Marija Brajdic Vukovic | Institute for Social Research Zagreb (original) (raw)
Papers by Marija Brajdic Vukovic
Academic systems are undergoing changes in which the social organisation of research as well as p... more Academic systems are undergoing changes in which the social organisation of research as well as patterns of scientific productivity in the humanities and social sciences progressively resemble those in hard sciences. The hard and soft sciences are increasingly converging. This development can be observed in (1) publishing patterns, (2) the division of research, and (3) the internationalisation of research. This study explored the extent to which these changes occurring in academic systems in terms of a transformation of disciplinary practices are also becoming a trend in transitional post-socialist countries. We used Croatia as a case of a post socialist transitional context and compared it to Slovenia, a country with a similar past but somewhat different science policies and strategies. The results point to increasing convergence in some soft disciplines, visible in projectification and internationalisation of academic work as well as a significant change in the publishing patterns.
Traditiones, 2020
This paper deals with attitudes, values and ideologies as potentials in influencing cultural chan... more This paper deals with attitudes, values and ideologies as potentials in influencing cultural change toward more environmentally and socially sustainable socio-political system. The main framework of the discussion is the degrowth paradigm and the results of analyses are based on the two modules of the International Social Survey Program (2017). The main indicator of the (social) degrowth potentiality is the ' degrowth scale', consisting of dimensions related the end of economic growth and the need for social change. Those dimensions are (statistically) contextualised within respondents' socio-demographic characteristics, and their other values and attitudes, and discussed within the degrowth paradigm. Keywords: degrowth paradigm, cultural change, sustainable socio-political system, value systems, ideology, ISSP Ta članek obravnava odnos, vrednote in ideologije, ki lahko potencialno vplivajo na kulturne spremembe k bolj okoljsko in socialno trajnostnemu družbeno-političnemu sistemu. Glavni okvir razprave je paradigma odrasti, rezultati analiz pa temeljijo na dveh modulih mednarodnega programa socialnega raziskovanja (2017). Glavni kazalnik (družbene) naraščanja potenciala je "lestvica odrasti", povezana s koncem gospodarske rasti in s potrebami po družbenih spremembah. Dimenzije odrasti so v razpravi (statistično) kontekstual-izirane in se odražajo v socialno-demografskih značilnostih anketirancev in drugih njihovih vrednot in stališč. Ključne besede: paradigma odrasti, kulturne spremembe, trajnostni družbenopolitični sistem, vrednostni sistemi, ideologija, ISSP
Traditiones, 2020
This paper deals with attitudes, values and ideologies as potentials in influencing cultural chan... more This paper deals with attitudes, values and ideologies as potentials in influencing cultural change toward more environmentally and socially sustainable socio-political system. The main framework of the discussion is the degrowth paradigm and the results of analyses are based on the two modules of the International Social Survey Program (2017). The main indicator of the (social) degrowth potentiality is the ' degrowth scale', consisting of dimensions related the end of economic growth and the need for social change. Those dimensions are (statistically) contextualised within respondents' socio-demographic characteristics, and their other values and attitudes, and discussed within the degrowth paradigm. Keywords: degrowth paradigm, cultural change, sustainable socio-political system, value systems, ideology, ISSP
In book: Ecology and Justice Contributions from the margins
(Re)searching Scientific Careers, 2014
Th e mentoring provided by a senior scientist is regarded as particularly important for young res... more Th e mentoring provided by a senior scientist is regarded as particularly important for young researchers' professional socialization. High-quality mentoring experiences permanently infl uence the careers of young researchers. Due to diff erences in the social organization of disciplines, the mentoring practices provided for young researchers are described as diff ering greatly between the social and natural sciences. However, recent global changes in nature of academic work and the practices of the academic profession, together with changes related to the production of knowledge in the social sciences, impose questions relating to the possible changes in mentoring patterns and practices in those disciplines. Th is qualitative study of a sample of 40 novices from the natural and social sciences has shown characteristic diff erences between the studied domains, but it has also found that. in both the natural and social sciences, mentorship diff ers from -in the previous research described -characteristic disciplinary patterns and practices. Th e latter fi nding is related to the disciplinary changes in the production of knowledge, as well as global and local (Croatian) changes of science systems and policies. Th e study concludes with specifi c remarks on how to improve a 'scientifi c novice programme' to work more as high-quality professional socialization programme.
