Juan Tomas Vazquez | Instituto Español de Oceanografía (original) (raw)

Papers by Juan Tomas Vazquez

Research paper thumbnail of Morphosedimentary features and recent depositional architectural model of the Cantabrian continental margin

Marine Geology, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Informe Científico-Técnico de la Campaña Oceanográfica VULCANA0515

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Research paper thumbnail of INFORME CIENTÍFICO-TÉCNICO de la Campaña RIGEL1116

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Research paper thumbnail of Deformaciones neotectónicas en la Zona Transicional de la región del Banco de Galicia

Multichannel high resolution seismic data acquired during the ERGAP 1 and ERGAP 2 allowed the int... more Multichannel high resolution seismic data acquired during the ERGAP 1 and ERGAP 2 allowed the interpretation of a set of NW-SE to N-S morphological features, mainly ridges, scarps and depressions, recognized in the multibeam data. These features correspond to structures of deformation (faults and folds) that have been developed over the most recent sedimentary units defined in this margin. The Unit 3 has worked as a viscous layer, favouring the upper units deformation and decoupling their deformation from basement structures. The deformation of these units must be considered as the results of a factors addition: i) the presence of viscous layers in the base of postrifts units and ii) the deformation of the margin along Cenozoic Pyrenean compressive phases that has flexured the basement and the margin physiography, generating gravitational gradients, and reactivated basement structures.

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Research paper thumbnail of The interplay of contourite and mass-wasting recent sedimentary processes at the Guadalquivir Bank Margin uplift, Gulf of Cadiz: morphological high-resolution approach

The Gulf of Cadiz records the interplay of a variety of sedimentary processes related to the flow... more The Gulf of Cadiz records the interplay of a variety of sedimentary processes related to the flow of the Mediter-ranean Outflow Water (MOW) exiting the Mediterranean Sea, with downslope sedimentary processes and the topography of the region. This work presents detailed morphological features of the Guadalquivir Ridge area, based on high resolution bathymetry and very-high resolution seismic profiles (TOPAS) acquired during the MONTERA cruise. The Guadalquivir Ridge is a SW-NE-oriented relief located on the middle slope of the Gulf of Cadiz (8º-7º10' W). It reaches minimum depths at two highs, one at the Guadalquivir Bank, at the western extreme of the ridge (275 m), and a second one close to the eastern extreme (350 m). The ridge is cut by a gap where the Diego Cao contourite moat is incised forming a narrow, 4-5 km wide, SE-NW oriented channel. It delimits two contourite sheeted drifts (SD) at the northern side of the ridge: the Faro SD at the east (∼ 600 m water depth) and the...

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Research paper thumbnail of Morphological characterization of contourite and mass-wasting recent processes at the Guadalquivir Bank Margin uplift, Gulf of Cadiz

The Gulf of Cadiz records the interplay of a variety of sedimentary processes related to the circ... more The Gulf of Cadiz records the interplay of a variety of sedimentary processes related to the circulation of water masses. The most important one is the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) that exits the Mediterranean Sea, but other water masses also affect the seafloor, with complex variations along time and space. This work studies the interplay between oceanographic and gravitational sedimentary processes on the Guadalquivir Ridge, based on bathymetry and high-resolution seismic profiles. A series of morphological features including flat terraces, circular/elliptical depressions, semi-circular scarps and valley-shaped features are analysed in order to better understand the interaction between water masses circulation and mass-wasting processes of the Gulf of Cadiz.

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Research paper thumbnail of Geomorfología de la Región del Banco de Galicia (NW de la Península Ibérica)

Multibeam bathymetry has been used to study in detail the morphology of the Galicia Bank region (... more Multibeam bathymetry has been used to study in detail the morphology of the Galicia Bank region (< 700 m down to 5200 m water depth), in the NW Iberian Margin. Five pshyiographic provinces displaying a complex morphology have been defined. Their geomorphology is characterized by three types of features based on their origin: tectonic, erosive and depositional. Tectonic features are dominant, comprise fault scarps (normal and inverse), seamounts and highs. They condition the general geometry and morphology of the provinces. Erosive and depositional features are mainly related to tectonic features, both their location and genesis. The erosive features comprise slide scars, gullies, channels, and main channels. The valleys eroding the provinces form turbidity systems that drain radially the region of the Galica Bank, transporting the sediment toward the Biscay and Iberian abyssal plains. The depositional features comprise slides and wedges and lobes formed by mass-flow deposits. The...

