Egor Kitov | Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology Russian Academy of Science (original) (raw)
Papers by Egor Kitov
Ufa Archaeological Herald, 2024
В статье анализируются краниологические данные чирикрабатской культуры с учетом новых антропологи... more В статье анализируются краниологические данные чирикрабатской культуры с учетом новых антропологических материалов из мавзолея Егистик с территории Восточного Приаралья. Коллекция представлена 13 черепами, из которых 6 мужских и 7 женских. С учетом сборной серии из памятников, раскопанных с 1957 по 1964 гг., представленные авторами данные являются значительным дополнением к уже опубликованным и датируются IV-II вв. до н.э. На некоторых черепах отмечены следы бешиковой искусственной деформации, она была широко распространена у населения Центральной Азии, представленного сакскими культурами. Уплощение затылка у индивидов из могильника Егистик и на смежных территориях позволяет сделать вывод о широком распространении бешиковой люльки у ранних кочевников ввиду подвижного образа жизни в аридной зоне Северной Евразии. Наличие остеом на черепе у 31 % индивидов позволяет сделать вывод об их возможном биологическом родстве и семейном характере погребального сооружения. Анализ краниологических данных чирикрабатской культуры на широком фоне сравнительных материалов с помощью канонического анализа показал, что мужская серия обнаруживает преемственность от предшествующего населения и близка как к сакским группам сопредельных территорий, так и к группам сарматов Волго-Уралья и Западного Казахстана. Женская серия не имеет преемственности с предшествующим населением раннесакского времени рассматриваемого региона и связана с группами савромато-сарматского облика Волго-Уралья и Нижнего Поволжья, что ставит вопрос о тесных контактах не только с населением близлежащих соседних территорий, но и с ранними кочевниками-сарматами бассейна реки Урал.
The study analyses the Chirik-Rabat craniological data. The analysis includes new anthropological materials from the East-Aral Sea Egistic mausoleum. The collection is represented with 13 craniums – 6 male and 7 female ones. A series of monuments was discovered between 1957 and 1961. These monuments date back to 3–2 centuries BC. The data provided by the authors are a significant addition to the already published researches. Some craniums have traces of the beshik cradle artificial cranial deformation. It was frequent in the Central Asia Saka people. Individuals were found with applanation on the back of their heads. It allows to conclude that early nomads often used beshik cradles because they led a nomadic lifestyle in the North Eurasia arid zone. 31% of the skulls have osteomas. This allows the conclusion on the burial ground being designed for families and the individuals being blood-related. The Chirik-Rabat craniological data have a vast amount of comparative data. The canonical analysis showed that the male artefacts belonged to the descendants of the
preceding population. Besides the male skulls appeared to be close to both the neighbouring Saka tribes, Volga, Ural and West Kazakhstan Sarmatians. Whereas female artefacts showed no sign of descending from the early Saka population of the stated region. The study shows that these findings are associated with the auromatian-Sarmatian type of the Volga-Ural and Lower Volga population. This statement questions the theory of close contacts with both neighbouring communities and nomad Sarmatians of the Ural River basin.
Revisiting the issue of connections among the nomads social elite from the Southern Urals according to craniology data from the Filippovka kurgans 1 // К проблеме связей социальной элиты кочевников Южного Приуралья по данным краниологии из филипповских курганов, 2024
The article is devoted to the reconstruction of the relations of the nomads' social elite from th... more The article is devoted to the reconstruction of the relations of the nomads' social elite from the Southern Urals buried in the cemetries of the kurgans Filippovka 1, 2. The total craniological series of these monuments consists of 22 skulls (9 male and 13 female) representing brachycranial broad-faced Caucasoids. The aim of the study is to determine the historical roots of this group including their migration patterns, as well as their contacts with the surrounding population. The study is based on a comparative analysis of 35 craniological series of the Early Iron Age sites in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Eurasia. The comparison was carried out according to the canonical analysis method using the Multican and Statistica 12 programs. In terms of morphological features, the individuals buried in the Filippovka kurgans are as close as possible to the nomads of the Southern Urals and the Lower Volga region of the Sauromatian (6 th-5 th /4 th centuries BC) and early Sarmatian (4 th-3 rd centuries BC) time. They probably come from the local nomadic population who resided in this territory in early Sauromatian time. Representatives of the Filippovka group are also morphologically close to the Saka of the Aral Sea region and to the bearers of the Tasmolа culture from Central Kazakhstan. The formation of the pastoral population of the Early Iron Age (5 th-4 th centuries BC) of two regions-the Southern Urals and the Aral Sea-might have taken place on a single anthropological basis, which is associated with the nomadic tribes of Central Kazakhstan including the bearers of the Tasmolа culture who had contacts with the Southern Siberia settled groups. As a result of mestizo processes on the contact territory, a special type of population the so-called Eastern Caucasoids with a small Mongoloid admixture was formed, which then spread in the southern Aral and western Ural directions. The spatial connections of the population that left the Filippovka kurgans are geographically wide. Judging by the archaeological data, they were grounded primarily on the basis of trade and economic relations. The craniological source shows some heterogeneity of the Ural nomads, but it is difficult to speak confidently about the time and mixing forms of their constituent components; the recorded phenomenon is also relevant among other synchronous groups of mobile pastoralists from Central Asia.