Analiza novačkog sustava pokazala je da formalnopravni okvir, kao i nedostatno definiranje ciljev... more Analiza novačkog sustava pokazala je da formalnopravni okvir, kao i nedostatno definiranje ciljeva politike osposobljavanja mladih istraživača u Hrvatskoj, generiraju neka od obilježja radnopravne nesigurnosti ili prekarnosti na tržištu rada poput neizvjesnosti budućeg zapošljavanja i/ili zadržavanja niše u profesiji. No, podaci o uspješnosti novačkog sustava ukazuju na ozbiljne manjkavosti i u ishodima profesionalne socijalizacije što upućuje na probleme profesionalnog osposobljavanja u smislu reprodukcije znanja i vještina u okviru znanstvenog i visokoobrazovnog sustava. Ova kvalitativna studija istražuje koje su prepreke procesu profesionalne socijalizacije mladih istraživača u prirodnim i društvenim znanostima te koja je priroda i koje su okolnosti nastanka navedenih prepreka. Istraživanje putem polustrukturiranih intervjua provedeno na uzorku od 40 mladih istraživača iz različitih polja društvenih i prirodnih znanosti pokazalo je da su ozbiljne prepreke procesa profesionalne socijalizacije više povezane s načinom svakodnevnog praktičnog funkcioniranja znanstveno- novačkog sustava, nego sa samim radnopravnim okvirom. Tako su kao najveće prepreke u oba područja znanosti prepoznati problemi poput prekomjernog rada novaka u nastavi i/ili na tržišnim projektima trećih naručitelja, problemi s formalnom supervizijom i/ili mentorstvom, prepreke vezane uz nedostatno financiranje znanstvenih istraživanja, premali istraživački timovi i nedostatak stručnog i tehničkog osoblja, te problemi povezani s dominantnim vrijednostima akademske zajednice koje se izražavaju i kao generacijski jaz između mlađih i starijih istraživača. Rad zaključuje da unatoč činjenici da je novaštvo komparativno povoljniji formalnopravni okvir istraživačke socijalizacije u odnosu na internacionalna iskustva, praktično provođenje sustava upravo istraživačku, a naročito disciplinarnu socijalizaciju, često onemogućuje te da je kontradikcija formalnopravnog okvira i praktičnog funkcioniranja prisutna na svim socijalizacijskim razinama. Razmatrajući u istraživanju prepoznate probleme profesionalne socijalizacije mladih istraživača u svijetlu novijih znanstvenih politika, primjećuje se da one idu u smjeru povećanja radnopravne nesigurnosti mladih istraživača, a da pritom ne rješavaju aktualne probleme novačkog sustava, već ih potencijalno i produbljuju.
Science & Technology Studies 1/2013
Research into media representations of science is widespread and well-established in scientifi c... more Research into media representations of science is widespread and well-established in
scientifi cally and technologically highly developed countries. However, very little is
known about the characteristics of media reporting of science in transition countries,
which are only just beginning to recognize the importance of research into the
relationship between science, the media and the public. In this study, using content
analysis of the daily newspapers with the largest circulations in Croatia (Jutarnji list
and Večernji list) we researched the quantity and quality of media reporting of science.
We link them to the characteristics of the Croatian media (tabloidization, the erosion of
professional criteria) and the wider social context from which they stem. Our fi ndings
have shown poor representation of science news in the daily press as well as a low
level of trustworthiness, especially in reporting biomedical news.
Beyond the Myths about the Natural and Social Sciences: A Sociological View, 2009
In terms of self-reported productivity, it has been empirically proven that the natural and socia... more In terms of self-reported productivity, it has been empirically proven that the natural and social sciences have developed different publication patterns. The social area is characterised by twice the number of professional publications and by the preponderance of mono-authored publications among scientific works, whereas natural scientists produce twice as many papers indexed in WoS databases, and predominantly co-authored papers. A significant differentiation of research productivity is noticed in both areas because individual sciences show recognisable patterns of career and five-year productivity. The disciplinary specificities of research production patterns can be ascribed to differences in the intellectual and social organisation, mode of knowledge production and cognitive styles of scientific areas and fields. The composition of significant predictors and their contribution to explaining the analysed types of research productivity also differ. The best predictors of production in the natural sciences are the researcher’ s international cooperation and networking, whereas the social sciences show the greater impact of the scientist’ s national or local orientation, i.e. focus on the local scientific community. However, a predictor that at the same time accounts for a significant portion of publication productivity in both areas and indicates the scientist’ s social capital has been identified. It is the variable of invited stays abroad that would be impossible without the scientist’ s international collegial networking. Longitudinal data from Croatian and foreign studies (Kyvik, 1988, 2003) identify deep structural changes in the main forms of research productivity in both areas, especially in the social sciences, and chiefly in the number of authors and international availability of scientific results. Our findings, however, lead to the tentative conclusion that the levelling out or reduction of differences between the social and natural sciences takes place in productivity patterns, but to all appearances also in productivity predictors.
