Jorge Calvo-Gómez - (original) (raw)

Papers by Jorge Calvo-Gómez

Research paper thumbnail of Calvo-Gómez et al. 2021 - Assessing the function of trapezoidal bitruncations from Beg-er-Vil

Beyong use-wears traces. Going from tools to people by means of archaeological wear and residue analyses, 2021

Trapezoidal bitruncations are one of the most characteristic lithic elements of the Late Mesolith... more Trapezoidal bitruncations are one of the most characteristic lithic elements of the Late Mesolithic in Brittany (France). Technological and typological studies of these elements show wide-ranging variability over time and space, but from a functional point of view, they are generally interpreted as transverse arrowheads. This hypothesis is based on evidence found in archaeological contexts where perishable materials are preserved, as well as on use-wear analysis. Previous experimental studies aiming to evaluate the functionality of these projectiles have provided significant information on hunting activities. However, many aspects associated with the use of these arrowheads remain open to debate. In order to contribute new data to the discussion, we carried out analytical experimentation. A collection of trapezoidal bitruncations was reproduced and used as transverse arrowheads. The latter were then shot against different targets to simulate a hunting situation in order to evaluate their functionality. Furthermore, we conducted a trampling experiment to recreate taphonomic wear posterior to the discard of the trapezoidal bitruncations. The information obtained through this experimental approach was used to interpret the trapezoidal bitruncations from Beg-er-Vil (Quiberon, France), and then to discuss hunting strategies during the Late Mesolithic in Brittany. The overlap between the archaeological and experimental results allows us to demonstrate the use of transverse arrowheads in this site and provides new data and hypotheses for further discussion.

Research paper thumbnail of Calvo Gómez, J. (2018) Las flechas tranchantes del segundo Mesolítico en Bretaña.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Définir le nomadisme marin au Mésolithique Partir, caboter, revenir : comprendre la mobilité maritime dans la France atlantique durant le Mésolithique

Research paper thumbnail of Use of Different Digitization Methods for the Analysis of Cut Marks on the Oldest Bone Found in Brittany (France)

Applied Sciences, 2022

Archaeological 3D digitization of skeletal elements is an essential aspect of the discipline. Obj... more Archaeological 3D digitization of skeletal elements is an essential aspect of the discipline. Objectives are various: archiving of data (especially before destructive sampling for biomolecular studies for example), study or for pedagogical purposes to allow their manipulation. As techniques are rapidly evolving, the question that arises is the use of appropriate methods to answer the different questions and guarantee sufficient quality of information. The combined use of different 3D technologies for the study of a single Mesolithic bone fragment from Brittany (France) is here an opportunity to compare different 3D digitization methods. This oldest human bone of Brittany, a clavicle constituted of two pieces, was dug up from the mesolithic shell midden of Beg-er-Vil in Quiberon and dated from ca. 8200 to 8000 years BP. They are bound to post-mortem processing, realized on fresh bone in order to remove the integuments, which it is necessary to better qualify. The clavicle was studied...

Research paper thumbnail of Le macro outillage en pierre du Mésolithique atlantique. Un référentiel bien daté sur l’habitat littoral de Beg-er-Vil (Quiberon, Morbihan)

Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2019

Les macro-outils sont très peu décrits pour les industries lithiques mésolithiques du territoire ... more Les macro-outils sont très peu décrits pour les industries lithiques mésolithiques du territoire français, malgré leur omniprésence dans les habitats. L’habitat côtier de Beg-er-Vil (Quiberon, Morbihan) fouillé entre 2012 et 2018 est une référence particulièrement cohérente d’un point de vue chronologique et stratigraphique pour le septième millénaire avant notre ère. Elle autorise une relecture des autres assemblages lithiques du Mésolithique atlantique, mais également des comparaisons avec les macro-outils du Néolithique récemment étudiés dans la région. Pour un total de 947 objets massifs inventoriés, émerge une série de 130 outils, dont les traces visibles à l’oeil nu ne font aucun doute et 23 outils hypothétiques nécessitant des analyses plus approfondies pour déterminer s’il s’agit de traces d’usage ou non. Neuf types d’outils ont été dégagés, hors fragments, tous divisés en un ou plusieurs sous-types. Le macro-outillage de Beg-er-Vil est très largement dominé par les percuteurs, engagés à l’évidence dans des débitages de matières minérales, mais aussi peut-être dans un concassage de matières dures animales. Suivent en nombre les galets utilisés en pièces intermédiaires très fortement percutées dans un axe longitudinal. Cet article amène à s’interroger sur l’indigence des outils massifs dans le Mésolithique de l’ouest de la France, alors que les ressources minérales adéquates sont particulièrement abondantes sur les estrans. On ne peut plus guère se réfugier derrière de possibles basculement fonctionnels vers d’autres matériaux, puisque les matières animales, bois, os ou coquilles, ne prennent pas le relai, sinon pour fournir des pioches en bois de cerf (à Téviec et Hoedic). Une large comparaison est effectuée avec d’autres zones d’Europe atlantique, à l’évidence mieux pourvues. Les enseignements en termes d’identité technique comme en termes fonctionnels peuvent en être tirés.

Thesis by Jorge Calvo-Gómez

Research paper thumbnail of Couverture ED Calvo-Gómez

Posters by Jorge Calvo-Gómez

Research paper thumbnail of Calvo-Gómez - Analyse fonctionnelle des bitroncatures symétriques de Beg-er-Vil (Poster).pdf

Conference Presentations by Jorge Calvo-Gómez

Research paper thumbnail of Session #452 Coastal Technology among Stone Age Hunter-Gatherers and Early Agropastoral Communities

Call for papers - 30th Annual Meeting EAA, 2024

During the Early Holocene period, coastal environments were occupied and exploited by human group... more During the Early Holocene period, coastal environments were occupied and exploited by human groups, both hunter-fisher-gatherers as well as the first agropastoral communities. Much of the previous research in these contexts has been based on a theoretical perspective from which human technology and tools would have been fundamental actors in the exploitation of coastal and marine resources. For example, fishing, collecting seafood, hunting marine mammals, or navigating along the seashore are some of the activities developed by coastal human groups that would have required specific techniques and knowledge. However, to understand the lifeways of the coastal prehistoric groups, many technological perspectives still need to be explored. Can we identify technological features specific to the coast and the exploitation of coastal and marine resources in the archaeological record? Are the tools produced or used differently in the coastal areas compared to those in inland environments? To what extent can we consider these technological features as a socialized perception of the coastal environment? We invite contributors to present theoretical and methodological perspectives to the study of the coastal techniques, as well as new study cases, including contributions comprising technological, functional, or raw material studies of Mesolithic and Neolithic coastal groups.

Research paper thumbnail of Call for papers - EAA 2024 Session #452 Coastal Technology


During the Early Holocene period, coastal environments were occupied and exploited by human group... more During the Early Holocene period, coastal environments were occupied and exploited by human groups, both hunter-fisher-gatherers as well as the first agropastoral communities. Much of the previous research in these contexts has been based on a theoretical perspective from which human technology and tools would have been fundamental actors in the exploitation of coastal and marine resources. For example, fishing, collecting seafood, hunting marine mammals, or navigating along the seashore are some of the activities developed by coastal human groups that would have required specific techniques and knowledge. However, to understand the lifeways of the coastal prehistoric groups, many technological perspectives still need to be explored. Can we identify technological features specific to the coast and the exploitation of coastal and marine resources in the archaeological record? Are the tools produced or used differently in the coastal areas compared to those in inland environments? To what extent can we consider these technological features as a socialized perception of the coastal environment? We invite contributors to present theoretical and methodological perspectives to the study of the coastal techniques, as well as new study cases, including contributions comprising technological, functional, or raw material studies of Mesolithic and Neolithic coastal groups.

