Andreea Constantinescu | Institute of National Economy - Romanian Academy (original) (raw)

Papers by Andreea Constantinescu


Due to the abundance of heritage issues interpretation and in order to facilitate analysis of the... more Due to the abundance of heritage issues interpretation and in order to facilitate analysis of the transformation of an object or site-through expertise and instrumentation-into a topic open to long-lasting cultural consumption, researchers have recently imposed the concept of patrimonialization. Being able to promote and manage sustainable development by capitalizing both natural segments, as well as the cultural and intangible segments of universal heritage, patrimonialization added-from a interdisciplinary perspective-to social interrogations of heritage interpretation, those specific for the necessity to ensure environmental, economic and social sustainability. This paper will emphasize the importance of heritage component for sustainable development, as well as the fact that patrimonialization provides to sustainable development the opportunity to become part of the heritage. Following an integrated approach as patrimonialization implies, implementation of all activities related to heritage will be introduced in the service of sustainable development. Thus, policies, strategies and measures for conservation, protection and promotion of heritage should stimulate, on one hand, civic engagement and critical attitude towards protecting and respecting local and universal heritage values and, on the other hand, transnational cooperation in implementing the most appropriate ways for their integration. Therefore, having the quality of an alternative device for economic recovery, heritage of South East Europe must be patrimonialized to ensure sustainable reconciliation between entrepreneurship that reflects emergence of regional markets, and consumption of heritage, between economic development and the limitations of environmental protection and between museological local traditionalism and the expansion of international networks of living heritage interpretation. In the field of climate change, there is a clear opportunity for all sectors linked to sustainability, and also for heritage. Many of the initiatives of heritage conservation stated that sustainability strategies and compliance are imposed by respect for the environment and climate change constraints. Despite the fact that identification of heritage items were already resolved by instrumentalization of interpretation process, its placement in the field of sustainable development could be done only by interdisciplinary targeting of correlation elements.

Research paper thumbnail of Financial and Economic Risks to Public Projects

Procedia Economics and Finance, 2014

This paperis a summary ofresearch activityconductedwithin Sustainable Economic Developmentsectoro... more This paperis a summary ofresearch activityconductedwithin Sustainable Economic Developmentsectorof Instituteof National Economyin 2013, activitycentered aroundthe research theme"Economic and financialrisk managementof environmentalprojectsfinanced from European funds; impact of the crisis". The general objectiveistheoretical and methodologicalsubstantiation of the most important economic and financialrisksspecific to environmentalinvestments, with particular emphasis onthepublicdomain, i.e. waste management, water supply andsewagemanagement.A number of matrix were executed in order to evaluate the risks that occur in waste managementprojectsand also an analysisof the risk probabilityandrisk allocation on bothcollection, sortingandwaste transferconcessionas well asin compliance storagewasteconcession.The second part of the paper presented the economic and financial risks that arise in the field of water supply and sanitation (WSS), classified as commercial and institutional risks. To analyze the major economic and financial risks in the sector, especially in the Romanian situation, ataxonomy table of the main financial and economic risks was proposed, as well as a qualitative risk assessment matrix by applying the risk matrix scores.

Research paper thumbnail of Current Perspectives and Challenges of Biofuel Production and Consumption

This is the first article in a series meant to identify secondary effects of fuel production and ... more This is the first article in a series meant to identify secondary effects of fuel production and consumption.The article presents, in synthesis, the main ideas and contributions of the paper “Economic effects of biofuels production and consumption in Romania”, written by the authors in 2009 within the research programme of the Institute of National Economy: Economic-social mechanisms and policies of

Research paper thumbnail of Evolution of Urban Structures in Romania and Some EU Countries

Procedia Economics and Finance, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Laws and Principles of Universal Value in Sustainable Development Indicators Analysis

Each extension of the scope of laws and principles that allow both mathematical and statistical r... more Each extension of the scope of laws and principles that allow both mathematical and statistical remodeling as well as reaffirming the appropriateness of proven methods, stirs up a special study interest. The ever-expanding computational power of laws of power offers to the scientific universe possibility of new approach to the crucial relationship between quantity and quality, between micro and macro dimensions. Boosting broadening the use of quasi-universal value theories in research in order to deepen the analysis of sustainable development indicators can lead to a greater understanding of all aspects of this area and to facilitate understanding of the arguments which underlie any responsible decision making. This assumption underlies the logical conclusion that sustainability becomes even stronger as it benefits from scientific arguments support resulting from research. Although we have confined ourselves in drafting some coordinates for application of each method presented to pa...

