Mikhail Lipkin | Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences (original) (raw)

Papers by Mikhail Lipkin

Research paper thumbnail of Soviet Snowdrops in the Ice Age?

Research paper thumbnail of Семеро против одного? Принятие Комплексной программы социалистической экономической интеграции и «особая» позиция Румынии

«Мировая система социализма» и глобальная экономика в середине 1950-х - середине 1970-х годов

Research paper thumbnail of The Moscow Economic Conference of April 1952: Tactical Change or a New Line of Stalin's Foreign Policy?

Relations Internationales, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Московское экономическое совещание 1952 г. : тактический маневр или новая стратегическая линия СССР?

In the article analyzes the prehistory, history and the meaning of a large soviet international a... more In the article analyzes the prehistory, history and the meaning of a large soviet international action the Moscow economic conference in April 1952. With a use of new evidences from the Russian state archive of social and political history the author argues that the Conference was not just a reaction to the Marshall Plan and Shuman Plan in Western Europe. It was the first attempt to open the iron curtain and change the logic of international relations towards peaceful coexistence. The Conference turned into quite unusual for the period of late Stalin's rule nursery for fresh ideas used in full by USSR later in 1950-1970s.


Research paper thumbnail of The Moscow economic conference of April 1952: a tactical manoeuvre or a new strategy of USSR?

RUDN Journal of Russian History, 2010

In the article analyzes the prehistory, history and the meaning of a large soviet international a... more In the article analyzes the prehistory, history and the meaning of a large soviet international action - the Moscow economic conference in April 1952. With a use of new evidences from the Russian state archive of social and political history the author argues that the Conference was not just a reaction to the Marshall Plan and Shuman Plan in Western Europe. It was the first attempt to open the iron curtain and change the logic of international relations towards peaceful coexistence. The Conference turned into quite unusual for the period of late Stalin's rule nursery for fresh ideas used in full by USSR later in 1950-1970s.

Research paper thumbnail of “Soviet Globalism: Theory and Practice of the World Socialist System in 1950s — 1970s”: The Round Table Discussion in the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Modern History of Russia, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of “Pavel Pavlovich” and Nikita Sergeevich: Soviet-Belgian Summits and the Informal Aspect of High Politics During the Cold War

Novaia i noveishaia istoriia, 2021

Based on a comparative analysis of new evidence from the Russian and EU archives, the article sho... more Based on a comparative analysis of new evidence from the Russian and EU archives, the article shows the significance of the three meetings between Nikita Khrushchev and Paul-Henri Spaak in 1956, 1961, and 1963. The text highlights both new facts about Soviet-Belgium relations (and even wider, all-European discussions and initiatives) and personal aspects of conversations between the key political figures from different worlds, that is capitalism and communism. It shows that despite these differences Spaak and Krushchev shared a common language and common concerns of a necessity of peaceful coexistence, pragmatism in search for solutions on the issues of development in the East and West. For the first time, one can find a detailed analysis of the Belgian official delegation’s visit to the USSR in 1956. The article is the first to publish data from both sides concerning the talks between Paul Spaak and Andrei Vychinski on the “friendship pact” proposal between Belgium and the USSR in ...

Research paper thumbnail of Совет Экономической Взаимопомощи и глобальный Юг: логика холодной войны и коммерческие интересы в период мирного сосуществования (1960-е — 1970-е гг.)