Elite znanja u društvu (ne)znanja, 2005
Glavni cilj ove studije su nove spoznaje o bitnim osobinama načina proizvodnje znanja i znanstven... more Glavni cilj ove studije su nove spoznaje o bitnim osobinama načina proizvodnje znanja i znanstvene produktivnosti u hrvatskome istraživačkom sustavu. Istraživanje je provedeno poštanskom anketom na slučajnom uzorku od 915 znanstvenika i istraživača. Ispitivane su tri glavne dimenzije načina znanstvene proizvodnje - podjela rada i utjecaja, komercijalizacija istraživanja i socijalni kapital. U načinu znanastvene proizvodnje razabire se dugoročnije smanjenje intenziteta istraživačke aktivnosti, rast aplikativnih istraživanja te stanovita - ne i pretjerana - hijerarhičnost u distribuciji istraživačkih poslova i rukovodećih uloga i utjecaja. Ekspanzija primijenjenoga istraživačkog rada nije praćena komercijalizacijom (akademske) znanosti. Dapače, bilježi se pad tržišne aktivnosti znanstvenoistraživačkih ustanova kroz smanjenje relativnog broja naručenih istraživanja u posljednjih četrnaest godina. Opseg međunarodne suradnje istraživačke populacije nije zadovoljavajući, ali ipak obuhvaća više od trećine istraživača koji redovito rade s inozemnim kolegama na zajedničkim istraživanjima, dok više od polovice znanstvenika ima (i) redovite međunarodne kontakte za razmjenu informacija i iskustava. Osnovni rezultati analize objavljivačke produkcije tiču se praktički iste razine sadašnje i prijašnje prosječne znanstvene produktivnosti (2004. i 1990. godine), njezina zaostajanja za razvijenim svijetom te važnih unutarnjih strukturalnih promjena. Hrvatski istraživači manje objavljuju od svojih kolega iz razvijenoga svijeta, ali po strukturi publikacija, posebno po rastu objavljivanja inozemnih i koautorskih radova, slijede osnovne svjetske trendove. Znanstvena produkcija jest doživjela duboku strukturalnu preobrazbu od monoautorske ka koautorskoj, te od lokalne prema međunarodno znatno usmjerenijoj produktivnosti. Nema dvojbe da su ove promjene bile inducirane uvođenjem zahtjevnijih mjerila znanstvenog napredovanja istraživača. Najvažniji činioci znanstvene produktivnosti istraživača, kompatibilni s nalazima drugih istraživanja su: brojniji znanstveni projekti, zatim vodeće projektne i institucionalne uloge kao i veći internacionalni socijalni kapital znanstvenika. Dobiveni rezultati omogućuju, dapače sugeriraju zaključak da način proizvodnje znanja predstavlja osnovni socio-kognitivni okvir znanstvene produktivnosti, naročito ako se motri u najtješnjoj povezanosti sa znanstvenim i organizacijskim kontekstom.
Sustainability Perspectives from the European Semi-periphery/ M. Domazet & D. Marinović Jerolimov Eds., 2014
International Journal of Sociology, 2007
Despite the fact that state socialism promoted the employment of women and, at least formally, ge... more Despite the fact that state socialism promoted the employment of women and, at least formally, gender equality as means of societal modernization, the prevailing picture of the Southeast European region is one of rather traditional, patriarchic societies. The postcommunist transition was characterized by high social costs and political attempts at retraditionalization, particularly through the increasingly public role of religion. At the same time, the societies were under more universal influence of modernity processes of individualization and permissiveness. Thus, it is difficult to assess in which direction, toward modernity or traditionalism, these societies are heading. In this article we analyze attitudes toward gender roles and women's employment in Croatia. Using the South-East European Social Survey Project (SEESSP) data set (2003), we test several hypotheses linking respondents 'attitudes with their socioeconomic characteristics as well as their upbringing. Our analyses have implications for gender policy in transitional economies that are burdened by consistently high unemployment rates, particularly among women, and by frequent, politically motivated, attempts at retraditionalization.