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Research paper thumbnail of Inversión Tectónica Reciente De La Zona Central De Alborán

La zona central de la Cuenca de Alborán se caracteriza por presentar los elementos fisiográficos ... more La zona central de la Cuenca de Alborán se caracteriza por presentar los elementos fisiográficos más importantes de Alborán, como son las dorsales de Alborán y Adra que limitan la depresión del Canal de Alborán. Estos elementos morfoestructurales son el resultado de la convergencia de las placas Africana y Euroasiática. El análisis de datos batimétricos y de perfiles de sísmica con diferentes grados de resolución, ha permitido establecer dos fases de deformación recientes: una de carácter transcurrente de salto normal y otra posterior compresiva que produce una inversión tectónica. Esta última fase sería el resultado de la colisión del Bloque tectónico de la Dorsal de Alborán con el de Adra al consumirse el espacio del curso medio del Canal de Alborán.

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Research paper thumbnail of Quaternary Tectonics Influence on the Adra Continental Slope Morphology (Northern Alboran Sea)

The analysis of multibeam bathymetric data and high resolution seismic profiles has allowed us to... more The analysis of multibeam bathymetric data and high resolution seismic profiles has allowed us to define the tectonic geomorphology of the Adra margin, northern Alboran Sea. Four geomorphic tectonic-related structures have been analyzed: (i) Longitudinal ridges (N50-70); (ii) Linear scarps (N30, N55, N130, N165, N-S); (iii) Tectonic depressions (N130, N165, N-S), and (iv) Lines of changes in the slope gradient (N130). In the northwestern sector morphostructure is related to a blind thrust (NE-SW), which folds Quaternary units, and in the eastern sector is linked to the NE-SW sinistral strike slip fault of La Serrata (NE-SW). Between these two structures, a NW-SE dextral strike-slip fault system, including the Adra Fault, and a NNE-SSW highly deformed corridor constituted by secondary NNW-SSE faults have been developed. Minor high angle N-S reverse faults can be related to secondary deformation features, due mainly to the interference of Chella Bank and the regional main fault systems.

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Research paper thumbnail of Morphological seafloor features induced by Quaternary Tectonics in the northern Alboran Sea Basin

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Research paper thumbnail of (Paleo)circulation models in the Alboran seas during the Pliocene and Quaternary

A multiple Contourite Depositional System has been defined in the Plio-Quaternary sedimentary reg... more A multiple Contourite Depositional System has been defined in the Plio-Quaternary sedimentary register in the Alboran Sea. This multiple system formed by the Atlantic and the low density and high density Mediterranean Waters, which shaped the margins and basins since the opening of the Gibraltar Strait. Three different (paleo)circulation scenarios are proposed since then: the Atlantic water Flooding;the Pliocene circulation, characterized by immature low and high density Mediterranean waters and a strong countercurrent in the Western Basin; and the Quaternary circulation, characterized by tabular Mediterranean water masses with multiple current dynamics,an increasing influence of density contrasts, and climate shifts causing major vertical and horizontal displacements of their interfaces.

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Research paper thumbnail of Water mass footprints in uneven turbidite system development in the Alboran Sea

Multidisciplinary work between oceanography, geomorphology and sedimentology has uncovered eviden... more Multidisciplinary work between oceanography, geomorphology and sedimentology has uncovered evidence explaining the uneven development of the turbidite systems (TSs) in the Alboran Sea. Nine TSs have been mapped in the Spanish margin, ranging from sandy to mixed sand-mud fans, and which become sandier towards the Strait of Gibraltar; in contrast TSs do not develop in the Moroccan margin, where three canyons incise the continental slope but there is no TS formation. We interpret that the uneven development of TSs in the two margins and their variable architectures are conditioned by the interaction of alongslope with downslope processes. Two different interaction scenarios with varying intensities are proposed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Caracterización morfo-sísmica de las inestabilidades sedimentarias del sector oriental del Mar de Alborán durante el Cuaternario (SO Mediterráneo)

ABSTRACT This paper presents the morpho-seismic characterization of Quaternary mass-movement in t... more ABSTRACT This paper presents the morpho-seismic characterization of Quaternary mass-movement in the Almeria margin and eastern Alboran Basin on the basis of the bathymetric and high and very high-resolution seismic data. The mass-movement deposits are located in two sedimentary environments, open slope and morphological highs. The area affected by these deposits varies between 10 km2 and 255 km2. A classification of these mass movements deposits, based on a series of criteria including the causative mechanism, the source area location and physiographic location, is here proposed, differentiating three types of systems: i) attached to platform, ii) attached to slope and iii) detached locally.

