icon_fanatix - Profile (original) (raw)

on 27 August 2002 (#683694)


This icon community was created for people to have a place to post their icons.


1. NO STEALING OF ICONS. Don't take icons without the permission of the creator. We won't tolerate theft. If we find out that you've stolen icons before, you'll be publicly humiliated and kicked out on your ass.

2. Don't just take the icons. You don't have to ask for it, but do leave a comment if you take one. If you want it customized, ask the creator and be specific.

3. If you have a request, include the picture (or the URL to the picture) that you want to be made into an icon. Be very specific about how you want it to look and any special word, phrase, font, coloring that you want. If you just want an icon of a specific person and don't care about the rest, just say that.

4. If you are posting more than three icons, use the lj-cut tag.

5. If you post icons, make it "friends only". This means that only community members can see it.

Two strikes and you're out. The first time you are warned, we'll forgive you. But the next time, you will be banned from the community.

Maintained by: justinrox


art, black and white photography, celebrities, clipart, graphics, icon, icons, live journal, lj, making icons, movies, music, paint shop pro, photography, pictures, pop, pop music, postcards, psp, websites