jewellery and objects of personal devotion such as rosaries, small medals and crosses. However, in some cases there are exceptions and one finds socalled deviant or unusual burials. On the Torčec-Cirkvišče, Crkvari and Nova Rača sites, four skeletons in prone position were found during archaeological investigations. Such burials have been, until recently, interpreted as resulting from the fear of the dead. Among other things, a prone position of the deceased was a way of preventing the dead from returning from their graves after death and hurting the living. Several different explanations have been offered in the last decade, but from historical and ethnological literature, it is evident that the folk belief in revenants (vampires) was growing during the Early Modern period. In this paper I will try to interpret prone burials found on northern Croatian archaeological sites and establish whether they can be linked to the growth of folk beliefs in the undead.

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Research paper thumbnail of Valent, I., Krznar., S., Tkalčec, T., Novi arheološki lokaliteti s metalurškom djelatnošću na prostoru Podravine (New archaeological localities with smelting economy in Podravina Region), Podravina, Vol. 18, no. 35, 2019., 5-25.

Valent, I., Krznar., S., Tkalčec, T., Novi arheološki lokaliteti s metalurškom djelatnošću na prostoru Podravine (New archaeological localities with smelting economy in Podravina Region), Podravina, Vol. 18, no. 35, 2019., 5-25.

Podravina : časopis za multidisciplinarna istraživanja, 2019

During the first two years of work on the research project of the Croatian Science Foundation Tra... more During the first two years of work on the research project of the Croatian Science Foundation Trans-FER(IP-06-2016-5047), »Iron production along Drava river in the Antique period and in the Middle Ages: creation and transfer of knowledge, technologies and goods« which is implemented in the Podravina region under the management of , Tajana Sekelj Ivančan, Ph.D. from the Institute for archeology, systematic field inspections were carried out on several occasions with the objective of defining archelogical localities with traces of smelting economy. The paper presents results of field inspections of several positions, a part of which were selected based on toponomastics cartographic information and aerial footage. During the above mentioned inspections numerous new archeological localities from the periods of prehistory, Antique and the Middle Ages were identified. On several established localities traces of iron ore processing were observed. With reference to preliminary archeological research the paper also discusses applicability of methods used during field inspection in relation to the type of the researched localities.

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Research paper thumbnail of Terenski pregled koprivničke i đurđevačke Podravine (Field survey of the Koprivnica and Đurđevac part of the River Drava Basin)

Annales Instituti Archaeologici, 2018

Tijekom proljeća i jeseni 2017. godine članovi projektnog tima TransFER proveli su reambulaciju i... more Tijekom proljeća i jeseni 2017. godine članovi projektnog tima TransFER proveli su reambulaciju i rekognosciranje šireg područja uz rijeku Dravu. Cilj terenskih pregleda bio je utvrđivanje poznatih arheoloških nalazišta i pronalazak novih lokaliteta
povezanih s proizvodnjom i obradom željeza za potrebe znanstveno-istraživačkog projekta TransFER. No, osim položaja na kojima su po površini oranica pronađeni komadi kovačke ili talioničke zgure, tijekom više obilazaka evidentirano je nekoliko novih lokaliteta na kojima su nalazi koji ukazuju na kovačku ili talioničku djelatnost izostali, ali su prikupljeni brojni ulomci
keramičkih posuda koji ukazuju na naseljenost lokaliteta u raznim razdobljima prapovijesti, antike i srednjega vijeka. U radu se donosi pregled novopronađenih arheoloških nalazišta evidentiranih na području koprivničke i đurđevačke Podravine.

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Research paper thumbnail of Rezultati istraživanja lokaliteta Ilok – Krstbajer / Research results from Ilok – Krstbajer site

Annales Instituti Archaeologici Vol. XIV, 2018

Lokalitet Ilok ‒ Krstbajer/Ađanski kraj nalazi se u istočnom dijelu grada Iloka, oko 200 m udalje... more Lokalitet Ilok ‒ Krstbajer/Ađanski kraj nalazi se u istočnom dijelu grada Iloka, oko 200 m udaljen od granice sa Srbijom. Prvi arheološki nalazi s lokaliteta zabilježeni su 1969. godine, a pronađeni su prigodom iskopa pijeska kod gradnje obiteljskih kuća. Za potrebe gradnje zaobilaznice oko Iloka 2011. godine na ovom položaju se ponovo vadi pijesak te se izravnava dio padine i stvara okomiti profil visine oko 7 m. Time se uništava i dio lokaliteta. Kako su iz gornjeg dijela profila virile ljudske kosti a ispod njih su se ocrtavali i prapovijesni objekti, Muzej grada Iloka je u suradnji s Institutom za arheologiju proveo zaštitna istraživanja lokaliteta. U tri sezone istraživanja (2015.–2017.) istražen je najugroženiji dio uz rub profila. Otvorene su četiri sonde, a ukupna istražena površina iznosi 85 m2. Pored 188 grobova koji se uglavnom mogu datirati u srednji vijek istražen je i dio sopotskog objekta.

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Research paper thumbnail of Secrets of iron - from raw material to an iron object, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology Zagreb, 10th – 11th September 2020, Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju / Serta Instituti Archaeologici, Vol. 20, Zagreb 2022.