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of technological innovation on the pillars of sustainable development

In a knowledge based society, technological innovation is primarily an engine of development in e... more In a knowledge based society, technological innovation is primarily an engine of development in economic competitiveness terms. In our paper we wish, by the method of analysis and synthesis, to highlight the main concepts and mechanisms through which technological innovation can have a beneficial synergistic effect on the pillars of sustainable development: economic, social, environmental. We also propose to analyze the dynamics of these mechanisms to provide sustainable development policies with support for a low-cost integration of environmental and social progress requirements, as preconditions of sustainable economic development which in turn will spur technological innovation. This way the strategies for sustainable development should be efficiently and effectively underpinned.

Research paper thumbnail of Evolution of urban structures in Romania and some EU countries / Evoluţia structurilor urbane în România şi unele ţări ale Uniunii Europene

Urban structure consists of all the relationships established in urban areas, between urban const... more Urban structure consists of all the relationships established in urban areas, between urban constituents: functional, psycho-social, physical-spatial. Evolution thereof depends on demographic concentration and socio-economic and cultural differentiated development. The analysis presented in this paper seeks changes in structure of urban population in several European countries for a period of approximately 30 years. The same analysis was performed on Romania, highlighting phenomena of urban structure concentration or of concentration reduction by decreasing the share of cities and increasing importance of small and medium towns. After 1990, in Romania has manifested a phenomenon of accelerated appearance of new towns that had led to changes in urban structure. Key-words: urban structures, urban analysis, urban concentration indicators

Research paper thumbnail of New Developments in Assessing Forest Ecosystem Services in Romania

Procedia Economics and Finance, 2015

Economic assessment of forest ecosystems is especially important for determining efficiency of in... more Economic assessment of forest ecosystems is especially important for determining efficiency of investment in: biodiversity conservation, expansion of the national forest and rational use of forest resources, sustainable forest development. In Romania, although discussed and debated in recent years, this subject has generated and still produces theoretical, methodological and practical issues. Economic and social consequences of changes in forest ecosystems are difficult to predict. Changes in the dynamics of river basins, ecologic regions or wildlife systems, for example, can reduce or increase various aspects of human welfare. Without sufficient knowledge about the value of forest ecosystem services, consequences unpredictability tends to increase with the degree of change. This paper will address some issues related to estimating the economic value of forests in Romania and ecosystem services provided by forests. The methodology used includes: clarifying and defining the main methodological and operational concepts, charts and diagrams to describe correlations and mechanisms of forest functions, qualitative and quantitative assessment (tables, matrices) of ecosystem services, with identification of the most important benefits, analysis of main methods of economic assessment of forest ecosystem services with recommendations and conclusions.

Research paper thumbnail of Monte Carlo Method in Risk Analysis for Investment Projects

Procedia Economics and Finance, 2014

ABSTRACT Risk assessment for environmental projects consists of studying the probability that pro... more ABSTRACT Risk assessment for environmental projects consists of studying the probability that projects will achieve a satisfactory performance for threshold - values of internal rate of return (IRR) or net present value (NPV).

Research paper thumbnail of Financial and Economic Risks to Public Projects

Procedia Economics and Finance, 2014

This paperis a summary ofresearch activityconductedwithin Sustainable Economic Developmentsectoro... more This paperis a summary ofresearch activityconductedwithin Sustainable Economic Developmentsectorof Instituteof National Economyin 2013, activitycentered aroundthe research theme"Economic and financialrisk managementof environmentalprojectsfinanced from European funds; impact of the crisis". The general objectiveistheoretical and methodologicalsubstantiation of the most important economic and financialrisksspecific to environmentalinvestments, with particular emphasis onthepublicdomain, i.e. waste management, water supply andsewagemanagement.A number of matrix were executed in order to evaluate the risks that occur in waste managementprojectsand also an analysisof the risk probabilityandrisk allocation on bothcollection, sortingandwaste transferconcessionas well asin compliance storagewasteconcession.The second part of the paper presented the economic and financial risks that arise in the field of water supply and sanitation (WSS), classified as commercial and institutional risks. To analyze the major economic and financial risks in the sector, especially in the Romanian situation, ataxonomy table of the main financial and economic risks was proposed, as well as a qualitative risk assessment matrix by applying the risk matrix scores.