В статье представлены палеоантропологические материалы раннего периода функционирования могильник... more В статье представлены палеоантропологические материалы раннего периода функционирования могильника Берел, связанного с пазырыкской культурой. Памятник расположен на Алтае (Республика Казахстан). В статье приведены краниологические, одонтологические данные и свидетельства посмертных манипуляций с костями индивидов из крупных курганов, принадлежавших лицам высокого социального статуса. Физические особенности населения, представленного в могильнике, находят аналогии, как в пазырыкской культуре, так и среди населения сакских культур Центральной Азии. Наличие женского черепа с монголоидным обликом в кургане 16 подтверждает уже имеющиеся представления об участии индивидов с восточным, монголоидным обликом в полноценной жизни пазырыкского сообщества. Посмертные манипуляции с телами, следы которых фиксируются на костных останках лиц высокого социального статуса могильника Берел, существенно дополняют базу данных для понимания нюансов погребальных традиций, связанных с искусственной мумификацией тел. Прощальные церемонии в условиях кочевого образа жизни не всегда представляются возможными в короткие сроки. Можно предположить, что мумификация тел был подготовительным этапом для сложного и длительного процесса прощальных традиций перед погребением тела в условиях аридного климата.
Население среднего течения р. Урал в раннем железном веке (по данным могильника Индустриальная Зона), 2023
В публикации анализируются краниологические данные серии из 32 черепов IV–III вв. до н.э. ранних ... more В публикации анализируются краниологические данные серии из 32 черепов IV–III вв. до н.э. ранних кочевников сарматского облика из могильника Индустриальная Зона с территории Теректинского района Западно-Казахстанской области Республики Казахстан. Для них отмечаются близкие морфологические особенности, свойственные населению бассейна р. Урал. Анализ серии из могильника на широком фоне сравнительных материалов раннего железного века показал, что по краниологическим особенностям группы не отличаются от окружающего населения региона с близкими культурными характеристиками.
Stratum plus. Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology, 2021
The article attempts to generalize the paleoanthropological data of the Saka period from the terr... more The article attempts to generalize the paleoanthropological data of the Saka period from the territory of Alai (Kyrgyzstan), collected over a long period, and a significant part of these materials has been offered for scientific discussion. Comparison of the male and female groups shows their significant similarity, both in average values and in the level and direction of variability. The Alai skulls contain two morphological complexes of characters. One of them is a mesobrachicranial, low-faced Mongoloids with low orbits, a wide nose and alveolar prognathism, expressed mainly in women group. Another morphological complex is characterized by dolichocrania and has a pronounced Caucasoid character of the Mediterranean type, which has local origin. In this case the increase of the Caucasoid characteristics towards the Mediterranean anthropological type is probably associated with ethnogenetic contacts with the Saka of the Pamirs. An analysis of the anthropological materials of the Saka...
Nizhnevolzhskiy Arheologicheskiy Vestnik, 2020
The paper focuses on the anthropological materials obtained from the cemetery Mortyk I. This arch... more The paper focuses on the anthropological materials obtained from the cemetery Mortyk I. This archaeological monument is located on the Emba River, which originates from the western slopes of Mugodzhar mountains and flows into the Caspian Sea. Today it is one of the southernmost studied Sauromat-Sarmatian monuments of the early nomads. Unfortunately, there are practically no studied cemeteries dating back to the VI–IV centuries BC located in this region, despite the large number of cemeteries in this region and the Northern Aral Sea region. Anthropological materials from Mortyk I cemetery were studied using the craniological and osteometric programs, comonnly used in Russian science. A statistical and individual typological analysis was performed due to small number of series and their satisfactory preservation. According to the results of the analysis, the presented series shows the closest analogies with the population of the Ural river basin of the end of VI–IV centuries BC, despi...
Izvestiya of Altai State University, 2014
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Significance The bacterium Yersinia pestis has caused numerous historically documented outbreaks ... more Significance The bacterium Yersinia pestis has caused numerous historically documented outbreaks of plague and research using ancient DNA could demonstrate that it already affected human populations during the Neolithic. However, the pathogen’s genetic diversity, geographic spread, and transmission dynamics during this early period of Y. pestis evolution are largely unexplored. Here, we describe a set of ancient plague genomes up to 5,000 y old from across Eurasia. Our data demonstrate that two genetically distinct forms of Y. pestis evolved in parallel and were both distributed across vast geographic distances, potentially occupying different ecological niches. Interpreted within the archeological context, our results suggest that the spread of plague during this period was linked to increased human mobility and intensification of animal husbandry.
Stratum plus. Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology, 2021
The article examines anthropological materials from the Kos-Oba cemetery of the Savromat-Sarmatia... more The article examines anthropological materials from the Kos-Oba cemetery of the Savromat-Sarmatian period based on craniometric and paleopathological data from the region located between the Ural and Volga rivers in Western Kazakhstan. The results of craniometric analysis are indicative of the continuity of the population from the 6th century BC to the 1st century AD, as well as the physical resemblance between the people from Kos-Oba and those inhabiting the UralRiver basin. Paleopathological data also indicate that this sample does not stand out in frequencies of traumas and pathologies from the early nomad groups of the Volga-Ural region and Western Kazakhstan. One of the skulls has a trephine opening, possibly performed with medical purposes or representing a result of ritual manipulation. This study shows that the Kos-Oba cemetery can be reviewed as a part of the large Savromat-Sarmatian site systems, which are present not only in the UralRiver basin and the Ustyurt, but also i...
