Benjamin Ehigie | University of Ibadan (original) (raw)

Papers by Benjamin Ehigie

Research paper thumbnail of Emotional intelligence and organizational communication in perceived teamwork effectiveness among bank employees in Nigeria

Team Performance Management, Apr 18, 2023

Purpose This study aims to examine emotional intelligence (EI) and organizational communication a... more Purpose This study aims to examine emotional intelligence (EI) and organizational communication as predictors of teamwork effectiveness among bank employees in Nigeria. The Nigerian banking industry suffered financial crisis, leading to depression, following inability to meet standards of the regulatory body. With current emphasis on teamwork for business growth, literatures suggest EI and organizational communication as predictors for teamwork effectiveness. Design/methodology/approach A cross-sectional survey of 230 bank employees, selected through multistage sampling, using a valid and reliable structured questionnaire that incorporated all research variables was used for data collection. A questionnaire containing the research scales was administered and data were collected. Findings Positive relationship was established between perceived teamwork effectiveness and components of EI, including self-emotion appraisal, other’s emotion appraisal (OEA), actual use of emotion and regulation of emotion (ROE) and perceived organizational communication effectiveness. Hierarchical regression analysis reveals that age, gender, job status and educational qualification jointly predicted teamwork effectiveness, although only educational qualification contributed significantly. The inclusion of EI dimensions showed that only OEA, actual use of emotion and ROE were significant predictors, along with organizational communication. Research limitations/implications Data collected were based on self-report of the participants. It is advised that more objective measures could be devised. The findings are limited to the banking industry and cannot be generalized to other work organizations. The research was conducted in Nigeria, a developing country; thus, the findings may not be generalized to the developed nations. Practical implications Educational factor could be applied in engaging team members. On the alternative, commercial banks should invest in periodic training programs to enhance employee communication skills and EI. Human resources personnel could use these research outcomes to enhance the selection and placement of employees in commercial banks. By these research findings the adequacies of some psychological theories in explaining team effectiveness have been empirically implicated, and the literature on team effectiveness has been increased. Consequently, commercial banks should invest in periodic training programs to enhance employee communication skills and EI, and use these findings to enhance selection and placement in Nigerian banks. It is evident from the results of the present study that the more educated team members are the more likely their teams would be effective in the teamwork. However, periodic training (both off the job and on the job) on EI and its pertinent dimensions, and adoption of appropriate communication styles, could be used to compliment educational deficiencies. Thus, the less educated persons could function adequately in teams if they receive the empowerment. The human resources managers are to note that new bank employees would be better team players when there are adequate orientated on programs on how towards effective to communicate at teamwork functions. Social implications It is evident from these research findings that EI and appropriate organizational communication are behavioral tools that could enhance team interaction and consequently improve team effectiveness. Originality/value It is revealed how teams could be made effective through the combined factors of EI and organizational communication, especially among bank employees in Nigeria. Unlike some other studies, this research discovered the specific EI factors that could enhance team effectiveness, not just general EI. It empirically validated some theories that are proposed in relation to EI and organizational communication. This study showcased how teams could be made more effective in the banking sector of the Nigerian economy.

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Research paper thumbnail of Personality factors and emotional Intelligence as predictors of frontline hotel employees’ emotional labour

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Research paper thumbnail of Antecedents of organizational citizenship behaviour in a government-owned enterprise in Nigeria

European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Dec 1, 2005

The study examines the generalizability of perceived organizational support (POS) and perceived f... more The study examines the generalizability of perceived organizational support (POS) and perceived fair interpersonal treatment (PFIT) as positive correlates of organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) in Nigeria. In a study conducted, 207 lower management employees of National Electric Power Authority (NEPA), a government-owned enterprise in Nigeria, were selected as participants. Standardized psychological scales measuring POS, PFIT, and three facets of OCB (helping, civic virtue, and sportsmanship) were administered. Data analysed using Pearson correlation and hierarchical regression analysis (controlling gender, age, and tenure) respectively showed independent and joint positive association of POS and PFIT with OCB and each of its three dimensions. It is concluded that to enhance OCB among employees of organizations, especially government-owned enterprises in Nigeria, management need to device policies and put in place programmes that would ensure enhanced organizational support and fair interpersonal treatment.