The Aftermath of War: Experiences and Social Attitudes in the Western Balkans / Ringdal, Kristen ; Simkus, Albert (eds.)., Dec 2012
This paper analyzes micro-determinants of negative attitudes toward homosexuality in seven South-... more This paper analyzes micro-determinants of negative attitudes toward homosexuality in seven South-East European societies (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia). Using data from the South-East European Social Survey, carried out on national probability samples in 2003, we analyzed the individual-level effects of modernization and religious tradition. According to our findings, homonegativity – operationalized as disapproval of homosexuality – was reversely associated with social modernization (education and urbanity). As reported in other similar studies, gender, age, and religiosity were found to have independent effects on homonegativity. Interestingly, persistent religious traditions affected the reported levels of homonegativity differentially – in a country-specific manner. In the pooled sample, Muslim and Orthodox participants were more likely to have homonegative attitudes than Catholic participants, irrespective of their socio-cultural status. When the analysis was carried out separately by country, only age and education were found relatively consistent predictors of attitude toward homosexual individuals. In addition, several country-specific effects were observed, but, overall, the model lacked substantial explanatory power. In conclusion, the authors discuss the role of post-communist transition in generating homonegativity and address possible study limitations.
Sustainability Perspectives from the European Semi-periphery/ M. Domazet & D. Marinović Jerolimov, eds., 2014
International Journal of Sociology, 2007
Despite the fact that state socialism promoted the employment of women and, at least formally, ge... more Despite the fact that state socialism promoted the employment of women and, at least formally, gender equality as means of societal modernization, the prevailing picture of the South-Eastern European region is the one of rather traditional, patriarchic societies. The post-communist transition was characterized by high social costs and political attempts at re-traditionalization, particularly through the increasingly public role of religion. At the same time the societies were under more universal influence of modernity processes of individualization and permissiveness.
Books by Marija Brajdic Vukovic
Qualitative Case Study From Idea to Realization, 2021
Qualitative Case Study From Idea to Realization, 2021
The monograph Qualitative Case Study: From Idea to Realization was created with the aim of contri... more The monograph Qualitative Case Study: From Idea to Realization was created with the aim of contributing to the understanding of qualitative case study and the challenges of conducting it from the perspective of a first-time researcher, whether an experienced researcher or a novice researcher. In this monograph, the intention is to present our starting points and understanding of being qualitative case studies with the hope that our experiences will help solve challenges or at least give perspective or direction to potential solutions to research dilemmas.
Positive Attitude towards Teaching in Higher Education, 2021
The aim of the publication is to present and promote the framework of a positive attitude towards... more The aim of the publication is to present and promote the framework of a positive attitude towards teaching, the elements that make up this relationship and the recommendations arising from the acceptance of the proposed concept. The monograph does not address exclusively the scientific public that shares our scientific interests, but all those concerned with this topic, primarily higher education teachers of all disciplines, administrations of higher education institutions and decision makers who can encourage a positive attitude towards higher education.
Academic systems are undergoing changes in which the social organisation of research as well as p... more Academic systems are undergoing changes in which the social organisation of research as well as patterns of scientific productivity in the humanities and social sciences progressively resemble those in hard sciences. The hard and soft sciences are increasingly converging. This development can be observed in (1) publishing patterns, (2) the division of research, and (3) the internationalisation of research. This study explored the extent to which these changes occurring in academic systems in terms of a transformation of disciplinary practices are also becoming a trend in transitional post-socialist countries. We used Croatia as a case of a post socialist transitional context and compared it to Slovenia, a country with a similar past but somewhat different science policies and strategies. The results point to increasing convergence in some soft disciplines, visible in projectification and internationalisation of academic work as well as a significant change in the publishing patterns.