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Research paper thumbnail of El abanico distal de Almeria: Arquitectura estratigráfica y evolución durante el Pleistoceno Superior (SO Mediterráneo)

ABSTRACT This paper focus on a seismic-stratigraphic and architecture analysis of the Almeria fan... more ABSTRACT This paper focus on a seismic-stratigraphic and architecture analysis of the Almeria fan based on bathymetric data and high and very high resolution seismic data. Two seismic units are defined above the reflector MPR (0.900-0.920 ma) and they consist mainly by six fanlobes and interbedded mass movement deposits. The Pleistocene sedimentary evolution could be explained by two phases. Phase 1 (0900-0440 m.) is aggrading type during which confinement of three fanlobes (6-4) occurred. They present an elongated morphology and similar geometric dimensions. Phase 2 (0.440 ma-present) is a retrograding type during which three fanlobes (3-1) showing lobe/elongate forms and decreased on their geometric dimensions.

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Research paper thumbnail of High-resolution seismic stratigraphy of the Galicia Bank Region and neighbouring abyssal plains (NW Iberian continental margin)

Marine Geology, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Cenozoic deformational structures on the Galicia Bank Region (NW Iberian continental margin)

Marine Geology, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Model of distributed deformation, block rotations and crustal thickening for the formation of the Spanish Central System

Tectonophysics, 1990

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Research paper thumbnail of Imaging the recent sediment dynamics of the Galicia Bank region (Atlantic, NW Iberian Peninsula)

Marine Geophysical Research, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Contourite deposits in the Scotia Sea (Antarctica): paleoceanographic implications

The development of the Scotia Sea resulted from the plate motions of South America and the Antarc... more The development of the Scotia Sea resulted from the plate motions of South America and the Antarctic Peninsula since the Oligocene. During the SCAN 2001 cruise we investigated a sector of the central and southern Scotia Sea using swath bathymetry, multichannel and high resolution seismic profiles, together with magnetic field measurements. The objectives of our study were to analyze the

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Research paper thumbnail of Plio-Quaternary tectonic evolution of the southern margin of the Alboran Basin (Western Mediterranean)

Solid Earth Discussions

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Research paper thumbnail of Morphosedimentary features and recent depositional architectural model of the Cantabrian continental margin

Marine Geology, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Informe Científico-Técnico de la Campaña Oceanográfica VULCANA0515

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Research paper thumbnail of INFORME CIENTÍFICO-TÉCNICO de la Campaña RIGEL1116

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Research paper thumbnail of Deformaciones neotectónicas en la Zona Transicional de la región del Banco de Galicia

Multichannel high resolution seismic data acquired during the ERGAP 1 and ERGAP 2 allowed the int... more Multichannel high resolution seismic data acquired during the ERGAP 1 and ERGAP 2 allowed the interpretation of a set of NW-SE to N-S morphological features, mainly ridges, scarps and depressions, recognized in the multibeam data. These features correspond to structures of deformation (faults and folds) that have been developed over the most recent sedimentary units defined in this margin. The Unit 3 has worked as a viscous layer, favouring the upper units deformation and decoupling their deformation from basement structures. The deformation of these units must be considered as the results of a factors addition: i) the presence of viscous layers in the base of postrifts units and ii) the deformation of the margin along Cenozoic Pyrenean compressive phases that has flexured the basement and the margin physiography, generating gravitational gradients, and reactivated basement structures.

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Research paper thumbnail of The interplay of contourite and mass-wasting recent sedimentary processes at the Guadalquivir Bank Margin uplift, Gulf of Cadiz: morphological high-resolution approach

The Gulf of Cadiz records the interplay of a variety of sedimentary processes related to the flow... more The Gulf of Cadiz records the interplay of a variety of sedimentary processes related to the flow of the Mediter-ranean Outflow Water (MOW) exiting the Mediterranean Sea, with downslope sedimentary processes and the topography of the region. This work presents detailed morphological features of the Guadalquivir Ridge area, based on high resolution bathymetry and very-high resolution seismic profiles (TOPAS) acquired during the MONTERA cruise. The Guadalquivir Ridge is a SW-NE-oriented relief located on the middle slope of the Gulf of Cadiz (8º-7º10' W). It reaches minimum depths at two highs, one at the Guadalquivir Bank, at the western extreme of the ridge (275 m), and a second one close to the eastern extreme (350 m). The ridge is cut by a gap where the Diego Cao contourite moat is incised forming a narrow, 4-5 km wide, SE-NW oriented channel. It delimits two contourite sheeted drifts (SD) at the northern side of the ridge: the Faro SD at the east (∼ 600 m water depth) and the...