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Research paper thumbnail of Colour Preference among Children in a Nigerian Montessori School

Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Contextual factors as predictors of involvement in organisational management among police officers in the South-West, Nigeria

African Journal for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Mar 30, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Multiple versus singular presentation of television commercials and efficacy

No Abstract Available African Journal for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Vol.4(2) 1999:... more No Abstract Available African Journal for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Vol.4(2) 1999: 265-27

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Research paper thumbnail of Psychological Strategies in Managing Television Commercial Efficacy

IFE PsychologIA, 2001

This paper examined advertisement presentation frequency (repetitive Versus non- repetitive), typ... more This paper examined advertisement presentation frequency (repetitive Versus non- repetitive), type of stimulus (familiar versus novel), and information source (credible versus non-credible) as psychological strategies of managing television commercial efficacy. Subject's total score on recall of advert information, attitude to an advert, and intention to buy an advertised product was used as a measure of advertisement efficacy. By employing 2 x 2 x 2 factorial design, eight advert pieces were designed to reflect the levels of the independent variables. Standardized psychological instruments were used to measure the dependent variable. The result of the 2 x 2 x 2 analysis of variance (ANOVA) computed showed significant main effect of each of the independent variables on the dependent variable. Except the interaction effect between presentation frequency and information source, all others were significant. It was finally suggested for advertisement practitioners to repeat advert messages, use familiar stimulus background information and perceived credible persons in disseminating advert messages. A total of 80 (40 males, 40 females) randomly selected secondary school students were used for the study IFE PsychologIA Vol 9, No1 2001, pp. 115-122

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AUTHORS' CONTRIBUTIONS This work was carried out in collaboration between all authors. Author RIE... more AUTHORS' CONTRIBUTIONS This work was carried out in collaboration between all authors. Author RIE originated and designed the study, managed the literature searches, wrote the protocol and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. Author MMO supervised the execution and edited the first draft, while author BOE guided and managed the statistical analysis and did the structural arrangement of the paper. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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Research paper thumbnail of Development and Validation of Sports Betting Addictive Behaviour Scale

There has been growing societal problems relating to gambling particularly those related to crime... more There has been growing societal problems relating to gambling particularly those related to crime. Recently, gambling has been tilting towards sports betting since other forms of gambling are gradually fading away. Unfortunately, there is no specific tool to measure addiction to sports gambling. This informed the development and validation of sports betting addictive behaviour scale. A total of 366 (Male = 325; Female = 39) sports bettors were selected from three major towns in Benue state including Makurdi, Gboko and Otukpo. Using literature review and focused group discussion, 59 items were generated. Using 5 lecturers and 2 Postgraduate students, content and face validity were established respectively. The already standardized gambling addictive behaviour for adolescents scale was used to establish convergent validity. Results of the content and face validity at 70% level of item acceptance resulted to 46 items. All the 46 items that passed the content and face validity were further returned after item-total correlation using r = .30 criterion. Convergent validity of r = .965 was obtained by correlating Sports Betting Addictive Behaviour Scale and Gambling Addictive Behaviour for Adolescents Scale.

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Citizenship behavior research and measurement has been limited to organizational settings, hence ... more Citizenship behavior research and measurement has been limited to organizational settings, hence the dearth of standardized tools to measure citizenship behavior towards a nation. Nigeria is characterized of citizenship issues, hence the necessity for a tool to quantify the citizenship behaviour of Nigerians for better policy formulation. The Nigerian Citizenship Behavior (NCB) scale was consequently developed. Aided by literature search and experts' opinions, 78-items were generated and mailed to 2404 (M=1439, F=965) postgraduate students of a Nigerian university, as online survey. Content and face validity produced 60 items; reduced to 50 by item analysis (minimum r=0.30). Divergent validity (r=-0.28) and convergent validity (r=0.44) were obtained using Counter-Productive Work Behavior (CWB) and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) scales respectively. Cronbach α=0.941, split-half r=0.728, factor analyses with principal component and varimax rotation yielded five components (Altruism, Attachment, Affectivity, Civic responsibility, Allegiance). The strength of the scale in assessing citizenship behavior across varying contexts in Nigeria was discussed.