Science, 2021
Ancient DNA traces the history of hepatitis B Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections represent a worl... more Ancient DNA traces the history of hepatitis B Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections represent a worldwide human health concern. To study the history of this pathogen, Kocher et al . identified 137 human remains with detectable levels of virus dating between 400 and 10,000 years ago. Sequencing and analyses of these ancient viruses suggested a common ancestor between 12,000 and 20,000 years ago. There is no evidence indicating that HBV was present in the earliest humans as they spread out of Africa; however, HBV was likely present in human populations before farming. Furthermore, the virus was present in the Americas by about 9000 years ago, representing a lineage sister to the viral strains found in Eurasia that diverged about 20,000 years ago. —LMZ
Science Advances, 2021
Ancient genomic time-transect across the Central Asian Steppe sheds new light onto the origins an... more Ancient genomic time-transect across the Central Asian Steppe sheds new light onto the origins and demise of the Scythians.
Science, 2019
Ancient human movements through Asia Ancient DNA has allowed us to begin tracing the history of h... more Ancient human movements through Asia Ancient DNA has allowed us to begin tracing the history of human movements across the globe. Narasimhan et al. identify a complex pattern of human migrations and admixture events in South and Central Asia by performing genetic analysis of more than 500 people who lived over the past 8000 years (see the Perspective by Schaefer and Shapiro). They establish key phases in the population prehistory of Eurasia, including the spread of farming peoples from the Near East, with movements both westward and eastward. The people known as the Yamnaya in the Bronze Age also moved both westward and eastward from a focal area located north of the Black Sea. The overall patterns of genetic clines reflect similar and parallel patterns in South Asia and Europe. Science , this issue p. eaat7487 ; see also p. 981
Nature, 2021
During the Early Bronze Age, populations of the western Eurasian steppe expanded across an immens... more During the Early Bronze Age, populations of the western Eurasian steppe expanded across an immense area of northern Eurasia. Combined archaeological and genetic evidence supports widespread Early Bronze Age population movements out of the Pontic–Caspian steppe that resulted in gene flow across vast distances, linking populations of Yamnaya pastoralists in Scandinavia with pastoral populations (known as the Afanasievo) far to the east in the Altai Mountains1,2 and Mongolia3. Although some models hold that this expansion was the outcome of a newly mobile pastoral economy characterized by horse traction, bulk wagon transport4,5,6 and regular dietary dependence on meat and milk5, hard evidence for these economic features has not been found. Here we draw on proteomic analysis of dental calculus from individuals from the western Eurasian steppe to demonstrate a major transition in dairying at the start of the Bronze Age. The rapid onset of ubiquitous dairying at a point in time when stepp...
During the Early Bronze Age, populations of the western Eurasian steppe expanded across an immens... more During the Early Bronze Age, populations of the western Eurasian steppe expanded across an immense area of northern Eurasia. Combined archaeological and genetic evidence supports widespread Early Bronze Age population movements out of the Pontic–Caspian steppe that resulted in gene flow across vast distances, linking populations of Yamnaya pastoralists in Scandinavia with pastoral populations (known as the Afanasievo) far to the east in the Altai Mountains1,2 and Mongolia3. Although some models hold that this expansion was the outcome of a newly mobile pastoral economy characterized by horse traction, bulk wagon transport4–6 and regular dietary dependence on meat and milk5, hard evidence for these economic features has not been found. Here we draw on proteomic analysis of dental calculus from individuals from the western Eurasian steppe to demonstrate a major transition in dairying at the start of the Bronze Age. The rapid onset of ubiquitous dairying at a point in time when steppe ...
SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
This article examines the ancient gold jewelry with inlay, which were discovered in the process o... more This article examines the ancient gold jewelry with inlay, which were discovered in the process of archeological excavations of grave sites located on the Eleke Sazy Plateau, Tarbagatay Ridge in the East of Kazakhstan in the burial of a notable young man, conducted in summer of 2018. It is attributed to Saka culture, and dates back to approximately VIII – VII centuries BC. Among the objects, were found garments embroidered with gold, quiver with arrows, and bronze dagger in gold scabbard. This work examines the golden scabbard for the dagger. The scabbard consists of several parts attached to the wooden base and decorated with gold seeds and inlay. The inlay did not survive in many of the discovered items, but the traces of it remain. In the process of degradation, some jewels have changed their color, and currently look grey. Micro-samples for the research were selected from the crumbling fragments of inlay, acquired during restoration of the artifact. Modern natural scientific me...
Vostok. Afro-aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost
Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 4. Istorija. Regionovedenie. Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija
Introduction. The work focuses on anthropological materials of the border between two areals: the... more Introduction. The work focuses on anthropological materials of the border between two areals: the Srubnaya and Alakul cultures of the Bronze Age. New data is based on the burial grounds of the Kozhumberdy type of the Alakul culture from Western Kazakhstan. Methods and materials. The authors compare the craniological series which are formed according to the geographical localization of the monuments and modern archaeological ideas about their cultural interpretation. Analysis. As a result of statistical analysis, the craniological series of the Srubnaya and Alakul cultures are morphologically quite close, but the latter show higher variability of characteristics. More close to each other are samples of female skulls which show that the formation of physical characteristics of these populations occurred on a single anthropological substrate. Initially, carriers of different caucasoid complexes, mainly of steppe origin, and in a small proportion of the uraloid ones took part in the pro...
