Ignacio Fiz | Institut Català d'Arqueologia Clàssica (original) (raw)
Books by Ignacio Fiz
The articles in this volume originate from a workshop held at the Rovira i Virgili University in ... more The articles in this volume originate from a workshop held at the Rovira i Virgili University in Tarragona in October 2010. The aim of the meeting was to
approach the Graeco-Roman city from different points of view in order to define its distinctiveness. The meeting took place as a study project with the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
and the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology.
1. Ptah, héros civilisateur? Pedro Azara
2. Why Ancient Egyptians longed for their cities? City, nostalgia and identity fashioning in the New Kingdom. Chloé C. D. Raggazzoli
3. Water, Toponymy, and the Image of the City in Graeco-Roman Egypt. Jesús Carruesco
4. Pharaonic Alexandria: Ezekiel’s Exagogé and Political Allegory in Hellenistic Judaism. Tim Whitmarsh
5. Urban Connections: Arsinoe, Antinoopolis and Hermopolis in the papyri. Myrto Malouta
6. Les jumelles non identiques : Mendès et Thmouis aux époques
hellénistique et romaine. Katherine Blouin
7. Reflections on Urbanism in Graeco-Roman Egypt: a Historical and Regional Perspective. Paola Davoli
8. Oxyrhynchos: Metropolis and Landscape. Eva Subías
Appendix. Methodological contribution to the land parcelling study; the case of Oxyrhynchos. Neus Gasull
9. Past and Present Population Trends in the Fayyum Region. Katja Mueller
10. Fuentes, cartografía, teledetección y SIG: claves para reconstruir
el paisaje del nomo oxirrinquita. Ignacio Fiz
11. Elementos del paisaje del nomo oxirrinquita Eva Subías, Ignacio Fiz y Rosa Cuesta.
12. The Development of the Capital Zone within the Nile Floodplain
Judith Bunbury
Papers by Ignacio Fiz
Remote Sensing, 2021
This article presents the first results obtained from the use of high-resolution images from the ... more This article presents the first results obtained from the use of high-resolution images from the SAR-X sensor of the PAZ satellite platform. These are in result of the application of various radar image-treatment techniques, with which we wanted to carry out a non-invasive exploration of areas of the archaeological site of Clunia (Burgos, Spain). These areas were analyzed and contrasted with other sources from high-resolution multispectral images (TripleSat), or from digital surface models obtained from Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data from the National Plan for Aerial Orthophotography (PNOA), and treated with image enhancement functions (Relief Visualization Tools (RVT)). Moreover, they were compared with multispectral images created from the Infrared Red Blue (IRRB) data contained in the same LiDAR points.
Tribuna d'Arqueologia, 2020
L'any 2014, el nostre equip va rebre el suport de la Generalitat per tirar endavant el projecte q... more L'any 2014, el nostre equip va rebre el suport de la Generalitat per tirar endavant el projecte quadriennal de recerca que llavors vam titular: "El nucli fortificat de Puig Rom i el seu entorn immediat. Estudi sobre el poblament d'època visigoda a la serra de Rodes. segles vii-x dC", promogut per la Universitat Rovira i Virgili amb la col·laboració de l'Ajuntament de Roses. El nostre objectiu, que podria semblar molt ambiciós pel títol, quedava delimitat a la part de la Serra de Rodes que afecta el municipi de Roses. És a dir, la zona sud-oriental del Puig Rom. Pel que fa al límit cronològic, el que vo-líem posar de manifest amb la data escollida, era l'interès per analitzar el jaciment com a indicador del procés pel qual es va configurar el paisatge empordanès medieval. Aquesta continua essent una qüestió crucial per entendre el jaciment, que ha estat tradicionalment datat al segle vii, de vegades amb la mirada posada cap a finals del vi, per entroncar-ne el comen-çament amb el final de la Roses tardana, i de vegades, amb la mirada posada cap al segle viii per emfatitzar una funció militar en el context de la conquesta arabomusulmana. Puig Rom va ser un dels primers jaciments excavats amb intencionalitat científica al nos-tre país. Enguany fa 100 anys de la primera campanya endegada per Joaquim Folch i Tor-res, per iniciativa de la Junta de Museus de Barcelona, gràcies a l'interès mostrat pels es-tudiosos locals i els prohoms de l'arqueologia catalana. Dues campanyes consecutives van posar al descobert un bon nombre d'estruc-tures d'habitació i de sitges (figura 1). La idea primigènia és que es tractava d'un jaciment