The International Scientific Conference entitled “Secrets of iron - from raw material to an iron ... more The International Scientific Conference entitled “Secrets of iron - from raw material to an iron object” was organized by the Institute of Archaeology in cooperation with the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb as the seventh in a series of meetings of experts on topics related to medieval archaeology, but also other archaeological and historical periods. The gathering took place in Zagreb on the 10th and 11th of September 2020 in the Gallery of the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb at 6 Pavao Hatz Street, with an all-day program. The Organizing and Scientific Committee consisted of scientists from the Institute dealing with the medieval period: Tajana Sekelj Ivančan, PhD. Tatjana Tkalčec, PhD. Juraj Belaj, PhD. Siniša Krznar PhD. and doctoral student Tena Karavidović. A total of 62 colleagues participated, of which 44 international and 18 Croatian, who presented 16 international and 11 local presentations and/or posters. Although we live in challenging and unstable times caused by the pandemic of Covid-19 virus, but also by the earthquake in Zagreb which, in the spring of 2020, significantly damaged the city centre, the intention to address issues related to iron production and the manufacture of iron objects in the pre-industrial era was successfully realised. The scientific conference was organized as a hybrid event, with presentations held at the Museum Gallery and via the web platform, all broadcasted live with the active involvement of participants in discussions through the web platform Crowdcast. Posters of the participants who were not able to attend the conference in person were printed out and available online on the Institute of Archaeology website during the conference. The official languages of the conference were Croatian and English. Several lectures and presentations from the conference were prepared for these Proceedings. The received papers cover multiple archaeological and historical periods, from the Early Iron Age up to the Modern Age, while geographically covering almost the entire European area and beyond. The Proceedings are interdisciplinary and include papers with various methodological approaches and sub-topics that permeate and complement each other. The sixteen papers collected in the publication present the results of non- invasive research methods on sites with remnants of ironworks activities, the geological study of the potential for ore formation within a lowland landscape, studies of ore sources and mining, the results of archaeological excavations of preserved furnaces, workshops and ancillary facilities, as well as insights on archaeological finds of slag and technical ceramics and iron objects, as well as discussion on long-term iron production and knowledge transfer and the results of conducted analyses from the spectrum of natural sciences which define the types of materials and technology of iron production and production of iron objects, as well as methods of approach to chemical profiling of archaeological samples. The afore- mentioned papers are signed by thirty-five (co)authors, scientists from Slovenia, Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic, Romania, Poland, Latvia, the Russian Federation and Croatia, who, each in their own way, open a new perspective and contribute to our understanding of iron production and processing. With these Proceedings, we aim to encourage some new reflections, present the results of new archaeological and interdisciplinary research and insights that will be useful in further research on specific topics related to iron production and processing, and offer them to the general scientific and professional public.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tkalčec, T., Sekelj Ivančan, T., Krznar, S., Arheologija srednjovjekovnih utvrda, naselja i groblja sjeverne Hrvatske, Monografije Instituta za arheologiju 5, Zagreb, 2021.

Tkalčec, T., Sekelj Ivančan, T., Krznar, S., Arheologija srednjovjekovnih utvrda, naselja i groblja sjeverne Hrvatske, Monografije Instituta za arheologiju 5, Zagreb, 2021.

Arheologija srednjovjekovnih utvrda, naselja i groblja sjeverne Hrvatske

Ovom smo knjigom željeli na jednome mjestu okupiti dosadašnje spoznaje o arheologiji utvrda, nase... more Ovom smo knjigom željeli na jednome mjestu okupiti dosadašnje spoznaje o arheologiji utvrda, naselja i groblja na
području sjeverne Hrvatske. Sama tema, vremenski i geografski okvir koji se u knjizi obrađuje proizlazi iz dugogodišnjih
znanstvenih istraživanja autorā. Tema je razrađena kroz tri glavna poglavlja u kojima se zasebno obrađuje problematika
srednjovjekovnih utvrda, naselja, odnosno groblja. U svakom poglavlju čitatelja se uvodi u problematiku potom se izlaže
tema i donose zasebna zaključna razmatranja. S ciljem da obimna literatura čitateljstvu bude što sistematičnije pristupačna,
ona je okupljena po problematskim cjelinama, odnosno navedena za svaku obrađivanu cjelinu zasebno.

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Research paper thumbnail of Life and death in mediaeval and early modern times. Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference of Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology, Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju / Serta Instituti Archaeologici, Vol. 14

Life and death in mediaeval and early modern times. Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference of Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology, Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju / Serta Instituti Archaeologici, Vol. 14, 2020

This edition brings 20 conference presentations, which were adapted into papers by their authors.... more This edition brings 20 conference presentations, which were adapted into papers by their authors. The intention of the conference was to acquaint scientists and the general public with new research and interpretations, and to encourage quality scientific discussion on everyday life and attitudes towards the death of mediaeval and early modern populations. As this is a topic that cannot be fully covered by archaeological methods alone, our goal was to bring together scientists of different profiles (archaeologists, anthropologists, historians, molecular biologists) in a multidisciplinary attempt to interpret the life and death of our ancestors.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fortifications, defence systems, structures and features in the past. Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology, Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju / Serta Instituti Archaeologici, Vol. 13

Fortifications, defence systems, structures and features in the past, Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju / Serta Instituti Archaeologici, 2019

This edition brings the conference papers from the 4th International Conference on Mediaeval Arch... more This edition brings the conference papers from the 4th International Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology organised by the Institute of Archaeology in Zagreb in 2017. It is a result of efforts of the medievalists of the Institute of Archaeology to establish continued international gathering of the academic community in Zagreb in order to discuss current archeological topics on mediaeval archeology. The 4th International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology Fortifications, defence systems, structures and features in the past, organized by the Institute of Archaeology in cooperation with the Croatian Institute of History, took place from the 7th till the 9th of June 2017 in Zagreb. Our wish was to encourage the researchers to present, through this topic, their knowledge on technical solutions of certain defensive elements of different fortifications, different manifestations and changes in the organization of defensive structures and systems over time, with regard to the causes of those changes and identification of possible patterns of defence systems, structures and features in a certain area, region or in a certain archaeological or historical period. Since the aim of the scientific conference was to perceive the given topic in an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary manner, we are pleased that in this book, besides the papers dealing with mediaeval fortifications, we have the opportunity to publish 37 papers that study the defence systems in the preceding and following periods (Prehistory, Antiquity, Modern Period) and that archaeological studies are complemented by the studies of historians, art historians and architects as well.

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Research paper thumbnail of Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju / Serta Instituti Archaeologici, Vol. 10. Sacralization of Landscape and Sacred Places. Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific Conference of Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology, Zagreb, 2018.

Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju / Serta Instituti Archaeologici, Vol. 10. Sacralization of Landscape and Sacred Places. Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific Conference of Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology, 2018

Human settlement of landscape raises the question of marking the landscape with one’s own religio... more Human settlement of landscape raises the question of marking the landscape with one’s own religion. Changes of religious systems or their coexistence documented in the landscape raises further questions, particularly those pertaining to broader socio-cultural phenomena and dynamics. Even if such processes are not documented in written sources, they could often be recognized in toponyms, folklore, archaeological finds and in contemporary religious practices. This publication presents analyses of sacred landscape from the perspective of: archaeology, folklore, ethnology and cultural anthropology, literature, architecture, history, art history, mathematics etc., and at the same time covers the period from prehistory, through antiquity and Slavic period and the Middle Ages to the modern period and contemporary times. In addition to this, it also compares different processes from different regions and times, by and large from Europe.

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Research paper thumbnail of Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju / Serta Instituti Archaeologici, Vol. 4: Groblja i pogrebni običaji u srednjem i ranom novom vijeku na prostoru sjeverne Hrvatske / Cemeteries and funeral customs in medieval and early modern period in the northern Croatia, Zagreb, 2016.

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Research paper thumbnail of Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju / Serta Instituti Archaeologici, Vol. 6: Srednjovjekovna naselja u svjetlu arheoloških izvora / Mediaeval Settlements in the Light of Archaeological Sources, Sekelj Ivančan, T., Tkalčec, T., Krznar, S., Belaj, J. (eds.), Zagreb 2017.

Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju / Serta Instituti Archaeologici, Vol. 6: Srednjovjekovna naselja u svjetlu arheoloških izvora / Mediaeval Settlements in the Light of Archaeological Sources, Sekelj Ivančan, T., Tkalčec, T., Krznar, S., Belaj, J. (eds.), Zagreb 2017.

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Research paper thumbnail of Trakošćan: burg-muzej

Abstract: Prvi dio knjige govori o povijesti Trakošćana te obitelji Drašković. Njen srednji i naj... more Abstract: Prvi dio knjige govori o povijesti Trakošćana te obitelji Drašković. Njen srednji i najveći dio prikazuje stalni muzejski postav dvorca Trakošćana. Knjiga završava prikazom trakošćanskog perivoja i okolice, odnosno onog njenog dijela koji se može povezati sa ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Umjetničko nasljeđe bjelobrdske kulture: nalazišta Zvonimirovo - Veliko polje i Suhopolje Kliškovac

Umjetničko nasljeđe bjelobrdske kulture, katalog izložbe, 2021

Izložba Umjetničko nasljeđe bjelobrdske kulture: nalazišta Zvonimirovo - Veliko polje i Suhopolje... more Izložba Umjetničko nasljeđe bjelobrdske kulture: nalazišta Zvonimirovo - Veliko polje i Suhopolje - Kliškovac nastala je suradnjom autorice izložbe i stručnih suradnika - akademika Željka Tomičića, dr. sc. Marka Dizdara, dr. sc. Siniše Krznara i dr. sc. Željke Bedić, koji su svojim dugogodišnjim iskustvom i radom na spomenutim lokalitetima, odnosno na području srednjovjekovne arheologije dali velik doprinos prilikom organizacije ove izložbe i kataloga. Naglasak koncepcije izložbe je na prikazivanju materijalnih i duhovnih tragova bjelobrdskog kulturnog kruga na području međuriječja Drave, Save i Dunava te njegovo integriranje u srednjoeuropski kulturni krug. Razdoblje srednjeg, pa tako i novog vijeka, zbog slabe istraženosti često pada u zaborav, stoga je ova izložba nastala kao podsjetnik na materijalno i kulturno bogatstvo srednjovjekovlja te kao poticaj na veća, posebice arheološka istraživanja potonjeg razdoblja. Ovim putem želim uputiti zahvale svojim stručnim suradnicima na izložbi i katalogu, a posebno akademiku Željku Tomičiću.
The exhibition Artistic Heritage of the Bijelo Brdo Culture: Zvonimirovo - Veliko polje and Suhopolje - Kliškovac sites was created in collaboration with the author of the exhibition and professional associates - academician Željko Tomičić, Ph.D. Marko Dizdar, Ph.D. Siniša Krznar, Ph.D. Željka Bedić, who with their many years of experience and work on the mentioned sites, ie in the field of medieval archeology, made a great contribution during the organization of this exhibition and catalog. The emphasis of the concept of the exhibition is on showing the material and spiritual traces of the Bijelo Brdo cultural circle in the area between the Drava, Sava and Danube interfluve and its integration into the Central European cultural circle. The Medieval period, including the New Age, is neglected due to poor research, so this exhibition was also created as a reminder of the material and cultural heritage of the Middle Ages and as an incentive for larger, especially archaeological research. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my professional associates at the exhibition and catalog, and especially academician Željko Tomičić.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nalaz slavonskih banskih i ugarskih denara iz groba 241 s lokaliteta Torčec-Cirkvišće / The find of Slavonian denarii banales and Hungarian denars in grave 241 at the site of Torčec-Cirkvišće

Vjesnik Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu, 2021

This paper analyses and interprets the find of medieval silver coins discovered in grave 241 duri... more This paper analyses and interprets the find of medieval silver coins discovered in grave 241 during archaeological excavations in 2014. This was denarius banalis coins minted during the reigns of kings Béla IV, Stephen V and Ladislaus IV, and six examples of Hungarian denars minted during the reign of King Stephen V. The coins were discovered in the pelvic-girdle region of a deceased male between 30 and 35 years old and were probably placed in a bag made of organic material. On the basis of this find and stratigraphic relations with other graves, this individual’s burial can be dated to the last quarter of the 13th century.