Research paper thumbnail of Transversal arrowheads of the Mesolithic in Brittany: functional approach through a ballistic experiment

Research paper thumbnail of The technological system of the maritime hunter-fisher-gatherers of the Atlantic façade: a preliminary approach through use-wear analysis on knapped industries

Meso'2020 conference, 2020

The adaptation to the coastal environment of the maritime hunter-fisher-gatherer populations has ... more The adaptation to the coastal environment of the maritime hunter-fisher-gatherer populations has being long time discussed by the archaeologist as a human and non-human relationship, in which the technological system is the link and the way to understand the human choices facing those particular biotopes. Indeed, archaeological and ethnographical data shows that specific techniques are implemented by these groups and are one of the motors of their socio-economical system and subsistence strategies. The question that arises then is if these choices are only due to a proper response to the coastal environment, different from terrestrial contexts, or if there is also a cultural input foundation to these techniques. In this research we aim to address the question of the maritime hunter-fisher-gatherers technological choices, through the functional study of their knapped industries.
In the Atlantic European façade, around the Bay of Biscay, the Téviecien (Britanny, France) and the Asturian (Cantabrian region, Spain) Mesolithic cultures are good laboratories in which approach these questions. Using the methodology of the use-wear analysis based on the macro and microscopic examination of a large number of samples, the lithic assemblages from several shell-middens from Brittany (Beg-er-Vil, Téviec and Hoëdic) and Asturias (El Mazo and El Toral III) have been studied. Furthermore, analytical experimentations were carried out in order to infer the mechanics of the formation of the archaeological use-wear in those contexts.
This study has led us to numerous functional results of these knapped industries. For example, the work of the vegetal matters seems to be as present as in other Mesolithic terrestrial contexts, but with a certain variability of these wears. As for the tools associated to the animal resource activities, the hunting and butchering of large mammals were carried out with particular productions, with, again, certain variability in the patterns of the wears. No clear use-wear pattern could be related to the fishing or shell-fishing techniques. These variabilities observed in the use-wears are the basement of the discussion around the technological choices of the maritime hunter-fisher-gatherer groups.

Research paper thumbnail of Journée des Doctorants de l'UMR6566

Research paper thumbnail of Techno-functional study of the late Mesolithic knapped industries of Brittany: a preliminary approach to the maritime hunter-gatherers technological traditions.

EAA Conference Bern , 2019

Maritime hunter-gatherers societies have been traditionally considered by archaeologists has a su... more Maritime hunter-gatherers societies have been traditionally considered by archaeologists has a subset of hunter-gatherers groups specialized in the exploitation of coastal biotopes. It has been proposed by several authors that this economical specialization needs a very precise degree of technology to get those specific resources. Fishing, shellfish gathering or sailing are activities well documented in the archaeological record of the maritime hunter-gatherers populations from the European façade during the Holocene. However, because of the differential preservation of the archaeological data, techniques and technical traditions behind those maritime activities are not always well known.
In this sense, the study of the Late Mesolithic knapped industries in Britany, also known as Téviecien, seems to be a suitable laboratory to address these questions. For example, the shell-middens of Beg-er-Vil (Morbihan, France) and Beg-an-Dorchenn (Finistère, France) have delivered numerous pieces of knapped industries, not only of finished tools (like truncated blades and bladelets, scrappers or trapezoidal bitruncations), but also a large number of unretouched products.
Through the use-wear study of very large samples of retouched and unretouched industries, combining micro and macro use-wear methodology and experimental data to understand the functionality of these lithic tools, some preliminary hypotheses can be proposed. For example, the very widespread range of activities documented in this study or the low intensity level of use of the tools, are different aspects that can be discussed and bring some new clues to better understand the technical traditions of the maritime hunter-gatherers populations.

Research paper thumbnail of Beg-er-Vil à Quiberon : un habitat de chasseurs-cueilleurs maritimes de l’Holocène - Première année de post-fouille

Research paper thumbnail of Armes et techniques de chasse durant le Mésolithique atlantique : une approche archéo-expérimentale à travers des données de Beg-er-Vil (Quiberon, Morbihan)

Communication à la Journée du "CReAAH", Archéologie, Archéosciences, Histoire, Rennes, ... more Communication à la Journée du "CReAAH", Archéologie, Archéosciences, Histoire, Rennes, 23 mars 201

Research paper thumbnail of A multi-modal digital analysis of a mesolithic clavicle : preserving and studying the oldest human bone in Brittany