protohistòric. Possiblement per aquest motiu, i perquè l'estudiós va trobar que les troballes no eren prou notòries, el projecte només es va allargar dues campanyes. Tanmateix, Folch i Torres va deixar un diari d'excavacions molt complet que facilitaria la represa dels treballs. Trenta anys més tard, fou Pere de Palol qui va determinar que el castrum pertanyia al període visigòtic i en va analitzar les línies mestres grà-cies a dues campanyes més d'excavació. (Palol, 2004) El jaciment va començar a ser conegut entre la comunitat científica com un dels més importants del nord-est de la tarraconense pel seu context cronològic, de manera que l'any 1987, per completar-ne l'estudi, Pere de Palol va dirigir un jove equip d'arqueòlegs que van portar a terme una campanya de neteja i do-cumentació. Tanmateix, la primera monogra
The Space of the City in Graeco Roman Egypt Imagen and Reality 2011 Isbn 978 84 939033 5 0 Pags 145 186, 2011
Ager Tarraconensis Vol 2 2010 Isbn 978 84 937734 5 8 Pags 361 369, 2010
Cuadernos De Prehistoria Y Arqueolog a De La Universidad De Granada, Dec 27, 2012
Ager Tarraconensis Vol 2 2010 Isbn 978 84 937734 5 8 Pags 271 296, 2010
Ager Tarraconensis Vol 2 2010 Isbn 978 84 937734 5 8 Pags 372 403, 2010
Ouranos Gaia L Espai a Grecia Iii Anomenar L Espai 2013 Isbn 978 84 940565 3 6 Pags 127 132, 2013
Ager Tarraconensis Vol 2 2010 Isbn 978 84 937734 5 8 Pags 296 360, 2010
The Space of the City in Graeco Roman Egypt Imagen and Reality 2011 Isbn 978 84 939033 5 0 Pags 187 210, 2011
Revista d'Arqueologia de Ponent, 2019
The Roman city of Clunia (nowadays the Spanish province of Burgos) became capital of the Tarracon... more The Roman city of Clunia (nowadays the Spanish province of Burgos) became capital of the Tarraconensis conventus with the Augustan provincial reform, which provided a major boost for its urban development. The suitability of the city’s location is evident by the fact
it was built on a plateau concealing an underground karst cave that provided direct access to water without requiring major engineering works. The waters in this cave were used and administered by the people, and some of its galleries acted as a shrine for worshipping.
This study provides an overview of the modern drainage systems in order to study more profoundly the forms of urban organization, on which we have only partial knowledge currently, given the breadth of the field. We believe that some of these drains are actually tracks of ancient streets that have been fossilized in orography. To reach these conclusions, we analysed several IR photographs, and applied hydrological GIS functions to observe the path of these tracks and their relationship to what is currently known of the city’s urban layout. This analysis of the surface was completed by relating it to the karst topography by conducting geophysical surveys in areas where wells giving access to the cave were detected using radiolocation. Finally, we applied a range of hydrological GIS functions and indexes on a high-resolution DEM, obtained from LIDAR technology (5 m/pixel), to confirm how the drainage worked.
The results have highlighted landforms on the plateau, providing new hypotheses about Clunia’s urban development. Repetitive modulations were also observed in the distances between some of the drains, thus making for a better understanding of the characteristics of an entire sector of the ancient city. We therefore believe that the drainage calculation method may be a useful tool for the study of urban structures that have not been excavated yet.
The construction of the Aswan Dam put an end to a form of relationship between people and the env... more The construction of the Aswan Dam put an end to a form of relationship between people and the environment that had its origin in the pre-Pharaonic period. The annual Nile flood had been tamed and managed for centuries by the societies of the Nile delta. However, by the nineteenth century, attempts to modernize Egypt according to Western standards led to a gradual change in how the river was managed and exploited, focusing on permanent irrigation of the land. These changes took the form of successive hydraulic engineering projects that transformed the entire landscape. Our project aims to analyze how this long process took place, from the Greco-Roman period to the present day, by focussing on the middle valley of the Nile, in the area corresponding to the Oxyrhynchus nome (province), in order to reconstruct the methods of flood management and how they have transformed the landscape.