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Research paper thumbnail of African Perspective of Social Distancing in Pandemics: Adoption Challenges

In public health, social distancing is a set of nonpharmaceutical interventions or measures inten... more In public health, social distancing is a set of nonpharmaceutical interventions or measures intended to prevent the spread of a contagious disease, by maintaining a physical distance between people. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Health Organization suggested the term, 'physical distancing,' as opposed to 'social distancing', arguing that it is a physical distance which prevents transmission; people can remain socially connected via technology. This paper discusses the concepts of social distance, social distancing, physical distancing, self-quarantine, self-isolation, symptomatic, asymptomatic and parasymptomatic cases as they relate to COVID-19 and African perception of pandemic diseases. Although the idea of social distancing is not novel to the Africans, but a challenge in its implementation is that historically, social distancing is rather applied to non-infectious cases like mental illness, epilepsy, infertility, aging, victims of sexual violence and the like. The paper utilizes health-related theories and pertinent empirical findings to explain African perspective of social distancing and the challenges of adoption in pandemic situations. The theories on health risk perception reviewed include the protection motivation theory, the health belief model, the extended parallel process model and the precaution adoption process model. From consumer psychology background on product adoption, a conceptual model for 'social distancing' adoption in pandemics was advanced. These ancient and novel health-related theories and models were applied to explain the erroneous understanding, perception and adoption challenges of social distancing in Africa, leading to possible increase in the spread of the coronavirus.

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Research paper thumbnail of Personnality Attributes and Tax Morale as Predictors of Willingness to Pay Tax: A Study of Tax Payers, Ogun State Nigeria

From the history of revenue generation in Nigeria, various governments; local, state and federal ... more From the history of revenue generation in Nigeria, various governments; local, state and federal have tried to increase the level of tax compliance. Most often adopted is an obdurate attitude towards all taxpayers by applying laws and regulations to sanction and fine evaders. These means of enforcement proved to be without a significant success. Towards the end of the 20th century, governments have realized that a change is needed in order to increase revenue generation through tax collection. Adopting psychological strategies, rather than economic laws and regulations, could impel voluntary decisions for tax payment. This paper therefore examined personality attributes (openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism) and tax morale as predictors of Ogun State taxpayers’ willingness to pay.An ex-post facto research design was adopted, while participants comprised 154 taxpayers randomly selected at the tax paying station in Ogun State. Personality attributes an...

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Research paper thumbnail of Mentoring and organizational behaviour

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Research paper thumbnail of African Perspective of Social Distancing in Pandemics: Adoption Challenges

Psychological Studies, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Development and Validation of Sports Betting Addictive Behaviour Scale

There has been growing societal problems relating to gambling particularly those related to crime... more There has been growing societal problems relating to gambling particularly those related to crime. Recently, gambling has been tilting towards sports betting since other forms of gambling are gradually fading away. Unfortunately, there is no specific tool to measure addiction to sports gambling. This informed the development and validation of sports betting addictive behaviour scale. A total of 366 (Male = 325; Female = 39) sports bettors were selected from three major towns in Benue state including Makurdi, Gboko and Otukpo. Using literature review and focused group discussion, 59 items were generated. Using 5 lecturers and 2 Postgraduate students, content and face validity were established respectively. The already standardized gambling addictive behaviour for adolescents scale was used to establish convergent validity. Results of the content and face validity at 70% level of item acceptance resulted to 46 items. All the 46 items that passed the content and face validity were furt...

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of traumatic event(s) and location of residence on fear of crime: A case study of undergraduate students in Nigeria

International Journal of Psychology and Counselling, Dec 31, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Ibadan-Nigeria Citizenship Behavior Scale: Development and Validation

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology - International Journal of Psychological and Behavioral Sciences, 2018

Organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) is a construct in industrial and organisational behavi... more Organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) is a construct in industrial and organisational behaviour that explains a person's voluntary commitment within an organisation, which is outside the scope of his or her contractual tasks. To attain organisational effectiveness the human factor of production is inevitable, hence the importance of employee behaviour. While the concept of organisational citizenship behavior is mostly discussed in the context of the workplace, it is reasoned that the idea could be reflective in relation to national commitment. Many developing countries in Africa, including Nigeria, suffer economic hardship today not necessarily due to poor resources but bad management of the resources. The mangers of their economies are not committed to the tenets of economic growth but engrossed in fraud, corruption, bribery, and other economic vices. It is this backdrop that necessitated the development and validation of the Ibadan-Nigeria Citizenship Behaviour (I-NCB) Scale. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey (online) research design, using 2404 postgraduate students in the Premier University of the country, with 99.2% being Nigerians and 0.8% non-Nigerians. Gender composition was 1,439 (60%) males and 965 (40%) females, 1201 (50%) were employed while 1203 50% unemployed, 74.2% of the employed were in public paid employment, 19.5% in private sector, and 6.3% were self-employed. Through literature review, 78 items were generated. Using 10 lecturers and 21 students, content and face validity were established respectively. Data collected were subjected to reliability and factor analytic statistics at p < .05 level of significance. Results of the content and face validity at 80% level of item acceptance resulted to 60 items; this was further reduced to 50 after item-total correlation using r=.30 criterion. Divergent validity of r=-.28 and convergent validity of r= .44 were obtained by correlating the I-NCB scale with standardized Counterproductive work behaviour (CWB) scale and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) scale among the workers. The reliability coefficients obtained were; Cronbach alpha of internal consistency (α = 0.941) and split-half reliability of r = 0.728. Factor analyses of the I-NCB scale with principal component and varimax rotation yielded five factors when Eigenvalue above 1 were extracted. The factors which accounted for larger proportions of the total variance were given factor names as; Altruistic, Attachment, Affective, Civic responsibility and Allegiance. As much as there are vast journals on citizenship behaviour in organisations, there exists no standardized tool to measure citizenship behaviour of a country. The Ibadan-Nigeria Citizenship Behaviour (I-NCB) scale was consequently developed. The scale could be used to select personnel into political positions and senior administrative positions among career workers in Nigeria, with the aim of determining national commitment to service.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Decision Responsibility and Consequence on Escalation of Commitment in Corporate Investment

International Journal of Applied Psychology, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Applying Qualitative Methods in Organizations: A Note for Industrial/Organizational Psychologists

The Qualitative Report, Sep 1, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Five-factor personality attributes, need for achievement and emotional intelligence as correlates of team interaction processes

PsycEXTRA Dataset, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of Emotional intelligence and organizational communication in perceived teamwork effectiveness among bank employees in Nigeria

Team Performance Management, Apr 18, 2023

Purpose This study aims to examine emotional intelligence (EI) and organizational communication a... more Purpose This study aims to examine emotional intelligence (EI) and organizational communication as predictors of teamwork effectiveness among bank employees in Nigeria. The Nigerian banking industry suffered financial crisis, leading to depression, following inability to meet standards of the regulatory body. With current emphasis on teamwork for business growth, literatures suggest EI and organizational communication as predictors for teamwork effectiveness. Design/methodology/approach A cross-sectional survey of 230 bank employees, selected through multistage sampling, using a valid and reliable structured questionnaire that incorporated all research variables was used for data collection. A questionnaire containing the research scales was administered and data were collected. Findings Positive relationship was established between perceived teamwork effectiveness and components of EI, including self-emotion appraisal, other’s emotion appraisal (OEA), actual use of emotion and regulation of emotion (ROE) and perceived organizational communication effectiveness. Hierarchical regression analysis reveals that age, gender, job status and educational qualification jointly predicted teamwork effectiveness, although only educational qualification contributed significantly. The inclusion of EI dimensions showed that only OEA, actual use of emotion and ROE were significant predictors, along with organizational communication. Research limitations/implications Data collected were based on self-report of the participants. It is advised that more objective measures could be devised. The findings are limited to the banking industry and cannot be generalized to other work organizations. The research was conducted in Nigeria, a developing country; thus, the findings may not be generalized to the developed nations. Practical implications Educational factor could be applied in engaging team members. On the alternative, commercial banks should invest in periodic training programs to enhance employee communication skills and EI. Human resources personnel could use these research outcomes to enhance the selection and placement of employees in commercial banks. By these research findings the adequacies of some psychological theories in explaining team effectiveness have been empirically implicated, and the literature on team effectiveness has been increased. Consequently, commercial banks should invest in periodic training programs to enhance employee communication skills and EI, and use these findings to enhance selection and placement in Nigerian banks. It is evident from the results of the present study that the more educated team members are the more likely their teams would be effective in the teamwork. However, periodic training (both off the job and on the job) on EI and its pertinent dimensions, and adoption of appropriate communication styles, could be used to compliment educational deficiencies. Thus, the less educated persons could function adequately in teams if they receive the empowerment. The human resources managers are to note that new bank employees would be better team players when there are adequate orientated on programs on how towards effective to communicate at teamwork functions. Social implications It is evident from these research findings that EI and appropriate organizational communication are behavioral tools that could enhance team interaction and consequently improve team effectiveness. Originality/value It is revealed how teams could be made effective through the combined factors of EI and organizational communication, especially among bank employees in Nigeria. Unlike some other studies, this research discovered the specific EI factors that could enhance team effectiveness, not just general EI. It empirically validated some theories that are proposed in relation to EI and organizational communication. This study showcased how teams could be made more effective in the banking sector of the Nigerian economy.