Research paper thumbnail of Current Perspectives and Challenges of Biofuel Production and Consumption

Romanian Journal of …, 2010

∗ Victor Platon, Ph.D., senior researcher I, Institute of National Economy, Romanian Academy, e-m... more ∗ Victor Platon, Ph.D., senior researcher I, Institute of National Economy, Romanian Academy, e-mail:; Simona Frone, Ph.D., senior researcher II, Institute of National Economy, Romanian Academy, e-mail: simona.frone@; Andreea ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Technological Innovation on Sustainable Economic Development

Research paper thumbnail of Regional disparities in Romania. ROP contribution to health infrastructure

Health infrastructure is one of the weak spots of social-economic development in Romania and othe... more Health infrastructure is one of the weak spots of social-economic development in Romania and other European states. In order to get a better picture of the Romanian health system issues, this paper analyzes a number of statistical indicators considered representative for the national and European health infrastructure for a 20 years' timeline, between 1990 and 2010. The paper has three main objectives: a. Identify main trends for health infrastructure in some of the European Union countries; b. Describe the evolution of the health system in Romania, comparative situation on European level as well as regional level indicators dynamics; c. Overview of the Regional Operational Program in Romania, how much does it help the regional health infrastructure in Romania. At the European level there is a constant decrease in hospital beds number. For this indicator, Romania has slightly higher values than European average. Must be mentioned that hospital beds indicator offers limited information on health infrastructure which also includes medical equipment and specific devices and practices. Hospital number in Romania increased during last 20 years with 18, 9% (1990-2010). During the observed timeline, the number of hospitals in Romania, on regional level, had a constant positive evolution. The number of doctors in hospitals has an increasing trend on local as well as on international level. Romania has a number of doctors twice lower than European average (3,6 doctors for one thousand inhabitants). Regional Operational Program (POR) has a limited influence in achieving the objectives stated in Applicants Guide for Priority Axe 3, Major Intervention Domain 3.1. This happens because supporting infrastructure improvements will not create institutional modernization. Financial contribution through POR will result in modernization of 11% of the existing hospitals in Romania.

Research paper thumbnail of Climate_change_EU_and_national_policies

Research paper thumbnail of Coordonate Ale Managementului Dezvoltării Durabile Din Perspectiva Culturii Organizaţionale

Acest studiu reprezintă o investigaţie teoretică a mai multor puncte de vedere ştiinţifice care, ... more Acest studiu reprezintă o investigaţie teoretică a mai multor puncte de vedere ştiinţifice care, în viziunea noastră, converg spre validarea premisei care stă la baza demersului de faţă. Aceasta evidenţiază faptul că rolul managerului dezvoltării durabile este crucial pentru orice entitatefie ea economică sau non-profit -care doreşte să se dezvolte asumându-şi, pe de o parte, concepţiile responsabilităţii sociale a întreprinderii şi, pe de alta, exigenţele noului management public. Promovând totodată un leadership al responsabilităţii globale, managementul dezvoltării durabile conduce în cele din urmă la schimbarea culturii organizaţionale în sensul acceptării, la nivelul tuturor straturilor unei întreprinderi, trecerii aprecierii finale a performanţei prin filtrul sustenabilităţii. În plus, având în vedere situaţia actuală din spaţiul socio-economic şi etic românesc, considerăm că aplicarea concluziei acestei analize în ţara noastră reprezintă o acţiune de stringentă necesitate.


The study following to be presented was realised as result of documentation and processing statis... more The study following to be presented was realised as result of documentation and processing statistic information required in view of realising the research work Priority Project III: "Build-up and development of the specific SME structure, economic incentivising and development factors" developed within the National Research Programme -Economic Re-launch by Research and Innovation (RELANSIN) in the period 2004 -2005. The present paper presents some aspects related to the territorial distribution, regional structure, expenditures and turnover of SMEs from Romania and the evolution of these parameters in the last period, within the limits of existing and available statistical data.