For this purpose, we have combined an analysis of archaeological and written documentation, consisting primarily of papyrological data and secondary sources. We have also combined a reading of the historical cartography with the identification of traces of dykes and canals from satellite images (CORONA, ASTER, Quickbird, Worldview 2), and related enhancing functions of satellite imagery. These data were organized and registered on a GIS geodatabase that enabled all the information to be analyzed and confirmed. Our initial findings define an ancient landscape, in which old channels structured the landscape around the nome. These channels, and their levees associated with dykes, favoured both the containment of water and terrestrial transport, in an area that would be completely inundated in the flood season. This combination of channels with some element of retention was important for territorial and administrative organization within the nome, the administrative territorial division of Egypt, and its subdivision the toparchy.
.F. Contreras, M. Farjas and F.J. Melero (eds.): Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, British Archaeological Reports International Series 2494, pp. 185 – 192, ISBN 9781407311081, ISSN 0143-3067
Jean-Luc Fiches, Rosa Plana-Mallart & Victor Revilla Calvo (ed): Ager IX, Paysages ruraux et territoires dans les cités de l'occident romain. Actes du colloque international AGER IX, Barcelone, 25-27 mars 2010, 99-107. ISBN 978-84269-968-0
This paper presents the results of the application of certain statistical methods and GIS functio... more This paper presents the results of the application of certain statistical methods and GIS functions on the known data of the ager Tarraconensis settlement, in the territory of the colony Tarraco. The study is focused on a chronological period extending from the Iberian period to the third century AD. The methods used have allowed us to model and explain the structure and dynamics of the settlement. We also provide new data and ideas about the arrival of first italic settlers, how they are distributed in the territory and what could have been the legal status of the city of Tarraco at the end of the second century BC. On the other hand we present explanatory models of the periods of stability in the countryside during the julio-claudian and flavian dynasties. Finally, we analyze and explain data that show how this stability was broken in the second century AD, reversing the articulation of the settlement in the territory in the third century AD.
The articles in this volume originate from a workshop held at the Rovira i Virgili University in ... more The articles in this volume originate from a workshop held at the Rovira i Virgili University in Tarragona in October 2010. The aim of the meeting was to
approach the Graeco-Roman city from different points of view in order to define its distinctiveness. The meeting took place as a study project with the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
and the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology.
1. Ptah, héros civilisateur? Pedro Azara
2. Why Ancient Egyptians longed for their cities? City, nostalgia and identity fashioning in the New Kingdom. Chloé C. D. Raggazzoli
3. Water, Toponymy, and the Image of the City in Graeco-Roman Egypt. Jesús Carruesco
4. Pharaonic Alexandria: Ezekiel’s Exagogé and Political Allegory in Hellenistic Judaism. Tim Whitmarsh
5. Urban Connections: Arsinoe, Antinoopolis and Hermopolis in the papyri. Myrto Malouta
6. Les jumelles non identiques : Mendès et Thmouis aux époques
hellénistique et romaine. Katherine Blouin
7. Reflections on Urbanism in Graeco-Roman Egypt: a Historical and Regional Perspective. Paola Davoli
8. Oxyrhynchos: Metropolis and Landscape. Eva Subías
Appendix. Methodological contribution to the land parcelling study; the case of Oxyrhynchos. Neus Gasull
9. Past and Present Population Trends in the Fayyum Region. Katja Mueller
10. Fuentes, cartografía, teledetección y SIG: claves para reconstruir
el paisaje del nomo oxirrinquita. Ignacio Fiz
11. Elementos del paisaje del nomo oxirrinquita Eva Subías, Ignacio Fiz y Rosa Cuesta.
12. The Development of the Capital Zone within the Nile Floodplain
Judith Bunbury
Remote Sensing, 2021
This article presents the first results obtained from the use of high-resolution images from the ... more This article presents the first results obtained from the use of high-resolution images from the SAR-X sensor of the PAZ satellite platform. These are in result of the application of various radar image-treatment techniques, with which we wanted to carry out a non-invasive exploration of areas of the archaeological site of Clunia (Burgos, Spain). These areas were analyzed and contrasted with other sources from high-resolution multispectral images (TripleSat), or from digital surface models obtained from Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data from the National Plan for Aerial Orthophotography (PNOA), and treated with image enhancement functions (Relief Visualization Tools (RVT)). Moreover, they were compared with multispectral images created from the Infrared Red Blue (IRRB) data contained in the same LiDAR points.