Traditiones, 2020
This paper deals with attitudes, values and ideologies as potentials in influencing cultural chan... more This paper deals with attitudes, values and ideologies as potentials in influencing cultural change toward more environmentally and socially sustainable socio-political system. The main framework of the discussion is the degrowth paradigm and the results of analyses are based on the two modules of the International Social Survey Program (2017). The main indicator of the (social) degrowth potentiality is the ' degrowth scale', consisting of dimensions related the end of economic growth and the need for social change. Those dimensions are (statistically) contextualised within respondents' socio-demographic characteristics, and their other values and attitudes, and discussed within the degrowth paradigm. Keywords: degrowth paradigm, cultural change, sustainable socio-political system, value systems, ideology, ISSP Ta članek obravnava odnos, vrednote in ideologije, ki lahko potencialno vplivajo na kulturne spremembe k bolj okoljsko in socialno trajnostnemu družbeno-političnemu sistemu. Glavni okvir razprave je paradigma odrasti, rezultati analiz pa temeljijo na dveh modulih mednarodnega programa socialnega raziskovanja (2017). Glavni kazalnik (družbene) naraščanja potenciala je "lestvica odrasti", povezana s koncem gospodarske rasti in s potrebami po družbenih spremembah. Dimenzije odrasti so v razpravi (statistično) kontekstual-izirane in se odražajo v socialno-demografskih značilnostih anketirancev in drugih njihovih vrednot in stališč. Ključne besede: paradigma odrasti, kulturne spremembe, trajnostni družbenopolitični sistem, vrednostni sistemi, ideologija, ISSP
Traditiones, 2020
This paper deals with attitudes, values and ideologies as potentials in influencing cultural chan... more This paper deals with attitudes, values and ideologies as potentials in influencing cultural change toward more environmentally and socially sustainable socio-political system. The main framework of the discussion is the degrowth paradigm and the results of analyses are based on the two modules of the International Social Survey Program (2017). The main indicator of the (social) degrowth potentiality is the ' degrowth scale', consisting of dimensions related the end of economic growth and the need for social change. Those dimensions are (statistically) contextualised within respondents' socio-demographic characteristics, and their other values and attitudes, and discussed within the degrowth paradigm. Keywords: degrowth paradigm, cultural change, sustainable socio-political system, value systems, ideology, ISSP
In book: Ecology and Justice Contributions from the margins
(Re)searching Scientific Careers, 2014
Th e mentoring provided by a senior scientist is regarded as particularly important for young res... more Th e mentoring provided by a senior scientist is regarded as particularly important for young researchers' professional socialization. High-quality mentoring experiences permanently infl uence the careers of young researchers. Due to diff erences in the social organization of disciplines, the mentoring practices provided for young researchers are described as diff ering greatly between the social and natural sciences. However, recent global changes in nature of academic work and the practices of the academic profession, together with changes related to the production of knowledge in the social sciences, impose questions relating to the possible changes in mentoring patterns and practices in those disciplines. Th is qualitative study of a sample of 40 novices from the natural and social sciences has shown characteristic diff erences between the studied domains, but it has also found that. in both the natural and social sciences, mentorship diff ers from -in the previous research described -characteristic disciplinary patterns and practices. Th e latter fi nding is related to the disciplinary changes in the production of knowledge, as well as global and local (Croatian) changes of science systems and policies. Th e study concludes with specifi c remarks on how to improve a 'scientifi c novice programme' to work more as high-quality professional socialization programme.
Analiza novačkog sustava pokazala je da formalnopravni okvir, kao i nedostatno definiranje ciljev... more Analiza novačkog sustava pokazala je da formalnopravni okvir, kao i nedostatno definiranje ciljeva politike osposobljavanja mladih istraživača u Hrvatskoj, generiraju neka od obilježja radnopravne nesigurnosti ili prekarnosti na tržištu rada poput neizvjesnosti budućeg zapošljavanja i/ili zadržavanja niše u profesiji. No, podaci o uspješnosti novačkog sustava ukazuju na ozbiljne manjkavosti i u ishodima profesionalne socijalizacije što upućuje na probleme profesionalnog osposobljavanja u smislu reprodukcije znanja i vještina u okviru znanstvenog i visokoobrazovnog sustava. Ova kvalitativna studija istražuje koje su prepreke procesu profesionalne socijalizacije mladih istraživača u prirodnim i društvenim znanostima te koja je priroda i koje su okolnosti nastanka navedenih prepreka. Istraživanje putem polustrukturiranih intervjua provedeno na uzorku od 40 mladih istraživača iz različitih polja društvenih i prirodnih znanosti pokazalo je da su ozbiljne prepreke procesa profesionalne socijalizacije više povezane s načinom svakodnevnog praktičnog funkcioniranja znanstveno- novačkog sustava, nego sa samim radnopravnim okvirom. Tako su kao najveće prepreke u oba područja znanosti prepoznati problemi poput prekomjernog rada novaka u nastavi i/ili na tržišnim projektima trećih naručitelja, problemi s formalnom supervizijom i/ili mentorstvom, prepreke vezane uz nedostatno financiranje znanstvenih istraživanja, premali istraživački timovi i nedostatak stručnog i tehničkog osoblja, te problemi povezani s dominantnim vrijednostima akademske zajednice koje se izražavaju i kao generacijski jaz između mlađih i starijih istraživača. Rad zaključuje da unatoč činjenici da je novaštvo komparativno povoljniji formalnopravni okvir istraživačke socijalizacije u odnosu na internacionalna iskustva, praktično provođenje sustava upravo istraživačku, a naročito disciplinarnu socijalizaciju, često onemogućuje te da je kontradikcija formalnopravnog okvira i praktičnog funkcioniranja prisutna na svim socijalizacijskim razinama. Razmatrajući u istraživanju prepoznate probleme profesionalne socijalizacije mladih istraživača u svijetlu novijih znanstvenih politika, primjećuje se da one idu u smjeru povećanja radnopravne nesigurnosti mladih istraživača, a da pritom ne rješavaju aktualne probleme novačkog sustava, već ih potencijalno i produbljuju.