The present paper has as purpose the comparative analysis of the way in which sustainable develop... more The present paper has as purpose the comparative analysis of the way in which sustainable development is approached within EU and Romania. By this analysis it is aimed to identify ways and solutions for improving the future strategy of sustainable development in Romania.

Research paper thumbnail of Climate change EU and national policies

Research paper thumbnail of Current Perspectives and Challenges of Biofuel Production and Consumption

Costul pentru automobilisti (€/km ) Emisiile de CO 2 echivalent (kg/km)

Research reports by Andreea Constantinescu

Research paper thumbnail of Evolution of urban structures in Romania and some EU countries

Urban structure consists of all the relationships established in urban areas, between its compone... more Urban structure consists of all the relationships established in urban areas, between its components: functional, psychosocial, physical and spatial. Developments depend on demographic concentration and socioeconomic and cultural differentiated development of member localities. Analysis presented in this material follows changes recorded in urban structure from several European countries for a time period of approximately 30 years. The same analysis was conducted for Romania, highlighting the phenomenon of concentration of urban structure or reducing the concentration, by decreasing share of cities and increasing importance of small and medium towns. After 1990, Romania displayed a phenomenon of emergence of new towns that have led to changes in urban structure.


Due to the abundance of heritage issues interpretation and in order to facilitate analysis of the... more Due to the abundance of heritage issues interpretation and in order to facilitate analysis of the transformation of an object or site-through expertise and instrumentation-into a topic open to long-lasting cultural consumption, researchers have recently imposed the concept of patrimonialization. Being able to promote and manage sustainable development by capitalizing both natural segments, as well as the cultural and intangible segments of universal heritage, patrimonialization added-from a interdisciplinary perspective-to social interrogations of heritage interpretation, those specific for the necessity to ensure environmental, economic and social sustainability. This paper will emphasize the importance of heritage component for sustainable development, as well as the fact that patrimonialization provides to sustainable development the opportunity to become part of the heritage. Following an integrated approach as patrimonialization implies, implementation of all activities related to heritage will be introduced in the service of sustainable development. Thus, policies, strategies and measures for conservation, protection and promotion of heritage should stimulate, on one hand, civic engagement and critical attitude towards protecting and respecting local and universal heritage values and, on the other hand, transnational cooperation in implementing the most appropriate ways for their integration. Therefore, having the quality of an alternative device for economic recovery, heritage of South East Europe must be patrimonialized to ensure sustainable reconciliation between entrepreneurship that reflects emergence of regional markets, and consumption of heritage, between economic development and the limitations of environmental protection and between museological local traditionalism and the expansion of international networks of living heritage interpretation. In the field of climate change, there is a clear opportunity for all sectors linked to sustainability, and also for heritage. Many of the initiatives of heritage conservation stated that sustainability strategies and compliance are imposed by respect for the environment and climate change constraints. Despite the fact that identification of heritage items were already resolved by instrumentalization of interpretation process, its placement in the field of sustainable development could be done only by interdisciplinary targeting of correlation elements.

Research paper thumbnail of Financial and Economic Risks to Public Projects

Procedia Economics and Finance, 2014

This paperis a summary ofresearch activityconductedwithin Sustainable Economic Developmentsectoro... more This paperis a summary ofresearch activityconductedwithin Sustainable Economic Developmentsectorof Instituteof National Economyin 2013, activitycentered aroundthe research theme"Economic and financialrisk managementof environmentalprojectsfinanced from European funds; impact of the crisis". The general objectiveistheoretical and methodologicalsubstantiation of the most important economic and financialrisksspecific to environmentalinvestments, with particular emphasis onthepublicdomain, i.e. waste management, water supply andsewagemanagement.A number of matrix were executed in order to evaluate the risks that occur in waste managementprojectsand also an analysisof the risk probabilityandrisk allocation on bothcollection, sortingandwaste transferconcessionas well asin compliance storagewasteconcession.The second part of the paper presented the economic and financial risks that arise in the field of water supply and sanitation (WSS), classified as commercial and institutional risks. To analyze the major economic and financial risks in the sector, especially in the Romanian situation, ataxonomy table of the main financial and economic risks was proposed, as well as a qualitative risk assessment matrix by applying the risk matrix scores.

