A05.1.03.010 Entity Page (original) (raw)

SECTION Item or Ref ID Value or text
TA code A05.1.03.010
Entity ID number THA:2334
FMA identifier FMA:56481
Type of entity Material entity
TA98 Latin preferred term [cuspis dentis](../Latin TA98/ Latin TA98.htm)
TA98 English equivalent cusp
TA98 English synonym cuspid
Bilaterality This entity has left and right instances.

| A05.1.03.009 | | | ------------ | |

A05.1.03.010 cuspis dentis
FMA:62955 anatomical entity
FMA:61775 physical anatomical entity
FMA:67165 material anatomical entity
FMA:67135 anatomical structure
FMA:82472 cardinal organ part
FMA:86103 region of organ component
FMA:57492 region of crown of tooth
FMA:56481 cusp of tooth