The oldest human bone of Brittany was dug up from the mesolithic shell midden of Beg-er-Vil in Qu... more The oldest human bone of Brittany was dug up from the mesolithic shell midden of Beg-er-Vil in Quiberon and dated about Ca 8200 years. The low acid soils of these dump area represent exceptional sedimentary conditions. For these reasons, but also because these bones have a very particular patrimonial and symbolic value, their study goes altogether with concerns of conservation and museographic presentation. The clavicle is constituted of two pieces discovered separately at a one meter distance from each other. The two pieces match, so it can be assemble in a single fragment of approximately 7 centimeters. Cut-marks are clearly visible on the surface of these bones. They are bound to post-mortem processing which it is necessary to better qualify. The clavicle was studied through a process that combines advanced 3D image acquisition, 3D processing, and 3D printing with the goal to provide relevant support for the experts involved in the work. The bones were first scanned with a CT sca...

Research paper thumbnail of Analyse fonctionnelle des bitroncatures symétriques de Beg-er-Vil : une approche expérimentale

Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - Inria, 2017

Communication aux Journées du "CReAAH", Archéologie, Archéosciences, Histoire, Rennes, ... more Communication aux Journées du "CReAAH", Archéologie, Archéosciences, Histoire, Rennes, 12-13 mai 201

Research paper thumbnail of The ground stone tools of the Atlantic Mesolithic: a reference assemblage from the coastal dwelling of Beg-er-Vil (Quiberon, Morbihan, France)

Résumé: Les macro-outils sont très peu décrits pour les industries lithiques mésolithiques du ter... more Résumé: Les macro-outils sont très peu décrits pour les industries lithiques mésolithiques du territoire français, malgré leur omniprésence dans les habitats. L?habitat côtier de Beg-er-Vil (Quiberon, Morbihan) fouillé entre 2012 et 2018 est une référence particulièrement cohérente d?un point de vue chronologique et stratigraphique pour le septième millénaire avant notre ère. Elle autorise une relecture des autres assemblages lithiques du Mésolithique atlantique, mais également des comparaisons avec les macro-outils du Néolithique récemment étudiés dans la région. Pour un total de 947 objets massifs inventoriés, émerge une série de 130 outils, dont les traces visibles à l?oeil nu ne font aucun doute et 23 outils hypothétiques nécessitant des analyses plus approfondies pour déterminer s?il s?agit de traces d?usage ou non. Neuf types d?outils ont été dégagés, hors fragments, tous divisés en un ou plusieurs sous-types. Le macro-outillage de Beg-er-Vil est très largement dominé par les ...

Research paper thumbnail of Assessing the function of trapezoidal bitruncations from Beg-er-Vil (Quiberon, France) through the use-wear analysis

Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - SHS, 2021

International audienceTrapezoidal bitruncations are one of the most characteristic lithic element... more International audienceTrapezoidal bitruncations are one of the most characteristic lithic elements of the Late Mesolithic of Brittany (France). Technological and typological studies of these elements show wide-ranging variability over time and space, but from a functional point of view, they are generally interpreted as transverse arrowheads. This hypothesis is based on evidence found in archaeological contexts where perishable materials are preserved, as well as on use-wear analysis. Previous experimental studies aiming to evaluate the functionality of these projectiles have provided significant information on hunting activities. However, many aspects associated with the use of these arrowheads remain open to debate. In order to contribute new data to the discussion, we carried out an analytical experimentation. A collection of trapezoidal bitruncations was reproduced and armed as transverse arrowheads. The latter were then shot against different targets to simulate a hunting situation in order to evaluate their functionality. Furthermore, we conducted a trampling experiment to recreate taphonomic wears posterior to the abandon of the trapezoidal bitruncations. The information obtained through this experimental approach was used to interpret the trapezoidal bitruncations from Beg-er-Vil (Quiberon, France), and then to discuss hunting strategies during the Late Mesolithic in Brittany. The overlap between the archaeological and experimental results allows us to demonstrate the use of transverse arrowheads in this site and provides new data and hypotheses for further discussion

Research paper thumbnail of Partir, caboter, revenir : comment comprendre le nomadisme maritime en France durant la Préhistoire holocène ?

Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - Université Paris Descartes, Nov 25, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Calvo-Gómez et al. 2021 - Assessing the function of trapezoidal bitruncations from Beg-er-Vil

Beyong use-wears traces. Going from tools to people by means of archaeological wear and residue analyses, 2021

Trapezoidal bitruncations are one of the most characteristic lithic elements of the Late Mesolith... more Trapezoidal bitruncations are one of the most characteristic lithic elements of the Late Mesolithic in Brittany (France). Technological and typological studies of these elements show wide-ranging variability over time and space, but from a functional point of view, they are generally interpreted as transverse arrowheads. This hypothesis is based on evidence found in archaeological contexts where perishable materials are preserved, as well as on use-wear analysis. Previous experimental studies aiming to evaluate the functionality of these projectiles have provided significant information on hunting activities. However, many aspects associated with the use of these arrowheads remain open to debate. In order to contribute new data to the discussion, we carried out analytical experimentation. A collection of trapezoidal bitruncations was reproduced and used as transverse arrowheads. The latter were then shot against different targets to simulate a hunting situation in order to evaluate their functionality. Furthermore, we conducted a trampling experiment to recreate taphonomic wear posterior to the discard of the trapezoidal bitruncations. The information obtained through this experimental approach was used to interpret the trapezoidal bitruncations from Beg-er-Vil (Quiberon, France), and then to discuss hunting strategies during the Late Mesolithic in Brittany. The overlap between the archaeological and experimental results allows us to demonstrate the use of transverse arrowheads in this site and provides new data and hypotheses for further discussion.

Research paper thumbnail of Calvo Gómez, J. (2018) Las flechas tranchantes del segundo Mesolítico en Bretaña.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Définir le nomadisme marin au Mésolithique Partir, caboter, revenir : comprendre la mobilité maritime dans la France atlantique durant le Mésolithique

Research paper thumbnail of Use of Different Digitization Methods for the Analysis of Cut Marks on the Oldest Bone Found in Brittany (France)

Applied Sciences, 2022

Archaeological 3D digitization of skeletal elements is an essential aspect of the discipline. Obj... more Archaeological 3D digitization of skeletal elements is an essential aspect of the discipline. Objectives are various: archiving of data (especially before destructive sampling for biomolecular studies for example), study or for pedagogical purposes to allow their manipulation. As techniques are rapidly evolving, the question that arises is the use of appropriate methods to answer the different questions and guarantee sufficient quality of information. The combined use of different 3D technologies for the study of a single Mesolithic bone fragment from Brittany (France) is here an opportunity to compare different 3D digitization methods. This oldest human bone of Brittany, a clavicle constituted of two pieces, was dug up from the mesolithic shell midden of Beg-er-Vil in Quiberon and dated from ca. 8200 to 8000 years BP. They are bound to post-mortem processing, realized on fresh bone in order to remove the integuments, which it is necessary to better qualify. The clavicle was studied...

Research paper thumbnail of Le macro outillage en pierre du Mésolithique atlantique. Un référentiel bien daté sur l’habitat littoral de Beg-er-Vil (Quiberon, Morbihan)

Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2019

Les macro-outils sont très peu décrits pour les industries lithiques mésolithiques du territoire ... more Les macro-outils sont très peu décrits pour les industries lithiques mésolithiques du territoire français, malgré leur omniprésence dans les habitats. L’habitat côtier de Beg-er-Vil (Quiberon, Morbihan) fouillé entre 2012 et 2018 est une référence particulièrement cohérente d’un point de vue chronologique et stratigraphique pour le septième millénaire avant notre ère. Elle autorise une relecture des autres assemblages lithiques du Mésolithique atlantique, mais également des comparaisons avec les macro-outils du Néolithique récemment étudiés dans la région. Pour un total de 947 objets massifs inventoriés, émerge une série de 130 outils, dont les traces visibles à l’oeil nu ne font aucun doute et 23 outils hypothétiques nécessitant des analyses plus approfondies pour déterminer s’il s’agit de traces d’usage ou non. Neuf types d’outils ont été dégagés, hors fragments, tous divisés en un ou plusieurs sous-types. Le macro-outillage de Beg-er-Vil est très largement dominé par les percuteurs, engagés à l’évidence dans des débitages de matières minérales, mais aussi peut-être dans un concassage de matières dures animales. Suivent en nombre les galets utilisés en pièces intermédiaires très fortement percutées dans un axe longitudinal. Cet article amène à s’interroger sur l’indigence des outils massifs dans le Mésolithique de l’ouest de la France, alors que les ressources minérales adéquates sont particulièrement abondantes sur les estrans. On ne peut plus guère se réfugier derrière de possibles basculement fonctionnels vers d’autres matériaux, puisque les matières animales, bois, os ou coquilles, ne prennent pas le relai, sinon pour fournir des pioches en bois de cerf (à Téviec et Hoedic). Une large comparaison est effectuée avec d’autres zones d’Europe atlantique, à l’évidence mieux pourvues. Les enseignements en termes d’identité technique comme en termes fonctionnels peuvent en être tirés.

Research paper thumbnail of Session #452 Coastal Technology among Stone Age Hunter-Gatherers and Early Agropastoral Communities

Call for papers - 30th Annual Meeting EAA, 2024

During the Early Holocene period, coastal environments were occupied and exploited by human group... more During the Early Holocene period, coastal environments were occupied and exploited by human groups, both hunter-fisher-gatherers as well as the first agropastoral communities. Much of the previous research in these contexts has been based on a theoretical perspective from which human technology and tools would have been fundamental actors in the exploitation of coastal and marine resources. For example, fishing, collecting seafood, hunting marine mammals, or navigating along the seashore are some of the activities developed by coastal human groups that would have required specific techniques and knowledge. However, to understand the lifeways of the coastal prehistoric groups, many technological perspectives still need to be explored. Can we identify technological features specific to the coast and the exploitation of coastal and marine resources in the archaeological record? Are the tools produced or used differently in the coastal areas compared to those in inland environments? To what extent can we consider these technological features as a socialized perception of the coastal environment? We invite contributors to present theoretical and methodological perspectives to the study of the coastal techniques, as well as new study cases, including contributions comprising technological, functional, or raw material studies of Mesolithic and Neolithic coastal groups.

Research paper thumbnail of Call for papers - EAA 2024 Session #452 Coastal Technology


During the Early Holocene period, coastal environments were occupied and exploited by human group... more During the Early Holocene period, coastal environments were occupied and exploited by human groups, both hunter-fisher-gatherers as well as the first agropastoral communities. Much of the previous research in these contexts has been based on a theoretical perspective from which human technology and tools would have been fundamental actors in the exploitation of coastal and marine resources. For example, fishing, collecting seafood, hunting marine mammals, or navigating along the seashore are some of the activities developed by coastal human groups that would have required specific techniques and knowledge. However, to understand the lifeways of the coastal prehistoric groups, many technological perspectives still need to be explored. Can we identify technological features specific to the coast and the exploitation of coastal and marine resources in the archaeological record? Are the tools produced or used differently in the coastal areas compared to those in inland environments? To what extent can we consider these technological features as a socialized perception of the coastal environment? We invite contributors to present theoretical and methodological perspectives to the study of the coastal techniques, as well as new study cases, including contributions comprising technological, functional, or raw material studies of Mesolithic and Neolithic coastal groups.