Research paper thumbnail of Current Perspectives and Challenges of Biofuel Production and Consumption

This is the first article in a series meant to identify secondary effects of fuel production and ... more This is the first article in a series meant to identify secondary effects of fuel production and consumption.The article presents, in synthesis, the main ideas and contributions of the paper “Economic effects of biofuels production and consumption in Romania”, written by the authors in 2009 within the research programme of the Institute of National Economy: Economic-social mechanisms and policies of

Research paper thumbnail of Evolution of Urban Structures in Romania and Some EU Countries

Procedia Economics and Finance, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Laws and Principles of Universal Value in Sustainable Development Indicators Analysis

Each extension of the scope of laws and principles that allow both mathematical and statistical r... more Each extension of the scope of laws and principles that allow both mathematical and statistical remodeling as well as reaffirming the appropriateness of proven methods, stirs up a special study interest. The ever-expanding computational power of laws of power offers to the scientific universe possibility of new approach to the crucial relationship between quantity and quality, between micro and macro dimensions. Boosting broadening the use of quasi-universal value theories in research in order to deepen the analysis of sustainable development indicators can lead to a greater understanding of all aspects of this area and to facilitate understanding of the arguments which underlie any responsible decision making. This assumption underlies the logical conclusion that sustainability becomes even stronger as it benefits from scientific arguments support resulting from research. Although we have confined ourselves in drafting some coordinates for application of each method presented to pa...

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of technological innovation on the pillars of sustainable development

In a knowledge based society, technological innovation is primarily an engine of development in e... more In a knowledge based society, technological innovation is primarily an engine of development in economic competitiveness terms. In our paper we wish, by the method of analysis and synthesis, to highlight the main concepts and mechanisms through which technological innovation can have a beneficial synergistic effect on the pillars of sustainable development: economic, social, environmental. We also propose to analyze the dynamics of these mechanisms to provide sustainable development policies with support for a low-cost integration of environmental and social progress requirements, as preconditions of sustainable economic development which in turn will spur technological innovation. This way the strategies for sustainable development should be efficiently and effectively underpinned.

Research paper thumbnail of Evolution of urban structures in Romania and some EU countries / Evoluţia structurilor urbane în România şi unele ţări ale Uniunii Europene

Urban structure consists of all the relationships established in urban areas, between urban const... more Urban structure consists of all the relationships established in urban areas, between urban constituents: functional, psycho-social, physical-spatial. Evolution thereof depends on demographic concentration and socio-economic and cultural differentiated development. The analysis presented in this paper seeks changes in structure of urban population in several European countries for a period of approximately 30 years. The same analysis was performed on Romania, highlighting phenomena of urban structure concentration or of concentration reduction by decreasing the share of cities and increasing importance of small and medium towns. After 1990, in Romania has manifested a phenomenon of accelerated appearance of new towns that had led to changes in urban structure. Key-words: urban structures, urban analysis, urban concentration indicators

Research paper thumbnail of New Developments in Assessing Forest Ecosystem Services in Romania

Procedia Economics and Finance, 2015

Economic assessment of forest ecosystems is especially important for determining efficiency of in... more Economic assessment of forest ecosystems is especially important for determining efficiency of investment in: biodiversity conservation, expansion of the national forest and rational use of forest resources, sustainable forest development. In Romania, although discussed and debated in recent years, this subject has generated and still produces theoretical, methodological and practical issues. Economic and social consequences of changes in forest ecosystems are difficult to predict. Changes in the dynamics of river basins, ecologic regions or wildlife systems, for example, can reduce or increase various aspects of human welfare. Without sufficient knowledge about the value of forest ecosystem services, consequences unpredictability tends to increase with the degree of change. This paper will address some issues related to estimating the economic value of forests in Romania and ecosystem services provided by forests. The methodology used includes: clarifying and defining the main methodological and operational concepts, charts and diagrams to describe correlations and mechanisms of forest functions, qualitative and quantitative assessment (tables, matrices) of ecosystem services, with identification of the most important benefits, analysis of main methods of economic assessment of forest ecosystem services with recommendations and conclusions.

