ihatejesicasimp (original) (raw)

(no subject) [Jan. 7th, 2006|03:35 am]How stupid can Jessica Simpson get?!
Man getting fudgepacked is this much more fun when I'm stoned. Seriously, if you've never gotten anal sex when you're fucked up in the head from weed, you are seriously missing out. Thank god I finally have that bottle of DXM - this is going to be a MIGHTY FUN WEEKEND. Man, I've never been this coherant when high before. Seriously, I don't even have a clue what I'm saying, but I know that I am typing shit, and this is Livejournal. Am I coherant? You tell me - my mind is fucked, that's all there is.I'm going to go get assfucked again, and probably many more times tonight. Wow, would I ever say all this if I weren't stoned? Hell no.
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(no subject) [Jan. 6th, 2006|12:37 am]How stupid can Jessica Simpson get?!
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(no subject) [Jan. 1st, 2006|03:10 am]How stupid can Jessica Simpson get?!
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DIE BITCH DIE!!!! [Aug. 14th, 2005|11:48 am]How stupid can Jessica Simpson get?!
I loathe Jessica, dislike her strongly!!!!She's so perfect it's revoltingshe's in the magazines waaaaay too muchAshlee is the best!!!!Unlike her sister, shez a great dresser and knows style
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(no subject) [Jul. 7th, 2005|12:48 pm]How stupid can Jessica Simpson get?!
Dear Jessica Simpson,I love you so much, your totally not like the other poptarts that are out there (Britney, Christina). Your really original! Same with your sister Ashlee. I mean, she's as punk as they come and your as hot as they come!!GO KILL YOURSELF YOU FUCKING CUNTBAG WHORE SLUT.Love,your biggest fan :D
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hi i just joined [Sep. 22nd, 2004|11:18 am]How stupid can Jessica Simpson get?!
finally i found an anti Jessica community.. god i hate this sorry excuse for human flesh
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