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Research paper thumbnail of Methodological Approach to Detecting Archaeological Sites with Metallurgical Activities on the Territory of the River Drava Basin and the Possibilities of Analysing the Collected Information

Interdisciplinary Research into Iron Metallurgy along the Drava River in Croatia

The first part of this chapter presents the results of field surveys conducted along the Drava Ri... more The first part of this chapter presents the results of field surveys conducted along the Drava River basin during the TransFER project, and the database of those archaeological sites with metallurgical activities created. The second part offers an analysis of the information collected – type and intensity of activities (smelting, smithing, etc.) throughout historical periods.

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Research paper thumbnail of Antropološka analiza ljudskog kostura s nalazišta Torčec – Prečno pole I

Tijekom istraživanja godine 2005. na položaju Torčec-Prečno pole I, pored ukopa objekata, pronađe... more Tijekom istraživanja godine 2005. na položaju Torčec-Prečno pole I, pored ukopa objekata, pronađen je i jedan ljudski kostur. Mrlja ukopa tijekom iskopavanja nije bila vidljiva, a nakon čišćenja kostura ustanovljeno je da okolo kostiju pokojnika nema nikakvih priloga, osim jednog ulomka keramike koji je pronađen uz lijevu nogu (SEKELJ IVANČAN 2006b, 78) . S obzirom da uz kostur nije bilo popratnoga arheološkog materijala koji bi pobliže datirao sam ukop, starost je određena 14C metodom. Analiza starosti 14C metodom ustanovila je da kostur potječe iz 8. stoljeća. Zanimljiv je podatak da je to jedini pronađeni ljudski kostur na tom nalazištu te da ovdje nije ustanovljeno postojanje groblja iz tog razdoblja. Kako bi se dobilo što više informacija o toj osobi, njezini skeletni ostaci podvrgnuti su opsežnoj antropološkoj analizi.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nalazi tkanine s lokaliteta Crkvari -crkva Sv. Lovre / Textile finds from the site of Crkvari – St Lovro church

Prilozi Instituta za Arheologiju

U članku su obrađeni nalazi tekstila iz grobova br. 43 i 112, pronađenih tijekom arheoloških istr... more U članku su obrađeni nalazi tekstila iz grobova br. 43 i 112, pronađenih tijekom arheoloških istraživanja 2004. i 2005. godine na lokalitetu Crkvari – crkva Sv. Lovre. Oba groba nalazila su se uza sjeverni zid crkve, unutar arheološkim istraživanjima otkrivene sakristije. Grob 43 se fizički i stratigrafski nalazio iznad groba 112. U zapuni groba 43 pronađeno je nekoliko dijelova traka tkanine sa zlatnim nitima (N 118). U zapuni groba 112 također je pronađena traka tkanine sa zlatnim nitima (PN 33), te dislocirana lubanja mlade žene, omotana ostacima tkanine vezene zlatnim nitima (PN 27). Analizom tkanine ustanovljeno je da se radi o dijelovima dvaju odjevnih predmeta, najvjerojatnije ženske kape (PN 27) te trake (PN 33 i N 118) koja je obrubljivala neki odjevni predmet. Tekstil iz oba groba pripadao je skupocjenim odjevnim predmetima, čija je upotreba bila ograničena na izdvojene i bogatije slojeve stanovništva. Na temelju arheološke stratigrafije te apsolutnokronološke datacije 14C...

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Research paper thumbnail of Paleodemografska I Paleopatološka Analiza Ljudskog Osteološkog Materijala S Nalazišta Torčec -Cirkvišče Kraj Koprivnice Paleodemography and Paleopathology Analyses of Human Osteology Material from Archeological Site Torčec-Cirkvišče (Near Koprivnica)


Ljudski koštani ostaci prikupljeni su s lokaliteta Torčec -Cirkvišče kraj Koprivnice. Materijal j... more Ljudski koštani ostaci prikupljeni su s lokaliteta Torčec -Cirkvišče kraj Koprivnice. Materijal je otkriven pri pokusnim iskopavanjima koje je 2002. vodio Institut za arheologiju iz Zagreba. Materijal se, s izuzetkom ukopa dva djeteta u posudama, datira u razdoblje od 14. do prve polovine 18. stoljeća. Paleodemografske i paleopatološke analize provedene u laboratoriju Odsjeka za arheologiju Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti pokazuju da se uzorak sastoji od 21 osobe (6 žena, 6 muškaraca i 9 djece). Prosječna doživljena starost muškaraca iznosila je 45,8 godina, a žena 31,3 godine. Uzorak karakterizira visoki subadultni mortalitet, naročito djece ispod pet godina starosti (djeca čine 42,8% ukupnog uščuvanog uzorka). Uočene su dvije traume na donjim ekstremitetima, obje kod muškaraca, od kojih je jedna vrlo teška fraktura desnog femura s jakim upalnim procesom i skraćenjem femura od oko 50 mm. Primjetne su velike razlike u učestalostima alveolarnih oboljenja i karioznih promjena...

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Research paper thumbnail of A case of skeletal tuberculosis from St. John the Baptist site in Ivankovo near Vinkovci

Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu, 30: 93-106, 2013

The paper presents the results of the anthropological analysis of human skeletal remains from gra... more The paper presents the results of the anthropological analysis of human skeletal remains from grave 14 at the site of St. John the Baptist’s church in Ivankovo near Vinkovci. Based on the archaeological finds and the stratigraphic relationship with the other graves, grave 14 can approximately be dated to the 16th century. The grave contained the burial of an adult male whose skeleton exhibited morphological changes consistent with skeletal tuberculosis – angular kyphotic deformity on the spine and the augmentation of the body of the ribs and localized abscesses on ribs. A differential diagnosis ruled out fractures, osteomyelitis, brucellosis, malignant bone tumors and Scheuermann’s disease as possible causes of the mentioned changes in the analysed skeleton. The presence of skeletal tuberculosis in Ivankovo during the 16th century fits into the geographical and chronological frame of the emergence and spread of that disease in the Carpathian Basin, with famine, outbreaks of contagio...