Research paper thumbnail of Monte Carlo Method in Risk Analysis for Investment Projects

Procedia Economics and Finance, 2014

ABSTRACT Risk assessment for environmental projects consists of studying the probability that pro... more ABSTRACT Risk assessment for environmental projects consists of studying the probability that projects will achieve a satisfactory performance for threshold - values of internal rate of return (IRR) or net present value (NPV).

Research paper thumbnail of Financial and Economic Risks to Public Projects

Procedia Economics and Finance, 2014

This paperis a summary ofresearch activityconductedwithin Sustainable Economic Developmentsectoro... more This paperis a summary ofresearch activityconductedwithin Sustainable Economic Developmentsectorof Instituteof National Economyin 2013, activitycentered aroundthe research theme"Economic and financialrisk managementof environmentalprojectsfinanced from European funds; impact of the crisis". The general objectiveistheoretical and methodologicalsubstantiation of the most important economic and financialrisksspecific to environmentalinvestments, with particular emphasis onthepublicdomain, i.e. waste management, water supply andsewagemanagement.A number of matrix were executed in order to evaluate the risks that occur in waste managementprojectsand also an analysisof the risk probabilityandrisk allocation on bothcollection, sortingandwaste transferconcessionas well asin compliance storagewasteconcession.The second part of the paper presented the economic and financial risks that arise in the field of water supply and sanitation (WSS), classified as commercial and institutional risks. To analyze the major economic and financial risks in the sector, especially in the Romanian situation, ataxonomy table of the main financial and economic risks was proposed, as well as a qualitative risk assessment matrix by applying the risk matrix scores.

Research paper thumbnail of Current Perspectives and Challenges of Biofuel Production and Consumption

Romanian Journal of …, 2010

∗ Victor Platon, Ph.D., senior researcher I, Institute of National Economy, Romanian Academy, e-m... more ∗ Victor Platon, Ph.D., senior researcher I, Institute of National Economy, Romanian Academy, e-mail:; Simona Frone, Ph.D., senior researcher II, Institute of National Economy, Romanian Academy, e-mail: simona.frone@; Andreea ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Technological Innovation on Sustainable Economic Development

Research paper thumbnail of Regional disparities in Romania. ROP contribution to health infrastructure

Health infrastructure is one of the weak spots of social-economic development in Romania and othe... more Health infrastructure is one of the weak spots of social-economic development in Romania and other European states. In order to get a better picture of the Romanian health system issues, this paper analyzes a number of statistical indicators considered representative for the national and European health infrastructure for a 20 years' timeline, between 1990 and 2010. The paper has three main objectives: a. Identify main trends for health infrastructure in some of the European Union countries; b. Describe the evolution of the health system in Romania, comparative situation on European level as well as regional level indicators dynamics; c. Overview of the Regional Operational Program in Romania, how much does it help the regional health infrastructure in Romania. At the European level there is a constant decrease in hospital beds number. For this indicator, Romania has slightly higher values than European average. Must be mentioned that hospital beds indicator offers limited information on health infrastructure which also includes medical equipment and specific devices and practices. Hospital number in Romania increased during last 20 years with 18, 9% (1990-2010). During the observed timeline, the number of hospitals in Romania, on regional level, had a constant positive evolution. The number of doctors in hospitals has an increasing trend on local as well as on international level. Romania has a number of doctors twice lower than European average (3,6 doctors for one thousand inhabitants). Regional Operational Program (POR) has a limited influence in achieving the objectives stated in Applicants Guide for Priority Axe 3, Major Intervention Domain 3.1. This happens because supporting infrastructure improvements will not create institutional modernization. Financial contribution through POR will result in modernization of 11% of the existing hospitals in Romania.