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Research paper thumbnail of Personality factors and emotional Intelligence as predictors of frontline hotel employees’ emotional labour

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Research paper thumbnail of Antecedents of organizational citizenship behaviour in a government-owned enterprise in Nigeria

European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Dec 1, 2005

The study examines the generalizability of perceived organizational support (POS) and perceived f... more The study examines the generalizability of perceived organizational support (POS) and perceived fair interpersonal treatment (PFIT) as positive correlates of organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) in Nigeria. In a study conducted, 207 lower management employees of National Electric Power Authority (NEPA), a government-owned enterprise in Nigeria, were selected as participants. Standardized psychological scales measuring POS, PFIT, and three facets of OCB (helping, civic virtue, and sportsmanship) were administered. Data analysed using Pearson correlation and hierarchical regression analysis (controlling gender, age, and tenure) respectively showed independent and joint positive association of POS and PFIT with OCB and each of its three dimensions. It is concluded that to enhance OCB among employees of organizations, especially government-owned enterprises in Nigeria, management need to device policies and put in place programmes that would ensure enhanced organizational support and fair interpersonal treatment.

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Research paper thumbnail of Colour Preference among Children in a Nigerian Montessori School

Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Contextual factors as predictors of involvement in organisational management among police officers in the South-West, Nigeria

African Journal for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Mar 30, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Multiple versus singular presentation of television commercials and efficacy

No Abstract Available African Journal for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Vol.4(2) 1999:... more No Abstract Available African Journal for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Vol.4(2) 1999: 265-27

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Research paper thumbnail of Psychological Strategies in Managing Television Commercial Efficacy

IFE PsychologIA, 2001

This paper examined advertisement presentation frequency (repetitive Versus non- repetitive), typ... more This paper examined advertisement presentation frequency (repetitive Versus non- repetitive), type of stimulus (familiar versus novel), and information source (credible versus non-credible) as psychological strategies of managing television commercial efficacy. Subject's total score on recall of advert information, attitude to an advert, and intention to buy an advertised product was used as a measure of advertisement efficacy. By employing 2 x 2 x 2 factorial design, eight advert pieces were designed to reflect the levels of the independent variables. Standardized psychological instruments were used to measure the dependent variable. The result of the 2 x 2 x 2 analysis of variance (ANOVA) computed showed significant main effect of each of the independent variables on the dependent variable. Except the interaction effect between presentation frequency and information source, all others were significant. It was finally suggested for advertisement practitioners to repeat advert messages, use familiar stimulus background information and perceived credible persons in disseminating advert messages. A total of 80 (40 males, 40 females) randomly selected secondary school students were used for the study IFE PsychologIA Vol 9, No1 2001, pp. 115-122

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AUTHORS' CONTRIBUTIONS This work was carried out in collaboration between all authors. Author RIE... more AUTHORS' CONTRIBUTIONS This work was carried out in collaboration between all authors. Author RIE originated and designed the study, managed the literature searches, wrote the protocol and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. Author MMO supervised the execution and edited the first draft, while author BOE guided and managed the statistical analysis and did the structural arrangement of the paper. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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Research paper thumbnail of Development and Validation of Sports Betting Addictive Behaviour Scale