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Research paper thumbnail of Kasnosrednjovjekovna i ranonovovjekovna populacija iz Ivankova, istočna Hrvatska: rezultati (bio)arheološke analize / Late medieval/early modern population from Ivankovo, eastern Croatia: the results of the (bio)archaeological analysis

Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu, 2020

This paper presents the results of rescue archaeological excavations conducted around the church ... more This paper presents the results of rescue archaeological excavations conducted around the church of the Birth of St. John the Baptist in Ivankovo near Vinkovci during which 55 graves were excavated. Based on the stratigraphic relationships between the graves and archaeological finds of material culture, this Roman Catholic parish cemetery can be dated to the period from the end of the 13th to the 18th century, i.e. to the late Middle Ages and the early modern period. The archaeological finds are scarce and usually include parts of costumes and jewelry (rings, belts, belt buckles, hook-and-eye fasteners, pins, knives), which is common for this period. Aside from the archaeological finds, historical sources also attest to the existence of the parish and the cemetery during the Ottoman rule. The deceased were laid in grave pits, which were usually oriented in the west-east direction. Most graves were damaged by later burials and the skeletons themselves are also relatively poorly (partially) preserved. A detailed bioarchaeological analysis of skeletal remains from Ivankovo could be conducted on 53 people (10 children, 13 women, and 30 men). Dentoalveolar disease analysis showed a high frequency of caries and ante mortem tooth loss, which suggest poor oral health, but also a diet based on carbohydrates, i.e. grains. High rate of physiological stress indicators (cribra orbitalia and linear enamel hypoplasia), periostitis, and the presence of infectious diseases such as tuberculosis indicate that most residents were in poor health condition. The distribution and morphology of skeletal injuries from Ivankovo assemblage suggest that they were caused by accidents that probably occurred during everyday activities within the community, such as working in the field, with cattle, or in the house.

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Research paper thumbnail of The reflection of folk beliefs in burial customs in the Early Modern period in northern Croatia

Beiträge zur Mittelalterarchäologie in Österreich 35, 2019

During the Early Modern period, the population of northern Croatia was largely Roman Catholic. Th... more During the Early Modern period, the population of northern Croatia was largely Roman Catholic. Thus, the deceased members of the community were buried in parish
cemeteries, in and around the church. The typical burial rite was an inhumation in a supine position with extended legs and with the west-eastern orientation of the body. The graves are usually without grave goods, but sometimes they contain parts of clothing, jewellery and objects of personal devotion such as rosaries, small medals and crosses. However, in some cases there are exceptions and one finds socalled deviant or unusual burials. On the Torčec-Cirkvišče, Crkvari and Nova Rača sites, four skeletons in prone position were found during archaeological investigations. Such burials have been, until recently, interpreted as resulting from the fear of the dead. Among other things, a prone position of the deceased was a way of preventing the dead from returning from their graves after death and hurting the living. Several different explanations have been offered in the last decade, but from historical and ethnological literature, it is evident that the folk belief in revenants (vampires) was growing during the Early Modern period. In this paper I will try to interpret prone burials found on northern Croatian archaeological sites and establish whether they can be linked to the growth of folk beliefs in the undead.

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Research paper thumbnail of Valent, I., Krznar., S., Tkalčec, T., Novi arheološki lokaliteti s metalurškom djelatnošću na prostoru Podravine (New archaeological localities with smelting economy in Podravina Region), Podravina, Vol. 18, no. 35, 2019., 5-25.

Valent, I., Krznar., S., Tkalčec, T., Novi arheološki lokaliteti s metalurškom djelatnošću na prostoru Podravine (New archaeological localities with smelting economy in Podravina Region), Podravina, Vol. 18, no. 35, 2019., 5-25.

Podravina : časopis za multidisciplinarna istraživanja, 2019

During the first two years of work on the research project of the Croatian Science Foundation Tra... more During the first two years of work on the research project of the Croatian Science Foundation Trans-FER(IP-06-2016-5047), »Iron production along Drava river in the Antique period and in the Middle Ages: creation and transfer of knowledge, technologies and goods« which is implemented in the Podravina region under the management of , Tajana Sekelj Ivančan, Ph.D. from the Institute for archeology, systematic field inspections were carried out on several occasions with the objective of defining archelogical localities with traces of smelting economy. The paper presents results of field inspections of several positions, a part of which were selected based on toponomastics cartographic information and aerial footage. During the above mentioned inspections numerous new archeological localities from the periods of prehistory, Antique and the Middle Ages were identified. On several established localities traces of iron ore processing were observed. With reference to preliminary archeological research the paper also discusses applicability of methods used during field inspection in relation to the type of the researched localities.

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Research paper thumbnail of Terenski pregled koprivničke i đurđevačke Podravine (Field survey of the Koprivnica and Đurđevac part of the River Drava Basin)

Annales Instituti Archaeologici, 2018

Tijekom proljeća i jeseni 2017. godine članovi projektnog tima TransFER proveli su reambulaciju i... more Tijekom proljeća i jeseni 2017. godine članovi projektnog tima TransFER proveli su reambulaciju i rekognosciranje šireg područja uz rijeku Dravu. Cilj terenskih pregleda bio je utvrđivanje poznatih arheoloških nalazišta i pronalazak novih lokaliteta
povezanih s proizvodnjom i obradom željeza za potrebe znanstveno-istraživačkog projekta TransFER. No, osim položaja na kojima su po površini oranica pronađeni komadi kovačke ili talioničke zgure, tijekom više obilazaka evidentirano je nekoliko novih lokaliteta na kojima su nalazi koji ukazuju na kovačku ili talioničku djelatnost izostali, ali su prikupljeni brojni ulomci
keramičkih posuda koji ukazuju na naseljenost lokaliteta u raznim razdobljima prapovijesti, antike i srednjega vijeka. U radu se donosi pregled novopronađenih arheoloških nalazišta evidentiranih na području koprivničke i đurđevačke Podravine.