Research paper thumbnail of Climate_change_EU_and_national_policies

Research paper thumbnail of Coordonate Ale Managementului Dezvoltării Durabile Din Perspectiva Culturii Organizaţionale

Acest studiu reprezintă o investigaţie teoretică a mai multor puncte de vedere ştiinţifice care, ... more Acest studiu reprezintă o investigaţie teoretică a mai multor puncte de vedere ştiinţifice care, în viziunea noastră, converg spre validarea premisei care stă la baza demersului de faţă. Aceasta evidenţiază faptul că rolul managerului dezvoltării durabile este crucial pentru orice entitatefie ea economică sau non-profit -care doreşte să se dezvolte asumându-şi, pe de o parte, concepţiile responsabilităţii sociale a întreprinderii şi, pe de alta, exigenţele noului management public. Promovând totodată un leadership al responsabilităţii globale, managementul dezvoltării durabile conduce în cele din urmă la schimbarea culturii organizaţionale în sensul acceptării, la nivelul tuturor straturilor unei întreprinderi, trecerii aprecierii finale a performanţei prin filtrul sustenabilităţii. În plus, având în vedere situaţia actuală din spaţiul socio-economic şi etic românesc, considerăm că aplicarea concluziei acestei analize în ţara noastră reprezintă o acţiune de stringentă necesitate.


The study following to be presented was realised as result of documentation and processing statis... more The study following to be presented was realised as result of documentation and processing statistic information required in view of realising the research work Priority Project III: "Build-up and development of the specific SME structure, economic incentivising and development factors" developed within the National Research Programme -Economic Re-launch by Research and Innovation (RELANSIN) in the period 2004 -2005. The present paper presents some aspects related to the territorial distribution, regional structure, expenditures and turnover of SMEs from Romania and the evolution of these parameters in the last period, within the limits of existing and available statistical data.


The present paper has as purpose the comparative analysis of the way in which sustainable develop... more The present paper has as purpose the comparative analysis of the way in which sustainable development is approached within EU and Romania. By this analysis it is aimed to identify ways and solutions for improving the future strategy of sustainable development in Romania.

Research paper thumbnail of Climate change EU and national policies

Research paper thumbnail of Current Perspectives and Challenges of Biofuel Production and Consumption

Costul pentru automobilisti (€/km ) Emisiile de CO 2 echivalent (kg/km)

Research paper thumbnail of Evolution of urban structures in Romania and some EU countries

Urban structure consists of all the relationships established in urban areas, between its compone... more Urban structure consists of all the relationships established in urban areas, between its components: functional, psychosocial, physical and spatial. Developments depend on demographic concentration and socioeconomic and cultural differentiated development of member localities. Analysis presented in this material follows changes recorded in urban structure from several European countries for a time period of approximately 30 years. The same analysis was conducted for Romania, highlighting the phenomenon of concentration of urban structure or reducing the concentration, by decreasing share of cities and increasing importance of small and medium towns. After 1990, Romania displayed a phenomenon of emergence of new towns that have led to changes in urban structure.

Research paper thumbnail of Emerging Markets Queries in Finance and Business MUNICIPAL WASTE RECYCLING IN ROMANIA - DEVELOPMENTS AND CHALLENGES

Waste is a pressing environmental, social and economic issue. Increased consumption and growing e... more Waste is a pressing environmental, social and economic issue. Increased consumption and growing economy generates large amounts of waste-which requires greater efforts to reduce and to prevent them. Since 2007, Romania is in the process of implementing a modern infrastructure for municipal waste management. An important issue of waste management system in Romania is the low coverage area of collection services. At national level, only 63% of the population is served by waste services. Despite the efforts and significant investments to align with the European Union acquis, the main modality of disposing of waste is still represented by landfilling. Recycling and recovery rates for municipal waste are about 3% on national level. In this context, Romania will soon face infringement procedure for failure to comply with the targets set in the Waste Framework Directive. This paper aims to analyze possible trends and to create scenarios for waste management in Romania.


This article analyzes the secondary / unintentional effects of subsidizing renewable energy produ... more This article analyzes the secondary / unintentional effects of subsidizing renewable energy production in Romania and other European countries, following the application of EU Climate and Energy 2020 legislative package. Economic instruments create incentives to promote environmental protection measures. In seeking to boost renewable energies, EU Member States have chosen the method of subsidies granted to investors or a bonus for each MWh of electricity produced and uploaded to the network. Direct effects of renewable energy should be elimination of polluting energy sources. This does not take place, at least in Romania, due to the nature of installations producing renewable energy: they can not provide energy throughout the day, which requires the existence of backup which come into operation when it is not windy or at night. Therefore, technologies for producing renewable electricity can not be considered mature after 10 years of granting this subsidy.