Genesis: исторические исследования
This article explores the ancient gold jewelry with inlay, which were discovered in the process o... more This article explores the ancient gold jewelry with inlay, which were discovered in the process of archeological studies conducted in Summer 2018 of grave complexes located on the Eleke Sazy Plateau, Tarbagatay Ridge in East Kazakhstan Region in the burial of a young man belonging to aristocratic ancestry. It refers to the Saka culture, and dates back to approximately VIII-VII centuries BC. Among the discovered objects were garments embroidered with gold, quiver with arrows, and a bronze dagger in gold scabbard. This work studied the golden scabbard for dagger. The scabbard consists of several parts attached to a wooden base and decorated with granulation and inlay. In many cases, only traces of inlay remain. Some gems changed in color in the process of degradation, and currently look grey. Micro-samples for the research were selected from the crumbling fragments of inlay obtained in the process of restoration of the item. Modern natural scientific methods allow studying the materia...
Ufa Archaeological Herald, 2024
В статье анализируются краниологические данные чирикрабатской культуры с учетом новых антропологи... more В статье анализируются краниологические данные чирикрабатской культуры с учетом новых антропологических материалов из мавзолея Егистик с территории Восточного Приаралья. Коллекция представлена 13 черепами, из которых 6 мужских и 7 женских. С учетом сборной серии из памятников, раскопанных с 1957 по 1964 гг., представленные авторами данные являются значительным дополнением к уже опубликованным и датируются IV-II вв. до н.э. На некоторых черепах отмечены следы бешиковой искусственной деформации, она была широко распространена у населения Центральной Азии, представленного сакскими культурами. Уплощение затылка у индивидов из могильника Егистик и на смежных территориях позволяет сделать вывод о широком распространении бешиковой люльки у ранних кочевников ввиду подвижного образа жизни в аридной зоне Северной Евразии. Наличие остеом на черепе у 31 % индивидов позволяет сделать вывод об их возможном биологическом родстве и семейном характере погребального сооружения. Анализ краниологических данных чирикрабатской культуры на широком фоне сравнительных материалов с помощью канонического анализа показал, что мужская серия обнаруживает преемственность от предшествующего населения и близка как к сакским группам сопредельных территорий, так и к группам сарматов Волго-Уралья и Западного Казахстана. Женская серия не имеет преемственности с предшествующим населением раннесакского времени рассматриваемого региона и связана с группами савромато-сарматского облика Волго-Уралья и Нижнего Поволжья, что ставит вопрос о тесных контактах не только с населением близлежащих соседних территорий, но и с ранними кочевниками-сарматами бассейна реки Урал.
The study analyses the Chirik-Rabat craniological data. The analysis includes new anthropological materials from the East-Aral Sea Egistic mausoleum. The collection is represented with 13 craniums – 6 male and 7 female ones. A series of monuments was discovered between 1957 and 1961. These monuments date back to 3–2 centuries BC. The data provided by the authors are a significant addition to the already published researches. Some craniums have traces of the beshik cradle artificial cranial deformation. It was frequent in the Central Asia Saka people. Individuals were found with applanation on the back of their heads. It allows to conclude that early nomads often used beshik cradles because they led a nomadic lifestyle in the North Eurasia arid zone. 31% of the skulls have osteomas. This allows the conclusion on the burial ground being designed for families and the individuals being blood-related. The Chirik-Rabat craniological data have a vast amount of comparative data. The canonical analysis showed that the male artefacts belonged to the descendants of the
preceding population. Besides the male skulls appeared to be close to both the neighbouring Saka tribes, Volga, Ural and West Kazakhstan Sarmatians. Whereas female artefacts showed no sign of descending from the early Saka population of the stated region. The study shows that these findings are associated with the auromatian-Sarmatian type of the Volga-Ural and Lower Volga population. This statement questions the theory of close contacts with both neighbouring communities and nomad Sarmatians of the Ural River basin.