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Research paper thumbnail of Rezultati istraživanja lokaliteta Ilok – Krstbajer / Research results from Ilok – Krstbajer site

Annales Instituti Archaeologici Vol. XIV, 2018

Lokalitet Ilok ‒ Krstbajer/Ađanski kraj nalazi se u istočnom dijelu grada Iloka, oko 200 m udalje... more Lokalitet Ilok ‒ Krstbajer/Ađanski kraj nalazi se u istočnom dijelu grada Iloka, oko 200 m udaljen od granice sa Srbijom. Prvi arheološki nalazi s lokaliteta zabilježeni su 1969. godine, a pronađeni su prigodom iskopa pijeska kod gradnje obiteljskih kuća. Za potrebe gradnje zaobilaznice oko Iloka 2011. godine na ovom položaju se ponovo vadi pijesak te se izravnava dio padine i stvara okomiti profil visine oko 7 m. Time se uništava i dio lokaliteta. Kako su iz gornjeg dijela profila virile ljudske kosti a ispod njih su se ocrtavali i prapovijesni objekti, Muzej grada Iloka je u suradnji s Institutom za arheologiju proveo zaštitna istraživanja lokaliteta. U tri sezone istraživanja (2015.–2017.) istražen je najugroženiji dio uz rub profila. Otvorene su četiri sonde, a ukupna istražena površina iznosi 85 m2. Pored 188 grobova koji se uglavnom mogu datirati u srednji vijek istražen je i dio sopotskog objekta.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2017. Novak et al. (ActaMusTib).pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of Druga sezona arheoloških istraživanja kasnosrednjovjekovnog arheološkog kompleksa Grubišno Polje – Šuma Obrovi

Annales Instituti Archaeologici / Godišnjak Instituta za arheologiju, 2017

In July 2016 the Institute of Archaeology conducted a research on the positions Grubišno Polje - ... more In July 2016 the Institute of Archaeology conducted a research on
the positions Grubišno Polje - Šuma Obrovi 2 and 3. The research was
focused on the position GPŠO-2 where the traces of sacral building and
the cemetery were discovered. At the nearby position GPŠO 3 only smaller trial trench was opened within which the archaeological finds of settlement character from the 14th century were found.
On the GPŠO 2, position of the primary interest of this year research, four trenches were excavated with total area of about 100 m2 (trenches 3–6). In the trenches 3 and 5 we have tried to define a disposition of a sacral building for which we have assumed to find, more precisely – its apse section, due to the semi-circular depressions in the field configuration. The excavation has resulted with partially defined layout
of the sanctuary and the northern sacristy (?) but the western part of the
building layout was not defined. In the trenches 3 and 4, 67 graves were
also found. There were very few finds in the graves (mostly metal parts of clothing) and the bones of deceased were extremely badly preserved. On the basis of the mutual relations of the graves three horizons of burial can be established, all dating to the period from 12th till 16th century. Above the graves (or some of the graves) in the trench 3 a phase of strata of a secular character was also observed. In that layer numerous post-holes and pits with scarce finds (pottery sherds, dislocated human bones) or none finds in their backfills have been discovered. Before detailed analysis of all findings and stratigraphic relations question of a settlement layer remains open. Namely, there are possibilities that this layer presents an intermediate stage or that it originates from the time after the cemetery has been abandoned.

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Research paper thumbnail of Rezultati istraživanja lokaliteta Torčec – Cirkvišče 2016. godine

Annales Instituti Archaeologici / Godišnjak Instituta za arheologiju, 2017

During August 2016, the Institute of Archaeology carried out the most probably last season of res... more During August 2016, the Institute of Archaeology carried out the
most probably last season of research at the position Torčec-Cirkvišče. This research was carried out on the same cadastral plot 5284/6 c.m. Đelekovec, but in its western part, along the road that leads from Torčec to Đelekovec. Four trenches were excavated, and the total explored area was 190 m2. In addition to the 69 graves that are mainly dated to early modern period, part of the ditch which separated the profane and the sacred space and part of the medieval village located west of the cemetery have been investigated.

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Research paper thumbnail of The identity of the community and the identity of the individual. The burial of the deceased within the settlement in the Middle Ages in Northern Croatia

Burying the deceased within the settlement area but outside of consecrated ground of the cemetery... more Burying the deceased within the settlement area but outside of consecrated ground of the cemetery that belonged to the community was considered as unusual throughout the Middle Ages. A relatively small number of burials within settlements were found in Northern Croatia. There are burials of three men, two very small children (a foetus and a new-born), and one individual of unknown sex and age. The burials of two men can be dated to the 8th century, one to the 14th century, a foetus to the second half of the 14th century and the new-born in a pot to the period from the 15th – 17th century. This paper presents possible interpretations of these unusual burials that occur within the settlement but outside of regular cemeteries. Although there a number of interpretations offered by Western and Central European archaeologists for such burials during the early Middle Ages, they emphasise the need for a special consideration of similar cases in subsequent periods when Christianity was fully established. Some historical sources testify to cases of hidden burials of small children within the settlement or settlement structures – in such cases it usually occurred because of infanticide, but for other age categories these historical sources mostly remain silent. Archaeology may provide a large contribution by defining whether the burial took place within the village on a private household plot or on the communal village property. Only within the well-known archaeological context can we discuss with more certainty specific relationships between the particular identity of the deceased and community identity.