Research paper thumbnail of Transversal arrowheads of the Mesolithic in Brittany: functional approach through a ballistic experiment

Research paper thumbnail of The technological system of the maritime hunter-fisher-gatherers of the Atlantic façade: a preliminary approach through use-wear analysis on knapped industries

Meso'2020 conference, 2020

The adaptation to the coastal environment of the maritime hunter-fisher-gatherer populations has ... more The adaptation to the coastal environment of the maritime hunter-fisher-gatherer populations has being long time discussed by the archaeologist as a human and non-human relationship, in which the technological system is the link and the way to understand the human choices facing those particular biotopes. Indeed, archaeological and ethnographical data shows that specific techniques are implemented by these groups and are one of the motors of their socio-economical system and subsistence strategies. The question that arises then is if these choices are only due to a proper response to the coastal environment, different from terrestrial contexts, or if there is also a cultural input foundation to these techniques. In this research we aim to address the question of the maritime hunter-fisher-gatherers technological choices, through the functional study of their knapped industries.
In the Atlantic European façade, around the Bay of Biscay, the Téviecien (Britanny, France) and the Asturian (Cantabrian region, Spain) Mesolithic cultures are good laboratories in which approach these questions. Using the methodology of the use-wear analysis based on the macro and microscopic examination of a large number of samples, the lithic assemblages from several shell-middens from Brittany (Beg-er-Vil, Téviec and Hoëdic) and Asturias (El Mazo and El Toral III) have been studied. Furthermore, analytical experimentations were carried out in order to infer the mechanics of the formation of the archaeological use-wear in those contexts.
This study has led us to numerous functional results of these knapped industries. For example, the work of the vegetal matters seems to be as present as in other Mesolithic terrestrial contexts, but with a certain variability of these wears. As for the tools associated to the animal resource activities, the hunting and butchering of large mammals were carried out with particular productions, with, again, certain variability in the patterns of the wears. No clear use-wear pattern could be related to the fishing or shell-fishing techniques. These variabilities observed in the use-wears are the basement of the discussion around the technological choices of the maritime hunter-fisher-gatherer groups.

Research paper thumbnail of Journée des Doctorants de l'UMR6566

Research paper thumbnail of Techno-functional study of the late Mesolithic knapped industries of Brittany: a preliminary approach to the maritime hunter-gatherers technological traditions.

EAA Conference Bern , 2019

Maritime hunter-gatherers societies have been traditionally considered by archaeologists has a su... more Maritime hunter-gatherers societies have been traditionally considered by archaeologists has a subset of hunter-gatherers groups specialized in the exploitation of coastal biotopes. It has been proposed by several authors that this economical specialization needs a very precise degree of technology to get those specific resources. Fishing, shellfish gathering or sailing are activities well documented in the archaeological record of the maritime hunter-gatherers populations from the European façade during the Holocene. However, because of the differential preservation of the archaeological data, techniques and technical traditions behind those maritime activities are not always well known.
In this sense, the study of the Late Mesolithic knapped industries in Britany, also known as Téviecien, seems to be a suitable laboratory to address these questions. For example, the shell-middens of Beg-er-Vil (Morbihan, France) and Beg-an-Dorchenn (Finistère, France) have delivered numerous pieces of knapped industries, not only of finished tools (like truncated blades and bladelets, scrappers or trapezoidal bitruncations), but also a large number of unretouched products.
Through the use-wear study of very large samples of retouched and unretouched industries, combining micro and macro use-wear methodology and experimental data to understand the functionality of these lithic tools, some preliminary hypotheses can be proposed. For example, the very widespread range of activities documented in this study or the low intensity level of use of the tools, are different aspects that can be discussed and bring some new clues to better understand the technical traditions of the maritime hunter-gatherers populations.

Research paper thumbnail of Beg-er-Vil à Quiberon : un habitat de chasseurs-cueilleurs maritimes de l’Holocène - Première année de post-fouille

Research paper thumbnail of Armes et techniques de chasse durant le Mésolithique atlantique : une approche archéo-expérimentale à travers des données de Beg-er-Vil (Quiberon, Morbihan)

Communication à la Journée du "CReAAH", Archéologie, Archéosciences, Histoire, Rennes, ... more Communication à la Journée du "CReAAH", Archéologie, Archéosciences, Histoire, Rennes, 23 mars 201

Research paper thumbnail of A multi-modal digital analysis of a mesolithic clavicle : preserving and studying the oldest human bone in Brittany