Tribuna d'Arqueologia, 2020
L'any 2014, el nostre equip va rebre el suport de la Generalitat per tirar endavant el projecte q... more L'any 2014, el nostre equip va rebre el suport de la Generalitat per tirar endavant el projecte quadriennal de recerca que llavors vam titular: "El nucli fortificat de Puig Rom i el seu entorn immediat. Estudi sobre el poblament d'època visigoda a la serra de Rodes. segles vii-x dC", promogut per la Universitat Rovira i Virgili amb la col·laboració de l'Ajuntament de Roses. El nostre objectiu, que podria semblar molt ambiciós pel títol, quedava delimitat a la part de la Serra de Rodes que afecta el municipi de Roses. És a dir, la zona sud-oriental del Puig Rom. Pel que fa al límit cronològic, el que vo-líem posar de manifest amb la data escollida, era l'interès per analitzar el jaciment com a indicador del procés pel qual es va configurar el paisatge empordanès medieval. Aquesta continua essent una qüestió crucial per entendre el jaciment, que ha estat tradicionalment datat al segle vii, de vegades amb la mirada posada cap a finals del vi, per entroncar-ne el comen-çament amb el final de la Roses tardana, i de vegades, amb la mirada posada cap al segle viii per emfatitzar una funció militar en el context de la conquesta arabomusulmana. Puig Rom va ser un dels primers jaciments excavats amb intencionalitat científica al nos-tre país. Enguany fa 100 anys de la primera campanya endegada per Joaquim Folch i Tor-res, per iniciativa de la Junta de Museus de Barcelona, gràcies a l'interès mostrat pels es-tudiosos locals i els prohoms de l'arqueologia catalana. Dues campanyes consecutives van posar al descobert un bon nombre d'estruc-tures d'habitació i de sitges (figura 1). La idea primigènia és que es tractava d'un jaciment protohistòric. Possiblement per aquest motiu, i perquè l'estudiós va trobar que les troballes no eren prou notòries, el projecte només es va allargar dues campanyes. Tanmateix, Folch i Torres va deixar un diari d'excavacions molt complet que facilitaria la represa dels treballs. Trenta anys més tard, fou Pere de Palol qui va determinar que el castrum pertanyia al període visigòtic i en va analitzar les línies mestres grà-cies a dues campanyes més d'excavació. (Palol, 2004) El jaciment va començar a ser conegut entre la comunitat científica com un dels més importants del nord-est de la tarraconense pel seu context cronològic, de manera que l'any 1987, per completar-ne l'estudi, Pere de Palol va dirigir un jove equip d'arqueòlegs que van portar a terme una campanya de neteja i do-cumentació. Tanmateix, la primera monogra
The Space of the City in Graeco Roman Egypt Imagen and Reality 2011 Isbn 978 84 939033 5 0 Pags 145 186, 2011
Ager Tarraconensis Vol 2 2010 Isbn 978 84 937734 5 8 Pags 361 369, 2010
Cuadernos De Prehistoria Y Arqueolog a De La Universidad De Granada, Dec 27, 2012
Ager Tarraconensis Vol 2 2010 Isbn 978 84 937734 5 8 Pags 271 296, 2010
Ager Tarraconensis Vol 2 2010 Isbn 978 84 937734 5 8 Pags 372 403, 2010
Ouranos Gaia L Espai a Grecia Iii Anomenar L Espai 2013 Isbn 978 84 940565 3 6 Pags 127 132, 2013
Ager Tarraconensis Vol 2 2010 Isbn 978 84 937734 5 8 Pags 296 360, 2010
The Space of the City in Graeco Roman Egypt Imagen and Reality 2011 Isbn 978 84 939033 5 0 Pags 187 210, 2011
Revista d'Arqueologia de Ponent, 2019
The Roman city of Clunia (nowadays the Spanish province of Burgos) became capital of the Tarracon... more The Roman city of Clunia (nowadays the Spanish province of Burgos) became capital of the Tarraconensis conventus with the Augustan provincial reform, which provided a major boost for its urban development. The suitability of the city’s location is evident by the fact
it was built on a plateau concealing an underground karst cave that provided direct access to water without requiring major engineering works. The waters in this cave were used and administered by the people, and some of its galleries acted as a shrine for worshipping.