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Research paper thumbnail of Neuobičajeni ritus pokopavanja u srednjem i novom vijeku na prostoru sjeverne Hrvatske

Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju, IV

Na području sjeverne Hrvatske u srednjem i novom vijeku zabilježeni su ukopi koji se nekim svojim... more Na području sjeverne Hrvatske u srednjem i novom vijeku zabilježeni su ukopi koji se nekim svojim elementima razlikuju od normalnih
pokopa članova zajednice. U ovom radu analizirana su 24 ukopa pronađena unutar regularnih groblja, a koji su se od drugih grobova
razlikovali neuobičajenim položajem tijela. Riječ je o grobovima s osam lokaliteta koji se datiraju od ranog srednjeg do novog vijeka. U
analizu su uključene samo odrasle osobe, a u obzir je uzet njihov položaj tijela, prisutnost ili odsutnost nalaza, spol, starost te patološka
stanja evidentirana na kosturu. Navedeni su kriteriji razmotreni kako bi se utvrdili razlozi neuobičajenog položaja tijela pokojnika. Iako
su određena patološka stanja možda mogla pojačati potrebu za drugačijim ukopom, glavne razloge za takav ritus treba ipak potražiti
drugdje, najvjerojatnije unutar sustava narodnih vjerovanja, načinu života i/ili smrti pojedinca, odnosno percepcije te pokopane osobe
unutar zajednice.

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Research paper thumbnail of Torčec – Cirkvišče, arheološka istraživanja srednjovjekovnog i ranonovovjekovnog groblja 2015. godine

Tijekom rujna i listopada 2015. godine provedena je nova sezona istraživanja župnog groblja i crk... more Tijekom rujna i listopada 2015. godine provedena je nova sezona istraživanja župnog groblja i crkve na lokalitetu Torčec-Cirkvišče.
Otvorena je sonda površine 75 m2, no zbog velikog broja grobova u potpunosti je istražen samo njen istočni dio. U ovoj je sezoni istraženo 85 grobova, što ukupno čini 384 do sada pronađena groba na lokalitetu. Grobovi pronađeni u ovoj sezoni mogu se na temelju pojedinih nalaza te 14C analiza datirati od kraja 12. pa do 18. stoljeća.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cirkvišče, ritualno mjesto starih Torčanaca, in: Arheologija Torčeca. Izbor iz Arheološke zbirke obitelji Zvijerac.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nova sezona istraživanja lokaliteta Torčec - Cirkvišče

U listopadu 2014. godine provedena je šesta sezona istraživanja lokaliteta Torčec – Cirkvišče. Ti... more U listopadu 2014. godine provedena je šesta sezona istraživanja lokaliteta Torčec – Cirkvišče. Tijekom istraživanja otvorena
je sonda površine 100 m2, odnosno četiri kvadranta (I, J i K 8 te K9). Unutar istražene površine pronađeni su skromni ostaci
crkve (dio južnog zida te apside), 76 novih grobova i četiri groba koji su dijelom istraženi 2012. godine te dio dubokog jarka
koji je vjerojatno služio i kao rub groblja. Većina ove sezone pronađenih grobova pripada ranijoj fazi župnoga groblja i na
osnovi 14C analiza te pojedinih nalaza mogu se datirati od sredine 12. do kraja 14. stoljeća.

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Research paper thumbnail of Okrugli stol: Mrtvačko ruho

by Institut za arheologiju, Zagreb, Katarina Botić, Hrvoje Kalafatić, Mislav Čavka, Marko Dizdar, Marina Ugarković, Anita Rapan Papeša, Siniša Krznar, Anita Adamić, Tatjana Tkalčec, and Ana Azinović Bebek

16. 1. 2017. Institut za arheologiju ima čast pozvati Vas na okrugli stol s temom Mrtvačko ruho... more 16. 1. 2017.

Institut za arheologiju ima čast pozvati Vas na okrugli stol s temom

Mrtvačko ruho

koji će se održati u knjižnici Instituta za arheologiju
u utorak, 17. siječnja 2017. u 9.30 sati

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Research paper thumbnail of ADAG - Arheološki, Dokumentacijski i Antropološki pristup iskopavanju, dokumentiranju i interpretaciji Grobova, 2015.

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Research paper thumbnail of S. Krznar, Arheološki pokazatelji vjerovanja u vampire, 2015.

Doktorski seminar o vjerovanju u vampire i njegovim arheološkim pokazateljima u srednjem i novom ... more Doktorski seminar o vjerovanju u vampire i njegovim arheološkim pokazateljima u srednjem i novom vijeku održati će dr. sc. Siniša Krznar

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Research paper thumbnail of Radionica: Upoznajmo svoje kosti, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Medieval cemetery at the Ilok-Krstbajer site

Mediaeval cemetery in Ilok, excavated from 2015 - 2017, 188 graves were explored. On the basis o... more Mediaeval cemetery in Ilok, excavated from 2015 - 2017, 188 graves were explored. On the basis of some small finds and 14C dates, the graveyard continuance can be dated from the end of the 12th to the transition from the 15th to the 16th century.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sacralisation of Landscape and Sacred Places

the Institute of Archaeology is organizing the 3rd International Scientific Conference of Mediaev... more the Institute of Archaeology is organizing the 3rd International Scientific Conference of Mediaeval Archaeology, entitled
Sacralisation of Landscape and Sacred Places
which will be held on the 2nd and 3rd June 2016, at the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb, 19 Zrinski square, Zagreb, Croatia.
Human settlement of landscape raises also the question of marking the landscape with one’s own religion. A similar happens when religious systems are changed. In addition, we often witness preserved continuity of sacred places. Such procedures are often undocumented, but their traces can still be found in toponyms, folklore, archaeological finds and in contemporary religious practices. The Conference will gather about 80 participants from Croatia and abroad They will approach the conference theme from different research perspectives and disciplines.
Introductory plenary lecture "Sacral spatial arrangement of landscape" will be given by prof. dddr. Andrej Pleterski, Research Advisor, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
The Conference consists of the following sessions:
- Human and sacred landscape: paradigms
- Traces of sacred sites: prehistory
- Myth in landscape
- Sacred place - the arena of religious discourses
- Social realities in the sacralisation of space
- Narratives and practices in the sacralisation of space
- Reading of holy places and sites in Islamic tradition
- Traces of sacred sites: antiquity
- (De)Sacralisations: spatial biographies
- Christian spatial symbolisation

The Conference programme and the book of abstracts are attached in the pdf file.
Feel free to join us at the Conference, you are kindly invited!