Revisiting the issue of connections among the nomads social elite from the Southern Urals according to craniology data from the Filippovka kurgans 1 // К проблеме связей социальной элиты кочевников Южного Приуралья по данным краниологии из филипповских курганов, 2024
The article is devoted to the reconstruction of the relations of the nomads' social elite from th... more The article is devoted to the reconstruction of the relations of the nomads' social elite from the Southern Urals buried in the cemetries of the kurgans Filippovka 1, 2. The total craniological series of these monuments consists of 22 skulls (9 male and 13 female) representing brachycranial broad-faced Caucasoids. The aim of the study is to determine the historical roots of this group including their migration patterns, as well as their contacts with the surrounding population. The study is based on a comparative analysis of 35 craniological series of the Early Iron Age sites in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Eurasia. The comparison was carried out according to the canonical analysis method using the Multican and Statistica 12 programs. In terms of morphological features, the individuals buried in the Filippovka kurgans are as close as possible to the nomads of the Southern Urals and the Lower Volga region of the Sauromatian (6 th-5 th /4 th centuries BC) and early Sarmatian (4 th-3 rd centuries BC) time. They probably come from the local nomadic population who resided in this territory in early Sauromatian time. Representatives of the Filippovka group are also morphologically close to the Saka of the Aral Sea region and to the bearers of the Tasmolа culture from Central Kazakhstan. The formation of the pastoral population of the Early Iron Age (5 th-4 th centuries BC) of two regions-the Southern Urals and the Aral Sea-might have taken place on a single anthropological basis, which is associated with the nomadic tribes of Central Kazakhstan including the bearers of the Tasmolа culture who had contacts with the Southern Siberia settled groups. As a result of mestizo processes on the contact territory, a special type of population the so-called Eastern Caucasoids with a small Mongoloid admixture was formed, which then spread in the southern Aral and western Ural directions. The spatial connections of the population that left the Filippovka kurgans are geographically wide. Judging by the archaeological data, they were grounded primarily on the basis of trade and economic relations. The craniological source shows some heterogeneity of the Ural nomads, but it is difficult to speak confidently about the time and mixing forms of their constituent components; the recorded phenomenon is also relevant among other synchronous groups of mobile pastoralists from Central Asia.
В статье представлены палеоантропологические материалы раннего периода функционирования могильник... more В статье представлены палеоантропологические материалы раннего периода функционирования могильника Берел, связанного с пазырыкской культурой. Памятник расположен на Алтае (Республика Казахстан). В статье приведены краниологические, одонтологические данные и свидетельства посмертных манипуляций с костями индивидов из крупных курганов, принадлежавших лицам высокого социального статуса. Физические особенности населения, представленного в могильнике, находят аналогии, как в пазырыкской культуре, так и среди населения сакских культур Центральной Азии. Наличие женского черепа с монголоидным обликом в кургане 16 подтверждает уже имеющиеся представления об участии индивидов с восточным, монголоидным обликом в полноценной жизни пазырыкского сообщества. Посмертные манипуляции с телами, следы которых фиксируются на костных останках лиц высокого социального статуса могильника Берел, существенно дополняют базу данных для понимания нюансов погребальных традиций, связанных с искусственной мумификацией тел. Прощальные церемонии в условиях кочевого образа жизни не всегда представляются возможными в короткие сроки. Можно предположить, что мумификация тел был подготовительным этапом для сложного и длительного процесса прощальных традиций перед погребением тела в условиях аридного климата.
Население среднего течения р. Урал в раннем железном веке (по данным могильника Индустриальная Зона), 2023
В публикации анализируются краниологические данные серии из 32 черепов IV–III вв. до н.э. ранних ... more В публикации анализируются краниологические данные серии из 32 черепов IV–III вв. до н.э. ранних кочевников сарматского облика из могильника Индустриальная Зона с территории Теректинского района Западно-Казахстанской области Республики Казахстан. Для них отмечаются близкие морфологические особенности, свойственные населению бассейна р. Урал. Анализ серии из могильника на широком фоне сравнительных материалов раннего железного века показал, что по краниологическим особенностям группы не отличаются от окружающего населения региона с близкими культурными характеристиками.
Stratum plus. Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology, 2021
The article attempts to generalize the paleoanthropological data of the Saka period from the terr... more The article attempts to generalize the paleoanthropological data of the Saka period from the territory of Alai (Kyrgyzstan), collected over a long period, and a significant part of these materials has been offered for scientific discussion. Comparison of the male and female groups shows their significant similarity, both in average values and in the level and direction of variability. The Alai skulls contain two morphological complexes of characters. One of them is a mesobrachicranial, low-faced Mongoloids with low orbits, a wide nose and alveolar prognathism, expressed mainly in women group. Another morphological complex is characterized by dolichocrania and has a pronounced Caucasoid character of the Mediterranean type, which has local origin. In this case the increase of the Caucasoid characteristics towards the Mediterranean anthropological type is probably associated with ethnogenetic contacts with the Saka of the Pamirs. An analysis of the anthropological materials of the Saka...
Nizhnevolzhskiy Arheologicheskiy Vestnik, 2020
The paper focuses on the anthropological materials obtained from the cemetery Mortyk I. This arch... more The paper focuses on the anthropological materials obtained from the cemetery Mortyk I. This archaeological monument is located on the Emba River, which originates from the western slopes of Mugodzhar mountains and flows into the Caspian Sea. Today it is one of the southernmost studied Sauromat-Sarmatian monuments of the early nomads. Unfortunately, there are practically no studied cemeteries dating back to the VI–IV centuries BC located in this region, despite the large number of cemeteries in this region and the Northern Aral Sea region. Anthropological materials from Mortyk I cemetery were studied using the craniological and osteometric programs, comonnly used in Russian science. A statistical and individual typological analysis was performed due to small number of series and their satisfactory preservation. According to the results of the analysis, the presented series shows the closest analogies with the population of the Ural river basin of the end of VI–IV centuries BC, despi...
Izvestiya of Altai State University, 2014
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Significance The bacterium Yersinia pestis has caused numerous historically documented outbreaks ... more Significance The bacterium Yersinia pestis has caused numerous historically documented outbreaks of plague and research using ancient DNA could demonstrate that it already affected human populations during the Neolithic. However, the pathogen’s genetic diversity, geographic spread, and transmission dynamics during this early period of Y. pestis evolution are largely unexplored. Here, we describe a set of ancient plague genomes up to 5,000 y old from across Eurasia. Our data demonstrate that two genetically distinct forms of Y. pestis evolved in parallel and were both distributed across vast geographic distances, potentially occupying different ecological niches. Interpreted within the archeological context, our results suggest that the spread of plague during this period was linked to increased human mobility and intensification of animal husbandry.