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Research paper thumbnail of Morphological characterization of contourite and mass-wasting recent processes at the Guadalquivir Bank Margin uplift, Gulf of Cadiz

The Gulf of Cadiz records the interplay of a variety of sedimentary processes related to the circ... more The Gulf of Cadiz records the interplay of a variety of sedimentary processes related to the circulation of water masses. The most important one is the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) that exits the Mediterranean Sea, but other water masses also affect the seafloor, with complex variations along time and space. This work studies the interplay between oceanographic and gravitational sedimentary processes on the Guadalquivir Ridge, based on bathymetry and high-resolution seismic profiles. A series of morphological features including flat terraces, circular/elliptical depressions, semi-circular scarps and valley-shaped features are analysed in order to better understand the interaction between water masses circulation and mass-wasting processes of the Gulf of Cadiz.

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Research paper thumbnail of Geomorfología de la Región del Banco de Galicia (NW de la Península Ibérica)

Multibeam bathymetry has been used to study in detail the morphology of the Galicia Bank region (... more Multibeam bathymetry has been used to study in detail the morphology of the Galicia Bank region (< 700 m down to 5200 m water depth), in the NW Iberian Margin. Five pshyiographic provinces displaying a complex morphology have been defined. Their geomorphology is characterized by three types of features based on their origin: tectonic, erosive and depositional. Tectonic features are dominant, comprise fault scarps (normal and inverse), seamounts and highs. They condition the general geometry and morphology of the provinces. Erosive and depositional features are mainly related to tectonic features, both their location and genesis. The erosive features comprise slide scars, gullies, channels, and main channels. The valleys eroding the provinces form turbidity systems that drain radially the region of the Galica Bank, transporting the sediment toward the Biscay and Iberian abyssal plains. The depositional features comprise slides and wedges and lobes formed by mass-flow deposits. The...

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Research paper thumbnail of Inversión Tectónica Reciente De La Zona Central De Alborán

La zona central de la Cuenca de Alborán se caracteriza por presentar los elementos fisiográficos ... more La zona central de la Cuenca de Alborán se caracteriza por presentar los elementos fisiográficos más importantes de Alborán, como son las dorsales de Alborán y Adra que limitan la depresión del Canal de Alborán. Estos elementos morfoestructurales son el resultado de la convergencia de las placas Africana y Euroasiática. El análisis de datos batimétricos y de perfiles de sísmica con diferentes grados de resolución, ha permitido establecer dos fases de deformación recientes: una de carácter transcurrente de salto normal y otra posterior compresiva que produce una inversión tectónica. Esta última fase sería el resultado de la colisión del Bloque tectónico de la Dorsal de Alborán con el de Adra al consumirse el espacio del curso medio del Canal de Alborán.

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Research paper thumbnail of Quaternary Tectonics Influence on the Adra Continental Slope Morphology (Northern Alboran Sea)

The analysis of multibeam bathymetric data and high resolution seismic profiles has allowed us to... more The analysis of multibeam bathymetric data and high resolution seismic profiles has allowed us to define the tectonic geomorphology of the Adra margin, northern Alboran Sea. Four geomorphic tectonic-related structures have been analyzed: (i) Longitudinal ridges (N50-70); (ii) Linear scarps (N30, N55, N130, N165, N-S); (iii) Tectonic depressions (N130, N165, N-S), and (iv) Lines of changes in the slope gradient (N130). In the northwestern sector morphostructure is related to a blind thrust (NE-SW), which folds Quaternary units, and in the eastern sector is linked to the NE-SW sinistral strike slip fault of La Serrata (NE-SW). Between these two structures, a NW-SE dextral strike-slip fault system, including the Adra Fault, and a NNE-SSW highly deformed corridor constituted by secondary NNW-SSE faults have been developed. Minor high angle N-S reverse faults can be related to secondary deformation features, due mainly to the interference of Chella Bank and the regional main fault systems.