The article touches the issue of economic interactions between the “Eastern Bloc” and the “Third ... more The article touches the issue of economic interactions between the “Eastern Bloc” and the “Third World” countries in 1960s — 1970s. It is based on analysis of new evidences from the funds of COMECON, State Committee of Economic Ties of the USSR (GKES) and the State Economic Council of the USSR, stored in the Russian State Economic Archive in Moscow. The author separates 2 periods in the history of global rivalry in the “Third World”: from the end of 1950s to mid-1960s and from the second half of 1960s to the end of 1970s. The competition is analysed from the two perspectives: the global vertical institutions (the Permanent Commission on Coordination of Technical Assistance in COMECON and etc.) and the horizontal layer: initiatives and activities of COMECON member countries and the practice of their external trade organizations in the “Global South”. The author comes to the conclusion that in 1970s one marks the rise in pragmatic reasoning and coordination of “technical assistance” to the less developed countries despite of the ongoing hidden ideological scramble between the two systems. As a working hypothesis which demands additional verification on the basis of a wider range of archives he advances a thesis that unlike the American programs of “aids” the socialist projects were less egocentric and obviously less coordinated. Unlike American technical and financial services, which overpassed the socialist ones both in size and rigidity of binding them with payment in US dollars and placement of orders in the USA, the socialist “assistance” often took the shape of exchange of commodities, payment by raw materials, using not hard currency and generally meant more investing into development of local infrastructure and personnel. It was aimed at growing up new industrial culture on the spot, export of industrialization together with the planning economy, rather than putting the “Global South” in subordinate position. The philosophy of aid politics was different. For COMECON member states in 1970s the issue of long-term stable economic relations with the “Global South” was seen as a factor of survival and higher speed of development for their economic programs. It was not only an opportunity to get deficit raw materials but generally to diversify export flows and balance the passive trading balance with the West by the trade boom with the South. Poland, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary, GDR even more than the USSR pushed for their own interests the move towards the South. They were the drivers of further development of the “world system of socialism” and implementation of new hybrid forms of widening the COMECON sphere of influence in the “Global South”.

Research paper thumbnail of “Soviet Globalism: Theory and Practice of the World Socialist System in 1950s — 1970s”: The Round Table Discussion in the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Modern History of Russia, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of History and Cyberspace: Triumph of Digital Culture or the “End of History”?

Electronic Science and Education Journal, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of В борьбе за европейское историческое сознание: может ли новая наднациональная история Европы научить бесконфликтному прочтению общей истории?

Electronic Science and Education Journal, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Визит Шарля де Голля в Советский Союз и вопросы внешнеполитической стратегии Москвы в 1966–1969 гг

The article is based on recent archival findings that throw a new light on the preparations for a... more The article is based on recent archival findings that throw a new light on the preparations for and results of President Charles de Gaulle’s state visit to the USSR in 1966. The results are analysed as part of the expansion of Soviet bi- and multilateral relations which developed in the context of European cooperation in the late 1960s. Special emphasis is given to the unprecedented media support for Franco-Soviet contacts. Focus is placed on the preparation and organisation of the visit, with reference to new archival materials from the Russian State Archive of Contemporary History. The author also illustrates the Soviet authorities’ realistic and flexible approach to foreign affairs. It is also noted that, regardless of the social structure of European states, issues of economic and technical collaboration were the objects of a great deal of attention. This state visit is compared with the visits of other leaders, such as Richard Nixon, Harold Macmillan, and Konrad Adenauer, to th...

Research paper thumbnail of Special Session of the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences at the 13th RISA Convention: Changes in the Research Field of the History of the Cold War


The article makes a review of the 8 academic papers presented at the special session of the Insti... more The article makes a review of the 8 academic papers presented at the special session of the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences conducted as part of the 13th RISA Convention in Moscow “The World System of Socialism” and global economics in 1950s — 1970s: discussion in historiography and the recent archival evidences”. The session summed up results of 5 years of research work of scientific team at the Institute of World History financed by the grant of the Russian Science Foundation 17-18-01728 in 2017—2021. The author specifies main publications and reviews in press on the published book series “The World System of Socialism” and global economics” established in the “Ves’ Mir” publishing company as part of the project, and analyses its merit in comparison with analogоus book series which appeared in the world. The key talking points of presented papers are represented threw the lense of a search for alternative development in 1950s — 1970s, alternative to t...

Research paper thumbnail of THE “NEW WORLD ECONOMIC ORDER” AND THE COLD WAR: A VIEW FROM THE USSR (mid 1940s – mid 1960s)

Research paper thumbnail of Soviet-British Intellectual and Cultural Interactions During the “Cultural Détente”: the End of 1950s — Beginning of 1960s


Новый Исторический Вестник, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance and the existing trends in study of the 20th century: towards the 70th anniversary of CMEA

Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana

Research paper thumbnail of Struggling for “European Historical Consciousness”: Can a New Supranational History of Europe Teach Non-Conflict Reading of Shared History?

History: Journal of Education and Science

Research paper thumbnail of Charles de Gaulle’s Visit to the Soviet Union and Moscow’s International Policy Strategy between 1966 and 1969

Research paper thumbnail of Soviet Snowdrops in the Ice Age?