The oldest human bone of Brittany was dug up from the mesolithic shell midden of Beg-er-Vil in Qu... more The oldest human bone of Brittany was dug up from the mesolithic shell midden of Beg-er-Vil in Quiberon and dated about Ca 8200 years. The low acid soils of these dump area represent exceptional sedimentary conditions. For these reasons, but also because these bones have a very particular patrimonial and symbolic value, their study goes altogether with concerns of conservation and museographic presentation. The clavicle is constituted of two pieces discovered separately at a one meter distance from each other. The two pieces match, so it can be assemble in a single fragment of approximately 7 centimeters. Cut-marks are clearly visible on the surface of these bones. They are bound to post-mortem processing which it is necessary to better qualify. The clavicle was studied through a process that combines advanced 3D image acquisition, 3D processing, and 3D printing with the goal to provide relevant support for the experts involved in the work. The bones were first scanned with a CT sca...

Research paper thumbnail of Analyse fonctionnelle des bitroncatures symétriques de Beg-er-Vil : une approche expérimentale

Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - Inria, 2017

Communication aux Journées du "CReAAH", Archéologie, Archéosciences, Histoire, Rennes, ... more Communication aux Journées du "CReAAH", Archéologie, Archéosciences, Histoire, Rennes, 12-13 mai 201

Research paper thumbnail of The ground stone tools of the Atlantic Mesolithic: a reference assemblage from the coastal dwelling of Beg-er-Vil (Quiberon, Morbihan, France)

Résumé: Les macro-outils sont très peu décrits pour les industries lithiques mésolithiques du ter... more Résumé: Les macro-outils sont très peu décrits pour les industries lithiques mésolithiques du territoire français, malgré leur omniprésence dans les habitats. L?habitat côtier de Beg-er-Vil (Quiberon, Morbihan) fouillé entre 2012 et 2018 est une référence particulièrement cohérente d?un point de vue chronologique et stratigraphique pour le septième millénaire avant notre ère. Elle autorise une relecture des autres assemblages lithiques du Mésolithique atlantique, mais également des comparaisons avec les macro-outils du Néolithique récemment étudiés dans la région. Pour un total de 947 objets massifs inventoriés, émerge une série de 130 outils, dont les traces visibles à l?oeil nu ne font aucun doute et 23 outils hypothétiques nécessitant des analyses plus approfondies pour déterminer s?il s?agit de traces d?usage ou non. Neuf types d?outils ont été dégagés, hors fragments, tous divisés en un ou plusieurs sous-types. Le macro-outillage de Beg-er-Vil est très largement dominé par les ...

Research paper thumbnail of Assessing the function of trapezoidal bitruncations from Beg-er-Vil (Quiberon, France) through the use-wear analysis

Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - SHS, 2021

International audienceTrapezoidal bitruncations are one of the most characteristic lithic element... more International audienceTrapezoidal bitruncations are one of the most characteristic lithic elements of the Late Mesolithic of Brittany (France). Technological and typological studies of these elements show wide-ranging variability over time and space, but from a functional point of view, they are generally interpreted as transverse arrowheads. This hypothesis is based on evidence found in archaeological contexts where perishable materials are preserved, as well as on use-wear analysis. Previous experimental studies aiming to evaluate the functionality of these projectiles have provided significant information on hunting activities. However, many aspects associated with the use of these arrowheads remain open to debate. In order to contribute new data to the discussion, we carried out an analytical experimentation. A collection of trapezoidal bitruncations was reproduced and armed as transverse arrowheads. The latter were then shot against different targets to simulate a hunting situation in order to evaluate their functionality. Furthermore, we conducted a trampling experiment to recreate taphonomic wears posterior to the abandon of the trapezoidal bitruncations. The information obtained through this experimental approach was used to interpret the trapezoidal bitruncations from Beg-er-Vil (Quiberon, France), and then to discuss hunting strategies during the Late Mesolithic in Brittany. The overlap between the archaeological and experimental results allows us to demonstrate the use of transverse arrowheads in this site and provides new data and hypotheses for further discussion

Research paper thumbnail of Partir, caboter, revenir : comment comprendre le nomadisme maritime en France durant la Préhistoire holocène ?

Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - Université Paris Descartes, Nov 25, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Transversal arrowheads of the Mesolithic in Brittany: functional approach through a ballistic experiment