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Research paper thumbnail of Morphological seafloor features induced by Quaternary Tectonics in the northern Alboran Sea Basin

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Research paper thumbnail of (Paleo)circulation models in the Alboran seas during the Pliocene and Quaternary

A multiple Contourite Depositional System has been defined in the Plio-Quaternary sedimentary reg... more A multiple Contourite Depositional System has been defined in the Plio-Quaternary sedimentary register in the Alboran Sea. This multiple system formed by the Atlantic and the low density and high density Mediterranean Waters, which shaped the margins and basins since the opening of the Gibraltar Strait. Three different (paleo)circulation scenarios are proposed since then: the Atlantic water Flooding;the Pliocene circulation, characterized by immature low and high density Mediterranean waters and a strong countercurrent in the Western Basin; and the Quaternary circulation, characterized by tabular Mediterranean water masses with multiple current dynamics,an increasing influence of density contrasts, and climate shifts causing major vertical and horizontal displacements of their interfaces.

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Research paper thumbnail of Water mass footprints in uneven turbidite system development in the Alboran Sea

Multidisciplinary work between oceanography, geomorphology and sedimentology has uncovered eviden... more Multidisciplinary work between oceanography, geomorphology and sedimentology has uncovered evidence explaining the uneven development of the turbidite systems (TSs) in the Alboran Sea. Nine TSs have been mapped in the Spanish margin, ranging from sandy to mixed sand-mud fans, and which become sandier towards the Strait of Gibraltar; in contrast TSs do not develop in the Moroccan margin, where three canyons incise the continental slope but there is no TS formation. We interpret that the uneven development of TSs in the two margins and their variable architectures are conditioned by the interaction of alongslope with downslope processes. Two different interaction scenarios with varying intensities are proposed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Caracterización morfo-sísmica de las inestabilidades sedimentarias del sector oriental del Mar de Alborán durante el Cuaternario (SO Mediterráneo)

ABSTRACT This paper presents the morpho-seismic characterization of Quaternary mass-movement in t... more ABSTRACT This paper presents the morpho-seismic characterization of Quaternary mass-movement in the Almeria margin and eastern Alboran Basin on the basis of the bathymetric and high and very high-resolution seismic data. The mass-movement deposits are located in two sedimentary environments, open slope and morphological highs. The area affected by these deposits varies between 10 km2 and 255 km2. A classification of these mass movements deposits, based on a series of criteria including the causative mechanism, the source area location and physiographic location, is here proposed, differentiating three types of systems: i) attached to platform, ii) attached to slope and iii) detached locally.

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Research paper thumbnail of El abanico distal de Almeria: Arquitectura estratigráfica y evolución durante el Pleistoceno Superior (SO Mediterráneo)

ABSTRACT This paper focus on a seismic-stratigraphic and architecture analysis of the Almeria fan... more ABSTRACT This paper focus on a seismic-stratigraphic and architecture analysis of the Almeria fan based on bathymetric data and high and very high resolution seismic data. Two seismic units are defined above the reflector MPR (0.900-0.920 ma) and they consist mainly by six fanlobes and interbedded mass movement deposits. The Pleistocene sedimentary evolution could be explained by two phases. Phase 1 (0900-0440 m.) is aggrading type during which confinement of three fanlobes (6-4) occurred. They present an elongated morphology and similar geometric dimensions. Phase 2 (0.440 ma-present) is a retrograding type during which three fanlobes (3-1) showing lobe/elongate forms and decreased on their geometric dimensions.

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Research paper thumbnail of High-resolution seismic stratigraphy of the Galicia Bank Region and neighbouring abyssal plains (NW Iberian continental margin)

Marine Geology, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Cenozoic deformational structures on the Galicia Bank Region (NW Iberian continental margin)

Marine Geology, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Model of distributed deformation, block rotations and crustal thickening for the formation of the Spanish Central System

Tectonophysics, 1990

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Research paper thumbnail of Imaging the recent sediment dynamics of the Galicia Bank region (Atlantic, NW Iberian Peninsula)

Marine Geophysical Research, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Contourite deposits in the Scotia Sea (Antarctica): paleoceanographic implications

The development of the Scotia Sea resulted from the plate motions of South America and the Antarc... more The development of the Scotia Sea resulted from the plate motions of South America and the Antarctic Peninsula since the Oligocene. During the SCAN 2001 cruise we investigated a sector of the central and southern Scotia Sea using swath bathymetry, multichannel and high resolution seismic profiles, together with magnetic field measurements. The objectives of our study were to analyze the

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Research paper thumbnail of Plio-Quaternary tectonic evolution of the southern margin of the Alboran Basin (Western Mediterranean)

Solid Earth Discussions

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