This study provides an overview of the modern drainage systems in order to study more profoundly the forms of urban organization, on which we have only partial knowledge currently, given the breadth of the field. We believe that some of these drains are actually tracks of ancient streets that have been fossilized in orography. To reach these conclusions, we analysed several IR photographs, and applied hydrological GIS functions to observe the path of these tracks and their relationship to what is currently known of the city’s urban layout. This analysis of the surface was completed by relating it to the karst topography by conducting geophysical surveys in areas where wells giving access to the cave were detected using radiolocation. Finally, we applied a range of hydrological GIS functions and indexes on a high-resolution DEM, obtained from LIDAR technology (5 m/pixel), to confirm how the drainage worked.
The results have highlighted landforms on the plateau, providing new hypotheses about Clunia’s urban development. Repetitive modulations were also observed in the distances between some of the drains, thus making for a better understanding of the characteristics of an entire sector of the ancient city. We therefore believe that the drainage calculation method may be a useful tool for the study of urban structures that have not been excavated yet.
The construction of the Aswan Dam put an end to a form of relationship between people and the env... more The construction of the Aswan Dam put an end to a form of relationship between people and the environment that had its origin in the pre-Pharaonic period. The annual Nile flood had been tamed and managed for centuries by the societies of the Nile delta. However, by the nineteenth century, attempts to modernize Egypt according to Western standards led to a gradual change in how the river was managed and exploited, focusing on permanent irrigation of the land. These changes took the form of successive hydraulic engineering projects that transformed the entire landscape. Our project aims to analyze how this long process took place, from the Greco-Roman period to the present day, by focussing on the middle valley of the Nile, in the area corresponding to the Oxyrhynchus nome (province), in order to reconstruct the methods of flood management and how they have transformed the landscape.
For this purpose, we have combined an analysis of archaeological and written documentation, consisting primarily of papyrological data and secondary sources. We have also combined a reading of the historical cartography with the identification of traces of dykes and canals from satellite images (CORONA, ASTER, Quickbird, Worldview 2), and related enhancing functions of satellite imagery. These data were organized and registered on a GIS geodatabase that enabled all the information to be analyzed and confirmed. Our initial findings define an ancient landscape, in which old channels structured the landscape around the nome. These channels, and their levees associated with dykes, favoured both the containment of water and terrestrial transport, in an area that would be completely inundated in the flood season. This combination of channels with some element of retention was important for territorial and administrative organization within the nome, the administrative territorial division of Egypt, and its subdivision the toparchy.
.F. Contreras, M. Farjas and F.J. Melero (eds.): Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, British Archaeological Reports International Series 2494, pp. 185 – 192, ISBN 9781407311081, ISSN 0143-3067
Jean-Luc Fiches, Rosa Plana-Mallart & Victor Revilla Calvo (ed): Ager IX, Paysages ruraux et territoires dans les cités de l'occident romain. Actes du colloque international AGER IX, Barcelone, 25-27 mars 2010, 99-107. ISBN 978-84269-968-0
This paper presents the results of the application of certain statistical methods and GIS functio... more This paper presents the results of the application of certain statistical methods and GIS functions on the known data of the ager Tarraconensis settlement, in the territory of the colony Tarraco. The study is focused on a chronological period extending from the Iberian period to the third century AD. The methods used have allowed us to model and explain the structure and dynamics of the settlement. We also provide new data and ideas about the arrival of first italic settlers, how they are distributed in the territory and what could have been the legal status of the city of Tarraco at the end of the second century BC. On the other hand we present explanatory models of the periods of stability in the countryside during the julio-claudian and flavian dynasties. Finally, we analyze and explain data that show how this stability was broken in the second century AD, reversing the articulation of the settlement in the territory in the third century AD.