Science & Technology Studies 1/2013
Research into media representations of science is widespread and well-established in scientifi c... more Research into media representations of science is widespread and well-established in
scientifi cally and technologically highly developed countries. However, very little is
known about the characteristics of media reporting of science in transition countries,
which are only just beginning to recognize the importance of research into the
relationship between science, the media and the public. In this study, using content
analysis of the daily newspapers with the largest circulations in Croatia (Jutarnji list
and Večernji list) we researched the quantity and quality of media reporting of science.
We link them to the characteristics of the Croatian media (tabloidization, the erosion of
professional criteria) and the wider social context from which they stem. Our fi ndings
have shown poor representation of science news in the daily press as well as a low
level of trustworthiness, especially in reporting biomedical news.
Beyond the Myths about the Natural and Social Sciences: A Sociological View, 2009
In terms of self-reported productivity, it has been empirically proven that the natural and socia... more In terms of self-reported productivity, it has been empirically proven that the natural and social sciences have developed different publication patterns. The social area is characterised by twice the number of professional publications and by the preponderance of mono-authored publications among scientific works, whereas natural scientists produce twice as many papers indexed in WoS databases, and predominantly co-authored papers. A significant differentiation of research productivity is noticed in both areas because individual sciences show recognisable patterns of career and five-year productivity. The disciplinary specificities of research production patterns can be ascribed to differences in the intellectual and social organisation, mode of knowledge production and cognitive styles of scientific areas and fields. The composition of significant predictors and their contribution to explaining the analysed types of research productivity also differ. The best predictors of production in the natural sciences are the researcher’ s international cooperation and networking, whereas the social sciences show the greater impact of the scientist’ s national or local orientation, i.e. focus on the local scientific community. However, a predictor that at the same time accounts for a significant portion of publication productivity in both areas and indicates the scientist’ s social capital has been identified. It is the variable of invited stays abroad that would be impossible without the scientist’ s international collegial networking. Longitudinal data from Croatian and foreign studies (Kyvik, 1988, 2003) identify deep structural changes in the main forms of research productivity in both areas, especially in the social sciences, and chiefly in the number of authors and international availability of scientific results. Our findings, however, lead to the tentative conclusion that the levelling out or reduction of differences between the social and natural sciences takes place in productivity patterns, but to all appearances also in productivity predictors.