Research paper thumbnail of Семеро против одного? Принятие Комплексной программы социалистической экономической интеграции и «особая» позиция Румынии

«Мировая система социализма» и глобальная экономика в середине 1950-х - середине 1970-х годов

Research paper thumbnail of The Moscow Economic Conference of April 1952: Tactical Change or a New Line of Stalin's Foreign Policy?

Relations Internationales, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Московское экономическое совещание 1952 г. : тактический маневр или новая стратегическая линия СССР?

In the article analyzes the prehistory, history and the meaning of a large soviet international a... more In the article analyzes the prehistory, history and the meaning of a large soviet international action the Moscow economic conference in April 1952. With a use of new evidences from the Russian state archive of social and political history the author argues that the Conference was not just a reaction to the Marshall Plan and Shuman Plan in Western Europe. It was the first attempt to open the iron curtain and change the logic of international relations towards peaceful coexistence. The Conference turned into quite unusual for the period of late Stalin's rule nursery for fresh ideas used in full by USSR later in 1950-1970s.


Research paper thumbnail of The Moscow economic conference of April 1952: a tactical manoeuvre or a new strategy of USSR?

RUDN Journal of Russian History, 2010

In the article analyzes the prehistory, history and the meaning of a large soviet international a... more In the article analyzes the prehistory, history and the meaning of a large soviet international action - the Moscow economic conference in April 1952. With a use of new evidences from the Russian state archive of social and political history the author argues that the Conference was not just a reaction to the Marshall Plan and Shuman Plan in Western Europe. It was the first attempt to open the iron curtain and change the logic of international relations towards peaceful coexistence. The Conference turned into quite unusual for the period of late Stalin's rule nursery for fresh ideas used in full by USSR later in 1950-1970s.

Research paper thumbnail of “Soviet Globalism: Theory and Practice of the World Socialist System in 1950s — 1970s”: The Round Table Discussion in the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Modern History of Russia, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of “Pavel Pavlovich” and Nikita Sergeevich: Soviet-Belgian Summits and the Informal Aspect of High Politics During the Cold War

Novaia i noveishaia istoriia, 2021

Based on a comparative analysis of new evidence from the Russian and EU archives, the article sho... more Based on a comparative analysis of new evidence from the Russian and EU archives, the article shows the significance of the three meetings between Nikita Khrushchev and Paul-Henri Spaak in 1956, 1961, and 1963. The text highlights both new facts about Soviet-Belgium relations (and even wider, all-European discussions and initiatives) and personal aspects of conversations between the key political figures from different worlds, that is capitalism and communism. It shows that despite these differences Spaak and Krushchev shared a common language and common concerns of a necessity of peaceful coexistence, pragmatism in search for solutions on the issues of development in the East and West. For the first time, one can find a detailed analysis of the Belgian official delegation’s visit to the USSR in 1956. The article is the first to publish data from both sides concerning the talks between Paul Spaak and Andrei Vychinski on the “friendship pact” proposal between Belgium and the USSR in ...

Research paper thumbnail of Совет Экономической Взаимопомощи и глобальный Юг: логика холодной войны и коммерческие интересы в период мирного сосуществования (1960-е — 1970-е гг.)