There has been growing societal problems relating to gambling particularly those related to crime... more There has been growing societal problems relating to gambling particularly those related to crime. Recently, gambling has been tilting towards sports betting since other forms of gambling are gradually fading away. Unfortunately, there is no specific tool to measure addiction to sports gambling. This informed the development and validation of sports betting addictive behaviour scale. A total of 366 (Male = 325; Female = 39) sports bettors were selected from three major towns in Benue state including Makurdi, Gboko and Otukpo. Using literature review and focused group discussion, 59 items were generated. Using 5 lecturers and 2 Postgraduate students, content and face validity were established respectively. The already standardized gambling addictive behaviour for adolescents scale was used to establish convergent validity. Results of the content and face validity at 70% level of item acceptance resulted to 46 items. All the 46 items that passed the content and face validity were further returned after item-total correlation using r = .30 criterion. Convergent validity of r = .965 was obtained by correlating Sports Betting Addictive Behaviour Scale and Gambling Addictive Behaviour for Adolescents Scale.

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Citizenship behavior research and measurement has been limited to organizational settings, hence ... more Citizenship behavior research and measurement has been limited to organizational settings, hence the dearth of standardized tools to measure citizenship behavior towards a nation. Nigeria is characterized of citizenship issues, hence the necessity for a tool to quantify the citizenship behaviour of Nigerians for better policy formulation. The Nigerian Citizenship Behavior (NCB) scale was consequently developed. Aided by literature search and experts' opinions, 78-items were generated and mailed to 2404 (M=1439, F=965) postgraduate students of a Nigerian university, as online survey. Content and face validity produced 60 items; reduced to 50 by item analysis (minimum r=0.30). Divergent validity (r=-0.28) and convergent validity (r=0.44) were obtained using Counter-Productive Work Behavior (CWB) and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) scales respectively. Cronbach α=0.941, split-half r=0.728, factor analyses with principal component and varimax rotation yielded five components (Altruism, Attachment, Affectivity, Civic responsibility, Allegiance). The strength of the scale in assessing citizenship behavior across varying contexts in Nigeria was discussed.

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Research paper thumbnail of African Perspective of Social Distancing in Pandemics: Adoption Challenges

In public health, social distancing is a set of nonpharmaceutical interventions or measures inten... more In public health, social distancing is a set of nonpharmaceutical interventions or measures intended to prevent the spread of a contagious disease, by maintaining a physical distance between people. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Health Organization suggested the term, 'physical distancing,' as opposed to 'social distancing', arguing that it is a physical distance which prevents transmission; people can remain socially connected via technology. This paper discusses the concepts of social distance, social distancing, physical distancing, self-quarantine, self-isolation, symptomatic, asymptomatic and parasymptomatic cases as they relate to COVID-19 and African perception of pandemic diseases. Although the idea of social distancing is not novel to the Africans, but a challenge in its implementation is that historically, social distancing is rather applied to non-infectious cases like mental illness, epilepsy, infertility, aging, victims of sexual violence and the like. The paper utilizes health-related theories and pertinent empirical findings to explain African perspective of social distancing and the challenges of adoption in pandemic situations. The theories on health risk perception reviewed include the protection motivation theory, the health belief model, the extended parallel process model and the precaution adoption process model. From consumer psychology background on product adoption, a conceptual model for 'social distancing' adoption in pandemics was advanced. These ancient and novel health-related theories and models were applied to explain the erroneous understanding, perception and adoption challenges of social distancing in Africa, leading to possible increase in the spread of the coronavirus.

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Research paper thumbnail of Personnality Attributes and Tax Morale as Predictors of Willingness to Pay Tax: A Study of Tax Payers, Ogun State Nigeria

From the history of revenue generation in Nigeria, various governments; local, state and federal ... more From the history of revenue generation in Nigeria, various governments; local, state and federal have tried to increase the level of tax compliance. Most often adopted is an obdurate attitude towards all taxpayers by applying laws and regulations to sanction and fine evaders. These means of enforcement proved to be without a significant success. Towards the end of the 20th century, governments have realized that a change is needed in order to increase revenue generation through tax collection. Adopting psychological strategies, rather than economic laws and regulations, could impel voluntary decisions for tax payment. This paper therefore examined personality attributes (openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism) and tax morale as predictors of Ogun State taxpayers’ willingness to pay.An ex-post facto research design was adopted, while participants comprised 154 taxpayers randomly selected at the tax paying station in Ogun State. Personality attributes an...