Elite znanja u društvu (ne)znanja, 2005
Glavni cilj ove studije su nove spoznaje o bitnim osobinama načina proizvodnje znanja i znanstven... more Glavni cilj ove studije su nove spoznaje o bitnim osobinama načina proizvodnje znanja i znanstvene produktivnosti u hrvatskome istraživačkom sustavu. Istraživanje je provedeno poštanskom anketom na slučajnom uzorku od 915 znanstvenika i istraživača. Ispitivane su tri glavne dimenzije načina znanstvene proizvodnje - podjela rada i utjecaja, komercijalizacija istraživanja i socijalni kapital. U načinu znanastvene proizvodnje razabire se dugoročnije smanjenje intenziteta istraživačke aktivnosti, rast aplikativnih istraživanja te stanovita - ne i pretjerana - hijerarhičnost u distribuciji istraživačkih poslova i rukovodećih uloga i utjecaja. Ekspanzija primijenjenoga istraživačkog rada nije praćena komercijalizacijom (akademske) znanosti. Dapače, bilježi se pad tržišne aktivnosti znanstvenoistraživačkih ustanova kroz smanjenje relativnog broja naručenih istraživanja u posljednjih četrnaest godina. Opseg međunarodne suradnje istraživačke populacije nije zadovoljavajući, ali ipak obuhvaća više od trećine istraživača koji redovito rade s inozemnim kolegama na zajedničkim istraživanjima, dok više od polovice znanstvenika ima (i) redovite međunarodne kontakte za razmjenu informacija i iskustava. Osnovni rezultati analize objavljivačke produkcije tiču se praktički iste razine sadašnje i prijašnje prosječne znanstvene produktivnosti (2004. i 1990. godine), njezina zaostajanja za razvijenim svijetom te važnih unutarnjih strukturalnih promjena. Hrvatski istraživači manje objavljuju od svojih kolega iz razvijenoga svijeta, ali po strukturi publikacija, posebno po rastu objavljivanja inozemnih i koautorskih radova, slijede osnovne svjetske trendove. Znanstvena produkcija jest doživjela duboku strukturalnu preobrazbu od monoautorske ka koautorskoj, te od lokalne prema međunarodno znatno usmjerenijoj produktivnosti. Nema dvojbe da su ove promjene bile inducirane uvođenjem zahtjevnijih mjerila znanstvenog napredovanja istraživača. Najvažniji činioci znanstvene produktivnosti istraživača, kompatibilni s nalazima drugih istraživanja su: brojniji znanstveni projekti, zatim vodeće projektne i institucionalne uloge kao i veći internacionalni socijalni kapital znanstvenika. Dobiveni rezultati omogućuju, dapače sugeriraju zaključak da način proizvodnje znanja predstavlja osnovni socio-kognitivni okvir znanstvene produktivnosti, naročito ako se motri u najtješnjoj povezanosti sa znanstvenim i organizacijskim kontekstom.
Sustainability Perspectives from the European Semi-periphery/ M. Domazet & D. Marinović Jerolimov Eds., 2014
International Journal of Sociology, 2007
Despite the fact that state socialism promoted the employment of women and, at least formally, ge... more Despite the fact that state socialism promoted the employment of women and, at least formally, gender equality as means of societal modernization, the prevailing picture of the Southeast European region is one of rather traditional, patriarchic societies. The postcommunist transition was characterized by high social costs and political attempts at retraditionalization, particularly through the increasingly public role of religion. At the same time, the societies were under more universal influence of modernity processes of individualization and permissiveness. Thus, it is difficult to assess in which direction, toward modernity or traditionalism, these societies are heading. In this article we analyze attitudes toward gender roles and women's employment in Croatia. Using the South-East European Social Survey Project (SEESSP) data set (2003), we test several hypotheses linking respondents 'attitudes with their socioeconomic characteristics as well as their upbringing. Our analyses have implications for gender policy in transitional economies that are burdened by consistently high unemployment rates, particularly among women, and by frequent, politically motivated, attempts at retraditionalization.
The Aftermath of War: Experiences and Social Attitudes in the Western Balkans / Ringdal, Kristen ; Simkus, Albert (eds.)., Dec 2012
This paper analyzes micro-determinants of negative attitudes toward homosexuality in seven South-... more This paper analyzes micro-determinants of negative attitudes toward homosexuality in seven South-East European societies (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia). Using data from the South-East European Social Survey, carried out on national probability samples in 2003, we analyzed the individual-level effects of modernization and religious tradition. According to our findings, homonegativity – operationalized as disapproval of homosexuality – was reversely associated with social modernization (education and urbanity). As reported in other similar studies, gender, age, and religiosity were found to have independent effects on homonegativity. Interestingly, persistent religious traditions affected the reported levels of homonegativity differentially – in a country-specific manner. In the pooled sample, Muslim and Orthodox participants were more likely to have homonegative attitudes than Catholic participants, irrespective of their socio-cultural status. When the analysis was carried out separately by country, only age and education were found relatively consistent predictors of attitude toward homosexual individuals. In addition, several country-specific effects were observed, but, overall, the model lacked substantial explanatory power. In conclusion, the authors discuss the role of post-communist transition in generating homonegativity and address possible study limitations.