Protection of the forest cover has a primary importance in conservation of natural heritage, as w... more Protection of the forest cover has a primary importance in conservation of natural heritage, as well as for sustainability of other forms of life and of land use. As argued in our previous research, a Sustainable Forest Management is therefore supported by the necessity to preserve, value and develop forest ecosystem services and total economic value of the forest, as part of the natural heritage. This paper will emphasize the importance of sustainable and strategic management of the forests in Romania, with its basic specific conditions and challenges. Our approach is motivated by the need to protect and to increase awareness on the significant heritage represented by the virgin forest in Romania. We start by highlighting some of the most important current developments concerning forests in EU and in Romania. In this respect, we analyze the taxonomy of European countries, including Romania, as regarding the share of forestry areas across Europe and also structural forest features. In Romania, stand out the peculiar increase of forest surface in the last decade, which can be explained by changes in methodology used in classification and gathering data, due to the new Forestry Code. The next section of our paper is dedicated to the importance of virgin forests as natural heritage. It is mostly represented by the natural beech forests located in several remote counties. The value of Romanian virgin forests is proven by the current ongoing nomination process to include them in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Another important issue is the forest property structure in some European countries and Romania. There are highlighted innovations in this field, analyzing the main current policies and instruments employed for the management and protection of Romanian forests. This economic analysis approach leads to some useful conclusions and recommendations for protection and management of forestry heritage in Romania.

Research paper thumbnail of Monte Carlo Method in risk analysis for investment

Risk assessment for environmental projects consists of studying the probability that projects wil... more Risk assessment for environmental projects consists of studying the probability that projects will achieve a satisfactory
performance for threshold - values of internal rate of return (IRR) or net present value (NPV).
Risk analysis identifies and estimates risks and their level as well as measures considered to mitigate their negative impact.􀀃
Quantitative risk analysis is performed for estimating the risk of the project by numeric resources.
Monte Carlo simulation method can be widely applied in this area due to the advantages recognized both by practitioners
and the academic community.
By using this method, the distribution of all possible outcomes of an event is generated by analyzing a model several times,
each time using random input values selected from the probability distributions considered normal of the components that
comprise the model.

Research paper thumbnail of Financial and economic risks to public projects

This paperis a summary of research activity conducted within Sustainable Economic Development sec... more This paperis a summary of research activity conducted within Sustainable Economic Development sectorof Instituteof National Economyin 2013, activity centered around the research theme "Economic and financialrisk managementof environmental projects financed from European funds; impact of the crisis". The general objective is theoretical and methodological substantiation of the most important economic and financial risks specific to environmental investments, with particular emphasis on the public domain, i.e. waste management, water supply and sewage management. A number of matrix were executed in order to evaluate the risks that occur in waste management projects and also an analysisof the risk probability and risk allocation on both collection, sorting and waste transfer concession as well as in compliance storage waste concession.The second part of the paper presented the economic and financial risks that arise in the field of water supply and sanitation (WSS), classified as commercial and institutional risks. To analyze the major economic and financial risks in the sector, especially in the Romanian situation, ataxonomy table of the main financial and economic risks was proposed, as well as a qualitative risk assessment matrix by applying the risk matrix scores.

Research paper thumbnail of New developments in assessing forest ecosystem services in Romania

Economic assessment of forest ecosystems is especially important for determining efficiency of in... more Economic assessment of forest ecosystems is especially important for determining efficiency of investment in: biodiversity conservation, expansion of the national forest and rational use of forest resources, sustainable forest development. In Romania, although discussed and debated in recent years, this subject has generated and still produces theoretical, methodological and practical issues. Economic and social consequences of changes in forest ecosystems are difficult to predict. Changes in the dynamics of river basins, ecologic regions or wildlife systems, for example, can reduce or increase various aspects of human welfare. Without sufficient knowledge about the value of forest ecosystem services, consequences unpredictability tends to increase with the degree of change. This paper will address some issues related to estimating the economic value of forests in Romania and ecosystem services provided by forests. The methodology used includes: clarifying and defining the main methodological and operational concepts, charts and diagrams to describe correlations and mechanisms of forest functions, qualitative and quantitative assessment (tables, matrices) of ecosystem services, with identification of the most important benefits, analysis of main methods of economic assessment of forest ecosystem services with recommendations and conclusions.