Stratum plus. Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology, 2021
The article examines anthropological materials from the Kos-Oba cemetery of the Savromat-Sarmatia... more The article examines anthropological materials from the Kos-Oba cemetery of the Savromat-Sarmatian period based on craniometric and paleopathological data from the region located between the Ural and Volga rivers in Western Kazakhstan. The results of craniometric analysis are indicative of the continuity of the population from the 6th century BC to the 1st century AD, as well as the physical resemblance between the people from Kos-Oba and those inhabiting the UralRiver basin. Paleopathological data also indicate that this sample does not stand out in frequencies of traumas and pathologies from the early nomad groups of the Volga-Ural region and Western Kazakhstan. One of the skulls has a trephine opening, possibly performed with medical purposes or representing a result of ritual manipulation. This study shows that the Kos-Oba cemetery can be reviewed as a part of the large Savromat-Sarmatian site systems, which are present not only in the UralRiver basin and the Ustyurt, but also i...
Science, 2021
Ancient DNA traces the history of hepatitis B Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections represent a worl... more Ancient DNA traces the history of hepatitis B Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections represent a worldwide human health concern. To study the history of this pathogen, Kocher et al . identified 137 human remains with detectable levels of virus dating between 400 and 10,000 years ago. Sequencing and analyses of these ancient viruses suggested a common ancestor between 12,000 and 20,000 years ago. There is no evidence indicating that HBV was present in the earliest humans as they spread out of Africa; however, HBV was likely present in human populations before farming. Furthermore, the virus was present in the Americas by about 9000 years ago, representing a lineage sister to the viral strains found in Eurasia that diverged about 20,000 years ago. —LMZ
Science Advances, 2021
Ancient genomic time-transect across the Central Asian Steppe sheds new light onto the origins an... more Ancient genomic time-transect across the Central Asian Steppe sheds new light onto the origins and demise of the Scythians.
Science, 2019
Ancient human movements through Asia Ancient DNA has allowed us to begin tracing the history of h... more Ancient human movements through Asia Ancient DNA has allowed us to begin tracing the history of human movements across the globe. Narasimhan et al. identify a complex pattern of human migrations and admixture events in South and Central Asia by performing genetic analysis of more than 500 people who lived over the past 8000 years (see the Perspective by Schaefer and Shapiro). They establish key phases in the population prehistory of Eurasia, including the spread of farming peoples from the Near East, with movements both westward and eastward. The people known as the Yamnaya in the Bronze Age also moved both westward and eastward from a focal area located north of the Black Sea. The overall patterns of genetic clines reflect similar and parallel patterns in South Asia and Europe. Science , this issue p. eaat7487 ; see also p. 981
Nature, 2021
During the Early Bronze Age, populations of the western Eurasian steppe expanded across an immens... more During the Early Bronze Age, populations of the western Eurasian steppe expanded across an immense area of northern Eurasia. Combined archaeological and genetic evidence supports widespread Early Bronze Age population movements out of the Pontic–Caspian steppe that resulted in gene flow across vast distances, linking populations of Yamnaya pastoralists in Scandinavia with pastoral populations (known as the Afanasievo) far to the east in the Altai Mountains1,2 and Mongolia3. Although some models hold that this expansion was the outcome of a newly mobile pastoral economy characterized by horse traction, bulk wagon transport4,5,6 and regular dietary dependence on meat and milk5, hard evidence for these economic features has not been found. Here we draw on proteomic analysis of dental calculus from individuals from the western Eurasian steppe to demonstrate a major transition in dairying at the start of the Bronze Age. The rapid onset of ubiquitous dairying at a point in time when stepp...
During the Early Bronze Age, populations of the western Eurasian steppe expanded across an immens... more During the Early Bronze Age, populations of the western Eurasian steppe expanded across an immense area of northern Eurasia. Combined archaeological and genetic evidence supports widespread Early Bronze Age population movements out of the Pontic–Caspian steppe that resulted in gene flow across vast distances, linking populations of Yamnaya pastoralists in Scandinavia with pastoral populations (known as the Afanasievo) far to the east in the Altai Mountains1,2 and Mongolia3. Although some models hold that this expansion was the outcome of a newly mobile pastoral economy characterized by horse traction, bulk wagon transport4–6 and regular dietary dependence on meat and milk5, hard evidence for these economic features has not been found. Here we draw on proteomic analysis of dental calculus from individuals from the western Eurasian steppe to demonstrate a major transition in dairying at the start of the Bronze Age. The rapid onset of ubiquitous dairying at a point in time when steppe ...
SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
This article examines the ancient gold jewelry with inlay, which were discovered in the process o... more This article examines the ancient gold jewelry with inlay, which were discovered in the process of archeological excavations of grave sites located on the Eleke Sazy Plateau, Tarbagatay Ridge in the East of Kazakhstan in the burial of a notable young man, conducted in summer of 2018. It is attributed to Saka culture, and dates back to approximately VIII – VII centuries BC. Among the objects, were found garments embroidered with gold, quiver with arrows, and bronze dagger in gold scabbard. This work examines the golden scabbard for the dagger. The scabbard consists of several parts attached to the wooden base and decorated with gold seeds and inlay. The inlay did not survive in many of the discovered items, but the traces of it remain. In the process of degradation, some jewels have changed their color, and currently look grey. Micro-samples for the research were selected from the crumbling fragments of inlay, acquired during restoration of the artifact. Modern natural scientific me...
Vostok. Afro-aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost
Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 4. Istorija. Regionovedenie. Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija
Introduction. The work focuses on anthropological materials of the border between two areals: the... more Introduction. The work focuses on anthropological materials of the border between two areals: the Srubnaya and Alakul cultures of the Bronze Age. New data is based on the burial grounds of the Kozhumberdy type of the Alakul culture from Western Kazakhstan. Methods and materials. The authors compare the craniological series which are formed according to the geographical localization of the monuments and modern archaeological ideas about their cultural interpretation. Analysis. As a result of statistical analysis, the craniological series of the Srubnaya and Alakul cultures are morphologically quite close, but the latter show higher variability of characteristics. More close to each other are samples of female skulls which show that the formation of physical characteristics of these populations occurred on a single anthropological substrate. Initially, carriers of different caucasoid complexes, mainly of steppe origin, and in a small proportion of the uraloid ones took part in the pro...
Genesis: исторические исследования
This article explores the ancient gold jewelry with inlay, which were discovered in the process o... more This article explores the ancient gold jewelry with inlay, which were discovered in the process of archeological studies conducted in Summer 2018 of grave complexes located on the Eleke Sazy Plateau, Tarbagatay Ridge in East Kazakhstan Region in the burial of a young man belonging to aristocratic ancestry. It refers to the Saka culture, and dates back to approximately VIII-VII centuries BC. Among the discovered objects were garments embroidered with gold, quiver with arrows, and a bronze dagger in gold scabbard. This work studied the golden scabbard for dagger. The scabbard consists of several parts attached to a wooden base and decorated with granulation and inlay. In many cases, only traces of inlay remain. Some gems changed in color in the process of degradation, and currently look grey. Micro-samples for the research were selected from the crumbling fragments of inlay obtained in the process of restoration of the item. Modern natural scientific methods allow studying the materia...
Paleoanthropological Materials of the Beginning of the Metal Epoch of the South of the Volga Region, the Cis-Ural Region and Western Kazakhstan: Yamnaya Kurgan Cultures., 2024
The collective monograph is dedicated to the anthropological materials that were obtained in the ... more The collective monograph is dedicated to the anthropological materials that were obtained in the process of archaeological research of the burial monuments of burial mound (kurgan) type of the Volga region, the Cis-Ural region and Western Kazakhstan dating back to 36-22 centuries BC.
In the illustrated publication available material, mainly craniological, is published. Absolute dates, demographic, morphogenetic and genealogical reconstructions obtained during the process of study are shown; paleopathological and other informative aspects of life of the ancient population are described; a gallery of sculptural and graphic reconstructions made on the basis of the human skulls is also presented here.
The book is intended for scientists in the field of ancient Eurasian history, paleoanthropologists, archaeologists, ethnologists, as well as for general readers, who are interested in the processes of development, adaptation and expansion of paleopopulations during one of the early periods of
differentiation of Indo-European linguistic group
Палеоантропология сакских культур Притяньшанья (VIII – первая половина II в. до н.э.). , 2019
Степные племена на северо-западных границах Хорезма в VI-II вв. до н. э. – II-IV вв. н. э. (по материалам курганного могильника Казыбаба I), 2022
В монографии представлены результаты археологических исследований могильника Казыбаба I, располож... more В монографии представлены результаты археологических исследований могильника Казыбаба I, расположенного на юго-восточном выступе Устюрта. Территориально это приграничная территория Узбекистана (Республика Каракалпакстан) с Туркменистаном, исторически это граница мира степных кочевников и земледельческого Древнего Хорезма. На сегодняшний день могильник Казыбаба I является самым большим и полностью раскопанным могильником ранних кочевников на территории Устюрта, который датируется VI–IV, IV–II вв. до н. э. и II–IV вв. н. э. Памятник, состоящий из семи курганных групп, был исследован в 1988–1990 гг. под руководством Вадима Николаевича Ягодина. Все полученные данные являются актуальным источником информации, необходимым для решения вопросов об исторических процессах, которые происходили в раннем железном веке на границах Древнего Хорезма.
Данная книга адресована как специалистам – археологам, антропологам, специалистам смежных дисциплин, так и всем, кто интересуется древней историей.
Collection Monograph / Ed. by S.A. Yatsenko, 2020
Yatsenko S.A., Avizova А.К, Torgoev A.I., Saipov A., Kulish A.V., Kitov E.P., Rogozhinskii A.E., ... more Yatsenko S.A., Avizova А.К, Torgoev A.I., Saipov A., Kulish A.V., Kitov E.P., Rogozhinskii A.E., Smagulov E.A., Erzhigitova A.A., Torezhanova N.Zh., Tur S.S., Ivanov S.S. Archaeology and History of Cangju State / Ed. by Sergey A. Yatsenko. Shymkent: Әlem, 2020, 216 pp + 112 pls. (in Russian). ISBN 978-9965-19-600-3.