Sustainability Perspectives from the European Semi-periphery/ M. Domazet & D. Marinović Jerolimov, eds., 2014
International Journal of Sociology, 2007
Despite the fact that state socialism promoted the employment of women and, at least formally, ge... more Despite the fact that state socialism promoted the employment of women and, at least formally, gender equality as means of societal modernization, the prevailing picture of the South-Eastern European region is the one of rather traditional, patriarchic societies. The post-communist transition was characterized by high social costs and political attempts at re-traditionalization, particularly through the increasingly public role of religion. At the same time the societies were under more universal influence of modernity processes of individualization and permissiveness.
Qualitative Case Study From Idea to Realization, 2021
Qualitative Case Study From Idea to Realization, 2021
The monograph Qualitative Case Study: From Idea to Realization was created with the aim of contri... more The monograph Qualitative Case Study: From Idea to Realization was created with the aim of contributing to the understanding of qualitative case study and the challenges of conducting it from the perspective of a first-time researcher, whether an experienced researcher or a novice researcher. In this monograph, the intention is to present our starting points and understanding of being qualitative case studies with the hope that our experiences will help solve challenges or at least give perspective or direction to potential solutions to research dilemmas.
Positive Attitude towards Teaching in Higher Education, 2021
The aim of the publication is to present and promote the framework of a positive attitude towards... more The aim of the publication is to present and promote the framework of a positive attitude towards teaching, the elements that make up this relationship and the recommendations arising from the acceptance of the proposed concept. The monograph does not address exclusively the scientific public that shares our scientific interests, but all those concerned with this topic, primarily higher education teachers of all disciplines, administrations of higher education institutions and decision makers who can encourage a positive attitude towards higher education.
Izdavač: Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu Za izdavača: Branislava Baranović Uredništv... more Izdavač: Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu Za izdavača: Branislava Baranović Uredništvo: Povjerenstvo za osiguravanje kvalitete Instituta za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu Recenzenti: prof. dr. sc. Antonija Žižak prof. dr. sc. Željka Kamenov © 2014. Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu Publikacija licencirana pod Creative Commons 4.0 licencom CC BY NC (licenca proširiva uz odobrenje autora). Više informacija o licenci dostupno je na adresi ISBN 978-953-6218-60-8 CIP zapis dostupan u računalnome katalogu Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice u Zagrebu pod brojem 882156.
Tri su temeljne dimenzije studije: pregled razvijenosti organizacija civilnog društva, procjena r... more Tri su temeljne dimenzije studije: pregled razvijenosti organizacija civilnog društva, procjena razvoja društvenog kapitala u području demokratizacije i razvijenosti civilnog društva, te analiza šireg društvenog učinka podrški programima demokratizacije i razvoja civilnog društva.
U radu se pitanje prilagodbe na buduće klimatske promjene kao i ublažavanja klimatskih promjena r... more U radu se pitanje prilagodbe na buduće klimatske promjene kao i ublažavanja klimatskih promjena razmatra kroz mogućnosti korištenja lokalnih 'domorodačkih' znanja koja su u nekim društvenopovijesnim kontekstima, poput hrvatskog, doživjela diskontinuitet te bi ih valjalo revitalizirati. Ovo se posebice odnosi na znanja povezana s tehnološkim i drugim rješenjima prilagodbe na ekstremne klimatske događaje, a koja se istovremeno mogu označiti kao razvojno-održiva. Zagovarajući propusnost granica između znanstvenog/tehnološkog i ostalih 'laičkih' sustava znanja rad razmatra mogućnosti legitimacije i zajedničke formalizacije lokalnog i znanstvenog/tehnološkog znanja pretvaranjem istih u univerzalne kategorije prenosive na različite lokalitete u globaliziranom svijetu.
STS has sometimes been accused of ‘presentism’: a tendency to study configurations, assemblages, ... more STS has sometimes been accused of ‘presentism’: a tendency to study configurations, assemblages, arrangements, sets of material practices that take place here and now, in the present. How would our key concepts, methods, analytical strategies change if we blurred the boundary between the past and the present, the here and the there, and sensitized ourselves to half-presences? This subplenary aimed to address this abstract question by initiating a discussion about the postsocialist condition. More specifically, we aimed to explore remembered and forgotten narratives of modernism, sources of enthusiasm and scepticism towards technoscientific promises, and various configurations of the public and the private in sociotechnical innovations in order to discuss how the concept of postsocialism might contribute to ongoing debates in STS, and vice-versa, how insights from STS might help us better understand the postsocialist condition.