With kind regards,
Dr Juraj Belaj, senior research associate
(on behalf of the organization committee)

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Research paper thumbnail of Ceramics, People and Places -The Significance of Ceramics for the Study of Social Relations in the Middle Ages Keramika, ljudi i mjestaznačaj keramike u proučavanju društvenih odnosa u srednjem vijeku, Programme and Book of Abstracts

Programme and Book of Abstracts - Ceramics, People and Places - The Significance of Ceramics for the Study of Social Relations in the Middle Ages, 2024

Institute of Archaeology is organizing the9th International Conference on Medieval Archaeology ... more Institute of Archaeology is organizing the9th International Conference on Medieval Archaeology
"Ceramics, People and Places - The Significance of Ceramics for the Study of Social Relations in the Middle Ages",
which will be held on the 6th and 7th of June 2024, at the conference hall of the Institute of Archaeology, Ulica kralja Zvonimira 6, Zagreb.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fortifications, defence systems, structures and features in the past

4th International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology ... more 4th International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology is going to be held in Zagreb from 7th till 9th June 2017.
Book of abstracts give all the informations on the conference program and the abstracts of 74 lectures and 14 posters.
There are 123 participants from 16 countries at the conference.
The conference is organised by Institute of Archaeology (Zagreb) in co-organisation with the Croatian Institute of History.
The place of the Conference is in the Croatian Institute of History (Opatička 10, Zagreb).
Partners of the Conference are Archaeological museum in Zagreb and Zagreb City Museum.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sacralization of Landscape and Sacred Places

Book of Abstracts. The Institute of Archaeology is organizing the 3rd International Scientific Co... more Book of Abstracts. The Institute of Archaeology is organizing the 3rd International Scientific Conference of Mediaeval Archaeology, entitled
"Sacralisation of Landscape and Sacred Places"
which will be held on the 2nd and 3rd June 2016, at the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb, 19 Zrinski square, Zagreb, Croatia.

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Research paper thumbnail of Call-for-Conference-participation_Life and death in mediaeval and early modern times.pdf

Dear colleagues! We are kindly inviting you to take part in the 5th International Scientific Con... more Dear colleagues!

We are kindly inviting you to take part in the 5th International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology entitled Life and death in mediaeval and early modern times organized by the Institute of Archaeology, which will be held in Zagreb, Croatia, on 6 - 8 June 2018.

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Research paper thumbnail of Srednjovjekovna naselja u svjetlu arheoloških izvora / Mediaeval Settlements in the Light of Archaeological Sources, Zagreb 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of 7th International Conference of Mediaeval Archaeology / 7. međunarodni znanstveni skup srednjovjekovne arheologije:     Secrets of iron - from raw material to an iron object  / Tajne željeza - od sirovine do željeznog predmeta

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Research paper thumbnail of Call for Conference participation_Secrets of iron -from raw material to an iron object

Dear colleagues, We are pleased to invite you to the7th International Scientific Conference on ... more Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to the7th International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology " Secrets of iron - from raw material to an iron object“
The conference will be held in Zagreb, Croatia, 3 - 6 June 2020.

Theme of the Conference includes all archaeological periods. Since the character of this subject transcends the traditional boundaries of the archaeological discipline, so we are looking forward to a multidisciplinary encounter of different ideas, approaches, methods, results and interpretations.

- the official languages of the conference are Croatian and English,
- if you plan to deliver your presentation in Croatian, we kindly ask you to submit the title and summary of the presentation in both Croatian and English,
- presentations are limited to 20 minutes.

Please see the attached file for more details.
Poštovane kolegice i kolege,

zadovoljstvo nam je pozvati Vas na 7. međunarodni znanstveni skup srednjovjekovne arheologije Instituta za arheologiju „Tajne željeza - od sirovine do željeznog predmeta / Secrets of iron - from raw material to an iron object“
Skup će se održati od 3. do 6. lipnja 2020. u Zagrebu.

Tema skupa obuhvaća sva arheološka razdoblja i nadilazi okvir arheološke discipline te stoga priželjkujemo multidisciplinarni susret različitih ideja, pristupa, metoda, rezultata i interpretacija.

- službeni jezici skupa su hrvatski i engleski,
- ako planirate izlagati na hrvatskom jeziku, molimo da naslov i sažetak izlaganja pošaljete na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku,
- predviđeno trajanje izlaganja je 20 minuta.

Za više detalja pogledajte priložene dokumente.

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Research paper thumbnail of Call for Conference participation_Using landscape.pdf

Dear colleagues! We are kindly inviting you to take part in the 6th International Scientific Conf... more Dear colleagues! We are kindly inviting you to take part in the 6th International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology entitled Using landscape in the Middle Ages in the light of interdisciplinary research organized by the Institute of Archaeology, which will be held in Zagreb, Croatia, 6–7 June 2019.

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Institute of Archaeology is organizing the 6th International Conference on Medieval Archaeology U... more Institute of Archaeology is organizing the 6th International Conference on Medieval Archaeology USING LANDSCAPE IN THE MIDDLE AGES IN THE LIGHT OF INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH / KORIŠTENJE KRAJOLIKA U SREDNJEM VIJEKU U SVJETLU INTERDISCIPLINARNIH ISTRAŽIVANJA which will be held on the 6th of June 2019, at the Library of the Institute of Archaeology, Ljudevita Gaja 32, Zagreb.

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Research paper thumbnail of Call for Conference participation_Ceramics, People and Places

Dear colleagues! We kindly invite you to take part in the 9th International Scientific Confere... more Dear colleagues!

We kindly invite you to take part in the 9th International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology entitled "Ceramics, People and places: the Significance of Ceramics for the Study of Social Relations in the Middle Ages", which will be held in Zagreb 6—7 June 2024.

Please find more details in attached documents.

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