You can also DOWNLOAD the book in my post box: , ca 48 mbt.
by the editor
The collective book is the first big special international study devoted to the little-studied Kangju / Kanga /康居"nomadic empire". Its heyday was in the 80 – 230 CE and the center located in the Middle Syr Darya Basin. That time Kangju was the most powerful state in the West of the Central Asia. The heyday of Kangju coincided with the great time of antiquity – with the simultaneous heyday of the Roman Empire, the Han Dynasty China, the Parthian Iran and the Kushan Empire. The role of Kangju was crucial in the emergence of the "Northern Road" from 20 BCE - an important route of the newly emerged Silk Road. At the same time, Kangju was the only state in the western part of Central Asia that consistently opposed China. It was a long-lived state with almost 5-century history (ca 130 BCE – 350 CE). The history of this state is closely related to the early fate of the famous peoples of the past – the Alans and the southern Huns (Chionites). The history of Kangju is an important part of the history of peoples in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, the Russian Steppe zone to the east from Volga, some parts of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.
The Kangju early state emerged as a socio-cultural synthesis of nomads and settled farmers, groups that migrated from the East and descendants of the ancient population of Transoxiana. The Kangju peoples were the first to create a series of fortified settlements on vast territories in the northernmost oases of the Syr Darya Basin and Northern Tien Shan Mountains, including several cities, and laid roads here. Kangju successfully manipulated by the certain groups of nomadic Sarmatians, Alans, Wusun, and Xiongnu to increase its power.
However, paradoxically, today we know much less about the Kangju state than, for example, about the Saka of Semirechye / Jetytu, the tribes of the Pazyryk Culture, the Eastern groups of Sarmatians and other ancient inhabitants of Kazakhstan in antiquity. Different aspects of the life of this ancient state have not yet been practically studied. This is why our book looks to the future in many ways. We did not try to create a solid generalizing work on Kangju. Such generalizations have been made several times in the past on very limited material and have not been very successful.
The book was prepared as the part of Kazakhstan President scientific programm BR05233709 “The History and Culture of the the Great Steppe”. The main idea of this collection of papers was proposed in February 2020 by Prof. Sergey A. Yatsenko (the editor, RSUH, Moscow) and Dr. Asan I. Torgoev (Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg). The chapters of the book present new, unpublished materials, give new interpretations of already known facts, or summarize the materials of field research of previous years. The opinions expressed in various chapters reflect the positions of thier 12 authors. This collection was devoted to one of the co-authors who died in October 2019 – Erbulat A. Smagulov (Almaty).
В данной монографии впервые сведены воедино материалы могильника позднего бронзового века Кулевчи... more В данной монографии впервые сведены воедино материалы могильника позднего бронзового века Кулевчи VI в Южном Зауралье. В книге читатель может найти как исчерпывающее описание исследованных экспедицией ЧГПИ в 1979–1983 гг. объектов, так и результаты обработки материалов этого замечательного во многих аспектах памятника разнообразными профильными специалистами. Безусловным достоинством монографии является ее обширный иллюстративный ряд.
Монография предназначена, прежде всего, для археологов. Но может быть полезна для всех интересующихся проблемами древней истории Южного Зауралья. Пространное англоязычное резюме, как надеются авторы, многократно увеличит читательскую аудиторию книги.
В представленной монографии представлены данные по изучению памятников ранних кочевников в област... more В представленной монографии представлены данные по изучению памятников ранних кочевников в областях Западного Казахстана раннего железного века. Основной материал представленный в монографии это палеоантропологические материалы. Они являются результатом многолетних исследований в области антропологии степной полосы Западного Казахстана и Волго-Уральского региона. Настоящая работа включает палеоантропологические данные, собранные учеными за период с 2007 г. по настоящее время. Авторы исследования, обобщив все имеющиеся данные, основанные на анализе индивидуальных краниометрических, а также одонтологических характеристик и патологических изменений, постарались осветить возможности решения вопросов в изучении кочевого населения Западного Казахстана и Волго-Уральского региона в раннем железном веке.
Опубликованы тексты докладов по раннему железному веку.
Археологические открытия, 2018
The artical deals with new archaeological investigations in North Caucasus (Kabardino-Balkaria re... more The artical deals with new archaeological investigations in North Caucasus (Kabardino-Balkaria region).
Science Advances, 2021
The Scythians were a multitude of horse-warrior nomad cultures dwelling in the Eurasian steppe du... more The Scythians were a multitude of horse-warrior nomad cultures dwelling in the Eurasian steppe during the first millennium BCE. Because of the lack of first-hand written records, little is known about the origins and relations among the different cultures. To address these questions, we produced genome-wide data for 111 ancient individuals retrieved from 39 archaeological sites from the first millennia BCE and CE across the Central Asian Steppe. We uncovered major admixture events in the Late Bronze Age forming the genetic substratum for two main Iron Age gene-pools emerging around the Altai and the Urals respectively. Their demise was mirrored by new genetic turnovers, linked to the spread of the eastern nomad empires in the first centuries CE. Compared to the high genetic heterogeneity of the past, the homogenization of the present-day Kazakhs gene pool is notable, likely a result of 400 years of strict exogamous social rules.