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Research paper thumbnail of Mentoring and organizational behaviour

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Research paper thumbnail of African Perspective of Social Distancing in Pandemics: Adoption Challenges

Psychological Studies, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Development and Validation of Sports Betting Addictive Behaviour Scale

There has been growing societal problems relating to gambling particularly those related to crime... more There has been growing societal problems relating to gambling particularly those related to crime. Recently, gambling has been tilting towards sports betting since other forms of gambling are gradually fading away. Unfortunately, there is no specific tool to measure addiction to sports gambling. This informed the development and validation of sports betting addictive behaviour scale. A total of 366 (Male = 325; Female = 39) sports bettors were selected from three major towns in Benue state including Makurdi, Gboko and Otukpo. Using literature review and focused group discussion, 59 items were generated. Using 5 lecturers and 2 Postgraduate students, content and face validity were established respectively. The already standardized gambling addictive behaviour for adolescents scale was used to establish convergent validity. Results of the content and face validity at 70% level of item acceptance resulted to 46 items. All the 46 items that passed the content and face validity were furt...

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of traumatic event(s) and location of residence on fear of crime: A case study of undergraduate students in Nigeria

International Journal of Psychology and Counselling, Dec 31, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Ibadan-Nigeria Citizenship Behavior Scale: Development and Validation

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology - International Journal of Psychological and Behavioral Sciences, 2018

Organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) is a construct in industrial and organisational behavi... more Organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) is a construct in industrial and organisational behaviour that explains a person's voluntary commitment within an organisation, which is outside the scope of his or her contractual tasks. To attain organisational effectiveness the human factor of production is inevitable, hence the importance of employee behaviour. While the concept of organisational citizenship behavior is mostly discussed in the context of the workplace, it is reasoned that the idea could be reflective in relation to national commitment. Many developing countries in Africa, including Nigeria, suffer economic hardship today not necessarily due to poor resources but bad management of the resources. The mangers of their economies are not committed to the tenets of economic growth but engrossed in fraud, corruption, bribery, and other economic vices. It is this backdrop that necessitated the development and validation of the Ibadan-Nigeria Citizenship Behaviour (I-NCB) Scale. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey (online) research design, using 2404 postgraduate students in the Premier University of the country, with 99.2% being Nigerians and 0.8% non-Nigerians. Gender composition was 1,439 (60%) males and 965 (40%) females, 1201 (50%) were employed while 1203 50% unemployed, 74.2% of the employed were in public paid employment, 19.5% in private sector, and 6.3% were self-employed. Through literature review, 78 items were generated. Using 10 lecturers and 21 students, content and face validity were established respectively. Data collected were subjected to reliability and factor analytic statistics at p < .05 level of significance. Results of the content and face validity at 80% level of item acceptance resulted to 60 items; this was further reduced to 50 after item-total correlation using r=.30 criterion. Divergent validity of r=-.28 and convergent validity of r= .44 were obtained by correlating the I-NCB scale with standardized Counterproductive work behaviour (CWB) scale and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) scale among the workers. The reliability coefficients obtained were; Cronbach alpha of internal consistency (α = 0.941) and split-half reliability of r = 0.728. Factor analyses of the I-NCB scale with principal component and varimax rotation yielded five factors when Eigenvalue above 1 were extracted. The factors which accounted for larger proportions of the total variance were given factor names as; Altruistic, Attachment, Affective, Civic responsibility and Allegiance. As much as there are vast journals on citizenship behaviour in organisations, there exists no standardized tool to measure citizenship behaviour of a country. The Ibadan-Nigeria Citizenship Behaviour (I-NCB) scale was consequently developed. The scale could be used to select personnel into political positions and senior administrative positions among career workers in Nigeria, with the aim of determining national commitment to service.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Decision Responsibility and Consequence on Escalation of Commitment in Corporate Investment

International Journal of Applied Psychology, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Applying Qualitative Methods in Organizations: A Note for Industrial/Organizational Psychologists

The Qualitative Report, Sep 1, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Five-factor personality attributes, need for achievement and emotional intelligence as correlates of team interaction processes

PsycEXTRA Dataset, 2000

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