The article touches the issue of economic interactions between the “Eastern Bloc” and the “Third ... more The article touches the issue of economic interactions between the “Eastern Bloc” and the “Third World” countries in 1960s — 1970s. It is based on analysis of new evidences from the funds of COMECON, State Committee of Economic Ties of the USSR (GKES) and the State Economic Council of the USSR, stored in the Russian State Economic Archive in Moscow. The author separates 2 periods in the history of global rivalry in the “Third World”: from the end of 1950s to mid-1960s and from the second half of 1960s to the end of 1970s. The competition is analysed from the two perspectives: the global vertical institutions (the Permanent Commission on Coordination of Technical Assistance in COMECON and etc.) and the horizontal layer: initiatives and activities of COMECON member countries and the practice of their external trade organizations in the “Global South”. The author comes to the conclusion that in 1970s one marks the rise in pragmatic reasoning and coordination of “technical assistance” to the less developed countries despite of the ongoing hidden ideological scramble between the two systems. As a working hypothesis which demands additional verification on the basis of a wider range of archives he advances a thesis that unlike the American programs of “aids” the socialist projects were less egocentric and obviously less coordinated. Unlike American technical and financial services, which overpassed the socialist ones both in size and rigidity of binding them with payment in US dollars and placement of orders in the USA, the socialist “assistance” often took the shape of exchange of commodities, payment by raw materials, using not hard currency and generally meant more investing into development of local infrastructure and personnel. It was aimed at growing up new industrial culture on the spot, export of industrialization together with the planning economy, rather than putting the “Global South” in subordinate position. The philosophy of aid politics was different. For COMECON member states in 1970s the issue of long-term stable economic relations with the “Global South” was seen as a factor of survival and higher speed of development for their economic programs. It was not only an opportunity to get deficit raw materials but generally to diversify export flows and balance the passive trading balance with the West by the trade boom with the South. Poland, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary, GDR even more than the USSR pushed for their own interests the move towards the South. They were the drivers of further development of the “world system of socialism” and implementation of new hybrid forms of widening the COMECON sphere of influence in the “Global South”.

Research paper thumbnail of “Soviet Globalism: Theory and Practice of the World Socialist System in 1950s — 1970s”: The Round Table Discussion in the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Modern History of Russia, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of History and Cyberspace: Triumph of Digital Culture or the “End of History”?

Electronic Science and Education Journal, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of В борьбе за европейское историческое сознание: может ли новая наднациональная история Европы научить бесконфликтному прочтению общей истории?

Electronic Science and Education Journal, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Визит Шарля де Голля в Советский Союз и вопросы внешнеполитической стратегии Москвы в 1966–1969 гг

The article is based on recent archival findings that throw a new light on the preparations for a... more The article is based on recent archival findings that throw a new light on the preparations for and results of President Charles de Gaulle’s state visit to the USSR in 1966. The results are analysed as part of the expansion of Soviet bi- and multilateral relations which developed in the context of European cooperation in the late 1960s. Special emphasis is given to the unprecedented media support for Franco-Soviet contacts. Focus is placed on the preparation and organisation of the visit, with reference to new archival materials from the Russian State Archive of Contemporary History. The author also illustrates the Soviet authorities’ realistic and flexible approach to foreign affairs. It is also noted that, regardless of the social structure of European states, issues of economic and technical collaboration were the objects of a great deal of attention. This state visit is compared with the visits of other leaders, such as Richard Nixon, Harold Macmillan, and Konrad Adenauer, to th...

Research paper thumbnail of Special Session of the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences at the 13th RISA Convention: Changes in the Research Field of the History of the Cold War


The article makes a review of the 8 academic papers presented at the special session of the Insti... more The article makes a review of the 8 academic papers presented at the special session of the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences conducted as part of the 13th RISA Convention in Moscow “The World System of Socialism” and global economics in 1950s — 1970s: discussion in historiography and the recent archival evidences”. The session summed up results of 5 years of research work of scientific team at the Institute of World History financed by the grant of the Russian Science Foundation 17-18-01728 in 2017—2021. The author specifies main publications and reviews in press on the published book series “The World System of Socialism” and global economics” established in the “Ves’ Mir” publishing company as part of the project, and analyses its merit in comparison with analogоus book series which appeared in the world. The key talking points of presented papers are represented threw the lense of a search for alternative development in 1950s — 1970s, alternative to t...

Research paper thumbnail of THE “NEW WORLD ECONOMIC ORDER” AND THE COLD WAR: A VIEW FROM THE USSR (mid 1940s – mid 1960s)

Research paper thumbnail of Soviet-British Intellectual and Cultural Interactions During the “Cultural Détente”: the End of 1950s — Beginning of 1960s


Новый Исторический Вестник, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance and the existing trends in study of the 20th century: towards the 70th anniversary of CMEA

Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana

Research paper thumbnail of Struggling for “European Historical Consciousness”: Can a New Supranational History of Europe Teach Non-Conflict Reading of Shared History?

History: Journal of Education and Science

Research paper thumbnail of Charles de Gaulle’s Visit to the Soviet Union and Moscow’s International Policy Strategy between 1966 and 1969